THE NEWS AND THE HERtoD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON June 18, 1938 PAGE TWO Social Calendar Promises Quiet Week Summer Is Quiet Many Resident To Leave for Season At Lakes You can always tell when the lummer season hits Klamath Fella, whether It la warm or not, juat aa long aa It la June, Jul? or August. The society pace dwlndlei down and there are but elim aocial happenings to record, mostly of people going here or there, opening summer homes at lakea and mountains. Of course there are the usual weddings which seem to domi nate the month of June. Thla week Miss Jennie Delzell, daughter of Mr. and Mra. V. A. Delzell of Portland and former ly of Klamath Falls, will become the bride of Mr. Harold Savage, Jr., of Prescott, Arizona. The wedding is a Saturday afternoon ' event In Medford at St. Mark's Episcopal church. A number of Klamath Falls residents are motoring to Medford for the wedding as Miss Deltell has many membera of her family in this city as well aa a host of friends. Miss Nedra Unser and Mr. Donald Hunt were married at St. Paul's Episcopal church in Klamath Falls last Sunday and the wedding of Miss Irene La morle and Mr. Anthony Manno will be an event of the early summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Bremer, who were married in Reno on June the fifth, are re ceiving the best wisbea of their many friends. Mrs. Bremer la the former Jean Beard and a member of a pioneer Klamath Falls family, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Beard. We're not forgetting Father'a Day which Is Sunday, June the nineteenth, and there will be a lot of papas who will receive a perfect influx of ties, sox and ahlrta! A nice idea if Father has a hobby why not tie in a gift of that kind? Like a new lawn mower or a grass -snipper, and If he la particularly fond of fall ing asleep after dinner, get him one of those comfortable awing affairs that are nice In the gar den. Anyway, don't forget Father! , BUSINESS GROUP PLAN MONDAY EVENING MEET. Mrs. Ruth Olds Bathiany, newly elected president of the Klamath Falls Business and Profssional Women's club, with other officera recently named, will be In charge of the Mon ' day night meeting of the group to be held at six-thirty o'clock, June the twentieth In the Wil lard hotel. In charge of entertainment will be Mrs. Anne Price, Mrs. Lillian Joplin and Mrs. Lydla .Hohe. The usual annual report of the club's activities for 1937-8 will be beard and also an execu- " tive report from the committee and - delegates attending the state convention which was held recently in McMlnnvllle where Klamath Falls women captured two cups, one for mileage, and the other for winning the state flee club contest. No program has been ar ranged. All members are urged ' to attend. Dinner will be served. ' PARTY GIVEN WEDNESDAY BY ALTAR SOCIETY Members of Group Four of the Sacred Heart Church Altar society sponsored & public card party Wednesday evening at the Lyceum Hall. High at con tract was awarded to Mrs. E. C. Riley and low to Mrs. Victor Palmer. High at auction was presented to Mrs. Ellen Hannon and low to Mrs. Gilbert Moty. At pinochle Mr, Leo Bauer was high and Mrs. L. E. Henry, low. ' The door prize was awarded to Ray Guerrettaz. Following the games lunch was served. Chair manof the committee was Mra. John Arten assisted by Mrs. ' Jack Elle, Mrs. Arthur Koontz, Mrs. Louise Vaughn and Mrs. Hatfield. Klamath Folk Enjoy California Trips Among the Klamath Falls people who have started their summer vacationing are Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Gass and two young sons, Billy and Lloyd, - who left last week on a fort night's motor trip through southern California, They were accompanied by Mrs. Gass' par ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Noble of Hill City, Minnesota, who are ' their guests this summer. Mrs. Charles Joseph Martin ' and two children planned to ' leave Friday evening