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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1938)
July 7, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN PRISON UTOPIA i iliibA BLOOMING WIT OUT m ITHOUTRI ZAMIIOANUA, I'. I. UIM linurlnmiiunnt no lonicer Inn major hoc I ii I problem In Mm southern I'hlllPlilue IkIiiiiiIh, wIhmii onn of tint wurlil'ii fluent pi'iml colonies provides H Ulnplu lr convicts. .iiiiiIiiiiimkii wonders why olluir pieces (In mil I nil ( ti t tt Hi Hun mi lium prison nnil pi'iml farm, wliura fiiiully IIIk, music nml education miikn uni'iipn liiinlly wen Ih I ho Irinililn nml link. KHlnlillnlli'il ly Hi" Kpillllsh army In IK7H nml i urmi ulir.oil liy (iru. John J. I'crshltiK In 1 1 1 2. Ilm ,111(111 in' rn (iirni turns In mi mi nimi n of II In the Inmilnr govnrn incut nml keeps prisoners nn run li'iiti'it l ticy sometimes auk not (a Itll I'I'll'IIKI'll, Sit i:iipi' In Tour Vcnr There Iihvii hi'i'ii no escapes In ilm piml four years, nit hoiiKh iwi looo nml 2000 prisoners Iwivii been placed In I ho can) of a few liiiiirits. Hlxiixm f Iho Ill inium upend III" first hiilf of cuch year, iiiiKimriliMl, flailing from mi laliinil flvu nilli'a off alioro. Klf limn ollinra spend their llmo gutirdml ciillliiK trees from a nonr hy forest. Kevernl of Dm prisoners are per mitted to lirlnis lh"lr wives and iiii.ifi.u in ilm fitrin. 1 1 v 1 ii a: In na- (Ivo alylo houses. Onn Innuilo Imprisoned seven years niso w ncu he hml two children. Now ho hna five. Tim prisoners Inclililii three llinn Molo murderers, Filipino omlicstlnrs nnd n few Anurlciin nml Kurnpenn convicts. Tho farm produces rice, corn, cnaanvn, potatoes, frnlia Hml vcne mlili a. The Inmates cum for 000 rnlili'. 300 pin" mnl iniilnluln , i ponllry fiirm. They learn i.iu..l..i..lilltiif linrlilillllir. SOitI) making. pholoKrnphy. hnkcry mill cnrpmitry. They proillicn copra from 75.000 coconut I rt". 1'rliMin Una Urns. Hand Movies, n lllirnry. n brass Ininil. alrlnit orchestra mnl athletics help keep Iho prisoners contented. Illiterate prisoners attend nlKht clnssc. There Is a hnapllnl for nin nnd another for women. The frm hna electric llnhia, runnlim water, n few radios nml 30 miles of niacnd ' auilied roml. Home of the more skillful pris oners nro eiiroiirnKcd to spend FLAG Two unidentified nmn entered Ilm Klk Karaite nt Klovonth mnl Klnmnth avenue at 11:30 Wed nesday nlxht and iiindn off with 144.00 and a ..12 automatic, ac cording In n report filed wllh tho police department. The report slated thnt Sammy Warren, attendant, wna on duty nt tho time when two men, both nrmed, entered (ho Karasc at about 11:30. A description of the limn wna furnished police. One of the men, It wna atnted, loft a Klove In tho KnrnKe, which wna turned over to police. BUSY SUMMER SCHEDULED FOR RODEO STOCK The whole state of Oregon seems rodeo minded If the schedule for Mnc Mnrbour's strlnR of bucking horses, llruhmn bulla and roping nml wrestling; steers can ho taken na mi oxumplc. Knrbour will furnlah alock for the Kortiiua, Calif., ahow nnd alao for tho Cheater, Cnllf., ahow July 30 and 31 and Mcdford la planning a rodeo tho firm week In Auguat. In (jnldendnle, Waah., nnd alao In Co'iulllo, Ore., Mnc will divide Ilia alock, half going to ono show nnd hnlt to another. The big (lieahmn ahow will ho held Auguat 22 to 28 and tho Lakevlow and Longvlew, Waah., ahowa are alated for Labor day weekend. All of Harbonr'a tough Drahma bulla, 60 roping nnd hulldngglng atoera nnd 30 bucking hnraea will nppenr In the I'endloton roundup, FIRECRACKER CHARGE BRINGS FINE OF $10 S. R. Henaon wna fined $10 for throwing a lighted firecracker on a public highway when he ap peared In Justice William B. Harnes' court. Another complaint waa filed charging one "John Doe" with leaving a cnmpflre burning. Mounta Ilalnler and Bhaata, volcanoes