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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1938)
June 16, 1038 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS te RATES Paid-in-Advance On dav. par word 2c two-day run, ?ar word 4c hrse-dav run. ear word .m 6c On week run. Der word 7c Om month run. oer word .... ,20c Charge Adt Each Inisrlion. cat word 3c (No charge mada for Ion than 25c) l AH mull oruer aus must oare ctih with ordnr). All ads ara Inaertod In both editions of TO a News-Herald, ah classifications ara Hum- barod and appnar In numarlcal ordnr. Tha doad-llne (or clarifica tion la 12:00 a. ra. Ada received after 1:U0 o'clock will ba run In Ilia "Too Lata to Classify" column. Th Nnws-llnrald will ba re- aponallilo (or Incorroci wording only una day. Classified Index Apartmoiita (ur Haul .......34 Automotive ..-.S4 liusluoss opportunities ............ 4 Kducallonal .. .12 Financial ..... For Halo or Trade ... JH (iouaral Nollcoa Help Wonted, Female 14 llulp Wanted, Mule - ...16 Houses for Hunt . 21 Livestock and I'oullry .....44 Lull and Found ............. I Mlicallanaoua fur Kant ............28 Miscellaneous fur Kala . 38 Mlicallanaoua Wantad .........42 I'araonala -.... 6 Itaal Estate for Bala 80 Itaal Estate Wantad .............. 3 2 Room and B ard 20 Huouii for Haul .33 ttorvlcos ..-....10 Hiiuatlona Wantad -.. To Eiohange ....40 Tranaoortatlnn 8 Lott and Found LOST On or naar Main atraat, jeweled Gamma Phi Rata pin. naturn to Maria Collier, 104 N. Ird. Reward. 6-17 4 General Notices Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND hortest Route Lowest Faree To Northern Points Ona flound Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boiie. Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Lea re 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phone 999 6-20-mtf run 11 1 FN. 407 N. 9th 8oectal bome-cooked dlnnera, 1:30 to 7:S0 p. m. Prlca SOc. 0-21 INTERSTATE MOVINO Klam ath Falla Trans, and Storage. T-4-mtf LONO DISTANCE HAULINO Phona 1007. 7-4-mtf NEW LOW RATES on body and fender repairing:, motor tune-up, generator, starter, magneto re pairs. Andorson Auto Electric, 6S1 Walnut. 6-30 GENTLE SADDLE HORSES for hire. Stable end Crescont Ave nue. 6-18 BERYLS BEAUTY 8HOP Special Ouaranteed-Complote 2.0 Oil Permanent for 1.95 601 Medical-Dental Bldg. Phone 1872-J. 6-18 Panonalt FULL SPINAL ANALYSI8 of your lllnosa without cost or obliga tion. Why sufforT Dr. David, D. C. 110 N. 8th, Hopka Uldg. Phona 2323. 1-18 MOVING Any point Oregon Washington and uanrornin. in sured vans. Call 704, Peoplo's Wnrehouse. 6-23 10 Servicei PAINTING AND KALSOMININO Harry L, Drown, 1041 Vine. Phone 1092, 7-1 J PAINTING and paperhanglng, kalsomlnlng. Free estimate. Reasonable. Cnll 1611, Lowell's Food Store. 6-17 DEPENDABLE gardening, land scnplng, yard, work, 35 yours experience. Albert Barrett, Ashland Rt. 7-2 PAINTING AND DECORATING Phone 2386-W or 131. 7-8 HKMSTITCHINO Buttons, Mrs. Murray with J. C. Tonney Co. 7- CARPENTER Fast and exper ienced, work giinrnntced, rea sonable. Phono 28W6. 7-1 FILMS DEVELOPED 26o Car mlchaola Nowa Slnnd, 10th and Main. 6-18 DON'T GAMBLE with your llfo! Brake touting, axle and framo aligning, whoel balancing the moriorn wny, by exports at Bnl slger's. J'hone 2100, Yours for hettor aorvloe. 6-28 CARPENTER AND PAINTER Very roftBonablo. Phono 28W.1. 8-22 Services IIODKNIIAMER SAW FILING lit East Main. Phone 846-W. All saws, tools, lawnmowars, ate. repaired. 7-14mtf DRESSMAKING, Alterations, Ra modollng. Ann London, 628 Main, over Swansen's barber shop. 7-12mtf SEWING, remodeling, alterations. Also curtains and drapes. Satis faction guaranteed. Mrs. Har ney, 2111 Darrow, Telephone SIBt-J. 7-10 FURNACES CLEANED $4.78, special simmer price. Spotloss vacuum cleaning. Chimney, smoke-pipe, furnace, Free In spection. Hollard Furnace Co. Phone 886. 7-1 ART BENEDICT, house cleaning, Janitor. 