PAGE TWELVb ODDS MOUNT Louis Now Rated 11-5 to Defeat Schmeling in Return Fight. NEW YORK, June 16 (AP) Ths professional gamblers, Im pressed by a number of things. have Jumped their odds from 8-to-5 to a Juicy ll-to-6 that Jo Louis will retain his heavyweight championship in his 15-round fight with Max Schmeling next Wednesday night at YanKee stad ium. That Is somewhat disconcerting to those of us who already are well out on the Schmeling limb, even though the odds-layers late ly have been dead wrong more often than right. The previous odds of 7-to-S and 8-to-E were no more than hte customary "feeler" quota tions offered in almost any cham pion's favor, but this H-to-5 money means that Louis will ' enter the ring a pronounced choice of the wise boys, maybe s high as 3-to-l. What caused the firming of the figures mostly waa the fact that Louis finally opened his mouth the other day and said on his very own Initiative that be intended to knock Schmeling out quick, perhaps in two rounds. "That's enough to suit me," aid one of the big bookmakers. "All I wanted to know was how Louis felt about It. They've finally got that boy mad. That's the one thing he needed." Another factor that the book ies have taken into considera tion Is the argument going on over the gloves to be used in the big brawl, with the prospect that Louis, as the champion, will get what he wants. Joe has abnormally long thumbs, and he is determined to clout Schmeling with what is known as the "Chicago" type of mitten, which affords better pro tection to the thumb than the model which Is standard In New York. There are some who think this will worry Max, though the German says not. It has been discovered, too, that the rules of the New York state athletic commission now permit the use of about twice the amount of bandage and tape they did when Max and Joe fought two summers ago. On that occasion, it will be recalled, there was a violent commotion In Louis' dressing room before the fight when Joe Jacobs, Schmeling semi-manager, discovered that the negro's dukes were encased in armor-piercing fashion. Louis was divested of about two pounds of "difference" before they entered the ring, and this waa supposed to have rob bed him of some of his shock ing power. Now, it come out. this griev ous handicap has been removed, and Louis will go into battle equipped In the manner befitting a champion of the world. Schmel ing, of course, will enjoy the same privilege, but Max has naturally strong hand that re quire little protection. The advance sale is booming along at a rate of about $46, 000 a day, and Promoter Mike Jacobs seems assured a gate crowding $1,000,000. He says It will top that figure. Through last night Mike had banked slightly over $500,000, and this didn't count several large blocks of reservation for which check had not yet been received. Sport Briefs By EDDIE BREETZ NEW YORK, June It (Fj Max Baer has just completed a movie short In Hollywood and is heading east to watch Louis and Schmeling, one of whom he hopes to see stlU a little more of In September. , . , Three top flight golfers Johnny Revolta, Ralph Guldahl and Denny Shute have bought permanent homes in Flor ida. . . . One New York magazine was so taken in with that spec tacular Btory that Tony Galento might fight the gorilla Gargantua that It called the Hippodrome to see It anything definite had been done about it. The boys up at Speculator, where he once trained, got a big kick out of Gene Tunney's "store" English. . . . One guy went up to Gene and said: "Mcbbe you don't remember me, Mr. Tunney, but I'm the fellow who used to shine your shoes at Lake George," . . . "Quite so," replied the ex-champ, hovlng out a hand . . . "So nice to