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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1938)
PAGE TEN THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON June 11, 1938 Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AN D NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES raid-in Mai -Advance Dna day, par word Two-day run, tear word Ihree-day run, per word ..... One week run, 2c 5c .per word One month run, 20e per word Charge Ads Jiach Insertion, per word 3c No charge made for less than 25c) (All mall order ads must have Bash with order). . All ada are Inserted In botb dltiona of The News-Herald. All classifications are num bered and appear in numerical order. The dead-line for classifica tion Is 12:00 a. m. Ada received after 12:00 o'clock will be run 4n the "Too Late to Classify" 'column. The News-Herald will be re sponsible for Incorrect wording only one day. i Classified Index Apartments for Rent 14 .Automotive 84 'Business Opportunities 48 Educational .. 1 Financial 6 For Sale or Trade -38 .General Notices Jlelp Wanted, Female 14 'Help Wanted, Male IS Houses for Rent . 26 Livestock and Poultry 44 Lost and Found t Miscellaneous for Rent Miscellaneous for Sale Miscellaneous Wanted Personals .Real Estate for Sale tReal Estate Wanted Room and B ard Rooms for Rent jServlces Situations Wanted To Exchange Transportation 4 General Notices Go By Motor Coach , VIA BEND t Shortest Route Lowest Fares ' To Northern Points One Round e Way Trip 'Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise, Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 .Seattle 8.40 14.65 " Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. - Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Greyhound Depot Phone 999 6-20-mtf '.INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falls Trans, and Storage. : 7-4-mtf -LONG DISTANCE . Phone 1097. HAULING 7-4-mtf 'NEW LOW RATES on body and fender repairing, motor tune-up, I generator, starter, magneto re- pairs. Anderson Auto Electric, 632 Walnut. 6-30 'NOTICE I will not be responsible for bills made by anyone other I than myself. Helmutn H, Hauck. Keno, Ore. 6-10 BERYL'S BEAUTY 8HOP Special Guaranteed-Complete $2.60 Oil Permanent for 81.95 E01 Medical-Dental Bldg. Phone 1872-J. 6-18 Personals c FULL SPINAL ANALYSIS of your - illness without cost or obliga- 1 tlon. Why suffer? Dr. David, i D. C 110 N. 8th, Hopka Bldg. - Phone 2322. 6-18 v DRIVING to Portland Monday morning, take two passengers " share expenses. 1129 Walnut. ; 6-ii - MOVING Any point Oregon, Washington and California. In- - sured vans. Call 704, People's Warehouse. 6-23 M0 Services WANTED Typing and revision S of manuscripts. Rates. Nellie C. . Whitlatch, 2009 Darrow, phone v S24-J. 6-18 PAINTING and paperhanging, kalsominlng. Free estimate, Reasonable. Call 1616, Lowell's Food Store. 6-17 SEWING, remodeling, alterations. Also curtains and drapes. Satis faction guaranteed. Mrs. Har ney, 2111 Darrow. Telephone 2161-J. 7-10 ROOFS All kinds. Dependable service, easy terms, free Inspec tion. Reasonable prices. Phone 1411 or 704. 6-11 -CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace, fireplace, chimney cleaning. Chas. Van Ness. Phone 1938-W. 6-14 IN A HURRY? Call Balslger's modern lubrication department, s the largest In the Pacific north- west. CHECK CHART lubrlca- J tlon. Buy a lubrication certifi cate and save 25. Phone 2100. Yours for Better Service. 6-15 PAINTING AND DECORATING Phone 2386-W or 181. 7-8 CARPENTER AND PAINTER Very reasonable. Phone 28W3. 