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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1938)
PAGE SIX THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON JulyS, 1938 ! Ft !i '! i! f is it '':.. is Ml HARVEST WEATHER POOR:WHEflTRlSES CHICAGO, July t m Wheat scored cent a bushel maximum net gain In Chicago today, but up turn! failed to hold well In the face of securities weakness. Some buying resulted from un favorable harvest weather In parts of the winter crop belt, a clrcum atance suggesting decreased move ment to market. There was also talk of black rust on both aides of the Canadian boundary. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were -!o higher compared with yesterday's finish, July 7H to 7U, Sept. 721-7.1, corn !c ofr to c up. July S8. Sept. B9S-5Si. and oats varying from ic decline to ic advance. FINE AT STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Antedated Press Friday . Previous day . Month ago . Year ago 19 .18 High 1938 Low .. 1937 High 1937 Low . 30 IS II 0 Indust. Halls mil's Btks. 68.8 18.1 S4.I 47.4 69.7 19.4 34.7 48.1 67.0 13.5 29.8 39.1 93.7 40.6 41.1 67.4 70.5 SI. 6 34.9 48.4 49.1 11.1 24.9 33.7 101.6 49.6 54.0 75.3 57.7 19.0 31.6 41.7 I New High. BOND AVERAGES Compiled by (be Associated 1'it-aa 10 10 Rail! Indust Friday Previous day Month ago Year ago 1938 High .... 1938 Low 1937 High .... 1987 Low X New High 66.1 56.7 49.5 93.1 70.5 46.2 99.0 70.3 98.6 98.6 96.1 102.8 98.6 93.0 104.4 95.6 10 Utile 91.9 93.1 90.2 96.8 93.2 85.8 102.8 90.3 1 For. 62.7 62.7 63.5 72.9 67.0 61.2 74.7 64.3 Stock Market Quotations ' ( '1 TV 0 NEW YORK. July 8 (P) The stock market experienced its most substantial setback today since the mid-year bull movement be gan June 20. After leading Issues had lost 11 to 13 a share, however, there was little Improvement In the last hour, and at the finish few issues were down more than 12 a share. The pace of trading slackened on the decline. The day's turn over of about 1,500,000 shares compared with 2,700,000 yester day. U. S. Steel finished at $37 50, off 12.25; Chrysler at 265.50. off $1.50; Sears Roebuck at $67,50, off $1.50; International Harvester at $63.25, oft $1.75: Union Paci fic at $78, off $2; American Tele phone at $141.75, oft 25 cents; Kennecott at $39.50, off $1.75; American Can at $97.50, off $2.50; Johns Manvtlle at $S9.50, off $3.12. Business news of a character to affect the market was meager, and brokers described the sell-oft as a normal reaction, after the 25 per cent Increase since June 20. A favorable development was the weekly report of the move ment of freight, which showed a larger gain than the normal sea sonal jump tor the period. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 60S Allied Chemical & Dye 175 Allied Stores 91 American Can 97 American & For. Power 4 J American Power & Light - 61 American Rad. & St. .3-..... 15 American Roll Mills -.. 20 American Smelt. & Ret. 481 A. T. & T. 141J American Tob. B 791 American Water Works 111 Anaconda Copper . .. 331 Armour 111 5 J Atchison T. & S. F. 171 Bait. & Ohio ..... 91 Barnsdall . 18 Bendix Aviation . . 15 Bethlehem Steel .. 581 Boeing Air . 29 Budd Mfg 6 1 California Pack 221 Callahan Z-L . 2 Calumet Hec 8 Canadian Pacific .... .. 7 Case (J. I.) 1. 941 Caterpillar Tractor 541 Celanese 171 Certain-Teed 8 J Ches. & Ohio 30 Chrysler Motor .... 