July 15, 198ft THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN TAI CHICAGO, July 15 (!) On, rumem loan uncortnlntloa, ag gravated by oxpoolod notice of 11181-30 acreage n I lot inotita, led In dooldodly lower wheat prices In Chicago moat of Ilia thus todny, It was believed tlm acreage nl lolmont would iHunlliil Iho gov rnmom Ion n basis and be near tht minimum pormltlod, Prlmnry receipts of nowly harvostcd wheat contlnuod largo, Chicago whont f it t ii t'on closed at tho day's bottom prices, 14-1 cents undnr yesterday's finish, July 701-701, Sept. 701-701, orn I In advanced, July COi, Sept. fl i -B 1 , mid oala unchanged to ic off. Stock Market Quotations NEW VOltK, July 15 iJV A laat-mlnule buying apurt rovlvad thn aloi'k market loiluy, mid representative shares whirled up for gains of na much na 2 a ahiiro, Dealing oxpandnd on ths up turn oft or dragging carllor t about ths nlownn puce alncs ths market started on Hn spectacular nil(l- pitr upswing Into In Juno, Heading tho iiilvuiii'n wuro such sharoe aa United Slates Mud, Bethlehem. Chrysler, Montgomery Ward, International Harvester, Westliighouan Kloctrlr, Anaconda Copper and (liMiiiriil Electric, all of which recouped a good part of ilia ground lonn on a minor aolloft tho laal few daya. Other markets worn mixed, with aoms commodlllea moving ahead with slocks toward tho finish. Tranafora were undnr 1,000,000 ahnrea. Toduy'a cloalng prices: Air Induction 0 Allied Chemical & Dye 177 Allied Stores - 10 American Can - 0U4 Amerlran & For. Power 4 J American Power & Light .... Ii Amsrlran Had. & St. 16. American ltoll Mill. 201 Amerlran Smelt. & lief 48 A. T. & T HII American Tnb. 1) 79. American Water Worka 11 Anaconda Coppor - 3t Armour HI & Atchlaon T. & 8. F 88 Ilalt. A Ohio - Harnadall - Ilendlx Aviation Hi Bethlehem Sloel &SJ Hoeing Air - "fii Dorgs Warner ! Budd Mfg. - .J! California Tack Callahan 7.-L - Calumet line 'I Canadian 1'aclfJo 7 Case (J. I.) - Caterpillar Tractor . 521 Colaneas ........ 19 1 Certain-Teed ..... - l Chea. A Ohio Sol Chrysler - 6fig Col, (Ina & Electric 7 J Commercial Solvonl . 04 Com'wlth tc Sou II Conaolldated Edlaon 281 Consolidated Oil 101 Corn Product OBJ Curllaa Wright M Douglas Aircraft ... 508 l)u Pont & Do N. 121 Elootrlc Auto Light 22, Kloctrlo Power & Light .... Hi (ieneral Kloctrlo 41 1 (leneinl Food S4i (Ieneral Motors '0 (loodyear Tires 24 J Cir. No, ny. Pf - 201 Hudson Motor 81 Illinois Central 11 Insp, Copper 151 International Ilnrvestor 64 International Nlckol 49 Int. Pap. & P. Pf i. t. & t. 1" Johns Mnnvlllo 02 Kennceott Con. Cop. 3! I,b-0-Ford Liggett Myers B 100 Loews 621 Monty Ward - Naah Kolvlnator 101 National Biscuit - 23 1 National Cash 22J National Dlstlllors 22 National Power & Light .... 7s N. Y. Central 18 North American . 21 J Northern Pacific 11 J Packard J j, c. Penney ..a 80S Ponn n. n rhllllps Tet 2I Pressed Steel Car 9 Puhllo Service N. J 80 J Pullman - 834 Radio ...j. Hem, Rand 14" Rep. Stool IJj Rears Roebuck 6S Shell Union 181 So. Calif. Edison 241 Save NOW Don't Walt for tha "Vague Future." Save Where Returns Are Worth Whilel sin llttli sr miichl luilitint imrc can aceampllih ablectlm la is amulnily ihait tlm. Stilt Kith 13 u HO a month w 11 llttli at $1. Tina watch mlnii iraw. 4 (Carnal Dlildisl) First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 Nl. 9th St. Phani I7 Mimliit af Fidirat Saftnn and Ltia Iniuranca Cora STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the AwooUted Tress Friday Previous day Month ago .. Year ago 1 038 High 1038 Low 1037 High 1037 Low x New High BOND AVERAGES Complied by lue Friday Prevloua day Month ago Year ago 10.18 High .. 1038 Low ..... 1037 High .. 1087 Low .... g New High Southern Paclflo 181 Standard Branda 81 Standard Oil of California.. 821 Standard Oil N. J. 86 Sludehaker Superior Oil J Tnxna Corporation Tlmken Dot Axle "I Trnna-Amerlca - HI Union Carbide 1 Union Paclflo 811 United Airline 9 United Aircraft 28 J U. 8. Rubber 38 J 1), 8. Steel 68 Walworth - 8 Weatern Union 80 Wbllo Motor 1 Wool worth ( Inning Curb Quotations: Cltlea Service 9J, Klectrlo Bond A Share 8 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, July 16 (AP-USDA) Hnga 6000, Including 2600 di rect; active, 16 to inoatly 25 higher than Thuraday's average on all wolghta; top $10.15; bulk good and choice 170-230 lha. 19.90-10.10; 240-270 Iba. f8.40 90; 280-810 Iba. $9.00-40; good light packing aowa 87.90-8.10; few butcher klnda to 18.26; mo dlumwelghta and heavloa 16.76 7.75. Cattle 1000. calves 600; general market dreggy, weak and mostly loner; cloalng at new lows for week; beat fed ateora held above 611.50 hut mostly $8. 00-9. 60 mar ket with graaa heifers predom inating at 16.00-7.26; cleanup trade on graaa cowa; theae about 25 lower for week but all graaay and ahorlfed holfers and steers 50-1.00 under early In week; best sausage bulla 17.00; vealors steady at f9.00-10.00. Sheep 7000, Including 6000 di rect; fat lamb trading slow, around steady; bulk native spring ers 89.26. lightly sorted, grading mostly good; one load good Idahoa $9.16: bettor klnda held higher: few fat sheep; steady; small lots handywelghts fat ewes 3.26-60. IIOBTON WOOL BOSTON. July 15 (AP-USDA) A persistent demand was being received today on several grades of domestlo wool. Graded bright fleece wool was quite active and prices were very atrong. Comb ings I blood bright fleeces were being sold early In the week at 28 to 29 cents In the grease. Later, 30 cents In the grease was paid and the most recent sales . were closed at 33 cents, Combing quar torblood bright fleece wool ad vanced from 28 cents In the grease to 31 conts. The rapid advance Is reported to be the result of a snusozo In these types of wool. Beck's P BAKERY Orange Rolls The Ideal Break'fast Treat 20c Do, Cookies What Could Be Finer for the Picnic Basket 2 do. 25 10 If 1) 0 Induat. Ralls Utll's Btks. tO. 8 18.8 83.8 47.8 (0.0 18.8 8K.6 47.3 61!. 4 12.8 20.3 88, 04.5 80.7 42.2 07.6 70.5 21.8 84.0 48.4 41). 2 12.1 . 24.0 33.7 101.8 49.6 . 64.0 75.3 67.7 10.0 31.6 41.7 Aseouiauxi rreee 20 10 10 10 Ralls Induat Utll's For. 57.6 X08.7 93.0 62.6 67.1 08,4 93.1 82.0 46.6 06.8 88.6 61.8 92.7 102.8 97.0 72.7 70.5 08.7 03.2 67,0 46.2 93.0 8!i.8 01.2 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.3 96.6 90.3 64.2 57 South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO, July 16 (AP-USDA) Hogs 400; general ly steady; top and bulk good to choice 185-220 lb. butchers $10.85, few medium grades $10.35-10.60: package slaughter pigs $9.00; packing sows scarce, iindnrtoiio weak; good sows quoted up to $9.76. Cattle 160, moderately active, good weekend demand, all classes steady to firm; package 1015 lb. grass steers $7.76; odd common to medium grassors $0.50-7.50, few light cutlery kinds down to $5.00; common to medium grass helfera $5.25-6.60, good beef cowa eligible to around $5.75; odd weighty bulls up to $6.25. Calves 40; nominal; good to choice veal era quoted $8.00 to possibly $9.00. Sheep 1625; spring lambs alow, demand narrow, undertone weak er; ewes active, firm, part dock choice 103 lb. shorn Callfornlus $3.60. Portland Produce PORTLAND, July 15 (A Butter Prints: A grade 281c lb. In parchmont wrappers; 291c In cartons; B grado, 27c lb. In parchmont wrappers, 28c lb. lu cartons. . .. . Uutlerfat Portland delivery, buying price: A grade 