The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 02, 1938, Page 2, Image 2

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    July 2, 1038
Queen Anna Reigns
Queen Anna
Rules Klamath
Royalty Is Honored
During Week At
Queen Ann smiles, and Klam
ath doffs Iti broad brimmed
bat. . ,
Tor the flrat time in the hls
torj of Klamath Buckaroo Days,
tho throe day relebratlon baa
been lakon up by society and It
haa been truly accepted aa
Klamatha own ehow.
Festlvltlea were well under
way Saturday morning when
Queen Anna Anderson, charm
lnc In her anowwhlte buckskin
outfit, white Stetson hat, shin
lng black boota and gloves, led
tho parnde the full length of the
city. There were any number of
attractive Klamath Falls wo
men In the parade and for the
first time those who have de
veloped the hobby of riding,
took part to lend atmosphere to
the show.
Queen Anna Anderson's four
lovely escorts were Miss Velma
Noble of Langell valley. Miss
Naomi Lincoln of Klamath
Falls, Miss Annie Worlow of
Maln and Miss Betty Stebblna
of Klamath Falls. Attendanta
will be Mlia Jean Fugate of
Merrill, Miss Carol Jane Loos
ley of Fort Klamath, Mi Dawn
Kverllt of Klamath Falls and
Miss Hazel Howard of Klamath
The queen and her party will
take part In the grand entry in
the arena each of the three days,
and will be seated In the center
box where they will greet their
subjects and smile on hard rid
ing cowboys who have gathered
here for the ahow.
During the past week Queen
Anna and her court have been
guests of honor at the service
elubi and they will be honored
during the three daya when
their offiolal chaperone. Dr.
Myra Stewart, entertains them
at luncheon.
A visitor who has been feted
tt numerous affairs this past
week la Mra. Clarence Miller
of Pendleton, formerly of this
city, who Is visiting here until
after the July fourth holldaya
with Mr. and Mra. L. K. Mead.
On Monday evening Mrs.
Harry Pelts complimented Mra.
Miller with a bridge party at
her home In the Audley apart
ments. the evening also being
a farewell courtesy to Mrs. F.
Hill Hunter.
Three tables were In play
irlth score tor high awarded to
Mrs. C. 0. Reymers. Special
gifts were also presented to the
guests of honor.
Guests of Mrs. Pelts were
Mra. Clarence Miller, Mrs. F.
Hill Hunter, Mrs. L. K. Mead,
Mrs. Ruth 0. Bathlany, Mrs.
J. I. Beard, Mra. Oliver Spiker,
Mrs. C. Q. Reymers, Mrs. E. M.
Chllcote, Mrs. Vernon Norval,
Mrs. A. W. Schaupp, Mrs. E. H.
- Balslger and Mrs. Lillian Hag
man. Mrs. 0. 0. Reymers honored
Mrs. Clarence Miller and Mrs.
F. Hill Hunter at a bridge
luncheon Thursday afternoon
at her home on Huron street
when three tables were in play
, following the prettily appointed
one o'clock luncheon.
Awards at the close of play
were presented to Mrs. Lillian
Hagman and Mrs. MlUhell Til
lotaon. Thursday evening Mrs. A. W.
Schaupp entertained at bridge
at her home on North Third
atreet In courtesy to Mrs. Clar
ence Miller.
Complimenting Mrs. John
Dougherty who has been spend
ing the past week here before
moving to Crater lake for the
aummer, Mrs. George Dougherty
presided as hostess at a lovely
tea Wednesday afternoon at her
home on Huron atreet.
About thirty-five guests called
between two and five o'clock
when they were greeted by the
hoatess and the guest of honor.
Mrs. Hollls Anderson and
Mrs. Eric Wold presided at the
tea table which was attractively
centered by a bowl of Iceland
popples and roses. Mrs. Claude
Davis also assisted about the
rooms during the afternoon.
Mrs. Dougherty plana to leave
tho foro part of the week for
Crater lake where she will Join
Mr. Dougherty who la In the
park service.
Gerdinien Visit
Her For Weekend
Among former residents whs
are being welcomed back to
Klamath Falls this weekend are
Mr. and Mrs. George Gardlnler
of Glondale, who, with their
young daughter Joyce, and their
niece, Janet Easterday of Port
land, are the house guests of
Mr. and Mra. E. P. Livingston
of Lookout street.
