sssbs (Jf1s IWilWPMMi THE NEWS AND THE HERALD May 81, 1938 PAGE EIGHT Sr - in STO P and GO a mile STR ETCH E S In low 2nd second, your engine makes up to 3 times as many revolutions as in high - uses 3 times as much gasoline YES dlstaneen are deceiving. A mile of stop-and-go driving may well be a mile and a half to your engine, That's because In "low" gear, your engine makes about 12 turns for each turn of your wheels. In "second," about 8 . in "high' only about 4 You drive a mile, but how far your engine runs depends on how many times you stop and start how much of the mile is in low and second gears. Shell engineers found that getting away from a traffic stop can waste enough "undigested" gasoline to carry you Vj of a mile. 1T0 cut this waste and its cost, they found a way to rearrange the chemical structure of gasoline, making every drop of fuel usable to your motor under all driving conditions. You can save on the cost of your stop-and-go driving by the regular use of Super-Shell.. (There's a Shell dealer near you. 1 NM' Ufelfe3 ' j l"fr"ri itij yj b3 SAVES ON STOP AND GO NINE' KLAMATH STUDENTS GET U. 0. DEGREES Tha University of Oregon con ferred degrees upon 677 stu dents May 10, 0110 of tho Inrgoat groups ever to graduate from (hn hintlt lltlon. according to woril r oelvod here Tuoailny. Tim tolnl howa an Increase or Hourly 10 per cant over Hint of leal your, when tit degreoa wars awarded. Tha mark Ilili year approaches that of 1980, when tha record w set at 70S and la only two abort of 1951 when 7V irad uatad. Of tha total, nlna are from Klamath oounty. Of tha total of (77, baohalor degrees for oompletlng under gradtinte work were conferred on 641. Tha degroo of doctor of madlolne waa accorded 65 and other advance degreoa Include master of arte, master of aclence, master of education,' master of fine arta and the doctorates. The graduates henrd their own president, Dr. Donald M. Erb deliver the of flolnt commence ment address on "The Compan lonshlp of Learning and Life.' The ceremony also aerved aa the Inauguration of the new execu tive, who came here March 1. Othere who spoke Monday In oluded Wlllard L. .Marks. Alhany, president of the board of higher education: nr. Frederick M. Hun ter, chancellor; Dr. O. Valentine Hoyer, former president and new THE -2 AIR-CONDITIONED uriw SAN FRANCISCO $1675 21-DAV ROUNDTRIP Ride In a roomy cnacft or reclin ing chair car. Free pillowi, I Or and I3r Trsy Food Sen ice. The coRtneer docs the driving over the safcit highway in the world. No trsfhc worries, no frayed nerves, you'll srrive refrnhed. Southern Pacific Hi ki t Office Phone VMM dean of the college of arta and Iflttoia, who announced glf'a. and llov. Arthur J. Mockford, Oregon t'lty, who delivered Hie Invocation. At the baccalaureate eorvlce Sundiiv, the graduates heard Kd waid MiimIiii lliilino of Hlnnford, whoso Initio was "The Message of tho Mnslor," say, "the life of Jesus as he lived It can serve today as n example for us. Ills principles are adaptable to our modern olvlllsittlon, our mudnrn science and our modern phil osophy." Uraduates from Klamath coun ty Include: I.onli llornlece Orirfln, Klam ath Kails, received the degree of liaclii'lor of nits In education. Mario II. Collier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Collier of Klauinlh Kails, received (he de gree of bachelor of aria In arta and letters. 8he la a niomher of Oninina l'hl llola sorority. Jane milliard, Klamath Falls, received the degree of bachelor of science In nursing education. Richard Lester Currln of Klam ath Falls received the degree of bachelor of arta In arta and loiters. Tho degree of bachelor of arts In social science wss awarded to tllenn C. Ilockard of Klamath Falls. Ha Is a member of the university band. Frank P. Drew, son of Mr. anil Mrs. N. It. Drew of Klam ath Falls, received the degree of bachelor of arta In business ad ministration. He la a member of l'hl Kappa Pal fraternity, man ager of the track team and a member of tha Co-op board. Joe Enula Ksrlcy, Klamath Falls, received tha degree of bnrhelor of science In business administration. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Earley and a member of Delta t'pallon fra ternity. Thornton Ruilth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllnrd L. Smith of Morrill, received tha degree of unchclor of aclence In business administration. He Is a member of l'hl Knppn Pal fraternity and a mem her of the university hand. Noel 8. ttonson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Htcphan Hensnn of Klnmnth Falls, received the de gree of bachelor of arts In busi ness, administration. Ho Is a member of l'hl Delta Thela fra ternity, Skull and Dagger, mil itary honorary: fjrahhard and ltlade, service honorary; Alpha Delta Sigma, advertising honor ary, and Frlnra. senior honorary. He waa alao vice president of the associated students. PiMtnuistere' Meeting The state rhsptor of the National Aa sedation of Postmasters will