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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1938)
May 28, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE CITY BRIEFS Alti'inl Hcivli'CK AmoiiK I ho KIiiiiiiiIIi Km I In iuilii who ut Inlidtid III" liurliil survlcus of tho Into I .(hi n C, Dunn ut (ho Moun tuln Vlnw cuiiiiilury In Ashland, wuro Mr, nnil Mm, Jumna Jun hiiii, Mr, nnil Mm. Chariot M, lloynnliU, Mr, mid Mm. I'm inliy, Iti v. anil Mm. Tluiuilnru H in II It , Mm. I''. II. Viinio, Mm. J. IC. HniHIl, Mm, Juiinls Hum, Mm. Jiiiiiinlii Hhlolils, Hurry Itu mnii, (lomiiu Tyson unci W II Mam l'Otllll. I.i'nva for Knnn Mr. mid Mm. l''rinl I'culo unci III loo villi ilrou, Itlrlinrd, lurolliy mid Gor don of l.nkuvlow have lofl by motor fur u iwo wuoks' trip to Kuiisiis, whora tlioy will visit lolullvi'H mid liloiiilu, I'onlo, who In iioHliiiuMlnr at l.ukovlnw, I niuliliiK hi rimt trip lo Kuimun, Ilia formur home, sliicu coiiiIiik to Oregon in yrnra iiko. Ho In a lirotlior o( L. W. l'i'iiio o( thin cliy. A ) -! (.rncliiiillon - Mr. mid Mm. .Marvin Lucas mid lull und Mm. Frank Lucas returned Krl duy from liiiiismulr, Calif., where duty uttondod tlm olKhth irndo uniilniilliiil ill ci i iluy ovonliiK o( Vli'Klnlii Unwind, diiiiKlilvr of Mr. mid Mm, J, It. lluwurd and a graiiddnuitliter ot Mm. Frank Lucas. IIito on Vlult Mm. Walter Koutor ot I'l'iiillidoii la hro visit Inil on hor way lo 1,'orviillls, whuru aha will moot hor diiimli loi, Kiuiicls, at the close o( tlm term at Orusou Utntu cullnmi. Tho dntiKhtor Ima coniilotod bur ai'Coud your at Uri'iiou Klnte In homo occinoinlc". Bho li a inoin bor o Alpha Uniiiiiiu Unlln. Upturning Homo Mm. Tom tinrrctt, who hui baon a patlont at tha II II lllt hoHpltiil (or Urn puat throo mouths with a broken hip, will luuvu I ho hospital Hun duy lo roturii to hor homo at lily. Mr, tinrrutt will bo con ( I d o d lo crutches (or aovoral wookj. litinnllniis Minting All mum bum of tho Kliiniulh Kail Camp l'lro liuiirdliiiis association ulo urfd to moot Tuesday iiftm noon, Mil)' 31, ul tho homo ot Mm. Morrla llarvoy, 16i!6 Croaconl avonuo, when pinna will bo com pleted (or a trip to Wood. VUU Truluws Mr. and Mm. Homer Won and clilldrau. Ken nolh Loo and Wanda Juno, ot (iranta I'ass, apont Saturday via , lilng at tho homo ot Mr. and Mm. K. I). Trulovo on tho old Orchard mad. Leave for VUlt Mm. Ida itowo and daughter, Mary Ann, ot tho Klnmnlli apartmonta left Tuoaday evening (or Bncrnmuulo, CnlK., lor a two wooka' vlult with friends and relatives. Drill Team Dance Tho Moose drill team waa to aponaor a danco from a to 11 o'clock Saturday nlxlil at tho K. C. hull. Music waa to bo furnished by Shorty Wllkln nn'a orchestra. Tonallrctiiiiiy Mm. Kvorott Malnno of Laiigcll valley under went an operation for removal of her tonsils and adenoids at the 8011I0 Kmergenry honpllul Friday morning. Ice ('renin Diet Young Waltor Clomona of Bhnsta way underwent a tonsillotomy nt tho Soulo liou pltnl room thla pniil woek. Ho linn been living on Iro cronm and milk shnkos alnce. Coiiflneil to Homo Mm. Myrtle Wordon of tho Shlpplngton hotel, who hna boon aorloiialy 111 for tho pnal throo wooka, la now nblo to ho up but la atlll confined to her homo. Vllt Mother Mm. Wllllnm A. Kuesoo and aona ot Altnmont visited tho pnal wook at tho homo of Mra. Koeaeo's incthor on llutto crook. Vlalla from lleniiy Mra. John Blnunona ot liontty wna a busl- ; nnaa visitor In Klnmnth Knlla Thuradny and i'rlilny. Movo ItoBlilonco Mr. nnd Mm. J. It. Marhi hnvo moved from 1101 Knst Mn I n atreot to 2110 Gnrdon avonuo. Kninlly Movea Mr. nnd Mra. 1 A. J. WIllluniB and family moved Thuradny from SOU Mt. Whitney atrool to 1401 East Main atrool. To Bee "Victoria Keglnn" I'hyllla Foator and hor mother loft Saturday for San Frnnclaco to aoo tho piny "Victoria Iteglnn." Whooping Cough Doc Pool of ' Htldobrnnd hna roportod Itla fam ily sick with whooping cough. W. M. LORENZ Plumbing Heating Sheet Moral 611 S. 6th St. . Phone 159 RECTAL DISEASES Mild electric trrnlmcnta, replacing o I d methods. Nnn-conflnlng, non-surgl cnl nnd anfer. MOSUL I S start