Juno 27, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE A ROUND-UP OF GENUINE VALUES IN SUMMER APPAREL FOR ALL THE FAMILY v Genuine "Bang Up" Bargains for "vacationers," "going-out-of-towners-f or-the-Fourth," and Cor you people who plan to spend the Fourth at home. Smart, seasonable summer apparel for the whole family has been "corralled" into three big shows on each of our floors. Every possible type of summer vacation necessities you will find here and there's not a chance for you to "buck" at the price. Quality still rides high and handsome, but prices have been severely and effectively thrown and branded lower than they have been for years. Celebrate the Fourth right in Penney's va cation apparel. Smart Footwear for Summer Children's Oxfords Reduced to Clear! 50 Ladies Smart Summer Formals $1.99 Taffetas, Sheers, Printed Sheers ami SrtH. Sizes 12 lo 20. Cool Comfortable Men's Straws Carol's Oxfords 411 SSSS ?)( t&h f7,2 PKVI Men's Summer jgfj' j l. uh I"n,l,-r ir- ..i.rv.i.u ' in iZs&fh shell Bareain vXXMWj AaPs k I J--. y -V values in nil leather in- a. iii.,.,,.,j KSlvKft aasssaa uugaui VOSfe4XiOrSSi , , . , if ASS? v ' lifEy , A f,.r.i. (.m.rnri.i.io, c.r- A. Illustrated $2.98 CMAt CltSsM yfKO - LA Vv ' rert f.H.lwcar for grow- ODOrlalHrlS Ki. W&MXTTTY? able. Just right for ' JolV! K- . ... . i"dr w Sr PNT Novelty weave j- r - i ... V & sports, for work or Jf J?fcV jTTk - TennJT Shoes 'Q. ""iWx Jf! Men's Summer Men's 10-oz. Men's i Shirts ; A Sumrttr Comfort . $2.98 VV-T sflO 1 f"f Pt PL t. anfl 5It0rtS , ; Mvriimvh";1 jwvfj VB HltP5 Wash waist t nfss fine iliifH -.JWA! IB $l49 - $l10 soneoJtlcflh Pair ' ... - N-' t- J 7 Ul ikW1 n.i:X!t iRBiJiftaW many sunimer Bratm for atrcagtli. Sanfor- dershlrts an Etgfjl I ! . ,, cl ' S'fj ,JlI oJRW, ;itHt3KI occasions! Rich I zed shrunk for permanent fit fast color print- finrafUW SJ ElaStlC ShanK Open Oe Built Up Heel $2.98 f 1 V dltTSk VT''Ay 'mmm lookinB sluulow and made to wear. Penney's ed broadcloth S Wm( A:. Sf Jt "4fr3 ll'Srlfc fi! tone slacks, san- "Foremost" waist overalls are shorts with elas- i )1H1 W.i p . VSj r 12M ft rWw forlzed shrunk. hard to equal. Uc sides. tiiillflUU Ladies' Felt laimkh- patkst open $i.98 VsSnwl 7 - - ' Slippers SANDALS - :6argams ; l I I PWv pfcil IrAllicrolM. t comfort. New cut " fiSgjfiM JWJt&k?- S"iart- HgS&f UsSN TOW l5l 1x1 ft ahlo and durable. ln .mart JTf 1 J SJK V,?? AI1 T iSlA -Jl llmj LJ LZ :i open Toe Tie a j TRUNKS Swimaways Swimaways - K,,t ,,lh" M k 'Cr. W,MvjT rm"rcil,IOfB. Comfortable! fl Qfi fl .98 SjHdcto! QSC j " v.rm livr-rT; TO ssr r?M4 4 S'R il"0 JL' s-nbaffeit ; ; VJV lA hce.'