THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE r Tune 10, 19.38 Ferguson Pitches TIGEHS BLANK RAILWAY IF WeyerhneiiHor Scores 11-0 Victory Over Kes terson Club. 1 With Ferguson twirling In t ho ry manimr which linn pined hi in among tho crvain ot Kliiinnili H(l ' bull laagu pllchsra for I ho pull i srral ii(ini, what wss expeol- d to b cloio haul hnlwoi'ii : Komrion and Wnynrhiioiisur fur th Isagua lailortiliIi and possibly j far th Isagu poiiimiit Thursday , night dvlopd Into a ram or ' tbt Wyrhausrs. Final acorc : wal 11-0. Later In lha aranlng Lowell's i Tliara dupllc-iiird tha whitewash i faat at tha eiponio of Huntherii ! I'aolflc, winning lu-o. All rarguaou did to tho Kostor j aoo playara waa to lat them down i without a ainall of a hit. Kor tha i flrat four Innlnaa tha losrra ps i radad to tha plum In groups ut ' threa anil daparti'd In iho sumo manner. i In tha f If Hi Korguson allowed I ona of hla Ihroo bonus on bulla, and au arror placod a second Kes laraon plnycr on buss, but ovnn an y only four saw actlun during th aaaalon, aa Crapo. who had walki-d to alart tha Inning, waa nipped ulf aaeond by a throw from Weyor baauaar Calcbar Dorrab to Second Baseman Handatroui. In th alilh fsrguson rsuinil tha l-X-3 performance, nnd In tint final parlod laauad two muni walks but Interspersed the pauses with putouta ao that no K'traunlnu got lurthar than second. Maanwhlls with Rhortmnp II. Darrah awlnglng a big hnt In th tun of a homo run, triple mid two doubles In four times nt ihn pluto, Wrrhaeuser collected two runa In tha flrat and threa In each of tha third, fourth and fifth. That, of couraa, waa mora than enough. Ramoa, Lowell's nmumtsman. missed duplicating Ferguson's faat by the nwtrgln of nuo scant alngla In th flrat Inning. Olhor wla b acquitted hlmaelf even mora favorably, atrlklng out four I. P. playara and nllowlng only two baaea on balla. Ramoa recelvud hearty support from hla ton in mules, who went through th aevan Innings without tumble and presented him with all tha btta necessary to success. Molatore, left fielder, wielded the hearlest atlck, hla double In the aacond acorlng tha Tlgcra' flrat run and hla homer In the fifth cul minating flra-run onslaught. Walka and errora, unaaalated by Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 4aSy so's'soi! 1 SHARPENING UP L r 1 ft a v rvi i ty. i- 1: , . . ' TOW k3 Nlnetcen-yenr-old Frank Ko vncs, Cnlifornln state champion who hull from Onkland, home town of Don lludgc, pick! up a low one with a ncnt backhand aa he prrparra for hla Invnalon of enilrrn tnurnnment piny, Kovaca la ronildered one of th more promising younger playera In the country, nnd definite Dsvls Cup mnlcrlnl next year. a alngla hit, produced Lowall'e final foursom of tallies In the sixth. The serond week of the soft ball season waa to wind up Friday night, with Knlghta of Columbus and Great Northern battling to get out ot tha cellar In the opener and Big l-akea tackling Bike In the second number. Scores: R. H. E. Kosteraon 0 0 1 Weyerhaouser 11 11 1 Meyer and Olaon; Ferguson and J. Derrnh. R. H. E. Southern Pacific- 0 14 Lowells 10 I 0 Murphy and Miner; Ramoa and Fryer. Stavely, Alberta. Canada, baa a law requiring all rata to wear bells. Tho town constable de stroys any cat caught without one. SWttiatt whiskey is 40 months old PINTS ....$1.15 QUARTS... 