THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON July 22, 1938 Lack of Pitching Talent Behind Tigers' Fall PAGE SIX EVEN KENNEDY NOW ON SKIDS Giants Keep Pace Behind Pirates by Defeating Cardinals. THURSDAY'S RESVLTS American League Detroit 8, Washington 4. (Rest rained out.) National League Philadelphia 4. Pittsburgh 6 Brooklyn 2-1, Chicago 5-0. New York 6, St. Louis 2. (Only games scheduled.) Br The Associated Press A Washington baseball writer, taking relief from the heat out side, ran into Mickey Cochrane browsing around among the mum mies In a capltol museum a couple of mornings ago. "What," asked the astonished scribe, "are you doing here, Mick eyT" The Detroit Tigers' manager glanced cautiously over each shoulder, sh-h-hed the scribe with finger to lips, leaned over and whispered "I'm looking tor a couple of pitchers." And there, boys and girls, you hare the newest and deepest of the blues the Cochrane chant, the moan that accompanies the Tigers' drop from fourth to sixth place tn two weeks. It was a tough break that Mick ey lost a lot of his power when Roundhouse Rudy York was sent to a hospital Thursday, hit on the bead by one of Monte Wearer's pitches while the Senators were twisting the Tiger's tail, 4-3. But a tougher dose to take Is that the pitching, pride of the American league only a couple of years ago, Is a "cousin" to the rest of the loop right now. School boy Rowe is gone back to the minors. Tommy Bridges hasn't started a game since June 28. Roxle Lawson's luck has run out. And Vernon Kennedy, who looked like the extra dividend on that White Sox deal, has lost three In a row hasn't won, In fact, since June 22. On top of that, Mickey, who thought he was weeding out the whackiness by trading Gerry Walker to Chicago and who thought he had a lot of pitcher in ' Poof Poffenberger, is baring rude awakening on both counts. For Poof still has something to learn about the pitching business but baa graduated with honors . and a master's degree from the ' daffy school. He disappears for days at a time; his training ritual Just isn't, and be forgets to cover first when the other fielders are busy. Quite a lad Is Poof. It got so bad Wednesday Mickey bad to send him borne but before they could get around to giving him bis ticket. Poof had disappeared. Over in the National league, the - Pittsburgh Pirates maintained their game-and-a-half lead by nip ping the Phillies, 5-4, on Lee Handley's triple with the bases loaded In the ninth. The Giants stayed In the thick of things by trouncing the CardlnalB, 6-2, on Carl Hubbell's five-hit pitching, The Chicago Cubs, celebrating Gabby Hartnett s debut as mana ger, split a twin bill with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Clay Bryant tossed a four-hitter and the Cubs took the opener, 5-2. In the night cap, Luke (Hot Potato) Hamlin got hot. Bet the Cubs down with two hits and the Dodgers won, 1-0, on Dolph CamllU's homer. The Reds and Bees weren't sched uled. The Tigers-Senators game, for the second straight day, was the only American league tilt, every thing else. Including the crucial Yanks-Indians doubleheader, be ing rained out. U.S. Athletes Continue Pace At Stockholm STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 22 . W) Athletes from half a dozen European nations and the United States started the third day of their three-day international meet today with no one In sight able to : head off the stampeding Ameri cans. Fred Wolcott, the sensational Bophomore hurdler from Rice In stitute, and Ben Johnson, ex Columbla captain, were outstand ' ing as the Americans won five of seven events yesterday. Wolcott won his second race in two days In the 110-meter hurdles in 13.9, only two-tentbs of a sec ond away from the accepted world's record of Forrest (Spec) Towns. Johnson completed a sweep ot the sprints by winning the 200 meters in a respectable 20.9. Howie Borck of