Mr. and Mra. Joseph W. Peak
hare aa their house guest over
the weekend Mra. Donald E.
Beat of Woodland, California.
Mrs. Beat waa Mrs. Peak's maid
of honor at her wedding. She la
being greeted by many friends
In the (jlty during her stay.
Winners In duplicate bridge
for Friday afternoon's play at
the Reames Golf and Country
club were Mrs. George H. Mer.
ryman and ilia. Leslie Rogers
for east and west: Mrs. W. O.
8mlth and Mrs. P. A. Albert-
son received honors for north
and south.
High scores for the month's
play in duplicate bridge were
received by Mrs. F. L. Weaver
and Mrs. Frank Jenkins for
north and south, and Mrs. P.
A. Albertson and Mrs. W. O.
Smith tor east and west.
The weekly bridge after
noons wore discontinued with
Frlday'a prlay until later in
July. Tournament play in golf
Is also expected to be con
tinued later In the month, it
was announced.
Miss Evalyn Dyer, bride-elect
of Mr. Alson Gossett was com
plimented at a miscellaneous
shower on Wednesday, June the
twenty-ninth, by Mrs. N. Y.
Stoddard and Miss Louise Dyer
at the Stoddard home at Mo
doc Point.
The gifta were attractively
arranged under a parasol of
yellow and pink orepe paper
from which cascades of stream
ers tell, denoting a shower in
full swing. The rooms of the
home were decorated with many
lovely garden bouquets, carry
ing out the same color motif
and garden theme.
The afternoon was spent in a
social manner, and after Mlsa
Dyer opened her many pack
ages, a dainty tray dessert was
served which also carried out
the yellow and pink theme.
Those present were Maa
dames Maynard Smith, Henry
Kranenburg. Agee, Williams,
George Johnson, William Hart
man, Bert Bickers, Guy Stod
dard. Fred Grant. William
Spangler, Jerry Rlcker, Cal Nel
son, A. J. Kehoe, Charles Coons,
Carl Welger, Grace Fossura,
Audry Gossett, and the Misses
Elaine and Camille Coons, Bev
erly and Phyllis Rlcker.
Both Mlsa Dyer and Mr. Gos
sett who were to be married on
July the second, formerly lived
at Modoe Point. '
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott
of Berkeley, California, were
honored on their ninth wedding
anniversary Thursday evening
when Mr. and Mrs. C. Frank
Mills entertained at dinner and
a social evening at their home
on East atreet. Covers were laid
for nine couples.
The occasion also compli
mented Mr .and Mrs. David
Noble of Hill City, Minnesota,
who are the summer guests of
their son-in-law and daugh
ter. Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Gass.
The Scotts are spending sev
eral weeks vlaiting In this city
and at Pelican Bay camp with
relatives. Mrs. Scott will be
remembered aa Miss Anna Mae
Mrs. Blanche Waters was the
hostess at a swlmmlng-plcnie
party Friday, June twenty
fourth. The hostess with her
guests drove to Jackson Hot
Springs for swimming after
which they went back to Ash
land for a picnic lunch In Llthia
Those who enjoyed the affair
were Misses Marlyce Erlandson,
Betty Hauger, Iris Lindbergh,
Rosemary Sloan and Mrs.
Blanche Waters.
Hollywood Couple
Guests at Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arnold
Vellinga of Hollywood are
honeymooning this week at
the Lake o' the Woods where
they are occupying the cabin of
Dr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Peate.
Mrs. Vellinga was graduated
from art school In Hollywood
on Wednesday and her marriage
was an event In the south of
Saturday morning. She Is the
former Miss Pamela Lyman, ac
complished young pianist and
dancer who has appeared In
many recent films, playing a
prominent role also In Man
hattan Merry-Go-Round.
Leave To Spend
Fourth In Portland
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Schupp and
daughter Patty of the Marion
apartments left Friday morning
for Portland where they will
spend the weekend holidays
visiting at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Kay Oleson and
Mr. and Mra. Sid Kellner
and their two sons, Sidney
and Dickie, of San Franclaco
are the guesta tor several daya
of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hout
of Pacific Terrace. The Kell
nera are enroute to Spokane
on a vacation trip. Mr. Kell
ner is with the Paraffin Com
pany, Inc., of San Francisco.