651 Col. Gas & Electric 8 Commercial Solvent 8 Com'wlth & Sou II Consolidated Edison 281 Consolidated Oil 101 Corn Products 66 Curtiss Wright 4i Douglas Aircraft ...... 4SI Du Pont & De N 1172. Electric Auto Light 21 Electric Power & Light 1 2 Erie R. R. 3 J General Electric - 401 General Foods . 34 General Motors - 38i Goodyear Tires ..... . 231 Gr. No. Ry. Pf. 20 1 Hudson Motor . $1 III. Central Hi Insp. Copper 15 International Harvester ... 631 International Nickel 491 Int. Paper & P, Pf. 431 I. T. & T 101 Johns Manvtlle 891 Kenneeott Con. Cop 391 Llb-O-Ford 401 Liggett Myers B 1001 Loew's .... ............ 51 Monty Ward 43 Nash Kelvtnator .......... ...... 91 National Biscuit - .- 24 1 National' Distillers .. 23 National Power & Light 7 1 N. Y. Central .... 181 North American 22 Northern Pacific lit Packard . 61 J. C. Penney 691 Penn It. It 21 Phillips Pet 4 21 Pressed Steel Car j SI Public sorvleo N. J 31 1 Pullman 33 J Radio 71 Hem, Rand 15 Itep. Steel IS J Sears Roebuck 671 Shell I'nloii 1 1 So. Calif. Kdlson 23 1 Southern Pacific 161 Standard Itrands SI Standard Oil nt Calif 31j Standard Oil N. J 55 Stuilehnkor 61 Superior Oil 31 Texas Corporation 44 j Tlmken Dot Axlo 121 Trans-America 1 1 1 Union Cntblde 79 Union Pacific 78 Unltod Airlines .....a... 91 United Aircraft 28 United Corporation 31 United Gas Imp Ill V. S. Ruhtier 861 U. S. Steel 571 Walworth 81 Western Union 31 While Motor Ill Woolworth 46) Clnstnjr 4'urb Quotations: Cities Service ! Electric Bond & Share ..... 8 South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. July 8 (AP-USDA1 Hogs 200; fully steady; packages 176 lb. Californias $10.60; packing sows $8.00-50. Cattle 100; no steers offered, undertone firm; for week fully 25 higher; desireablo sho stock absent, largely odd low cutters and cutters $3.00-4.25; bulls firm, mostly $5.00-6.00. Calves none. Nominally steady; good to choice 150-200 lb. veul ers $3.50-75. Sheep 9 25: steady to 10 high er: dock 86 lb. Californias $7.60; half deck shorn 69 lb. north coast $7.00; ewes nominally $2.00-3.00. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. July 8 (AP-USDA) Hogs 10.000, including 4000 di rect; fairly active on weights 250 lbs. down, around 10c higher than Thursday's average; others about steady; top $9.75; good and choice 170-240 lbs. $9.50-9.75; 250-270 lbs.. $9.10-9.50; 280-310 lbs., $3.75-9.00; light packing sows $8.00-8.25; good medium weight and heavy kinds $7.00 to $7.75; extreme weights $7.00 down. Cattle 1500; calves 500, all classes and grades active and strong: cutter grade cows and bulls strong to 15c higher; cholco lightweight steers $11.90: several loads $11.00-11.65; long year lings $11.45; no choice heifers if I) ,ie ran toi Sparkling in streamlined beauty, this new Wedge wood brings you' 2-in-l value . . . perfect cooking plus healthful, economical gas heating of kitchen and adjoining room or rooms. Yet it costs no more than an ordinary range if you buy now. -k Note these thrilling, exclusive features: Speed-plus-simmer burners 'that -give every heat variation. Extra-low temperature oven.'heavily insulated for cool cooking. Astogril Broiler that sears and broils in half the time. Automatic lighting. Built-in circu lating heater that operates at amazingly low cost, ic Here is an outstanding bargain -or a 'limited-time only. Order 'now, pay on terras to suit your purse. MODERNIZE ECONOMIZE WITH SQUfflHIimN OREGON GftS CORP. available; fat cow scarco; mostly $6.00-7.00; cutter grades lni'Roly $4.50-6.50; stroiiRwolghts up to $5.75; snitKMKO bulla $7.25 ilnnn and venters mostly $11. 