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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1938)
June 2, 1038 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON P.AGE SEVEN normal wore clnasod by I he phy alrlan aa uiiiaauKO and iixutuInii. Another major (iiolor In "ecu tlad for Juno 15 at I p. ni. In the city council chumbors. "I'Koplo's I'lnn" Tho following 21 civic oritnnl tullona will bo reproannled on the Itocroatlonnl Itnsenrrh Kroup: Klamath county chamber of com merce, Kotnry, Mona and Klwanls cluba, I, on KM" of Women Voters, Central Labor council, Tllveralde, Conger, Fremont, Kalrvlow, I'oll ciin, Mills and Roosevelt I'TA'a, Amorlcon Aaaoclatlon of Unlver alty Women, Klamath County Health aaaoclatlon, Klamath Kalle Womana Library club, junior chnmbor of commerce. American 20-80 club and Ilualnesa and Pro feealonnl Women's club. It was stressed that the reault of the finding of the Recreation al Keaearch group would bo tho Ideaa of the peoplo and not of tho administration of Klamath Falls and that the six months survey would result In a clear, concise report and recommendation to the city council which would give the city one of tha finest recreational programs In tha state. Married Here Flora Nelklrk and Robert Hoge, both of Fall River Mills, Calif., were married at I o'clock Thursday afternoon In the parsonage of tho First Mothndlat church with Kev. John W. Worrell rending thn cere mony. Boko la a brother of Harry Sngo of Klamath Falls. ImmedU ately after tha ceremony Mr. and Mra. Sage left by ear for their home In Full River Mllla. pntlonnl thiinipy that hn oiitllnod wua treatment by riidluiit and E eloctrlcul li out. which are Im T porlaut In reducing puln and swelling. In conned Inn wllh hla talk, Dr I.exlon and Leition auxiliary, Hhnrp ahowed two fllnia from the FDR flED CROSS American M oil leu I aaauclullon. aaaaaaMiisaaMsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.wsa.aaisaa.aaaaa.isaoiMaaM iaai. iiM.aaalU ELEVEN IICTEO NURSES ATTEND RANGE I HELD R SURVEY SET I fail MJmlLJjF'JI Tim Ited Cross luncheon at III Klk ImiI n w , nno of I ho outslnnd lux ovenis (in Thuiatlny'e convon linn program of llio Orison Graduate Nuraea aaaoclatlon, which will rhino lla Ihreo-duy iiiiinlliiK Krlilny afternoon wit li uliii'lliin or iiiiw alulu officers nud a I rip In Crnlor Ink (or tho dele gatus mid vlaltora. Union I'otora, field nuralng roiirnunn I nl I vo, Pacific eoaat brnni'li of (ho American Rod Croaa, waa Uin principal apenkor at llm Iiiik'Ih'iiii, talking on "Ideals of I hi) Kfil Croaa Nuralng Bnrvli'O" which alio ataloil haa two objnctlvoa larger enrollment and heller prnparod nuraea. Only 16,000 nt llm 140,000 rcglatercd nuraea In thn United HI nln niu enrolled Hod (Ton nuraea, Mlaa l'elora Illicit, but the goal for llm next few ynara haa been am at 26,000. In the alata nt Oregon Ihero ara 4000 regie tnrml nuraea, alio aald, but only 440 nt Ih no ara nnrulli'il In tha Rod Croaa. Hho umi'il that Ore gon's qunta 1)0 ant at 000, Tha Importanoo of qualifying for Hod Cross service wua proved In (lie country's laat major dlsae tr, (ho Mlaalaalppl-Ohlo flood, ao cording to Mlaa rotors, when ef f Iclomy rnporia wora made on each nurae, and II waa found that moat of Ilia nuraea not enrolled mih the lied Croaa wore not equipped aplrltually or phyalcally for aurli a Inak, had not had auf flclent training nor the Inspira tion of tho Had Croaa nuraea. In attempting to help aolre tho problem of patrlollam veroua paclflam which muat bo conald ernd by all nuraea going Into Ited Croaa earvlco, Mlaa I'otora quoted one of tho organisations nut atandlng alogana. "wo aa paclflata raunot atop a cataatrophe, but wo aa patrlota can mltllcato Ita sut forliiKa." I.uelle Hlghy, who la hero from Ran Franrlaro for the convention, prnaented an Interesting report on the National Ited Croaa con