2.20 This double-mellowed Kentucky Whiskey is indeed the General of its class . . . BOTTLED BY A. LYON, LOS ANGELES. CAL WHIFF ENDS IN E Freltaa Registers Sole Tally of Game After Striking Out. SAN FRANCISCO, Jun 10 (VP) Pitcher Tony Freltaa struck out and won hull gam for th Sac ramento Bolons to glv them a four gam lead In th Pacific Coaat baaeball league today. Ily virtu of Freltaa ability to score a run after ho had officially atruck out, the Senators defeated th dimming Hollywood Stars, 1 to 0. Hollywood' Tost tanned Frel tas, but th third strike slipped out of Catcher Chick Outen'a hands, and Freltaa waa oft to th racea. He heat the peg to tlrat by a atap. Thon Utility Oulfleldor BUI Jam.a smaabad a double, aendlng Freltaa to third from where he scored on a sacrifice out field fly by Buster Adams. By acorlng the only run of the guino and funning nine of tho op position, Freltaa won hla tenth gaino of the aeaaon and tied hefty Manuel Salvo of th Ban Diego I'adrea for strikeout leaderahlp of tha league. Each baa 70 to hla credit. After It waa all over th offi cial scorer credited Tost with a strikeout, Freltaa with a run and Outen with an error. In another Coast league game yesterday a four run uprising in the third Inning waa enough to glvo the Portland Heavers a 6 to 3 win over th second place San Franclaco Seals. I.oa Angelea acored five runs In the ninth Inning to overcome a four-run Seattle lead and win, g to 7. Doing Into th eighth Inning th Angela held a I to 2 lead. San Diego mad It three atraigbt over th. aubmerged Oak land Acorns when It clubbed three pltchors for IS hits. Including a homer by Sponcor Ilarrla, to win, 14 to 1. Jim Cbaplln, on of the Padrea top pitchers, fanned nine and let th Oaka down with alz hits. FISHING TIPS By Ced Heigho TO say that fishing la good, that there are mor than plenty of placea to go where the chances of a full creel are excellent and that weather and road conditions are almost per fect la really an understatement of fact. There la so much good fishing, and there are ao many places to go that any attempt to nam and tloscrlbe them all would necessarily reault In a vary Incomplete Hat, and ao we will only make mention ot those lake and streams which seem to be of the moat Interest to the most people. Rosa Flnley, manager of Odell lodge, says that fishing on ODELL LAKE baa been good. The Dolly Varden are atlll hit ting large plugs aa well as bait ed trolls, while experienced anglers are having no trouble In taking limits ot rainbow and allvarsld on either troll or fly. It la atlll a little early for the best fishing on DAVIS LAKE, which la located only a tew mllea from Odell, but Fln ley think that few mor warm days will cause a great Improvement. GOLD LAKE, which Is locat in Two Newcomers Face Rough Pair in Opening Bouts Here Two newcomers and two al ready established grapplers, both blrda of truculent nature, will round out next week' "carnival ot champions" In the armory ring, It waa diaclosed Friday when Mack Llllard, promoter, announc ed the pairing tor preliminary bouts aupportlng th Dud Chlck "Secret" and Clara Mortensen Marln Marlines features. The evening will get off to an anticipated flying atart with Floyd Brltt of Loray, Kas., as sailing Tony Morelll of New Jer sey, and vice-versa. Brltt, In several weeks of ac tivity here, has established him self aa a pretty ornery cuss. He lost out last Tuesday when Bobby Chick dumped him on hla head on th concrete outside the ring a very effective form ot punish ment but tho rest of his oppon ents have folded like the prover bial accordion under the Influ ence ot his hdmmerlocks, arm breakers, toeholds, strangles and other assorted parlor tricks. Mr. Morelll, however, Is said to bo the kind of a guy who jtiBt dotes on that stuff. He's rough not dirty, you understand Just rough and tough nnd plenty of thnt. At 190 pounds he will nearly match Brltt In weight, and al though thla Is his first trip to Oregon, ho'g established quite a No -Hitter ed about two mile off the Wil lamette highway and quite close to Odell lake, baa been fair or hotter than fair fishing. A two mile hike la necessary to reach th lake. Here la good news for the aalmon fisherman. Th follow ing wlr received from Rainbow (llbson, proprietor of Weasku Inn at Savugo rapids on the HOUL'K RIVKH la aelf-oxplwia-tory. "ANOTHKIl RUN OF CHINOOK SALMON CA.MK IN TODAY AT BAVAOB KAI'IDS ON TUB ROOUE ItlVBH. ONLY SIX BOATS FISHINO, HUT