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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1938)
June 2, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NINE ' PROTEST HEARD ON DRINK CLUB SI 500 LICENSE Maintaining tliitt tb city eoun ell dona not hnvo the right to puss an ordluanca for confiscation mid time tin IHuu feo i"l for th Embassy Town llijuor sorvlco eltib In nrolttliltlvn in vlnw of tits fart tlint It i nut Ji'itlmiml for rvtittio or too but for iiruhiimioii of oKmtlon, Attoriify J. II. Car Dulntn npnaarod before tho city eounrll Wsditdny aftnrnoon rnu rsnttd tli club unit James l'til Mr, owimr. Carniihnn reforrcd titx k to ths Embassy club cuss mid was frank in naming parsons whom lit full dlrsctly Inspired tli entire affair. Old HnliMin IJrcnso in opening; hi discussion of tli fno t by th coiiihII, Cur nnhsn atstd that ha thouitht the ordinance " tuhject to attack tit the conrta." "1 do not wlih you to Inks thli In the ilrlt of a threat, but tlila ordinance, the way it now atiinda Kith a 1!08 llcenso foo allaehod U subject to altsck in the court You hare Imposed the name II- ceme that was ant In the old taloon dayi. At leant ! assume that you had tbe old aalooti It riuo In mind when you ant ihla f. There la a atroiiK difference hetwoet: a aalnon iki'ino anil a fen aaked for the Kmhiissy Town club," Caritnhan told councilman. Little I'mflt Carnahan remarked that In the old aaloon daya a barrel of whiekey was purchased for 15 and sold orr the bar for "couple of hundred." He pointed out that there wan little profit In a drink club aa only "inlxers" are eerved. The attorney rsnrr-scntlti; !h" liquor eervtre group also guessed the fart that both the Kniili-n and Elk lodirei had drink privileges for memberi but there were many men and women who, "for per aonal or coiifoMionsI reasons" emild not affiliate themselves with lodges and fraternities and thereforo were deprived of thla liberty. "Klylni Wedge" "You can paa by the Emhaaay Town club and there la no III mannered crowd standing outside and I can tell you of a place nearby where you have to form flying wedge to make your way throuith the loitering: men who ue foul language and make tt atmoat Impoaalble for women to paaa on the etreeta," Carnahan puraued. Carnahan asked rouncilmen why the rtlatrlct attorney waited until the Town club had made an Inveatment before advlalnif them that they would ek an order that would levy a heavy llrcitiie tax on tt. High !irene Void, (lalm "An order that Impoaea a li cense tax that la ao lilh that tta main feature ta to put a legiti mate btialneaa out of running? la yold and a court mttat Irsuo an tnjunrtlon against the ordinance," the attorney atated. "Furthermore the city council ttaa no right to paaa an ordinance for conflacatlon and the $1500 fee la prohibitive," Carnahan atated. He alao advlaed cohiicII men that hla citenl wished the fee to be aet at $2S0 which they deemed reaaonable, Pulver told the mayor and council that hla booka would how not more than a 110 P"f day profit and on thla basis he felt the fee unjust. Inanimate Interest When aaked for an opinion by the mayor. D. E. Van Vector, city attorney, told counctlmen that he waa not preaent at me fiwhi meeting l which time the fee waa t hut that In hit opinion "the oneratlon of auch a club ia legal and that you can't legislate a buatneta out of bualneaa by get ting a llcenae fee go nign tnat h will take away a legitimate tn- Van Vector further asked that Carnahan submit a brief to the city council by Monday night, regular aeaalon of the fathera, at which time final declalon on the Embassy Town club, which haa been the center of much tontro veray alnce Itg inauguration tn daya ago on Main atreet, will be made. Play Ruperrlslon More than 25 men and women tntereated tn the recreational pro gram which will be one of the problema to be Ironed out by the city thla eummer, were heard by the city council Wednoaday after noon, Carl Cook told those interested that the recreational problem had been atudted from every angle and that