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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1938)
THIS NEWS AND THE HUHALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THREE ..,.,... Ihu limn IS ill (1 n'nlfinlt I MM BIBLE schools, TIiu oiio hulil lu llio east and of llio city will bt hold In Ihn First Nntnrnna clnirih. Tha ollmr school will lio hold In two chlirchna, Thn bnKliinnrs did Pri ma ry nxo groups will altmid school lii I ho Klrst I'mnhylorlnn church, while (ho Junlora mid In lrmidlatca will attend achool In llio Klmt Mnlhodliit church, II la iii'K"l (hut all children snd Inuchurs nltnnd and assist the mh 0i I nearest thnlr homo, The school will IiiikIii Monilny iiHHlnl In this work are asked to mnk to tholr paatnr or be pre nnt In the church whore the de partment will meet In which you are Interested. If you do not know which department you would like to work In, please lot your pastor know, A fine achool I planned thin ynar, and all paronta are urxcrl to oncouruae tholr chlldron to ho on time each duy and to tnko an Interest In the dully vuciitlon lllhlo achool. by residents of Lakeshore drive. According to Mlas McCartor, the youlha have been aeen atandlng on the shoroa of tho lako, on the town aide of f.akashore Inn, and have been shooting at the ducks and other waterfowl that frequent tho lako. Tho boya are usually ahootlng In the early evening and more fre quently during weekend. Miss .Mif.'artor hn advised tho ahorlff'a office of tho violation and Investi gation haa been promised. and will continue until noon, each school day during the week. There will bo only two Wonka of achool. The Klamath Kulln Ministerial association appreciates (ho assist nncu and cooperallon of the par on In of Klnmnth Kails, and re gardless of what church tho chll drnn attond, urKa them to go to the ncarost achool, Tho course of Instruction will Includo lllblo attidy, craft and roc million. All who would like to Cash Bazaar There will ha dully mention lllblo achool this ywir uiidnr Ilia illriinllun of Ihn Klniiuilli Falls 1M I ii I Hi or In I association. Thi'io will iicluully hu (wn Groups of young men, ranging from 15 to IS years of axe, have been reported to Helen McCartcr, Klamnlh county Juvenile officer. S3S Main Street Everything Reduced to Bargain Prices Juno 10, 1938 YOUTHS SHOOTING AT DUCKS, CHARGE 1 How woulJ yea llk to nulva m psy cktk ch swath? tkH'i wkM ilpls Slw anaat. Tha aioaty you itva o your food bill by ikopplnf niJirly at Ssltwty It looa" m titoe moiwy la yaw pocltt-kook. Why Hll pfove " to you? NOW I The more i the more ijousave- Case $2.98 Peas -2 2 f'25c Bun Wiiii from tho famous Hun Juan Island the moat dollcloua peaa you ever ata Pork & Beans -'"' 5C Pineapple- 3 25c No. 1 flat tins, fancy whole allcea. Pineapple Juice E" k"r 5C 46 or. lim only 25f Beans 5 - 25c California email whltea Spry Shortening Tho pcrtocl vegotnble Shortening T,r..... i.o9 Zee Toilet Tissue White, green or orchid 3 rolls, 14c 8cotch Granulated Soap Waahoa everything that'a washable Lge. pkg. 29c Lux Flakes For all flno linens Lg. Pkg. 21c Lux Toilet Soap the aoap of beautiful women 2 bars 15c Rinso For all fine fabrlca Lge. pkg. 21c Tender, delicious aa a young chicken, and well within tho strictest budget Is this young mllk-fod vonl. Try a Juicy ronat, hot -or cold, tender stunks, a savory alow with