26-26 ic lb. In country stations: A grade 241c lb.; B grade lie less; C grade 6c lb. loss. Kgs Buying prices by whole salers; Specials 241c dozen; ex tras 22e dox.; standards 21 lo dot.; special medium 21c dos.; extra mediums, 20o doz.; undergrades 10c dot. Chccso Oregon triplets 12 He: Oregon loaf 13c. Brokers will pay Ho below quotations. Country meats Selling price to retailers: Country-killed bogs best butcher under 160 lb. 13c lb.; vealera 121o lb.; light and thin 9 -1 lc lb.; heavy 9-10c lb.; bulls 10c lb.; cannar cows 7c lb.; outter cows 7-8e lb.; spring lambs 12c 121c lb.; old lambs 7-Sc lb.; ewes 4-Cc lb. Live poultry Buying price: Leghorn brollora 1 Vi-1 14 lb., 121-130 lb.; 21 lb., 121-13 lb.; colored springs 2-SV4 lb., 17-17o lb.; over 81 lb. 18c lb.; leghorn hens over 31 lb., 141o lb.; under 21 lbs., 14-14 Vie lb.; colored hens to 5 lb., 18-18 Vic lb.; over 5 lb. 17- ISO lb,; No, grade 230 lb. less. Turkeys Nominal, buying price: Breeder hens 20o Ih. Sell lug price: Breeder bona 22o lb,; toina, 17-180 lb. Potatoes Now Shatter, $1.70 $1.75 por 100-lb. bag. Local, $1.40-1.60 por 100-lb. bag. Potatoes Yakima Uuma, 2a, 00c; local, Olio cental; central Oregon, $1,50-1.00 contal, Onions California wax No. 1, $1.75; California red $1.20; yel low $1.20;o Walla Walla, $1.10 per 60-lb, bug. Wool 1038, nominal; Willa mette valley, medium 18o lb., coarse and braids 18o lb.; eastern Oregon 17i-19c lb. Hay Selling price to rctallora: Alfalfa No. 1, $17-18 ton; oat vetch $14 ton; clover $11-11.60 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon, un quoted; do valloy $16 ton, Portland. E IIV PINE BUSINESS PORTLAND, July 15 (P) Re ports from 120 mills showed last week's now business of 76,895,000 board feet of lumber was moro than 3,000,000 feet abovo the pre vious week, tho Western Pino as sociation said today. Production, affected by the short Fourth of July work pe riod, reached 48,527,000 board foot, a decline of about 20,000,000 feet since the previous weekly figures. Shipments of 51,0.14.000 feet represented a drop of 7,000, 000 feet. Orders were about 10,000,000 foot ahead of the corresponding week a year ago, but shipments and production revealed decreases. To date orders were 20 per cent less than 1937. E TOTALS 3G FHIDAY Star boarders In the city and county Jail totaled 36, a check with officials ' showed Friday morning. Of this number three are women, all in the- city Jail, one serving time for drunk driving and the other two for Just being plain drunk. There are 19 men In the county jail, Just about an average atten dance, according to the jailer, Vcrn Wilson. Over In- the city Jail there are 14 men, and all hut nix of these work "outside", the others choosing to rtnialn In un disturbed holiday t atmosphere. They have their meals brought to them, whereas the other prisoners are taken to the cafe for break fast, lunch and dinner. According to police bff leers, an addition of "Just about two a day since the busy weekend of the Fourth of July keeps the average attendance at 17." Will OVER Clyde Healy, 19, or the Keno road was charged with burglary not in a dwelling and bound over to the Klamath county grand Jury late Thureday afternoon. Bond was sot at $1000, which Healy, up to a late hour Friday, had not provided. Healy admitted to Sheriff Lloyd L. Low the theft of some $20 In cash and two watches from the Hurts Service station Sunday night, the sheriff said. PALACE GROCERY AND MARKET We Deliver ; . : A Home-Owned Store Closed Sundays Evenings - Phones 6476 Sugar ,.c,o"tb8SSc Coi8ee gi o2Sc Pork 8 Beans &g 10c Crackers fiTW 29c Milk Ltbby ....... 6 Tins 39c I Vienna Sausage - - c No, H Tina ......Z........ 9 for JtC Corn no?0 803 tins .... 