Juno 80, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE i : i: q a i . r ; 1 1 i'i'i I 1 1 ; 1 Martha Shops & Shops (V .HI Convention dnya mill celebrations tic, U'lfll HM llll ill oili'n. Wlli'lll ti,' diiys n il lioll- I II jrn imi u la a o in t li I nil apiwlnl (lint Hiu convention ccln- lii'iilliiii porlixl tins liriniKlil tu ""I mlviinliiKii, THE I'KI.II.'AN CAFE, beitln iilns loilny nml continuing until the nlxlit of July Kourtli. In coiiiIiIiiIiik Ha luncheon nml dinner iiii'iiiiii . . Thill In, im Avla McConiiell explained to mi', you run net cither a 11k til lunch or n tilat dinner anywhere (mm II o'clock In I tin mornliix nnlll 111" rout nu rnn t cloaca nl II o'clock lit iiIkIH. For Inniiinco, you limy huvo been eatliiK hut dona ull tiny Iwik and ) rnn't particularly hungry at dinner tlmo , . Kor that par ticular (doling, you cnn got n SIS rout lunch nl I ho I'KI.ICAN CAKK . . Kvon K tlm clock ahowa 1 0 : f 9 p. in. . . Ami Hum, iikiiIii, you nuiy have a IiIk hungry mini I your heels at niiun . . You'll wmi I hi in to huvo tlm ateak illn nnr, maybe, with nil llio trim mings . . Anil lit cnu got It, at tho I'KI.ICAN CAKK TALKING ho ut celebrations . . Hnvo you aeen thn darling white kdl bags, wllh colored patent leather trim, nt KDUUIKK'M? . . Tho trim in I n il la In brown, rml. blue, green, or Jnal nbout what have you . . Marvelous for add Iiik a touch of color to a whlto outfit, or harmniilaliig or ron traatlug with aomn other color . . Anil, iilllioiiKli tlicy inn rt-mi lurly l.l!i Iiiikh, you cnn not thuiii for 11.00 nt KOlILOICll'B THKSK I.UVKI.V ilnya are Ideal for plcnlra . . Ami I've foiinil aomoihlux ao hiuiily Hint I've fallen lnto ono of thoao innodH of wondering why aomnbody didn't think of It before . . . Eapeclnlly. why didn't IT T II K B I a find la . . . nullum, i iiuj nro for hot or cold drlnka, ; mill you Uon't ' get a ch ii n re lo aijiiRoin Ilia lliiuld out, or to burn your fhiKurt. THE; CUI'S thomsolrea are whlto, and the handle nro red or bluo or green, and other col ora whlrli nro nliaoluti'ly faal . . What' morn, thny coat only 10 cnta for a sot of four . . And a3 mntcli Hut purly Inbln covnra, niiiklna nml "pnpnr-clilnn" plates nt KIIAW HTATIONKKY AND I llol'K yuu haven't for gotten thoao ndiirnliln collo liiilin diilllna , , Washable nml waterproof , . , Tlinl limk like lliillcutll run I llirn , , Alao lit HIIAW'H VK.S, there's plenty to do around h 0 r o t h I a I o n k nekend . . , And yuu nuiy w hn aure 1 in if not forgetting (J A I. - O K K. wllh It'a fine music, floor- sjiow nml rofrealiiimiila , . , It'a cool down I hero, too. KOH A WKKK or ao. now, thn waltora hnvo bnnn wonrlnK brlght colorod rodeo alilrta, which Klvo tho tavorn a Wild Weat allium phero iiiltn In keeping with tho lux rnlilii afflict of thn place . . . Mill Wnalnrn or nol, j mi cnn it I -way bo naaurod of a wnll-ninn-nnrad crowd, bocauan, na I'va sulci niimnroua tlmna, thn heat-managed placo 'o ever anen la CALOItK YU HKMKMUKlt I've moli A tlonnd Ruby Kngcl, wbo doea my hair and other Hi I nun In thn "beauty" line . . Well, I'll tell you why I often go lo her on Krlilnya . . It'a hecaiiao ahu hui a apeclnl ovory Krldny for alliini poo, flnger-wava and ninnli'tirn . . for only 11.36 . , If you hurry nml phono 1621-W, you cnn not nil nppnlntiiinnt for Friday nt tho MKI)ICAI.-l)KNTALi HKAUTY 81IOP HAVE YOU won dered wbo gave mo thn Idea of pint Ink nil Ihean rule 1 It t to rodeo plclurea In thla column loilny? . It waa Hod Uuaa m a n , at M U It -I'HKY'S SEED 8TOHE. WK HAD QUITE other day about the Hucknroo Dnya . . If Inat year you know whnt a good ahow waa put on then . . And thla year, with lota more money In puraea, nnd, therefore, hotter performern, thn rodeo prnmlacs to be a wonder. ' IT'S A CIVIC ontorprlae. you know, with no ono, oncopl the cowboya iheinaolvoa Kinking nny money out of It . . Ilnaldea, wllh thn big cut In prlcoa of aenta thla year, no one need miss the KLAMATH HUCK AHOO DAYS a talk the Klumnth you wont Nomad's Mate Tells Exciting JULY 4TH PARADE sory of Fighting storms Children