Over Klamath's Show and Society Turns Out for the
t 1
Scenic Spots
Draw Visitors
Lake Cottages Filled
With Guests For July
the Fourth.
While many out-of-town
visitors are flocking into the
city to observe the Fourth of
July holiday and celebration,
numerous residents are depart
ing for their summer homes at
mountain lakes, accompanied
by weekend guests to enjoy
several days of boating, swim
ming, fishing and general re
laxation. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stone
house of Algoma, accompanied
by Mr. Stonehouae'a mother,
will spend the Fourth of July
as the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Ralph W. Stearns at the
Stearns' cottage at Lake o'
the Woods. Mrs. Stearns and
two children left early this
week to remain at the lake for
for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weimar
and daughter, Ann, the Misses
Mary Jane and Helen Moore,
Miss Rosemary Sloan and Mr.
Alvln Macartney planned to
leave Saturday for the Moore's
cabin at Lake o' the Wooda
to spend several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers
will spend the weekend vaca
tion at their Lake o' the Woods
cabin when Dr. and Mrs.
Boomer of Medford, Mrs. Jane
Warren of Chico, California
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ilav
Izza and daughter of Medford
will be among their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Moe
were leaving Saturday for their
aummer homo at Odoll lake
where they planned ' to enter
tain several holiday gucHts.
Guests at the Diamond lake
summer home of Mr. and .Mrs.
Bert C. Thomas over the week
end were to be Mr. and Mrs.
Don Hamlin and their two
Dr. and Mra. R. R. Hamilton
and their daughter, Miss Helen
Hamilton, arrived at Diamond
lake Friday from their home
at Portland to remain until
Tuesday as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry I'oltz, Sr., at their
lake cottage.
A group of the younger set
were to be entertained ovor
July the fourth by the Misses
Patricia and Betty Gallagher
and Boh Gallagher nt the
Francis Olda' summer home at
Odell lake.
Washington Visitors
Entertained Hera
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Smith of
Jefferson street have been en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. P. F.
Nelson of Meyers Falls, Wash
ington. While here the guesli
have enjoyed the loop trip to
Crater lake and Mod ford and
have visited other scenic places.
The Nelsons attended tho grand
chapter meeting of the Order of
Eastern Star en route to this
city, and on their homeward
trip plan to visit relatives and
friends In Yakima, Washing
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Pretty little Miss Anna Anderson, who proudly carries the title of Queen of
Buckaroo Days, is surrounded by her four lovely young escorts. Queen
seated in her crisp taffeta frock. and standing, left to right, is Miss Annie
of Malin, Miss Naomi Lincoln of Klamath Falls, Miss Betty Stobbins of tho
route and Miss Velma Noble of Langell Valley. The queen and her escorts
part in the grand entry when the gala show is on this weekend.
Kennell-Ellis picture
Queen Anna entertained her"
court at a prettily appointed
dinner at the Pelican Grille Fri
day night on the eve of the
opening of the three days' show
in which she will rule over
thousands of subjects during
Klamath Buckaroo Daya.
The charming young queen,
who la Miss Anna Anderson In
real life, had as her guests Mrs.
Myra Stewart, official chaper
one, Mrs. Jack Harrison, wife
of her sponsor, and Mrs. Neal
Stewart, Miss Velma Noble,
Miss Betty Stebblns. Miss Na
omi Lincoln, Miss Annie Wor
low, Miss Hazel Howard, Mlsa
Dawn Everltt, Miss Jean Fugate
and Miss Carol Jane Loosley.
The royal party has had a
busy week when they have been
the guests of various groupa
and organizations at dinner
luncheon and programs. The
party has a box reserved at the
rodeo which they will occupy
following the grand entry.
A beautiful centerpiece of
spring blossoms was arranged
011 the table and as a courtesy
from Klamath Buckaroo Daya
each guest was presented with
a shoulder corsage.
t, ' )V&jr A,
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Miss Bonnie Doll Wesley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
C. W. Wesley, observed her fifth birthday anni
versary at tho family residence on North Third
llreet when she entertained a group of playmates.
Kennell-Ellis picture
II " 1
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A farewell luncheon was given
In honor of Mrs. F. Hill Hunter
Wednesday afternoon at the
Balslger home on Melrose street
when Mrs. Lillian Hagman pre
sided as hostess. Bridge was
enjoyed during the afternoon.
