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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1938)
'une 1, 1038' THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FAGENINB Herald and News Classified Ad Section BUY. SELL AND TRADE WITH HERALD AND NEWS WANT.ADS FOR QUICK RESULTS RATES Paid-in-Advance 3ne day, ser word 2c 'wo-dny run, er word ..................... 4c three-day run, ser wor d Be Dne wank run, sar word 7c Dne month run, oar word . 20c Charge Adi Each intorlion, par word 3c No charge mada for Ion than 25c) (All mnll onlnr ! mux hitvu saih wllb order). All ads are Inserted In both editions of Tha Nnws-lleraltl. All olanslflintlons ro num bered and appear In numerical order. Tha dnnd-llna for claeslflcn Itnn la 13:00 a. m. Ada rocelved eftor 13:00 o'clock will ba run In the "Too hale to Clusstry column. Th News-Herald will ba re sponslhlo for Incorrect wording only one day. Classified Index Apartment for Kent .. Automotive Business Opportunities Educational Flnanclnl For Bala or Trada Cleneral Notices Help Wanted, Female .. Help Wantod, Mule Houses (or Kent Ltvoslock and l'oultry .. Lost and Found Miscellaneous for Kont Miscellaneous for Hale Miscellaneous Wanted Poreonals Real Estate for Bala .... Real Eitata Wanted .... Room and B ard Rooma for Rent ....... Services gltuatlone Wanted ...... To Exchange .... Traniportnllon .24 34 4 12 40 3 4 .. 14 H .. 2 44 28 a 42 e 10 32 .. 20 22 10 18 40 8 Lot and Found 110 REWARD for Information concerning perione who hare taken 8 collara off my dog. Reno. Ij.ul. Polln. 8-2 4 Ganaral Notices Go By Motor Coach VIA BEND Shortest Route Lowest Farea To Northern Polnta One Round Way Trip Spokane $11.10 $20.05 Boise. Ida. 10.00 18.10 Portland 5.90 10.65 Seattle 8.40 14.65 Busses Leave 1:00 P. M. Mt. Hood Stages, Inc Oreyhound Depot Phone 093 S-20-mtf Big Basin Lumber Company tan help you with your building problem!. From the solodion 01 nUni and the riaht materials for hat new home, to the smallest remodeling job. Ask for FREE copy of the new "Home Idea Book' . Main and Spring Phone 107 8-1 NEW LOW RATES on body and fender repairing, motor tune-up aenerator. starter, magneto re pairs. Anderson Auto Eloctrlc, 882 Walnut. 8-80 LONO DIBTANCB HAULING Phone 1097. 8-4-mtf BLY CAFE Specialising In Sun day chicken dinners, home' made plea, loft drlnka. Charlie Haakln. - INTERSTATE MOVING Klam ath Falls Trans, and Storage, 6-4-nitf BERYL'S BEAUTY SHOP Special Ouarantead-Complata 2.60 Oil Pormanont for $1.98 S01 Medical-Dental Bldg. Phono 1872-J. 8-18 1 Pertonati FULL SPINAL ANALYSIS of your tllneaa without cost or obliga tion. Why auffert Dr. David, D. C, 110 N. 8th, Hopka Bldg. Phone 2322. 8-18 TEACHER OF MECHANICS de alrea to drive car eaat to Chi cago, Toledo, Detroit or be tween points for rollnble par tie. Leave about June 15. Call 819-W. 8-2 MOVING Any point Oregon, Washington nnd California. In sured vans. Call 704, Pooplo'a Warehouse. 8-23 10 Servicei CARPENTER Fast nnd exper ienced, work gunrnntood, ron aonnblo. Phono 28WB. 7-1 DRESSMAKING-HEMSTITCHING Alterations, Buttons. Mra. H. M. Allnndnr, Upstairs, Hopkn Bldg., Room 11. Entrnnco North 8th, noxt Margot's. Phono 42B-W. 8-24 PAINTING, Pnpor Hnnging, Knl somlnlng. J, P. Hopor. Phono . 267W1. 