for their cottage at Lake o' the Woods to spend the summer months. Mr. Martin will spend a portion r of the time at the lake with bis family during their vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Davis and . ion Rodney have been enjoying a week's vacation on ft motor , trip to Portland by way of Crescent City, Gold Beach and other coast points. MISS HOWIE IS HOSTESS WITH CLEVER PARTY An event of the past week was a graduation party given by Miss Louise Howie at the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles Schaal, on Portland street. Baskets of spring flowers were arranged about the rooms and the class colora of blue and gold were used In the decora tions. Clever place cards of gradu ates in capa and gowns, with diplomas in their hands con taining propheciea were used on the prettily appointed table where luncheon was served. Guests were the Misses Mary Lou Johnson, Dorothea Elllng son, Mary Jane Drake. Margere Sherman, Helen Radcliffe, Mer lon Alhrecht, Bette Yadon, Gloria Peterstelner and Messrs. Rodne.v Shaw, Willard Con atana. Junior Cumminga, Rich ard Howard, Bert Dennis. Ste phen Stewart, Donald Bratten, James Snyder and Bill O'Con nor. Miss Unser June Bride Wedding Ceremony Is Event Of Sunday At St. Paul's Church. The marriage of Miss Nedra Unser and Mr. Donald E. Hunt, two prominent members of the city's younger set, waa solemn ized Sunday afternoon, June the twelfth, at two o'clock at St. Paul'a Episcopal church with the Reverend Victor E. New man officiating at the ring cere mony. The bride waa given away by her father, Mr. W. A. Joplin, before the altar beautifully banked by white lilies, gladioli, palms and ferns. A simple tailored suit of blue and white with blue accessories waa worn by tbe bride and she carried an arm bouquet of gardeniaa and lilly-of-the-val-ley. Misa Eleanora Weathertord waa ber only attendant and she wore a frock of blue and white with cape effect and white ac cessories. Roses and lllly-of-the-ralley formed the maid of hon or's corsage. Mr. Willard Ward acted aa best man and Mr. Hans Hoerlein presided at the organ for the bridal proceaaional and reces sional. About aeventy-ftve frlenda and relatives of the young couple witnessed the ceremony. Immediately after the wed ding Mr. and Mrs. Hunt left on a week's wedding trip to the coaat and after June the eight eenth they will be at home at 500 Jefferson street. Mrs. Hunt, who is a graduate of Klamath union high school, has made her home In Klam ath Fa lie for the paat ten years and ia employed at the Paul Landry Insurance office. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. A. Joplin of North Second atreet. Mr. Hunt Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Hunt of Warrenton, Oregon, and is af filiated with the Western States Grocery company. HUNTERS PLAN TO LEAVE CITY FOR HOME NORTH Another of Klamath Falls' matrons, Mrs. F. Hill Hunter, who Is well known and active socially ia leaving soon for Prlnevllle where she will Join Mr. Hunter and they will make their home indefinitely in the central Oregon city. The Hunters have made their home In thla city for many yeara and their departure was learned with regrets. Mrs. Hunter Is an outstanding mem ber of Aloha chapter. Order of Eastern Star, and ia active In the P. E. O. Sisterhood, the Daughter! of the Nile where she is an officer In Zulelma temple, and In other organizations. For the past several yeara they have made their home at the Audley apartments here. MISS MOORE IS KLAMATH GUEST FOR THE SUMMER Miss Helen Carol Moore re turned Saturday night, June eighteenth, from the Fllntrldge School for Girls at Klnneola ranch In Altadena, California, where she baa completed her junior year, after receiving top scholarship honors, as well as honors In geometry and Euro pean history at the seventh an nual commencement exercises for Fllntrldge girls In the Gothic Chapel of All Saints' Episcopal church, Pasadena. Klamath