i? JMy 1, 1988 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS 34 Automotive 34 Automotive 34 Automotive o)nnro) " 1 I-'w" lb 150 CARS RELEASED -EVERYTHING MUST GO -HAS STARTED AND WILL CONTINUE TILL11 O'CLOCK Newly Appointed Liquidator In Full Charge Undor Dire Streii EVERY NIGHT AND SUNDAY convenience Seldom nave the people of thii community had the unusual opportunity to participate In such a calamity of circumstances. This pitiful situation has been brought about by unavoidable circumstances of too personal a na ture to be published; however, these TREMENDOUS PRICE REDUCTIONS should prove to you the seriousness of this situation. By studying the price rAl ft, fit V 1 1 V ' If - Vt--' Am' ' ii ( -V Ml Affl-ilWM 1iff"f ii M ear"" J' J. E. DOuGlaS (Liquidating Engineer) reductions, libera! trade-In allowance!, and long, easy terms to fit anyone') budget that are Rsted below, anyone can read between the lines and) know that such sacrifices can only be made under dire financial stress. At Liquidator In Charge, my feelings In this situation are purely Impersonal. My fob here Is to LIQUIDATE this beautiful stock of automobiles regardless of financial losses to the legal owners. There Is only one way for me to do this quickly as demanded by the sponsor give big price reductions, very, very liberal trade-In allowances (your present car need not be all paid for) and long, easy terms as outlined below. Select the ear you want from this list by marking X. Come early to avoid disappointment, and if you do not have all the money handy, come anyway. A small deposit will hold any of these cars, so come prepared to buy. All spectators are welcomed without the least obligation. (Signed) J. E. DOUGLAS, Liquidator In Charg lelect Your Car by Reading Original Stock Price Wai Publlo Down I Bank Pavm'f Sale Price Now Cash or Trade Installments Thete Price Reductions Year (1 '37 Willys Cus Snd .. $590 $490 $160 $11.30 '37 Willy Cus Sdn 595 495 165 11.50 '37 Willys Sdn ........ 565 445 145 10.50 '37 DeSoto Del Sdn 1000 885 290 1 5.00 '37 Ply Pickup 1 '36 DeSoto Airflow '36 Packard Pal Sdn" 620 535 175 13.50 675 595 175 14.00 945 745 245 17.00 900 785 265" 17.50 595 485 1601 iToO 475 365 175 13.00 575 475 150 12.00 445 385 120 10.50 '35 Ford Del Cpe ... '35 Hudson Cpe . '35 Ford Tudor Sdn Oopjrtglit 10M by M. H. Ponglan All Right Remrvrd, Balance of our stock not listed here for lack of space, is also thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed and likewise reduced for this Public Bank Sale Liquidating Emergency Sacrifice. Publlo Down Public Down Public Down Select Your Car by Reading Original Bank Paym't Install- Select Your Car by Reading Original Bank Paym't Install- Select Your Car by Reading Original Bank Paym't Install These Price Reductions Stock Sale Cash , These Price Reductions Stock Sale Cash , These Price Reductions Stock Sale Cash , Price Price or rnents pr;c, prje, or mems prie, priei or menti Year Wei Now Trade ert Year Was Now Trade Year Wa Now Trade '35 Ford Del Sdn $475 $395 $130 $11.95 II '34 Ford 2 Dr Del. $365 $295 $85 $9.00 H '30 DeSoto Sdn Cus $225 $165 $50 $6.75 '35 Ply Del Sdn 570 465 145 13.80 U '34 Ford 2 Dr Sdn 375 295 85 10.00 '30 Pont Cpe 195 125 45 7.00 '35 Ford Del Cpe 455 385 130 12.50 '34 Ply Brougham 465 375 130 11.00 '30 Chev Cpe 200 125 40 7.00 '35 Ply Del Sdn 545 445 145 13.00 1 '34 Ply Del Sdn 480 395 130 U.50 '30 Chev Coach 195 125 45 6.00 tl '35 DeSoto Tr Sdn 665 535 165 11.50 '33 Ford Tudor 375 285 90 10.00 '30 Chev Ch 175 125 40 fcOO 1 '35 Ford Tudor Del 365 290 85 9.00 U '32 Ford 4 Dr Sdn.. 295 225 75 8.50 '29 Ford Sdn 125 85 30 6.00 '35 Ford Cpe 450 385 125 . II .00 '32 Dodge Cpe 325 245, 80 9.00 '29 Ford Pickup 135 95 35 8.00 H '35 Ford Del Cpe 475 385 120 12.00 '32 Ply P B Del Sdn 340 275 , 80 9.00 H '28 Falcon Knt Sdn 65 25 15 5.00 fT'35 Ply Brougham . 540 465 145 12.60 '31 Stude Cpe : 185 135 ! 45 L00 '28 Chev 4-Dr. Sdn 125 75 25 LOO 1 '35 Ply Del Brghm.. 