June 7, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NTNTS Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY, SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT-ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS t RATES Paid-in-Advance On day, per word . ..,................ 2c two-day run, ?r word hreo-day run, pr word 4c .. 8c On weak run, per word . . ?c On month run, par word . ...20c Charge Adi lach Insertion, par word 3c (No charge made for laj than 25c) (All nmtl oniar ad mini have eash with ordir). All at are Inserted In both dltlnns of The News-Herald. All classification am num bered unci appear In numerical order. Tha deafl-llne for classifica tion la 11:00 a. m, Ada received sfter 12:00 o'clock will bo run In tha "Too Lata to Classify" column. Tha Newe-'Hurald will ba re sponsible for Incorrect wording onljr ona dsy. Classified Index Apartmnnta for Hani H Automotive J Dtislnnss Opportuntttea ...,...4 Kdurattonal ......12 Financial 48 For Bala or Trade - ! (innerst Notice ......... 4 Hlp Wantod, Kemnla ...... 14 Ht'ip Wanted. Mala -.18 Houses for Hunt ! Livestock and Poultry ......... 44 Lost and Found ......... t Miacsllaneoua for ftent ... 28 Mlarallaneoua for Kale 38 Mtacellaneoua Wanted .. 42 Personate Baal Eatale for Sale ...... ...3d Real Estate Wanted ......... 32 Room and B ard ... JO Rooma for Kent . .23 Borrloea 1 SlHiatlona Wanted ...... .-...IS To Kschango 40 Tramiprirtatn 2 Loit and Found tOBT Black pup, white on neck and faot, and wearing, blue col lar. Reward, 128 N. 2nd. -8 LOST Verjr dark brown Chean penke dof, name Smoky, In vi cinity of Deschutes Lbr. Co., Mowlch, Ore. Write Paul Dal ton or Itotlnnd Watt, Mowlch, Ore. Reward. 8-8 4 Genera! Noticei Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND borteat Route Loweat Farea To Northern Pointa One Round Way 1.10 0.00 5,90 8.40 1:00 Trip $20.05 18.10 10.65 14.65 P. M. Spokane $1 Boise, Ida. I Portland Seattle Buaaea Lea re Mt. Hood Stages, Inc. Oreyhound Depot Phone 009 6-20-mlf BIDS FOR CONCKB810N8 at the fatrgroumla for Klamath Buck aroo Daya Rodeo, July 2, S and 4. will bo received up to Friday, June 10. 8 p. m. Chock to ac company bid. Thla Include all concession except program. Addreaa bid to Herald-New. Boi S0J. I I INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falla Trana, and Storage. 7-4-mtf LONO DISTANCE HAULINQ Phone 1097. 7-4-mtf NEW LOW RATBS on body and fender repairing, motor tune-up, generator, atnrter, magneto re palra. Andoraon Auto Electric, 632 Walnut. 8-30 BLY CAFE Specialising In Sun day chlckon dlnnera, homo- made plea, aoft tlrlnka. Charlie Haakln. S-8 BERL'8 BEAUTY SHOP Special auurnntood-Complote 2 60 Oil Permnuont for f 1.95 S01 Modlcnl-Oentftl Bids', Phone 1S72-J. 8-18 Personal! FULL BPINAL ANALYSIS of your lllnesa without coat or obliga tion. Why suffer? Dr. David, D. 0 110 N. 8th, Hopka Bldg. Phone 2322. 8-18 8 Transportation TWO LADIES want ride to Port land. Room 302, Valley Hotel. 