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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1938)
- JuTy 20, mJi PAGE TWO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Angels Increase HELPING HAND LENT BY SEALS Five-Run Blast in Seventh Inning Gives Los An- geles Victoiy. , SAN FRANCISCO, July 20 (P) Thrco ruus scored by the Sail Francisco Seals on a lone hit was ono of two reasons the Los ' . Anseles Augels had Increased their Pacific Coast Baseball lea gue leadership to three games today. The three runs scored In the seventh Inning enabled the Seals , to defeat the second place Sac ramento Solons, S to J. The second reason the Angels had their Increased lead was five runs scored on five hits in the seventh inning of their game with the Portland Beavers. Those runs gave the Angels a I to 1 victory. ' ' San Francisco went Into the I last of the seventh trailing the v Senators, to 0. The Sen ,' ators' big Nick Cullop had bust ed one out of the lot in the second, and they scored their sec- ond In the first of the seventh .' on a walk, sacrifice and a single by Pitcher Lee Sherrill. In the last of the seventh Sherrill walked Brooks Holder, and then Ted Norbert was sate at first on a fielder's choice. Frankie Hawkins smashed a two bagger which scored two runs ' and then Hawkins dashed home with the winning score on a long ' .fly to the outfield. . The Angels took an early lead, putting a run across in the sec- ond inning and then added the j rest of their runs in the seventh. ; Gene Lillard limited the Beavers 'to seven scattered hits and fan . ned seven. Three double plays were a big ' help to Freddie Hutchinson, Se ;' attle'a 18-year-old pitching ace. as he won his fifteenth game of ' the season, defeating the Oakland ' Acorns, 8 to 3. The Oaks nick- en fTeaaie ior iu mis, mciaaing several doubles, but his team mates came through with neat double kills to retire the Oaks . when they threatened. Fanning seven and allowing , no player past second base, Lou . Tost pitched the Hollywood Stars . to a 2 to 0 shutout over the ; third place San Diego Padres last ; night. He was opposed on the mound by hefty Manuel Salvo who limited the Stars to six hits, two of them In the second In ning when the winners put across their two runs. Practice Begins For West Coast Trapshoot Event PORTLAND, July 20 UP) ' Trapshootlng champions of the Pacific coast started official prac tice for the eighth annual grand Pacific trapshootlng tournament at the Portland gun club today. Munitions were numerous enough to outfit a medium-sized "Incident," and gunners included men capable of handling them. On the practice range today were Earnest Carsten, 19, Cam! no, Calif., holder of the Califor nia state title; Al Brundldge, Keno, nevaaa state must, ana William Powell, Reno, handicap champion. Dean Hurd, Salt Lake City. - Utah state champion, also was on hand. Idaho was represented by Joe O. Cotant, Pocatello, state champion in three events. Mon tana sent Joe Latimer, state tit list, and British Columbia had , True Oliver, champion, on the ground. Guy Chlesman, Spokane, presi- rfnnt n tho Patff. f n t Arnn Hnna 1 Trapshooters' association, headed a large delegation from Washing ton. TWO NO-HITTERS PHILADELPHIA, July 20 (P) Thirteen-year-old Arthur "Bud" Potts bids fair to rival the pitch ing feats of Johnny Vander Meer. The grammar school lad yester day tossed his second no-hit, no-run game in succession. In 21 innings he has allowed only three hits, all In the first tilt. I dunno. Margaret Burns, 12 -year -old fence-whitewashing champion of New York, asked how she did It. FLAVOR INGREDIENTS SO SMOOTH YOU CAN DRINK IT STRAIGHT 1 Oftlilltd fre IMS Groin Ntvfrol Spirits, 90 freol a IIN-IURK, INC., IOITON, MASS, League-Leading Redding Club To Invade Klamath The Redding Tigers will Invade Klamath Falls Sunday In hopes of returning to their lair with the carcass of the Klamath Falls Red Sox. The Tigers are riding high on top of the Northern California baseball league, having won eight games and lost one, while the Red Sox have won four and lost five. Now naturally the Crimson Hose have no Idea of letting those Tigers taste any more raw Klam ath meat