6-14 HEMSTITCHING Buttons, Mrs. Murray with J. C. Penney Co. i 7-9 10 Services ART BENEDICT, house cleaning Janitor. 2364-W. 6-30 IVAN L. OUSTIN Brick layer. Rates reasonable. 1060 Mon teliua. 6-13 BODENHAMER SAW FILING 219 East Main. Phone 846-W All saws, tools, lawnmowers, etc., repaired. 7-13 DEPENDABLE gardening, land acaping, yard work, 36 years experience. Albert Barrett. Asbland Rt. 7-2 FURNACES CLEANED 14-75. special summer price. Spotless vacuum cleaning. Chimney, smoke-pipe, furnace. Free In spection. Hollard Furnace Co. Phone 696. 7-1 CARPENTER Fast and exper ienced, work guaranteed, rea sonable. Phone 2SWS. 7-1 DRESSMAKING-HEMSTITCHING Alterations, Buttons. ' Mrs. H. M. Allender, Upstairs, Hopka Bldg., Room 11. Entrance North 8th, next Margot's. Phone 426-W. 6-24 PAINTING, Paper Hanging. Kal- somlnlng. J. P. Roper. Phone 267W1. 6-24 FILMS Any 8-exposuro roll de veloped and printed, 25c. East Side Pharmacy, 926 East Main. 6-25-mtt PAINTING, Kalsominlng. Call R. E. Simmons, 937J4 mornings. 6-24 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlshtng. Clifford Golden, pnone lbsw-i. 6-30-mtf PAINTING Good work, reason able prices. 616 Comr-ercial. Ask for John. 6-16 DRESSMAKING. Alterations. Re modeling. Ann London. 623 Main, over Swansen's barber bop. ' 6-12-mtf BODENHAMER SAW FILING 219 East Main. Phone 846-W. All saws, tools, lawnmowers. etc. repaired. 6-14-mtf 16 Help Wanted, Mala MAKE up to 850.00 weekly part time selling Top Quality Ad vertising Book Matches at Low Prices. Exp. unnec. Full time profits unlimited. FREE Sales Kit and Zipper Case. Match Corp. of America, 6049 HS Grand, Chicago. 6-11 WANTED Salesman. 704 Klam ath. .6-14 EARN 830 WEEKLY OR MORE. Grow mushrooms in cellar, shed. We buy 30c lb., year round business. Mr. B made $270 In few weeks' spare time. Established 1931. Write for FREE BOOK. WASHINGTON MUSHROOM IND., Dept. 403, 2019 2nd Ave.. Seattle, Wn. 6-11 TURN SPARE TIME into cash. Grow mushrooms for us. Big profits. Write today for facts and proof. Western Mushroom Co., Portland, Ore. 6-11 WANTED Farm help for block- . lng and thinning beets on basis $7.50 acre. Bunkhouse accom modations but must furnish own blankets. Board $1.00 day. Poplar Land Company, Route 2 Snohomish, Washington. 6-21 18 Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED girl wants gen eral housework. Capable taking full charge cooking and serving. References. Phone 1677-J. 6-11 EXPERIENCED ranch cook wants work. Minnie Eckles, Pelican Hotel. 6-11 BOOKKEEPER, (male), first- class, desires full or part time work. News-Herald, Box 943. 6-15 BOOKKEEPER, thorough exper ienced In the lumber and log ging business, offers his ser vices. News-Herald, Box 944. 6-16 WANT contract to clear and plow land. Have 30 Caterpillar and tools. Box 111, News-Herald. 6-11 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes hour work. Phone 2136-J. 7-1 20 Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD 1124 Mon Clair, across from high school. 6-16 BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 126-tf ROOM AND BOARD with private family. 810 High. 6-17 BOARD AND ROOM, $8 per week 2007 Modoc. 6-17 WORKING GIRL wants room in private home. Phone 101 or 886 evenings., Apt. 314. 6-13 ROOM AND BOARD 511 So. 8th. Phone 1943-W. 0-16 ROOM AND BOARD 829 High 6-11 BOARD AND ROOM, 629 Jeffer son. Phone 1622-J. 6-17 22 Rooms for Rent NICE room for one or two gentle men, 715 Jefferson. 6-14 FOR RENT Sleeping room, close in, $3.60. 308 Washington. 