6-8 DRIVING In Loa Ancolea Tluira ilny. Room for two. Phone 2028-W. 8-8 DRIVING to Loa Angolea Wednea tlny, take passotiRora, share ex penaeB, Frank Lambo, Chlln nuln. 8-7 SEASIDE Ftirnlahort collage, modern, near bench. Reduced ratna for June, Box 214, Sen aide. 8-19 MOVING Any point Oregon, Wnalilngtnn and California, In ured vans. Call 704, Pooplo' Warelionae. 8-2S Sorviee SEWING, Romodollng, AHorntlona, Also curtnlm and drnpea, Sat isfaction guaranteed, Mrs. Har ncy, Sill Dttrrow. Telephone 21G1-J. 8-10 ROOKS All kind. Dependable service, easy torma, free inspec tion. Reasonable prices. Diona 1411 or 704. 4-11 10 Services PAINTING AND DECORATING Phone 2386-VV or 131. 7-8 IVAN L. OH8T1M Brick layer. Ratea reasonable. 1080 Mrm leilui. 8-Jt HODENflAMER SAW FILINO 210 Eaat Main. Phone 848-W All saws, tool, lawnmower. etc., repaired. 7-11 MATTHKH8 ItBBUILT and fumt gated for $2,00, or robulld your old inattntai In an Inneraprlng, Upholstering and awning ot all kind. Call Economy Mattra at Upholstering. Phone 1208-W. WANTED Work for caterpillar tractor. Oeorc Eger, Keno Rt II DEPENDABLE gardening, land- acaphig, yard work, la year esperlonce. Albert Barrett Aahland Rt. 7-2 FURNACES CLEANED 14.78 apeclal summer price. Bpotle vacuum cleaning. Chimney, smoke-nine, furnace. Free In' specttoti. Bollard Furnace Co, Phone 896. 7-1 CARPENTER Faat and exper ienced, work guaranteed, ra- aonable. Phone JSW8. 7-1 DHESH.MAKING-HEMBT1TCH1NO Alteration. Button. Mr. H. M. Aliender, Upstalra, Hopka lildg.. Room 11, Entrance North 8th, nest Margot'l. Phone 428-W. 8-24 PAINTINO, Paper Hanging. Kal soitilnlng. J. P, Roper. Phone 267 Wl. -2 FILMS Any 8-exposure roll de veloped and printed, 2Se, East Bide Pharmacy, 228 East Mala 8-2S-mtf PAINTINO, Kalsnmlalng. Call R, K. Simmons, J37J4 morning. t-24 FLOOR SANDING and raflnlshing. Clifford Golden. Phone 188WJ. 8-30-mlf ART BENEDICT, house cleaning. janitor. 2384-W. 8-30 WINDOW CLEANING, general housecleanlng, wallpaper and kalaomlned walla neatly cleaned Phone 873. A, M. Rhode. 8-7 DRESSMAKING, Alterations, Re modeling. Aon London, (21 Main, over Swansea' barber shop, 6-12-mtf HODKNIIAMEH SAW FILING 219 East Main. Phone 848-W. All saws, tool, lawnmower, etc. repaired, 8-14-roit FLOOR SANDER for rent. Newest type dustleaa machine. SOUTH ERN OREGON HARDWARE CO. 6-10 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED School girl for room and board. Phone 1S57-R. (-8 14 Help Wanted, Mel WANTED Painter and metal worker helper one not afraid to work. Ostendort Motor Co., 424 80. 6th. 6-7 SALESMEN Investigate our of fer, experience not necessary. 704 Klamath. 8-7 IS Situation! Wanted HIGH SCHOOL, graduate wishes work. Rt. 1, Bog 633. 8-7 YOUNG WOMAN wanta house work. Experienced, Mra. Nedra Hopkina, Malln, Oregon. 6-10 EXPERIENCED woman cook wanta work. 833 California, 8-10 WANT contract to clear and plow land. Have SO Caterpillar and toola, Hoi 111, Newa-Herald, 8-iI UNINCUMBERED eicellent cook, 46, wishes steady work. Refer ences. 108 W. Oregon. 8-7 EXPERIENCED young man wanta ranch, garage, or any kind ot work. Robt. Coleman, Gen. De livery. 