and have promised them selves that a nice Tiger pelt will hang In the Sox dugout after the game. Manager Oakes has his squad practicing hard this week and will probably start Clyde Carlstrom on the mound, with that hard work ing catcher, Dean Fryer, behind the plate. The fairgrounds are being put back In shape after the Buckaroo Days, and with the Tigers growl ing and the Sox determined to win, the battle Sunday should be Just what the people In these parts have been looking for. Sox officials have made pre parations for a large crowd. The starting time of the game Is J: 30 Ziegler Ahead Of Schedule In Marathon Hike UKIAH. Calif.. July 20 UP) Heat which reached 112 degrees almost prostrated Adam Ziegler, 66-year-old hiker, but he rested and started out afresh today on his 480-mile bike from San Fran cisco to Grants Pass, Ore. Ziegler reached the Mendocino county line at 9:21 o'clock last night after trodding along while the thermometer climbed, but he managed to average six miles an hour. The hiker rested three hours at Cloverdale last night. He was met at the county line by Don MacMillan, director of the Mendo cino county chamber of commerce. Hopland, 20 miles south, gave Ziegler a rousing reception. Mel Rowe, Hopland, fell into step be side Ziegler and accompanied him here, arriving at 6:40 a. m. today. W. F. Whitney of Wllllta, sec retary of the Mendocino county chamber of commerce, greeted Ziegler and planned to accompany him to the Humboldt county line. CLOVERDALE, Calif., July 20 (JP) Adam Ziegler, 65-year-old one man bunion derbyist attempt ing a new walkatbon record be tween San Francisco and Grants Pass, Ore., was two hours and a half ahead of schedule and re freshed by four hours needed sleep when he left here last night. If his luck and dogs, hold out, Ziegler said be hoped to be In Ukiah 25 miles north of here early today. He got away from Clover dale at 8:06 p. m. Ziegler is attempting to best a record of fi days, 23 hours and 40 minutes set 10 years ago by an Indian, Flying Cloud. Corbett Wins Easy Victory Against Lee FRESNO. Cal., July 20 (UP) Young Corbett III, contender for the world's middleweight crown decisively defeated Glenn Lee slugging Nebraskan, In tbelr 10- round open air fight In Fresno State college stadium last night. Corbett carried the fight all the way, taking every round from the Nebraska fighter. There were no knockdowns, and both men were in good shape at the finish. An exceptionally hot night with temperature of 90 degrees slowed down the fight. The 33-year-old veteran Cor bett used his left powerfully in his southpaw stance to control Lee at every stage of the match. He appeared to slightly better advan tage than in his recent victory over Fred Apostoll In San Fran cisco. Corbett, who weighed 1(0 for the battle before his home town folks, hoped to win a title test with Freddie Steele of Tacoma as a result of his victory. Lee, twice beaten by Apostoll, weighed 166. The bout drew a crowd of about 6000 and a gate estimated at 19000. SOFTBALL SEES LE KILLING Junior Chamber Executes Fielding Gem in Game With Lumbermen. Weyerhaeuser and Knights of Columbus, as had been more or less expected, won their Softball games on Cook field Tuesday night, but Junior Chamber of Commerce, one of the losing teams, took credit for the eve ning's perhaps the season's outstanding play. The Juuior Chambers, some times erratic but at other times the league's most smoothly func tioning outfit, executed a triple killing to nip a Weyerhaeuser rally and send the mlllmen jog ging to the showers In the last of the sixth. Just the same Weyerhaeuser won, 5-1. Earlier In the evening K. of C. had helped Big Lakes keep Its losing record clear by pinning a 9-6 defeat the tenth in a row on the frustrated lumbermen. The Casoys got In their game winning licks in the fifth and sixth innings after having been held to a 2-2 tie during the earl ier stages of the game. In the fifth a Big Lakes error, followed by three successive hits. one a double by Mahoney, brought three Casey runners gal loping across the plate. The same procedure was re peated In the sixth, only with a bit more verve and a bit more effect. Ban- led oft with a