6-16 FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N. 4986-tf 3rd.' PLEASANT OUTSIDE ROOMS 12.60-14.00 week. 410 So. 6th. 6-16 Rooms for Rent CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th St. All outside modern rooms. Free parkins Int. 6-11-mtf 24 Apartments for Rent FURNISHED APARTMENT 8 3S So. 11th. SMALL apartment. Everything furnished, $1S. 433 N. 10th VACANCY St. Francis Apart liients, 62S Oak. Close in, steam heat, electric ranges. Frigid aires. 6-14 VACANCY Small furnished apartment. Suitable for two. 326 Commercial. 6-17 THREE-ROOM furnished or nn furnished apartment. White Pine Apartments. 6-16 2 - ROOM furnished 1S05 Main. apartment, 6-16 THREE-ROOM mem. S04 N. furnished 9th. apart- 647-tf FURNISHED apartment; also two- room cabin. 1143 Pine. 6-11 VACANCY nients. Rex Arms Apart- 7-8 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 3-room apt., completely reno vated, modern. Adults only. No pets. Inquire 208 Main. 489-tf 2-ROOM furnished apt., close In. 303 Washington. 6-13 VACANCY 419 N. 10th. 7-6 APARTMENT Suitable Inquire 601 Market. for two. 6-13 FOR RENT Modern furnished apartments, $26 up. Glencourt Apartment, near Weyerhaeuser, Phone 293. 7-3 FOR RENT Furnished apartment. 933 High. 3-room 6000tf APARTMENTS AND ROOMS FOR RENT Alpha Apts. phone 800. 6-25-mtf CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equip ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with con venlenco and home comfort. 24 hour service. No pets. 6-14-mtf 26 Houses for Rent FOR RENT 4-room house on 1 acres near El Nido. $22 month. Call 28-F-14. 6-13 FOR RENT Four rooms furnish ed, semi-caretaking, couple only, no pets, references re quired, June 19 to August 6 only, 1145 Dolores, Corner LeRoy. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house. Inquire 1321 Division. 6-11 FOR RENT 4-room partly furn ished house on 1214 Lincoln. Phone 904-J. 6-11 FOUR-ROOM modern house, $30. Inquire 1209 Pine, care J. C. Smith. 6-11 FURNISHED HOUSE, newly deco rated. 2424 So. 6th. 6-13 FOR RENT 5 room house. 1135 Grant. 469tf MODERN four-room house. Hot Springs. Full basement. $40. Phone 30. Drew s Manstore. 6-13 FOR RENT 5-room modern house on acreage. Raspberries and strawberries, other crop in. C. E. Mitchell, Homedale Road, Box 270. 6-11 30 Real Estate for Sale FOR LEASE 1 story Log Cabin building, Klamath Falls-Ashland highway, 3 miles from Klamath Fa 1b. Modern, furnace heat, fireplace, dance floor, booths. Living quarters up stairs. Some equipment. Ample parking space. Weaver & Cofer, 133 So. 9th Street. 6-14 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Will sell well located J acre corner . tract, ALTAMONT DRIVE, ALTAMONT ADDITION, to gether with material for store, filling station and living quart ers. Reasonable monthly pay ments. Investigate. Weaver & Cofer, 133 So. 9th Street. 6-14 WHY DON'T you buy a tract or a small borne out of town where you have lots of room and can raise a garden? We have them on easy terms. Christ Huck, Jr. 2213 Stukel. 6-11 320-ACRE RANCH Fair build ings, 4 0 acres in crop, some fine pasture. Will take good late model car as down pay ment. MILLARD & MILLARD 116 S. 7th Phone 2041 6-10 FOR SALE Four-room modern home, sun porch, lawn and trees. $1500. $300 down, bal ance like rent. 109 So. Laguna. 