see yon again." . . . Giant fans have labelled Alex Kampourl O. K. . . . One bookie here predicts odds on Louis will be 16 to 5 by bell time. Sport Editor Alan Gould who is just back from covering ths open at Denver, was tagged a col onel by Governor Ammons. , . . When his Browns hit the skids for fair, Gabby Street discarded No. 18. . . . Baseball scouts are watching John Grey, 17-year-old deaf mute pitcher of New Canaan, Conn. . . . Louis and Schmeling (via first class ghosts) tell you what they'll do to each other In the ourrent Liberty. They're experimenting with a new type football which may be the berries. ... It Is made over a wax form and ha no seam. . . . Which will make it doubly tough for Mr. Sam Baugh and the other pitcher to chuck. . . . The for ward passer will have to learn all over again. . . . The ball has been tested on a kicking machine and sails through the uprights as true aa a dl. ON ClflPION ) i was a prcttv regular guy up against a pretty irregular worm, ne umu new places, new jobs, new girls. Mc had what it takes lo gel a job and to get a girl. He fell in love hard once. He got married once not to the same girl. Follow his rousing slorv in the new serial, "This Man, Joe Murray." fa t..;imui. m ',. j XX f Xx N x xx xx 3F X XX X X. x X P X x -X- iS-K t X. . VO XXX. - x x - x 2 OV !k X XX X X Xxifc'' xX v x t ' xv XXX x & S t X t X X x x X x V XxVx V V . 1 vxX 1S x,t( STARTS x i x J f I 4 If M x LJ f Good Word From Babe Ruth Pleases Vander Meer Most MIDLAND PARK. N. J., June 16 (AP) Johnny Vander Meer went fishing today, "mighty pleased" over his two straight no-hit, no-run pitching perform ance but happier than all get out over personal congratulations from Babe Ruth. The Babe's "nice going, kid, and handshake was the first The ooafort of 4 hot, cleansing howet jny time you want rtf No longer n dishv4shing ae leyed till the weter is hclcd! Hot, etmlis mdi ir Hot VVf - for wMt.oiifd thin,.! California Oregon lCrVV THE III nil 1 1 v.js.iwy urns v- VMXtl T.v v i x ? X X x V x -x X X . M; v xxx5 Xx. N x X . . V x f x xx' x x x x "V I'St.'w X XXx i TODAY NEWS-HERALD greeting Johnny received when be finished his 6-0 no-hitter for the Cincinnati Reds against the Brooklyn Dodgers last night. "And the Babe has always been my idol; believe me, that was the biRgest kick of all," said this quiet youngster, who hasn't changed much from the lad who personified the "typical Ameri AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER With standard automatic electric woterheater installa tions selling as high as $100 and more the special price of $69.50 on a genuine WESIX automatic electric water heater completely installed in your home offers on exceptional opportunity to obtoin perfect hot water service. No longer is it necessary 'to put up with on obsolete, expensive, unsatisfactory method of heating woter. These new outomatic electric woter heaters are Hke giant thermos bottles. They use less electricity because practically none of the heat is lost through radiation. It provides on abundance of hot water ot exactly the right temperature as constantly as the cold woter supply. The new, off peak, metered, water heating rate is eary 8 mills. 