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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1938)
'uno 2, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN ! Lost and Found - 110 REWARD for Information concerning persons who hlive taken I oollnra olf my dog, Hmin. Luulo I'nlln. 6-2 Gonoral Notices Go By Motor Coach VIA II ION I) Shortest Route Lowoat Fares To Northorn Pnlntn On Hound Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 toite, Ida. 10.00 18.10 "ortland 5.90 10.65 5eaftle 8.40 14.65 lluaaca Leave 1:00 P, M. Mr. Hood Stagei, Inc. Droyhnund Depot Phone 000 6 -20-niir AKTKII 'I' 1 1 1 a PATH I Vvll I mil he roapnnslhln fur ilehls rnnlraeli'il by nnvnim nllinr thiin myni'lf. 1ENCA KNATION CORKI5AH. 6-4 nlPH FOR CONCKRHIONH ill Iho fairgrounds for Kliiniiilli llurk arno Drtyn lloilnn, July 2. 8 ami 4, will he received ill' lo Friday. Juno 10, 6 p. m. Check lo no company hid. Thin Includes nil tonraaalons except progrnma. Addrees blili In Herald-Newa, , Box J04. 6-8 N'KW LOW RATES on body Slid fiwider repairing, motor tune-up. genorator. alerter, mnnneto re palra. Anderaon Auto Electric, 032 Wnlnut. 0-30 LONU DISTANCE HAULING Phono 1097. 6-4-mlf ULY CAKE Bpeclallilng In Bun day chicken dlnnnri, homo mud plot, 10(1 drlnkt. Charlie Huakln. 6-1 INTERSTATE MOVINO -- Klnm ' lh Fall! Trnne. and Storage. 6-4-mlf IIKHYI8 IIKAUTY BIIOP Special Guaraiitood-Couiplote 3.A0 Oil Permanent for 1 B 5 601 Medlcnl-llentnl Hldg. Pbono 1 R72-J. 6-11 Personals FULL BPINAL ANALYSIS of your lllneaa without coat or nbllxa tlon. Why suffer? Dr. David, D. C. 110 N. 81h, Hopka lllilK. . fhone 3632. 6-16 Trensni ortstion TEACH KR OF MECHANICS do slrea to drlvo car oail to Chi cago, Toledo, Dttroll or ba tmen polnta for rallablo par tita. Lear about Juno 16. Cnll 819-W. 62 MOVINO Any point Oregon, Waahlngtnn and Calllornla. In aurad vans. Call 704, Pooplo'a Warohoua. 6-23 to Servicoi MATTRESS REBUILT and fuml i . gated for 12.00, or rebuild your Old maltreat In an Inneraprlng. - Vpboleterlng and awnlnie of all klnda. Call Economy Mnttreaa V Upholitorlng. Phono 1206-W. 6-1 WANTED Work for caterpillar tractor. George Eger, Keno Hi. 6-1 FURNACEB CLEANED 14.76. special aummor prlro. Bpotleaa vacuum cleaning. Chimney, eninko-plpo. furnace. Free In speetlon. Ilnllard Furnaco Co, Phono 606. 7-1 CARPENTER Faat and expor lonred, work guaranteed, rea aonable. Phono 28 W6. 7-1 DRESSMAKING-HEMSTITCHING Alteration!, Dutlona. Mra. H. M. Allondor, Upstalra, Hopka Illdg., Room 11. Entrance North 6th, next Mnrgot'a. Phone 426-W. 6-24 PAINTING, Paper HntiKlng. Kal aomlnlng, J. P. Hopor. Phono 367W1. 6-24 FILMS Any 8-expoaure roll do veloped and printed, 26c. East Side Phnrmncy, 026 Eaat Mnln. 6-25-mtf PAINTING, Kalaomlnlng. Call II E. Blmmona, 937J4 mornlnga. 6-24 FLOOR SANDING and reftnlBhlng. Clifford Golden. Phono 168W3 6-30-mtf ART BENEDICT, houao cleaning. ' Janitor. 2364-W. 6-30 WINDOW CLEANING, gonoral housocleanlng, wallpaper and , kalaomlnod walla neatly cleaned. ' Phone 873. A. M. Rhodea. 6-7 PAINTING, docorntlng. Louta Zvospor, phono 613. 6-4 DRESSMAKING, Alterntlona, Re modeling. Ann London, 623 Mnln, over Swanaon'o harbor ahop. ; 6-12-mtf SEWING, Romodollng, Alteratlnna. Alao curtnlna and rirnpea. Sat ' Infliction gitarnnteed. Mra. Har ney, 2111 Dnrrow, Telophono 2161-J. 6-10 BODENIIAMER 8AW FILING 219 Ennl Mnln. Phono 84 6-W. All anwa, toola, lawnmowora, etc. repulrod, 0-14-mtf FLOOR SANDER for rent. Noweat . typo dualleaa mnchlno. SOUTH, r EHN OREGON HARDWARE CO. 6-10 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED Ladles with all-night , linlr, nil permnuonlH, two for "one, no limit to number rurla, : personality finger wnvo, alinm " poo, rl nne and hnlr cut 76c. ' Hnllla Beauty Shop, 604 So. ' 8th, phone 466. 6-2 WANTED Experienced womnn for liouaework, RofoicnccB, 1.14 No. Third. 6-6 26 Neva and Herald Want-Ada get roaulli. la Holp Wanted, MU WANTED Hnleamnn to tell build. lug materials. 704 Klamath. 6-2 18 Situation! Wanted WOMAN wishes hnuanwnrk by day 410 Ho. nth. Phono 1781, 6-8 EXPERIENCED COOK and house. keeper wlahea work, 807 Klnm ath. 6-4 HKIII SCHOOL GIRL wanta work Phiino 661W4. 136-tf REHPONHIIILM young man want work on ranch. Experienced Ilnx 661, Mnlln, Ore. 6-t WANTED Housekeeping In motherleaa homo. References Mra, Joyce, Fort Klamath, Ore 6-4 LADY WISHES HOUR WORK Phono 1487-J. 6-4 EXPERIENCED RANCH HAND wnnla work. Can drive truck n Irnctor. Phone 612W1. 6-3 EXPERIENCED COOK want work. 8,18 California. 6-2 WOMAN WANTS liouaework, ell or country, 410 So, 6th. 6-2 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wlahei hour work. Phono 2126-J. 7- 20 Room and Board HOARD f 1 DAY Board and room 136 month. 304 Bo. 4th. 6-4 ROOM AND HO A It D 1124 Moll Clair, acroaa from high achonl 6-16 HOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klnm nth. 126-1 HOARD ROOM 628 Joffer aon. Phono 1622-J. 6-8 HOMK-COOKED MEALS Rooms 226 So. 6th. 6-2 ROOM AND HOARD 811 So. 8th Phono 1948-W. 6-16 ROOM AND BOARD 829 High 6-11 ROOM AND HOARD. Private ahowor, 18 week. 723 Klamath 6-6 22 Roomi for Rent ROOMS IN HOME 120 double or fl6alngle. 1 606 Fulton SI. 6-8 OUTSIDE ROOM Hot and cold water, fine bed. Court View Hotel. 6-8 NEAT, COMFORTABLE ROOM for lady, gentleman or couple. 316 E. Main. 6-6 BEAUTIFUL front bedroom. Prl veto entrance. Cloae In. For man. 116 per month. 1104 Creacent. 6-3 SLEEPING ROOM, clnte In, 63 60 per week. 303 Waahlngton. 6-7 SLEEPING nOOMB 1034 High Phono 146. 6-7 ROOM FOR RENT 1024 High Phono 299-W. 6-3 ROOM In modern homo for gen tleman. Phono 828, -; (-6 CLAREMONT. 228 No. 4th St. All oulaldo modern rooma. Free parking lot. 6-11-mtf PLEASANT OUTSIDE ROOMS 12.60-14.00 week. 410 So. 6th 6-16 ROOM FOR RENT 314 Waah lngton Bt. 3787-tf 24 Apartments for Rent NEW J-ROOM nnfurnlahed apart ments, with bath. Maaonry building at Weyerhaeuser Mill. 126.00 per month. Including woon, wotor and lights. Boo H. W. TILLIS, Salesman M. L JOHNSON 18 Years at 406 Main Ph. 2161 6-2 FOR RENT Furnished one-room apartment, also 1 and 4 rooms unfurnished. 204 So. 6th. 6-2 FURNISHED 2-room apt. 826.00 monin. in Main. 6-4 PARTLY furnlahed small apart ment. Renovated. Close In. Phone 1393-J. (-2 VACANCY 2 large rooms, bath. 326 Commercial. 6-8 APARTMENT Suitable for two. Inqulro 601 Market. 6-7 VACANCY Klamnth Apartments, 2nd and Klnmath. 6-2 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. 1806 Mnln. 6-4 4-ROOM Furnished Apartment Wood nnd water. Adults. No pels. 1126 Grant. 6-4 8-ROOM APT. furnished, oloso In. 303 WnBhlngton. 6-4 VACANCY 2-room apartment. White Pine Apnrtments. 6-4 JACOBS APARTMENTS Va cancy. Pine nnd Cedar,' 4942-tf APARTMENTS AND ROOM8 FOn RENT Alpha Apts. Phono 800. 6-26-mtf UNKURNISHED 7-room apart ment. Heat, water, wood fur nlahed. Call 918 Market or 623W4. 4899-tf FOR RENT Now furnlBhed apt. 814.00, Mock south ' Pollcnn City school. ZlRlor apts. 6-2 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Nowly furnished and deco rated, tolophoncs, electric equip ment, rofrlgeratlon, elevator, gnrngo Day, week or month. Tho apartment hotel with con venlenco nnd home comfort. 24 hour Borvlco, No pots. 6-14-mtf FURNISHED APARTMENT, t. 4 adults. Wood, lights, water, gna. 419 N. 10th 6-6 Housot for Rent FOR RENT 4 -room houso to per son Interested buying equity In furnishings nnd aaaiim small bnlanco. 210 E. Main, 6-t Houses for Rant 8-nOOM nicely furnlahed houao, newly dec orated. Cloao In, Phone 1740 or 001 Lincoln, l-I FURNISHED CAIIIN suitable for bachelor, 1218 Creacent, 6-4 FOR RENT Hlx-room unfurnlah ed houao In Dixon addition. Call Altamont Auto Camp. 6-4 FOR RENT Comfortable sleep ing quartsrs for six or eight peo plo, Altamont Auto Camp, 6-4 6-ROOM modorn furnlahed house, 1929 Sargent. Phono 28J2, 6-2 t-ROOM furnished bouse. Pleasant View tracts. Inqulro 160 Old Fort Road, after 6 p. m. 6-7 CABINS FOR MEN ONLY Close In, 426 Willow, 6-2 TAKE OVER LEASE 4 rooms, brick houso, newly renovated. Nice yard, flowers, garden. A bargain, 126.00 month. 2300 Hlehn. 6-2 FOR RENT Two 4-room houses on North 6th, f 26 and 131.60. See 329 McKlnley. 6-2 MODERN cabins now available. Altamont Auto Camp. 6-8 28 Mltcellanooui for Rent GENTLE SADDLE HORSES For hire. Stable at end of Crescent avenue. 6-3 FOR RENT Meadow buck pas ture. Phone Shook Ranch, col lect, t-t FOR HIRE Hory experienced logging teams. C. B. Brown. Boiiunsa. 6-8 30 Real Eitate for Sal Altamont Home To Trade for Town Property Good large 3-room houae with hath. Exceptional bullt-lns and fixtures. On 1 acre good garden land. Alao 2-room cabin, root collnr, hen houso and double garage. See ua for details. H. W. TILLIB, Salesman M. L. JOHNSON 18 yeara at 406 Main Ph. 81 61 6-t For Sale Four-room houao and bath. Very good condition, well locat ed. Total price, 62350. 1160 down, balance like rent, T. B. Wattert 616 Main St. Phono 880 6-3 200-ACRE DAIRY RANCH. Lan gell Valley, highly Improved, fenced, In alfalfa, clover, blue grain. 212.000 ranch for 6000 lo aettlo estate. Terms. Irri gated. $1.00 per acre. Sheley Agency, Medford, Oregon. 6-2 Riverview Addition 8 bedroom house, T years old. Basement, garage, well-kept grounds. City water, light. No city taxos or aaseasmenta. A real bargain at 82700.00. Less for cash. See H. W. TILLIS, Salosmsn Li I lieMlk,ICkl rvi. i. viwnitJWM 18 years at 406 Main Ph. 2161 6-2 FOR SALE Acre In Homedalo with buildings. Cash or terms. Ray Butler, Rt. 2, Box 840D. evenings. 6-4 FOR SALE Furnished cabin at Lake o' Woods, west side. Bar gain. R. E. McElhose, 829 Minn. Ave., Medford. 6-6 COZY AND CLEAN 4-room homo. Hns large lot, lawn, paving and sidewalk. Immediate posaesalon for $200 down. Only $1900. EVERETT DENNIS HOWARD BARNHISEL AGENCY 112 S. 8th Phone 1060 6-2 For Sale -A Snap One-half acre, Irrigated, north of Sliaata Wny, Good soil. 1-room cnbln and tant houae rented $10 per month. $200.00 cash . will handle and rent will pay the bal ance. This Is a snap grab It. See H. W. TILLIS, Salesman M. L JOHNSON 18 years at 406 Main Ph. 2161 6-2 FOR SALE Four-room bouse on acre for price of land. Bryant Tracts off Shasta Way, Rt. 2. Box 983. 6-6 WANTED TO TRADE for Med ford property. E. Gray, Real Estate, 118 N. 7th. 6-1 FOR SALE Cheap. Five acres Altamont Small Farms. All or part. Terms. Rt. 1, Box 978. 6-t $3960 Completely modern 1-bed- room home on pavement, 1 block to school, furnace. $600 down, bnlnnce like rent. By owner. Phone 404-R. 6-6 FOR SALE Smnll house on halt ncro. Inquire Shasta Food Mar ket. 6-7 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Wny. $10 down, $s montbly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben P. Lewis, owner, Rt. 1, Box 896. Phone 86J2. 6-t 34 Automotive FOR SALE rModel A dump truck. $100. mono 918-R. 6-7 FOR SALE Equity In 1934 atude- bakor sedan. Phone 1012-J eve nings. 6-7 FOR SALE Salvage 1934 Ford conch, 19,11 Chevrolet aednn, 1 Dill Chevrolet coupe. Cnll 214 First NntlonnI Bnnk Bldg. Thone 2303 or 296. 6-4 FOR SALE '88 Dodge coupe. Cost $1020, will sell for $800. $200 down. Bodonhammer Saw Filing, 219 K. Mnln. 6-8 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR BALE Modern trailer houae. 6th and Shasta Way. 6-6 26 34 Automotive BALSIGER'S BEST VALUES Closed Cab Pickups No. 2641933 Ford V-8 Plcl'up .... Mo. 2621 1934 Ford V-8 Pickup Mo. 781935 Ford V-8 Pickup No. 91936 Ford V-8 Pickup .. No. 4591936 Chevrolet Pickup .... No. 4821936 International Pickup, high wheels $155 No. 4641937 Ford V-8 Pickup $168 All of the above plckupi are in first class condition me chanically. Smell monthly payments can be arranged on the balance. We have the largest stock of closed cab pickups on the Pacific coast to choose from, Balsiger Motor Co Main and Esplanade aaaaHBaMaBHRaaMaakaaaBaBa 36 Miscellaneous for Sale FOR SALE Old Hopf violin, A-l condition, $200. 302 Division. 6-6 PIAN08 Small uprights, spinets, for rent, reasonable. Apply rent toward low term purchase later If desired. Louis R. Mann, tuner, Derby's, 117 So. 7th. 6-4 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 6-4-mif FOR 8ALE Two wheel trailer. Adolph Feusl, Keno Rt., 8 miles from K. F. 6-3 BATH TUB SPECIALS Two good used tubs; also small ranges, tents, etc. Bargain prices. 01' River Exchange, 6 Main. 6-2 SMALL JOB HAULING Ferti liser, lawn dirt, oxcavatlons, dry block wood. Roy Bchmeck, 2438 Shasta Way. Phono 1169. 6-18 ETUDE World's Boat Musical Magaslno now available at Derby's Music Co. 6-2 LOWER PRICE8 EXPERT WORK Brakes Rellned and Adjusted. Bent Axles Straightened Cold In or Out of Car. SAFETY SERVICE 732 8. 6th 6-18 AUTO PAINTING REFIN1SHI.NO for less Complete Body and Rebuild Service. SAFETY SERVICE T82 8. 6th 6-18 WALLPAPER The largest stock of 1938 patterns In tho city at SOUTHERN OREGON HARD WARE CO. 6-10 FOR SALE 9x12 Axmlnster rug. hand vacuum sweeper. 808 Mt. Whitney. 6-3 YOUTH SIZE BED with floss mat' tress, electrlo washing machine motor, radio, electric Iron, per colator and lamp. 840 No. 9th. 6-4 FOR SALE Wood range with colls and 80-gallon tank $25.00; also 40-gallon tank $5.00. Call after 5 p. m. 927 Jefferson. 4979-tf LAWN MOWERS sharpened with new Improved machine, $1.00. Call and deliver In olty. Poole's Bicycle Store. 7-1 CANDID CAMERA FILM Refills for 85 mm cartridge. Eastman Super X, 86-exposure, 60c post paid. Paul Storm, Rt. 1, Box 62, City. 6-8 FOR SALE 100 sacks seed spuds. C. D. Enman, Morrill Road. Phone 16F22. 6-8 FOR SALE! Fine house trailer. Community church, Dorris, Calif. 6-4 USED GAS FURNACES Suitable tor homes with or without base ment. Also wood furnaces. $36 and up. Holland Furnace Co. Phone 696. 6-8 FOR SALE! Fryers, a mile south of rock pit on old Midland road. 6-8 FIBER INSULATING BOARD $35 a thousand. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market St. Phone 1658. "Building Materials for Less." 6-18 FOR SALE Slightly used heavy duly aeroplane electrlo fan. Bar gain. Can be seen at East Side Electrlo Store. 6-2 FOR SALE Rnbblts. Portland Drive, Box 1040. 6-3 UNREDEEMED LADY'S diamond ring. Flawless, one-third carat. Bought last Christmas for $127.60. To be sold tor loan and Interest at $69.60. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 622 Main. 6-7 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In Formal! tractor. Lane Broth era, Summers Lane. Phone 67J2. 6-7 FOR SALE Ice box, 60-lb. capac ity, excellent condition. Phone 1SC0-J. 326 No. 10th. 6-8 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Rulova watches, $4.60 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 622 Main. 6-30 TRAILER HOUSE at Beatty, $136 with range, $126 without range. Write Casey Crondale, Lake view, Ore. 6-S News and Herald Want-Ads get results. , Down Pay't. $ 80 1 1 OS $110 $135 $145 Phone 2100 36 Miscellaneous for Sal AUCTION Saturday, June 4, lOa.m at The ANKENY RANCH On Summers Lane 1 mile north of Klamath Falls Airport This Is Market Day Where you can sell your livestock, implements, furnishings or what have you. For Cash Get your offerings listed early Partial List of Items to Be Sold HORSES 1 bay team, 4-year-old unbroken, ready to go; 1 bay team mares 1600; 1 grey-bay team mares, 1400; 1 sorrel-bay team mare 1550, and saddle stock. CATTLE 1 yearling Shorthorn bull, eli gible to register, several clean milk oows 8 to 6 gala., calves. HOGS 1 Tamworth boar, 1 . Poland China boar, piggy sows, sows and pigs, feeders. CHICKENS t pure bred Barred Rock roost ers, t dozen bens. AUTOMOBILES 1 1929 Pontlae coupe, clean and runs good. MACHINERY Oliver grain drill. Iron Age po tato planter fertiliser att 1 two-way potato planter, hay rake, plows, disc, mowers, harrows, large water tank and pump, harness, etc. FTRXITTKE 1 Kroeger piano, bed room aet, living room sets, drapes, stoves, rugs room sixes, tea wagon, odd chnlrs, pressure cooker, pic tures, and other Items too num erous to mention. TERMS CASH Come Prepared to Buy Charles K. Wlese, Auctioneer Tulelake, California Phones: Tulelake 22 or 67 Klamath Falls 623-J-6 6-t 40 To Exchange iangs $500 accordion for $150 sedan. Rt. 1, Box 941. 6-7 FOR TRADE Lot In Altamont, 2nd street, for trailer house. Good building lot. Al Hopson. 6-8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 15th day ot June, 1938, beginning at the hour of 10:00 A. M. ot said day, at the front door ot the City Hall in Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at publlo auction for cash In band all ot the following described premises, to-wit: Lot Addition SECOND HOT SPRINGS 1 INDUSTRIAL 17 the north 18 tt. ot 1 to 15, Inclusive 16 and 17 22 to 36, Inclusive 1, 2 and 8 t, 10, 12 and It 1 to 16 Inclusive 18 1 to 10 Inclusive 15 16 17 18 35 38 67 89 12 have been delinquent for more than one year prior to May 10, 1938. on real estate within the corporate limits ot the City of Klamath Falls, Klnmath County, Oregon, whloh warrant or list Is in my hands. Each ot the lots, parcels or tracts above described is located within the City ot Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, and Is being sold under Sections 66,1101 to 66,1110, Oregon Cods 1930, as amondod, providing a method ot foreclosing special assessment Hens. Ench of snld lots, parcels and of Klamnth Fnlls the full amount untea mis luin nay or may, idss. First Publication: May 12, 1938. Final Publication: June t. 1938. H M12-19-26; Jjl-9 No. 74. ... 