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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1938)
PACE TWO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON June 2, 103S CITY BRIEFS Sherman Return Mr. and i1ri. Clyde Shermnn and dnugh- r, Margins, have returned to heir home on Eldorado afreet !rom Coi'vrIIIi where they at' ended the graduation of their ion, Clyde, Jr., from the chool if engineering at Oregon State lollege. Clyde, Jr., hat already iccepted a position In Mod ford ind will take up hi new duties It once. Another daughter, Gleanor, who accompanied her parents to Corvallli, is visiting with friends In Portland before returning home. She is also a iraduate of Oregon Stale. Card Parly Contract and suction bridge and pinochle will be played by guests of the Amer ican Legion auxiliary when the benefit bridge, scheduled tor Sat urday afternoon at 1:30 p. m., is held In tbe Legion hall. lienor vatlons may be made by calling Mrs. C. H. Foster, 1762-R, or Mrs. Clyde Thompson, 866. Dos sert will be served before cards are played, and the public Is in vited to attend. Guests are asked to provide cards and pencils. card tables and covers. Children's Day Program Sun day at 9:45 a. m. a special dra matic service is to be presented at the Children's day program at the Congregational Community church. This service Is of special Interest to young and old alike. The beautiful tableau has been prepared by Doreen Butts with Louise Mitchell taking charge of the music. Parents and friends of the church schoolchildren are wel come to attend. Annnal Banquet Plans are complete for the annual banquet and installation of officers of Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, which is scheduled for 6:30 o'clock Mon day night, June 6, In the WUlard hotel. Mrs. Robert Odell will be Installed as regent of Eulalona chapter, and Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb Is retiring regent. Make Home Hero Stanley Pade, who is employed at tbe Q. C. Motley Plumbing compnuy, returned this week from Port land, accompanied by his wife, and they will make their home at the Rex Arms apartments. .Mr. and Mrs. Pade were recently married In the northern city. Daughters of Job A regular meeting of the Daughters of Job was to be held Thursday eve ning. June t, at the Masonic temple with the recently installed officers presiding. Members of the guardian council were to be Installed at this meeting. Special Practice A special drum corps drill snd practice of the Fraternal Order of Eagles will be held Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock on Spring street Another practice is scheduled for Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, and all members are requested to be present. Visitor to Speak Mrs. Alma Scott, director of hoadqunrtors for nurses in New York City, nutl here to attend the Oregon State Graduate Nurses association con vention this week, will be the guest speaker Friday noon at the WUlard hotel at the Rotary lunch eon. Chairman of the luncheon meeting will be Dr. Deau H. Oa born. Jewelry Taken Mrs. A. G. Holt man, 1610 California avenuo, who had quite a collection of old Jew elry at her home in Klamath Falls reported to city police on Wednes. day, June 1, that within the past two months someone had stolen the contents of a box tu which she kept the Jewelry Including rings, a stickpin, a locket and chain, (i range Club Meet The Home Economics club of the Altamont grange will meet Friday at the home of Mrs. Alton Francis in Fairacres for a potluck lunch' eon at 12:30 p. m. All grange women and their friends are in vited. To Portland Carl Cook, Klam ath Falls recreational officer, plans to leave Friday for Portland to re main over the weekend to receive medical attention. Cook recently spent a week at the Veterans hos pital In Portland. Motor Stolen Police were ad vised June 1 by Walter Mallory, 469 Martin street, of the theft of a rip saw and motor which Mal lory said was stolen from his home this week. Party Planned June 15 has been chosen as tbe date for a bene fit bridge party to be given roup No. t of St. Mary's Altar so ciety. The affair will be held t o'clock in the parish house, and Mrs. John Arten is chairman. Improving Mrs. .Harold Shaf fer of Worden street, who has been critically 111 at her home, is reported as slightly improved this week. Mrs. Shaffer Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brear- cllffe