3 for 25c I f Af. Assorted , Ct ; tlClIO FlaTors Pkg. Spaghetti B. . 9c Dev. Meat 7 ,S.25c Miracle Whip 33c Matches . . 18c Tomato Juice - - Crushed . iM svdffs No. io tin 29c Pineapple no. i0 un . oqc VEGETABLE SPECIALS MEAT SPECIALS Saturday. Only Saturday Only Tomatoes 2 u,,. 15c rm bou, lb. .. . .. ... ioc Summer Sq'sh 3 lbg 14c Pot Roast, lb. .: -. I2c-I4c Potatoes A Boneless Stew Beef, Shatter Long Whites JLU lbs. Mt C J. .i.-.-..i..i... ISC Bananas fruit ....!!?. 3 lbs. 19c veal Sho. Roast, lb. 17c Oranges "I8!.... no,. ISc Veal Sho. Steak, lb. . . 19c Corn f dos. 39c Sho. Lamb Chops, lb. 25c "SASSING" COP LEADS TO ARREST OF WANTED MAN When Estol Lowe, 24, allegedly sassed a city police officer, he walkod right Into tho arms of the law and 'Friday morning was en route to Spokane where he was wanted In connection with a Spo kane robbory. According to city officers, I.owe was "nasslng" ono of the officers the night of July 6. He was brought to the police station, whore officers learned that Spo kane wns looking for the young man. With Officer Boxsmith of the Spokane police department, Lowe was northbound Friday. E Members of the board of di rectors of the Klamath Produc tion Credit association will leave next week for Spokane, where they will attend a conference of directors and secretaries of Pro duction Credit associations In the northwest. On Monday of next week there will be an all-day meeting of the board of directors. The meeting In Spokane is slated for July 20 and 21. ThoBe who will attend the ses sion, which was held last year in Klumath Falls, Include Wil liam Kittrcdge, dene Hammond, Orb Campbell, Kd Geary, U. . Reeder and Lee McMullen of Klamath county and William J. Lane and Ned Sherlock of Lake county. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, July 16 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 110; on track 296; total US shipments 604; weak, supplies liberal, demand slow; Backed per cwt. Nebraska Bliss TriumphB 85 per cent US No. 1, heavy to email site $1.25, Cob blers most offerings showing heated, spotted sacks Missouri US No, 1, 70-60, US commercials 45-66; Kansas US No. 1 few sales 70; US commercials 40-50; California White Rose US No. 1, $1.65-75; US commercials $1.40-56. - LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS No. S156 Equity IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. E. W. MORGAN, Plaintiff, vs. HAZEL JAMES, JOHN DOE JAMES, MARY BALDWIN, who Is 'also known as MARIE BALDWIN. FANNIE D. BEIN SEN and JOHN DOE BEINSEN, Defendants. To: Mary Baldwin, who is also known as Marie Baldwin, Fannie D. Beinsen and John Doe Belnsen, defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and matter within four weeks from July 8, 1938, which Is the date of first publication of this summons, and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: That plaintiff have judgment and decree against the land In Klamath County, Oregon, de scribed as follows: The SE1 of Sec. 4, Twp. it : S.. Range 12 E. W. M.; also the Wl of SW1 of Sec. 34, Twp. 35 S., Range 12 E. W. M.; and also the Wl of NWi of Sec. 10, and Wl of SWJ, Sec 8, Twp. 36 S., Range 12 E. W. M., for $1356.4$, with Interest at 8 per annum from November 3, 1934, $150.00 attorney's fees, and LEGAL NOTICES plaintiff's coats and disbursements herein; that plaintiff's mortgage on said real property ba adjudged and decreed to be a first lien thereon for the amount of said judgment; that said mortgage be foreclosed and said real property sold, and the proceeds applied to the payment of plaintiff's said Judgment; that the purchaser he placed In possession of said real property