In the United Blta,,j emit heated vapora, giving vl dence that their lntorlora at 111 are hot. NOTICE Meeting tonight of all aalespeople of Klamath Falls. Open meeting of Retail Clerks, reinstating charter. Meeting at 8 P. M. Hall D, Labor Temple Carl Bergstrom, International Organizer Tom Estabrook, Local Business Agent Uirtlulny Mowers for the Conatilullon of tho United Stales were smiimcd In glijnntlc flag In Independence Sauu-c when Phila delphia celebrated Iho ISOtli nnnivcranry of the documents' signing. Above, s pnge in lomincmui unnarrn 11 anuwn vouihik wimc (lowers 111 the Held of blue cornflowers In the background Is Independence Hall, where the nation's charter was signed. Ihi'lr li'lauro I'"'" at wood curving nnd other hmiilwork. Their nrtl clea nre aold to vlaltoin nnd 110 Pr emit of the procei'ila la placed an di'poxlt In tho nmnea of tho own era for uan when they nro roleased. The prlaonera find It compara tively euay to enrn a' livelihood when they aro released. Many of lliein become pioneer colonials In the wllda of Mindanao, the rlcbeat nnd Iciint developi-il of the I'blllp plne iKlmida. A flalmnnnn In Vntpavllle. N. Y.. hna cniiKhl a trout wllh two mnutha and two acta of teeth, and he's got piimiKh nerve to try to tnko some of the credit for the fent. Kinplnyes of I he Bt. hauls wa terworks culled off a propoaed atrlke I ho othPr dny. They final ly nettled the laaue, but It looked for a while an If they might hnve In fuueet. Hoes, It hna iieen announced, don't aeo red. What Is It, then, that upaels Ihem. LOVEBIRDS STAGE PITCHED BATTLES AT MOORE PARK. Tho park board In faced with a Horioun proMom. Borne of the Mr (In are a little more ferocious than oth'TR. Tho (rouble Isn't he twff'ii tho b par rows nnd tho ookIoh but botweon tho lovobirdn and the other Mttlo folio wit. At a meeting of tho bonrd Tues- dny nftornonn. K. K. Spencer, care taker, nuked that additional wire : be pun'haiH'd to npnrato the love- ' lilrtU from Ibn othcrH In tho bird , hottKO. Tho board derided to visit thn park and fto what could bo done. The jcrnnt Influx of picnickers at i Moon park has mndo It neces- nary for the caretaker to nsk for' 12 more plmlc tables, and bids will bo anked for these, It was stated. j M ; h(Y 5279 i m'V: Kw vs Mnko no m intake nlntnt H, we WfCjL yWsZ&x I VVv ' know what we're iloliiK when CV Jr?j '"" ' wo Kr,,l Master-Mixed to I , 3! ' lull Jm) ",0 fni'st House Tnlnt yon 1a' tfjr' " s 1 ' ffJII VMl hftVW tstcl It C It- Xyef c Jggj ; 'n lno I'ibonitory nnd In work. y.- ' $ WjW Houses painted with Mnster- Ifevv lk H mli ' ' v Trfff Mixed nnd exposed to nil kinds Wwmii ' 1 v ' wenther show us thnt no I Mtwfwtl other pnlnt. can stand wear 0ftr li,t0 lnMt 1. i. Per Q"rl I s,"wr Sorvlre 4AUmr drylnK- 1 tuju'KNTINB 1 i,1oor lonmnel Knnmel .V' ndvnntngo oi "" OQr OSC M 'lllft" ' HI' 1 - iiilco. m yui Ul 1 1 choice oi co'Q"' ii J 'Qf. ( Value Thn fluent floor nnnmol m n d e. For nny floor concroto or wood lnsldo or out. $1,211 Viiluo 1 quart will mnko llUo now: brenkfnat act; large kitchen cnuluot; small truck or auto. Super Hen-Ice dloss Knnniol 89c fcQt. 11.10 Vflllio For kitchens nnd bathrooms. Keeps lis oii?l nnl beauty even nftor hundreds otwnnhlngs, !S NOW o o Webb Kennett's One-MalS Price Suit m . , :, f tt sf' W "W . r -A' U fU 9-.-, l.,m,iM M . ; II & READ THE ORIGINAL PRICE TICKET AND REDUCE ONE HALF r TAKEN FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK These suits include TIMELY and HART-SCHAFFNER and MARX MANY WITH 2 PAIR OF TROUSERS $25 Suits $30 Suits Late Summer and Early Fall Styles . Single and Double Breasted . . For Business and Sports Wear. Fabrics are Gabar dines, Cool Worsteds, Flannels. Stripes, Glen Plaids, Over-squares, Staple Medium and Dark Pat terns. Sizes 36 to 42 $35 Suits so $40 Suits rv wv VI fo) lo) W IMMl Men's Clothier 7th at Main