walk. Hull and Mahoney followed with singles, and then Wakeman did the lob up brown, cracking out a four-ply Dingle that cleaned the bases and brought the scoring total for the Inning to four. That gave K. of C. a 9-2 lead. so that Big Lakes' belated three run spasm in the seventh was of little use. Weyerhaeuser had Its game with Junior Chamber already In Band when the service clubbers burst forth with their triple play, but the fielding gem went a long way toward restricting the win ners margin or victory to 6-1. After Junior Chamber bad drawn first blood In the fourth, when three singles produced one run, Weyerhaeuser went ahead with a three-rua outburst In, the last half, of the same session. the tallies being manufactured by a single, a triple, an error and a fielder a choice. Came the last of the sixth and it looked as If Weyerhaeuser were off on a scoring spree. Burkland, first man up, singled. Wilson and Martin got on base via the error route, H. Derrah singled, and Franklin reached first on a fielder's choice. Two runs had crossed the plate, the bags were loaded, and still none was out. Then Heller popped up to Gustafson, Junior Chamber pitch er. Gustafson whipped the ball to Bridge, trapping Martin off third base lor the second out. Bridge in turn fired to Whittle sey,- nipping Franklin off first. It was a pretty play, even though It availed nothing. Wednesday night Great North ern was scheduled to meet Seroco in the opening game of a double- neaaer with a chance to move into a tenth-place tie with the Serocans in event of victory. In the second engagement Wednes day the Elks were to tackle Southern Pacific. A victory for the lodgemen would guarantee tbem a spot In the post-season cnampionsmp playoffs. Scores: R. H. E, Big Lakes 5 4 6 K. of C 9 10 6 Relster and Vogel; Wakeman and Barr. R. H. E. Junior Chamber 1 6 Weyerhaeuser 6 6 0 Gustafson and Glennon; Heller and J. Derrah. STUDENT EARNINGS EUGENE, July 20 (JPi Univer sity oi uregon students employed on a part-time basis last year earned .200,000, Karl W. On tbank, dean of personnel adminis tration, reported today. Jobs supplied by the university em ployment bureau brought 854,000 in wages and 328,350 came from the national youth administration. I expect to wear my cap through the hot weather of the primary campaign. It's the big gest cap In the senate Senator Robert J. Bulkley of Ohio. A well-known golfer has lust decided to become a farmer. Lots of farmers would boll his career down to: Off the green, Into the red. The best days are ahead of us, and not far off. Gov. Frank Murphy of Michigan, on the state of the nation. OUR STEAKS Served Sizzling Hot can not be beaten far excel lence of flavor and quel fry. . ' ' Quiet i a r v i c e, well ' cooked Foods featured. Klamath Billiards ;. Xafe , ( . . 630 Main Lead STANDINGS COAST LEAGl'B W, u Pet. .589 .563 .63 2 .523 .600 .479 .464 .364 I.os Angelei tt Sacramento (3 San Diego 69 Seattle 68 San Francisco 56 Portland 63 Hollywood 62 Oakland ..... 40 46 49 61 6.1 66 68 0 73 NATIONAL I.EAfll R W. 1,. Pet. Pittsburgh 48 28 .633 New York .... ......50 31 .617 Cincinnati ......44 35 .557 Chicago 45 36 .656 Brooklyn 38 42 .475 Roston 34 41 .453 St. Louis 31 45 .40S Philadelphia 21 63 .234 AMERICAN l.KAGUR W. L. Pet. Now York 49 28 .836 Cleveland 48 38 .632 Roston 4 6 31 .597 Washington 43 40 .618 Chicago 38 38 .465 Detroit 88' 4 4 .463 Philadelphia 29 46 .387 St. Louis 23 64 .299 Two More Teams Reach Semi-Finals Of State Tourney SILVERTON, July 20 (4) Tho Portland Babes and Edwards Fur niture clambered Into the semi final round of the Oregon semi- pro baseball tournament last night. Hillsboro, which lost 6 to 1 to Portland, was eliminated by two dofeats. Sllverton'a Red Sox. down 3 to 2 to Edwards in an overtime game, continued In the running. lluKhie Day, veteran Portland hurler, allowed only three hits Roy Helser, Hlllsboro's hard worked southpaw, relieved Fran cis Dlerlckx on Ihe mound In the second after Portland scored three runs. Sllverton appeared to have Its game sewed up for the first six Innings, Roberts holding Edwards to one run. Bob Bonney, hitting four for four, put Sllverton ahead with runs In the fourth and sixth, but Roberts lost the game In the ninth when he fielded Johnny Leorltch's scratch hit and threw the ball Into the stands. Herbert Lahtl, Edwards' pitch er, was ejected In the eighth for protesting a decision, and Rich ardson was oreelted lth the vic tory. . , . , a Sprague River SPRAGUE RIVER Donald Stanton left Sunday to spend the week with his father In Prlne ville. .Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Heldrich and son Gary are spending a week fishing at Davis lake. Aarqn Mogck wjth bis mother and sister moved to Prlnevllte Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Den ning also moved to Prlnevllla Sunday. Harley Olson has gone to his home In Virgil, South Dakota. Mrs. Sy Pool and sons moved to Lakevlew Saturday night where the boys, have employment In the Goose Lake Box company factory. Danny Wann, Ronnie Slack, Or mand Whiting. Jack Reeves. Billy Tarr, Roy Holllngsworth and Bill Pool are employed In the same factory. Art Ekwall has returned from a trip to Placervllle. Otis Hard was down from Prlnevllle Sunday looking up old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Shoemaker and family spent the Fourth here with their daughter, Mrs. War ren Morrison and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Harling went to Medford over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Merrill spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Joe La Ranger at Prlnevllle. John Smith has leased the Rey nolds ranch and Is putting up bay this week. Junior Smith, 9-year-old son oi Sylvester Smith underwent an operation In a Klamath Falls hos pital Monday night for a ruptured appendix. Mrs. Ed Stoneman had the mis fortune to fall from a chair In her home this week and received sev nril had bruises. Austin Haddock while falling snags for Big Lakes company near here had a large limb fall on his nose ana iau, breaking his nose in two places and badly bruising an eye. The Passolt and Heldrich cabins have a new coat of paint as has the Sprague River grocery, the Ideal grocery, the woirora ana Wann store and the Carnlnt home. An actress Is auoted as saying tho moving picture people should stick to one type. That startled us, too, but It turned out she was talking about roles. ane, Waih. Bend your vest or sample of cloth to Brooks, Spokane, Washington ; Spolt at Beavers' Expense TEAM MANGLE LINEUP NAMED Kennaston, Kelly to Face McDonald, Smolinski in Mat Doubleheatler. Three rotighlos Instead of two and one wrestler of the so called orthodox school will be In charge of coroiiionles when Mack Lillard stages the first team match. In Klamath grappling history next Tuosday night, the promoter an nounced Wednesday. Tho guys appointed to under take the Job of mangling ouu an other In pairs are Sockeye Jaok McDonald, Joe Smolinski, SgU Bob Kennaston and one Flash Kelly. McDonald wilt put It with Smolinski to form Just about as murderous a team as was over assembled uudor one roof, while Kennaston will rely on Holly's scientific support to bolster his own unmannerly tactics. Kelly Is from San Francisco, where he Is said to ho a big draw ing raid. He Is reputedly amus ingly fast and clover and capable of taking caro of himself la tho face of any opposition even of the kind he and the ferocious Sargo will be up against on Tues day night. Kennaston has been going groat guns in the southland, according to wire reports, and if auybotly wanted to listen to blm, would probably claim, with one of his customary sneers, Hint he could lick those other two oysters slnglehandcdly. The team affair will be Sockoye Jack McDonald's first match since he Injured his log when Dude Chirk tossed him from Ihe ring here a month ago. The under pinning is now completely healed, and in the Interim of enforced idleness. It is said, the violent ex logger has built up a tremendous head of steam which won't bode any good for his imminent adver saries when and If the explosion comes. Joe Smolinski, the old original In matters of ring mayhem, will be able to give Sockeye Jack all the assistance he needs In the exe cution of legalized murder, and unless Polish Joe, In one of bis frequent fits of utter madness, turns against his own