THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON .TtlTlft 8, 103 PAGE TWELVE COUNTY SCHOOL APPOINTMENTS E FOR FULL A nun Inlmonln for tha simerln landant anil nrfnrlnnl nositions lit the Klamath county school unit system wore announced Friday by County Superintendent Fred Peler on. j B. K. Kllpatrlck. formerly prin cipal of tho schools at Keno aim Bly, will be superintendent at Merrill this year, and George El liott, who was elementary prin cipal at Bonanza last year, has boen transferred to the Bly supcr Intendency. J. E. Myers, principal at Al- goina In the last year, has resigned I . iivtntr nt KnniH Vallpv in Jackson county, being succeeded at A KOina by H. C. snarpe. uienn Hale has resigned as elementary ni-UAinai fit r.Mlnmilii and is suc ceeded by Loy L. Barker, former principal ot tne elementary scuuui at Malln. Elton planuses, wuo uuo kBn .annlilnff nt Forest camD. will ba Di-lncioal at Bcatty. Roland Parks, former coach at Malln, will be principal at Sprague River. E. L. Coyner, who has served even years as principal at Bonanza high school, will be back on the ia tnk thl vnnr. lion Norlln. formerly at Altamont Junior high school, will be me eieuieumij principal at Bonanza. C. C. Chase will be in his second ear at Keno. J. V. LaClair, who taught at Malin last year, will be principal of the Keno elementary school. At Fairhaven school, R. B. Hough will return for his eighth Bear of service. Bruce Hall will serve his third year as Shasta principal. A. C. Olson will con tinue as Altamont junior high cbool principal, having serTed for eight years. : A. JS. Street will be serving his sixteenth year as superintendent of the Malin schools. B. V. John son, industrial arts teacher at Keno, Is being transferred to Ma lin as principal of the elementary school. H. B. Blanton will be serving his second year as principal of the Bummers school. Wyatt Padgett will serve his second year as prin cipal of the Altamont elementary school. IT I? TTvnnB will Rarva hlS twelfth year as superintendent of the Chiloquin schools. C. B. Howe will return as superintendent of the Henley schools. Caroline Vaerettl will be principal, of the elementary school there. Wilbur Robinette will serve his sixth year as principal of the Mer rill elementary scnooi. WEST KLAMATH The plan ning committee for the proposed playground for West Klamath met In the 4-H club log cabin Monday sight to discuss further plans. Wilson Dockery of Klamath Falls met with the committee and gave much encouragement to Its supervisors. ; George Britt and Tommy Zlnn were named as a committee to "draw up plans for the proposed apparatus. Louie App and Les ter Smith were appointed as a committee to measure and lay out the plat of approximately 10 acres donated by Mrs. Marian Holllday. A mass meeting ot all Interest ed is to be called at an early date. E ; A. O. Morrison of the Pomona grange is anxious to get In touch with all persons within a five-mile radius of Klamath Falls who will rent rooms to delegates to the state grange convention which comes here at mid-month. Morrison asked that persons with rooms available call the chamber of commerce, No. 555. He will obtain the list of names from the chamber. Funeral Notice ROBERTA LOUISE GRIFFITH The funeral Bervlce for the late Roberta Louise Griffith who passed away in this city Monday, May 30, took place in the Keno cemetery Friday, June 3, at 9:30 I. m., the Rev. Roy Southard of the Klamath temple officiating. Ward's Klamath Funeral Home was In charge of the arrangements. ID jim mckean and his speedy four place cabin plane will also accompany the large airliner to Klamath Falls Satur day and Sunday. Ben will fly both day and night and spec ialise on trips over Crater lake. Marshall Cornell Co. 724-7114 Klamnlh Ave. "Oldsmohllo Distributors". Phone 404-1 West Klamath WEST KLAMATH The Three O's club will hold Its next regular meeting- Wednesday. June 8. at tha hami at Xfrs. McClelland. Annfiln ChArrtAr from Caves Junction Is visiting her sisters. Mrs. Clyde rneips ot west mam ath and Mrs. Jerry O'RIley and Virginia Shorrier ot Klamath Falls. Mrs. Lulu Schults and Mrs. Le ona Manning motored to Shasta Springs Memorial day. Mrs. Everett Forness visited the doctor Tuesday. She had three dislocated vertebrae. Mrs. Margaret Holllday Is suf- fArlntt frnm a fiAverA CSSA of shingles and la under the doctor's care. Mrs. Bonnie Wann la confined to her home In West Klamath with a badly Infected knee, caused from a recent tall. Mrs. Henry Leltike and son. t Annnrrf vhn rrAdiiated from KUHS Friday, are visiting friends and relatives In Portland ana vicinity. Mr. Hunn T.ellrko. Mrs. Wake- man, Mrs. Lulu Schults, Mrs. Les ter Smith, Barbara McLean, Mrs. Joe Kennedy and Mrs. Jack Old ham all attended the commence ment exercises at the pelican theatre Friday. nA un v. T. Steward spent the weekend salmon fishing In the Rogue river valley. Mm. J. E. Williams and family spent the day Sunday in Fort Klamath visiting relatives nu -inAm MnnHav Mm. Williams entertained a cousin at dinner whom she had not seen tor a yea- ... . . .. Freeman schults ana lamwy of Algoma had dinner Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Lulu Schults. s a t.em. June 1 (JP County tabulations In the state depart mBnt ihnvhi tnri&v that Governor Charles H. Martin, defeated for renomlnatlon on the democratic ticket, polled 3633 write-In re publican votes. Multnomah county returns were unofficial and Clatsop and Klamath had not reported. The Multnomah county total was set at 1526 and upstate votes at 2107. Eleven counties said there were no write-ins for the governor. Those having them were: Benton 87, Columbia 90, Coos 86, Curry 25. Deschutes B7, Doug las 32, Gilliam 15, Grant 10, Harney I, Hood River 123, Jack son 684. Josephine 206, Lincoln 36, Marion 362, Morrow 34, Polk 36. Tillamook 37, Umatilla 20, Union 73. Wasco 41, Wash ington 41. Yamhill (0. Martin was defeated by Htnry L. Hess, LaGranda attorney. E The drum and bugle corps of Hillah temple will leave Klamath Falls at 7:55 a. m., Sunday, June 5. for the national Shrine con vention, to be held In Los An geles next week. At Duns mulr the Klamath cars will be hooked to the special Hillah train which will come south from the Rogue river valley. Sbriners were advised Thurs day that a special train of Afifi temple ot Tacoma, Wash., and Gizeh of Victoria, B. C, would stop In Klamath Falls at 9:30 p. m., June 4, en route to the convention. Members of the Hillah drum corps will be In uni form and greet the visitors upon their arrival In Klamath Falls, where they will stay an hour. Vital Statistic BIRTHS HOWTON Born at Llghtfoot hospital June 3, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howton, 230 Michigan avenue, a girl. Weight: 8 pounds 1 ounce. I guess she muBt have meant It at that. Charles Webb, of Phila delphia, In police court, one year after hiB former sweetheart start ed saying "No" and Charles start ed pestering her. BURNING-ITCHING FEET Guaranteed Treatment If yon wffer from mll Itch ing water bllntcri. rlnirworm, reoccurrinff ekin blemishes of tha hand., ft or body. Ath lete's Foot or eczema, du to fun pun kin Infection, then try TENEX a liquid eay to ap ply. No bandages necensary. TENEX mant give relief In eisht day or money back. Aik for TENEX at your drnri UU Adr. For Bale At CURRIVS FOR DRUGS 1 MM fi ztWMW jlj I " 1 aOI Blue Rose Broken Kernel SUGAR MIC 5 Lb Pur. Golden C PorW. Soft m e Macaroni wk J- I i MILK Maximum, Tall Tins 19c Cans Case $2.98 CRACKERS Sunshine Krlsples, t Deliclously Crisp. 2 29c CHEESE Klamath Full Cream 1SC Lb. PS EDUJHHDS Airway 3 Lbs. 43 Nob Hill 2 Lbs. 39 Brown Derby ll-oi. tins or 12-oz. bottles i 29c Case $2.29 Gr'd Beef . . 2 lbs. 29c Choice steer beef, always fresh Boiling Beef . Lb. 10c Fresh, choice steer beef Sliced Bacon . Lb. 35c Rind off, no wast Lard .... 3 lbs. 35c . Pure, snow white Chickens .... Lb. 21c Choice plump young hens 2 t-; 45c s p-...'. acarom - Pineapple Tomato Juice Del Rogue m No. 1 Tins 4 for 4)C Hot Sauce . c.n, 10c Baby Foods Gerbers, fis? Libbys, Clapps. Your choice .. 8 Cans 9C Y Canterbury Orange 'VI? vt pekoe 54 l,b. Vkg. X3C Ovaltine LSil 33c Mayonnaise 39c Salad Dressing 0(. Aristocrat . Jar Canned Vegetables Your Choice 9c Can String Beans, No. 2 tins Sliced Beets, No. 2 tins Corn, No. 303 tins Horniny, No. 2 tins Sauerkraut, No. 2 tint Peas, No. 300 tins Pumpkin, No. 2'2 tins Spaghetti, No. 300 tint Spinach, No. 2 tins Tomatoes, No. 2 tins Prices Effective Saturday Only Lunch Meat . . . Lb. 25c Chicken Loaf, Had Cheese, Minced Ham, Veal Loaf Lunch Meat . . . Lb. 19c Franks, Bologna, LIvernausags Skinned Hams . Lb. 25c Central Pack quality Half or whole' Sliced Salmon, Lb. 25c Choice Red King Fillet of Sole, Lb. 25c Fresh and delicious Chicken Halibut Lb. 12i2c By the piece Dill Pickles . . Qt. 10c Crisp and tangy Salad Dress'g, Pt. 10c A pure fresh dressing SIX TREMENDOUS DAYS OF STORE WIDE VALUESI PRICES LOW ON EVERYTHING! SAVINGS ASSURED ON ALL PURCHASES I JOIN THE BIG CROWDSI EVERYBODY LOVES A PARADE. -OF SAFEWAY MONEY SAVERS! Friday, June 3, to Thursday, June 9, Inc. KLAMATH FALLS, MERRILL, DORRIS, TULELAKE, CHILOQUIN IVORY SOAP Kor every household purpose 10c Medium Bars, 4 for 25 17c 14c 13c e( Libby's or Del Monte Crushed or Tid Bits 2 Cans Sandwich Spread g(. Aristocrat Jr JjC Jell Well 3 , h8. 14c The popular hot weather dessert. Pork & Beans 3 ,r25c Van Camps No. 300 Tins. Shinola 3 ,r2Sc Your choice of any color. Cracker Jacks Rite. B tor 10c Toilet Tissue Silk, soft A and absorbent fl Itolla v Grapefruit Stokelys No. VAa 100 tins 8 for 7 FLOUR Kitchen Kraft 49-lb. bag $1.59 24Vi Lb. bag 98 Harvest Blossom 49-lb. bag $1.39 24 Vi Lb. bag 89 Anchor 49-lb. bag $1.29 24V, Lb. bag 79 Lion 49-lb. bag $1.19 24ia Lb. bag 69 Sunset Gold 49-lb. bag $1.15 Lettuce Potatoes Small White Utah Celery Larue Larue Rome Apples Make Onions Wax Artichokes A FKKHH SHIPMENT of YOUNflllKRRIKfl and RASPBERRIES WILL ARRIVE SATURDAY MORNING 3 Ball Mason Caps Doi. 23 Ball Ideal Glass Lids .. Doz. 15 Ball Special Wide Mouth Caps Doi. 33 Kerr Mason Reg. Caps, Doz. 23 Kerr Mason Wide Mouth Caps Doz. 35ti Kerr Economy Cap .. Doz. 1B Kerr Regular Lids Doz. Kerr Wide Mouth Lids, Doz. 14 Jar Rubbers, Ball Regular 3 for 10 Ball Wide Mouth Rubbers Doz. 5 Parowax Lb. Pkg. 10 Certo 2 Bottles 43t Sure Jell '. Pkg. 10 Pen Jel Plcg. 10 Tells Rite .. Bottle lOt FRUIT JARS Bail Mason Regular Pints 73 Qts. 89 V Gal. $1.23 Ball Glass Top Seal Pints 75 Qts. 89 't Gal. $1.25 Ball Special Wide Mouth Pints 87 Quarts $1.03 Ball Eclipse Wide Mouth Pints 95 Quarts $1.13 Kerr Economy Jars PU. 85 Qts. $1.03 Vt Gal. $1.35 Kerr Mason Regular Jars Pints 73 Qts. 89 Vt Gal. $1.23 Kerr Wide Mouth Mason Pts. 87 Qts. $1.05 ia Gal. $1.33 GOOD io ihe Last Ounce At Safvway . , , whttlitr tt't itrewbtrrfti, ltn fntlft. potitou.or $ny ehr irtlcl f foed yon ctn 4pw4 upon tt giving you complct satliftf Hon. "Th uitmf mutt b sUiMd" It Siftwty Hiom, tn, rMognls! f womtn tvtrywhr In tht Wtrt, Strawberries A fresh car load by rofrlgernlnr rx prcss rarly Hnlurdny moriiiiig. (let onr prices lirfuro you buy. PHICE9 KFI-'KCTIVE SATURDA1T ONLY head Sc but crisp and solid 10 lbs 23c Shatter U. S. No. Is 1 each 10c 6 lbs. 25c 3 lbs. 10c 3 for 10c crisp froBh bunchos delicious pics or Rod. Now crop Extra large