vention held thla year In tho bay llv George J. Walton, secretary of ih Klamnih county chapter the led Croaa, presided at Iho luncheon and Introduced, bealdoi he aneakera. I.ealle Rogers, prcsl dent of tho chapter: Mra. It. E, Waitenburc. oroductlon cnair man; Mra. J. P. Ooeller. member of tho hoard of dlroctora; Mra. Walton, hla aaalatant; Mra. Aim II. Bcott, director of hcadquarlore of tho ANA. Now York City; J V. Doyle, retiring prealdont the OONA and lao esecutlve eee rotary of the Multnomnn nei Croaa chapter; Mra. Katharine Wllaon, prealdont of dlatrlct eight of tho (iraduato Nuraea aaaocia tlon, and I.ydla Frlcko Howard whom ho termed tho "key nurao" for tho lied Croaa In Klamath county. Mra. Bcott. who la ono of th mnat dlallngulahed vlaltora at tho atalo convention, gave tha prln clpal addreaa at tho Thuraday mornlnr aoaaton when oho dls cuaaed tho American Nursing aa anrlatlon'i atudy of Incomea sal arlea and employment condition affect no- nuraea. Tho speaker atated that thla atudy waa atarted aevoral years ado and la now proving of tho ut moat Importance to tha assocl atlnn In being of aaalatanco to It mem bora In regard to employ mnnt. If tha Importanca of thla atudy had not boon foroaeen, Mra Bcott anld that the aaaoclatlon would have been facing difficult problema thla paat year. Following tho afternoon bull neaa aeaalon at tha library, tho nuraea adjourned to the homo of Mra, E. D. Johnaon on Paclflo Terrace, where they wore enter tained at tea by the women a auxir Inry of the Klamath County Med ical society. The convention ban quet which la ono of tho enter- tnlnment affalra on tha program waa scheduled for Thuraday eve nlng at tha Wlllard hotel. "A now day In the care and treatment of pneumonia through tha uao and development during tha paat year of tho antl-pneu-mococcl aerum haa decreased tho mortality rate In lobar pneumonia from 26 per eent to 71 per cent," atated Dr. Paul W. Sharp of Klanv ath Falls, In a talk given Wednea- dny afternoon at the convention. Dr. Sharp atresaod that pneu monln la a dlaeaao that requlrea detailed care In nursing and that to prevent tha spread of tho dls- enso tho snme prlnclpala should bo used aa In other Infections die cnana. In the second portion of hla talk, tho phyalclnn discussed oc cupational thornpy which be term od a highly specialized branch of medlrlne. The oldoBt type of oo cupatlonnl Ihernpy, ho aald, waa ninaanga which waa In uao long hoforo beat or druga. Dr. Sharp pointed out that mas. aage la valuable In holplng to break up or absorb adhoalona and la a doflnlta atlmulatlon to tho iniiaculnr and norvoua ayatema, Two of tho moat Important agents In rol liming Injured peraona to Too Late to Classify E X T n A THOUSER8 8ALE Smnah number ono. Orrea Tail or Shop. , -i FOR SALE Separate vesta, coata, unclulmed aulta. Very cheap. Orros Tailor Shop. 6-t CAPABLE 01RL wants house work, take full charge. Refer ence. Earley Hotel, room 9, -4 FOR SALE 92nd degree Scoltlah rite Mnsonlc watch fob. Inquire Square Deal Furnlturo Co., 7th PENDLETON, Juno 2 (I') One not true bill "ml 11 trim bills were nil ur noil by Hie federal grand Jury hnrn today as It closed lla panel for llln current aosslnn of court, Tho trlnl Jury will bo called Monday morning. The eomploto Hat of Indlctmrnta follows: Hnle of liquor lo Indiana John O, Irelnnd, Kliimiilh Knlla; Her man J. Kuach, Fort Klumuili; Jack llurna, Ana O. (Jordon, Joo Davla, Edwin llorrnn, Owon It. Ilonnott, nil at Tho Dulles; and Jamea J. Morion, Pendleton. Motor vehicle ncl Gerald M Marah and .Vnhlnn D. Illoomherg, for trnnaportlng a car from Klnm alh Falls to Ilruah I'ralrle, Waah. Forgery Harvey It. Iluchanan and Alfred J, Morrla, for forging signatures to two IJ. S. troasury checks at Klamath Knlla. Orand larceny August Driino, Warm Hprlnga Indian, for theft of flreanna, clgarettea and cash at the Warm Hprlnga egnnry. F. R. ADVISES MIDSHIPMEN TO KNOW COUNTRY (Continued from Pago One) John, Now Urunawlck, who aald the quadrunt wne a proud pos- aeaalon of his father. The navy grooted Its com mander-in-chief with traditional military flourlahea on hla arrival to present dlplomaa to 43fi gradu ating midshipmen. 