2364-W. 6-30 DRESSMAKING-HEMSTITCHING Alterations, Ruttons. Mrs. II. M, Allender, Upstairs, Hopka Bldg., Room 11, Entrance North 8th, next Margot's. Phone 426-W. 6-24 PAINTING. Paper Hanging, Kal sonilnlng, J. P. Roper. Phone 267W1. . 6-24 FILMS Any 8-expoauro roll de veloped and printed, 26o. East Bide Pharmacy, 826 East Main. 6-26-mtf PAINTING, Kalsomlnlng. Call R. B. Simmons, 887J4 mornings. 6-24 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlshlng. Clifford Golden. Pbone 168W3. 6-30-mtf PAINTING Good work, reason able prices. 616 Commercial, Ask for John. 6-1 6 16 Help Wanted, Mala WANTED Farm help for block ing and thinning beeta on basis 87.60 acre. Bunkhouse accom modations but must furnish own blankets. Board 11.00 day. Poplar I-and Company, Route 2, Snohomish, Washington. 6-21 Situationi Wantad YOUNO WOMAN, experienced teacher and practical nurse. wishes position. Phone 2218 704 Delta. 7-22 OOOD STATION OPERATOR wants lob. References. Reason able wages. Will lease station. Klamath Falla Brick A Tile Co. Phone 1017. 6-17 EXPERIENCED WOMAN COOK wanta work out town. 888 Call fornla, 6-17 YOUNG MAN. 82, wanta steady work on ranch or dairy. 610 Mitchell. 6-21 YOUNG MAN. 31. wanta steady work on ranch or dairy. 6-31 YOUNO MAN wanta work. Eiper lonced truck, tractor, farmhand, mechanic and tire man. Phone 2273. 723 Klamath. 6-16 EXPERIENCED girl wants gen eral housework. Capable taking full charge cooking and aervlng. References. Phone 1677-J. 6-17 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes hour work. Pbone 21 36-J. 7-1 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM 828 High. 7-16-mtf BOARD and board and room 728 Owens. 6-18 ROOM AND BOARD Home con veniences, Home cooking. 126 So. 6th. 6-20 BOARD for man and wife In ex change for help of wife. 723 Klamath. 6-18 BOARD AND ROOM Private ahower, IS week. 738 Klam ath. 7-12 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 125-tf ROOM AND BOARD with private family. 310 High. 6-17 BOARD AND ROOM. 38 per week. 8007 Modoc. 6-17 ROOM AND BOARD 611 So. 8th. Phone 1843-W. 6-18 BOARD AND ROOM, 628 Jeffer son. Phone 1622-J. 6-17 22 Rooms for Rant ROOM, OARAGE FOR RENT 1034 High. 6-22 ROOMS 437 No. 3rd. 6-17 ROOM with garage. 833 Eldo rado. Phone 963-W. 6-20 CLAREMONT, 328 No. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parking lot, 7-11-mtf ROOM 820 Lincoln. Inquire 621 No. 10th. 6-18 ROOM FOR RENT, Including laun dry, 120.00 month. 616 No. 2nd. 6-18 FOR RENT Sleeping room, close In, 83.60. 803 Washington. 6-16 PLEASANT OUTSIDE ROOMS 32.60-34.00 wook. 410 So. ath. 6-16 FOR RENT Apnrtment. 2130 Horbort. Phone 1203-W. 6-16 FURNISHED 3 rooms, bath and olectrlo atovo, Filgldalre, piano. 121 So. 7th. 6-17 MODERN, cool, homollke apBrt monls. 1800 Ksplnnndo. 1631-tf VACANCY Slinona Court, 323 Commercial. 10 24 Apartment! for Rant VACANCY Small furnished apartment. Suitable for two. 826 Commercial. 1-17 THREE-ROOM furnished or tin furnished apartment. White Pino Apartments. 6-16 3 -ROOM furnished apartment. 1806 Main. 6-16 VACANCY Rex Arms Apart ments, 7-8 VACANCY 418 N. 10th. 7-6 FOR RENT Modern furnished apartmonts, 326 up. Olencourt Apartment, noar Weyerbaeusor. Phone 2(3. 7-3 FOR RENT Kurnlehed 8-room apartment. 833 High. 6000tf APARTMENTS AND ROOMS FOR RENT Alpha Apts. Phona 800 6-26-mtf CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equip ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage- Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with con venience and home comfort. 24- hour service. No pets. 6-14-mtf APARTMENT Suitable for two. Inquire 601 Market. 6-20 FURNISHED APARTMENT 138 N. 10lb. 6-20 3-HOOM FURNISHED APT. 337 ilasklns. 6-16 26 Houiet for Rant 3-ROOM furnished house. Adults, Inquire Lowell's Food Store, 201 E. Main. 1607-tf FOR RENT Three-room house 2160 Applegate. 