Girls Will Europ Word has Been received from Miss Doris Porter and Miss Louise Holmwood, that they sailed on June the fifteenth from New York City on the Ac quttanla for Southampton, Eng land, to be gone for tbe remain der of the aummer. The young women, who teach in Klamath county achools, plan to spend the greater part of tbe summer In the Scandinavian countries, later visiting in France and southern Europe. BB 7 Miss Bold June Bride Klamath Resident Is Married Sunday In Pretty Rite One of the most charming of the June bridea waa Miss Lucille Bold, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Bold of Bonanza, who became the bride of Mr! Alvin E. Davi son late Sunday afternoon, June the twelfth, in a simple but Im pressive ceremony at the home of Rev. Arthur Charlea Batea of the First Christian church. The ring ceremony was read by Rev. Bates in the presence of a group of relatives and inti mate friends. Tbe bride chose a smart cos tume suit of Parlsand crepe em broidered in wheat shades. With It she wore a large picture hat of the same shade and matching accessories. Her corsage waa of gardenias and Cecil Brunner rosea. The brides' only attendant was Mrs. Lee Surles of Medford. Mrs. Surles wore a bolero frock of natural crepe and matching accessories and her corsage waa fashioned of sweet peas and Talisman rosebuds. Mr. Lee Surles waa best man. Following a fortnight's wed ding trip through British Co lumbia Mr. and Mrs. Davison will be at home to their many friends in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Davison is a member of a pioneer Klamath county fam ily and haa taught for several years at Summers Lane achool. Mr. Davison, whose home was formerly in Canada, ia with Pa cific Greyhound company. Several informal affairs were given for tbe young couple be fore their marriage this past week. MR. CRANDALL TO BE HONORED ON BIRTHDAY SUNDAY The eighty-sixth birthday an niversary of Mr. Willmott Cran dall will be observed on Sunday afternoon when friends have been asked to call at open house from two o'clock until fiva o'clock at the Crandall home, 215 Eldorado street. Mr. Crandall'a birthday waa Friday, June the seventeenth. He was born in New York state but came as a young man to California and later to Oregon. He Is a Klamath Falls pioneer and many friends will call to wish him happiness. Mra. Crandall has asked Mrs. Frank Evans and Mrs. C. E. Riley to preside at the prettily appointed coffee table. Mr. Russell Crandall of Med ford will spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crandall. MRS. CLEVELAND WILL MAKE HER HOME IN NORTH Mrs. Richard F. Cleveland who has been prominent in Klamath Falls musical circles for tbe past several years and her young son, Richard, Jr., plan to leave soon for northern Oregon where they will Join Mr. Cleveland and make their home In the Columbia river vicinity. Many friends regret tbe de parture of Mrs. Cleveland who has been prominent In numer ous activities. For sometime Mrs. Cleveland served aa organ ist at tbe St. Paul'a Episcopal church and ahe has been a popular and active member of the St. Paul's Wednesday club. Honolulu Visitor Is Feted Hera Miss Elizabeth Harris of Hon olulu, Hawaii was to leave Sat urday evening to continue her vacation at other Pacific coast points after being the house guest for the past three days of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne of California avenue. While here Miss Harris enjoyed trips to several of Klamath's scenic and historical spots. Including tbs Modoe lava beds. Murrays On Jaunt In Paintad Deiert Mr. and Mrs. Percy Murray and three children, Rodney, Marcella June and Rosemary, are spending three weeks on a delightful a u m m a r vacation which will take them to the fas cinating country of the Painted Desert In Arizona. While In Art zona they will also be tbe guests of Mrs, Murray's sister and family. 