2l-iun Knlutn A company of marines annpped to aaluto and the hand gnvo four ruftlea and flourlahea and awung Into "Hnll to the Chief," tho presidential march, aa hla automo bile entered tho nnvnl academy gatea. A 21-gun anlulo roared out and tho flag of tho president fluttered to the fore of the sta tion ahlp, Relna Morcedca. Other mombere of the prost dent'a parly received anlulea In keeping wllh their various ranka. Of the graduates, 385 became analgna of the nnvy and 20 aecond lloutenanta of the marine corps. DAKAR. Senegal, June 2 (P) Five Polish airmen en route trom Loa Angelea to Warsaw crossed the aouth Allantlc from Nntnl, Ilraall, In 11 houre today. Their plane arrived hero at 12:60 p. m., EST. In Redding Allien Moore, day clerk at tha Klk hotel, la spending aevoral days vacation vlalilng In Redding, Calif., wllh friends. (Continued from Pago Ono) aenla people from all purls of the city and roprvaenla all callings and occupations, thereby provld lug n crosa nncllon that would not bo obtained In any oilier man nor," mi liitoronlcd mouihcr atated Thursday, Six montha, or mors time If necessary, will bo taken because I here, will he no funds available under Hie half mill levy until the lux turnover In March. 183U Inasmuch us this la lo be a per manent part of city 1 1 To. the pro gram will not ho entered Into hastily, but a comprehensive sur vey will bo made and upon com' plnllon will be perfect In each de tail. It waa declared. City Treasurer Ruth Batblany atated Thuraday ihat figures from the tax turnover to be collected In March, I03D, would total In the neighborhood of 13500, as near aa can bo estimated nt the prcaent tlino, It was pointed out that thla Is a permanent tax and the program, when perfected, will continue In definitely. Those who are In charge of the recreational program this year were commended In their work which will continue this year and on through futuro time. Twenty aevon Instructors win work throughout the city this summer, and the present setup la to be highly recommended, members of tho Rocrcntlonul Research com mittee wished It to bo known. Mem bora also atated thnt they would profit by tho experience of I bono poo pin and would absorb their Ideas for thn permanent pro gram to he used In 1939. In nddlllon to lioycroft and Mra. lliillilaiiy, nx-offlclo members will bo Corl Cook, city recreation al officer, and Wllaon Dockery, recrentlounl director under WPA. Dockery haa been asked to pre- aent all Information available at Iho next meeting which la ached- WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- tfiihwt OImkUAbJ YmII tayOaltfBdit The liver should tur out two DOtmda of thu Id bile Into your bowrls dsily. If this bil u nut flow ins freely, your food docsn tdifrsL It Just decays In th bowrls. Gas blosU ud jrwir stnmsrh. You art eomtipatfd. Your whols yslrm Is poison i tnd you ftl tour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mm bows) movement doesn't ust at th eaus. H Uk Uiom ond( old Carter's I.ltt) Liver PHI tn ihnu iwn t.... of liila llowlnir frs-rty ftnd maka rou feel up ana up. iiarmtees. genu, jret arnat Inr In maklnat hila ftw fraelv Carter's Little Liver I'llU by nams, Uc Btubbontlt reiuaa any thine cIm. 91 hhimihimif'Wll ' J '1 llllfl 41 1 fl fi 1 GET THIS SPECIAL SPRING "CHECK-UP" FROM YOUR STOP-WEAR DEALER . . . TO PUT YOUR CAR IN TOP SHAPE FOR SPRING AND SUMMER DRIVING 'Want a smooth-running car for Spring driving? Then itop in at your nearest Stop-Wear dealer. Have him drain winter-worn gear lubricants and refill transmission and