varloua playground had been designated for auperviaion and If there were acbool yarda where play equipment had been removed tt wag became these particular spot were not super vlaed, He further that that he fait tt inadvisable for large groups of children to play togethor without auperviaion. Vartotia mothers and represent atives of tho PTA spoke to the council and asked for certain things to be included In tho pro gram, Mnyor Richmond aaked that these recommendations bo put In writing. Cook pointed out that tt would reduce the number of youths brought Into Juvenile court and advised those in attondanco that Klamath Kails was not yet ready for a 100 per cent adult and juve nile recreational program al though other eltios on tho coast the alio of Klamath Falls had had sttch a program for years, A letter wag rend from the board of directors of the Klamath county chamber of commerce and signed by Earl C. Reynolds, geero tary, stating that "the bonrd of directors of the chamber of com merce recommends to, tho city Lumber Town Graduates i is;.' As V Members of the graduating cUag of Tennant high school for 133 are ahowii above, in the tap row are Delanoy ln Hruii tleftj and iiarbara Frank, itelow, ieft to right, r Aiitfrt lianner, Klch ard Fine, and Scott Murphy, Kennnll-Kllta t'hotoa. council that no major expend!- tura ! fitado or cofiimitted until , auch time aa the study of the j conipletn dovetopment of the park ! and recreational program by the city of Klamath Kalla la made. Mnmbera of the planning com- ; mtsalon, including Frank Jenkins and Bev, Arthur Charlps Hntea, urged that caution be used In planning the program of recrea tion In (ho city. An ordtnnnre to prepare and file a petition with the public utilities commlaaion for a hear ing on the proposed underpans on Main street at the lilg Hain Lumber company, was psaaed the first and second rending. The iMonear Printing company on Ninth atreet was refused a yellow "no parking" aone stripe aa requested, thla refusal based on the fact that every hualness house in town might make such ! a reiuest If a precedent were set. The reijltest of ti. i. Ktebtilns to place a roncrote sidewalk on Conger and Main and place cart ings at hi proposed service sta tion was accepted by the council, "Welcome Hlght' Members of the merchants committee, appointed sometime ago to Investigate the "soot" con dition, advised tho cminrll by let ter that "at this time they did net feel that the soot dispenser could bo asked to make extensive surveys and that smoke from ottr mills Is a welcome sight at till time." Tho letter waa accepted and placed on file. Dizzy's Lame Pitching Arm Cured by Eest mm AYOPPDSED RET! cnu; dUl BOWLING SCORES 1 Quality and Low Prices Whitman Baseball Coach Rates Club Best in 25 Years WAi.l.A WAI.I-A. June 2 tfl) Winner In H game out of 61 played agatnat intercollegiate, emi-pro and class B professional opposition nnd never shut out, the 193!! Whitman college dia mond squad was rated by its coach, the veteran H. V. "Ms liorteske as the greatest all- around college team he ever saw in a quarter century of conching. The only team that measured the Missionaries and was not, in turn, beaten by them was SpO' kiino of the W. I. league. They met only once. Thirty-nine games were played against college and university teams. Whitman winning 33 and dropping gtx. Against non-coi lege teams 11 wins and four losses were run tip. While Whitman clubbed out 522 hits 18S of them for ex tra bases for a total of 80S bases and amassed a team aver age of .307, its huriert gave up only 324 hits for 424 bases, ltun scored were 429; runs al lowed, 144. The team fielding average was .943, and it turned tn 4S double plays, Six regulars were in their fourth season, and the Mission aries have their shoes to tilt. Mike Jacobs Gets Armstrong Signed For Three Years NEW YORK, Jane t 5 Promoter Mike Jacobs signed Henry Armstrong, the double fight champion, to a contract whereby he will hwe exclusive promotional rights of the sen sational nogro for three years. The contract is