6-17 FOR RENT Comfortable living quarters for 6 or 6 people. Everything furnished. Call Al tamont Auto Camp. 6-17 UNFURNISHED 4-room modern house near Falrvlew achool. Phone Altamont Auto Camp. 6-17 ACRE with small house, $7.00 month or will trade equity for cows. Phone 367W3. 6-17 FOR RENT Now furnished du plex apt. 331 No. 9th. 6-17 FOR RENT Four-room furnish ed bouse. Inquire 1321 Division 1650-tf CABINS FOR MEN ONLY Close In. 4 36 Willow. 6-16 28 Miscelleneout for Rent PASTURE FOR LEASE Have pasture for 100 head of cattle. Mountain pasture, lots of water, good feed, 6 miles south of Bonanza. Phone R. C. Prud homme, 661W4, Klamath Falls. 233-tf 30 Real Estate for "Sale Altamont Acreage One and one-half acrea excel lent land In splendid location on Third street, Second Addition to Altamont Acrea. Priced for quick sale at 600. CHILCOTE & SMITH Blnca 1909 116 N. 9th SU Telephone 66 6-16 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $6 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Bon P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 896. Pbone 35J2. 7-16 FOR SALE 26-acre ranch In cluding growing crops. 11 miles from Klamath Falls on Dalles Calif, highway, near Mac's Store. Rt. 2, Box 602. 6-18 FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-acre tract In Altamont Small Farms, modern house, outbuildings. Reasonable terms. Noll Har rington, Rt. 1, Box 986. 6-22 HAVING transferred to Reno will sell our modern home at 620 Jefferson St. 6 rooma, batb. breakfast room, large baaement garage, oil burner furnace, lawn sprinkling system. An excep tional vlow. All assessments, taxes and Insurance paid. Priced less than cost. Eaay terms. Q. L. Forguson. Phone 1747-J. 6-21 HOME AND INCOME Modern 6-room house, close In. Large lot with 8 rental cabins, Income $40.00. Full price $3600.00, with $600.00 down. Inquire 311 E. Main. 6-16 FOR SALE AT ONCE One acre well Improved with two houses. Soil cheap. 2nd place north of Red Rock-Tavorn. 6-17 HOT SPRINGS DUPLEX Two 4-room apartments, Income $52.00 monthly. Extra large lot, paved atreet. $2500.00, with $600.00 down, balance $36.00 per month. Inquire 311 E. Main. 6-16 HOME TRACTS $10 down, no payments for 8 months, city conveniences, SEVENTY HOMES and business properties for sale. 118 No. 7th Phone 797 E. GRAY REAL ESTATE 7-5 THIRTY ACRES. Irrigated, ten miles out. Best cash offer or exchange for city property. Box 1590, NowB-Herald. 6-16 NEW 6-room house. Cash price $800. Will accept car or trade. Al Harris, Stewart Addition, 6-16 CHRIST HUCK, JR., formorly with E. Oruy Rcnl Estate office, announces opening his own of fice at 2213 Stukol. Tracts and city property for sale. 6-17 Automotive FOR SALE li-ton Chevrolet truck, good condition. Herbert H. Williams, 127 No. 6tb. 6-21 FOR SALE Equity 1987 Ford tudor sedan, 376.00. Rt. t. Box 837, Shasta Way. 6-16 FOR SALE '36 Plymouth sedan, new tires, radio and beater. 410 So, 6th, evenings. 6-18 FOR SALE Equity In '86 Ply mouth coupe, cheap. Will con sider small equity In older car. Call 728 Owens evenings. 6-16 36 Miicellaneoui for Sal FOR SALE 100 Leghorn year old pullets, tomato plants. Mar-rlll-Lakeview Junction, Crys tals. 6-17 FOR SALE Equity In small piano, excellent condition. A bargain. Inquire office Glen court Apts., Weyerhaeuser road. 6-18 HAMLEY STOCK SADDLE, trade for beet cattle. 2009 Darrow. 6-17 FOR SALE Cherries Blngs and Royal Annas, 4c pound. Bring contalnera, pick them yourself. M. A. Nichols, 4 miles north west of Ashland In Valleyvlew. 6-22 FOR SALE 60 lb. Icebox, circu lating heater, wood range, table and bookcase. All In good con dition. L. W. Horn, Rt. 2, Box 112. 6-17 FOR SALE Piano, $20.00.' at 2143Blebn. 6-16 FOR SALE OR TRADE One cow trailer, Monarch wood and elec- trlo cook stove, Oliver seeder Iron Age potato planter, 18 weaner pigs. Ankney Ranch Summers Lane. Phone 623J6. 8-16 FOR SALE Furniture. Phone 1030-R. 6-16 FISHERMEN ATTENTION A NEW gut leader. Can be tied dry. Extremely strong, amaz ingly transparent. We Invite your Inspection. Ray Telford. 122 N. 6th St. 6-21 SMART DRESSE3 Togler'a Dress Shoppe Upstairs 731 Main Phone 1551-J 7-9 SMALL JOB HAULING Ferti liser, lawn dirt, excavations, dry block wood. Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Pbone 1269. 6-18 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 7-4-mtf LOWER PRICES EXPERT WORK Brakea Rellned and Adjusted. Bent Axles Straightened Cold In or Out of Car. SAFETY SERVICE 731 8. 6th 6-18 SURGE MILKER saves times be cause It milks fastest milks all cows milks thoroughly gets maximum production keepa udders healthy and pro duces cleaneat milk. Ask an owner for his opinion. See us for prices and terms. Mitchell, Lewia ft Starer Co., 1948 So. 6th. Klamath Falls, Ore. 8-21 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches, 34.50 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 621 Main. 6-30 FOR SALE Modern trailer house. 6th and Shasta Way. 6-18 DRY PINE BLOX Direct from bin $3.25 delivered, or $2.00 at bin. Call 892-M. 6-27 WESTERN RED CEDAR SHIN GLES, No. 1 perfect $4.10 per square. SUGAR PINE SHIN GLES, No. 1 33.75, No. 1 $3.25. KENO SHINGLE MILL, Keno, Ore. 7-5 AUTO PAINTING REFINISHING FOR LES9 Complete Body and Rebuild Service. 8AFETY SERVICE 731 8. 6th 6-18 LAWN MOWERS sharpened with new improved machine, $1.00. Call and deliver In city. Poole'a Bicycle Store. 7-1 42 Miscellaneous Wanted RESPONSIBLE COUPLE wanta to rent or will lease for one year good modern five-room unfur nished house with oil or hot water furnace In Hot Springs preferred, about July or August 1. Will exchange references. News-Herald, Box 1643. 6-20 LIKE TO BUY, real soon, 4-room house, close In, small down pay ment. 2218 Stukel. 6-21 WANTED Stock to pasture. M. L, Ferguson, Ft. Klamath. 6-17 HIGHEST prlcea paid for used furniture and stoves. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. 6-31mtt WANTED 2500 rooms for Eagles convention from June 29 to July 3. Rooma will be as signed In the order of the date of listings. Please register all available rooms, with prices, at the law office of W, Lamar Townsend, 207 Odd Fellows Bldg. 161-tf 44 Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE 7 two-months-old Jersey calves, from high pro ducing cows; 2-year-old Perch eron stallion, will make a ton horse. E. C. Cochran, Bonanza. 6-16 WANTED 200 old owes. A.i M. King, 868 2nd St., Crescent City, Calif. 6-16 34 44 Ljvettocli and Poultry FOR SALE Will sacrifice 90 White Leghorn hens for $60 cash. Rt. 2. Box 760, 2nd house on Shasta Way In back of Ber tha's store. 6-16 FOR SALE Registered Hereford cow, 20 young bulla and 25 heifers age from 12 to 23 months, best blood lines. Bar gain prices. H. E. Conger, Rt. 2, Medford, Oregon. 6-22 FOR SALE Weaner pigs, $5.00 each. Rt. 1, Box 258, south Texum yards. 6-18 CHICKS hatching nrery week. Ma gulre Electric Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore gon. 6-30 REDUCED PRICES ON CHICKS White Leghorns 8c. Pullets 18c. Heavlea 9c. Started pul lets, 4 weeks, 85c. 6 weeks 45c. 8 weeks 66c. Jenks Hatcbery, Tangent, Oregon. 6-16 FOR SALE Registered Chester White gilt and boara. Phone 29F22. 6-17 FOR SALE 10 cows, 3 coming fresh. Joe Chotard, Matin. 6-17 FOR SALE 2 good Jerscj fnmlly cows, one Just fresh, other fresh soon. G. W. Bllckenstatf, Rt. 1. Box 272, across from Texum yarda. 6-16 FOR SALE One good milch cow, 360.00 cash. Inquire A. J. Orr, first place on Shasta Way. 208-tf STARTED AND DAY-OLD chicks. B. Rocks and Hampshire 39 per 100. Leghorns 38. Free literature. Brooks Hatchery, Grants Pass, Ore. 6-21 46 Financial VACATIONING? Need Money for That Summer Trip? Let The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish The Cash. Auto Loans Financing COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Win. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223 116 S. 7th St. Phone 471 6-31 -77s Curious "So tli' -crowd's -with me, ch? 'lin' BEARS itinteawKt. lie. fV I GOLD, WHEN GROUND J?7l35Jfc-vA-cf TO A FINE POWDER., YAXY'Jnl 3N. is CAJ& AZ, MX?(J tnxeSSSaBSliasVawaMBwangaVMs-aM x CQPR. 1938 BV NEA SERVICE. IMC. I-llUeSi Financial LOW RATES AUTO LOANS and i REFINANCING ' Quick, Dependable, Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 114 No. 7tb Pb. 882 7-9-mtf MUST SELL on account ot sick ness, tavern, dine and dance, beer, wine and liquor. Dance hall 90x108, 10 acrea ahade trees on Highway 99. Furnish ed ready to go. $8000. Terms or will trade. Address box 782 Yreka, Calif. 6-18 LEGAL NOTICES EQUITY NO. 5280 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH, JAMES THOMPSON, Plaintiff, TS. MARGARET THOMPSON, De fendant. TO MARGARET THOMPSON, DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 80th day of June 1938, which ta tour weeks from June 2, 1938, which la the date of the first publication hereof, and it you fall so to answer, for want tbereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief prayed for In his complaint: tbat you and plaintiff be divorced. This summons la served upon you by publication once each week for four successive and consecutive weeks, pursuant to order of Edward B. Asburst, Judge of said Court, dated June 1, 1938. DON F. HAMLIN Attorney for Plaintiff, 10 Loomls Bldg., Klamath Falla, Oregon. H-J2-9-16-28 Aft. 30th No. 83 World KST. ARG4S3V-GOLF IS NOT A NEW SPORT ROBERf $9. AUTHORTTV' ONI PLAVED IT AS EARJL.V AS ing! Well, I wish I was with 46 Locked Horns HIE aawwt i i i - - Battleship in ; v I - H WHAM, 4 f V? If A f n f '".V ZsJ i ii in wnm v iwiu'swmvuww"-" mimjwjh mii-wuim n units "Hello, folkj!" Battleship, 11-year-old son of Man O War and first American-bred horse to win the Grand National Steeplechase at Aintree, England, is back on home soil. . Photo shows him with proud Trainer Reginald Hobbs in the specially fitted stall aboard the liner Manhattan upon arrival in New York. ; Hudson 112 De Luxe Will Indianapolis Race - ' ' iww,"",'',v"TSi 7 lib r i i aim in mini Artsy , j The Hudson Motor Car Company has been invited by the Contest Board f h Amiririn Automobile Assoc!-' atlon to supply the pace-maker for the coming Memorial Day race at Indianapolis this year. The factory has selected a beautiful Ivory Con vertible Coupe of the new Hudson 112 Deluxe type. This is tha latest model to be introduced by the Hud son Company and was publicly an nounced only a few days ago. The pace-maker car, as shown here, has just come off the factory line and is now being sent over the road to accumulate mileage in readiness for its fast run around the famous track. The pace-making car must lead the racing machines across the starting line at a speed in excess of 80miles per hour. It will be driven by Stuart Q. Baits, Vice President of the Hud son Company, ihrew Boy Over $ w v mi Sm rgm 'V Mr, and Mrs. Marlon Black, above, took Marvin Noblltt, 13, from his Jm poverlshed mother with a promise to give him a good home, Insured hlf Ufe for 35000 then threw him over a 385-foot precipice, Texas authorities charge. The Blacks were arrested while attending the child's funeral In Alpine, Tex. in Tax Bill Fight l T Home Port Pace' , This yeara race promises to be the most eventful In the long sense of SOO-mile races. All restrictions ' have been lifted from the quality and quantity of fuel, permitting super charging and higher compression ra tio! than ever before attempted. Tha bodies on the new racing cars will be lean and streamlined, because they will be single seaters, aa it la na longer required to carry a riding mechanic. It is for this reason tbat Hudson has selected one of the sleekest of Its models to blend with tha picture presented by the racers. The car la being specially painted in Ivory with Chroma trim to blend in Its proper piece with what is probably Amer ica's most colorful sporting spectacle of the year. Cliff, Say Officers