differential with correct Summer-grade Union Friction Proof lubricants. Then have him give your car the famous Stop-Wear Spring Check-Up. You'll know then why we jay. . .The Biggest Lubrication Value for Your Money. Stop at the Stop-Wear dealer. . . AND REMEMBER. Car makers say: "Change Gear Oils Every 5,000 Miles." STOPS WEAR SAVES MONEY UNION OIL COMPANY M MWflW OX ajwa, -t: i, WWimm biaaaaaIAsBaausBlaBBaBaaaBaMBBaaaaaai Sf 83 flMDBSS TO) CRCST8 Screen As hw at 33c Save now I Sturdy hardwood frame, extension ere en. Screen wire firmly secured. Screen lUmra At low of Smoothly landed, sturdily built. Fitted with M roeih galvanized wire. Save I lloll IKoofing JS-fa.re1 1 29 Talc aurface, asphalt roof ing. Roll covers 100 aq. ft. OO-lb. Mntc Hnll Hoofing 2.89 Closet Sent Stnsathhat 1.77 See it I White celluloid cov ered I Hardwood I Bar hinge Is chrome plated. Savol Shower Bath 2 98 Regularly 3.49 Fastons easily to any wall, basement, garage. Riser pipe Is 24-lnch. Adjustable head. SBli Uarbcd Wire 349 Two point, heavy 12Vi-gugo cattle wire. Sharp rounded wire barba spaced 5" apart! V. ISave as you pautt with Wards OOMt A 1 f TT ft 3 gal. In 5-flal. eons Specially priced for this week only I Thia it your opportunity to save, at no sacrifice in quality Low priced, yet tests prove that Coverall often outlasts many paints selling up to $2.35 a gallon! One gallon covers 300 square feet with 2 coats. Stock up now! Moket Your Painting Dollars Go Farther Wards Super House Paint Equal to nationally adver tised brands selling up to $3.45 gal. One gallon covers up to 500 sq. ft. with two coats. Faint with the best at the cost of an ordinary second grade paint! 89 gal. In 5-gal, cans - ; ; - A' K':'tfm& t' viz. 20 Disconnt Sale on Varnishes! Super Spar Varnish Cut from 1.25 a quart! ff Gal. (Reg. $4.49) 3.59 Y Ql. 31nrproof Varnish Quart, regularly $1.15, 04t Gal. usually 3.89 now U M n s.1.11. Mm Qt. LertifiedCoIorVarnish Formerly $1.15 per quart Gal. cut from $3.89 to $3.11. 9Z Qt. Coverall Floor Varnish Now! Save 15c a quart. TlSlr Special gallon price $1.01 WW Ut Linoleum Varnish 78V I'ure Gum Shellac Quart reduced trom 9Sc Price reduced thru Sat. Orange. Cut trom 49c White. Qt. (reg. 57c) 46c Wards Portable Sprayer Outfit WlAovt motor 50 A new low price for a pit ton-type sprayer of this qual ity. Paint quicker, better I t- f J8fcf SALE. Recess Tub j Bath Outfit f 1 Ayx SesS " " MonU,' Pln dow if ilaieJ Payment and Carrying Qiarye 1 Lavatory and tub are first t fi J IJPeTl : quality enamel. Closet is i i' y y Aittjir ' stainless vitreous china. Ij yj ytyCJ Price (less fittings). YCy Le9 Tub Outfit I enamelwaro. OaD ; s i Reduced. Automatic x;:3 Water Mr3 Systems 1 'Ea fcfgft2S J Pumps 250-gal. per hour. li sj.-. ',ifcasSi! l8-gaU eopper-steel tank S iiyC.-.-.;ii:.. . ..B!! galvanized inside and out. s!2!' " '';4F. V H-p-DelcMotor I w',ttfi-:V;ifL' 8 A Month, Down I Payment nd Corrjing i fM H RIm ,ock- Steel. Escutcheon &PMS?mMam W 44-ta. Slid lock on inside catch Screws incU Save. Ufanlla Rope 80c V-per TOO 100K pur Manila fiborat Waterproofedl Lubricated! li" alio, pet 100',,,, aj4,oo Seduced I Gives quick, quiet action on screen doors. Com pression, Gold bronze finish. Price Cut Galvanized Screen Cloth Sq. Foot 3C 16-mesh. Uniform mesh. Foil-gauge open hearth steel wire. Coated with line both before and after weaving. Should last over five years, with caret SALE. Wards 4-BlaJe Lawn Mower 527 It has four 14-inch blades, tempered to hold a keen edge. 8-in. wheels. Ball bearing. Gears enclosed against dirt. Compare I tiJfflSaMK. I Cultivators 349 Wards Garden King. 4 steel attachments scuffur, turn plow, shovel, and weeders. ...... ....T "-"t Garden Hose S5-fi (WiceJ to' 1 09 M0)MTO(DMIEII11 WSMS6 GUARANTEED i YEARS! Rubber re-inf oread with cot ton cord braid, .Won't kink I 221 MAIN ST. TELEPHONE 384 and Klamath. 6-1 1