identical with the one Jacobs holds with Heavy weight Champion Jos Louts. Under the terms, Armstrong cannot fight anyone anywhere ex cept under Jacoba' promotion. CHICAGO, June Z (UP) A second x-ray of IMiiy Hean's costly and iitefiomtbl pitching arm revealed today that "Ole Mi" has been cured by rest and will be im-k in the box for the Chirago Cub within 10 daya. Pennant hope for the Cubs boomed higher than ever as if. John V. Davis, club physician, re ported hi x-rny finding and poked !Hi several time near the right anou!4r where any trace of gorenes would have made him flinch hut he didn't. "I knowrd it all along," Dluy heniaeil, "iiey, when can I start tomorrow? Davis suggested that Oran have at leant a week's work before starting a game. He also sug gested relief work for DU. but Manager Charley Crimm object ed. He'll pltrh in batting practice and whi n I think lie's ready, he'll start," t!i jiiWInnt manager said. "No relief for him. it may take a week or 10 days to bnild him up offer the long layoff but when he Is i want him bearing down to win his ossn ball games '" Tho aliment tn Dean's 3258, 000 arm waie caused by bursitis that cut big effectiveness last year and brought on it muscle In llammntion that forced htm out of a came aeaint Philadelphia three weeks ego. isavis' report gave Cab officials nienty to smile about, but the real answer will come when Dean makes his first start. Uli. htm self, is convinced bo ran win as many games as be ever couiti if not with his old time speed at least with his new cunning. Famed Racing Boat Designer Dies at Ninety PROVIDENCE, R. I., June I Pi Cantain Nathaniel Greens llerreshoff. SO. known la the yachting world as "tho Wiiard of Hristoi" for his designing and hnliflin of America's cup defend ers, died today at his Bristol home. He had been ill for a year, "Nat" Herreshoff, one of seven hmther. three of whom were blinded In youth, designed and built every America's cup defend er from 1893 to 1920. Tbe Ilrm also built the defender of 193S and 1934. Enterprise and Rain bow, although the designing waa done by W. Starling Burgess. His blind brother, John, was the "hands' of tbe firm, and Nat was the "eyes," They worked together for years and gave tbe world not only fin-keeled racing boats and other revolutionary as signs in sail, bat they developed a coll boiler in connection with marine engine that turned up un precedented horsepower. Sines 1924, nfhen new company waa formed to taks over the Her reshoff plant at Bristol, Nat had been a stock owner and adviser, ' He is survived by his widow, four song and a daughter. A mechanical musical Instru ment, invented in 1849 by Michael Wette, which resembled a pipe or gan, but Imitated Ihe tones of orchestral instrsiments, ivgs known as an orchestration. Nearly 9000 different types of electric light hatha are made by one American manufacturer. Opposition to the state highway commission's allocation of 325, 000 of Ifayden-Cartwrtgbt farra- to-market road money on the Klamath rails-t-akevlew highway was voiced Is a resolution adopt ed by the Klamath county court Wednesday afternoon. The court held that tbe money should be spent on some state secondary highway In the county not wlihin forest boundaries, and pointed out that the Ijskytew highway Is eligible for forest funda, public land funds and state highway funds. Other Funda Commissioner Roy Taber said that tbe court i strongly in favor of Immediate development of the I.akevlew highway, and feels that construction there is far behind, but that it believes the work should be financed by funda ether than tbe iltyda n-Csrtwright money. Taiser and Commissioner Wil liam F, B, Chase were to go to a highway commission session in Portland Thursday to present the resolution. SMM.OOO Put Up The allocation of secondary road money to the I.akevlew high way has been UBilnr discussion in official and civic circle hre for several weeks, gome SSi.OOO has j been allocated to Klamath county ; roads under the liaydea-Cart-i wright bill. At one time, H was reported. Commissioner Taber