50 down; few $!.75 or belter. Sheep 60110, Including 6000 di rect; xpi'lng Iniuhs and yenrlliiKS active, strong, quality and I Ik It t aorta considered: bulk nullvo sheep steady; hulk nntlvo spring liimhs $9.25 down; two docks merely good SO llw. fed Texas .vcutllMgx $7.10; sheep sternly; nntlvo slaughter owes mostly $3.00-3.25; Itaiidywolghts iiiot nblo around $3.50; heavies down ward to $2.60. hoston wool, BOSTON, July 8 (AP-USDA) Fair quantities of domestic wools wera selling nt strong prices In the Boston market today. Hulk flno territory wool o good French combing lengths w.m selling hi original hag at 62 to 6.1 cents scoured basis. Graded combing I blood territory wools were sell ing nt 55 to 57 cents scoured basis and combing J blood was bringing 51 to 63 cents scoured basis. Country packed 1 and 1 blood fleece wools were selling at 47 in 50 cents scoured basis which meant 26 tn ?? rents In Hut grease for bright wools. CHICAGO I'OTATOKS CHICAGO. July 8 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 13S: on track 619; total U. S. shipments 802; firm, slight ly stronger tendency, supplies heavy, demand fair for best qual ity; California U. S. No. 1 wash ed. $2.20-2 25: Idaho V. S. No. 1, washed, $1.S1-1.90: California White Roso U. S. No. 1. $1.65 to $1.70; showing decay $1.10 to $1.50. The Family Doctor 11) lilt. MOItltlM 1 ISII III I N Killlor, Joimml of the A iiiei'lcnii Med ten I Atsoclutlnn, anil of II I Ki ln, the lleiillli Mngnlne TN 1S90 a llltlu uioro than 2 i per cent of the people of the I'nlled States were over 65 years nt age. It In estimated that to day In the l ulled Stales nliuont 8 per cent i( our people a 10 over li.t years of age. It Is said that there are more people living over 55 years of age than them urn under 10 years nt ago. If great nuinliers of people live to bo 65 yours of age and, Indeed, life oipcctuii cy In tho United States today Is about 61 yours then of course Ihero will l,o still larger numbers of poonlo living to bo 70 and SO ami 85 and HO years of age than lived to reach iliotm great ngen In a previous generation. The problems of tho rare of the aged are quite distinct In their character from Iho prob lems of the cum of (he normal adult of middle age or of the earn or tho child. True, a good general iiructtiloucr knows how to disease In the aged as well as In the young, hut the itpeclal problems which concern the aged demand some of tho most careful and scientific pro cedures that have yet been es tablished In medlclno. Perhaps most significant In the rare of the aged Is the fact that tho tissues no longer have the power o( repair that oilsls In childhood and In middle age and tend to break down and degen erate If they nro attacked by dls easo in any manner. 'I'hero nro a few diseases lo which Ibn aged urn ospcclally silaceptllile, lloeuuso of Iho na ture of tho (Ihsuoh of Iho aged, certain conditions nro much more serious (or them than they are for the very young, Kurthcriiinro, the character ttf tho aged Is such (hat they, more than anyone else, need a physician In whom tliey have confidence and who under stands their personality. In these duyrt as Iho number of the aged has Increased there has come to bo much discussion tit eulhanasla. rcrlms many Milliliter peoplo ale callous In this discussion, becaiiMo