42 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST prloes paid for used furniture and stoves, OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 891. t-tlmtt WANTED Gas washing machine motor and saddle. Phono 1981-J. 6-4 WANTED 10 men dally to got free shaves. Inquire at Ricky s Jewelry and Loan, 622 Main 6-7 WANTED Unfurnished 3-room apartment or small house close In. Pbone 2347-W. Mrs. David Nelson. 6-3 WANTED TO RENT Yonng lady Federal employee, desires furnished apartment In reel' dentlal district. News-Herald, Box 699. 6-2 WANTED TO RENT 2 or 4-room unfurnished house by June 10. 431 Ewauna St. 1-6 WE BUY BOTTLES Main Street Bottle Exchange, 1406 Main. 6-10 44 Livestock and Poultry REDUCED PRICES ON CHICKS White Leghorns 8c. Pullets 18o. Heavies 9c Started pul. lets, 6 weeks, 86c. 6 weeks 460. 8 weeks 65c. Jonks Hatchery. Tangent, Oregon. 6-16 CHICKS hatching every week. Ma. gulre Electric Hatchery, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore. gon. (-80 FOR BALE Span t-year-old geldings, weight about 3000 lbs., gentle, have been worked Schafer Ranch, half mile south of Wordon. - (-1 REGISTERED Clydesdale Stallion for Service. 1700 lbs. Trlnnts Lenhart, Dairy, Oregon. (-2 WANTED Horses to train auch as kickers, balkors, runaways and bucking horses. I guar antee to care any habit. Trlnnls Lenhart, Dairy, Oregon. l-t FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. Joe Chotard, Malln. 6-8 46 Financial Trie "Friendly Finance Co." AUTOMOBILE LOANS and Refinancing We will loan too money oa your car, or refinance, enabling 700 to lower yonr payments. Commerical Finance Corp. Win. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-228 lit S. 7th St. Phone 471 6-81 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Otllrk nnenrtflhl Rmfm No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Lot us finance your new or need ear purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 11' No. 7th Ph. ttl (-9 mtf 48 Business Oppw rtunities FOR SALE Small dress shop, good location, low rent, doing good business. Owner has other Interests. Apply 1181 Main. (-8 SERVICE STATION and house for sale on main highway at Dorris, doing splendid business. Selling on account of death of owner. Address Csrr's Richfield Station. Dorris. Calif. (-4 FOR SALE On account ot sick ness, restaurant doing good bus iness. Box 687, News-Herald. 6-T WANT contract to clear and plow land. Have 80 caterpillar and tools. Box 111, News-Herald. 6-6 LEGAL NOTICES COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the County Treasury for the call and payment ot certain bonds of Klamath County, School District No. 1, de scribed as follows: Bonds No. 1 to It Inclu Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City Assessment Liens Block To Whom Assessed 66 t 8 8 8 11 11 11 11 It W. B. Tulle H. E. Hauger Klamath Develop. Klamath Develop. Klamath Develop. Klamath Develop. Klamath Develop. Klamath Develop. Klamath Develop. Klamath Develop. C. W.t Howry ft C. W. Howry ft C. W. Howry ft C. W. Howry ft Florence Dreher Florence Dreher Florence Dreher Florence Dreher Florence Dreher Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Berdena Berdena Berdena Berdena 16 16 16 It 12 22 22 22 tracts will be sold seoaratel ot its assessment liens plug ... . A. sive, par valne $1,000 each for $16,000. School Dlatrlot No. 1, Iaaue July 1, 1926, at 6, subject to call, from and after July 1. 1936. Interest on same will cease from and Including July 1. 1988. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, this 1st day of June, 1931. GEORGE P. TAYLOR, County Treasurer, H-J 1-1 No. 11 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Equity No. 6238. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY. CHARLES HENRY DU FOUR, Plaintiff, vs. MAZIB DU FOUR, Defendant. TO: MAZIB DU FOUR, DEFEN DANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the Complaint filed against you In the above- entitled suit within four weeks from the date of the first publt. cation of this summons In The Evening Herald, a newspaper printed and published m Klsm ath County, Oregon, which said date Is the Stb day ot May, 1938. and If you fall to answer or otherwise appear, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in bis complaint, to-wit: For a decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, on the grounds ot de sertion by the defendant: This summons Is served upon you by publication pursuant to order of Honorable Edward B. Ashurst, Judge ot the above-en titled Court, made and entered May 4, 1938, which order re quires that summons herein be published once a week for four successive weeks, and that the date of the first publication of said summons shall be May 6, 1938. FRED D. FLETCHER, Attorney tor Plaintiff, Postoffice Address: 16 Loomls Building, . Klamath Falls, Oregon. H. M. 5-12-19-26; J. 2 No. 72 EQUITY NO. 520 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. JAMES THOMPSON, Plaintiff, TS. MARGARET THOMPSON, De fendant TO MARGARET THOMPSON, DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and gn awer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled ault oa or before the 30th day of June, 1138, which Is four weeks from June 1, 1938. which la the date ot the first publication hereof, and If you tall so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief prayed for in his complaint: that you and plaintiff be divorced. This summon is served upon you by publication once each week for four successive and consecutive weeks, pursuant to order of Edward B. Ashurst, Judge of said Court, dated June 1, 1988. DON F. HAMLIN ' - Attorney for Plaintiff, ; 10 Loomls Bldg., Klamath Falls, Oregon. H-Jl-t-16-28 Aft. 30th No. 88 Stock Market Quotations Today's quotations Air Reduction ... 431 144 61 861 11 61 10 141 331 1291 68 81 12 41 16 61 11 10 42 221 4 19 1 51 61 761 Allied Chemical & Dye Allied Stores American Can - American ft For. Power American Power ft Light -American Rad. ft St. American Roll. Mills . . American Smelt ft Ref. A. T. ft T. American Tob. B American Water Worka Anaconda Copper Armour 111. Atchison T. ft S. F. Bolt, ft Ohio Barnsdall .. Bendix Aviation Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air .... Budd Mfg - California Pack Callahan Z-L Calumet Hec Canadian Paclflo Case (J. I.) ....... Date Levied May 15. 1921 May 16, May 15, May 16, May 15, May 15, May 16, May 16, May 15, May 15, May 15, May 15. May 16, May 15, May 15, May 16, May 15, May 15, May 16, 1921 1923 1923 1923 1928 1923 1928 1923 1923 1928 1923 1923 1923 1928 1928 1928 1923 1923 Reeder Reeder Reeder Reeder and will be struck off to the first Interest and the costs ot and upon FRANK HAMM, " CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH, Caterpillar Tractor ... ttl Celanese .. Certain-Teed. ... Chea. ft Ohio ........ Chrysler Motor . Col. Gas ft Electrlo Commercial Solvent Com'wlth ft Sou Consolidated Edison Hi H 681 41 42 15 14 01 121 181 181 171 14 61 t 0 til 41 161 81 64 28 16 90! 401 19 7 HI 19 61 111 181 7J tl 60 141 30J 51 28) 23 6 111 12 621 12 21 101 71 261 46 81 1 161 81 621 62 71 161 II 10 151 40 M 111 71 42J Consolidated Oil Corn Products Curtlss Wright .. Douglas Aircraft Du Pont A De N .,. Electric Auto Light , Electric Power ft Light .., General Electrlo ............... Oeneral Foods ................ General Motors , Goodyear Tires Or. No. Ry, Pf. ..., Hudson Motor Illinois Central ........, Insp. Copper International Harvester International Nickel ....... Int. Pap. ft P. Pf. I. T. ft T Johns Manvllle Kennecott Con. Cop. ....... LIb-O-Ford Liggett Myers B ............... Loew's ...................... Monty Ward Nash Kelvlnator National Biscuit ............... National Distillers National Power ft Light , N. Y. central North American .. Northern Paclflo Packard ... ....... J. C. Penney . Penn R. R. . Phillips Pet. Pressed Steel Car Public Service N, J. ..... Pullman Radio Rom. Rand. ... Rep. Steel Sears Roebuck Shell Union ...... So. Calif. Edison Southern Paclflo standard Brands .. Standard Oil of Calif. Standard Oil N. J. Studebaker Superior Oil Texas Corporation Trans-America .... Union Carbide . Union Pacific ...... United Airlines . United Aircraft United Corporation United Gas Imp. U. 8. Rubber . U. S. Steel . Walworth Western Union White Motor -Woolworth .. Closing; Curb Qootatlonst Cities Service 11 Electric Bond ft Share 7 ' CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, June 1 VP) Late rallies lifted Chicago wheat prices fractionally today after prospects ot a 1938 domestla harvest eclips ing any hertotore known had forced the market one cent down. Helping the late advance was North American export bustnesa totaling upwards of 400,000 bu shels. United States bard winter wheat was sold to England, Bel glum and Holland. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were 1-1 above yesterday's finish, July 691-1, September 701- i; corn 11-11 advanced, . July 571-1, September 571-68, and oats 1 cent to 1 np. BO. 8. F. LIVESTOCK SO. SAN FRANCISCO, June t (AP-USDA) Hogs 725: around So higher; 176-150 lb. $8.65-9.40; local butchers $8.15; sows $7.16. Cattle 200; steady to weak; medium to good . grass steers $6.75-7.00; cutter steers $5.76; grass cows steady to $5.00-5.50; low cutters largely $3.00-3.76; bulls absent. Calves: None. Quot ed $7.60-8.00; choice vealers to $8.76. Sheep 500; steady; choice under 75 lb. absent, quoted $7.50; medium to good 70-77 lb. Umbs $6.50-7.25; shorn ewes 6O0 to . $1.00, weak. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO. June 1 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 72; on track 272; total U. S. shipments 1097; new stock Bliss Triumphs slightly stronger, demand moderate, California White Rose steady, supplies mod erate; sacked per cwt. Bliss Tri umphs U. S. No. 1 Louisiana $1.85-2.10 best mostly $2.00; California $2.10-1.15; California White Rose U. S. No. 1 $2.00 to $2.05; old stock Idaho Russets stronger demand good northern slightly stronger, demand moder ate, supplies moderate; sacked per cwt. Idaho Russet Burbanks U. 8. No. 1, $1.90-2.25 mostly $1.95 to $2.05. Purpose of assessment Amount hi 61 HI . 40i 6 B Street ft Sewer 1516.91 Street ft Bewer 164.65 Sewer each 6.94 Sewer . each 9.88 8ewer each 6.94 Sewer each 6.94 Sewer each 6.94 Sewer each 6.94 Sewer . . 5.94 Sewer each 5.94 Street ft Sewer 169.47 . Street ft Sewer 374.98 Street ft Sewer 406.94 Street ft Sewer 433.61 Street ft Sewer 212.62 Street ft Sewer 217.76 Street ft Sewer 195.48 Street ft Sewer 167.81 Street ft Sewer 188.61 clal assessment Hani which Bidder offering to Bay the City this sale. . CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON