July 7, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE NINE v.: RUMANIA GHARY 0 PROBLEM 0 M1NQR TIES HIKIIIAUICHT (UP) -- In event of it (.'eiilrul-Kuiiipeiin conflict In volving Ctoohualovnkla, Jilt mini lit wlnhoa In preserve Its neutrality hut diplomatic Mparts drill bl If Unit In poHHllilo. Neither Iho l.llllo ICnlnnlo pact nor nny oilier troaly hind the llurhiirust itnvi'i'iiini'iH t Inter vene mi I "i n k u o n ulilo, In ruse nf n war between llnituiiiiy iinil C'znrho- lovitkln. Many It ti til ii ii In it put r lot n appre hend thnt after a "liquidation" nf fljorhoslnvulilu, their own country with llunr.iirlnii minority of nl ninal l.fiUU.uuu, 760,000 (Icrtniina, 4 00,000 Iliiluut lans nml 2511,000 Turku, might emtio ni'xt. Such concern In iihnri'il liven hy groups which, in oilir respects, in lu full sympathy with nml IiIiuiii. Iron (iimi'dii Would Klglit Cornallti Zoloa-Codroanu, tl Iron riunrds chief, who recently win sentenced to 10 year hiird la- hor ti In nppciil In mill pending la primarily a uiillunallst. ill ciio mles charge, that h(i accoptod (lor man money to finance hi inov ment. Thoo charge were, as fur as the public In concerned, never proved. Whether and how they went denlt with In ti tn rei'onl trial held In camera, htm not heen Jl- VUlgerl. However, It In not doubled thut the Iron Guards would fight to the liinl ninn against nny horder re vision hy whlrh Itumniila would lone territory. On the other liiuid, (iormnny linn Kiilncd complete economic pre dominance In Ituiminlii. Urealor tlermiiny now absorbs Ixilwaen 40 mid &0 per rent of Itumaitln's total export. Thin econonilo Influence In obviously hound to permcato al so Into thn pollllrul I ii i it 1 1 . .Ni'Kotlntn on Minorities Kunianla, thiirofuro, has great est Interest lu a aolutlou of the I'rcHinslovnklan prnhleni by which the allium ipio la prcaerved. The government la willing to grant moderalo conrosalun to Ita mitt orltlea. Ncgotlallona have been curried on wltb Hudaposl for a year, hut o fur no compromise vu renrhed. Obviously, tho lluch meat government cannot wlah a aolutlou of tho Ctecllnslovaklan nilnorltlua prohlom hy which tho appeiltea of llunitarlan and Ger man mlnorltlea would ba sharpen-eil, In avent of a war between Ger many and Czechoslovakia, It la coualdered a foregone conclusion thut Soviet nuaala would try to ruah alrplanoa, and possibly troops acroaa Itumanlan territory to mo cor her Praguo ally. With tho prcni'iil stale of Hit mania armnmonta, all efforta of resisting auch attempta by force would remain futile, foreign ob aervera believe. According to them, It will tnko another two yearn for Itumnnla to complete military preparations, Should hon tl III lea between Gor li u ii y and Ctechoalovakla break out In tha near future. Itumnnla, therefore, might aea Itnelf forcod to aubmlt to the paanage of Rus sian t ion in. Tho hulk of Itiimniiliin equlp in en i. cumen from Krauco and Czechoslovakia. Rumania baa alao thought of emulating Ureal Url aln and Kranco by purchasing air- planea In tho United Btalea. Nego llatlons, however, did not omorgo from thn preliminary atago chiefly duo to Rumania dlalncllnatlon to pay caah In ahaenco of aufflclent gooda, osportnblo to tho United males. ITI RECEIVE 535,435 SALEM, Ore June distribu tion of honoflt checks to JoIjIobh workers Insured under tho unem ployment compensation law found Klnmiith Knl In, cliilm confer for Kliimnlh and Lnko counties ro celrlng JUS, 436. 61, for 6.6 per cent of the tolnl for the state. Reemployment in agricultural pursuits of a seasonal naturo and further exhaustion of honoflt rights for tho current year ac counted for a drop of 25 per cont to 1545,068 from tho May total uf $70,102. Portland's metropolitan area, Including Multnomah, Columbia, Washington and parts of Clacka mas county, led tho list with 40 por cont for tho fourth consecutive month, Eugnno, Klamath Falls and Mnrshflold received the next highest amounts, with Ontario and Thn Dalles again at the foot of tho list. Statewide distribution of chocks droppod from 60,281 In May to SO, 020 In Juno, while tho 10,110 benefit accounts exhausted to loro balance was 200 per cent of the tolnl claims received to dale. Cumulative distribution of job lens Insurance to. July 1 waa $3, S.17.780, distributor! over 337,062 checks. fiwltchovor to tho new calendar woek basis of computing claims was effectod ovor thn weekend, nml the new Individual claim bonks oro now being distributed to clalmiinla of ncllvo status. The next tolnl eclipse of the sun, vlnlhlo tn thn Hulled States, will occur on July 