THKY TOOK U SALMON. HALF OF TUB FISH TAKKN WKRK JACK SALMON FROM SIX to 10 POUNDS KACII. THE RIVER IS STILL Hltill, WHICH IS GOOD FOR SAL MON, BUT TOO HIUH FOR TROUT EXCEPT ON BAIT." This Is salmon fishing such as w have not hoard of this year. In fact 16 salmon In six boats la really something any year. PAULINA and EAST LAKES are, according to all reports, holding up well. Tho method of fishing whether It be still fishing with night crawlers for bait, trolling with baited trolls, wobblera or pluga or fly fishing In the late afternoon and even ing, seems to make very little difference. Each method seems to be accounting for Its share of the fish taken. ELK LAKE haa been furnish ing fine fishing ever alnce the road waa opened, and It la Just as good now aa It baa been, or possibly vn better. Tandem aplnnera on the order of the Doc Shelton baited with night crawl era aeem to be the best lure. The bass and crapple fisher men bav been having wonder ful luck on OERBEP. RESER VOIR. Th base are taking varloua plugs, while the smaller pan fish are atrlklng well on files and small spinners. Fishing at Rocky Point, on upper KLAMATH LAKE, while possibly not quite so fast as on some of the other lakes, la good enough to furnish plenty of thrill. The fish show very lit tle preference In pluga and wobblera. Oood atream fishing Includes WOOD RIVER. SPRING CHEEK, SOUTH FORK OF SPRAGUB RIVER, KLAMATH RIVER, the BIO DESCHUTES In the vicinity of Benham falla and many othera. Bait and spinners are getting the best re sults on WOOD RIVER. SPRING CREEK and the via math RIVER call for either files or aplnnera. Bait seems to be the only means of taking fish from the SOUTH FORK OF THE SPRAGUE and the best results have been ob tained on files on the DES CHUTES RIVER. All-Star Nine Includes Six From Oregon MOSCOW. Ida., June 10 (JF) Four Oregon State college base ball playera and two from the University of Oregon were seiecien by Forrest Twogood, Unlveralty of Idaho coach, on his all-atar northern division team yesterday. Twogood selected as pitchers Louis McCollum, Washington State; Bob Hardy, Oregon, and Earl McKlnney, Oregon State. Hla Infield aelectlona were Kramer, Idaho, flrat; Emerson, Waahlngton State, second; Qulnn, Orornn. third? Mnvers. OrPeon State, ahortstop, and Price. Idaho, oatcber. Th outfield: Orar, Oregon State; Plummer, Waahlngton; Ronnev. Oreeon State, and Carl son, Washington State, utility. reputation In th Los Angelea area sine his arrival from hla na tive strand, wreatltng In main events and such. After Mr. Brltt has swept up th carpet with Mr. Morelll or vice-versa, as the case may be socking Sookeye Jack McDonald from Seattle will launch hostili ties against Cy Fox, newcomer No. i. Little need bs said ot Sockeye Jack's qualification. He has long alnce been well established as a bludgeoner ol note, and it takes a hardy campaigner to stand up In the face of his uncultured ring manners. Fox hopes to achieve that very feat, if not by matching McDon ald transgression for transgres sion, at least by ottt-smnrtlng, out-wrestling and out-speeding the lusty logger. Fox halls from Fort Worth, Tex., and Is said to be typical ot the product of that fertile breeding-ground of grapplers. He's blond, short nnd heavyset, weighs about 190, Is a capable wrestler and extremely scientific, He Is coming here direct from the great plains area without even ao much as a atopover In California. Seats lor Tuesday's matches went on sale Thursday, and Lll lard said there was a heavy enrly demand. Agency Scores Landslide Win Over Mill Nine Klamath Agency clubbed throe Algorna pitchers for a 21 to 6 vic tory on the Chlloquln high school athletic field last Sunday after noon bofore a fair aized crowd. Agency clouted out 21 clean hits to Its opponents' nine. The Agency pitchers had won derful aupport In the field and pulled out ot many bad holes. Lloyd Asplnwall