45 of one cent per kilowatt hour! With this new metered rote you poy only for what you use. The ' averoge for the entire company is only $2.20 monthly. Ask for complete details about the new water heaters ond the special, off peak, metered rate. AVAILABLE THROUGH ELECTRICAL DEALERS AND NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, can boy" In a baseball movie a few year ago. By the time (he 13-year-oUI blonde husky reached home early today, the story of his unpre cedented baseball achievement waa all over the diamond world. Hut Johnny, who doesn't like to talk about himself, added a few more details In replying to ques tions. Tht made it all the more unusual. For Instance, he didn't know until about an hour and a half before game time that he was going to pitch. "Of course," he explained, "I suspected it. But Mr. McKechnle (Will McKechnle, Cincinnati manager) doesn't toll us until an hour or two before tho game. "It doesn't make much differ ence, though. I Just go out and pitch my own natural ball game. The fielders behind mo really make It possible, anyway. "I had every possible con fidence In the in all the wuy through last night. Take that ninth Inning, now. The bases were loaded and two wore out. With the count two strikes and one ball on Leo Durocher. 1 tightened up. Ernie Lombnrdl. my catcher, came out and told me to throw a curve. I did, but it was outside. Then Ernie told me to give him the fast ball down the middle. And when he hit it, 1 know right away that llnrry Craft would catch It." (Ho did). "After It was all over," he added, "I was In a date for half an hour. You know, you're con centrating so much on the game, that when it's finished, you don't know what you're doing for some time." Along about the fourth Inning, Johnny first realised he might have a no-hltter. "Of course. I didn't have it in my hip pocket yet. but 1 felt mighty good, and my arm was okay." Johnny's home town fans In Midland Park, who lifted the local curfew and stayed up most of the night to celebrate his suc cess, really got him his turn to pitch last night. Thoy wired McKechnle that they wanted to make a "Johnny Vander Meer night" of It In Brooklyn and would he please let Johnny pitch. Some 600 of them went over to see him. All agreed they got their money's worth. Johnny helped open the New Jersey bass fishing season today with Midland Park's police chief, Orrie Van Dyke. Incidentally, there appears to be romance afoot in Johnny's scheme of things. When he reached home after the ball game, Lois Stewart waa with him. She came all the way from her home in Scranton, Pa., where Johnny used to pitch, to see him play. Johnny himself wouldn't say "yes" and he wouldn't say "no" when he was asked about It. But papa Vander Meer, who came over from Holland when he was 17, admitted that Johnny is "keeping company." v "But," he hastened to add, "he isn't engaged and he Isn't married. He's Just keeping com pany." PLUMBERS TIGERS DEFEAT WEYERHAEUSER Millmen Dropped to Third Place Tie Willi Kostcr son, Lowells. Lowell's Tigers. Ited Sox-studded Klumuth Softball leitKUe en try, dropped WeyorhuoilHor to Its own level In a tin for third place and left Elks nnd Junior chamber aloiio atop the heap hy virtue of n !I-S victory In the second game of Wednesday light's Softball pro gram. In the first contest Kesterson scored nn anticipated victory over Great Northern, tho final count being 12-1. A four-nin outburst In the first inning, engineered largely by Molatoro'a double after two sin gles nnd two errors had placed four tnammates on baso, provided the margin ot Lowell's victory. Tho Tigers' four-run linrmce coupled with another tally In tho second brought tho demise of Fer guson, Weyerhaenser's usually ef fective starting mnumlsman and his replacement by Heller, who struggled through tho remaining five innings at a cost of eight mora hits, iiu'luillng n triple by Carlstrom nnd a homo run by Fryer, nnd four moro runs. Weyerhaeuser appeared still to havo a chance when It added three runs in tho fourth to a flrst-ln-nlng tally anil pulled to within a step ot the Tigers. Hut tho mill men's hopes faded rapidly when Lowoll's punchors wont to work PUBLIC BANK SALE Started Saturday, June 11th, 8 a. tu. And Will Continue Daily Till 1 1 o'ClocIc Every Night Seldom have the people of this community had the unusual opportunity to participate in such a calamity of circumstances. This pitiful situation has been brought about by unavoidable circum stances of too personal a nature to be published; however, these TREMENDOUS PRICE REDUC TIONS should prove to you the seriousness of this situation. By studying the prico reductions. Public Down Public Down Select Your Car by Roading Original Bank Paym't Install 'oe' our Car Reading Original Bank Paym't Install Those Prico Reductions Stock Sale Cash , Thoss Pries Reductions Stock Sals Cash , Prico Pries or ments prle(, price or menti Year Was Now Trade " Year Was Now Trad . '37 Ply Pickup, $650 $550 $160 $14.00 N '34 Ply Del Cpe 455 365 105 9.80 '37 Willys Std Sed 565 445 125 11.85 '33 Ford Sdn 360 285 85 10.45 '37 Willys Del Sed 595 495 145 12.80 tl '32 Ford Cpe 275 195 55 7.50 "37 Willys Del Sed ...... 585 490 140 12.80 tl '32 Nash Sdn 300 95 35 4.35 '36 Pack Club Sed 900 785 " 235 19.20 H '32 Ford Sdn 265 195 55 7.50 '36 De Soto AF Sed 825 695 205 iTO '31 Olds Sdn 295 225 75 8.00 '36 De Soto AF Sed 800 695 205 17.20 H '31 De Soto Sdn 275 185 45 7.50 '36 Ply Trg Sed 800 595 165 15.30 '31 Olds Sdn 295 220 70 8.00 "36 Willys 77 Sdn 385 250 60 7.20 tl '31 Chry Cpe 275 135 35 6.85 '35 Ply 4-Dr. Sed 550 465 130 12.30 '31 Chev Ch 245 165 40 7.05 '35 Ford 4-Dr. Sdn .... 500 395 M5 0A0 '30 Chev Ch 125 75 25 6.25 '35 Ply 2-Dr. Sdn 550 445 125 11.85 '30 Chev Ch 175 125 35 10.00 '35 Ply 4-Dr. Sdn 575 465 130 12.30 '30 Ford Tudor Sdn . 225 165 40 7.05 '35 Ply 2 Dr Trg Sdn 595 465 130 12.30 '30 Ford Cpe 245 186 45 7.50 '35 Ford Del Cpe .... 475 385 105 10.40 '30 Chev Cpe 175 125 35 10.00 '35 Ford Cpe 465 385 f05 10.40 '30 Ford Sdn 200 20 30 10.00 '35 Ford Tudor Sdn . 475 385 105 10.40 '30 Ford Rdstr 175 95 35 6.25 '35 De Soto 4 Dr Sdi 675 535 155 13.70 U '30 De Soto Sdn 225 165 40 7.05 '35 Ply Sdn 565 485 135 12.80 '29 Ford 4 Dr Sdn .... 145 85 30 6.30 '35 Ford Del Cpe . 500 395 115 10.40 '29 Nash Sdn 200 145 50 7.00 '35 Ply 4 Dr Sdn '35 Ford 4 Dr Sdn . '35 Ford Tudor Sdn . '35 Hudson Cpe '34 Dodge 2 Dr Sdn '34 Chry 4 Dr Sdn . '34 Ply Brougham .... '34 Ford Tudor Sdn . '34 Ply 4 Dr Sdn ...... '34 Ford 4 Dr Sdn ... '34 Ford Tudor Sdn . 400 295 85 8.15 '34 Ford 4 Dr Sdn ..... 425 335 -95 9.15 '34 Ford Tudor Sdn .$400 $3 j 5 $ 90 $ 8.80 Copyright 1038 by J. K. Douglas L. 0. ARE NS, Sponsors 744 Klamath Ave. OREGON Castor Oi I for If V r "i. . Kxr rru . .i f fcW.fiUM-i mini, uMimiy , ... . ! ' v lip Tho same old caslm oil cure which keeps little Jimmy nwny from gn-en npplrs is lieing used ill Hutchinson, Kim., tu keep a trio of regular poller court visitors uwuy from the bottle. Alter other methods hud fulled, Judge Albeit S. Ttcd ordered admin istration ot the cvll-tnsluig stulf before nn impiovlsed bur lined with remindful bay rum bottles. With wry fine, one of tho trio, Sandy Llsseiibec, above, who makes money (or liny nun spices by selling llsh worms, receives the punitive dose from City l'roso cutor Kucciie While again In the firth nnd regained tho four-run lend that won theni the Kiuiio. Triples by Hurklniid and Frank lin ami doubles by Siuidstroni ami Wilson represented four of Weyer hnouser's olght hits. llrenl Northern never stood a Newly Appointed Liquidator In Full t'linrgo I'nder IHro Kite A i f i juj fcs fta m slff Yi i i i Ssi W71 1' st ii J. K. IKlt (,I..S (l,liiildnlliiK Knglnetr) 550 465 130 12.30 475 395 115 10.40 495 385 105 10.40 555 465 130 12.30 465 385 105 10.40 550 475 135 12.50 450 365 105 9.80 400 295 85 8.15 500 395 115 10.40 435 345 95 9.45 All Itllflils Hcservcd. KEEP THIS AD AS YOUR (GENUINE) PUBLIC BANK SALE the Wei l-Oi led "V, w t r , t . - v '.V; k x f .. v.'