PAGE TWELVE, THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Pictorial Review of Today's News Look Out, Yankees ! The War's On AgainBut in Fun ! Good Time Had by Al l- Corpse' Too The End of the Trail for a Ganoster IV , . ; M 4 If ilftlif ll - J III &Jt4i , j "Give it to 'em, boys," barks sword-waving Gen. Sampson Simons, left, 91-year-old Confederate vet eran of Los Angeles, and up come the bayoneted rifles in the withered hands of his cuddies of 75 years ago 91-year-old J. S. Wright, center, of Conway, Ark., and 90-year-old James T. Flowers of Anton, Tex. They are pointing their "shootin' arms" right at Union veterans across the road dur ine the Gettysburg Battle reunion in Pennsylvania. It was all in fun. of course, because nothing more deadly than merry quips bas been exchanged at the reunion. Where New Jap Bombing Arouses French, British W v. M V TTj a-4r-t ""imii-i, j-riu, ,ii J p-MwTnMvHi F CHINA 4 woo- W, CHAHGCHOvV 39 .ONGKOHG HAINAN ' PHIUfS. MAM1LA 30UTVI CHINA tawGAPotte-Xj r -i Pleased' as pic, Tjcwhlskered Felix "Bush" Brcnzeale fans himself In front of the coffin, which he built himself, and enjoys the eulogy as a minister preaches his "funeral." Bush ordered the ceremonies .held at a little church in Kingston, Tcnn., on his Hth birthday so there would be "no question of a preacher gcttin' things wrong" about him after his death. More than 12,000 people gathered for the occasion. Baby Panda Turns Back on Shirley Sprawled on a atrrtcher made from a ladder, the llfclct oody ol 37-yi -old Cinrcme Kiiilon is shown being carried from a cornlleld where he was shot down oy Illinois itatr police Enstnn and his brother, Orclle, were trapped on farm near Le Sclm ntler they hod oln.rd o midwralrrn trail ' of lawlessness, killing state trooper and kidnaping two dcputi and larmrr. Dirlle Euston. wounded In the froy, faces murder charges. Boulder Dam Backwaters Submerge Historic Town When .Japanese war planes dropped scores of bombs on the Chinese port of Swatow, shown in photo at right, killing and wounding more than 1000 persons, British and French statesmen had new cause for alarm for Swatow is far south along the Chinese coast and dangerously close to strategic British and French possessions. As shown in the map at left above, Swatow is near the British naval base at Hongkong. Great Britain fears that the bombing of the south China port may presage further attempts to seize Hainan Island, which in turn would enable the Japanese to cut the sea route between the British bases at Hongkong and Singapore. France reportedly has warned Japan against occupying Hainan because of the island's proximity to French Indo-China. He TlioiiRh floods are commonploce In the United States It Is raro when nrlencc Joins with nature In Inundating a town. Todoy. the waters of the mlnhty Colorado Illver are ilowly b.irktni up arroiu the frrilu firhu and peaceful habitations of St. Thomas, Nev. Above, a scene In the town as it Is gradually submerged by lh waters qf Lake Mead. POPULAR NOVELIST Ask State Help for Movie Stars HORIZONTAL 1,6 Pictured novelist of ' today. 10 Trying experience. 12 Greeting. 13 Dizzy. 14 Measure. 15 Witticism. 16 Doctor. 17 To be sick. 19 Neuter pronoun. 20 Tiny vegetable 21 Type standard 23 Musical note. 24 Classifies. 26 Difficulty. -. 29 Oceans. 30 Auricu'late. ' 32 Sound. 33 Moisture. 35 Church bench. 36 The-tip.. 37 Bone. 39 Male child. 41 Seed bag. . 42 Father. 43 Wood demon. 45 Put into Answer to Previous Puzzle IniOIR MIAlNl IDlAlVlllsl js c olfE rDd oIsIa g cr IclHlAillRlMlAfmwIllLlslofNl notation. 48 Distant. 49 Collection of breeding horses. $1 Pertaining to the check. 52 Sundry. 53 Portrai statue. 55 Sick. 56 Saucy, 57 She was before writing "The Good Earth." 58 It Is a story of poor ' . VERTICAL 1 Italian river. 2 Fungus disease. 3 Entrance 4 Scarlet. 5 Kind of portable steps. 6 Tribunal. 7 Forearm bone. 8 To maintain. 9 Measure. 1 1 Lyre-shaped. 12 Expected. 15 She lived In Chinese . 18 She is today a prominent figure. 20 Acts as model. 22 Deadened the sound of. 24 Sorrowful. 25 To undermine. 26 Modern. 27 Alleged force. 28 To cry. 31 To remember. 34 Was victorious 36 To bow. ' 38 Glossy silk. 40 Name. 41 By. 42 Trousers. 44 Sewed fold. 46 Thin tin plate. 47 Ingredient of powder. 48 To happen. 50 To put on. 52 Males. 54 Negative. 56 3.1416. When two of America's most famous youngsters met In Chicago, a conflict of temperaments was apparent, as shown In the picture above. Shirley Temple, film darling, was friendly enough but Mcl Mei, famous baby giant panda of Brookfiold Zoo, turned her back on her renowned visitor. Shown between Shirley and Mci-Mel is Mary Bean, the baby panda's nurse. i p M p I i ri L I? la b I 3 ' " 1 ft I lis M I pi. pi- m pi j Pi 1 1 1 H HH 1 ri f i If, nr-z-' , m mm v- i First picture to reach the United States of a disaster surpassing war In horror as the waters of the Yellow River. "Scourge of the Sons of Han," burst through dykes and Inundated at Icnnt 1600 miles of Central China. Dead were counted In the thousands; millions were homeless and at leust 3500 towns were uiicIit water. Tho floods threatened to put a stop to the Japan wc drive In the sector under water. Once a highly-paid actress and : wife of Rudolph Valentino, Jean '; Acker Valentino, above, leads a i group of Impoverished former film luminaries who have pcti- i tioncd Governor 'Merriam ot California to draft a new state "career insurance" law setting aside 10 per cent of salary and protecting stars against penni less lives when careers are end ed. Mrs. Valentino is pictured during work as an extra in new movie, "Tho Young in Heart," fi "Behold, how good and pleasant It is for brothers io dwell to gether in unity." So said the Psalmist, and so It Is done In the merged congregations of the Temple Methodist and First Congrega tional churches In San Francisco. The joint pastorate is shared by nev. r,agar nuan i.owmer, leri, and Rev. Jason Noble Pierce, and '. the growing congregation has found the arrangement both good and pleasant. Prevented from attending the Swedish Terccnlcnnry program by Illness, Crown Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden is shown nbed, suffering from o severe kidney ailment, in his stateroom aboard the liner Kungsholm. In Gustav's absence, his son, Prince Ber til, went to Wilmington, Del., to dedlcnte a monument which President Roosevelt accepted in behalf of the United Suites. Hold . Everything ! . I cor, toil y lit, w.f IN 7.7 tWiti. "Wlu.l arc yii liyin t'pull, n K"? I been wiilkin' for miles Oil' hnrn ntn'l - M .,.-1.. 1.. it. 1 . a .. " i uuijuuy in una iown iiQincu v rogue I