6-24 FILMS Any 8-twposuro roll elo vnlopml nnd printed, 25c. East Side Pharmacy, 925 Enst Mntn. 6-25-mtf Servicei PAINTING, Knlsomlnlng. Call R, IC, Simmons, 937J4 mornings. 6-24 FLOOR HANIIINtl nnd riiflnlHhliig Clifford Golden. Phono lflHWH. 6-30-mtf ART BENEDICT, house cleaning, jnnltur. 2364-W. 6-80 WINDOW CLEANING, general bouseclennlnx. wallpaper and IdilMiinliind walls neatly dunned. I'lionii 873. A. M. Rhodes. 6-7 PAINTING, decorating. Zvespor, phone 813. Louis 6-4 DKKHHM AKINO, Alterations, Re- noilollna. Ann London, 623 Main, over Swanson'a barber shop. 612-mtf HEWING, Romodollng, Alterations. Also curtains and drapes. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Mra. Har ney, 2111 Darrow. Telephone 3151-J. 6-10 IIODKNIIAMER SAW FILING 219 East Main. Phone 4-w All saws, tools, lawnmowers etc. repntrod. 6-14-mtf FLOOR BANDER for rent. Newest type dustless machine. SOUTH EIIN OREGON HARDWARE CO. 6-10 KALHOM1N1NO PAINTING Pay monthly. Estimates free. H. M. Monroo. Phona 2272-W. 6-1 Y. 8. LEE Horb specialist 416 80. 9th. 6-1 14 Holp Wanted, Female WANTED Lad lea wllb straight hair, oil permanents, two for one, no limit to number curls. personality finger wave, ihem poo. rluso and hair cut 76c llollls Beauty Shop, 604 So 0th, phone 466. 6-2 WANTED Experienced woman for housework. References. 134 No, Third. 6-6 WANTED Girl to enre for small child Fridays and Saturdays 217 Commercial. 6-1 WANTED Housekeeper In motherless home, two chlldron. Box 1034. Morrill, Ore. 6-1 18 Situationi Wanted LADY WISHES HOUR WORK Pbona 1487-J. 6-4 EXPERIENCED RANCH HAND wants work. Can drive truck or tractor. Phono 612W1. 6-8 EXPERIENCED COOK wants work. 833 California. 6-2 WOMAN WANT8 housework, city or country. 410 80. 6th. 6-2 EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes hour work. Phona 2136-J. 7-1 20 Room and Board BOARD AND ROOM 1404 Klam alh. 125-tf BOARD ft ROOM 629 Jeffer son. Phona 1622-J. 6-8 HOME-COOKED MEALS Rooms. 22S So. 6th. 6-2 ROOM AND HOARD 611 So. 8th. Phone 1943-W. 6-16 ROOM AND BOARD 829 High. 6-11 ROOM AND BOARD. Private shower, IS week. 723 Klamath. 6-6 22 Roomi for Rent NEAT, COMFORTABLE ROOM for lady, gentleman or couple. 216 E. .Main. 6-6 BEAUTIFUL front bedroom. Pri vate entrance. Close In. For man. 816 per month. 1104 Croscent. 6-3 SLEEPING ROOM, close tn, $3.60 per week, 303 Washington. 6-7 SLEEPING ROOMS -Phona 145. 1034 High. 6-7 ROOM FOR RENT 1024 HlRh. Phono 299-W. 6-8 ROOM In modern home for gon tlomnn. Phone 828. 6-6 CLAREMONT, 228 No. 4th St. All outside modern rooma. Free parking lot. 6-11-mtf PLEASANT OUTSIDE ROOMS $2.60-$4.00 week. 410 So. 6th. 6-16 ROOM FOR RENT 814 Wash ington St. 8787-tf 24 Apartmenh for Rent NEW 3-ROOM unfurnished apart ments, with bath. Masonry building at Weyerhaeuser Mill. $25.00 per month. Including wood, water and lights. See H. W. TILLIS, Salesman M. L. JOHNSON 13 Years at 406 Main Ph. 2161 6-2 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. . 1805 Main. 6-4 4-ROOM Furnished Apartment Wood and wntor. Adults. No pots. 1126 Grant. 6-4 2-ROOM APT. furnished, close In. 303 Washington. 6-4 VACANCY 2-room apartment. White Pine Apnrtmonts. 8-4 BY DAY OR WEEK 924 Joffor- aon. 6-1 FURNISHED APT. 1148 Pino. 6-1 JACOBS APARTMENTS Va- enncy, Pino nnd Cedar. 