June 16, 1038 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE Raining Death at China's Army No, He Isn't! from Hpokuno, was In Klamath Falls Wednesday visiting the but moHt of thorn are requests for more potatoes and Instructions as to how to make them grow. C. F. Kelly, of Grand Rapids, Mich., Is Just ono of the many per sons who have written In asking for mora spuds and Information as to how to plant them. The day niny coma whan Klam ath county will not ba tha only place to grow netted foms, RAILROAD NEWS Great Northern offices. A. D. Colvllle, superintendent of motive power for tho Great Northern, was In town Wednes day. He Is from Portland, RECREATION T E 5 P E Groups mill committee heads worn appointed nt a rnnol Iiik Wodimailiiy night 111 llin city coun cil roimiH of Urn Itncrniitliiiiiil ItoKcuri'li roninilllnii, nrgiinlgi'd III May for llin purposo of study IliK rocicollnn prolilniun III till) oily. I.ynn It oy i' to r t . (Minimum of the rnmiiillloo, presided ut llin IimmiIIiik mill appointed IIiimo to servo (I 1 1 ii ft Hi" coming yuur. Wllmm Doeknry, supervisor of reorontlon In Kliiinnlli coiinly. gave u miinuinry of activities mill explained llin program of re creation to ha carried out In Kliiinnlli KiiIIh (llin summer. Til" following coniiiiltlties luivo boon mi inod : Juvenile population: Lowell Kuiip, cliulriiiiui; Kenneth (1. Kliihn, Mm. Nelson lined, Mm. Mabel Foster, Mm. 1 1 ii rd In Hlni-k-mnr. lliiiKn Miisoii, Hr. mid Tlmliim lloll. Growth of clly truffle survey; Mm. Percy Murray, chairman; Mm. IS. W. MnmnroHU, J. K. Swniisen, Jr.. Kil Diinhnm, Mm. A. A. Montgomery, Mm. Bam Mllliir, Mm. II. II. Ili'iidikkson. Dr. J. C. Hum. Dr. Doiin II. On born, Mm. Aim l.ouvor. Coonllnnlliu (roup: A. M. Colllor, chairman, (I. ('. Tat man. Mm. William l.nroiu, Mm. Fred Fletcher, .Mm. Mil ml llneley. Mm. liny Morrlii. Mm. Twyln Forgu on, Fred Floot mid Curl K .Williams. Women's recrentlon: Union MrCortor, chairman; Mm. Ilulh Olds linthlnny. Mm. II. C. Dlnck mor, Mm. I furry Ackley, Mm V. Itnirord. Mm. A. ,M. Ilrad furd mid Freda llstlck. Men's recreation: Robert Thompson, chairman; llobcrt llasimisaoii, Hurry Wagner, Art Oiimiifn'rn, Fred Floot, Ituily Myers, K. (I. Klnhn. Hum torn mil too: tionrge Mr Intyro, chnirmaii; I.ynu Itoycroft Mm. Nelson Itnoil, Hurgo Mninn Sr., Lowell Knup, Union Mc Cm-tor, Mm. I'orry Murray. An drew Colllor and llobort Thomp aon. ti." i- From mL-hine huh iipjiir iiko mm picmrrd noove, a itcndy ruin of lire fnlli upon tho Chinese nrmv The Japanese gunners arc fhown at thry directed an attack on the Chinese military Hank near Wcl ilionhu Sections of "slinking, crumbled walls and pllm of rubble are uiod to shield the ncsl from the eyo of the opponent'! lookout. Ilecauso of the constant lire which It pours forth, the machine nun nest is one of the most rillllcult military weapons to overcome. Iiilnrmont look place In tlm bnby Women In Jnpnn have nclthor suction of the Mt. Calvary m-nio- lory Tbiirsilay, June 16. ut 1 p. in., Itill llv ITnlliAr T D f'n.xu nffl. clnllns;. Wnrd'a Klnmniii Kunoriil iiouin in ciiarKii or nrmiiitnmonia. I K a I i iKlits. sintua nor Individual Rklimnnd milk Is a good pre Miirvnllvn of slonn. ClfilAL HERE A rarnlvnl Is comlnt; lo town. Til ii Wi'Bt Const AiiiUHRinc-iit compiiiiy with Its forrls whcol, iiiiiriy-Ko-roiinil 'n ovorylhlng will ho In Klumutli rails soon for a nlnn-duy slay. Tho carnival will arrive here on the Koiitlu.-rn rnclflc June in and will slay ovor the Fourth of Ju ly. On Juno 19 the company will puss through 'lore on the railroad on Its way lo llnnd whore tho car nival will roinalii until It comes to KliiMiutli Fulls. CONVENTION TOIL All tnrta nf HolniFAlOS In nil sorts of conventions have been IiiihiiIiik through Kluinaili Falls on tliolr way to their meeting places for the mint week. This week It's mostly Itotarlnni. Fifty northwest Rotary dele Kales will coma throiiRh Klamath 7-jk7 Let It be understood right now that the fellow above is NOT the kidnaper of 10-ycar-old Charles Mattson. But Innocent Leo Frederick Ash with black benrd, hollow cheeks, and bashed nose looks so much like the FBI sketch of the ab ductor that he was arrested nine times in various cities un til the Washington state patrol gave him an identification card s protection against police. J. D. Mclfolland, traveling freight and passenger agent for tho Nickel Plate road, was In town Wednesday from Portland. C. ft. Turner, traveling freight and passenger agent for the MKT railroad from Portland, was In Klamath Falls Wednesday to sec railroad officials here. W. K. Doddi, representative of tho Denver, Rio Grande and West ern railroad, from Portland, vis ited the Great Northern offices Thursday. Fulls June 18 on the Southern Pacific on their way to San Fran cisco to attend the national Ro tary convention held there. M .1 rl'Dnnnell rnnHiiptni- tnr Great Northern, has been In Oak land for the oast week on a busi ness trip. R. Merk, (I. N. boiler Inspector AIRMAIL BOXES SPREAD FAME OF KLAMATH SPUDS Tho fame of the Klamath netted gem potato has spread amazingly in the past few weeks. During national airmail week many small wooden boxes, each containing one small spud, were shipped out all over the country. Inside each box was a short mes sage to ask the reader to send to Klamath Falls for a spud recipe book. Hut Instead of eating the po tatoes, the folk of the country have been planting them. Tbe Klamath county chamber of com merce has received many replies 7 Hi I i 1 111 tup NATIONAL CHANGE MEET IMPORTANT From a legislative standpoint. tho coming convention of tho Na tlonnl Grunge will be one of the most Important In grunge his tory. It was predicted by Stats Master Rny W. GUI In a talk to the Klwmila club at tha Wlllard hotel Thursday noon. Gill cited the Important prob lems faring farmers nt this time as an Indication of tho signific ance of the leglslntlvo activities at the iiutlnnnl session, to bo held In Portland In November. The state master explained tho orgnultntlon and work of tho grnngo to the Klwunls club mout hers. Ho said thnt whllo there ro many differences of opinion on Issues bntweon grangers, they have devoloped a spirit of good will that prevails when the fight Is over. GUI said there are 22.218 grangers In the stain nf Oregon and about 800,000 In the nation as a whole. Tha grangers ara a hard working lot, particularly at stato conventions. The master des cribed a day's program. Denn Schoenfoldt, director of experiment stations for Orogon Slats college; State Mnster Oeorgo Sehlmeyor of the Cali fornia grange: Jack Tylor, presi dent of the Farmers Ititor-lusiir- anco Kxchnngo, and County Po mona Mnstor Alva Lowls were other guests of the Klwanlans. Fred Peterson presided. Obituary ANTOX C.U'KA Anton Cnrkn. for the lust 28 years a resident of Mullu, Ore., passed away In this city Wednes day, Juno IS, 1038, at 6:20 p. m. following an Illness nt 18 months. Ho was n nntlvo of McCloud coun ty, Minn., and nt the time of his death was aged 48 years and 28 days. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Anna Cackaj two sons, Anton, Jr., and Frank; two daughters, Anna and Nnlllo Cnrkn, all of Ma I In ; five brothers, Adolph, John, Rudolph and Edward Cacka, all .or Malln, and Frank Cacka of Highland, Calif.; also three sla ters, Mrs. Frances Lou f ok of Snn Ilnrnnrdlnn, Cnllf.; Mrs. Anna Martin and Mrs. Nottlo Pierce of Mnlln, Ho was a member of Mnlln lodgo No. 232, ZnnJ. Tho romalns rost In tho Enrl Whlllock Funornl Homo, Pino etroot nt Sixth. No tice of funeral to ho announcod In tho noxt lssuo of this paper. 1AMMIj KMMOXS PUNZKIi Dnttlol ICnimnns Ponzcl, infant on of Mr. and Mrs. Alfrod T. Pen aol, passed awny In this city Wed nesday, Juno 15. Final rltos and MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every Gnrmont Mothproofed at No Extra Cost. STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 100 Esplanade, Phone 828 THIS AMAZING ELEC. REFRIGERATOR SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JyflDe 1 8 v M SltelM Mhm . - 'i j jlVot Last $5 Down Easy Termf PLACE YOUR ORDER AT ONCE! Be one of the thousands of lucky customers who have bought their Coldspots in this national sale! Perhaps never again will you see an opportunity like it! A brand now 1938 Coldspot electric refrig erator, built to give you more con venience, more economy, more value than ever before! Don't Te lay, we expect a sell-out by Satin-day! Limited Quantity May until Saturday Night! Tip-Proof Wire Shelves, Improved Design! Finger-Tip Release to Loosen Ice Cube Tray! 9-Point Cold Control, with One Fast Freezing! Beautiful Dulux Exterior Finish! Snow White Porcelain Enameled Interior! Freezes 96 Ice Cubes . . . Interior Light! 6.2 Cu. Ft. Capacity . . . 3-Inch Insulation! 12.3 Sq. Ft. of Usable Shelf Area! mm, i3(diig) mm m