fa vored expenditure of nearly alt of this amount on the Mailn-Poe valley road, but the resolution adopted Wednesday suggested It use on state secondary road. The Maiin-I'oe valley road j not a secondary road. H does have a 24,000 allocation under tbe liaydcn-Cartwriglit program. The court's resolution follow: I "Whereas, It ha come to the attention of this court, ihst under the provisions of nection t of the iiayden-Cartwright act, a sum of ISI.008 haa been allocated for expenditure upon farm-to-market road In Klamath county, and specifically allotted as foliowg; To the Maltn, Poe Valley Bonanza road $34,009 To Market Boad Xo, IS ... 12,000 To Klamath Falls-I.akevlew highway 23,000 $61,000 Chinese Herbs Herbs are compounded to meet (he needs of the Individual. The uao of horns for all human ailment are tested and handed throtiBh the nges. They are being used daily. Come today Consultation free Prices reasonable. Y. S. Lee Kerb Company 415 S. 9th Street, Klamath Fall Open Daily 9 a. m, to Bp, ra, and "Whereas. This court, on May 2S, 19S8. adopted a resolution protesting the use of funds of this nature upon certain high ways which were eligible for so many ofher different, kinds of money, or upon roads not strictly agricultural or not strictly sec ondary in nature. "Whereas, It appear to this court that the Klamath Fails Lakeview highway is eligible for the expendltars of forest funds, public land funds and primary state funds, that the highway is of primary importance to tbe Oregon state highway system and is not atrictiy agricultural In nature, and that It baa been many time suggested to place this high way in the federal aid system, which would Indicate that it is a potential addition to ihe federal aid system, and "Whereas, It appears to this court that the state secondary highway of Klamath county, which are eligible for improve ment with this money have been unduly neglected, and that the whole atate secondary highway system has become more or les a system of "orphan" roads, now therefore "Be It Resolved, that the county court of Klamath county, Oregon, protest the allocation of $2S,000 of Klamath county mar ket road money to the Klamath Falls-Lakevlew highway, and that thla court urge the reallocation of this sura to some section of atate secondary highway In Klamath county not within the boundaries of a national forest, ana "Be It Further Resolved that thi court conUous to advocate the expenditure of thts type of federal money upon roads of strictly a rural or agricultural caturs, and "Be It Further Resolved that copies, of this resolution be sent to ail u, 8. senators ana con gressmen from Oregon, the mem ber of th Oregon state highway commission, the state highway en gineer, the bureau o pubiie roada and others." Dated thi 1st day of June, 1938 KLAMATH COUNTY COURT, Geo. D. Grissle,, . Judge Wis. F, B, Chase, Commissiossf Roy Taber, Commissions? Although mors than 158 miles ot passageway already have been explored In the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky, many miles still are to bs seen. When a law student In Lon don, Mahatma Gandhi waa one of tbs best-dressed young men In : school, At limUera 4,&T(ief PIMMIKKKWVK 1.KAOIS 'aslijr llnrhrr Wib Tutor ...... 264 1S 169 2S Whistler ..ISO 1? 111 490 Sfaflln ......1S i2 13 504 lsbaa 1SS 1J3 1SS 4'iSs !owmaa ..15 131 IJ2 4iS ilandirap ... 40 40 40 12i Total 07 i6 1 341 2iil lirry Cab KetnhutB , IS8 13S 208 S3 Bellotti . 14S 113 13 423 Kills .... 13S 143 Its 43 Farnlvrbark ..ISO 127 112 3'j Travis .. 135 172 140 4Ui Handicap ... 4 84 34 2i2 Total 853 783 SS3 2499 Hos iers Garden Haight, B. 222 132 18 S92 Poppy ........137 137 122 398 Leihlsis .,.,.,,...200 179 130 S03 Haight, II, 202 187 200 533 Mraiton .. 156 140 130 425 Handicap . iff iv SO ls9 Total 87S 320 2S,1 Hessig's HeMelbcrjj Potter ............147 143 13$ 423 Tig ,..... 144 121 1S7 432 Healer , .12 191 136 4S3 Cook .... 146 1S4 1SS 459 Haylcss .1 113 123 401 Handicap . 