with flrat treat, mont, Wrlto for t'REB booklet, DR. M. C. CASSEL Bpcclnllst Cnssol tiros. Chiropractic Clinic 228 No. 7th IMiono 420 McmIcm' I'nliit MIhhIoii Tho Modoc I'olnt iiiIhhIijii will moot In tho aohiiiilhniiao Htindiiy nt 10 a. m., iinilur tha leadership of 10, V, .oil. I.oaaou will bo Acta 1:3-11, l'ronrhlnx by Murllll lliuirk will follow Immoilluloly. Ilunck will lino na hla auhjoof, "Hiiutl nud Hock." It la liopod lo hnvo apo clnl miiala nt Hi In service, Hnloa Counselor Hero Hulntiol F. Womwh k, nil t hor of "The Ito inuni'o of HellliiK," la visiting here from Oiiklniid wMh hla alatur, Mm. I,. T. Ilroi k. Worawlck apoko Friday before Ihn llolury club and will addreaa tha AdvorllaliiK club and tha Klwanla club the corning week. He la a aaloa counselor. .Now Triirla 0M'ii Wulloii nud Wright rnul on Into offices huvo rnconlly opened Homolmid tractn No, 2, nnxt lo tho thriving ori ginal Homolmid dlalrlct. Tho new aectlou la located nboiit two mllea beyond thn main govern meiil c ii i n I aoutli of Klnuinth Fnlla. (loea to Kiigcno Mr. and Mra. Andrew Collier wont to Kugeno Friday night In attend gradua tion eii'rrlaoa at Ihn Unlveralty of Oregon. T h o I r daughter, Mario, la graduating from Iho unlvoralty. Colllor'a mother, who Uvea In Kugono, hna been III for no mo time. I.leciun KxninliinlloiiH - Ward MclteyuoliU, automobllo opor atora' llconao oxmulnor for tho aecrotary ot atato, announced Hiiturdny Hint hla office In tho buaemenl of tho coitrlhouae would be open Wednoaduy mid Thuradny, Juno 1, 2, from 0:30 p. m. lo 8:30 p. in. Ibarra for California Mra. Mra. lllnnche Wntom, Kngllah, French and Journullain teacher at Kliimnili union high achool, loft enrly Kntiirdny morning for Loa Angvlot and other polnla In Cali fornia. Bho will return to Klam ath Fnlla In about a week. Ilronkn 1 tot It Vt'rlut Itoy Horkwod, 12, of lono, Ida., who Ih visiting hero on a vacation, fell from a barn Kuturdny morning and broke both wrists. Ho la a patient at tho Klamath Valley hospital. 0H-n lmVn Cabin Dr. and Mm. O. J. Johnson oponcd their summer cabin at Lako o' tha Wooda Saturday and wore to have Mr. and Mra. Ted Mere dith as their gueata over the weekend. .Mnlioney Coming Willis Ma honoy, who won tho domocrutlc nomination for tho United Ktntca sennla In the primary election, will return to hla homo hero Momlny, according to hla Insur ance partner, Lawrence Slater. Visit Coaat Mr. and Mm. Martin Bwanaon loft Saturday on a trip to the aoacoast, whero they will spend tho douhlo boll day. They planned to atop at Hrooklnga. Release I'heasanfa Several dozen adult pheasanta wero ro leaaed near here Snturdny morn ing by tho atnto 'gumo commis sion, according -to Charles It I ley, gamo commissioner. Attend Ashlnntl Nonnnl Nnn Coellor, dnughtor of Mr. nnd Mra. Hnrry Clocllor. will lenvo for Ash land next week, whore ahe will nttond summer aeaslons at South ern Oregon normal achool. Visits Here Dorothy Jeffries of Portland la visiting Klnmnth Falls over tho weekend with Dr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Ulnscoo and other frlenda. Klect Delegates The Fraternal Order of Englea will hold a apo clnl mooting nt tho Englos hnll Tueadny at 7 p. m. to elect dele gates to tho atato convention. To Berkeley Alothn Orny, commorclnl teacher at tho high achool, will go to lleikcley, Calif., noxt wook. (iocs Hump Vlrglnln Flck, Kngllah toucher nt KUIIS left for her homo In Modford Saturday nftornoon by automobllo. THE BIO HALF - THE - r .- uiiijJ,M.,.rt.i,j Autliorltlrs arrlnlm Ilie smart design of the new 1 1-foot Wlll-s. "Magazine of Art" oaye of Willys, " of the very best to look at." Yon gel so much for so lllllo money no wander thousands re turning to Willys. Quallty-lmllt lo "lako It" . . sturdy K-X chassis. ..powerful FUEI.