6-11 HOME TRACTS $10 down, no payments for I months, city conveniences. SEVENTY HOMES and business properties for sale. 118 No. 7th Phone 797 E. GRAY REAL ESTATE : 7-6 FOR SALE 260 acres mountain meadow land, fenced. Sec. 28, T. 40, R. 16, E.W.M. C. E. Baker, Box 150, Lakevlew, Ore. 6-11 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly. Including interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner. Rt. 2, Box 896. Phone 35J2 - ' 7- 22 34 Bank Terms -Buy For three days Saturday, Sunday and Monday, we offer our huge stock of rates. Think our rates. Pull Down Semi Price 1'ay't. I'ny't. 1937 Dodge Touring Sedan 971)3 (turns 18. ta 1936 Dodge Touring Sedan fans SUDS l;I.H7 1936 Ford Deluxe Touring Sedan . Radio S34U3 I6S HI. 01 1936 Ford Tudor Sedan $44tl SUA 1 0.(13 1936 Willys Special Sedan :M3 (1113 11.70 1936 Ford Business Coupo ......I43 9113 (II0.03 1935 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan ...-...-..11443 9113 l;t.,KI 1935 Dodge Deluxe Sedan .. ...... mi 9KI3 917.04 1934 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 9.HH3 Vl.lft 91U.7. 1934 Plymouth Special Sedan 8M4IS 9113 911.7)1 1934 Ford Deluxe Sedan 9-D3 9 l3 9I0.:I'J 1934 Chevrolet Coupe 9-D3 9 l3 9IO.!M 1934 Ford Deluxe Coupe 923 9 1)3 9 U.H3 1936 Dodge Express Pickup High wheels 1936 Dodge Express Pickup Low wheels 1936 GMC Pickup 1934 Chevrolet lVs-Ton Dual Stock rack - The above terms Include all Insurance and Interest charges noccssary. cars and $50 deductible collision 'on commorclnl cars. Figure It out. RATE charges. Buy now and save. 424 So. 6th St. Unusually Good Gars - Almost New! 1937 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan Beautiful condition, white side wall tires practically new, has hot air dual heater, motor, upholstery, body in A-1 conditio1 :. .. $1045 1937 Ford 60 Pickup Low mileage, very good condition $535 1937 Ford 60 Tudor Sedan 17,000 actual miles. Just traded in on a new '38 model $545 1937 Dodga I -Ton Panel Originally sold for more than $1000. Our price... $585 1937 International 1-Ton Pickup 17,000 actual miles. ' Looks like new $595 1937 Ford Deluxe Tudor Low mileage, original finish like new $585 Balsiger Motor Co Main and Esplanade 30 . Real Estate for Sale 10 ACRES, Improved, Irrigated to trade for city property. SMALL HOUSE to trade for what have you, J..E. WHITLATCH 2009 Darrow Phone 824-J 8-11 GRANTS PASS residence to trade for Klamath Falls property. Write Box No. 545, Herald. News. 6-11 NEW 6-room house. Cash price $800. Will accept car or trade. AI Harris, Stewart Addition. 6-16 34 Automotive 1937 DELUXE CHEVROLET sport sedan, radio, heater, lots of extras. Run 7000 miles. 1746 Wall. Phone 1663-W. 6-11 FOR SALE Equity in 1929 Chevrolet coupe. 4th and Lin coln, 6-11 FOR SALE Equity In 1936 Pon tine sedan, Will trade for cheap er car. 615 Commercial. 6-11 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE New candlewlck spread, - $6.00, white, allover tufts. Phone 320-W. 6-11 FOR SALE Red potatoes, excel lent eating potatoes, good clean seed. Pine Orove Poultry Ranch, Lakevlew Highway. 6-14 FOR SALE Pekingese pups. 303 Washington. 6-14 ELECTRIC 10 12-J. RANGE Phone 6-14 PEDIGREED COCKER PUPPIES and grown dogs. Thrasher's Kennels, south of Pboenlx on highway. 6-16 Automotive lata model, slightly used, reconditioned and guaranteed automobiles at sacrifice prices. During this sale we have made a special arrangement whereby we can save you many dollars on finance charges. We have made it possible for you to purchase a used car at bank interest of the savingl Investigate! COMMERCIAL 19.15 Dodge Express Pickup 9-113 9113 911.7(1 -9443 9143 910.(13 1 936 Ford Pickup JUIIM 9133 i:l.!tii 1935 Ford Panel 943 9113 911.7(1 .9443 9143 910.(13 1934 Ford Panel 9UD3 9 f3 Ml. ill) -9443' 9143 910.