of llio city are keenly Intereated In llio Kouilli of July piundii Monday nt 1 11:30 a. ui. mid huvo niiiiuiiiiced I heir Inlcii llona of entering from the vnrluiia rerreiitlomil conlora throughout Kill inn 111 Knlla. It wiia announced by Wllaon Dooknry, recrentloiuil director, Hint III) In pilzea would be of fered lo the h' mid glrla enter ing tho iiiirmle, nml following are llio l I v UI on pi In which uwm'ila will bo miiilii: Heat bliyclo entry, 1 2. Moat oiIkIiiiiI ontrii, f'i. MllHI COIIlll'lll outfit, Mini iiiiliimi entry, 12. ileal pet enlry, Huvuiiil h il lid rod children are oxpneted to Inko pnrt, It ua an nounced, nnd they nro buay mak ing pinna for the dororntloii of their wiigona, doll bugglea, peta, bleyilea, trlcyelea and curia. They will Im given a prominent place In thn pnrndo Monday, ac cording to l.ea Klnley, director In chargn. PUBLIC OFFICES TO Thn county court Thuraday morning algued an order permit ling nil courlhoiiae offlcna to cloae for llio day Knturdny If thoao In rhiirgit of llio off liea wlah to do ao. It wna expected moat of the offlcea will be cloaed. It wna nnnounced, however, that the rourthoiiao building will be open throughout the day. Thn court houav will alao be cloaed Monday. City hull orflcca will be cloaed Saturday nml Monday. The atate liijuor more will re main open Hiitiirdny until lip. m. Il will be cloaed Siindiiy nnd Monday. Pearl Jackson, an Indian wo man, was Jailed by county officers nfter alio allegedly refused to cenae talking through a Jail window to a friend Inslilo. Tho officers Bald that County Jailer Vernon Wilson told tho wo man lo leave, but aho rofuacd to do ao. She wiia lulled on a cuargc of disorderly conduct. v r.MW OK THANKS I wlah to thank my frlenda for their innny acta of kindness ev tended during my bereavemont. I wlah to especially thank tho chil dren for the flornl offering. MltS. II A R LEY JOHNSON. ALWAYS IN GOOD COMPANY Pabst Blue Ribbon is a welcome com panion after any sports session. Set down your clubs or racquet, or rod and enjoy cooling Pabst . . . the per fect finish to any sports occasion. It has been so for five generations. ORDER A CASE TODAY PABST GOOD TASTE FOR 94 YEARS Hy j. wi:h i.iov (;hahm Coiialderubln nnxloly felt by relatives nnd friends of the crew of the Korna' yacht "Nomad" as lo their wnlfmo wiia relieved Sun day by the appeiirunee of I he long ovnrdiie yacht In the hurbor of Cooa bay, Ore. Young Kerna and his partner left Monterey nearly five weeks ago bound for Miiralifleld nnd ex pected to complete tho short trip within a week or 14 duya under sail. However, they encountered auch ndvorse neather thnt they were, on several occaslona, compelled to heavo their vessel to while waiting for a lessening of sens and wind before renewing their Journoy. On ono such occasion I hoy lost some thing over 200 hard-earned miles while 'laying to' during the hard blow. In all, their whole trip waa one of excnptlonnl hardships con sidering thn time of year for they seemed to enjoy more than Just a share of bud weather and far from Ideal sailing conditions for their amall craft. Several aalla wore blown away, and at one lime or another dif ferent parta of the ship's rigging gave way under the stress, nnd hasty repairs had to be made un der Iho moat trying condition. Luckily, neither of the mariners received inoro than minor injuries at any time on the voyage, al though there were plenty of chances to get hurt while work ing about on decks conatantly being wimhcd by heavy Bean. Thanks lo a larder well stocked with "home-canned'' frulla, flah and beef there waa little danger of the two running completely out of food even though their variety waa limited toward the lattor part of the trip when ataplea of tho gnllcy such aa milk, suxar, but ter, coffee, bacon and like arti cles had completely disappeared from the monu, Graham reported thnt a num ber of new dlnhea wore Invented during tho five wneka' cnilao but ho also added: "I hopn neither of us ever see any of those dlnhea again!" Kerns declared that the seas ran ateepor than any he'd met