Manhattan cap tured his first victory of the trip when he took the 1000 meters run in 2:31. The Europeans won their only flat victory in the two-mile run, won by Pekurl of Finland In 9:01.8 with Mlklos Szabo ot Hun gary second In 9:06. A team of Johnson, Wolcott, Gil Cruter of Colorado and Ray Malott of Stan ford and the Olympic club cap tured a 1000-meter medley relay in 1:66.3. Cruter scored the lone Ameri can field victory with a leap of 6 feet 6! Inches In the high Jump. Pete Zagar of Stanford finished fifth in the discus throw with a toss ot 151 feet 1 2764 Inches. The event was won by Hedrall of Sweden with 161 feet 10 016. I Operation of Team Grappling Explained By Local Promoter Four wrestlers three of them top-ranking ruffians of the Junior heavyweight division and the fourth a locally unknown but high ly recommended grappler of the fast-dwindling scientific srhool will stage a team match to Inaugu rate the fall mat season at the Klamath armory arena next Tues day night. But wbat, exactly, Is a team match? Promoter Mack Llllard, probably one of the few Klamath residents ever to hare witnessed such dou- header wrestling, explained Fri day: The four matmen in this case Sockeye Jack McDonald and Joe Smollnskl on one side and Sgt. Bob Kennaston and Flash Kelly on the other enter the ring in pairs and go to their corners. When the bell rings the two teams leap at each other. The members of each team may wage Individual battles, but that is un usual because it fails to produce satisfactory results as when both members of one team com bine their assault against a sin gle member of the opposition team. In that case the customary de velopment the remaining mem ber of the defensive team Is up against the proposition of res cuing his partner, with the result that the match often turns into round-robin, you-bite-my-tail- and-I'U-blte-yours Imbroglio. The object, however, still re mains to flatten one member of the opposition team, for with one down, it becomes comparatively Sport Briefs By EDDIE BRIETZ ' NEW YORK, July 22 (If) Lou Ambers is a cocky, confident little fellow who honestly believes he's going to spill a lot ot dope and lick Henry Armstrong August 12. . . At his Summit, N. J., train ing camp today Ambers said: "If ever bet on ftgnts twnicn i don't) I sure would grab some of those juicy 3 to 1 odds they are tossing around Broadway. . . I am going to win this tight. . . I want to lick Armstrong Just about as badly aa Louis wanted to trim Schmellng. . . I'll do it, too. . . I may not knock the fellow out, but I'll give him a boxing lesson he'll remember for a long time and at the end of IS rounds, you'll hear the announcer say: 'The winner and still champion, Lou Ambers'." Another guest at Madame Bey's famous training resort at Summit is Tony Galento, the Newark night stick. . . He is getting ready for his joust in Phllly with John Hen ry Lewis, the light heavyweight champion, July 26. . . Not many smart fight men believe Tony can lay a hand on John Henry (who Is the best boxer in the ring today J but all agree tbat if he does it will be good night for John. Which would mean that Galento would be right up there in the big money class and able to dictate bis own terms to Mike Jacobs and everybody else. . . Galento can't fight a lick, but be can bit hard as a mule kicks, and once he connects the birds start singing for anybody who may be on the other end of the sock. Our new skimmer goes right off to Charlie Grimm, who wouldn't quit under fire. . . They have been after the guy for years but he didn't give up until they made him. . . Grimm Is a grand fellow, a good baseball manager and a swell friend. , . Everyone wishes him all the luck In the world. . . Phil Wrigley stuck by him a long time too. . -. Now that his number is up and he's got to go, they couldn't have made a more popu lar choice, with every fan In Chi cago and every other National