6-7 EXPERIENCED young woman wishes ranch cooking or general housework. Any place. V. V. Gilo, Gen. Delivery, 8-7 YOUNG woman atenographer, bookkeeper, wishes position. Box 786, Kawa-ltsrald. 6-7 HOUR WORK Phone 1012-J. 8-8 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wlhe hour work. Phone 2135-J. 7-1 20 Room end Board BOARD for man and wife for wife'a services. 723 Klamath, t II HOARD AND ROOM 82 Jeffer son, Phone 1631-J. 8-10 ROOM AND BOARD 1124 Mon Clair, across from high school, i-l BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam ath. 125-tf ROOM AND BOARD 611 So. 8th. rhone 1943-W. 6-18 ROOM AND BOARD 828 High. 6-11 22 Roorm for Rent SLEEPING ROOMS 1034 Hifth, Phono 146. 8-7 ATTRACTIVE ROOM, auitnble for one or two, 84 5 Eldorado, 6-9 FOR RENT Nice room. 134 N, 3rd. - 49S-tf ROOMS IN 110MB $20 double or $18 single, 1608 Fulton St. 8-3 Roomi for Rent BLEEPINO ROOM, close In, 3,8 per week, 301 Washington. 6-7 FRONT bedroom with home priv llegea, 604 No, 10th. Phone 2272-W. 6-7 CLAREMONT, 22 No. 4th St. Ail outalde modern rooma. Free parking lot, 6-11-mtf PLEASANT OUTBIDS ROOMS 32.80-34,00 week, 410 So. Sib. 6-1 ROOM FOR RENT 114 Wash- Ington Bt. 6787-11 24 Apartments for Rnt 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent. 2118 Applegate. 4-i TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 813 Pine, l-t VACANCY 418 N. 10th. 7-8 APARTMENT Suitable for two, Inquire 601 Market. 6-13 SMALL FURNISHED APT,, clone In. 707 Washington. 6-7 THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment. No children. 1626 Cres cent. IS FURNISHED APT. 1143 Pine. -7 VACANCY 133 No. 10th, 4-i FOR RENT Modern furnished apartments, $25 up. Gleneourt Apartment, near Weyerhaeuser. Phone 201. 7-3 FURNISHED or unfurnished 3 room apt., aduita only. No sets. Inquire 203 Main. 48ltt FOR RENT Furnished 1-room apartment. 133 High. SOOOtf FURNISHED apt., Simons Court. 323 Commercial, 6-19 3-ROOM modern furnished apt.. gaa atove, garage. W, Roblnette, Merrill. -f VACANCY K D Apartment. Everything furnished. Main and Broad. 6-9 FOR RENT Completely reno vated unfurnished apartment. Marlon Apt. 488-tt VACANCY t large rooms, bath, 326 Commercial. 6-8 APARTMENT Suitable for two. Inquire 601 Market. 6-7 APARTMENTS AND ROOMS FOR RENT Alpha Apt. Phone 300. 8-25-mtf UNFURNISHED 7-room apart ment. Heat, water, wood fur nished. Call 818 Market eri 623W4. 4899-U CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equip ment, refrigeration, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. The apartment hotel with con ventenco and home comfort. 24 hour aervlce. No Beta. 6-14-mtf 26 Houtet for Rent TWO-ROOM furnished eabia. 924 Jefferson. t-8 FOR RENT vacanclea In du plex, furnished. Reasonable rent. Inquire ill Hillside. 8-6 FOR RENT Unfurnished two- bedroom house, modern, oak ftoora, garage, 20. Call 81S-W, 8-7 UNFURNISHED modern house. Phone 699J3. 6-f FOR RENT Four-room furclsh fji house. Inquire 1321 Di vision. 6-7 MODERN four-room house Hot Springs. Full baaement, $48 Phone SO. Hrewa Xfanatnr. PhoneSO. Drewa Manatore. 