A centerpiece of pink roses
and small white garden flowers
was used on the luncheon table
and in the living-room was an
effective arrangement of scarlot
roses In green vases. A lovely
gift was prescntod to the guest
of honor.
Covers were laid for Mrs.
Hunter, Mrs. Leo N. Iluls, Mrs.
C. G. Iteymora, Mrs. Harry Peltz,
Mrs. J. II. Poppy, Mrs. E. M.
Chllcote, Mrs. E. II. Balslger
and the hostess.
Mrs. Hunter who has been an
active member In a number of
the city's clubs and organiza
tions left Friday for Prlnevlile
where she will make her home.
Mrs. J. I. Board. Mrs. 0.
R. Ilolloway and Mra. J. H.
Poppy wore guesta of Mrs.
F. Hill Hunter on Tuesday for
an enjoyable motor trip to
Crater lake whom Mrs. Hunter
served a picnic dinner to her
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Anna is
will take
Jane Forbes
Lovely Bride
Klamath Falls Girl
Weds in Portland
The following account of the
wedding of Miss Jane Stan
burroiigh Forbes, formerly of
Klnmath Falls, will be of great
Interest to her many friends In
this city. Miss Forbes was
popular with members of the
younger set and active In af
fairs of the group.
"Miss Jane Stanburrough
Forbes, daughter of Mrs. Fred
erick C. Forbes and the late
Mr. Forbes, became the bride of
Robert Vernon Jacobs, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Herman W, Ja
cobs of Minneapolis, Minn., at
an Impressive ceremony Mon
day night read at the Forbes
home In Portland by Rev. Lans
ing E. Kempton In the presence
of relatives and close friends.
Harold L. Graham sang. He
was accompnnled by Mrs. Gra
ham, who also played the wed
ding march.
The bride wore a quaint wed
ding dress of white lace and
net over white taffeta, with
shoulder veil of matching tulle.
Sho carried a white prayer book
with showers of lilies of the
The bride was unattended,
Howard Jacobs of Minneapolis
acted as best man for his broth
er. A wedding supper followed la
the garden. The table was pre
sided over by the brlde'a aunts,
Mrs. May S. Montgomery and
Mrs. Charles Stanburrough.
Mrs. Kevin Cooke and Miss
Jean Andera assisted.
Following a short wedding
trip, Mr. and Mra. Jacobs will
reside In Ban Francisco,
For traveling the bride wore
a dress of navy blue sheer,
with matching topcoat, acces
sories of natural tan and cor
sage of bouvardla.
Hostess To
Contract Club
The Thursday Contract club
was entertained June thirtieth
at the home of Mrs. Idollne
Schupp at the Marlon apart
ments. A bridge luncheon was
served by tho hostess to Mes
dames Clara McPherren, Cecil
Sparks, Virginia Caseman,
Pearl Yorkland, Stella Dryden,
Bertha Hewitt, and a guest, Mra.
Helen Anderson.
High acore was given to Mrs.
Pearl Yorkland, second high to
Mrs, Cecil Sparks and the trav
vnllng prize was awarded to
Mra. Stella Dryden.
The club will meet again July
thirteenth at the home of Mil.
Willa Wabbles on the Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Emll Albrecht
and daughter, Mlsa Merlin, plan
to leave after the holiday! to
spend a fortnight at Santa Crui
on aummer vacation.
Lida Hanna
Weds Sunday
Independence Church
Is Scene of Pretty
One of the most charming ot
the June brides was Miss I.Ida
Hanna of Salem who has been
a resident ot Klamalh Fulls
for the past two years. The
following Is an acrount of her
mnrrlagii Sunday anil taken
from tho Salem Statesman
which will be read with Inter
est by Mix llaunn's friends
"This afternoon at four o'
clock In tho Calvary I'ruahy
tnrlan church In Independence
Miss Llila I hi n mi will become
the bride of .Mr. Andrew llal
vorsim, son of Mrs. Sarah Hal
vorsun of Salem. Rev. Ilimry
llunsvn will perform tho lin
presstvo ceremony boforo the
tllar banked with bouquets nt
pink rosebuds, aaa foam and
delphinium flanked with tnll
white tapers.
Preceding the service Mrs.