-SAVEK engtne..Ciit expenses, come In for a rldo In the new linlf-tlie-gna ear ICa prlceil theLOWKST -by far of nil sedans. Payments lower than many used cars. WILLYS CLIPPER S689 Delivered Here Knlly Hnnlppoil HALf THS OAS ... BACON MOTOR CO. HOLIDAY TREK TO SEA, LUKES STARTS EARLY Tho Irek (o niouuliilns am) sen const by holiday parties bent on taking advantage of the long weekend, was undor way Satur day. Weul bur proapocta were rather u ii rort ii In. Tho form list for north ern Cullfornla by tho U. 8. buronu was for fnlr weather but unaottled In tho high mountains. For Ore gon, tho forocnat waa for ahowors Hat unlay night, but Sundny gener ally fnlr. Mountain roads wore tho beat of tlm season lo dato. Tho road Into Diamond lake waa. oponad to thn end of tho Inko Hnturdiiy morning, according to word re ceived by tho Klamath county cliumbor of coinmorco. Plows hnvo been slicing through the snow thoro for aovoral days. Many Klamath mon and wom en will try their luck at fishing this weekend. The following road nnd fishing report wns given by tho Klmnuth county chamber of commorce; llofky I'olnt Although the fishing hasn't boon as good as provloualy, aovoral catches hnvo been tnkon on Hildo l)i nnd aplnnnra. Of course, Andy Hookers nnd Wilson Wobblera al ways bring fish. Accommodations are available at the present time. Including dining room, cablna, store, and boats. Ilnrrliunn Iorigo Fishing hna boon good here, and accommodations aro available. Meals can bo secured at the lodge, and there are cablna, a atore, and boata. Odell I-nko Odell Inko lodge: Flailing has Improved In Odell the past few days, aevornl Inrgo Dolly'a being taken on plugs and spinners, while the fly fishermen have en Joyed aovoral catchea on a light nnd dnrk Cnddla, The fishermen enn secure cnhlns, and the lodge nnd aloro nrn also open. Summit lodge: Accommoda tlona aro avalluhle, although the road la not open Into the lodge. Crescent likn Several nlco cntches have boon taken. There aro cabins, a store, nnd meals at the lodge for those desiring them. Knst Lake The road Into thla lake la open, and the fishing haa been good, raullnn IJiko Fishing condltlona depend on tho weather a grent deal, and during the past woek fishing hnan't been as good aa provloualy. Tho store, cabins, lodge, and boata are now nvailablo for the summor aenaon, Klk take Mny US wna tho date ait for the nponlng of tho lodge, cablna, store, and boata. take o' The Wooda Accommodatlona will be avall ablo Juno 15. at which lime the store nnd lodge will open. The road from Klnmnth Falla to the lako la now open. Klnmatli River rtnynl Coachmen, Bucklall, and Mctienty files hnvo brought good results below McCollum'a mill, pnrtlculnrly with enrly morning and ovenlng fishing. To New York Donald Ooldlng Is leaving Klamath Falla Monday for a trip to Now York. Vital Statistics EDWARDS Born at the Klam ath Vnlley hoapltnl, Klamath Fnlla. Ore.. Mny 28. 1938, to Mr. nnd Mra. O. 11. Edwards, 1143 l'lno olroct, a aon. Weight: 8 pounds, 11J ounces. TRAVELING? SSSSSBareiEs5SZS Alaska? Orient? Europe? Hnwnll? Rates, Sailing". Passport Into. Agent for all atenniBhlp llnea. PETE J. LESMEISTER Phono 1400 Phone 70W1 Grent Northern Ry. NFW fi GAS CAR TWICt THE STYLE Gold Keys Will Fit These Locks ' .' A n ' 1 A' t 'f 5 ( I; , ' I ,1 I ! 'u -ri ; if - " ' A $ li . - Here are the most famous key holes in Hollywood those on the front door of the Hollywood mansion occupied by the glam orous French actress, Simone Simon. Note that there are two keyholes one in the regular lock, one in the door-knob. Maybe that's why Simone gave two golden keys lo her myste rious "friend," instead of only one. They cost $35. Funerals WAITKfl KOHYI.KIt MOItfiAV Funeral services for the late Waltor Schyler Morgan, who passed away In thla city Friday, May 27, 1938, will be held In Mt. Shasta, Calif., Tuesday, May 31, 19.18, with commitment services and intorment following In Mt. Shasta cemetery. Arrangementa are under the direction of the Karl Whltlock Funeral Home of this city. LEGAL NOTICES CITATION Probate Department IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of IRA ALDEN STIFFLER, De ceased. To: Charles H. Stlffler and Arilla J. Stlffler, the unknown helra of Ray p. Stlffler, Alvln Clair Stlffler and Kills W. Stlff ler, and to all devisees, legatees and unknown helra of Ira Alden Stiff lor, deccaaed, It any such thcro be. You and each of you are here by commanded to appear In the above named court In Ihe circuit court room In Klamath Falls, Ore gon, on or before the 30th day of May, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of aald date to show cause, If any exist, why an Order should not be entered granting the Administrator the right to soli either at public or private sale the following doscrlbed real prop erty altuated In Klamath County. Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 13, Block 38. Hillside Ad dition to the City ot Klamath Fulls, Klamath County, Oregon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day ot April, 1938, pursuant to an Order of the Court entered on the 29th day of April, 1938. (Seal) MAE K. SHORT. County Clerk. A. 30 M. T. 14- 21, 28 No. 69 FIRE YOUR IMAGINATION to the Szcuhify of your Swfinqs here INSURED SAFETY! Strike this fact XTth across your mind nnil let It burn vivid- llJLf ly: Your money Is Insured hero against any loss whatsoever up to $5,000.00. That's a "backlog of safety" for your savings that will kindle In you the urgo to save nnil reach your savings goal. fiOOU returns, tool First Federal has always paid 4 per annum divi dends. Start n savings account. No limit to the amount of your savings or lump sum Investments -91.00 opens an ac count. Get 4ico on Your Money First Federal Savings and Loan Association Uh KLAMAIM rALLb ctt dhhno Ut No. Oth Street Thone 870 Members of Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation NOTICE IS II Kit Ell Y GIVEN that on the 20th day of June, 1938, beginning at the hour ot 10:00 A. M. of aald day, at the front door of the City Hall In Klamath Falla, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at publlo auction tor cash on hand all ot the following described promises, to-wlt: Lot Addition MILLS 417 607 508 696 and 697, So. 40 ft. 691 701 783 786 787 680 681 689 396 and 397, 8. 40 ft, 327 328 390 391 892 472 473 485 486 487 564 So. 60 ft, 656 657 658 Thla sale la made under and by virtue of a warrant or Hat In tabular form for the collection of special assessment liens which have been delinquent for more than one year prior to May 18, 1938, on real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, which warrant or list la In my bands. Each of the lota, parcela or tracts above deacrlbed is located within the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, and ia being sold under Sectlona 66,2201 to 66,2210, Oregon Coda, 1930, aa amended, providing a method of foreclosing special assessment Hens. Each of said lota, parcels and tracts will be sold aeparately and will be struck off to the flrat bidder offering to pay the City ot Klamath Falls, the full amount of its, assessment liens plus Interest and the costs of and upon this sale. Dated this 18th day of May, 1938. Flrat Publication: May 21, 1938. Final Publication: June 18, 1938. M. 21-28; J. 4-11-18 No. 76. H. The Family Doctor By DH. MORRIS FISHBEIN Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association, and of Hygela, the Health Magazine JUST why do we exerclae? Flrat, there la plenty of evidence that those who fall to exercise do not have what la called posi tive health. They do not have the vigor and vitality ot tnose who take a reasonable amount of exercise. Apparently the muBclcs of our cheats, our hearts and ot our bodlea generally need a certain amount of activity In order to rlvA them that factor that Is called tone. The chief purposes of exercise are to develop the muscles of the trunk and of the back so as to maintain good posture. The muscles ot the back, legs ana feet need to be developed In or .1 or in mn lr a valklne. running and Jumping reasonably easy and graceful. Furthermore, there ia a lot of satisfaction In being able to awing a golt club, an ax or a tennla racket, to row a boat or to awirn with enjoyment ana satisfaction. Some of the ways In which Insure SAVE with SAFETY D. E. Pearce District Manager 830 So. 7th Phone 1408 ' - "-.