545 445 130 12.80 '31 Chev Sp Cpe. 225 175 55 8.00 ei, ' rM '34 Ply Del Cpe $450 $365 $120 $10.50 '31 Desoto Sdn 200 145 45 6.50 U 27 Buick Cpe. Std 65 25 15 5.00 '34 Ford 2 Dr Sdn 350 295 85 9.00 '3 1 Olds Pa. Sdn 265 185 60 8.50 '25 Stude Sdn. $ 65 $ 30 $ 15 $ 5.00 L O. Arem Motor Company, Sponsor of this PUBLIC BANK SALE, offers ap proximately 150 automobile units, ell of which have been thoroughly reconditioned in accordance with rigid and technical specifications, hereby appoints, in trust, one J. E. Douglas, Liquidator In Charge to sell each and every one of these cars indi vidually by virtue of price reductions without reservation, and to offer liberal trade in allowances without limitations, and that the sole purpose of this PUBLIC BANK SALE h for Immediate and entire liquidation of the above described automobile, and that the reasons for this immediate SACRIFICE shall be withheld from publica tion because of their personal nature. Now In TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I, L O. ARENS hereto tot my hand, h positive proof of my Intention to fulfill every statement herebefore. (Signed) L 6. ARENS MOTOR CO., Sponsor. L. 0. ARENS, Sponsors KEEP THIS AD AS YOUR (GENUINE) PUBLIC BANK SALE GUIDE DE SOTO - Plymouth Immediate Deliveries 744 Klamath Ave. DEALER 24 Apartments for Rent VACANCY menla. P.01 Arma Apnrt 7-8 FOR RUNT Kiirnlhcd Kpnrtmont. B33 lUch. 3-room SOOOtf FOR RENT Modorn rurnlhcd epartnienta, 125 up. Qloncourt Apartment, nonr Wryorhaoiuer Phono 2D3. 7-3 VACANCY 419 N. 10th. 7-0 26 Houses for Rent FOUR ROOM pnrtly furnished houao In Fnlr Actpii, $16. Cull 0018 t It roll k Ii Morrill or write Ilnx 101, Morrill. TWO ' BKDROOM loiine. Ilnrd wood rioorn, $20. Cnll 819-W. 7-1 FOR III'! NT during July nnd AUK- . int. flvo room funilhed lioime. 120 Wh. 7-4 FOR RENT Four-room modern houao. 827 N. 2nd. Inquire tutor 0 p. m. 7-1 CABINS Men only. Clone In. , ' Willow. 42r 7-1 'V.THHEE-ROOM turnlnhed clenn cottnge. Adults. 1604 Mnnznn H. 7-4 ' MODERN CABINS now nvnllnlilo. I Allnniont Auto Camp. I'hono BD4J2. 7-2 FOR RENT - High. -Modern home. 1003 1B70-tf 28 Miscellaneous for Rent FOR RENT Smnll modern plnno. I'hono 1973-J. 7-2 FOR RENT Snddln hoi-nos nt Moore I'nrk entrance. 7-4 FOR RENT Oood Into sheep rang of lx thousand act on nonr Macdool, HlHklyott county. Butte croolc runs through prop erty. Apply William IlHgelstoln, Don-Is, Siskiyou counly. 7-9 PASTURE FOR LEASE Inve PRBture for 100 head of cnttlo. Mottntitln piiHluro, Inl8 of wntcr, good food, 6 miles south of Bonaniit. Phono It. C. Pnid Iiomme, 551W4, KlamiUh Eiilln. 30 Real Estate for Sale SEE LEWIS TRACTS on ShRSta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly. Including Interest. Mrs. Bon P Lewis, owner. Rl, 2, Box 896. Phone 35J2. 7-16 HOME TRACTS $10 down, no payments for months, city conveniences. SEVENTY HOMES and business properties for snle. IIS No. 7th Phone 797 E. GRAY REAL ESTATE 7-6 FOR SALE Log suinmor homo at Lnlio o' Woods, west Hide, two story, partly furnished, fine bench, drive to back door. Can bo soon July 3rd nnd 4th. N. F. Ohrt, Box 137, Rt. 4, Med ford, Ore. 7-1 LAKE O' THE WOODS CABIN on now West side road. Wator piped torn hi n. Furnished. $1100. Tortus. Phono 1060. 20ri9-tf FOUU-ROOM m o d o r n houso $1100. Rt. 1, Box 614 On end of Altnutont Drive, 7-1 32 Roal Estate Wantod CASH FOR EQUITY In strictly modern 2 or 3-licdronin homo. Must bo In good condition and good location. Address 11 South Cent nil. Medford. 7-2 34 Automotive FOR SALE Equity In Model A Ford, (lood condition. Sncrl flco. Phone 2057 mornings. 7-4 FOR SALE Oil TRADE Equity In '.'17 Plymouth sedan for car that Is clear, oxcellent condition. A bargain worth looking into. Phono 449JB after 8 p, m. 7-4 19:i:i SIX-WHEEL DODOE Do Luxo koiIhu. Excellent condi tion, $315. Tonus If desired nt no higher cost. Pacific Fruit rroduco office 7-2 '34 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan. $05.00 down, $18,50 mo. 1705 Alain, 7-2 19311 CHEVROLET Mflslnr Sodnn. Trice right. 707 Washington. 7-1 34 Automotive FORD TRUCK Very good condi tion, two beds, flat and dump, Inquire 208 Mntn. 1669-lf 36 Miscellaneous for Sale UNREDEEMED Elgin end Bulova wnlches, $4.50 u p. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 622 Main. 7-30 LIMITED SUPPLY Rhode Island Rod fryers tor sale. 1418 John son. 7-6 FOR SALE Ice box, holds 50 lbs., $5.00. 