Vera Pearson nt Klamath Falls
will sing "Ah Swoel Mystery ot
Life" and "At Dawning." Mrs.
E. M. Wunder of Independence
will play the accompaniment
and wedding marches.
The bride who will he given
away In marriage by her broth
er, Mr. Hugh Hanna. will
wear a bridal gown of white
net fashioned with long full
skirt, tight bodice and short
puffed sleeves. Her finger tip
length veil of net will fnll
from a coronet and aho will
carry a bouquet of gardonlaa
and sweet peas.
The only attendant will be
tho bride's cousin, Miss Mil
dred Ann Pomoroy ot Inde
pendence, who will wear a
floor lengih gown of blue taf
feta fashioned similar to the
bride's. She will woar a cor
onet ot pink flowers In her
hair and carry a colonial nose
gay ot roses and sweet peas.
Mr. Donall Doorfler of Sa
lem will serve as best man tor
Mr. llalveraon and ushers will
be Mr. Robert Hanna ot Inde
pendence and Mr. Howard Hen
na of Salem.
A reception In the church
parlors will follow the wed
ding. The serving tables will
be decorated In white and sil
ver appointments with a bou
quet ot all white flowers In
the center. Miss Banna Drown
of Manson, Wn., and Mrs. Ir
win Dement of Battleground,
Wn., will cut the Ices and Mrs.
Vera Pearson of Klamath Falls
will preside at the punch
bowl. Assisting In tho serv
ing will be Mrs. Delvln Dur
ham of Salem, MIbs lxiuella
Morris of Seattle and Mrs.
Claude Martin of Salem.
The couple will leave for a
wedding trip to Seattle, Vic
toria and Vancouver, B. C.
For traveling the bride has
chosen a navy blue sheer en
semble with matching accesso
ries. They will roturn to Sa
lem to reside at 1326 South
Mlsa Hanna attended Wil
lamette unlvorslty where she
waa a momber of Delta l'hl
sorority and Is a graduate ot
the University of Washington
and Is a member of Alpha XI
Delta. For several years she
has been teaching at Klamath
Mr. Halverson attended Sa
lem schools, Oregon Normal
school and San Mateo Junior
college. He Is now employed
at the Salem Auto company."
The marriage of Miss Lenore
L. Hrown anil Mr. Frederick D.
Cuthbertson was solemnized
Sunday morning, June the twenty-sixth
at nine o'clock, at the
home of Reverend J. Clarence
For her wedding the bride
wore a white orange peel suit
with navy blue accessories and
a corsage of gardonlns, llllcs-of-the-valley
and rosebuds. Mlsa
Irene Cuthbertson, sister ot the
groom, was maid of honor and
ahe was dressed In a tailored
suit of elate gray with ashes-of-roses
accessories. Small rose
buds formed the brldomald'a
Mr. Steve Salmons acted as
best man.
Immediately following the
ceremony, a wedding breakfast
was served at the Pelican grille
to the members of the wedding
party and the attendants, In
cluding Mr. and D. J. Cuth
bertson, parents of the groom,
Miss Irene Cuthbertson, Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Salmons and
son, Nicky Salmons, Lloyd '
Brown of Oranta Pass, a broth
er of the bride, and Charlci
The young couple left for the
coast for a week's wedding trip
after which they will make their
home In this city where Mr.
Cuthbertson Is employed by the
California Orogon Power com
pany. Mrs. Cuthertson,- who la
the niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Earley of this city, la a gradu
ate of Klamath Union high
Visitors Feted
At Plenls Supptr
In courtesy to Mr. and Mri.
David Noble ot Hill City, Min
nesota, who are visiting their
daughter, Mra. L. D. Gass, a
picnic supper waa given at
Moore park last Friday evening
when Mra. D. N. Clemens and
Mrs. W, I. Tinglejr were hoi-tessea.
Honoring Miss llnlnn Stanley,
July brlilo-nleci of Mr. James
1,. Crapo and daughter ot Mr,
ami Mra. ('. W. Stanley, a bridal
sliuwor was given Inst Friday
evening at 111" Bishop home on
North Kleveuth street when
Mrs. W. I.. Kdwards, Mrs. T. J.
Webb and Mrs. W. A. Bishop
were hostesses.
Three Inbloa of cards were la
play after which Mlsa Stanley
was iirnsniileit Willi a lovely gift
of Rlemwnre. Awards at cards
wont to Mrs. C. L. Harvey and
Mis. Frnuk llainm.
Those present besides the
guest of honor wero Mesdamea
c. I,. Ilnrrny, Frank Hnmm, B,
K. Smith, K. Markltam, J. W.
Kerns, L. Ilnyre, Russell Brack
man, James Dunham,, C. W.
Stanley, Mrs. Kllzubeth Jack
son, Mrs. P.. A. I.ul.nnde, Mrs,
J. A. Leech, and the Misses
Minion Stanley, Audrey Ed
wards. Mary Mlslinp and the
Miss Audrey Kdwards enter
tained at a kitchen shower In
honor of Miss Helen Htnnley
Wednesday evening al her home
on North Tenth street when
three tables of bridge were In
play after which an array of
gifts waa presented to the
Miss Stanley received award
for high scorn and the second
high waa awarded to Mlsa Betty
Guests were Mrs. Russell
Brackmnn, the .M linos Helen,
Stanley, Jerry Houston, Dotty
Jones. Katharine Brewbaker,
Isabel Jones, Sylvia Hopkins,
Jean Harvey, Barbara Souls,
Doris MeConl, llllllo Dodge and
Marlon 8tanley.
Mrs. Walker
Plans Party
Pioneer To Observe
80th Anniversary on
One ot Klamalh county's most
charming pioneers will have
open hnuso on Tuesday after
noon. July the fifth, between
the hours of two o'clock and five
o'clock when Mrs. Addle Walker
will greet friends al her home
on Fifth and Pine streets. The
occasion will be Mrs, Walker's
eightieth birthday anniversary.
If weather permits guests will
be entertained on the lawn at
the Walker home, one of the 7
landmarks of the city.
Mra. Walker, a pioneer of
IS 7 3, haa a host ot friends who
will gather to greet her and wish
her many happy returns ot the
Assisting Mrs. Walker In mak
ing plans for her open house
garden party are Mrs. Nate
lllilen and Mrs. Iouls Hoagland.
Mrs. Walker la active in af
fairs of the Kebekah lodge and
also a member ot the Past Noble
Gran'le club.
The final mealing for this
year of Iho Lioness club was
held Monday noon at the Elk
hotel when a no-hostess lunch
eon waa enjoyed by nineteen
members and presided over by
Mrs. Oliver Kplker, the retiring
president. Mrs. D. R. Van Vac.
tor and Mrs. F. C. Adams were
In charge of the luncheon ar
rangements. Mrs. Splkor presented her
yenrly report, and reporta of
the state convention of the
Lions auxiliary recently held at
Kntorprlso wero glvon by Mrs.
Kenneth Klahn, Mrs. Vernon
Moore and Mrs, Carl Mason.
Mrs. George Davis, a mem
ber of the local auxiliary, who
waa electod state president, and
Mrs. Fred Hollbronner who was
elected atate secretary were In
troduced by Mra. Spiker.
According to members of the
organization, much credit for
the success of the past year's
work Is due to Mrs. Spiker and
Mrs. Vernon Mooro, tho secre
tary. The Lioness club will resume
Ita meetings at the opening of
the new club year In September
when the officers who will pre
aide over Ita activities will be
Mrs. Carl Mnson, president;
Mrs. Vernon Moore, vice presl
dent, end Mrs, Vern Owens, J
secretary and treasurer,
Friendship Club
Enjoys Luncheon
Mrs. otto Wabbles entertain
ed the Friendship club Friday
afternoon, June the twenty
fourth, at her home on the Mer
rill highway, A bridge luncheon
waa aerved by the hostess to
Mesdamea 0, M. Schupp, E. H.
Love, L. A. Eschle, Virginia
Caseman, Bruce Staub, Glen
Hewitt, Lee Kennedy, T. J.
Webb, Henry Gloyatein and Ce
cil Spnrka.
Following a abort business
session bridge waa played with
high acore going to Mrs. Vir
ginia Caseman, second high to
Mrs. Henry Oloysteln and low
to Mrs. K. H. Love.
Dr. and Mra. Frank Peak of
Groslinm, paronts ot Francis W.
Peak and Joseph W. Peak, visit
ed over laat weokend aa the
house guests of their sons and
riatightera-ln-lnw. They returned
north to Qreaham several dao
ago. ,