.h CU'",n MOO v VrN Dedgnedt.rit. model I For .ning, swimming and all. 1 VVrr STlW M STfcMfcx- 7f'7 VMf,""6' A-N59 Rich Lastes trunks with rayon, Fito beautifully keep tf day play! Plain and fancy j 1 . VI M ' VV, ''Wx Wfjyirt tk' 4ftT built-in support! New colors! shape. Many with cotton linings. stitches lots of colors. 4-8. v 2isi service and crT" I ylt Ty$LKCOXU F W . -y W Cannon Striped 1 1 , Little Teacher Women's All Z. $2.98 fi QM SrXw S Beach Towels yfWw I; Shoes Oxfords Leather ( IB'rESf V v. loSi i-w doubt, terry towels with . Iwll W flllH U'lillo, . KiiKikcil rlk, briiwn, ITiolH Daatc ivS. 1 J-AB ir vLraSS'3 bright colored strips and de- 4 )riS-1 blink ami patent. In strops, riCat BUVU X V .' rJtaM iMraV f JAXnplk siRns. Great for beach parties. yuH If . ixfords and shoes. Strap Instep and top strap :.; .'-'v flrafiH II tit Vft.-lf Wk9trQ9SSSiS! Past colors. Size 83x70. EWTTll I Jlbil ! I. Hlw a to 0 98 niado of soft glovo leather. V VjaV.i&Vv . 1 I II 111 W, ' x ' Ma VFrTTT W VM M M I ii! I I Mm o), to 8 $1.29 4 to 8, widths A to ft. i?,J.m J U'is 1 1 VjRSJtJlj M VTWV ' AAa 90 E90A .V ;'V':SW rr pays to rhop at pexxevs" kjLamW. QC ' . l39wQ 9gc and $iz9 $790 4 If Mivjf m - 0 . jBft; 1 i c Cool Comfort- vMMraiPOT TV- Women's Men's ...jf kfi :! (' ' ''Ap lshankv',,!lnadeH,ofl s1ft"c I? At Www u w v bP Smart- Jackets . byydyMMj - 'l ( .-. .'"'iv l'crforntt'd for cmilncns. T hCr2?' k Cfcil s rjefll AllS They're the new- ' ,-, " W,'M,X..'S5?sfcv 2.'vX iJdlos- TOPT fVl W of stylo and lots "MyfrM i fX:'; -.VVV.v jWU isS KNEE HIGH HOSE Wfl - ot '",ue- fB 1 m m$$&w t$m a tr aqc ss $28 aT 1 1 . . . fHp VPM "tf VV J -4 pockets. High 4tsV .MU 1 YJ jtfttH , . . Perforated Sandal $1.98 f 3 A ySf MWJA H f colors and navy. t 1 mW'lL Men's Sturdy Cowboy Boots Lx kg YMt Exr-Ui.e -rg JS 8ize8 "to AA : Illnck and brown or two-tone colors. A real CDQOr TfTl iT- H chiffon Hi'y ffS LadieS Men's 'Wjthk vl ' a i S,"" -""-ft. n.w.,a fiPW:)M (H tl'55 '"l targe White (F-W W V Men's White jf7 f . 1 ' SarV xJoSSrs L ' ' "hOF" wl,h w,n oe. Open Toe Sandal ..$1.98 lMV '??5Pv I f I ! X ! 1 Unions l ' ' V ' Z??v onifortnhlo to wear -VT I WMl WLK fcSJK. I I I ll A ' ' . I VV. ' ' ':'. rZv. and smart In stjle. WMw-mm!Ss .flllsSS I I I i"! " BAa I V-- .-v 'JTV'V .SAAA X 4alMiWV I I I Si s . , , Fo' sports and jfdC i ! . 7!lfiLv' . tV. Jv VJL19 Is- il, r"5-nl ITPTOU'V till J',runk doc;kln tlvMles! Of hardy I II tiW " f I ' nRI fM4m I II 1 farmerettes tor fabrics sanforized. Ift weight IHIxr fet&L ';. '''VV Yja V'.VMr s'ln ' iHPW lr iPa TO J High shades and Men's ankle length or M II 0 to 11 sS5!r-i-i i Taf ,s' 'iniT" " J'i'&i i W Vf" V navy. Sizes 82 Men's Cotton Polo long sleeves and 6 if "ssiMBsa6iC- . , , , . II K Sr to 40. Shirts, button or ankle length. DOW.VSTAIItS HTOHI3 HIIOH li;i'T. Novel Randal $1.98 "IT PAYS TO SHOP AT PENNEY'S" VL Second Floor tie neck 49 Priced Jow. Main Floor -I : iP H $ ffl W W