fresh spring vogotables. Veal Roast lb. 15c Steak lb. 171c Leg Veal Roast . .lb. 20c Veal Stew .... .lb. 10c Pork Chops Lb. 25c Lean, tender young pig pork Skinned Hams Lb. 25c Cenpalc Quality Bacon Lb. 2Vic By the piece Sliced Bacon Lb. 35c Rind off no waste Assorted Lunch Meats Lb. 25c Pork Loaf, Minced ham, Head Cheese, Veal loaf Mock Chicken Legs 7 Cor 25c For an unusual meat dish Salad Dressing Pint 10c A mild fresh dressing Potato Salad Pint 20c Home Made Chickens, Turkeys, Rabbits, Fryers Klamath County's Prime Steer Beef Mighty Flavorful and tender Roasts Lb. 152C Boiling Beef Lb. 10c Steak Lb. 25c , Ground beef - 2 Lbs. 29c Boneless Beef Stew 2 Lbs. 35c Market Prices Effective Saturday only June It 33e MAYONNAISE-rrTar. 39e SPUD CIGARETTES f ....$1.23 Smoke the original mentholated cigarette at a new low price ci fppv unimw cyriip uu.ll I iiwi.s.uii viiivi pure cano and maple QUART JV PEANUT BUTTER 11' Si. 23f MARSHMALLOWS Fluffiest, freNli aa the dawn, a ONE POUND OC PACKAGES tV OLEO MARGARINE ltobln Hood the perfect spread. 9Rf 8 LBH PET MILK Pre beautifully Illustrated Ml-pagr rerlpc Iwok with each 9(1 f ft CANS Up SUPERB GRANULATED SOAP LAKGE PACKAGE EAGLE BRAND MILK s... Zt- $1.59 ri'!: 98c HARVEST BLOSSOM 49 lb. bag $1.39 24 V2 lb. bag .89 ANCHOR 49 lb. bag $1.29 24Vz lb. bag .79 LION 49 lb. bag $1.19 24', lb. bag .69 SUNSET GOLD 49 lb. bag $1.15 tit 45c imi i iiiiiii ini n Hill1 cfuau imported . .nfirra ttm plus DEPOSIT 12 oz. tins 3 for 29t 11 o. iteinies 3 for 29 Case $2.29 32 oz. full qts 2 for 49 Vi gal. jugs :...49 Refund made on bottles at time of return Sugar Fine Granulated 25 cloth bag $1.35 Brown Golden C 3 lbs 14 Powdered xxxx Finest 3 lbs. 17 The delightfully crisp soda crackers Safeway Fruits and Vegetables Prices Kffectlve Saturday Only, June 11 Egg Plant -10c Gloss, purple coated, fresh eggplants at their very best Tomatoes 2-19c Rich red-ripe fine flavored tomatoea Bananas 5 If c Firm, golden yellow (rult Lettuce ::- -Sc Crisp, solid heads Cauliflower 15c Tight snow-white buds Cantaloupes : 19c Large, sweet, golden-meated. Mi , The last of the season. If smwoemes will be your last chance to purchase at lowest market price. Prices Effective in Klamath Falls, Merrrll, Tulelake, Dorris and - Chiloquin, Saturday and Monday, June 11 and 13 ORDERED ID V: 2 Of This Stock of Merchandise You Profit By Our Mistakes Men's Dress Sox Qc Values to 2S: short, elastic top or long 22c Men's Ties Values to 49c Hand Made Men's Shorts Values to 25c Broadcloth, elastic wrist Boys' Cowboy Hats $1 CO To $1.79 Genuine Felt. Close-out .... Boys' Slacks Genuine Levi Strauss Sanforized. Most All Sizes Polo Shirts Men's and Boys' Values to 59c Close-out at .... 33c Children's Sweaters 3Jc Broken Sizes Values to $1.49 Children's I Anklets ; Close-out Most All Sizes 9C Children's Slacks 0C jjP Rayon I Panties I xl13c J Trimmed, Dark TwHl. Sizes 4 to 14 Years. Values to $1.49 Women's Dresses Sheer Wash Qfif Frocks . Special OOi Odd-Lot Shoes Close-out For Women, Girls and Boys Broken Sizes . 8GC f Belts I All Colors I Values to 23c M Scott" I Shoes 1 Reduced V 10 J House Slippers Women's, Leather Uppers and Soles, Cuban Heel 99c Women's Shoes Oxfords, Sandals, ' Wedges Values to $2.93 . $177 Saturday Special One Day Only Children's Bath Robes To $1.19 I Cloths A I 2 (or J 50 NOMVAL'S CASH BAZAAR 538 Main Street V: