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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1938)
PAGE TWELVS THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON June 2, 1088 OUT REGATTA PARADE SLATED FOR SATURDAY As a preview of the annual Upper Klnmath laka regatta, irheduted to taka place at the Chlpplngton boat docks Sunday ifternoon, June I, Main atreet rill be the acene ot a nautical parade Saturday evening at I 'clock. Jlmmle 8fransen, Jr., chair nan ot the Junior chamber of lommerce parade committee, Mates that plana have been made lor the biggest parade In local regatta history. Featured In the procession will be numeroua boata of both pleaa ere and racing varieties. Local firms dealing in boata, motors and other boating supplies are ireparlng display floata to enter n the line of march, A special feature will be a log bucking exhibition, aervlng as an advertisement for the lumberjack contests which are now an Im portant part of the yearly re gatta. A pair of ' Klamath'a huskiest lumberjacks will push their crosscut saw through a log as the procession moves down the street. The parade will form back of the courthouse on Klamath ave nue. Promptly at I o'clock It will move np to the Intersection of Main and Third atreets, and from there will proceed down Main to the Esplanade Junction and then retrace Its route back fo the starting point. MAN INJURED IN AUTO COLLISION Carl A. Tomlln, 45, 619 Mitchell street, was slightly Injured at Tenth and Main streets June 1, when a car which he was driving and one operated by Jim Drlscoll, 916 Lincoln street, were Involved In an accident. It was reported that Tomlln suffered bruises to the left leg and a twisted neck. E E The dance to be given by the Pomona grange Saturday evening, June 4, for the purpose of raising funds for state grange entertain ment la expected to draw one of the largest crowds, not only of grangers but also ot others who seek a good time. Everyone, whether granger or not, Is Invited, according to grange officers. The music is to be furnished by the Henley Haymakers, an or chestra made up exclusively ot grange members. All who have heard this orchestra or have danced to lta music will vouch for Its drawing power. "The Hay makers can surely make music that will draw every dance fan on to the floor In record time and Is about the only orchestra in crea tion which can guarantee that there will be no wall-flowers on the side lines or on the walla eith er," declares O. F. Travers, who la on the dance committee. Another drawing card la that the grange home economics clubs from all over the county are busy preparing refreshments for the dancers. There will be "scads and oodles ot eats" for everybody according to the home economics women. GROWERS PLAN ACTIVE PART IN SPUD HEARINGS Potato growers ot the Klamath basin, from Klamath country through the potato section ot Sis kiyou county, will gather In the circuit courtrooms of the court house June 16, at which time a formal hearing on potato market ing agreements will bs held. This was the announcement made Thursday by C. A. Hender son, Klamath county agricultural agent, who returned the early part of the week from Corvallls, where he attended a meeting ot representatives of the extension division of Oregon State college and atate representatlvea ot the agricultural adjustment admin istration held Saturday. Dr. Fred Meier, from the office ot the administrator ot AAA. also attended the meeting, which was ProtectYour Roses From Plant Lice Don't let your lovely roees be spoiled by lice when It is so easy and cheap Mmplr sprinkle the busoea iid ni tiAiti and your rosea win oe ife. Montr back if you don't asree that Bt'HACH is the best protection against insect peats you hare erer tried. In Handy Sifter Cans Sic op at Drug, Grory. Seed Stores and Pet Shops. PRONOUNCIP BIT HACK for tha purpose ot making pre liminary arrangements for hold Ing hearings and refcrenduma on potato marketing agreements. Henry Semon of Klamath county, who had been Invited to attend the session, was unable to attend. There will be three formnl hear ings held In the stnto, one. In Port' land, one In Redmond and the third In Klamath Falls, Hender son stated. Preliminary meetings will ba held within the next 10 days, probably in Merrill, Uonanxa, Klamath Falls or Henley, for the purpose of discussing the formal hearing. At this time, Henderson pointed out, potnto growera will have an opportunity to be edu cated upon the finer points which will be brought out at the hear ing. The educational meetings will be announced later, It was said. The hearing Is ot Interest to all potato growers In the Klamath baaln and aa many as possible art urged to attend the preliminary hearings as well as the formal hearing scheduled for June 15. HELP KIDNEYS PASS 3 LBS. A DAY Doctor Mr your kid ri ere contain 19 mile of tiny tube or filter whirh help to purify the blood and keep you healthy. Mott people paae bout 3 pint a day or about 3 poutm of waata. Frequent or wanly paeaacee with .martins and burning ahowe then may be aometiiint luug eiw j. i -I aiunv)i or .usuuer. Aa exceea of acjda or pouona tin your blood, when due, to functional kiilney diaunlers. may bo tha causa of nainj backache, rheumeUe pain, leg paina, low ot pep and enerjjQ-, fret, ting up nifbu. a welling, puilinoaa under the eyre, headaches and dutineaa. Don't wait! Alc your druut for Doan't Pill, uaed aurceaofully by million for over 40 nan. i ney aire oappy Wie ants will help the 15 milea of kidney tube fiiuh out noiaonoua 15' Tobaccos Your Choice Velvet, Half ft Half or P. A. S'Crain ASPIRIN TABLETS Tin or . Bottle 1 or 2 Friday ae Saturday at 635 MAIN STREET Bight reserved to limit quantities In time like these we make a special effort to give you Uie utmost for your money in wejrys -department ''of our- stoVes. ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKER IN CITY Sidney 0. Notes, said to be tha only American-born, European-trained artificial eye maker In the United States, will ba at tha Columbian Optical store, 730 Main street, on Friday, June S, and Saturday, June 4. Noles went to Europe In 1911 to learn the art of making arti ficial eyes from European mas ters who keep the secrets of their art well guarded. He re turned to Oregon and devoted aereral years to study and prac tice. ' Noles makes his linatl quarlora In Bun Francisco and hns madu more than 10,000 arti ficial eyes for persons on the Pnclflo const. Noles will give an artificial eye milking exhibit ion In the Columbian Opliral window Fri day and batiirduy, l'OHTLANI), Jlllin I (Al) Threo-0 boys along Ilia Oregon Novnda border have undertaken a new project nursing, The fed. ernl biological survey reported today 43 young antelope war placed on bulile tendings at Ilia Hlinldon reserve. They will form tho basis for two herds, Former 10.9S Aetna Portable Radiol Never before priced so low! with mow ipnit tvainf . Rick, foil taaal far mjoro power tha ad.d far lb chaia arafram. Baatifal tfoamliMo' cabinet. A AB NEW LOW PRICE .... 9a99 Indirect Lighting for bar aww ISeeae. Beaatifnl brooso fialatt table lamp that lininatae ahadowa aatf Star. Worth JXXX AOq A woaderfui gifti 57 O See It toast to Um text or yon want larouf b f law insert is idee and door. Beauti . ful cbranium finisa. 122 ruox 'of 200 KLEENEX Tissues 2s25' A .Each 13c I 10'LllXorM Lifebuoy Health Soap ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS SMDWICR TOASTER ... 2.13 GILBERT KITCHEI CLOCK . 1.23 WAFFLE IROa 3.35 AUTOMATIC FLAT I BOH . . 4.95 IITZ COCKTAIL SHAKER . . 98c ALARM CLOCK. 8-ety ... 153 OVERHIGH. CASE, 18-aKS . 98c .MITT BEO LAMP .... 1.33 4-re. SALAD BOWL SET . . 1.13 tlDRIO ELECTRIC MIXER . 1.29 SUPER JUICE EXTRACTOR . 1.98 FRAMED BIRD PICTURES . 80c ALUMINUM PITCHER, 3-QL 1.00 0IX0H1A PLAYING CARDS . 55e MIX-ALL ELECTRIC MIXER 4.95 ELECTRIC KITCHEH CLOCK 143 o For her new home! A corral Detect, Jr. BalArooea acal that era if he vp t 2SO pounds. Goaraateed 19 fee $ 7arl ...... 2 Othmn ft) 3.9 A perfect Gift Heat indicate electric iron with unbreakable heat unit. Beveled adc, cool handle Chromiara fiima. FREE! Poire White Shoe Laces. MttM purchoo of Success White , Shoe Cleaner POND'S CREAMS 1 55c Sire Jar (Medium) . . . tw JLV M0LLE Shaving Cream, 50c Size Tube . Ml Jf MAR-0-0IL O. Shampoo, 60c Size Bottle . . JLV SCOTOMA 10c Size Rolls PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia, 50c Size 29 PGS0AP-:1A Giant Bars Ask for contest bianksJ mmm 8V FREE! 25c Valat' Bandana with SOcSiM HhiiTsHoney Almond Cream i SAVE 96 on this beautiful Streamlined Tea Kettle ,7j worth Q Q 8 On pmneh fl.9S.unlr mf0 cant plan 'TripU eotad rnrmrl Flnith la Rrd, Bta m (jrB. natarml mapi. wood bandla. 41iMrl IM. BUCK BOIiei I Or qUICX OOBUOf. Ath forJttaiUotoUmt Durability PLUS" .Amazing Distance Po-Do CtUBolIt 25c Six Mennens Talc for Men 19 k 50c Six lOcSizt Cashmere BouquetSoap .3:25 a5oo oooock WOOOOOOOOOt woooooooow 23c Pe-Da'e five) SSefUMdi. , Use at V. of i tha ctxt. Baby Talc 1Q rPkg. of 10X I g' 1 1 JCofrfrii Crownt 48c BforS.SO' uuiicue a : Blue Blades I Special! iac I Fountain A Pens tPkg. of 8 25c 1 Well Worth $1 60c six, WildrootN Hair Tonic 1 an J.OOSiz 79c VI Special ValMet for J1-" MM It mat. W than lc an hour to or crate these. Efficient 8-inch electric fan falty QQe Gaarantttd! 70 Qil-mlnff( Mtwdia int.ifaiim fiionimill finaa boai sltraelir. lirtr Sr4. With mi. Csclllatlnc Fan Wit lo.inch Cfiroms mmmm Blod.t 5s Othm f rn.PS 5f Llsterine Tooth Paste or Powder 40e evrSc 5sz OO 25cSizm l9c 73c Llsterine For Dandruff O" Kr. FREE! 200 Cleansing Tissues nth ISOe Jit of Solid AliUOLEXE rSflTS. BsV (5" ' Aacrtf&&Sg. Smooth shaves for 3 months 35 FUxie, J L. Eat ra-thia, extra. harp blades Swedish tL National Cotton Week r. fyr. i7m34 inch,, 3 tor 33 wrwr.7?7. 29 Dlah Cloths -t . . . . J Knin.d . . .3l0T ll'J Pewdar Puffa I In contain,, , 5 for 19CI Real Relief for sunburn! PERFECTION SUN. ' BURN LOTION tooth 1 and rlirM sanbura and windaara almoit Inalantlf. 4-on. BO WaierJiAtittL CREAMY ICECREAM! Nsbonaily famous lor It's line quality and superior (laTorl Hera's a Don Me Tatty Treat Walgreen Ice Cream rolled In cfetcioas t Chocolate Cake 471 'aS5X. "Certain-Safe" MODESS Sanitary Nanklna Box of . . 12 aior39 Boxof36 .... 54c A Miettnt 4mtri for dinntr or porty lr,mt. WANT QUICK RELIEF? From Headaches, Pains, Neu ralgia, that Certain Dajrl Ceradyna Tablets, 3Se Froeted Fudce sundae Hherbet Bell Brick Ice Cream Qt. Brick 37fJ taxi onu arr? a? Ift Easv to heckmouth odors ( 'with pUaiaat.tftttins ORLIS MOUTH WASH Rofruh, Uodorii Srd iiinit throat InJ.tllon. PINT . 49o I Dandruff Disappears mdar tha aaw FORMULA 20 traat. at. Stlmalatn th ftcalp taas add Ufa and lutar t Ik hr. .lthnaMaiatal ... 1 Paiilay a I GARDENIA ll uatmeai Soap 6545 Each BcS I t.OOSiz7 I ADVrYM a-aa w kV for Moths Full 7Qc ni.t m . w r- Aaj Quart 1.19 I FREEI I 25c FITCHM W sosj aft aiaask.A.a. Wl with 60c Size ITALIAN BALM V 25c COMB 1 I with 50c Size I Hair Tone 1 Hair Dressing I50e5rej afProDhvlactici . I Tooth Brush Round end A I brietleVI If. 1.00Slzm I sf I lirlru Ttrro-M Hair Tonic Checks Exceaalva a riair Loss M W&0W IMmity! Flaxon! WvfMW Organdy! Piciiic! iHLJMW Clotty 19c Yctd -nrec Sji" Jiri'!'"aC-iraW ra' Live in cottona and enjoy the savings III I Uww tJw yi-" -t TyW 4 J of thia sale. Print, and plain colon. II VI lyvi " rjhfMm VV';l sTV efati Sports or dress. Tubfast. Newl 36 in. 1 J " llSW SALE! 12i llalisto W-$?'S:.i TUBFASTI PRINTED I FROSTY COOL I 1Ac ! fc-i'&v-'&'ljJ' V''wl;anlX,'''k S Think of It I About 32c for a dress I Sew and aave Vvd f rnftl "l'1 flltS w 4' eKlif ( for all summer now. Tubfast cotton I 36". ttfep SALE! Dross Lengths Regularly $1,391 Plain or printed rayons. $400 7l'i2-J'.ft- ehf rZ Light or dark colort. 3 and 3M yd, lengths. Y I Tubfait prlntad CoHon Shantunq Broadcloth, vd. 29 i(f& mi... . ,t fcAX'-V -TZZ 1 c ! f fJ Aias! j ,r,,,ItI 1 ; ! Printed fU ul 149 1 I Sheers "pktm- Flsttar rur t-s rsps In tha M i iV,frt j ' 1 ''VlffratdaV ' Ky' mul,lcolor Pf H - ; J vJ'T1 J a wt i r r l 'J i "'' T 'VVSk th,t " wl,n vrr- fl : ' Syjr, At Wfdt tOf Unly H ' 2trjr. thlnal ResI leslhcrsoles. rJ C I I ijjjiMjA New tailored or dressy , j T . ' : ' ' '"j" I I tmm KV ": H"ywoodHiti E i I K i j ,i, ti I t V' ' ! 1 a cl I I I- c . w m A f.rz jrL2. I r V : o,i,r,. i iio'nisa an separate boleros! 12-52. Y. i V Chiffons luuiel f.l J , . I Y . OQC J I f iayi -ftJ Hi " " If I ' L V' I'nuaual at Jg eW Jl IV'lJfrTT TTI i A Th.d.rk.ron..., " V, I t '"A W f J I - : f, of the nocking tends to Y I I A VlL yL hi V? I I ; alanrf.rlr. r.r I.,. Ilk. . I H- 'VKJnS -YrX movie .T.r'.r in". hsded j mtJ2!VV:m. I tUJ) '; 1 T-ne or Sun-msskl I j am mm 4v Wfm sJlB "Jm: iTlii SolalBo,' ISfcX ... M WiM,ia,UaaWii rAIfllIIOY Many with SELF BELTS ) I tartMy;',;-.,. Vs. QUICKS I Trn..a imwiw 198 Shirts I I II I I las II I Dress trons'ersl R ports nT . II Qil H Madeln the West I Ruggedly I slacksl Conservatire and I Rtgularly 25c M ilV I 11 t,;in.,il r.MM lu.u..i..i.k, I Vnnnr man' vla . I - I a , ! thickset corduroy. That lh smartest patterns or means longer wesrl Fins' I tn season I .lu many I value and low-priced I 4-16. I WOVEN fabrics. I 1 I II 111 TfT4hWm I XVUMJXM U Comfortable and prtetictl, too, for these full-cut shorts sre Senlotitedl New patterns; elastic sides, Swiss ribbed combed cotton shirts. Sale I 4 gore Panel Slips Regularly 79t )8C Unusually fine quality rayon taffeta. Excellently tailored with s deep shadow panel. Strong, rip-proof seams, Col ors. Slsss 34-44. XB(D)MlEm. I 221 Main St. Telephone 384