led the attack with five aafe hits out of five offi cial times at bat, and he scored five runs himself besides driving In five other runs. This puts Agency In a tie with Dorrls for the league lead without a defeat so far. Box score and summary; Klamath Agency AU H R L. Asplnwall, cf .... Woody Joe, 2 b .... Kd Case, rt F. Motchman, 3b.. V. Slerxbach, c-ss.. O. Goodard, ss-c... J. Johnson, lb D. Franklin, If ...... Joe Wolflnbarger 40 21 21 Errors, Woody Joe, Case, Motch muu, Goodard; three-base bit, Anplnwall; two-base bits, Aspln wall 2, Case 2, Stcrzbach 1, Good ard 1, Franklin 1; atruck out by Wolflnbarger 6, walka 3, hit bats man 1. Algonia AB 11 R E Ambers, 2b ............ 12 2 2 Fuller, ss 2 0 0 2 Perdue, It 10 0 1 Walker, lb 4 10 1 Thexton, 3b-p 4 2 11 Lenaers, p ...... 4 111 Snider, cf . 3 10 1 Brown, rf .. 2 0 0 0 Moore, rf .... .. 2 0 0 0 Honry, c-p .... 4 2 11 32 5 10 Errors, Ambers, Fuller 2, Per due, Walker, Thexton, Lenaers, Snider, Henry 1; two-base hlta. Ambers and Lenaers; struck out by Lenaera 3; struck out by Full er 2. Girls' Softball League Opens Monday Night The Klamath Women's Softball league, with four teams already entered and the possibility of others In prospect, will open Its season on Cook field In Mills ad dition Monday night at 6:30. One "twilight" game will be played every Monday throughout the season. Any girl wishing to loin a team or any team wishing to enter the league was asked to get In touch with Mrs. Olenn Jones, phone 1297-M. Diz Shelved Indefinitely CHICAGO. June 10 (AP) The 3186,000 right arm of DIsty Dean, of no use to the Chicago Cubs since May 3, Is to he rested again, this time Indefinitely. Charlie Grimm, manager of the Cubs, announced today that Dean, who haa been gradually conditioning his arm now for five weeks, will not pitch In any ot the games during the Cubs' home stay, which concludes on Sunday. Dean, after warming up for relief pitching duty, reported to Grimm that his arm waa tired and ached. "All we can do," said Grimm, Is give him more rest. I can't say bow long that will be. It will be up to Dirty." So when Dean will no ready to pitch again is problematical. Baseball Thursday's Results PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE R. H. E. Portland .. 6 10 1 San Francisco 8 12 1 Llska and Dickey; Shores, Bal- lou and Sprint. Mght Game R. H. E. Hollywood .................. 0 4 1 Sacramento . 1 t 2 Tost and Outen; Freltaa and Grube. R. H. E. Seattle 7 18 S Los Angeles 8 9 2 Serventl, Beck, Turpln and Splndel; Salveson, Bush and Col lins. R. H. B. Oakland 1(2 San Diego 14 15 0 Van Fleet, Llndell, Pyle and Conroy, Rntmondl; Chaplin and Hogan. h Pioneer Here Saturday " Don't Miss The Wonderful Bargains At 5S You can buy Quality Merchandise in dation Sale! Everything Reduced! Orders from K. Sugarittan are to sell until the desired amount o liquidation is realized! You can't buy anything in this sale without making a Real Saving! BLUE COVERT WORK SHIRTS . Hew Polo Shirts SEVERAL STYLES. REGULAR $1.00 VALUES.. KNIT SHIRTS AND BROADCLOTH SHORTS REGULAR 25c VALUES Hew Straw Hats SEVERAL STYLES. REGULAR $2.00 VALUES SHORTY SOX ELASTIC TOPS. REGULAR 25c VALUES.. RAYON SLEEVELESS SWEATERS COLORS-WHITE, YELLOW AND BLUE New Wash Slacks LIGHT COLORS. REGULAR $2.50 VALUES.. Oskosh SIZES 30 TO 42. THE WORLD'S BEST FINE QUALITY BROADCLOTH SHORTS ELASTIC OR FRENCH BACK STYLES.. HEAVY Whipcord Pants SANFORIZED SHRUNK TOMAHAWK LEATHER FACED GLOVES LIMIT 2 PAIR TO CUSTOMER.. Polo Sport Shirts NEW STYLES ONE POCKET. RF.r.lIl ap tinn VAlllPQ Crown Pajamas uiissiAM Ann rniT stvit RUSSIAN AND COAT SIZE B-C-D. REGULAR Dress Shirts WOVEN MADRAS. SIZES 14 TO 18. SLEEVE LENGTH 32 TO 35 Work Shoes ALL LEATHER. A BEAR FOR WEAR.. Union Suits FINE RIB COTTON LONG SLEEVE ANKLE LENGTH 41 1 For 'Alls OVERALLS .. STYLE. $2.00 VALUES.. this ereat Liqui . 41v $17 $239 Ct7(oV75 II mJ V.5 W s $rr 65 J L $1739 -3