6-7 FOR RENT Five-room house, 1136 Grant. 49-tf 3-ROOM furnished house, Pleasant view tract. Inquire 160 Old Fort Road, after 8 p. m. 6-7 FOR RENT S-room modern un furnished bouse, basement, furnace and llreplace. Phone 964-J. 6-7 30 Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE Take some trade 620 acre, 100 or more can be farmed, S-room house, wood shed, 2 well, pond, 2 acre ap ple, good free soil. AH for $3000 cash, 53500 term. Alas 160 acres timber, $1000, 164 acres, $3000 cash, $3500 terms, 473 acre, $9600, slocked and quipped. Box 74, Keno, Off. -7 HOME TRACTS $10 down, no payment for t month, city conveniences. SEVENTY HOMES and btwineas properties for aate. 118 No. 7th Phone 787 E. GRAY REAL ESTATE 7-6 FOR SALE Three lota with two houses. Very reasonable terms to right party, Rt. 2, Box 2S7. -9 FOR SALE 260 acre mountain meadow land, fenced. Sec. 2S, T. 40, R, tS, E.W.M, C. E, Baker, Box ISO, Lakevlew, Ore, $-11 FOR SALK Completely modern newly renovated 6-rootn house. Full basement, fireplace, hard wood floors. Hot Springs addi tion. Torma, Inquire 205 Com mercial evening. 8-10 SEB LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, IS monthly, Including Interest. Mra. .Bert P. Lewie, owner, Rt. 2, Box !S5. Phone 16J2. $ 10 ACRES CLBAR, $150 Commercla!, -227 IS 22 30 Real Estate for Sal Hot Springs Bargain Attractive home In choice El dorado Avenue location la now offered at modest price of 13750, with 600 down payment and very reasonable installments. Hits two bedroom, basement, laws, treea and garage, CHILCOTE k SMITH Bins 1908 lit K. th Phone i 8-7 ATTENTION f 2680 s-room bouse, 3 large lota. One Week from Main, Paving paid. A real bargain. Easy terra, J. E. HOSKINS 617 Main St, Phone 1 8-7 WE HAVE $2600 first mortgage on 300 acres of good irrigated land, paving off $800 asd in terest per year at 6 per cent. Will trade for good Klamath Fall or auburban property. Write News-Herald, Box No. 323. $-7 FOB SAl.R Corner lot on Mai: etreet ot Bly, Lot Hillside ave nue. Sell cheao for cash. No reaaonable offer refused, IAS Nevada. 8-10 FOR BALE Furnished cabin at Lake o' Wood, west aide. Bar gain. R. E, McElho, 629 Minn. Ave., Medford. 34 Automotive) SPECIAL 184 Ford coupe. Needs very Httie work. Tire and motor good. $240. Term, 0tendorf Motor Co., 42 So, 6th St. $-9 "30 FORD ROADSTER. Nice look lng, good motor, $146.09, 170$ Main. 8-7 GOOD two-wbeel trailer house. Sturdy built in. $76.00. Inquire Hodge Store, Merrill, Or. -! FORD TRUCK, 1938 and Isaacson trailers. Real buy at $800 for complete unit with loaders See Tony Frentiel, WlHard Hotel 6-18 O.M.C. TRUCK and elngl axle trailer, 1936, Can be seen at Packard Agency, Quick sale price, $300, 6-1 FOR SALE Model A dump truck $100. Pbose S1S-R. 8-7 FOR SALE Equity in 1934 Studs baker sedan. Phone 1012-J eve ning. - 8-7 FOR SALE 38 Dodge coups. Coat $1020, will aell for $800, $200 down. Bodenhammer Saw Filing, 21$ E. Main. f-8 FOR SALE 3 4 Chevrolet master coupe; take Model A or motor cycle Is trade. Box 123, Modoc Point. 