(13 1934 Ford Pickup ii4II 9 H3 9 N.4H 1931 Roo 14 -Ton Flat Rack 8303 9183 914.13 Duals 9103 9 93 9 0.00 And many more cars and trucks Ostendorf Your DODGE and PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR Years of Square Dealing Two Locations Open Sunday Phone 2100 36 Miscellaneous for Sale SMART DRESSES Togler's Dress Shoppe Upstairs 731 Main Phone I06I-J 7-9 LA VINA'S DRESS SHOP, 133 N. th, closing out $1.95 hand made dresses at 98c. Will con tinue dress making, alterations at 2023 Darrow. La Vina Robin. 6-13 120-BASE ACCORDION, Ford light trailer. Rt. 1, Box 941. 6-13 FOR SALE Wood range. E. Main. 1229 6-13 WANT TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP furniture, stoves, tools, etc. Stop at Broken Dollar Exchango, 1403 Main. 6-14 SMALL JOB HAULING Ferti lizer, lawn dirt, nxcavallons, dry block wood, Roy Schmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phone 1269. 8-18 VERY GOOD used piano, $95.00. Terms $6.00 down, $4.60 month ly. L. R. Mann, tuner at Derby's, 117 80. 7th. 6-11 MOVING?-. Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 7-4-mtf LOWER PRICES EXPERT WORK Brakes Rellned and Adjusted. Bent Axles Straightened Cold In or Out of Car. SAFETY SERVICE 732 S. 6tta 6-18 FILMS DEVELOPED Eight prints and two enlargements, 26c. Quality Picture Co., Box 3673. Portland, Ore. S-tf FOR BALE Baby buggy. Michigan, 423 6-11 34 Saa our cars before you buy. Figure Deluxe Sedan 1D3S Plymouth l:i:i Chevrolet Town Sodan 11133 limine lloluxo Bedan 1933 Pontine Deluxe 8 Sedan 1933 Plymouth P. B. Sedan .... 1934 Willys Special Sedan 1933 Pontine 8 Touring Sedan 19.10 Chrysler Sedan 1931 Chevrolet Conch 1930 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Plymouth Coupe 1929 Chevrolet ' Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coupo 1930 Chrysler Sedan from which to make your choice. Fire and theft nmt $25 deductible collision nn passenger Prices are the lowest lower than ever before and HANK Motor 3b Miscellaneous for Sale COMPLETE Alemlta lubricating equipment and meter bucket used only a few minutes. Dis count 85 per cent. 231 So. 11th, Upstairs. 6-14 BEST of hunting breed Cocker .Spaniel pups. Reasonnblo. Ad dress J11I0 Sornnsen. Rt. 1, Hnx 1032, Portland, Ore. 6-11 FILMS DEVELOPED El lb I prints and hand colored en largements 25c. Oregon Pic ture Co., Box 4292. Portland, Ore. S-tf FILMS DEVELOPED Two prints from each good negative, 25c. Portland Film Co.. Box 4213. Portland, Ore. S-tf UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches, $4.60 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 622 Main. 6-30 WESTERN RED CEDAR SHIN GLES, No. 1 perfect $4.10 per square. SUGAR PINE SHIN GLES, No. 1 $3.75, No. 2 $3.26. KENO SHINGLE MILL, Keno, Ore. 7-6 AUTO PAINTING REFINISH1NO FOR LESS Complete Body and Rebuild Service. SAFETY 8ERVICE 732 8. 6th 6-18 FOR SALE One 75 lb, capacity ice refrlgorator $6.60, one 60 lb. capacity Ice refrigerator $4.75, one 8-foot marble meat case $25.00. People's Ware house. 8-11 FIBER INSULATING BOARD $35 a thousand. F. R. Hauger, 616 Market St. Phone 1568. "Building Materials for Less." ' 6-18 FOR SALE Modern trailer house. 6th and Shasta Way. 6-11 WE HAVE used Davenports and Chairs at the following prices: One set at $6.00, $9.76, $12,60, $15.00, $17.60, $19.60 and $27.60, Six used rockers .$2.00 to $3.60. Just the thing for the summer cabin. Lucas Furni ture, 195 E. Main St. 6-11 LAWN MOWERS sharponed with new Improved machine, $1.00. Call and deliver In city. Poole's Bicycle Store. 