frequent ly they hear older people hint that they might ho better off If death would eonie and relieve them of llirlr burden III life. Ac tually, however, the ngeil cling i lo life Just as much as do young-i or peonlu. This Is well! Were! It not for this denlro lo live, many an aged person would take i lo his bed permanently far soon-1 er than Is necessary and hy this, very aril. in would lend to short-1 en his llfn iixtremely. Tho Interest of the aged In the affairs of life must be main tained. It Is well recognUed that whenever n busy human being retires mid gives up the cares of his working existence, be be comes old uuiro rapidly and tends to die sooner than perhups other-! wlso ho would. I Several Klamath Kalis men are expected lo go to Medford July 13 lo hear ex-l'resldent Herbert Hoover. Hoover Is expected lo visit the llogue vullcv city on his cmrcQt fishing trip In Hie north west. The foiled Stales produces 60 per cent of the world's annual supply of rollon. Tho liny vine aphis, an Insect Introduced Into Kuropii from America, did such enormous dam ago to vineyards that nn Interna tional convention was railed to ileal with It. It's Dividend Time Again Dividend limn attain and thousands of dollars again are lining distributed to our sav ers and Investors or credited to their accounts. Tangible e V I deuce this semi an mini dividend of 4r'n (but Invested miiv lugs do work p r o f I t a lily li o r e. How a b o ii I your savings? First Federal Savings and Loan Association ol Klamath Falls 111 Nt. l It. M 174 Mn.6i l FlSMtl SI,tHt r4 Imr tutu'iftit C,' 4 ICwml BUI) r hair h Uo!c!r J Isroo tucuy rl: t II. Vol'no H T cj II lj'-00 Vifoli, 'fe le D,oo J I IfOcMor-O-Ort C Ifl.SOKolorbolc . s'l hi 25c Feenamint 21c Absorbine rM 94c Mar-o-Oil S:. 73c Ovaltine inrg. ...59c 60c Bromo Sellrer 49c 65c Bisodol 49c Mineral Oil i 23c 50c Lavoris 39c Lactogen 83c 50c Lyons H 33c 25c Carters Kr 19c 1.25 Kreml 79c Listerine 59c 60c Murine 49c Aspirin .100 59c Epsom s1i".' ;. 230 Dextra-"?:". S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your IBM. SSA. at M Drug Dollars! Shop Here $1.25 Saraka 98c 50e Midol 39c (.ID'S) KOTEX vilth full sl.o lln 01 (Jnrst 48c Shu-Milk 23c j 40 y c m LUX er Lifebuoy SOAP $1.45 Alarm Clock 98c jams? f VV.' KA. .... Sy'I W - -sr -rM of 'jr. mm -7 t - l. : ft u "V AT I AT m. t . T- M-. . m sVf lsk MAT 1. A - W AVI MM V '0 V. VMM II . 00 to ""loin - 5C I I : 7ir0e 1 1';?09? 9o -pcU d- J 49c Alka Seltzer 49c $1.25 Caroid & Bile Kleenex (500) 28c Deodorants and Dep. 35c Odorono ....31c 60e Mum 49e hTVIUIJ ' V 35e Quest 31c ouc rtccr tyc 50c Arid 39c 50e Zip 39c ins Tonic, 40c 37c ionic, i lie m m 50c Ipana SS.h 39c IS I Tunlh o olynos rn.te ....oyc Castoria4oo 31c 25c J & J 19c 50c Pablum 43c 75c Fitch Shampoo 59c. r W I I Ami mm 1 Due barbasol Squibb JiflT. Whirling. 50c Pepso,,Ap:.t.....39c 30c Menth ,,, 27c 50c Moiie ri:;: 37c Edward ZZcoc. 53c 60c Sal H'epntlrn Lysol 37c 89c 89c 47c 49c 43c 35c ENERGINE Cleaning Fluid 31c CIGARETTES Chrstcm, Old Colds, fame Is, Lucklrs, Italrlghs 130 for 2S f'AHTo.V $1.19 Domliin, Whins, iiO (Jrnnrl 10 CAItTOX 950 Synol (liquid) Cashmoro 3 for , Bouquot, Creme Oil Bar 5(t A.D.S. Foot Soap 23 Cuticura 23(i POWDERS 60c Java Rice 43c 55c Lady Esther 39c 50c Woodbury'i 39c Evening in Paris $1.10 $1.10 H. H. Ayer 98e 60c Princess Pot 49c 50c Ponds 39c Coty Airspun $1.00 i 17&RUG CO. NINTH AND MAIN STS. 1 'A