0 PS FLOWERS IN KLAMATH Who says flowers can't bo grown in Klamath Falls? These pictures of blossoms and the lily pool were taken in the garden of the Boauford E. Haydon home at 521 Washington street. A-bright Commo dore dahlia in full bloom and in the bud is shown at the upper left and (right) is soon the lovoly blos soms of tha Los Angeles rose. Bolow is the lily pond with a background of delicate columbine. WEDNESDAY CLUB HAS FINAL MEET OF YEAR JUNE 15 Mrs. L. O. Mills. Mrs. L. Delos Mills and Mrs. C. W. Wesley presided ss hostesses at a desert bridge at the St. Paul' parish house Wednesday evening, which was tbe final meeting of thla season for the Wednesday club. Five tables were in pliy dur ing the evening, with the awarda going to Mrs. ' Roy Premo and Mrs. Thomas Han sen. At a brief business meeting plana were made for a rum mage sale to be hold by the club early In September. Mrs. James Swansen, Jr. la the new ly elected president of the organization. f - 4 , IT 2 aassilrr'.i,iiifiif, '- V"'.1. .-.wi'i u ii.ii. i... ....... :.,....,,. i i nmnn f ' V: ' V ft ' ' ' : r.( . . "- . I '-ty ' - . . . .1 .' '' , , f ' . , o s - - r -" , ' - V1 ' ff " V ""Mr lA ' I i V" ''It"" With Many Residents Leaving sas RIDING PARTIES PLAN TRIPS INTO KLAMATH'S HILLS Riding continues to be one of the most insclnnllnK nnil popular sports of the season and during the past week, when the moon tins been full, many enthusiastic riders have organized moonllcht treks in to the hills which surround the Klamath city. Several rides are planned for next week, the rldora and the "mess car" usually stnrl lng from Mac Harbour's to a designated spot where supper Is enjoyed. Mrs. Roderick Smith of Pros pect street returned Thursday from Portland where ahe spent several days of this week visit ing. z . ' 1 t, if, srinis ..&rr'i ' , if .i.rfirtiiiin.Viii.iVm.iiiTi'ri iii I; ft" ! - ' " ' , , r 'I W " " CHARMING SAILORS Dr. E. D. Johnson of Klamath Falls will probably observe Fathers' Day with his two attractive young daughters, Barbara and Mary Lou to whom he recently presented a trim little ship. The boat it painted a gay blue with happy little yellow tails and both girll have rapidly learned the art of keeping their craft . upright on Klamath't picturesque lake. Staff Photo Wedding In Valley Miss Delzell Is Satur day Bride at Church Rite X u nitron rolntlvns and friends who reside In Klamath Kalis. Including Mr. William A. lieUcll. Jr., a brother of tlio Inldo, motored to Medford Sat urday to attend the marriage of Miss Jennie Deltoll of this city and Portland, and Mr. Harold A. Savage. Jr., of Uorkeley and l'rcscott. Arizona. 'I' ho wedding waa solemnized ai tour o'clock Snturduy utter nryii. June t ho eighteenth, In S . Marks Episcopal church and n v.-ddlug reception followed at thu home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ni'V.-iierry, brother-in-law and si it r of Mrs. Havago, Jr., after winch ihit bride and groom left for I. us Angeles on a wedding trip. They will make their home In Proscotl after July the first. Mrs. Savugo, Jr., daughtor of Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Delzoll of I'ortlund. resigned her position this spring on tlio Klumntli un ion IiIrIi school faculty of which she has been a member fur sev eral yeara after graduating from the University of Oregon. Swansens Visit In Southern California Dr. and Mrs. Merle II. Swan sen and ouug daughter are among Klamath residents en joying enrly summer vacations. lr. Swansen has been attending the American Medical associa tion convention In San Fran cisco and Mrs. Swansen and daughter have been visiting at her former homo In Vlsalla, Cal ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Evans plan to leave Sunday or Monday for San Francisco where they will attend the national conven tion of Rotary clubs. a . ': .. . ,.7?' p?ypm. . t. I "V GOLF WINNERS ANNOUNCED AT REAMES CLUB Mrs. W. 0. Rmllh, Mrs. C. 0. Kelley, Mrs. Jacques J. Htelger anil Mrs. lluraoe