0, 1D45, and tha pnlh of tho total ecllpno will cut across Idaho, Montana, and North Dnkotn. This phenomenon will lake place at, or near, aun-rlse. A Real Sheik Comes to U. S. ' i ' ' I I iM I1' I'll! A fiimln have been paid out fur communist textbooks and lu st ruiloi's with distinct null nil liiaiiliiKH hiivn Imh'ii employed. Homo of the KICItA financed col litgnn are hothndn of communism, win' re Iho doctrlniin relating to mai rliign and d I vol on ua practiced lu tho 1,'HHIt aro being taught, Ntidlnm and free lovo am favored siihjncln of ri it ii I n iiieinhers of thiiso fiiciiltlim, Dr, I'niiiioiit mild. Ill, I'lilmout iiIho cited figures showing thut cortiiln suhvnrslvo orgiinlztitlons connected with tho ( r in in l n I b t parly oxponded over 12,000,000 for their purposii lu lO.'M. There linn been a nteiwly I it rreiiao In llieno expeiidltiirus alucv llieu, but accurate flgurua mo not aviillable, Dr, I'alinont dcriliinid. "Thin Intensified propngiinrlii,'" nn Id the speaker, "resulted In amies of nltdown ntrlkus, ntrlko riots and liicreiini'd enrorceil iin iiiiiployiiiKiit. Mr. Klneln, udllor of tho Nutloniil Itepiibllc, cstl iniilcs that over $6,000,000 arc now being spent nniiiinlly by tho communist to promote civil war and to seize the powor at an op portune, moment." "Much iilnin," Dr. Put mum nd, "aro bnlng promulgated through the operation of largo publishing: holmes In Now York City and elsn whoro. Tho communists have liirgn hook stores In all principal cities, and many buildings for hefid'jiMirlci'M In most large cities. They nlao control moro than 200 theatres, film laboratories, trade agencies, bond agencies and HO or inoro citmiin, throo of which are In corporate'! lu New York nlatn for moro than 1 1,000,000. Homo of the red military acadcinlen hold their maneuvers In theno placen." Thiirnrlay night Dr. I'alinont will apeak on "The Mystery of llabyliin." Ilia mibject Frlrlay night will he "Tho Drama of a Cloning Age." Thin norles of lectures will rlono next Htinrlay night when Dr. I'at inont will art 'ehH a young people's mass meeting ' 6:30 o'clock. His inesnngo, "Arn.iiKeddon, the llat tln of (lod Almighty" will be de livered at 8 o'clock Sunday night. ICiich ledum Is lllualriiicil hy screen pictures taken hy Dr. I'at niont In various purls of the world. Dr. Patniont will also rnlrlrenn the llotitry club at Ita Friday noon meeting. Illn topic will bo "Com iiiiiiiiKin, a Meiiiicii to the United Klutea." CHEAPEST KIND 0I01E STLL FLOWING TAMPA, Kla., (UP) The "mountain dnw" of yenterday In rank "moonshine" today, accord ing to A. h. Fisher, Investigator of the I'. B. alcohol tax unit, and the quality In terrible, worne even than the firewater bootlegged during prohibition, Tho "carriage trade" Is gone. Tho buyer who could afford good moonnhlnn aro purchasing legal llouor now, and tho only consum er left In thn poor fellow who can't afford to pay moro than a nickel for a drink, or a dime for a "big shot." If he's flush, ho buys a half pint for 20 or 25 cents. Yet Fisher say thousands of gallons of moonshine are distrib uted each month, not only In Florida but elsewhere. Borne of It taste Ilka potash, burned char coal, tin, or a combination of li quid fire and glue. But Illicit business Is going on, a It did during prohibition. Not long ago officer seized 026 gal lons In a house In Tampa. Ijint month they confiscated 80 (till In tho state, and 2,142 gallons of Illegal liquor. Twenty-olght ar roata were made and property val ued at moro than $9,000 wan con fiscated. Other southern states report the same facts. In Georgia agents seized 3,077 gallon of liquor, 130 stills, and nearly $16,00 worth of property. Alabama had 204 (till captured during tha month, and 2,379 gallon of Illegal liquor poured out. Active In Carolina South Carolina reported 77 stills seized, 27 arrests made, and 1,627 gallon of moonshine de stroyed. The government levies of tax of $2 a gallon and tho state of Flor ida take $1.20. Officer go after the stills and "big shots," but usu ally the powers behind the traffic keep out of the way and only the "amall fry" I caught, After tho operator are arrest ed, the government tests tho sam ples and sue for unpaid taxes on mash as well a liquor, according to alcoholic content. Although moat of the moon ahlners don't know where their next dollar I coming from, to buy more mash, thoy keop on making the moonshine. Townsond Club Tho newly re organized and chartered Town send club No, 1 la now function ing. Old member who are tn good atanding and have a paid up card can belong to thla newly