7-1 FOR SALE Grain drill, doitblJ disc; pump and engine. Box 74, Keno, Ore. 6-11 38 For Sala or Trad ' 40 To Exchange ALL MODERN equipped trailer house. Trnde for building lot in or out of city. Ill So, 8th. 6-14 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In 7-room modorn home In Francis Park for lots or good car. Rt. 2, Box 439. 6-13 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED TO BUY Two-bedroora house with full basement, In good district. Must be reason able, News-Herald, Box 802. 6-10 WANTED TO LEASE Young or old, gentlo saddle horses for summer by reliable party. Phone 1067-M. 6-11 t Automotive) Now more than 100 and compare Pull Trice 9-03 Down I'ay't. 9 1)3 9 l3 9 1)3 9 03 9 M3 9 N3 9 M3 9 33 9 33 9 43 Rltllll I'ay't. 910.111! 9 10.1111 9 10. II J III.IIJ 9 N.40 9 H.4A 9 H ill 9 ll.oi 9 (1.0 1 9 3.00 9 3.00 9 3.00 9 3,01) 9 3.00 9 n.oo , fitiNl UIil 9-t3 .911-13 9U43 .9-13 .91(13 91(13 9 03 9 l3 9 03 9 l3 9 1)3 13 -13 43 43 43 9 US Co. 1418 Main St., Opp. Armory 42 Mit Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. Wm. Hawley, Baldwin, Wis. 6-11 CASH FOR USED BICYCLES- -Poolu's Hlcjclo Store, 223 Ho. 7th. 6-14 HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture and stoves. OK Second Hand Sloro, 820 Klamath. Phone 991. 8-3 1 mtf WANTED 2500 rooms for Eaglos convention from June 29 to July 3. Rooms will be as signed In the order of the dato of listings. Please register all avallablo rooms, with prlcos, nt the law office of W. Lamar Townsend, 207 Odd Fellows Bldg. 101 -If 44 Livestock and Poultry WANTED Jorsey milk cow. Gontle. ZumwBlt, Rt. 2, lion 188x, Homedale. 6-14 FOR SALE Three fresh cows. Lemler ranch, Rt. 1, Box 6ft Olone. 6-13 CHICKS hatching ovory wock. Ma gulre Electric Hntchnry, 2416 N. E. Oregon St.. Portland, Ore gon. 6-30 FOR SALE 6-yenr-old pinto mnro and colt, 5-year-old plnlo mare, 6-year-old bay goldltig (broke to work), 3-year-old pinto gelding (broke to ridel and two 2 -y oar-old pinto gold- Ings. C. E. Baker, Box 160. Lakevlew, Oro. 6-11 WANTED 20 head of purebred white face Herofords. Haley Bros., Bonania. 6-13 LEGHORN PULLETS, old, for sale. Phono 9 weeks 20F22, 6-13 REDUCED PRICES ON CHICKS White Leghorns 8c. Pullets 18c. Heavies 9c. Started pul lets, 4 weeks, 86c. 8 weeks 45c. 8 weeks 65c. Jenks Hntchnry, Tangont, Oregon. 6-16 FOR SALE 10 cows, 8 coming fresh, Joe Chotnrd, Malln. 6-17 FOR SALE Young Guernsey hull. John Tackns, Adams Point. 6-16 FOR SALE 2 good Jorsc) fnmlly cons, one Just fresh, other fresh soon. O. W. Bllckonstaff, Rt, 1, Box 272, across from Tex urn yards. 6-16 REGISTERED Chester White weanor pigs for salo. Sire, Pro motor's Chief 2nd, took first at Pnclflc International Livestock show. Phone 29F22. 6-13 FOR SALE One good milch cow, $60.00 cash, Inquire A. J. Orr, first place on Shasta Way. 200-tf STARTED AND DAY-OLD chicks, B. Rocks and Hampshlrea $0 per 100. Leghorns $8. Free literature. Brooks Hatchery, Grants Pass, Ore. 6-21 RESORT-HOTEL Night Club on million dollar highway; gate way to Mesa Verdi national park. $25,000; $10,000 ensh . will handle, Wrllo TRIMBLE SPRINGS, Dnrango, Colo. ' 6-11 48Busineis Opportunities FOR HA 1,10 Well established money making business In the bent location on M11I11 HI. Will sell eheap for quirk sale. Box 906 Nows-Herald. 6-11 WANTED Partner In mushroom business, 11111111 Investment, paying prnpnnlllou. Crop plant ed. 912 Prospect. 