-l X XV VUff INVltTMtUT vA .issBSBMBi Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City Assessment Liens Block To Whom Assessod Date Levied Purpose of Assessment Amount 101 Agnes Bryan May IS, 192S Sewer ft Street (1(8.11 102 P. P. ft Mary Vogel May IS, 1923 Sewer ft Street 40.K8 102 P. P. ft Mary Vogel May 15, 1023 Sewer ft Streot 483.70 103 Fred Dingier May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 606. 14 104 C. H. ft Carrie Mae Aaher May IS, 1923 Sewer ft Street 400.58 104 Frank W.ft Eunice Martin May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 480.05 105 Wm. P. Johnson, Trustee May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 194.88 105 Geo. P. ft Kate Walker May 16, 1923 Sower ft Street 601. 65 105 Geo. P. ft Kate Walker May 16, 1923 Sewer ft Street 700.77 107 C. 8. ft Hester Mages May 15, 1923 8ewer ft Street (27.64 107 C. 8. ft Heater Magee May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 672.68 108 E. K. Loosley May 15, 1923 Bower ft Street 669.38 110 F. Hill Hunter May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 469.5 111 E. L, Blgga May 16, 1923 Sewer ft Street ' 112.91 111 E. L. Biggs May 16, 1923 Sewer ft Street 138.86 113 Dick Darnlelle May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 532.91 113 Dick Darnlelle May 15, 1923 Sower ft Street 466.41 113 H. E. Hauger May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 188.84 114 G. W. Nltscholra May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 662.07 114 John W. Kelley May 16, 1923 Sewer ft Street 709.10 114 William Ganong May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 582.92 114 William Ganong May 16, 1923 Sewer ft Street 647.66 114 William Ganong May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 902.60 115 Stanley W. Martin May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 316.91 116 Goo. G. Tugnot May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 771.96 116 Geo. G. Tugnot May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 652.76 116 Geo. O. Tugnot May 15, 1923 Sewer ft Street 464.10 exerclae Influences the body have been listed by Dr. Walter H. Brown in relationship to the different systems of the body. Exercise Increases the circula tion of the blood through vari ous parts of the body aa well as through the body as a whole; Improvement of the circulation carries extra oxygen and nutri ment to the tiasues and at the same time removea the waste materials. Furthermore, the cir culation ot the blood distributes the chemical materials, the glandular materials and the oth er substances necessary to cause co-ordinated actions throughout the body. Finally, our heat regulation Is brought about by the circulation, which must be maintained In an active atate for the beat effects. Exercise also Increases the depth and the rate of breathing. It haa alao been established that exercise helps to eliminate the waate material by way ot the IF A You DO Get a Break Now and Then The price oS the Model Twenty - Two "Cater j pillar" Tractor has been REDUCED EcgtmnipflQQeimtl; (So 719 MARKET ST. FRANK HAMM, CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. kidneys. Intestines and the skin, as well aa through the lungs. Everyone knows that following a reaaonable amount of exercise in the open air, the body teela refreshed. At the same time there develops a relaxation that la exceedingly Important for suit able rest and mental hygiene. There are, of course, all kinds of exercise that can be tried. In any good game there is also a certain demand made upon the mind and the Intelligence. Thla la the time of year when exercise becomes a prime objec tive for health. A reaaonable Indulgence will bring us through the summer capable of increased efficiency when fall and winter come. res Tested Glasses Fitted Dr. A. A. Souli M. D. & RG E v1 . rtfl Ev dip BAILEY TRACTS . RESIDENT HELD ON DISORDERLY COUNT Henry Hagedorn, a resident ot the Bailey tracts, was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge Saturday morning preferred by a neighbor, Emma Wustlk. Hagedorn pleaded not guilty in Justice court, and trial was set for Tuesday. FOR FLOWERS Klamath Flower Shop Open All Day Sunday And Memorial Day I& PHONE 314 No. l Walnut Phone UNO