.h I l r -. T I'haiii'O In the opening engnxeinniit when Meyers of Kesterson Issued only four un-urly i'lui:l-s, walked none ami struck out lu. , Ki'stertinu got down In business us soon as tlii kiiiimi began, scored twleo In the first and scored again In every subsequent Inning hut 1. 1 ;-.'i ml '29 Stude Sdn ..... '29 Ford Del Sdn Balance of our stock not listed horo for lack of space, It also thoroughly reconditioned and guarantood and likowiss reduced for this Public Bank Salo Liquidating Emergency Sacrifice. L. O. Arons Motor Compnny, Sponsor of this PUBLIC BANK BALK, offers approximately 150 automobile units, all of which hnvo been thoroiinhly rocondltlnnod In nccordiuiro with rlajld and tncluilrnl specifications, hereby appoints, In trust, one J. EJ. DoiiKlas, Liquidator In Chni'Rn to sell each nnd every one of these cars Individually hy' virtue of price reductions without rosorvntlnn, nnd lo offer liberal trndn-lu allowances without llmltntlons, nnd Unit I he sola purposo of this 1'UIILIC HANK HA 1.10 Is for Immedi ate and entire lliiuldntlnn of tho nbovo described automobllos, and that tho reasons for this inimndlnlo HACHIFICK shall b withheld from publication herniisn of Ihelr personal nature. Now In TKKTLMON Y WIIHItKOF, I, L, O. A1IHNH horoto set my hand, In positive proof of my Intention to fulfill ovory state niont lioruhoforo. ' (SlRiiod) l O, A IIKNH MOTOIt CO., Sponsors. June 16, 1938 tho third and seventh, olluiaxlni lis iiltnek wllh iwo four-run ef forts In tho fifth and sixth. Homo runs, one by 1). Zlrkl mid I ho other by rrupo, featured the fourth and fifth inning deb- liell'H, Thursday night onco-vlclnrlou K. of a was to tackle, onoo- vic torious Huutliorn i'uulflo, and Sig nal (III hoped (o urn vo up Into the bracket with Lowell's, Weyor haeuser and Kealeison by defeat ing eellnr-dwellllig lllg Lakes. Hemes; R. II. 1. Kostorson 11 U 1 Ureal Northern 14 4 Meyers and Olson; Joyce, Two- hy anil II lo II. It. Lowells II Weyei'liiinusor 6 Wesley, Itiimos and ii. n. Fryer: Ferguson, Heller and Kriiiiklln, llunuli, Baseball Wediiesdny's llesiill I'At inu tdisT i,i;.;t io it. 3 1 Croiilu; II. 7 7 Portland . Hen It In 'Minimis and Croiilu; llnrrott and Fernniidet. It. II. K. Kan lilcgo 1 l 1 Sncraiiieulo 3 0 0 ( 1 1 Innings). Humphreys and llogan; Frnlta nnd Franks. It. II. B. Han Friiiiclsi'ii 11 10 1 Hollywood 4 13 ( Hliores and Hprlni; Union, Poll llelglint and llrelitel, (llltell. It. II. R. Los Angeles ... 7 11 1 I Ink I. mil 9 II I. Ichcr. Il.'rry and CiiIIIiis; 8 lice, linn, lliidell, Jnyco nnd llnlinondl. Nows and I ri.siills Hirald Wanl-Ad 150 Cars Released Everything Must Go liboral trado-in allowances, and long, easy terrm to fit anyone's budgot that ar liitod below, any one can road between the lines and know thai such sacrifices can only be mads under dir financial itron. As Liquidator in Charge, my foolings in this situation are purely impersonal. My job hero is lo LIQUIDATE this beautiful stock of automobiles regardloss of financial losses to ths logsl owners. Thore is only ono way for m to do this quickly as domandod by the sponsor giva big price re ductions, vory, very liberal trado-in allowances (your proiont car nead not bs all paid for) and long, easy torms as outlinod bolow. Soloct th car you want from this list by marling X. Corns sarty to avoid disappointment, and if you do not havs all tho monoy handy, como anyway. A small de posit will hold any of these cars, so corns prsparsd to buy. All spoctstors aro wolcomsd without ths least obligation. (Signed) J. E. DOUGLAS, Liquidator in Charge. 200 135 145 75 45 25 6.05 6.25 GUIDE DE SOTO- PLYMOUTH DEALER Immediate Deliveries