chartered club, officer said. All auch member are welcome with out purchasing a new card, they added. Meeting are held on the first and third Thursdays of each month In the city library auditor ium at 8 p. m. A meeting of the club was to ho held Thursday evening, July 7, at the library, at which time reports from delegate to the Los Angeles Townsend con vention were to be given. There were also to he other speakers and entertainment on the program. Club officials urged member and friend to attend. This I said to be the only chartered Townsond club In or near Klamath rail. London, world' largest port, handles more truffle than any other two British port combined. As time goes on, mora and moro bird will come to aooopt man' offerlnga In tho way ot homes, Tho approach of elvll Izatlon gradually cute down th natural location tor nostr ot bird, and they come to look; more favorably on man-built houses. A carp In Kentucky which flab ormen have been trying to catch for several season was tluall hooked the other day by a woman, It soems she caught him by appear Ing elaborately unlntoreated. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Specialize In Steer and Ilaby Brief Quality Always Guaranteed Frco Delivery Louis Eschlo, Proprietor IlespLTlmlcrl. Iiciinlcrl, nlningo-ly-garocd Huflz Wnlibu, ubuve. who la a real Sheik and Situdl Arabian Minister to the United States, Is a colorful addition to the diplomatic corps. He's pic tured above as he arrived In New York. "Thero aro six times as many members of the roiniiiiiiiliy party In Amerira as there wore. In Itus ala at the lime, nf the overthrow of the Kerenaky regime, and moro than twice aa many commiinlata In tho United Statea aa aro members of that party In thn soviet union at present." This wan claimed hy Dr. I. oiila It. Patniont, noted trav eler, author and lecturer on world affairs, at thn First Baptist church Wednesday night. Dr. Patmnnt further startled his atldlnnrn hy slating that ho had undisputed evidence that Moscow maintains 38 hrnnrtt Internation als In this country and thai branch cell of communists aro being or ganizer! ' a dance schools, art schools, hasebsll and basketball clubs, workers schools, .Sunday schools, as well aa anti-war and college clubs. Theno units, said Dr. Patniont. aro carefully mapped Into 20 districts anil morn than 15, 000 sections. Somo of theno ttnlin arn known aa first aid mid medi cal squads, fully uniformed and aqulpped, to function whenever tho red revolution starts. "Tho 38 communist youth or ganizations pnradlug iindcr lofy and altruistic names In our coun try aro poisoning the minds of youth against the present form ot government. In their meetings thoy Idontlfy themsolvos by raining Iholr right fists and by saluting the red flag," said tho speaker. Ho further stated that thero nro 11 national atheinl movements in this country whlrh arn spreading their poison in schools, colleges and oven churches. At least 28 national defense movements to protect communists from arrest nml deportation aro tn existence now, said Dr. Patniont. Ho claimed that tho best legal tal ent Is bolng employed by tho American Civil I.lherllea union and kindred sympnthotlo bodle to furnish legal aid to terrorists and rod agitators. Dr. Patniont further stated that Hear the Startling Facts Presented liy Dr. Louis R. Patmont Author, Mounts!, World Traveler T ; - I V. nt tlio , First Baptist Church Thursday, 7:45 p. m. "The Mystery Babylon" Friday, 7:45 p. m. "The Drama of a Closing Age" Thl lecture sertea will rlnan Hun- ilny, July 10. Thero will ho no OUR GREAT ANNUAL OUT . Here you are men it's again time for the much talked of annual Kirkpatrick and Reeder suit sale. And as usual, we knock the prices down to bottom for quick disposal of these 70 suits. We don't know any thing about using big descriptive adjectrves scary headlines ballyhoo, etc. Here are the facts prices all guaranteed. 70 Fine Suits From Our Regular Stock Included In This Sale These suits are all brand new styles 100 wool taken right off our racks from regular stock. THEY ARE NOT SHIPPED IN SPECIALS! Sale of The Year! See Them '" 't ti-- y x mP"- a 1 mm m Mr Regular Values to $24.50 cut to 4 Single or Double Breasted Regular Values to $3450 cut to l Sport Backs! Plain Backs! m IBs! 1 "7 tf $3950 Kuppenheimer Suits cut to There are only about 15 of these well known suits loft and we're offering them at this low price. For the man 'who appreciates the best, we advise Kuppenheimer! All FREE KIRKPATRICK & REEDER Clothiers for Men Cor. 5th and Main I -1-2- meet lug nn rintiiruny.