lea . . If he doesn't go like a million dollars, you can sue me along with a thousand and one other Hartnett rooters. . . All of which brings up the questfbn, where does Tony Lazzerl stand on the coaching line? Simms Receives Fine, Suspension For Poor Fight SAN FRANCICO, July 22 UP It cost Eddie Slmms, Cleveland, Ohio heavyweight boxer, 2727 and a six months' suspension to fight Phil Brubaker, Dinuba, Calif., fighter in Oakland July 13. The fight was stopped in the seventh round by Referee Billy Burke and declared "no contest." The California boxing commission launched an Investigation. Yesterday the commission sus pended Slmms for six months and fined him bis purse, $727. Bru baker was exonerated. MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every ' Garment Mothproofed at No Extra Cost. STANDARD DYERS tfc CLEANERS 1400 Esplanade, Phone 820 easy to dispose of the other. Com paratively easy, that Is, unless you happen to run Into a tartar like Al Karastck, who once at the armory stood oft fire other par ticipants In a battle royal until they were all oil the verge of cry ing uncle. At any rate, evory fall obtained by either side counts one point, and It takes four points to win. if one team manages to tumble a member of the rival team, that counts a point, and It the team then goes on to pin the remaining adversary, that brings Its total to two. In that event, a three-minute .rest period follows, after which the four wrestlers return to ac tlon. Just as two wrestlers would after one had taken a fall in regulation main event. Then, it the team which won the first two points scores another pair, the match Is over. But if the team which lost the first two points comes back to grab the sec ond two, the team match follow ing another three-minute rest pe riod, goes into a third and decid ing session. it is not necessary, however. for one team or the other to win four points in order to claim vic tory in- the match. The bout Is limited to one hour In all, and It at the end of that time, neither team has scored four points, then victory goes to the team which has the most points. The match results In a draw If, at the end of the hour time limit. both teams have an equal num ber of points. Hagen Returns from Tour To Enter Tourney CHICAGO. July 22 (AP) Big time golf welcomed Walter Hagen back today, and "The Haig" took It all in his colorful, old-time style. "Sir Walter." after almost two years ot globe-trotting, made bis return to major competition In the $5000 Chicago open over the tree-lined, hazard-strewn Olympla field's courses. Once holder ot practically every major golf title. Hagen was competing In a field ot 389 players which Included most ot the nation's topnotchers, and he discounted his chances of winning with the remark he was "just here for, a little fun. Those who watched him tour the No. 1 , course in a practice round, par 72, however, gave him an excellent chance to win the title now held by Gene Sara sen ot Brookfield Center, Conn. Hagen. attracting the largest gal lery of the day and keeping up a running fire ot "cnatter to mi playing partner, Ed Dudley of Philadelphia, was long oil me tees and putting welL Dudley's tune-up round of 66 established him as one of the tourney favorites. The husky Philadelphlan clipped six strokes oft par on the No. 1 course to better, by one stroke, the com petitive course record set by Hagen In 1927. Among the other stars seeking the $1,600 top prize were "Slam ming Sam" Snead, who bad a par 72 in practice; Harry Cooper, Horton Smith, Johnny Bevolta, Jimmy Thomson, Tony Penna, Sarazen and Ralph Guldahl, two time national open winner and thrice winner of western open laurels. PAY IN HASTE KANSAS CITY, Kas. UP While employes of the municipal water and light department work ed anxiously to repair a break which deprived the city of water and electricity, a breathless cus tomer paid two months