PAGE EIGHT SERIAL STORY INTERNE TROUBLE r By Elinore Cowan Stone CHAPTER XII TATHEIUNE MILLER said tremulously as U she had been Just any romantic girl In love Instead of the most efficient and hard-driving supervisor of nurses at Saint Vincent's, "What makes you say that? I mean thai he how do you know?" "Oh,' that?" said Tran briskly. ' "That's one set of symptoms you don't have to be a registered nurst to recognize. You'd see it your self if you weren't so scared of acting and feeling like a human being. . . . Oh, do go along before you have time to dry off! If you could only keep yourself looking that way you're so sweet, all bright-eyed and drippy like that." Without another word Miss Miller amazingly turned and went, almost running, down the corridor.- ; Tran sat down stiffly on the edge of a chair. : If the worst happened if Ste phen Sargent were really never to operate again, then she had nothing left. For the first time she realized how Inseparably her enthusiasm for her work had been bound up In the thought of work ing with him. . . . For if her youthful visions Tran was only 20 had ever held a more per sonal significance, it had long ago been sublimated in the rest. Finally she got up heavily and wandered out into the corridor. She hardly knew how or why she made her way to the instrument room except that suddenly she . wanted very much to cry, and its unfrequented sterility offered an admirable privacy for that pur-' pose. ... Curled up in a limp little gray heap on a wide window ledge, she was going about the business for which she had come in a thor pughly workmanlike manner when a door opened, and a man's voice said: . ."Good ; Lord! Hasn't anyone warned you yet that floods don't do surgical instruments any good?" . TJOB BENCHLEY sauntered across the room and stood, leaning against the wall, his hands In his pockets, grinning down at her. In her passion of loneliness, Tran was so glad to see him that she sobbed all the more loudly. "I had an idea you'd be letting your hair down somewhere," he went on cheerfully. "You would pick a nice festive little nook like this lor it." So he had been hunting for her. "I just thought you might like to know" he was lighting a ciga- ret as he spoke, frowning down at it, carefully not looking at her "that it isn't so bad as we thought at first about Old Sarge, I mean. The paralysis was mostly due to shock. The tendons and nerves will probably be all right" Tran gasped, "Oh, Bob, are you sure?" - - - ' "As sure," he said dryly, "as a mere junior surgeon is ever pre sumed to be about anything. But It may reassure you to know that the Lord High Executioner, him self, is pretty sure, too. We d .hardly. got the bleeding stopped, by the" way, before he assumed charge of the case, himself." "He wouldn't," she asked, "have been taking his own pulse, would he?". . "He was leading up to that when . Miss Miller came in. She soon put a stop to it. There'i never any question about who's In charge of a case when the per fect: nurse steps into the room." t "So she's nursing him, then?" ,., -."Very much so. . . . And it may interest you - to know that she asked-for you as her relief. When I opened the door a few minutes ago, the perfect nurse was weeping into her patient's pillow, while he patted her shoulder with his good hand, , and looked well, respect for the red-blooded man-eater old Sarge used to be makes me hate to use the only term that aptly describes the way he was looking, i .. '. I don't know what the disci pline of this hospital's coming to." FLAPPER FANNY XOPA.miBYNCASCRV1Ct.lN& t. M. .C& U . .AT, 0" j "But she broke their engagement, didn't she?" "Yeah but not until after it broke him." COPYRIGHT. IMS. NKA eiWVICC. INC. "Well, we've still got you to uphold the good old traditions," Tran observed wickedly. Then, at thought of Stephen Sargent patting Katherine Miller's shoulder while she wept into his pillow, her own loneliness swept over her in an engulfing tidal wave, and she sobbed anew. VOUNG Dr. Benchley took his hands out of his pockets; then, ts if alarmed by his own impulse, thrust them hastily back again. "Gosh, kid, I'm sorry!" he said after a moment. "I'd been think ing all this time that you were lust off me because my frivolous companionship interfered with the eriousness business of life. I didn't know it was because vou were in love with him." "But I'm not," Tran sobbed. "Not in the way you mean. It's just oh, he's so swell, and I'm so darned glad he's all right. I couldn't bear it about his arm, I mean." "Well," Bob said, "two shocks like this in one day are almost too much for me. First I find the ideal nurse weeping into a patient's pil low; and then I And her most ar dent admirer and imitator dis solved in tears because she says she's happy. "I" "Who?" Tran sat up abruptly. "Me? Imitate her?" "Well, who has been your In spiration then? Why, it was get ting so you even looked and talked like her!" Tran stared. ... So that was the way she had been seeming to Bob like Katherine Miller the perfect icicle. "Honestly, Agility," he was go ing on, "it restores my confidence In the balance of the universe to find out that you have an honest cry left in your system even If It is all for another man." He was grinning now that old whimsical grin that made the homeliness of his lean dark face Bash into boyish charm; but there was a wistful twist to the grin that tugged at Tran's heart-strings. Suddenly she was remembering the magic of those early stolen minutes of theirs rocking to jether in smothered laughter that day in here before the instrument sues; dancing in the deserted lervice room of G-6 one Intoxicat ing spring morning to the music of a hurdy-gurdy outside; the puffs matched from his cigaret be nind protecting screens; his little finger crooked momentarily through hers as they met by chance in a quiet corridor that day In the steam of the sterilizing room when he had practically ordered her to marry him. rmiAT a blind little Idiot she " had been, all these months! . . . Why, all those high-handed things she had said to Miss Miller if Bob were right, she ought to have been saying them to herself. . . . Well it's a wise woman who knows enough to take her own good advice, she thought. "Of course I got off with the wrong foot," he was going on with his funny, twisted grin. "I should have played Old Sarge's system, and put you in your place with a few verbal brickbats in the be ginning. But no I had to lead with my chin. . . . Well, I could cut off both my arms, and not a tear out of anyone." "Bob," Tran said in a small frightened voice, "I you don't suppose we could pretend we were beginning all over do you? . . . Way back at that first day in Emergency, I mean. . . . When you asked for a 'probe remem ber? And I thought you meant a probationer. I said " she sobbed '"Wouldn't I do? I'm one a probationer, I mean.' " "And I said although maybe you didn't hear it 'You bet you'll do.' . . . Honey, I'd like awfully to kiss you if I could only find a dry spot." And as they clung together, laughing partly to mask their desperate seriousness, and partly because it was spring and they were young this time, mercifully, no one opened the door. (THE END) By Sylvia OUT OUR WAY COM. 1Mt BY NtA StRVtCe. tHC MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL r AM I HEARING STRAIGHT i yOU ARE OUR.MUM8ER. ONE" BUT WHY DIDM'T VOU TELL US BEFORE J LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE OK- JACK POOR ACE IS SICK - HE JUST COULDN'T SETUP- HE TRIED -HE'S NOT WSED TO SUCH HARD WORK- THKTS g TPO A BAD- Tl FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Is June certainly CAME THROU6H FOR ME J IF THAT LETTER. HADN'T ARRIVED, X WOULDA HEY J WHO'S CRYING I? 0 Ol Jo A i WASH TUBBS ( THE VJEW R00KKER X V0OR HOMELESS Boy. If IT WASN'T ANY TROUBLE AT ALL, MR, I IS AWfLY NICE, ISNT THINK Itt BAKE HIIA A J I TUBBS. YOU JUST SIT POWN AND HE, MOTHER? A- -T CAKE. , -J--OsAT. VlRGlVltA'S fiOINS TO TURM xT v. JzT-wk, Aback youR bed ant lav out 1 &PPE BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, NURSE COME ON, BEAUTY! AND INTO T f VWwy VOU AL" 1 f BECAUSE, 6COD PEOPLE,. J I ZE BLACK r-VOri CAUGHT AMD RILLED A-5 EB I 1 vVASK.? J IMA TO THE IDENTITY OF YOUR, LJ I OVERALLS! ml JCm$k nvxit That you x. DIDMT CRYING, I WANT ANY. PEEWEE ? I BODY T HEAR ME 1 EvERMDNELL CALL ME A SISSY IF THEY PMD OUT I WAS BAWLING I THOUGHT YOU. WERE ASLEEP HASSE SORTft KACKS.O ' VOO. VtvT. JKl A.ROOWO SO FAW. ,SOT T 040SSE.O if LOOV4S AbV WE.'R OKi AKVWAV 07" NJ THRViW TRACVC KyOVO Uf" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BY J. R. WILLIAMS t. m ta u nr. ptr. SLEEPING OUT OF BED VOUR ouch! no! no! WHAT SFFMC be' - - - rw IHEr MATTER, W C ! J OUR BOARDING HOUSE 1 TELL VOL) THERE WAS A THIEF IU THIS ROOM 1 THOUGHT IT WAS'TH' MAJOR, MAKIMG OWE OP HIS SLEEP -WALKIMG TOUCHES) AMD WHEM I .SPOKE, HE- RlPCCr-) AA.E I QUITE A SHOCK TO YOU, 1 is ISN'T IT, LILY f I SUSPECTED VOUR GAMS FROM THE START BUT 1 LIKETDAVSTCH WITS WITH THE OPPOSITION AND . I MUST CONFESS YOU PLAYED i m r n.,ir Lift l Jr. kf tint I SURE - VOU WANT TO GET STRONG SO YOU CAN UCK Me - O.K.- I'LL SEE THT . !!!'.!!!! I'LL GET VOU FOR THI- I'LL- VOU PLEASE DONT" V TELL AMYBODY ABOUT IT, FRECKLES I'M I'M HOMESICK! AND I'M TOO BIG FOR That I'M over FOUR FEET TALL I m OH.VES. AND HERE'S THE TUBBS. JUST MAKE YOURSELF AT HOIAt, I KNOW H0N LIKE TO EAT. LIKE TO EAT. . ' -17 A i v-y.'r . ' x''. G'E.t1. ?UNMV Wt WOWaVIM StCAOSt. Wt'O OVAY.V HA.vit SOCV A SWOttT HOKStyVVOOKJ AK' UW.. A I HEARD VOUR. AMD DASHED INJ TO HELP AMD WHILE WE WERE VVORKIMQ OM OnE ANOTHER., TH' THIEF ESCAPED BY MADE mi mr bt ir acnvict. inc. i.m.hhd, nrA: jT UiM. 1 1 1 tt.f 7-3? WORK EQ- S' TO BE ASHAMED OF, CAN LICK ANYBODY AND IT GROWS WITH "YOU MO MATTER IF YOU GET IO bE SIX FEET IAU- Dp TUUK SIZE ' ICE BOX, MR. YOU BOYS f TV' jbtai Y m mo u.h c' faff .j j : . y-n. f (C&l. I'lA HOT U5E0 TO SUCH ELEflAMT TeEATIAEMTi V DAUNTLESS, ACOUPLA OLD STRAYS LIKE 0$ TV6 WtTA'MW; WTRt6TK' ,tV ? Sox ,oh oy . With MAJOR HOOPLE ' '"V!J S.OS, ? THERE HE 'V. ME; VOWIKl V' TH PORCH S. COOP 'S' I THOMPSON AND COLL BY HAROLD GRAY r-1 ( AND NOW LOCU 1 HER UP AMD WE'LL I I GET DOWN TO - RUSINESSJ t'i'.wii.iiiiw t,ili1t.iii. Il r-M LISTEN. VOU DOPE KEEP FACE - THE BOYS'LL THINK I YOU LATE FOR BY HAVING BREAKFAST WITH , YOU IF YOU KEEP VOUR MOUTH SHUT BY BLOSSER PEEWEE XT , IFLL 5TILL BY CRANE BY MARTIN SAV, WE. WOOL0'T WeS- OF OOW TIMl TO GET OF