8-7 36 Miscellaneou! for Sal FOR SALE Maytag washer and mangle, reasonable. 1129 Wal nut. -7 120-BASE ACCORDION, Ford light trailer, Rt, 1, Box 941. 6-1 1 LA VINA'S DRESS SHOP, 133 N, 4th. closing out 11.95 hand- mad dreeaea at 93c, Will con tinue drees making, alteration at 2023 Darrow. La Vina Robin, 1-1 S FOR SALE 100 sacks Netted Gem Seed potatoes. Boyd Thick er, west aid Tulelake, 8-9 FOR SALE One 24-inch lathe, one stiff boom Jammer, 241 Market St, (-1 FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk. trade tor sewing machine, 1138 High. 6-S DRY PINE BLOX Direct front bin, $3.26 delivered or $2.00 at bin. Call S92-M. 8-10 FOR SALE Bed cedar fence potta. Joe Milanl, Bear Midland, 6-7 FOR SALE De Lux Frigidaire, Ilk new, 2018 Oregon, Apt. 1. 8-10 FOR SALE Washing machine, ironer and tub. 1628 Sargent. 8-10 FREE GARDEN DIRT Pine. 1IS1 8-9 CANDID CAMERA FILM Refills for 35 rots cartridges. Eastman Super X, 86-exposure, 60s post paid. Paul Storm, Rt. 1, Box 82, City, 6-9 FOR SALS Small house on halt acre. Inquire Shasta Food Mar ket. 8-7 SMALL JOB HAULINQ Ferti liser, lawn dirt, excavations, dry block wood. Roy Schmeck, 2436 Shasta Way, Phone 126$, 6-18 LOWER PRICES EXPERT WORK Brakea Relined and Adjusted, Bent Axtes Straightened Cold In or Out of Car, SAFETY SERVICE 732 S. th $-1$ UNREDEEMED LADY'S diamond ring. Flawless, one-third carat. Bought last Christmas for $127.54, To be aold for loan and Interest at $59.60. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 622 Msin, 8-7 FOR SALE Glass show case, 7x3x4, 901 Lincoln. Pbone 1741. -$ FOR SALK Modern trailer house. 6th and Shasta Way. 8-11 36 Mivcellsneout for Ssf FOR BALE Few ton fertiliser, 16-20-0, atoo 10-I6-i, C, V. Barton, Merrill, Ore. 8-7 MOVING? Call Klamath Fall Transfer and Storage, 4tk and Klamath. Phone 1097, 7-4-mtf WESTERN BED CEDAR SHIS- OLES, No, I perfect $4,10 per aquare, 800 A R PINE SHIN GLES, No, I $3.75, No, 2 $3,20, KENO SHINGLE MILL. Keno, Ore. M FOR BALE Ice-hox, 60 lb. est- pacily, excellent condition. Phone 1SS0-J. 32$ No. 10th AUTO PAINTINO REFINiSHING FOR LESS Complete Body and Rebuild Service. SAFETY SERVICE 73$ 8, 6th (-1$ WALLPAPER The largest stosk of 1938 patterns in ths city M SOUTHERN OREGON HARD WARE CO, 6-1 LAWN MOWERS sharpened with new Improved machine, $1,00, Call and deliver in city, Poole's Bicycle Store, f-l USED OAS FURNACES Suitable for homes with or without base ment. Also wood furnaces, $S5 and up, Holland Furnace Co. Pbone 89i, 8-i FIBER INSULATING BOARD 135 a thousand, F, R, Hauler, $16 Market St, Phone 1668. "Building Materials for Less." 8-13 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulovs, watches, $4.60 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 622 Main, 6-30 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in Farmall tractor. Lane Broth ers, Summers Lane. Phone S7J2, 8-7 FOR SALE Baby buggy, 421 Michigan, 8-t 40 To Exchange FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity in 7-room modern Bom In tt. Francla Park for lots or good ear. Rt, , Box 439. (-1$ $500 accordion tor $150 sedan, Rt. 1, Box 941. 