delinquent bills. The customer said he believed his service had been disconnected. He left several patrons waiting In his nearby restaurant while he squared accounts. COLUMBIA, S. C. (JP) Here's the contribution of Colin Mon teith,. Jr., to your collection of golf Btories: He topped his drive, yet got a hole-ln-one. It was a 115-yard downhill hole. The topped ball trickled down the fairway, rolled into a trap, hung uncertainly an Instant, then rolled on. It stopped In the cup. SAVES Buy a New LOSMOBILE On Our New Plan Buy a new Oldsmobile and save on our new pur chase plan. It means a definite saving to every new car purchaser. Investigate at once. Phone 406-J for details and a demonstration. Marshall Cornett Co. 724-734 Klamath Ave. Phone 406-J IFAnFRR WIN FINAL GAMES ; Lowell's, Kesterson End Regular Schedule With Easy Victories. Kesterson and Lowell's. Klam ath Softball league leaders, closed t b e 1 r regular seasou echedulo Thursday night by breeslng to victory over Postofflca and Big Lakes. Kesterson wound up with a roc ord ot nine victories In the 11 gamo round-robin, losing only to Weyerhaeuser and the Elks. Low ell's finished with the even more sparkling record ot 10 victories in 11 starts, losing only to Kes terson in the opening gamo of the opening doubleheader May 31. Both are assured of places in the tour-team championship playoff, with Elks and Weyerhaeuser con stituting the other select pair. With Myers flinging two-lilt ball, Kesterson shut out Post office, 6-0, In its final regular ap pearance. Myers also was nicked for four walks, which made it possible for six mailmen in all to reach first base, but none got beyond that point. Eight strikeouts and fault loss Kesterson fielding mado the Postofflce job all the tougher. Kesterson scored one run tn each of the first two Innings, three In the fourth and one In the sixth. Pitcher Little of Post office was touched for nine hits. including a second-Inning triple by Perkins, and five walks. Two Postofflce fumbles contributed to the Kesterson scoring. Lowell's pinned a 10-1 setback on Big Lakes, allowing the latter team to conclude Its season wltn a clear record of defeats. The mill nine failed to come even close to winning In 11 attempts. Big Lakes collected Its solltnry tally In the fourth on an error and one of the three singles permitted by Wesley, Lowell's starting pitch er. Lowell's got off to a four-run lead in the first Inning on the strength of three singles and two errors. The Tigers added two more In the second, one in the fourth and three in the fifth. A double by Shipman and trple by Wesley represented two Of the nine' hits the Tigers gar nered off the offerings of Relstcr of Big Lakes. Rernariou. third baseman, re placed Wesley on the Lowell mound at the start of the sixth, when It anoeared that everything was well In hand. The substitute hurler tossed to only seven bat ters during the two remaining in nine, and allowed no hits. A battle between Knignts oi Columbus and Junior Chamber, which bore all the earmarks of an excellent, closely fought game even though It has no bearing on the Dlayoffs. was scheduled for the opening spot Friday night. In the second tut weyernaeuser ex pected to complete its season by defeating Seroco and Joining Low ells In a first place tie. Scores: n. It. E. Postofflce 0 2 2 Kesterson 6 9 0 Little and Mayhew; Myers and Olson. R. H. E. 3 3 9 3 Wesley, Big Lakes - 1 Lowell's 10 Relster and Vogel; Bernadou and Fryer. Babe Didrikson ToWedMatman ST. LOUIS, July 22 (IP) A golf course Isn't exactly the most ro mantic spot In the world, as Mil dred "Bate" Didrikson puts It, but it was on a putting green at the Normandle club here that she an nounced her engagement yester day to George Zaharlas, the Pueb lo, Colo., wrestler. "We haven't agreed on the date," the famous Beaumont, Tex., woman athlete said. "We'll probably decide tbat when we make up our minds