with thus far In his more than 18 months nailing nnd for that ren aon hla craft waa awept often full length hy giant com hern which stripped away all looae articles and some things not ao loose. Though no proper storm waa encountered, still the wind reached a maximum velocity of 60 miles an hour during squalls and onn time blew steadily for something like 48 hours with nn nveruge strength of better than 45 miles. It wna then they lost so much ground, The Nomad will ha completely overhauled In Mnrahfleld this mi minor, and a dlesel engine In stalled to replace thn gas engine at present In use. It la thought Hint the boat will be In readtneaa for another cruise Into Mexican waters this coming winter. PA VINO FAftSKNfltiRfl HUTCHINSON, Kaa ,! Add train robbers to the Hat of haa arda of riding the roda, A dozen trnnalenta aboard Ilutehlnaon-hound freight train were held up by two masked men and robbed of approximately $60 nnd a chenp watch. Make Sears Your Headquarters for Fishing and Camping Supplies Xpert Cast Line 79c Yollow color, Iww rlftlble. 5(1 yartltt brattled. Sears Dry Flies 65c box Double wing, allk bodies. Hand tied. Enameled Line Semi-transparent fly line, 4t from braided silk ftV' Basket Strap Strong and durable a a fine cowhide . jBTP 'fs2r Salmon Eggs Skeleton Reel 79c Black enameled brass fly reel. 80 yard rapacity 13c Ijirge salmon egg bait In handy glass container TENNIS RACKET $2.98 Balanced, lamin ated 3 - piece frame. It luck leather grip, moisture proof strings. CAMP STOVE $439 Sturdy made gas canip stove, a R ii r n e r , rust proof steel. Hot or Cold Jug 97c Extra Mr mine! Rood-looking , . . nnd nilKhty efficient! Keeps liquids hot or cold It to 10 hours. Beautiful hnked-on green enamel on steel. Earthemvnro Interior. Ground cork Insulation. H gallon size. SHELLS 18c STA - KLF.ES smokeless cart ridges. Lubri cated bullets which prevent lending. Shorts. CAMP COT $1.66 Well made of seasoned wood. Sturdy woven c a n v as top. Priced at saving. Tent $Q95 Rig bargain! One ierson ran set It up In a Jiffy! Closely woven green drill water-repellent and mildew resisting. 0-Inch sod cloth sewed around inside edge. Screen door opening, Kloor size, 7x7 feet; cen ter, 7 ft. high. Complete with polos and ropo. 0 ' " ALLSTATE CRUSADER Four Ply Tires 4.40 x 21 4.60 x 20 4.50 x 21 . 0.00 X 16 $3.55 $5.75 $5.95 $8.95 ALLSTATE Name Your Own Trade-In ? Allowance ! Telf us what your tires are worth ... we are prepared to accept any reasonable offer. Here is the chance to RE-TIRE at a real saving. We offer "along with these savings SEAR'S UN CONDITIONAL GUARANTEE. One Wheel Trailer $46" Mfe$? LUGGAGE RACK T.nw nrlri. SfnirlA whMl tnw fol lows like a shadow. 54x42 Inch body. Handles all your camping cushion the load, can't break. Buy on Sears Eitsy Pay Flan. jkX. CHAMOIS 75c Large 18x14 inches. Highly absorbent, leaves no lint. AUTO MOP $1.09 At Inched to gar- den hose (deal for car washing. PATCH KIT lie 12 square Inches of patching ma terial. Tube of rubber cement. WHEEL KNOB 39c Strong die cast base; attractive ( 1 ii t e d cntalln knob. GRILLE GUARD Cm $1.39 M o d e r n I stic; heavy chrome plated welded mounting brac ket. BULBS 14c Westlnghouse Guaranteed bulbs give more light and last longer. m m 69c Gate type. Fits on the runnini: board. Extend.sl 40 inches. IdcaljJ lur uie iiuuu)3 .jKjy 3 I w Cross Country Twin Power Guaranteed Spark Plugs 31 c With Your Old Plugs Cross Country twin electrode spark plugs give guaranteed C- firing at all times. Give you added mileage to every gallon gas. The Lowest Price Ever Penn Vita Motor Oil 100 Pure Pennsylvania 11 -Qt. In Your Container A premium quality 100 pure Penn Oil. Jiono finer regard less of price. Resists heat gives better piston seal. Drive In today for a complete oil change. Gold Crest Motor Oil 8C Qt. High grade vacuum distilled wax free motor oil. Gives real protection. OPEN UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK ON SATURDAYS SISMaMllli)(!l SHOP AT ' a SEARS AND J SAVE! O I0U, Prmlir.rh Rain Co.. CMrate alwllWlwlllll - i -1. in mrnii'iiiai i