W. Drldgnfnrd were winners In the Weatherly match played Friday morning at Iteaiiios Onlf and Country club, with finals to be played off next Friday, Much Interest hss been taken liv Oils tournament which Is considered one of I ha best of the club program. Winners in duplicate bridge liml week, for north and south, woro Mis. Ituliort Thompson and Mrs. John Houston. Hon ors for east and wast wont to Mrs. Franklin L. Weaver and Mrs. Frank Jenkins. Progressive bridge winners for this week were Mrs. Theo dore Case, Mrs. Harry Wolmar and Mrs. C, C. Kelley. Among tho gliosis at Iteamea Friday were Mrs. Krotl Mur pliey, former rosldeut of Klam ath Falls, Mrs. J. A. Oordon and Mrs. Theodore I'ase who were greoted by the members during the sfternoon. Luncheon was served at a prettily appointed labia where roses were beautifully arranged. Six tables of duplicate bridge and four inhloa of progressiva bridge wore In play after lunch eon. JIMMY MYERS IS HOST FOR GROUP MONDAY Jimmy Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Uoorge Auxler Myers, ob served his tenth birthday Mon day afternoon when a group of young frlenda wore Invited for games. Tho party was given at tho home of Jimmy's parents at 1006 Taciric Terrace. Games wore played during the afternoon and at a lata hour luncheon waa served at a pret tily appointed table whore gully decorated birthday cake centered the lace cloth. Guests wore Miss Marlon Me Intyro, Miss Dale Smith of Tulolake, Miss Rsmono Reeves, Miss Barbara Brunk. Miss Ann Hooves, and Masters Donald Me Intyro, Itusaoll Smith and Billy Staunton of Tulelako, Bill Per rln. Oeorae Ellor, Tommy and David Miller and Bobby Ras mussen. WRIGHTS RETURN HOME FROM TRIP ON THURSDAY Dr. and Mrs. George I. Wright of Klamath Falls re turned home Thursday morning from a three weeks' trip which took them to Chicago where thoy attended the wedding of their daughtor. Miss Henrietta Wright, to Mr. Robert H. Thayer. Tbe wedding was an event of May the twenty-eighth at tha smart Wlndemere East hotel. Following the wedding Mr. and Mra. Thayer left on a month's motor trip through the Smoky mountain country in Tennessee and Virginia. Dr. Wright attended tha week's clinic at Northwestern university in Chicago and was also present at the reunion of hla class and the alumni' ban quet. The Wrights returned to Klamath Falls by way of Ssn Francisco where they stopped off to attend the mooting of tha American Medical association. TESTS WILL BE GIVEN RIDERS IN QUEEN'S CONTEST There Is considerable en thusiasm shown In the riding tests which will be made at tba fairgrounds on Sunday after noon at two o'clock and to which the entire community Is Invited. In the arena, following a miniature rodeo which Mae Barbour's rldera will present, the young Klamath county girls who are entering tha contest will ride for the ap proval of the Judges and tha community. A set of rules has bsen out lined for tha judges whose names will be announced later. The riding will count 60 per cent toward the score which will make one of tha girls queen. At a late hour Saturday aft ernoon eight Klamath county girls had announced their In tentions of soeklng the white Stetson which will ba used to crown the winner at tba Queen's ball on Saturday eve ning, June tha twonty-flfth, in the armory. MURPHEYS VISIT KLAMATH FALLS IN PAST WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murphey are visitors In Klamath Falls, their former home, from Long Beach, California where they spent tbe past winter and where thoy have purchased property and will make tbelr home. While here the Murpheya are greeting old frlenda and several Informal affairs have bsen planned In tbelr honor. Upon their return south, tba Murpheya will be accompanied by Mrs. Mttrphey's sister, Mra. Jean Brown and two daughters who will make thelr( home la southern California; the City Marriage Is Event Claudia Alexander To Be Bride of Arthur Laroy Moore A number af