whether we go to Australia or Niagara Falls on our honeymoon." George said he is holding out for Niagara Falls. Heavy Hitter r . I A ': J tr Klnniuth Knlls fans will see Herb Harshbargor (abovo). Rod Sox hot corner artist, In action Sunday at the fairgrounds In the gume between the Sox and the Nodding Tigers. Horb Is hitting the bnll at a .405 average, load ing tho Klamath Kails team In that department. FISHING TIPS By Ced Heigho HERE to go to find tho sort about has become somewhat of a problem and not for the usual reasons, either. It Is not that good fishing will be hard to find but rather that there are so many places which, according to all the dope available, should be in prime condition by this weekend. Fishing Is reported as fnlr on ODELL LAKE. Llko most of tho other lakes, though not to as great an extent -as some, Odell has been affected by tho hot wenther. Plonty of fish can be taken by trolling a little deep er than Is usually necessary. Flashers baited with night crawlers or a small plug are the best trolling lure. Hot weather, which generally slows tho fishing on must lakes, has exactly the opposite effect on DAVIS LAKE; It takes hot weather to bring the fish Into the upper end of the lake whero they can bo taken on files, su rer doctor, bucktall dark cad dis, bucktail coachman nnd bucktall bee havo been the best files. Reports from EAST and PAULINA LAKES are practical ly Identical. Fishing Is excel lent on both lakes, and satis factory catches can be taken In several different ways. Bait fishing and trolling with baited flashers, small and medium slzo plugs and wobblers have all been good. Fly fishing on both lakes -has been only fair but should show considerable improvement by Sunday, as there will be less bright moonlight each night. DIAMOND LAKE has been holding up quite well; on those days when there has been a breeze fishing has been good. Flashers baited with night crawlers or a small plug nave been tho best trolling lure. CRATER LAKE has been fur nishing the best fishing of any lake in this section and for sev eral reasons has probably been fished less than any of the others. The rental prices of JONE WEEK ONLY! GHEEN SLABS SPECIAL 1 Double Load . . $ 3.00 g 10 Double Loads . . 25.00 t These Slabs are "Mill Run" and Contain AH Edgings and Slabs Mixed. This is the BEST DEAL you will find in wood this year. ORDER NOW I PEYTON & CO. 915 Market JONE WEEK Wrigley Explains Why Cubs Had to Have New Manager (Copyright 19.18 by United Press) CHlUAtIO, July 22 (UP) The Chicago Cuhs got out of control and situations developed on the bull club which niiitlo It Imperii live that a new manager lie lilrml, P. K. Wrigley, owner of tho 16,. 000,000 baseball properly, told the Uultod Press In an exclusive Intervlow today. That's why (Inhby Iliirtnntt Is boss, of the Cubs and Chnrlln Urimm, pilot for fire and a half years. Is on his way to his Mis souri farm. "It I could havo put falsa whis kers on Urlinm and changed bis name 1 might have kept hlui on," said Wrigley. "Hut a situation had developed that was beyond every one's control. Tho only tiling I could do was get a new manager. "It wasn't Urlmm's fault un less being too square anil too hon est Is a fault. 1 guess the worst thing you can say about Charllo Is that ho was too willing to shoul der the player's burden ot respon sibility," Wrigley explained that the 1 1 li nt to n might have become so bad that tho Cubs would have wound up In Inst place sooner or Inter. "Do you mean tho Cubs woro lying down on tho Job?" Wrigley was asked. "No, I wouldn't exactly say that," he replied. "Hut they re minded me of little chlldron fluunt Ing their parents' authority. You tall them, 'Don't do that,' and thoy keep on doing it. The same bonts and the somewhat long hike from the rim down to tho lnko socm to be discouraging fnctors. Some mighty fine catchos have been taken from upper KLAMATH LAKE on Andy