partner, the Smolinskt-McDonald team will probably enter the ring a bit of a favorite over the, Kcnnaston-Kelly combination. The team match Is for best four out of six falls or an hour time limit. A regulation six-round, two-out- of-three-fall affair Involving All Pasha, the bearded, bald-headed Hindu, and Benny Wilson, a new comer from Texas, will open next Tuesday's "grand reopening" card. Wilson Is reported to have done very well by himself in a recent swing westward through the Rocky mountain states from his native habitat. He is said to be clever and capable and master of a large variety of holds. The curdling Kurd appeared here briefly during the spring months. We only want to refurnish It to streamline it, It you like to keep Its design In conformity with the changing tempo of the world we live In. Ambassador Joseph P. Kennedy, speaking In England on "the American system." From most Pacific Northwest cities to Chicago, New York and many othu tuttrn deilinationi, you ran include California on the going or . returning journey, for not em tint avers nil (art lb you would ptf for Iht ordinary straight Eail-and-tack roundlrip. In effect, a free ticket thru California! Exsmple of Esst- thru -California rmindtrlpii 'm Co(h Tourlit Slanderf CNctft . $65.00 $ 74.00 $ M.30 NewYtrk 17.40 106.40 140.10 Tourlit to Chicago, coach btyosd, For additional information calli Ticket Office! Phone 2000 Baseball Tuesday's Results rACIFIO COAST l,KArt9 R. H. R. Saoramtnto 2 7 0 San Francisco 3 6 1 Sherlll and Franks; Knupal and Sprlni. R. 0 B. 0 0 and San Diego Hollywood 3 Salvo and Hogani Tost Brensel. R. It. E. I.os Angeles 69 1 Portland 1 2 Lillard and fltieme; Hllrher, Douglas and Dickey. R. H. E. Oakland 3 10 1 Seattle .'. I 13 0 Van Fleet, Olds, Pyla and llnl mondl; Hutchinson and Splmlol. Lakeview Calls Meeting to Talk Season on Does A meeting for a discussion of the proposed doe season In tho Lake county game reserve will bo held at Lakevlew Saturday night, In advance of the Hart mountain antelope meeting. F. Carl Fotach, chairman of I lit Lake county council of the Ore gon Wildlife Federation, has called the meeting. Ho asked Klamath sportsmen and members of the federation here to attend J. Paul Matthews, president of the Klamath Sporlainon's aasocln Hon, said Wednesday that ho hopes there will be a good repre sentation from Klamath county. He said he plana to attond If at all possible. Matthews has taken the lead In a "go alow" policy on doe sen sons. He said Tuesday, that he feels there should be more com plete Information before any dras tic action Is taken. Favorites Win Easy Victories In Junior Golf PORTLAND. July 20 (IP) Fav orites pulled through to fairly easy victories yesterday Jn sec ond round matches of tho Ore gon Junior golf tournament on the Alderwood Country club course. . - Fred Smith, , Portland, " eo medallst with Jack Shuler, Port land, In the boys' division, de feated Harold Duvall, Portland. 5 and 4. Shuler eliminated Jim Gardner, Raymond, Wash., 4 and 3. Dick Hanen, Marshfleld, de fending champion in the oldor Junior boys' division, beat Elmer Htelger. Portland, medalist, 6 and 4. Jack Deaver, Kelso, Wash., edged out Bill Parker. Portland. 1 up, and Dan Vaughn, Long view, Wash., defeated Bill Shaef fnr, Portland, by the same margin. MfflAZDMG LOW CkSU PRICES FOR WORLD-FAMOUS WIRES ffSoK AT THIS 6.00x16 nr.' 6 Liberal Allowance on theU.S.TIRE (OMTtf IWHOWO) Wo can afford to aell for causo wa'va eliminated all "extras" NO BUDGET e NO BAD DEBT BOOKKEEPING... LOSSES... e WO COLLECTION e NO REPOSSES. FEES a. . SION COSTS Charge Accounts opened., .no extra sharaaa Af anu lilnif ... Vnu fiuw m4 . L. , AND DON'T FORGET TC . BCK-&.WH0T main and spring INDIANS STOP YANKEE DRIVE Cleveland Captures Open' or of Important Four Game Series. TllvSKAV'H UKSI'I.TS Nnlloiinl League Ni'w York 7, HI. Louis 6. ilrnnklyn R, Chicago 3. riillncUtlplita 0, IMtlnburgli I, Huston 1-2, Clnclnnutl 3-7. AiiiitIciiii League Cleveland 6, Now York 3, Detroit 3, Hostnn 4. Chlcngo at llontiin. ruin. St. Louis at Philadelphia, rain. Ity Tho Asiorlatcil Press The outcome of Ihe American Ioiikiki noiiiiaiil race aiiiuironlly hinges ll pull Ihe doliiKS