718 Jefferson, 7-4 FOR SALE Radio, dining table, Maytag Ironor, Thor washer, dishes and cooking utensils. 1938 Huron. 7-1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Trailer chassis, 000-19 whoels. Call 918-R. 7-2 FOR SALE 3 hp. gaa engine 11-Inch centrifugal pump, R. Morgnn, Kono. 7-1 FOR SALE 250 chicks, t end 8 weeks. Rt. 2. Box 166B, Millers Lano. 7-1 ELECTRIC RANUE. mattress and Bpring. 707 Washington. 7-1 SPRUCE LUMBER for boat build ing. F. R. Mnugnr, 615 Market. Phono 1558. "Building Mate rials for Less." 7-20 FOR SALE Modern trailer house. Krnuso, Box 920, Rt. 1, Old Midland road. Dolzell place. 7-22 For AVON PRODUCTS call 196J4 morning until 9, or evening af ter 5. 7-4 FOR SALE Battery radio set complete, also rablnot radio, gas grlddlo, milk shake mix ers, cash register, Jig saw, re volving stools, old bundloa news papers. Large assortment of fireworks. Free Funnies for the kids. Hap David, 243S So. 6th. 7-4 FOR SALE Boat equipped for outboard motor. Hoy's bicycle, almost now, Inqulro 319 Pa cific Terrace or phone 1308-W. t 1300-tI 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE Coolerator luebox. 1802 Manzanlta. 7-1 DRY PINE BLOX Direct from bin $3.25 delivered or $2.00 at bin. Call 892-M. 7-11 FOR SALE Red fryer chickens. W. H. Morgan, Rt. 2, Box 296. Homedale. 7-4 FOR SALE Mower and rake, like new; 2 wagons with hay racks. J. A. Johnson. Phone 28F12. 7-4 FOR SALE Used Electrolux cleaner. Write Box 124, Chllo quln. 7-4 FOR SALE Truck bed with rack. Inquire 016 Conger. 7-1 PIANO TUNING Wm. H. Mor gan, Empire Hotel, Room 405. 7-19 LAWN MOWERS sharpened with new improved machine, $1.00. Call and deliver In city, Poolo's Bicycle Store. 7-1 LATH modol John Deere Hay Press. Reconditioned and pric ed to sell. Terms. ' Mitchell, Lewis & Stnver Co., 1948 So. 0th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 7-2 SURGE MILKERS & REPAIRS. See the newost type stainless steel units on display. Get our prices and terms. Mitchell, Lewis A Staver Co., 194 8 So. 0th St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 7-2 SMART DRESSES Toglor's Dress Shoppe Upstairs 731 Main Pbone 1551-J 7-9 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 7-4-mtf WESTERN RED CEDAR SHIN GLES, No. 1 perfect $4.10 per square. SUGAR PINE SHIN GLES, No. 1 $3.76, No, 3 $3.26. KENO SHINGLE MILL, Keno, Ore. 7-5 40 To Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In small Whitney piano, like new; cheap. Glencourt apts. Weyerhaeuser road. 7-4 42 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID for used furniture and stoves. O. K. Sec ond Hand store, S20 Klamath. Phone 991. 7-31mtf HAY MOWING Large or small tracts. Phone 57J2. 7-6 WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished house with two bedrooms, Homedale or Shasta Way. Reasonable rent. Call Hemlngscn at Herald office. 1464-tf WE BUY BOTTLES Main St. Bottle Exchange, 1405 Main. 7-27 44 Livestock andPoultry FOR SALE A-l Jersey cow. Just fresh. First house to right of Bertha's Store. So. 0th. 7-2 CHICKS HATCHING every week. Magulre Electric Hatchery. 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. 7-31-mtf FOR SALE 30 head weaner pigs, $4 to $5 each. H. J. Beardsley. Inquire Mac's Store, Merrill road. 7-6 FOR SALE 10 feeder plKS, 10 weaner pigs. Ankney Rnnch, Summers Lane. Phone 6i3J5. 7-1 FOR SALE Three good teams, two unbroken 3-yenr geldings, two yearling mares, ono saddle horse. Kate Daly, Lakovlow, Ore. 7-1 5- .yv.eA?c!1. lv:! Pu'ry WEANER PIGS One mile east Lakovlow Junction. D. R. Steb blns. 7-0 News and get results. Herald Waut-Ads SUPER LARUE EGOS nnd more of them from Brooks Rocks, Hnmpshires, Rods and Leghorns at $9 and $10 per 100. Free lltornturo. Brook's Hatchery, Grants Pass. 7-23 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE Jersey and Holsteln - cows. No down payment. Wayne Holbrook. Malln. Ore. 7-1 46 Financial LOW RATES : on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Sate No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 No. 7th Ph. 882 7-9-mtf VACATIONING? Need Money for That Summer Trip? Let The "Friendly Finance Co!' Furnish The Caah. Auto Loans Financing COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wni. Frolinniayer, Mgr. License No. M-223 110 S. 7th St. Phone 471 7-81 HALF OF PARTNERSHIP in cash merchandising business. N o credit given. Stock on consign ment. Net Income now about $500 monthly. Will require four thousand dollnrs cash. Nows-llernld, Box 1948. 7-4 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On the 2nd day of August, 1938, at the hour ot 10:00 A. M. at the front door ot the Court House In Klamath Falls. Oregon, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at nttcllon to the highest bid der, for cnsh.sthe following des cribed real property, located in LEGAL NOTICES Klamath County, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 29 Roselawn Subdivision, Block 70, Buena Vista Addi tion to the city of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Said sale Is made under execu tion issued out of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Klamath to me di rected in the case ot E. Settlemler, a single woman, vs. Glenn Parker, also known as Glenn O. Parker, and Ada Parker also known as Ada L. Parker, his wife; Ameri can National Bank of Klamath Falls, a national banking corpora tion; the First National Bank of Klamath Falls, a national banking corporation; United States Nation al Corporation, a corporation; and all persons claiming by, through or under the'defendants or any of them. L. L. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. By ANNE PRICE, Deputy. H. Jy 1-8-15-22-29 No. 101 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. GLENN R. ADAMS, Plaintiff, vs. CLARA B. ADAMS, Defendant. TO CLARA B. ADAMS, De fendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, GREETING: You are hereby notified and re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit and Court on or before July 30, 1938, and It you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plafntlff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint on file herein, to-wlt: for divorce from you upon grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and per sonal indignities, rendering plain tiff's life burdensome and un happy, and that plaintiff be de creed to be the owner In fee simple of the following described real property, to-wlt: Lot 10, of Block 2, Second Addition to Alta mont Acres, Klamath County, Oregon, together with Improve ments thereon, and that de- LEGAL NOTICES fendant's claim of right, title or Interest therein be forever barred, and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem just and meet from the facts found. This summons is served upon you by publication and pursuant to an order of the Honorable Ed ward B. Ashurst, Judge of the above entitled Court, said order being dated July 1, 1938, and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive and succes sive weeks (five Insertions); data of first publication Is July 1, 1938, and the date of last publication Is July 29, 1938. J. C. O'NEILL, Attorney for Plaintiff, 9 Loomts Building. H. Jy 1-8-16-22-29 No. 100 SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the state ot Oregon for the County of Klamath. Edna Mae Young, plaintiff, versus Rex S. Young, defendant. To Rex S. Young, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, greeting: You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit and Court on or before July 25, 1938, and If you tail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint on file herein, to-wlt: for divorce from you on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment. This summons Is served upon you by publication and pursuant to an order of the Honorable Edward S. Ashurst, Judge of the above entitled court, said order being dated June 22, 1938, and by publication thereof once a week for four consecutive and succes sive weeks (five insertions); date of .first publication is June 24, 1938, and the date of last pub Ucatlon Is July 22, 1038. J. C. O'NEILL, Attorney for Plaintiff, ft Loomls Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. H J 14; J l-8-l-22 No, II