6-7 42 MUcellsneeu Wanted" PARTY WISHES SMALL LOAN on clear acreage, close in. Box 916, News-Herald. $-8 HIGHEST nrfeea paid for used furniture and stoves. OK Secosd Hand Store, S20 Klamath, Phone 991, 6-31mtf WANTED 10 men daily to get free shaves. Inquire st Ricky Jewelry and Loan, (22 Mais, 8-T WE BUY BOTTLES Main Street Bottle Exchange, 140$ Mats, 8H WANTED 2S00 rooms for Eagles convention from June 29 to July 3, Rooma will be as signed in tne order of the slat of listings. Please register cil available rooms, with prices, at the law ofice of W. Lamar Townsend, S07 Odd Fellows Bldg. ll- 44 Livestock ncJ Poultry FOR SALE 5-year-old pinto mare and colt, 5-year-old pinto mare, S-vear-old bay gelding (broke to work), 3-year-old pinto gelding (broke to ride) and two S-year-old pinto geld ings. C. S, Baker, Box IS Lakeview, Ore. 8-11 FOR SALS: Red Fryers, 1 to 3 pounds, live or dressed, Srd house sottth Idella's Store on South Sixth St. If S-tl WANTED 20 head ot purebred white face Hereford. Haley Bros,, Bonanza. $-1$ FOR SALE Good milk goat. Bertha's store, Merrill Highway. 8-9 FOR SALE Weaner and feeder pigs. Aknejr Ranch, Summers Lane. 6-7 BEEF PASTURE FOR SALE at Fort Klamath. Cheap. Write Louis Hessig, Beewtck, StoMyott Co., Calif, S-10 FOR SALE 10 cows, coming fresh. Joe Chotard, Malln, 6-17 REDUCED PRICES ON CHICKS White Leghorns 8c Pallet ISc. Heavies 9c Started pul lets, 4 weeks, SSc. 6 weeks 4Ec. 8 weeks S5c, Jenks Hatchery. Tangent, Oregon. 6-16 CHICKS hatching every week, Ma- gulre Electric Hatchery, 2415 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore gon. S-3S 46 Financial VACATIONING? Need Money for That Summer Trip? Let The "Friendly Finance Co," Famish The Cash. Auto Loans Financing COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. Wtti. nlmntayer, Mgr.' License No. M-22J 118 S. 7th St, Fnon 471 6-31 The great Dutch painter, Rem brandt, produced many etelstags which eil at peak prices, A small Rembrandt rtrhitig brought $3000 at a recent sale, ; Locke really rcronilltions W used cars. v ? LESAL NOTICES PUBLIC BANK SALE First FaMIcsttioa Jane 7, 1H Notice I hereby given that tb following automobile -will s sold by a PUBLIC BANK BALE, Im mediate ACTION to start I i, n. Jon 1$, 163$. '$t Plymouth PSckus '87 Willys Pel gd '27 Willys Std Red f Willys Bed '(7 WMy Del S4 '37 WiMy 01 Bed $ S Soto Cost Trg & 'tt D Soto Airflow S4 'tt Plymouth Trg gsd $8 Ford V8 Del Co 36 Willy 77 Sed 26 Packard Clnb Sed tt 0 Soto AF 84 $( t Sots AF Bd 28 Ford t-Dr Sed 'It Fsstiae Co $$ Plymouth 4-Dr ted 'tt Ford 4-Dr gtd 26 Plymouth 4-Dr Trg 4 'IS Plymouth 2-Dr Sd 'IS Plymouth 4-Dr Ss4 '15 PlymoatB I-Dr Trg gfd 25 Ford Op 2S Ford Cp "15 Fort I-Dr Ssd SS De Soto 4-Dr Trg id 2S Piymantlt Sed! 35 Ford Del Co 'J 5 Plymouth 4-Dr S4 '15 Willy 77 t-Dr M $S Fort Tudor 84 '$( Ford, Tudor Sed 'IS Plymouth Del Cp '15 Hsdsoa Cp $4 Plymouth 4-Dr ged '34 Dodge 2-Dr Bed '14 Chrysler 4-Dr Efrd '14 Plymoath 2-Dr Sed '14 Ford Tudor Sed '2 Plymouth 4-Dr gsd 24 Plymouth Del Co Ferd -Dr Sed $4 Ford Tudor S4 '14 Ford Tudor Sed '14 Ford 4-Dr Bed '14 D Soto AF Sed '14 WBIy TT Sed '1 4 Plymouth Del Cp $4 Plymststa 'It Plymouth Cp $$ Ford Sed '12 Ford Del Cp '12 Piymotstn. 