of Ilia uiicorialu Clove hi ml Indian, Anil If you want to know what's what In the National, the thing lo do now Is to consult tho totally un- prodlctahln Brooklyn Dodgers. The Indians, league leaders up lo lust week, reinstated llioni niilves as the team lo licut In Ilia American loiiiun Tuesday when Ihey whlirpcil the New York Yan kees 5-3 In the opener of a high ly Important four-gamo series. The victory, gained with a spirited attack mum the veteran Hump II ad ley and I ho sU-hlt hurling of Its own Mel Harder, put Clevelnnd only a half game behind the Yanks. It can regain the lead Wednesday by winning both games of a doulilehesdor. The Dodgers, who knocked the New York tllnnts out of the Na tional league lead before starting west and have taken over Pitts burgh and Cincinnati since then, temporarily disposed of Chicago's threat Tuevlay by downing the Cubs, 6-3. Sluce Pittsburgh's psce-setters whaled the Phillies 6-0 behind Kd Brandt's five-hit flinging and the (Hunts staged a ihroe-run nlnth-liinliiKs rally to beat out Ihe St. Louis Cardinals, 7-6, the Pirates moved further out of dan ger. Then tbe Cincinnati Reds came through with a double vic tory, 3-1 and 7-2, over the Bos ton Bees and moved back Into I bird placo, ono point ahead of Ihe Cubs. The Indiana gave definite signs of shaking off their recent Slump In Tuesday's clash. While Har der pitched ah ii I out ball most of the time but rolaxed long onoujh to let George Selkirk and Hill Dickey belt homers, the Cleve landers made fire of tholr nine blows count. Earl Averlll's cir cuit drive started 11. Three sin gles, plus a pass, a sacrifice and an Infield out netted three runs In the fourth and aewod up the game. Lou Gehrig played his 2045th consecutive gainn for the Ysnks despite a broken thumb, which PHICL Ply rsAVINGS COMPARED TO LOCAL Timt PAYMENT .PRICES. Your Tire. Other Sizes m- portlonattiy ww LESS h. TAKE I JAGE OF OUR SUPER SERVICE STATION he kept in a cast right up Is g n mo lime. Ilrouklyn marked up Its suv, nth victory In eight gsmes against first - division (ippusltiiui by smacking (,'hlciisu pitching rr a dnien llmnly blows, Including Cookie Lavngollo's homer with two on. Vllo 'In inu lis held Ilia Cuba to eight hits. Tilt Pintles found the Phils easy at Johnny Itltto mailt four hits and as many runs and Ark, Vuiiitbsn drove In Ihree. The tlliinls, however, used up Ia nl,,lii.i-a Mini tiri,tt mn.Mu I rntlsti Hunk l.nllior hit a lionup In Hit ulghth and slngltd In W tallies In (ho ninth. J 7 Whiter amoral iwo-im pitiw lug In hi" first start of the year and homers by Hnrgnr, l.ombaMl mid Craft, good for six runs, la Ihe siiruiid guiun, boosted Clncliw natl'l hopes considerably, 1 Washington, winning out ,' on Hick Ptrrell'l tenth-lnim , double, dropped Detroit to sir place In Ihe American league I bind Chicago. The White urn. Iloston and Hi. I.tnilt-Phllsilelptiia games wore rained out . Odds Shorten On Steele As Battle Nears 8KATTI.K. July 20 t.T) Fred, die Hloeln and Al lloatak entered Ihelr Inst week of training lnd.iv lor Ih'lr middleweight title 16 round fight here next Tuesday night, and each day shorn) Ida Odds shortening on Steels. r The middleweight champion l rlnklng his crow ii for Ihe flrt time sluce last winter when he slowed away Carmen Darih and In turn received an Injured breast bene. Whn Ihs match was made with lloslak, Seattle Slav from Ihe overall ranks of fieorgelown suburb. Hie downtown betting hoys Installed Ihe champion an a 10-7 favorite. Today the odds had shortened lo 1 0-fl. and by ring lime espertt were foreseeing even money. Despite Kreddle's apparent re turn In some semblance of hit old hard-hitting form In training, the ring hugs here are more and more Impressed with the gym showtime of the blond, curly-haired llostak. Promoter Nate Druxman said today the fight will draw from lo n. ono people who will pay from M0. 000 to liOO.OOr) to see the boys tangle with Jack liompaey, t h e. heavyweight champ, as roferee. MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every flarment .Mothproofed at No Kilre Cos. STANDARD DYERS A CLEANERS 1400 Ksplanade. Phone Ran 0 o PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PHONE 710