Klamath Falls residents are motoring to Port land thla weekend to attend tha wedding of Miss Claudia Alex andnr and Mr. Arthur Laroy Moore which will he an evont of Hiinilay, Juno tha nineteenth, at Piedmont Presbyterian church at five o'clock In tha evening. Miss Alexander chose a wed ding gown of traditional white sstln with lace. Her gown waa fashioned with a olosa filling bodice and the skirl fell from tha waist with lace and satin gores. A waist length Jackal with lace sleeves and a full white silk net veil fslllng from a coronot of flowers, completed her wedding costume. Miss Alexsnder will carry a whit praysr hook with a cascade of white HUM of the valley on a cascade of white satin stream ers. Miss Bsrbara Alexander, sis ter of the bride, will be tha meld of honor and other attendanta will be Miss Muriel Moor of Klamath Falls, sister of tha groom. Mrs. Kay Cooper of Os wego and Mrs. Winston Casey of Portland. Tha attendants were to wear similar frocks mad In a lovely rdlngot style of net over taf feta with picture hata. Their flowars war to b bouquets of spring flowers to contrast with heir frocks. Miss Bsrbara Alex ander will wear sea green, Miss Moore will wear a poach colored frock, Mrs. Cooper will have a frock of shell pink snd Mrs. Cssey haa chosen delphinium blu. Mr. Howard Oraham of Klam ath Falls will be Mr. MoorCa beat man. Following the ceremony a formal reception will be held at the home of the brld'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jsmea Alexander of Portland, stOi Northwest Cleveland avenu. The bride and groom will Itar shortly after tba recep tion on a boat trip which will take them to Alaska for several weeks. They will return ta Klamath Falls to make tbelr home. Miss Alexander attended school In Portland and later studied for several years at Monmouth, Bh bss taught la tb Klamath Falls saboola for the psst several years. Mr. Moore, son of Mrs. Moor of Ibis city, attended Ore gon state collg whare ba waa affiliated with Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Mr. Moor la with the Weyerbaauaer Timber com pany In Klamath Falls wW thy wMl make their horn. PARTY PLANNED FOR MRS. HUNTER BY OES GROUP Mrs. r. Hill Hunter will b complimented by the Past Ma trons club of the Order of Eastern Star next Friday after noon, Juno twenty-fourth, at a one o'clock luncheon at tb Masonla temple when th mem bera will bid farewell to Mrs. Hunter who Is leaving thla city to make bar horn n Prlnevllle. Hostesses for tha aftarnooa have bn announced as Mrs. A. B. Epperson, Mrs. Christine Murdoch, Mrs. J. M. Pylea, Mrs. W. J, Btslnmetx, Mrs. Mlnnt Ward and Mrs. Laura Wllllts. Tha Past Matrons plcnta which waa originally planned for th June twenty-fourth data has been postponed, according to Mrs. J. H. Poppy, honored past matron. MISS SCHNEIDER RETURNS NORTH ON SATURDAY Miss Forest Schneider left Saturday morning for Cottage Orove, Ore., where aha will apend the greater part of tha aummer. Hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schneider, and her cousin, Miss Rosellen Lock wood, have been visiting bar this past week and returned north with her. Miss Lockwood baa beaa meeting many friends of her mother, Mrs. E. 0. Lookwood who was tha former Miss Emma Schneider of Klamath Falls and a pioneer resident of thla city. Friends have regretted to learn of the passing of Mrs. Lock wood In tha north last August. Miss Schneider, who teaches in tha Klamath Falls publl schools, win return In Septem ber to teach. SHOWER GIVEN MRS. HUNTER AT FRIDAY LUNCHEON A group of friends who mi together regularly for contract honored on of their group. Mrs, F. Hill Hunter, Friday aftornoon at a no-hostess lunch eon and handkerchief shower at the homo of Mrs. Charles J, Martin, Besides tha guest of honor, eovera ware laid for Mrs. L. O. Arans, Mrs. J. I. Beard, Mrs. E. M. Bubb, Mrs, 0. R. Hollo way, Mrs. Charles J. Martin, Mrs, George Sample and Mrs. J. H. Poppy. 4