4-Dr fed 'IS Ford Cp "11 Sith Sed ( '12 Ford 8d '11 Cbv 4-Dr Sed '!1 Olds Sed 31 De Soto Sed S1 Olds Sed "31 Sulci Cp '81 Chrysler Cp tl Ctiv coach. '10 Cbsv Coach 2 Cher Coach S0 Ford Tudor S0 Ford Cp 10 Csv Cp S0 Ford Sed Ford Rdstr 'SO D Soto Sed '19 Ford 4-Dr Sed 29 Nash Sed J9 SWdebaker Sed 29 Baltic Cp '29 Ford Del Sd IS WMppett Sed ' Dodge 4-Dr Sed '28 Ford Sed tt FsaUse Coach These ears to be sees for In spection at the L. O. Areas Motor Company, Be Soto-Plymouth deal er, located rt 744 Klamath Ave nue, Klasath Falls, Oreson. PROCLAMATION Know T all persons, that tb Arena Motor Company, exclusive De Sois-Plymonta desHr, sow doing business under Stat Li cense and Bonded Ho, 571, la compliant with Oregon Stat Laws, PROCLAIMS THS FOLLOW ING: Whereas, ths Areas Motor Compaay oa acquired approxi mately ISO fin automobiles un der distrait conditions of tos personal a nature to e publish ed in tb city ot Klamata rails, Oregon, : Where, ths signer hereof d m s tt necessary to liquidate ts am by Istssdlst ACTION. NOW BS HP RESOLVED; Thai tb signer hereof has sppolntea In trust the service of on J, E. Douglas, LIQUIDATOR IS CHARGE, otherwise known s LIQUIDATING ENGINEER, and has this day vested tn bins authority to 1I each and every csr by vlrtas ot PRICE SE DUCTIONS without RESERVA TIONS, longest possible terms and liberal trade-in allowance with out UrattSittsas, The said approil m a t 150 automobiles herein mentioned will be offered at PUBLIC BANK SALE on th premises of th signer, L. O. ARENS MOTOR COMPAHT, 74 Klamath avenue, Klamath Falls, Oregon, IN TESTISONT WHBKEOFs 1, L, O. Area, asve bersutsio set my hand as positive proof of rav Intention to falfin vry statement st th above proclama tion, ARENS MOTOR COMPANY, Signed) L. O. ARENS, 46 Fifisrseisl LOW RATES OB AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable, Ssf No Co-Signer No Red Tap NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us Ubcess your new or used csr purchase. Meter Investment Co, Ucbm M-19 11' No. 7th Fk, til 4-1 mtf Carload Potato Shipments f from Klamath Basin Day of Month Season 1H74I 8wea lt$.s.T Jan to Season Jus to Sssseai Jus Dally Dais ts Data Dally Dai ta Oatsj o S IwT " 1 i liii" ! " i inr w r i "iiir f . t t m 4 mi J I T w"1 n I t ttit L 11 T ii 7 J 12 14 ' ' 1( ' ' IT 1$ ' ' ' 1$ ' ' $9 ' : ' ' 21 it 21 " $4 1 $ " $7 ' '" , ' " -b- ' ' " Month shipments by trocs 1 11 tAi' Complfed from official record by tb county iienn office, Btste Feiimt Inspector Ros Aohrey amj TS Nrvt-Htrmii 4 -atissw Oppoffanrfai FOR SALE Desirable cabin camp location, located on Crater Lake highway, mils from oath park eatrssee, i mile tresg OS pavement. Cash or terms, faquir Apt 19, Esplan ade Coart. c-g FOR RENT Restaurant to Biy Hotel, M, M. Clin. Biy, Ore, 4-S PARTY WITH $2009 with or without services Join maaafae turiag