6-11 FOR SALIC llat buy ill K In in nth FallsFully equipped res taurant, $600 a 111 011 1 li Income. Must sell hcrauso of III health. Paty's Cafe, So. 6th. 6-18 FOR HALE On account of sick nun, restaurant doing good business. Ilox 687, Ncwa-ller-nll. 6-14 46 Financial VACATIONING? Noed Money for That Summor Trip? Lot The "Friendly Finance Co." Furnish Ilia Cash, Auto Loans Financing COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Win. Frohiiiiiiijer, Mgr. License No. -M-2:'3 116 S. 7th HI. l'hons 471 631 LOW RATES AUTO LOANS REFINANCING Quirk, Dependable, Safe No Co Sinners No Itcil Tape NO HIDDEN I'llAltliKH .et tlx finance your new or used car t'lirrliiiNii. Motor Investment Co. Lli'unio M-104 114 No. 7tll Ph. SSI 7-9-mtf LEGAL NOTICES ;oTI('K OF .WM'AI, SCHOOL mi;i;tio Notice Is hereby given to the Kal voters it Union HIkIi School District No. 2 of Klamath County. Oregon, that the annual school icetlng of said Union IHlh I'hool District will be held at I ... f I. tr,.l.,n III,.). Uhrtnl Klnmnth Fall, Oregon, to begin the hour or 1 o ciock p. m., ana continue until 7 o'clock p. m., on the fourth Monday of June, 1938, that being the 27th day of June, 19.18. This meeting Is railed for the purpose of electing one director of Union HIkIi School District No. 2 of K lu nun h County. Oregon, from School District No, 1, and the transaction of business usual nt such meeting. Dated thin (lib day of June, 1338. PEIICY MURRAY, Chalrmiin, Hoard of Directors, Union High School District No. 2, of Kliiinath County, Oregon. WILSON S. WILEY. Clerk II J 11-18 No. 81 NOTICE TO HKDITOHH Notlro Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appoint ed AdmlnlKtratrlx of the Estate of Lorenzo llonotto, derenxed, by tho Circuit Court of Klamath County, Oregon. All nnr.mi. ),i..(,- .Inl.n. "... .,.n .., ,H .,,,, against said Estate aro hereby re quired in proseni me same, prop erly verified as required by law, to tho undersigned at tho oftlre of II. C. Morryinnn, 206 I, O. O. F. HiilldliiK. Klamnlh Falls, Oregon, within six mouths from tho date of this Notlre. Dated Mny L'Sth, 19.18. Dio.MiitA iionotto, Administratrix of tho Estate of Lorenzo llnnntlo. Derrasod. H. M. 28 J. 4-1 1-18-26 No. 79 NOTICE OF HIIKItlFK'H RALE On June 27, 1938, nt tho hour of ten o'clock A. M, at tho front door of tho i-oiii'IIioiiho In Kliun nth Falls, Klnmnth County, Ore gon, I will soil at auction to the highest bidder for rash tho fol lowing described roal properly locnted III Klamath County, Ore gon, to-wlt; All that portion of Lot 2. Block 65, Nichols Adiilllon to tho City of Klnmnth Falls, Kliilniilh County, Oregon, particularly hounded nml described na fol lows: lloKlimlni; nt a point In I ho Northeasterly lino of said Lot 2, 100 feet Northwesterly from tho most Easterly corner of snl (I Lot; nnd running thence Southwesterly nt right nnglos to tho Noi'theiislorly lino of Lot 2, 64 feet; thence Nnrthwosterly parallel with tho Northeasterly linn of said Lot 2 to tho Enst lino of Prospect Street; Thonce North, nlong the East lino of Prospect si root to tho most Northerly corner of said Lot 2; thenen Southeasterly nlong tho Northeasterly llr.n of said Lot 2, to I ho plann of beginning. Rnld sulo Is nindo undor execu tion Issued out of I ho circuit court of tho Kinln of Oregon for I he County of Klmnnlh lo mo ill reeled In the rnso of filntn of Oregon, represented by nnd acting through Ihn World War Veterans' State Alii Commission, Plaintiff, vs. Wllllnm C. Thompson, Ora Mae Thompson, Tracy Starr, Myrtle Starr, Elbert W. McCnll, Alda Mo Cnll Ryerley, John Don Bynrley, .liinios Dnrrlrk, Lornnx Co., Klnm nth County, Ward (Inrrott, John Morris, Gordon Shirley, llnr.el llnrrled, L. CI. Dawson, nnd Fidel ity & Cnsunlly Compnny of New York, Dnfondiinls, L. L. LOW, Sheriff of Klnmnth County, Oregon. By A.NNP! PMCK, Depuly. II. M. 28; J. 4 11-1 8-26 No. 78