Heeker nnd .Mc.Mahon trolling spoons and medium slue plugs. Itocky Point, the mouth of Wood river and the lower reaches ot the Williamson river have bocn tho best spots. Both the north and south forks of Sl'KAUUE II IV Kit have been holding up woll. Both bait and spinner fishing havo boon good but the best catches have been taken on small me dium pattern winged flies. Stcelhcad fishing on ROGUE RIVER has been better than fair. Several small runs of steel bead have come In In the past fow days, and thoy are taking both files and spinners quite woll. Trout fishing has been vory good oil bait while fly fish ing for trout bns beeu only fair. The upper NORTH U.MPQUA RIVER und Its tributaries ham been very good. Small spinners, bnlt and files have all been producers. Troeh Winner In First Event Of Trapshoot PORTLAND, July 22 T Frank Troeh, Portland, blastod 199 of 200 targots to tlo with Joe Latimer, Montana stnte champion, for the class A title In the opening event of the grand Pacific trap- shooting tournament at the Port land gun club yesterday. Troeh then shot down 25 straight birds to defeat Latimer, who missed one. Tom Carpenter and Gene Rob' ertaon, 16-year-old Los Angclus youngsters, shot to a tie In the class B evont with 195s. Robert son won the shootoff with 25 to 23. The class C shoot went to W. J. Stone, Sacramento, Calif., with 191, and J. W. Stone, Modesto, Calif., took tho doublos with a final score of 49. PORTLAND, July 22 (IP) The school board approved a 170,000 building program last night to equip tho eight high schools with stadiums. An application for funds will be made to the public works administration. SACRAMENTO, July 22 (TP) Scoring seven knockdowns, Lloyd Marshall, Sacramento Negro, 162 pounds, won a clenncut 10-round decision from Johnny "Bandit" Ramoro, San Diego 163 pounder, here last night. Phone 535 ONLY thing happens again. And then you have to tin something about It. I don't think they'll have lo be told twice by Hartnett." "It's nothing definite- 1 rnn out linn in one, tun, lliruo order," said Wrlgloy. "Hut It was so bad that I felt tho funs woren't gelling a run fur their $1.06 when they caino to tho ball park. From now on when they pay their way Into Wrigley field I want (hem In fuel they gal their money's worth, whether wo win or Inso. And I think llnrinolt will attend to the business of getting tho Cubs back on tho right track." "Do you think they'll win the pennant under HnrtnnttT" "Yes, 1 think tho Huh Is good enough lo win the pennant, and I think Hartnett Is Ilia man lo glvo 'em tho necessary shot In the arm to do It," With llurlnelt elevated lo man ager, the question arises as to Tony I.amerl's status Willi the Cubs. Wrlgloy hired Latiort last winter to Impart some of tho New York Yankoes' spirit lo tho Cubs and to act as coach and utility In fielder. Many interpreted this ac lion as the forerunner of a move lo mako Poosli 'Km Up Tony man agar of tho Cuhs. Wrigley emphnsltod that noth ing could be farther from fact saying, ."Laisorl's status is the same now as It was when I hired him. lie understands his position Is as conch and utility Inflelder and that's all." Defending Titlist In Final Round of State Junior Golf PORTLAND, July 22 !) Finalists today In the Oregon Jun ior golf tournament at the Alder wood country rliih woro Dick llnnen, Marshflvld, defending champion, and Dun Vaughn. Long view, Wash. Thoy conquered both the weath er and semi-final opponents yes terday, llnnen beating Jack Hea ver. Kelso, Wash.. 3 and 3. and Vaughn ousting Allan MacAllislor, Portland, 6 and 4. Fred Smith faced Jack Hhuler, both ot Portland, In the finals of the boys' division. Smith beat Androw Johnson, Kelun, 7 and 5. Hhuler meamirod Fred Darker, Eu gene, 6 and 4. Sissy Ureen, Portland, beat Carol Froese, ( and 4, In the girls' semi-finals to meet Madeline Spaeth. LnOrandn, for the title. Miss Hpanlh beat Nancy Lewis, Portland, 1 up. STANDINGS COAST I.KAtil'K W. L. 47 49 (3 64 68 59 61 74 Pet. .688 .670 .631 .522 .491 .478 .465 .367 I .oa Angeles 67 Hacramonto 65 San Diego 60 Soattln 69 Kan Frnnclsco 56 I'ortland 54 Hollywood 53 Oakland 41 NATIONAL IiK ACJVK W. L, Pet. Pittsburgh 60 29 .633 Now York 61 33 .607 Chicago 46 37 .554 Cincinnati 44 36 .560 Brooklyn 89 43 .476 Boston 85 41 .4 61 SI. Louis 33 46 .418 Philadelphia- 22 66 .286 A.MIOltlCA.N LKAOl'K W. L. Pel. .636 .632 ,697 .529 .465 New York . 49 28 28 31 40 38 46 46 64 Cleveland .....48 Iloston 46 Washington 45 Chicago 3 3 Detroit 38 Philadelphia ,..29 .462 .387 .299 St, Louis 23 Couch roundtrlpt, shown below, ar good In air-cooled, dean col dies and reclining chair can. Teurht roundtrlps are good In slr-condl-tioned touriit sleeping cars, plus small berth charge. Firei good in standsrd Pullmsnt costs little more, SAN FRANCISCO Coach Tour I at Kouadtrtp Roundttip '16" 18" LOS ANGELES 3r .353. For additional Information call! Ticket Office Phono 2000 LEAGUE PLAYS SPLIT SERIES Beavers Engage Oakland After Dropping Two of Thrco to Angels. SAN FRANCISCO, July 22 (p) For Ilia second time I It In soii'smi I'aclflo Coast baseball leagtia teams squared off against new op ponents In Ilia middle of Hie week. The leagun leading Los Angeles Angels rnmo from behind last night with a ninth Inning scoring spree, defenlnil Hie Portland llnnv. vrs. 0 lo 6, and took Ilia short series two games In three. Today the Angels mnva north In Seattle. Heutlln, although It dropped a 9 to l decision lo the sickly Oak land Arums, has yet to lose a series III lis new baseball plain. The Indians look two out of throe from the Oaks and will engage lb Angels In four games. Hub tllhsnn accounted for seven Oakland runs with a homer with the bases load ed and two singles. Although on t h II . the second place Sacruuieiilo Hciiiuurs man aged to get five hits ami enough walks off lllll Shores In tho third Inning lo defeat the Hun Fran cisco Heals, 10 to 6, In yesterday's only day gamo. Hncruiuiinto moves Into Holly, wood where tho Slurs last night trimmed the Han lllego Padres, B to 3, with a four-run outburst In tho lust of the eighth Inning, With French I'hnlt leading tho at. lark with a double, three singles and a walk and Oniric Durst smacking two-run homer and a pair of singles, iho Htnrs won easily to take their series, two games tn one. Ban Diego goes lo Kan Fran cisco Tor lour games. Tim Const league teams will play a third and last spill series In August. Perfect Hurling Sends Silverton Into Final Round 81I.VKP.TON. July 22 I.1W Snueak Wilson unllmhereil his pitching arm and hurled the HII vcrton Ited Rox Into Ilia finals .nf the Oregon semi-pro baseball tournament last night with a 13 to 0 no-hlt, no-run victory over Hills Creek. KMverton pounded out four runs In tho first Inning and continued lo lilt at will, turning In 21 hits off four Hills Creek pitchers. uonney hit five out ot six times up for Hllverlon, driving In four runs. Wilson's no-hlt, no-run gain was the first of the tournament. Kllvertnn will meet Kit aril a Furniture tonight for the chain. plonshlffT Baseball Thursday's Iteoilla PACIFIC COAST I.KAtit'R n. ii. b. Sacramento 10 10 2 San Francisco 8 12 3 Frellas and Frnnks: Shores, Wllkle, llnllou and Sprint. it. ii. n. Han Diego 3 11 1 Hollywood 9 13 0 Chaplin and Hogan. Detore: Dolen and lircniol. n. h, . Oakland 9 14 0 Seattle 14 1 Illttner and Rnlmondl; Greg ory, nock, Sorvontl and Splndol. It. II. R. Los Angeles .............. 6 ' 11 0 Portland 6 14 0 Thomas, Horry and Kiiome: Darrow, Douglas, llllcher and Cronln, Dickey, Leave Klamath Falls P.M. 'r-: Sample Fares 1 One Way nd.Trln; Bend ... $3.65 $5.85 Portland . . . 5.90 ,10.65: Spokane . . . 11.10 20.00 Seattle .... 8.40 14.65 Prineville . . 4.65 7.45 Crescent . . . 2.65 4.25 Low Faret to All Points 1 Ask Our Agent Mt. flood Stages Phone DUD ;..4!,.i,i.iui,ta 1