of 817 Pine street and was formerly Nadine Breacllffe. Study Group The study group meeting of Beta, Sigma Phi soror ity will be held Thursday rening, June I, Instead of June 1 as 'pre viously announced. The meeting is scheduled for I o clock in the WUlard hotel. Picnic Planned Knitters of the WPA project will hold a pic nic at Moore park Friday after noon. Those who are in need of transportation are asked to be at Mills school at 1:45 n. m. and cordial invitation is also extended to any one interested. Social Club The Eastern Star social club will meet at the Ma aonlo temple at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon, when hostesses will be Mrs. John Kenoffel, Mrs. Carl Arthur. Mrs. W. J. SteinmeU and Mrs. Nora Heigho. Mrs. Barrio Visits Mrs. Gor don Barrle of Lakevlew has been spending several days In the city this week visiting with her par ents, jut. and Mrs. F. H. Cofer, and with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Foster. From Harysrllle Ray Picker ing or Marysvuie, Calif., former resident of Klamath Falls, spent the weekend in this city as the guest of friends. Leave for Home Haiel Reavis of 1740 Johnson street nas left for her home after re covering from a recent illness at the Llghtfoot hospital. Rebekah Meeting A meeting oi prosperity Rebekah lodge was scneouiea for Thursday evening, June 2, at the IOOF hall at 8 o'clock. I Recovering Mrs. M. E. Stearns, who has been ill for some time, is recovering rapidly at Llghtfoot hospital. Patient Better Mrs. Walter Crawford of central Oregon, a patient at the Llghtfoot hospital, Is reported much Improved. Do you know that Ostcndorf car ries an average of 100 high-grade Used Cars? QUALITY MEAT MARKET Specializes In Steer and Baby Beef Quality Always Guaranteed Free Delivery Louis Bschle. Proprietor Return From North Lon Robey and Joe Johnson have re turned to their homea here from Portland where they spent the past weekend visiting with relatives. Miller Arrested Jack Miller, who was arrested May 26 at South Sixth street near the viaduct and charged with driving while drunk, entered a pla of not guilty In po lice court Thursday morning and was found guilty of the charge. Miller was fined $100 and sen tenced to 30 days In the city Jail. At Rose Festival Margaret Strtngfellow and Mary Schauboe. accompanied by Miss Schauboe's mother and brother, left Thursday morning for Portland, where they planned to attend the rose festival. Double Tonsllectomy Ernest Frost of Algoma and Joan Weddle of Millers lane both had their ton sils and adenoids removed Thurs day morning at the Soule Emer gency hospital room. From Portland Luke Valkr Is In Klamath Falls for several days on business from his home in Portland. Walker Is visiting his mother. Mrs. Addie Walker of Fifth street. T! E The controversial question of an open season on does will come up for discussion at a meeting of the Klamath Sportsmen's associ ation to bo held In Chlloquln Mon day night. Dr. S. F. Scott, secretary of the association, said that there are 65 members In Chlloquln, and It was decided to hold the meeting there in recognition of the fin support given the organisation In that community. The aession will be held in the Masonic hall, and It was urged that all members of the association make an effort to attend. It Is possible a resolution will be passed on the doe question Scott said the meeting will be open to anyone anU everyone to express tnemseives on this matter. Another subject will be the pro posal to maxe th iteelhead sal mon a game fish. tion Rex Putnam spent 3365 for the democratic rennmlnatlon. Other expense statements to day Included: W. Lamar Townsend, for Klam ath county district attorney, $147. John W, Mcculloch, defeated supreme court candidate against Chief Justice Henry J. Bean, 11106. Justlr J, O. Bailey, who was reelocted, 14 64. Undergoes Operation Eunice Kroder of th Old Fort road re cently underwent a minor opera tion at the Soule emerxencv hos pital room. Visit Dorrls Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oskerson and daughter. Vail, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Beck drove to Dor rls Sunday for a short visit. More to New Home Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Beck and little daughter, Beverley, motored to their new home in Weitt, Ida., Sunday. From Lara Beds Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher were Klamath Falls visitors from the lava beds where Fisher serves as chief ranger. They will spend several days here. Returns Home Mrs. O. W. Puckett of Beatty has returned nom atier a ween s illness at Llghtfoot hospital. SALEM, June 3 (.P) Sheriff Andrew C. Burk of Marion countv spent $570 to win the democratic congressional nomination in the nrst (western Oregon) district, his expense statement showed to day. Jnoob Wagner, defeated for th democratic nomination for con gress In the third district (Mult nomah county) spent $131. State Superintendent of Public Instruc- BE SAFE Have your furrier clean and store your furs! Your furrier who has yean of experience Is the beet qualified to treat your furs. Complete Fumigation U. 8. Government Formula Cummlngs Fur Shop Since 1928 ia So. Oth Phone J1I3-W BOYS GIRLS WIN RIBBON The Wonder rW$e or $150 Caihl START NOW Conteit Clout Soon Application Blanks at Lost River DAIRY 1500 Esplanade Retty Lou Williams, an out standing graduate of Oregon Normal school at Monmouth, has been selected as music and physical education supervisor at the Riverside school. Miss Williams was president of the Associated Women stu dent at the normal school and wa awarded .the Julia McCul loch Smith prlie of $26 given annually to the woman who has excelled In scholarship, student activities, leadership and woman liness. One more good kick In t h e British pants and John Bull will probably seek a friendship pact with th Mexicans. Vital Statistic BHOWN Born at Llghtfoot hospital May 81, 19.18, to Mr. and Mrs. Knii Drown of Donnnia, a li...l..l.t. a H.....t. 1 1, 1, VIRIIl, B IIMMIIM. RARKER nom at Hillside hospital, Jim 1, 1088, to Mr. anil Mrs. John Marker, 244 East Main street, a girl. Weight: t pound, Hi ounce, OOEHRING Born at Hillside! hospital, June 2, 1038, to Dr. and Mrs. David 11. Goehrlng, 1976 Mnninulta it root, a girl. Weight: 8 pounds, 6 ounce. LINGO Horn at Llghtfoot hos pital May 22. 1238, to Mr. and Mrs. Russ Lingo of Pleasant View tract, a boy, Weight: $ pound. WllKKI.EIt Horn at Klamath Valley hospital, June 1, 1238, to Mr. and Mrs. w. o. Wheeler, 3 1 Lytton street, a girl. Weight: 8 pounds, 16 ounces. Name, Dar len Mary, Tho King of England has he come famed as a quick-change ar tist. He ran change hi clothes in less time than It takes France to change cabinets. Pltcalrn Island, home of the descendants of the Bounty mu tineers, has been given awing muslo. Watch for another mu tiny. 0 a d HERE ONLY FRIDAY, JUNE 3 and SATURDAY, JUNE 4, Inclusive Sidney O. iNoies European Graduate Artificial Human EYE EXPERT It Is Advisable to Phone or Come In for Appointment D S -v D SIDNEY O. HOLES CD10DMIBDAN OPTICAL COMPANY 780 Main St., Klamath Fall. Phone J80) r. vi " We air Light up a Chesterfield and tune in more pleasure! Chesterfield's refreshing mildness and better taste will give you more pleasure than any cigarette you ever smoked. Chesterfields are made of the best ingre dients a cigarette can have... mild ripe home-grown tobaccos, aromatic Turkish and pure cigarette paper. RECTAL DISEASES Mild electric treatments, replacing o I d mothods. Non-confining, non-surgical and sarer. RESULTS start with first treat ment. Write tor FREE booklet. OR. M. C. CASSEl Specialist Caisel Bros. Chiropractic Clinic 828 No. 7th Phone 420 Chesterfield time is PLEASURE time ...more pleasure for smokers everywhere SPECIAL S With This Big 6.22 Cubic Ft COLDSPOT y.i'HUf nli:Jillj ii.i iw wi iinni i m,i ni, n ihiii.,,! Via . '-MN i - 1: : j-'" " t : : i ;: u-.',.,. T . . .:. . .....-,- . f - - " - :.- i . ' t -: s ' : '.'IP " i" . -! . . 'ft-. : ' ' a ; ; j - t I : i 1 . : 3 mm Corrrljbt 19I. fjoorrr it Myim Tobacco Co, $5.00 Down $8.00 Monthly ringer-tip Tray Release to Loosen Ice Cube Tray i 9-Point Cold) Speed for Any Need 3 In. Coldex Insulation White Porcelain Acrd-Resiatine; Interior Interior Light Goe8 On When the Door Is Opened 96 Ice Cubea7 pound, 10 Ounce of Ice FASTI 6.2 Cubic Feet Capacity Insure Adequate Storage 12.3 Square Feet of Refrigerated Shelf Space Cold,,orm"n '"""""'n thrift 1 A hl, SX.foot men cLl T ""' ' Mn' you l'' mote convenience, more nower ,,h anse All.. , ' iiiui aj VflJUtllJ IIIHII tt. kind f s'.1 '",J'Wh"'a nttr 8oar ,ow Pce! Her.', ar ,h. rnfr,Knralor wanted, at a price tar less than you expected to pay! I I y III alTr W-Mnrnssssss in UeUdMQdMM M li) (ill) !