hy-prodaetsj. Bstisfsc- torr sarnings definitely a-! ssreei, A44res Box 60, News Herald for Interview, s-6 SERVICE STATION aad house for sal on main highway at Don-is. doing splendid bnsiness. Sell ing es accosnt of death of own er. Corrt Rlchiield Station, Dorr Is, Calif. t-8 FOR SALE Small dress shop, good location, Sow rent, doing good huslaess, Owner has Wher Interest. Apply 11$$ Main, i-t FOR SALE On account of sick ness, restaarant doing good bus iness. Box 1ST, News-Herald. -T Montague Full Of Praise For Denver Course EENVEB, Just T UP) Husky John Montague has been tagged Hollywood's '"Mystery Mas" of golf, bat ha makes so mystery of what be thinks of Cherry HIHs, batttegrosnd for th national open this week. "Grand" was the way a des cribed It after Us first game over th coarse, daring which his meandering took htm to a mud flat bordering a ditch where he twisted th handl of as Iron Blasting bask onto the fairway, "There's nothing wrong with this golf course," Montague as serted. However, he will be In th gallery, not on the tiring line when th open starts Thursday, Th barly Holirwoodlan, about whose golfing prowess all tales bsva bees sen, said be thought "par golf a shade over or aa- aer. an&sM wis tse IBsg snen title. Far for Cherry Hills to Ji. I I really funk this Is tha asost At the Races Adding: plenty of social pntUgs t a recent afternoon's racing at the Setmmi Park track outside Mew York City was Mrs, Cor nelius VssiderhlH, pi e t u r d above in th costume the rtnose lor watching Use nag gtliop. 181 Important opts e v r betd," Moatagn said. "For one thing, it I being: plsj-ed la th west for th first Urn aad for csMh?, mors people ar toterssted la golf tbsa -,'sr," Tha CsSlforalsn said Us gait "is still off heeasss I'm mot la shapa yet. My patting Unt a good as tt should be, but thai, wUl h flssd." Asked about tha Mass of "spinach bordering ik grer,s, abont which seats of the player has esmjsiaifled, ifoatagas sx!4 "they ehoaida't get to that stuff. If they don't Ilk ft" 4 tWfit THE SAFEST Hanger does aiverytMag ta make his th safest asad csr market, la ths first pleee. Hanger asea eiirese car Is selecting tha cars he stocks. The a &g fher osghly recondition aaeh ss he&rs offariBg tt for sal, Ton are safe at Han ger's, aad the csr yos se lect will represent real val ue and sjfre job lasticg sat iiJatttoa, Com la todcy, cheolet comm, m Staadard, 190 tires, He ehanlcally sale-conditioned. Isamaealat appearaaa aa4 condition. Down payment - Bsitnce eaeh twtt weeks $133 JS.S! BCICE SEDAN, 'SS model "" ieries. Kewly rafto Sshed and npholstered. Me ehatdcauy Bui - essilitauti throughout. Attractive ens tom model with steel ar tillery wheels, snare sat la front leader walls, CM1 Down payment.-, ... W Balance f If CI each two week 1WB OtDSHOBttE SEDAS', J4 model 4-doer with hnllt In UmU, Newly rHalhd light metallic green, Ba newed engine. Four new Goodrich tires. MM Down payments v ' w Balsas each two weeks $1UI st CBBVIHH.CT rams $140 , m vmm coots H. E. Hanger Buick G, M. C 1330 Main Phew 43 Low C.MA.C, Termt