by the sheriff; that the description In deed dated May 31, 1922, and recorded In Volume 69, Page 623 Deed Records for Klamath County, Oregon, be cor rected to read: Wl of SWJ of Sec. 34, .Twp. 35 8., Range 12 E. W. M., and that the defendants be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title and Interest In and to the mortgaged real prop erty, save and except the statutory right of redemption, and that the plaintiff have such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for four successive weeks in the Evening Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published In Klamath County, Oregon, pur suant to order of Honorable Ed ward B, Asburst, Judge of said court, dated and entered July 7, 1988. . Wm. GANONG, . Attorney for Plaintiff, 724 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon. H. Jy 8-15-22-29 No. 106 SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Klamath. ' - Edna Mae Young, plaintiff, versus Rex S. Young,, defendant. To Rex 8. Young, defendant: In .the name of the State of Oregon, greeting: You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit and Court on or before July 25, 1938, and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof,' the plaintiff will apply to the Court for. the relief prayed for In her complaint on file herein, to-wit: for divorce from you op the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment " . . This summons Is served upon you by publication and pursuant to an order of the Honorable Edward S. Ashurst, Judge- of the above entitled court, said - order being dated June 22, 1938. and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive and succes sive weeks (five Insertions); date of first publication Is June 24, 1938, and the date of last pub lication Is July 22, 1938. ' J. C. O'NEILL, Attorney for Plaintiff, ' 9 Loomis Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. H J 24; J 1-8-15-22 No. 96 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. GLENN R. ADAMS, Plaintiff, vs. -CLARA B. ADAMS, Defendant. TO CLARA B. ADAMS, De fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, GREETING: You are hereby notified and re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit and Court on or before July 30, 1938, and It you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint on file herein, to-wit: for divorce from you upon grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and per sonal Indignities, rendering plain tiff's life burdensome and un happy, and that plaintiff be de creed to be the owner In fee simple of the following described real property, to-wit: Lot 16, or Block 2, Second Addition to Alta mont Acres, Klamath County, Oregon, together with Improve- LEGAL NOTICES monts thereon, and that de fendant's claim of right, title or Interest therein be forever barred; and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just and meet from the facts found. Thli summons Is served upon you by publication and pursuant to an order of the Honorable Ed ward B, Ashurst, Judge of tbe above entitled Court, said order being dated July 1, 1938, and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive and succes sive weeks (five insertions); date of first publication la July 1, 1938, and the date of last publication la July 29, 1938. J. C. O'NEILL, Attorney for Plaintiff, 9 Loomis Building. H. Jy 1-8-18-22-29 No. 100 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On the 2nd day of August, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the Court House In Klamath Falls, Oregon, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at auction to the highest bid der, tor cash, tbe following des cribed real property, located in Klamath County, Oregon, to-wit: : Lot 29 Roselawn Subdivision, Block 70, Buena Vista Addi tion to the city of Klamath Fails, Oregon. Said sale is made under execu tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor tbe County of Klamath to me di rected in the case of E. Settlemler, a single woman, vs. Glenn Parker, also known as Glenn O. Parker, and Ada Parker also known as Ada L. Parker, his wife; Ameri can National Bank of Klamath Falls, a national banking corpora tion; the First National Bank of Klamath Falls, a national banking corporation; United States Nation al Corporation, a corporation; and all persons claiming by, tbrougb or under the defendants or any of them. , L. L. LOW. Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. . By ANNE PRICE, Deputy. H. Jy 1-8-15-22-29 No. 101 NOTICE OF TRADE-MARK To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given, as re quired by Section 70-108, Oregon Code, 1930, that the following Trade-Mark has been filed and re corded by the Secretary of State, at Salem, Oregon, upon the appli cation o Jacob Hirvl, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the exclusive use of a mark or brand as follows: DELICIOUS FINER FLAVOR to be applied to any. and all bak ery products. : That the owner of said regis tered Trade-Mark Is Jacob Hirvl. Publisbed in The Evening Her ald, a newspaper published at July Is Pleasant If You Have Plenty of n g-m and Coolerator Klamath Ice 8 Storage Company 661 Spring " Phon 81 LEGAL NOTICES " rr i" i i I'liriinrrwirtivurt- wnm"! riAAAA Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Orsgon, for thru aucrtnaaiv weeks. The first publication, July 18, 1038. . : H. Jy 15-22-29 No. Ill NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S MALE ' On the 13th day of Auguat, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of the courthouse In Klamath Falls, Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, I will aell at publia auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property located In Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, to-wlt; Southwest quarter of South west quarter, Section 29) . Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter, Section 30; Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter, Section 81; Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter, Section 32; all in Township 38 South, Kongo Hi East of Willamette Meridian. Said sale Is made under execu tion Issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon tor Klam ath County to me directed in the case of State of Oregon, represent- ' ed by and acting through the World War . Veterans' State Aid Commission, Plaintiff, vs. James William Jonas; Jessie M, Jonas; West Coast Oil and Gas Associa tion, a corporation; George Lewis; William T. Banta; Harry T. Banta; Eva Silsbee, who Is also known as Eva sllsby; Harry Law rence Banta; Marilyn Banta; Clara Banta; George Banta; Dor othy Poff Maxwell; Neal W. Banta; Vivian Wise; Jack Run yard; Burton Bunyard;- William Bunyard; Richard Bunyard; and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described In the complaint herein, Defendants. . L. L. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, ' Oregon. H. Jy 15-22-29; A. 5 No. Ill WINNERS In the la$t Weekly FLA-VOR-AID NEWS ITEM CONTEST latFHntSO MM, Rancr Dodw SnU sum aa tn6Ma.S23-g. O. lock. Salt L4i CHy, Uttk M Ms. 110 Mrs. AUaTu Fattta SMfUHHM, CL 4tk Ma. SS Mn. ; Bm& Smis Sand. las. 6rocan and m ethw ISS Wlniwrt of ti and II tiau will b. sotHM by bmS. THE JEltHT 00. WM J. Cratral Park Ava CMcaes FLA-VOR-AID Is Psckags Makes II Olasm st Dsliehras BafrstkBeat MMM m Sri,.;.. 11 an a ill