hold Its annual meeting at linker. June 3 and 4. Hon Itamsey Black, third assistant postmaster gun oral, Hon. Jesse C. Donaldson, deputy first assistant postmnster general, and Hon. Frank II. Kills, usslstunt superintendent, division of postofflco service, will repre sent the postofflre department. Hevernl poatmosters from Klam ath couniy will attend. The Smithsonian Institute at Washington, D. C. has a brome statue of Laddie Hoy, President Harding's dog, made from 19, .114 pennies contributed by Amer ican newsboys. Peter Topp, foromsn of the fish hntchery In Vnsemlte National park, eastern California, trains wildcats for a hobby. LAKE 0' THE WOODS T Cm il n I ii and Mrs, II. F. I'lmliiii of Klnmiilll Fulls, fill in im I of Yri'ltii, will niniiiign the l.uko o' the Woods resort during His coming season and went In last week with a crew of five men to condition the various buildings for the summer. Captain Plinlau has announced plans fur opening the resort June IJ. The rond through Kncky Point was opened last week by the county engineers and will eoiiu he In good condition. Captain Plielun served with Ilia COC for nearly five yenre, com manding Camp Oak Knoll on the Lower Klamath river. He left Ilia service two months ago and has been making exteuelv plnns for tha Lake o' tha Woods resort this summer. He hss announced plans for outboard niotorboat 'races for July I and 4 and will post a huge sliver cup for first prise. COP.VAI.LI.S May Jl (API Fifty-five senior students at Dra gon flinte college were graduated today with arhnlasllc honors. To be eligible a senior must have a four year grade averoga of 1 56 or better and must be In the upper 10 per rem of tho grad ual" In his school. liny Hlegniithaler of Portland was first with an average of S g 7. Kdua Hams. Corvallls, and Dorothy llevell, llonniua, tied for second honors with l it, fol lowed by Margaret Maxwell, Portland, .1 S3 Honor graduatca Included: Klamath Dorothy Frances lle vell, Honanea. science; Itussell W. llevell, llonnnxa, engineering. Church News The activities at the First Methodist church Ibis week will Include the choir rehearsal Wed nesday evening at 7: .in o'clock with l.lllle Derby directing: the midweek service on the same evening at II o'clock, studying the current topics of the booklet "The 1'pper Itoom:" the monthly meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society Thursday at 3 p. in. with Mra. John C. Yadon president. Mrs. Hubert Lynn will have charge of the mite hot opening, Thursday at 7 p. m. the girls' chorus of the Renlor league will meet for rahearsal with Mrs. E. II. Madman In rhaigo. On the aame evening nt S o'clock an Important meeting of the finance committee will be held. The wife of a certain Hindu calls him "K" for short, since his name la Kamnkshl Halyanarayana Varaprnsada Veer Vnnknta samarashlmba Han I'anlnlit flaru. Youth of all agss agkzss WORLDS GRANDEST CAR TO DRWsf SAYS Mg. WIWAM A. SffWAOf, (5 mis rotNo, of cagli hock, ouif.i "Everything shout the Chrysler Royal il high-dais. For comfort snd esse of driving, it mrpaskri anything I ever drove, snd I've driven for 20 years. Vou can't hear the motor, yet it has wonderful power and pickup. It's hig snd roomy, too, with plrntyof room for six,snd it ridesas iteatlilyand smoothly ss much heavier carl. The safety fea tures are outstanding! I wouldn't he without hydraulic brakes, all-steel body and safety instrument panel. " SAYS AlffS. IMetAftD 2IHN, SMART YOUNG MANtON Of HUNflNOTON WOODS, MICH., "I'm sn srtilt snd found Chrysler Roysl colors snd in teriors so lovely that I had s hard time choosing. It's s iryle leader snd the essiest car to drive I ever owned. A smooth engine with marvelous pickup snd so quiet I sometimes don't know it is on. Body is big sail roomy snd appointments sre fine. The brakes ana other salety (caturet give me a feeling of rnnfidenre. A very economical car, in spite ol its bigness," SAYS M. WIWAM A. tOWBOH YOUNG MAN Of Wt SOWN, UDMIHO HAM, AiA.i "I like to carry s lot of people and my Chrysler Koyal carries them sll cnminrtabl). It's mighty easy In drive snd steer. You rsn turn it with your little finger. A nenpy enginr, remarkably smooth anil does its work silently, even on the hills. I think it's one of the prettiest cars I ever ssw. I particularly like the all steel body and the smooth hydraulic brakes. They make you leel sale." CHRYSLER S-FAtSINOIR TOURINO BROUOHAM, RIAOY TO DRIVI IN KLAMATH PAUI (HDIRAt TAX PAID) prlca IncliHi PHrnl fit anil inntpnn.ilnn l"1'"". i "tii ui. ii ny, aitri, fr CHUT --n nuiHL . , , norirpnwr, Mf inrh whwitww. Ttabntvirfrt. CHRYSLER imrimm.,,. iu n or lr power, liSlnfh 1 wh"lbnr ! ,fHy Itp'i. CHRV- 9I.KH bunum IMf tRIAL , , , MO bortCBAWrr. 144. Inrh k lhe. Tk... pnnyirpl. W Vet pflfM 111 mMflt. let r-.. M.yir. nraiirr, w I Bart in ajn aaOr S0.?? f,"mtoL- Ntworha, rtry ThwrifJay, I to 10 P. M., E. D. S. T. II hU M SNYDER 'MOTOR CO. H.'Ml Klnmnlli Ave. Klnmnlli I'Villa, Ore.