4942-tr APARTMENTS AND ROOMS FOR RENT Alpha Apts. Phona 800. e-uB-mtr 10 24 Apartments for Rent UNFURNISHED 7-roora apart ment. Heat, water, wood fur nished. Call 919 Market or 623W4. 4899-tf FOR RENT New furnished apt, $14.00, block south Pelican City school. Zlglor apts. 6-8 CASCADE APARTMENT HOTEL Newly furnished and deco rated, telephones, electric equip mont, refrigeration, elevator, garage. Day, week or month. Tho apartment hotel with con' vonlenco and home comfort. 24 hour service. No pets. 6-14-mtf FURNISHED APARTMENT, 1, 4 adults. Wood, lights, water, gns. 419 N. lOtb 6-6 26 Houiet for Rent FOR RENT to right party, until Sept. 1 8-room furnished house between Normal and Training School. Available June (. Edna L. Oabean, 461 Palm Ave., Ash land. 6-1 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE Couple. 1820 Oak. 6-1 3-ROOM furnished bouse, $10.00. 433 No. 10th. 4-1 5-ROOM modern furnished house 1929 Sargent. Phona 28J2. 6-$ 3-ROOM furnished house. Pleasant View tracts. Inquire 160 Old Fort Road, after 6 p. m. 6-7 FOR RENT 4-roora house In Al- tamont Acres, i acre ground corner lot. R. H. Dunbar, 180 B. 6th. Phona 410. 6-1 FURNISHED HOME suitable (or couple or throe adults con alder exchanging rent for meals, Phone 1795-R evenings. 6-1 CAHINS FOR MEN ONLY Close In, 425 Willow. 6-2 TAKE OVER LEASE 4 rooms brick bouse, newly renovated. Nice yard, flowers, gsrden. A bargain, $25.00 month. 2300 Blohn. 6-2 Vein R ITNT Two l.rnnm houses on North 6th. $25 and $31.50. Sea 329 McKlnley. 1-1 FOR RENT. 4-room furnished bouse, references. Phone 986-J 6-1 MODERN cablna now available. Altamont Auto Camp. 6-8 28 Miscellaneous for Rent GENTLE SADDLE HORSES For hire. Stable at and of Crescent avenue. 6-8 FOR RENT Meadow buck pea. ture. Phona Shook Ranch, col lect. 6-8 FOR HIRE Heavy experienced logging teams. C. B. Brown Bonanza. 6-1 30 Real Estate for Sale Altamont Home To Trade for Town Property Good large 3-room house with bath. Exceptional bullt-lns and fixtures. On 1 acre good garden land. Also 2-room cabin, root cellar, hen house and double garage. See us for details. H. W. TILLIS, Salesman M. L JOHNSON 13 years at 406 Main Ph. 2161 6-2 WE HAVE a 320 acre farm. $0 acres In crop, soma good pas ture, lota of wood, good fence, 4-room house, large barn, other outbuildings, good drilled wells. For sale, reasonable, or win trade for city or subur ban property. MILLARD & MILLARD 116 So. 7th Phone 1041 6-1 Riverview Addition 8 bedroom house, 7 years old. Basement, garage, well-kept grounds. City water, light. No city taxes or assessments. A real bargain at $3700.00. Less (or cash. . See H. W. TILLIS, Salesman M. L. JOHNSON 18 years at 406 Main Ph. 1161 6-1 GOOD SMALL HOMES Wo have several good bargains In the one thousand dollar class of small homes. Some have very low down paymenta with reason able monthly Installments. Oood opportunity to save money. CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 116 N. 9th St. Phone 86 6-1 For Sale A Snap One-half acre. Irrigated, north of Shasta Way. Good soil. 1-room cabin and tent house rented $10 per month. $200.00 cash will handle and rent will pay the bal ance. This Is a anap grab It. Soe H. W. TILLIS, Salesman , M. L. JOHNSON 13 years at 406 Mntn Ph. 1161 6-1 FOR SALE Four-room house on acre for prlco of land. Bryant Tracts off Shasta Way, Rt. 2, Box 0S3. 6-6 WANTED TO TRADE for Med ford property. E. Gray, Real Estate, 118 N. 7th. 6-2 FOR SALE Cheap. Five acrea Altamont Small Farms. All or part. Terms. Rt. 1, Box 978. 6-1 $3950 Complotoly modern 1-bed-room homo on pavement, 1 block to school, furnace. $600 down, balance Ilka rent, By owner. Phone 404-R. 6-6 34 Automotive How REGULARLY you service your car depends on how CONVENIENT Is your service garage. MARSHALL CORNETT CO. at 724-734 Klamath Ave. is in the most CONVENIENT location, and is the most CONVENIENTLY arranged complete auto service dept. in Klam ath county. COMPLETE- fr Body and Paint Shop it Mechanical Department fr Motor Tune-up and Electrical Service QUALITY of SERVICE Cornett Co. Agains Adds an Expertl Mr. A. L. Mulleins , for 5 years instructor for Allen Motor Tune-up Equipment Co., has joined our staff to handle motor tune-up and electrical jobs. MARSHALL CORNETT CO. 724-734 Klamath 30 Real Estate for Sele FOR SALE Small house on half acre. Inquire Shaata Food Mar ket. 6-7 FOR SALE 1.1 acrea with plain 4-room house. $800. Terms to right party. Phone 66. 6-1 SEE LEWIS TRACTS on Shasta Way. $10 down, $5 monthly, Including Interest. Mrs. Ben p. Lewis, owner, Rt. 1, Box 896. Phone I5J2. 6-9 34 Automotive LOGGERS ATTENTION Used Ford truck and trailers, nearly new rubber, new motors, me chanically good, $600 (or com plate outfit. See or write Tony Frentxel, Wlllard Hotel, or Mack Truck Co., Portland, Ore. 6-1 FOR SALE Model A dump truck $100. Phone 918-R. 6-7 WANTED FOR CASH '19-'81 pickup. Must be cheap. Turn to left at Myrtle's store off Shaata Way, Rt. 1, Box 935, Helmeth Gohrlng. 6-1 FOR SALE Equity In 1 98 4 Stude- baker sedan. Phone 1012-J eve nings. 6-T 36 Miscellaneous for Sale Open For Business BROKEN DOLLAR EXCHANGE At 1403 Main St. NEW ft USED MERCHANDISE We buy, tell, swap and repair Furniture Stoves and Tools Our prices are right 6-1 FOR BALE Old Hopf violin, A-l condition, $200. 801 Division. 6-6 PIANOS Small uprights, aplneta. (or rent, reasonable. Apply rent toward low term purchase later If desired. Louis R. Mann, tuner. Darby's, 117 So. Tth. 6-4 MOVING f Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 1097. 6-4-mtf FOR SALE Two wheel trailer. Adolph Feusl, Keno Rt., S miles . from K. F. 6-8 BATH TUB SPECIALS Two good used tubs; also small rangea, tents, ete. Bargain prlcea. 01' Exchange, 8 Main. 6-1 FOR 8ALE Modern trailer house. 6th and Bhasta Way. 6-6 SMALL JOB HAULING Ferti liser, lawn dirt, excavations, dry blook wood. Roy Scbmeck, 2438 Shaata Way. Phone 1169. 6-18 ETUDE World's Best Musical Magailne n o w available at Derby'a Muslo Co. 6-1 LARGE SIZE WOOD RANGE, 18 tnch oven, enamel front and high shelf, $38.60. Why buy a aecond-hsnd range when you can purchase a new (or thta money? Terms. Lucaa Furnl nltura, 196 East Main, Our Lo cation Save You Money. . 6-1 LOWER PRICES EXPERT WORK Brakes Reltned and Adjusted. Bent Axles Straightened Cold In or Out of Car. SAFETY SERVICE 781 8. 6th 6-18 AUTO PAINTING REFINISHING FOR LESS Complete Body and Rebuild Service. SAFETY SERVICE 781 8. 6th 6-18 WALLPAPER The largest stock of 1988 patterns tn the city at SOUTHERN OREGON HARD WARE CO. 6-10 FOR SALE Baby cart cheap. 717 Mitchell. 6-1 Phone 406-J 36 Miscellaneous for Sale AUCTION Saturday, June 4, 10 a.m. at The ANKENY RANCH On Summers Lane 1 mile north of -Klamath Falls Airport Thla la Market Day Where you can sell your livestock, implements, furnishings or what have you. For Cash Get your offerings listed early Partial List of Items to Be Sold HOR8ES 1 bay team, 4-year-old unbroken, ready to go; 1 bay team mares 1600; 1 grey-bay team mares, 1400; 1 aorrel-bay team mares 1560, and aaddle atock. CATTLE 1 yearling Shorthorn bull, eli gible to register, several clean milk cowa 3 to 6 gals., calves. HOGS 1 Tamworth boar. 1 Poland China boar, piggy sows, sows and pigs, (seders. CHICKENS 1 pure bred Barred Rock roost ers, 1 dosen hens. AUTOMOBILES 1 1929 Pontlac coupe, clean and runa good. MACHTXERY Oliver grain drill, Iron Age po tato planter fertiliser att., 1 two-way potato planter, hay rake, plows, disc, mowers, harrows, large water tank and pump, harness, ete. FURNITURE 1 Kroeger piano, bed room set, living room sets, drapes, stoves, rugs room a 1 x e a, tea wagon, odd chairs, pressure eooker, pic tures, and other Items too num erous to mention. TERMS CASH Come Prepared to Buy Charles K. Wtese. Auctioneer Tulelake, California Phones Tulelake 91 or 67 Klamath Falls 518-J-5 (-1 FIBER INSULATING BOARD $35 a thousand. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market St. Phone 1558. "Building Materials (or Less." 6-11 FOR SALE Slightly used heavy duty aeroplane electric (an. Bar gain. Can be seen at East Side Electrlo Store. 6-3 FOR SALE Rabbits. Portland Drive, Box 1040. 6-8 UNREDEEMED LADY'S diamond ring. Flawless, one-third carat. Bought last Christmas (or $127.60. To he sold (or loan and Interest at $69.60. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 621 Main. 6-7 FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity In Farmall tractor. Lane Broth ers, Summers Lane. Phone 57J2. 6-7 FOR SALE Ice box, 50-lb. capac ity, excellent condition. Phone 1850-J. 326 No. 10th. 6-8 UNREDEEMED Elgin and Bulova watches, $4.50 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan, 611 Main. 6-30 TRAILER HOUSE at Beatty, $136 with range, $125 without range. Write Casey Crondale, Lake view, Ore. 6-8 To Exchange $600 accordion (or $160 sedan. Rt. 1, Box 941. 6-7 FOR TRADE Lot In Altamont, 2nd street, (or trailer house. Oood building lot. Ai Hopson. 6-$ 42 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST prices paid (or used (urnlture and atovea. OK 8acond Hand Store, S20 Klamath. Phone 991. t-llmtf WANTED 10 men dally to gat free shaves. Inquire at Rlcky'a Jewelry and Loan, 611 Main. 6-7 WANTED Unfurnished t-room apartment or small house close In. Phone 1347-W. Mra. David Nelson. 6-8 WANTED TO RENT Young lady Federal employee, dealrea furnished apartment tn resi dential district. News-Herald, Box 699. 6-3 WANTED TO RENT I or 4-room unfurnished bouse by June 10. 1 431 Ewauna St. 6-6 WE BUY BOTTLES Main Street BotUe Exchange, 140S Main. 6-10 44 Livestock and Poultry"i rsii REDUCED PRICES ON CHICKS White Leghorns 8c. Pallets 18c. Heavies 9c Started pul lets, 4 weeks, $5c. ( weeks 46c. g weeks 66c. Jenka Hatchery. Tangent, Oregon. (-16 CHICKS hatching every week. Ma gulre Electric Hatchery, 1416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Ore gon. 6-80 FOR SALE Bpan -year-old geldings, weight about 3000 lbs., gentle, have been worked. Bchater Ranch, halt mile south of Worden. (-1 REGISTERED Clydesdale Stallion (or Service. 1700 lbs. Trinnts Lenbart, Dairy, Oregon. 6-1 WANTED Horses to train euch aa kickers, balkera, runaways and backing horses. I guar antee to cure any habit Trlnnla Lenbart, Dairy, Oregon. 6-1 FOR BALE BuICroek pullets. Rt. 1, Box 664. Phone 38-J-4. 6-1 FOR BALE Freak milk cow. Joe Chotard. Malln. 6-8 46 Financial Tha "Friendly Finance Co." AUTOMOBILE LOANS and Refinancing Wm will I nan on mfissv on your car, or refinance, enabling you to lower your payments. Commerical Finance Corp. Win. Frohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-22I 11 I. 7th St. Phone 471 6-81 EQUITABLE LOANS Equitable Savings & Loan Attn, does not make 80 and 90 per cent loans, but has plenty of money for good loans on mod ern homes and income property in Klamath Falls and suburbs. Ask us about the Equitable Plan CHILCOTE SMITH Since 1909 1 16 N. 9th Phona 66 m-w-tf LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick, Dependable. Safe No Co-Signers No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let ua finance your new or used ear purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 11' No. 7th Ph. 881 6-9 mtf 48 Business Opportunities FOR SALE On account of sick ness, restaurant doing good bus iness. Box 687, News-Herald. 6-T WANT contract to clear and plow land. Have SO caterpillar and toola. Box 111, News-Herald. 6-4 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale, duly issued by tha Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Klamath, State ot Ore gon, May 3. 1938, in a certain ac tion In the Circuit Court (or said County and State wherein Equity Finance Company, a Corporation, as Plaintiff, recovered Judgment against J, R. Pickett and Ethel B. Pickett, husband and wife, De fendants, (or the aum ot $760.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per annum from May 11, 1937; for the further aum of $160.10, for the aum of $100.00 Attorney (eea, and (or Its costs and disbursements taxed at $16.40. on the 3rd day of May, 1938, No tice ia hereby given that I will on the Srd day ot June, 1988 at the (ront door of the Court House of Klamath County, Oregon, In Klam ath Falls, in said County, at 10 o'clock tn the forenoon of aald day, sell at pybllo auction to the 40 WHEAT PRICE AGAIN CHICAGO, June 1 UV-Wheat turned downward more than a cent a bushel late today, and Chi cago December eontracta reached a aeason new low price record, 70 ( eenta. Belling by houses with eastern connections waa a late (eature, together with reporta Argentine wheat waa underselling the Unit ed Statea abroad. Rye also touched fresh bottom quotations for the aeason. Influenced by In creased estimates of 1988 do mestic rye production. At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures were unchanged to lower compared with yesterday'a fin ish, July 681-1, Sept. 691-70, corn to 1 cent up, July 66-i. Sept. 86 and oata unchanged to 1 up. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, June 1 (AP-USDA) Hogs 16.000, including 6,000 di rect; alow, 10-30 lower than Tueaday'a average; top $8.76; good and choice 160-250 lbs. $8.50-70; 160-290 lbs. $8.40-66: 100-350 lbs. $8.26-40; good medium-weight and heavy pack ing sows $7.50-75; smooth butch er kinds $7.85-8.00. Cattle 10,000; calvea 1,200. (ed steers and yearlings steady; early top $10.50; some steers held higher; heifers steady; beat early $9.60; cows (ally steady; most cutter grade cows $4.76 5.76; good and choice beef cows $7.00-76; weighty sausage bulla (airly active, ateady; light klnda weak; moat weighty sausage bulla $6.75-90; vealera 15-60 lower. Sheep 6,000, Including 1.400 direct; fat lambs and springers only moderately active; early sales strong to a ahade higher; good to choice clipped lambs up ward to $7.25 and $7.35 rather (reely; one email lot strictly choice $7.60; one double Texaa aprlng lamba $9.50 straight; few outstanding natives held above $9.86; sheep strong; native ewea $3.00-26; choice held around $8.60. - The xebu la considered sacred in India and the animals are al lowed to wander In the streets, tie up traffic aa they please, and eat at the fruit stands. LEGAL NOTICES highest bidder for cash tha fol lowing described property, to wit: Lots If and 16, Block 10, In the Tows of Sprague River, Oregon, taken and levied upon as the prop erty of the aald J. R. Pickett and Ethel E. Pickett, husband and wife, or as much thereof aa may be nec essary to satisfy the said Judg ment In favor ot Equity Finance Company, a Corporation, Plain tiff, against aald J. R. Pickett and Ethel E. Pickett, husband and wife. Defendants, with Interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, May 4. 1938. U L. LOW, 8HER1FF, Klamath County, Oregon, By ANNE PRICE, Deputy. H-M4-11-18-25-J1 No. 71 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed Administrator of the Eatate of Wm. L. Schue, deceaaed, by the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Ore gon, (or Klamath County, and haa qualified. All persons having clalma against said eatate are hereby no tided to present the same duly verified aa by law required, to the undersigned at the office of A. W. Schaupp, 638 Main Street, Klam ath Falls, Oregon, within six montha from the date hereof. Dated June 1, 1938. ESTELLA M. PETTY, Administrator of the Estate ot Wm. L. Schue, deceased. H-J 1-8-15-22-29. No. 80 COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that there are funds In the County Treasury (or the call and payment ot certain bonds of Klamath County, School District No. 1, de scribed aa follows: Bonds No. 1 to 15 Inclu sive, par value $1,000 each for $15,000. School District No. 1, Issue July 1, 1928, at 5, subject to call, from and after July 1. 1936. Interest on aame wilt cease from and Including July 1, 1938. Dated at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, thta 1st day of June, 1988. . GEORGE P. TAYLOR, ' County Treasurer. H-J 1-1 No. 81 i NOTICE OF FIN All SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Executrix of the Es tate of Jerry Sleek, Deceased, haa (lied in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon (or Klamath Coun ty the Final Account of her ad ministration of aald Estate, and that the Court haa appointed the 6th day of June, 1938, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. aa the time, and the Court Room of aald Court aa the place (or the hearing and aettlement of aald Final Account. Dated: May 3, 1938. FRANCES 8IECK, Executrix of the Estate of Jerry Sleek, Deceaaed. H-M4-11-18-25-J1 No. 70 Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. June 1 Iff) Tha stock market greeted June In a hopeful mood today, revaratng Ita recent atrlke for a leisurely rally. Buying converged mainly on leading Industrials and lifted many of tham fractions to around three points, restoring some ot tha ground lost on the dragging de cline in the last two weeks ot May. Major commodities and most bonds also found a firmer footing at the outset of the new month, encouraging hopes the spring de cline In key ataplea had run ita courae and Industry would have a more solid price base to plan for broader trade in the aecond half of tha year. But tradea aeemed cautious In following the rally, pending mora convincing Indications bualnesa had found bottom. A quiet sum mer waa forecaat in trade elrclea for industry generally, particu larly ateel and motor production. Today's quotations: Air Reduction Allied Chem 4b Dye 44 142 61 86) 3, 5 101 Allied Btorea Am Can Am ft For Pow , Am Pow ft Lt Am Rad ft St .... Am Roll Mills , Am Smelt ft Rf , 141 841 A T ft T Am Tob B .... Am Wat Wks Anaconda 129s 681 81 131 61 161 61 121 10 421 221 4 19 .11 61 61 77 871 111 61 23 41 61 61 II 131 81 611 41 431 951 141 91 21 121 28 181 161 15 61 71 81 621 421 261 Armour 111 Atchison .... Bait ft Ohio Barnsdall Bendlx Avla Beth Steel Boeing Budd Mtg Calif Pack Callahan Z-L Calumet Hee Canadian Pae Case (J. I.) Caterpll Tree Celaneae Certain-Teed Chea ft Ohio , Chrysler Col Gas ft Eleo , Coml Solv Commonwealth ft Son Com Edla ,, Conaol Oil Corn Prod .., Curt Wright .. Douglaa Aircraft i Da Pont Eleo Auto Lt Elec Pow ft Lt Erie RR ... Gen Elec .. Gen Foods Gen Mot Goodyear Tiree Gr No RT Pf Hudson Mot Illinois Cent Insp Copper . Int Harvester Int. Nick Can . Int Pap ft P Pf I T ft T . , 8t 631 291 Johns Manr Kennstcott Lib O Ford 251 Lig Myera B Loew'a Monty Ward 921 891 291 7 HI 191 61 111 181 71 31 601 141 101 51 28 231 51 111 in 621 12 20 11 71 261 46 81 11 851 81 9 621 63 71 16 21 91 261 411 51 201 Nash Kelvinator Nat BIsc Nat Distill Nat Pow ft Lt N Y Cent t ................ North Am Northern Pao Packard J. C. Penney , Penn RR Phillips Pet Pressed Stl Car Pub Serv N J Pullman Radio ...... Rem Rand . Rep Stl sears Koe ... Shell Union ... So Cal Ed ... Southern Pae Stand Branda St Oil Cal St Oil N J Studebaker Sup Oil Texaa Corp Tlmken Det Axle Transamertca Union Carb Union Pao .. Unit Airlines Unit Aircraft United Corp .. Unit Gas Imp U S Rubber -U B Steel Walworth ...... West Union . White Motor . 71 Woolworth 681 Closing Curb Quotations Cities Service New 81 Elec Bond ft Sh 71 South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SA N FRANCISCO, June 1 (AP-USDA) Hogs 850, around 6-10 lower on 175-225 lb. butchers at $9.10; halt load 241 lb. Callfornlas $8.60; odd pack ing aows $7.10. Cattle 800, ateera uneven, qual ity largely medium. Clean-up low-medium ateera $6.50-6.86; package 780 lb. grass helfera $6.60, weak; young good graaa cowa mostly $5.00-5.25; medium bulls $5.00-5.0. Calves 40, In cluding 36 direct Nominally steady; odd bead 106 lb. ealvea $7.75. Sheep 600, steady; around 100 head wooled and north coast 71 lb. lambs $7.50 with 15 per cent sort; package other 65.70 lb. north coast lamba $6.76-7.00; nu meroua packages shorn eweg $.50 to 18.50. eaee'e a