104 194 104 313 Total SS9 S2S SIS 250S Four Players Share Honors On Star List NEW YORK, Jane 2 (iPj Four piasers, three of them pitcher, share honor in the Associated Press' first roundap of star for tits 1933 season, liaseii on the daily tabalatton of "yesterday's Kara" Plis-ber Red Uuffing of the Yankees, Paul Der ringer, Cincinnati's come-tocker, Cleveland Bobby Keller, and Roundhouse Rudy York, Detroit walloper, were deadlocked for the top, Ksch was mentioned live times in the Associated Press' daily list from the beginning of the sea son, April 19, up to Tuesday game. Eleven other drew four nom inations each in the dally tabula-; tion. They were Bill Dkkey, Van- i kee-s' catcher; Jackie Wilson and . 1-ffty tsrove, Boston Red Sox pitch ing pair; Dario Lodlgiani, Ath- -ictics' second sacker; Kea Keltner, : the Indians rookie third-base ace, and hi pitching teammate. John ny Alien; Mel Git of the Giants; Ernie. Koy, Brooklyn's rookis fly chaser; Danny MaFayden of the Boston Bes; Augie flalan of the : Cabs, ausl Arky Vcoghan, heavy hitting Pittsburgh ibortstop. TheWSfandings PCT. .SSI ,aa? .S."2 .525 .500 ,4S4 .475 ,349 irought Crowds to ;' Jft.J. ' Ji'issieaaaaawsaaara Everything in the store reduced! Nothing reserved! Hundreds o unmatched values! Don't miss !t! It's smart to save-and you can save in this sale! Croup One Broken Line VALUES TO $25 Group Three Htgh Grade - Suits Values to $40 COAST l.KAGCE W. L. Sacraraento ,.3S 20 San Francisco ...3 27 San Diego .......33 IS Portland -32 29 Seattle ... 31 3i Hollywood 30 32 Los Angeles -.29 33 Oakland .22 41 Florsheim SHOES SATIOXAL LEAGt'E W. L. PCT. New York . ...2S 12 .7 Chicago 24 15 .SIS Boston -18 14 .53 Cincinnati ...,.I9 IS .526 Pittsburgh IS IS .Siii St. Louis IS 20 .429 Brooklyn 14 26 .350 Philadelphia ....11 23 .333 AMERICAS Cleveland . New York . Washingtoa , Boston Detroit Philadelphia Chicago LEAGUE W. L. PCT. 13 .S4 IS .24 20 .13 .571 18 .5S1 17 .541 St. Loni . a, 1S 18 1S 28 12 19 ll 24 .514 .423 SS7 .314 Court House Recordsl (WEDNESDAY) j Divorce Salts Filed Rath Bivens versa J, Blueitt Bivens. Charge, erael aad in human treatment. . Couple mar ried October S, 1334, la Bend. Plaintiff ask custody of two minor children, together with $300 attorney fees, $31.6$ eoart costs. 1168 monthly support mosey, ownership of - personal property and proportionate share of saving accetiBt, W. C, Van Emosi, attorney tor plaintiff. James Thompsoa versa Mar garet Thompson. Charge, cruel and inhantan treatment. Couple inserted November 15, 1912, la Guesnel, B, C. Bon F. Hamlin, attorney for piaiotiff. Case iKMBHwed State SiBtaal Bnttfling an3 Loan association versus Annis May Low, Royal Jadd Low, Vina Coiad, W, B, Barttes, William E. Cardcn, Hatta E. Carden, Jack Slsler, Cherie Slsier, Ralph Green wood Peg E, Greeavvood,, C. E. Mcihorn and VI Meihorn, Action dismissed with prejudice. Odds fin 1 ends. Tan jasd Hport Jstyics. Moss all sixes In this special grouft, -Ki-guiar glfMK WORK SHOES Single or Double - Soles 2 OLENE DINE and DANCE Sat., June 4th STUART'S ORCHESTRA ' LOST RIVER TAVERN OVERALLS Oskosb B Gosfc The world's best overalls. J Sizes 30 to 44 Group Two A Good Selection Vslae to 27 SO Group Four Society Brand Values to m '- 'Manhattan Shirts Entire Stock Reduced! REGULAR 24K VAU'ES f&Sft TALI Ea $165 $215 HICKORYSHIRTS Long double back. Tbe toughest and longest wearing shirt you can buy. All sizes, 14 to If, Reg. SSc value COVERT CLOTH SHIRTS AQc ALL VEBCOASS n Regular $20.00 to $45-WJ M Sale Priced f TUXEDO SUITS STRAW HATS Exceptionally well a ALL NEW SUMMER STYLES $3SMd Value to J " Reg. $2.00 Re. $2.50 TUXEDO VESTS . $2.50 $85 Manhattan Tux Shirts others rebuceq Regular $2,50 $1.85 ALL OTHERS REDUCED Regular $3,50 .... ..... $2,45 MANHATTAN PAJAMAS MA"WK GLOVES Broadcloth, Cucumber A Leather pa m (frt Crepes. Regular 11 5 3 $2.00 value, A te - " Ail leather, opera style. J A UNION SUITS Broken line., Values 1 ' Athletic ttyle aft Am to $2.S0 Size, 34 to 38- 9 SPORT SOCKS C!o8e-at Elastic tops. Light, 4 A . Short sleeve JL A medtum, lark colors, M,M Ankle Length Q J Pair .....,... 9 Sata Priced W PLAIDL SOCKETS v, WASH SLACKS