The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 27, 1938, Page 12, Image 12

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Mny 27, 1988
f. . , ,
Hailn Bbarlow of th Pelican
Htjr Sewing club and Erie Flem-
of the Henley Canning club
bared top bonora tn the 4-H news
ontest and will be rewarded with
12 acholarshlpa to 4-H aummer
chool at Corrallla.
Unvln iOf. flraf tn h earn-
Ctitlon for the greatest number
Inches of newa nrlnted with
Ih sreatest newa value. Erla
Iron flrat prlz tor the beat newa
The Judges, County Assessor
Dharloi Mack and Leda Parker
pt the county agent's ataff, award-
-.t hnnnpnhlB niAlltlnn tO three
ru " "
Cther contestanta in the best newa
stories division. The mree wire
Beatrice Krueger of Altamont,
George Proctor of Algoma and
Petty Warren of Spragua River.
Saturday, May IS, was pro-
llmai4 Pnnn rtnv' tn th eltv
it Klamath Falls In a proclama
tion issued naay oy mayor
Clifton Richmond. The procla
mation urged all citizens to honor
th, WnrlH Ten rinnil And aid the
war's living vlctima by wearing
the American Legion ana auxil
iary memorial poppy mat aay,
SThA nrnrlnmntfnn reads:
'- "Whereas, In the World war
bf 1917-1918 the young men or
Klamath Falls gave their service
to the defense of the United
States In an exalted spirit of
patriotism and aome were called
pon to sacrifice their lives in
that service:
"Whereas, many others were
ailed upon to sacrifice health
and strength, with resulting suf
fering and hardships to them
selves and families which con
tinue to this day:
"Whereas, the memory of these
patrlotlo sacrifices should ever
be kept fresh In the minds of
patrlotlo citizens, while fullest
aid should be extended to those
till within the reach of human
"And, whereas the wearing of
the memorial poppy both honora
the dead and aids the disabled
and dependents:
"Therefore, I, Clifton Rich
mond, mayor of the city of
Klamath Falla, . do hereby pro
claim Saturday, May 28, Poppy
day in the city of Klamath Falla,
and nrge all citizens to observe
the day by wearing the American
Legion and American Legion
auxiliary memorial poppy."
" v
The Klamath Pomona degree
eam will exemplify the fifth de-
ree at, Bly Saturday, May 28, at
p. m. In the Bly school gym
nasium. . This exemplification of the
fifth degree will be the last be
fore the meeting of the state
grange in Klamath Falls when
both the fifth and sixth degree
will be put on the evening of
June 18.
i This Is the first time the
grangers of Bly section will have
had an opportunity to witness the
fifth degree, and it is expected a
large class will be present, ac
cording to Pomona Master L.
Alva Lewis.
The fifth degree, which makes
grangers eligible to vote In the
t 111 1 nAnfaM-Ari
under direction of Past Pomona
Master Earl Mack.
: is
Klamath Falls
' Sample Farcst
Bend .
Portland .
Spokane .
Seattle .
Crescent . .
Low Fares
P. M.
One Way Itd.Trlp
. $3.65 $5.85
. 5.90 10.65
. 11.10 20.00
. 8.40 14.65
. 4.65 7.45
. 2.65 4.25
to All Points
Hold Everything!
"Have you been waited .on, Miulum?"
Convention Visit First Step
In Klamath Girls' Long Trip
Qretchen Bemon, daughter of
Rep. and Mrs. Henry Semon, will
represent the Oregon State college
chapter of Alpha Delta Pi, inter
national aocial aorority, at the
biennial convention to be held
June 17 to July 1 at the Seigniory
club in the province of Quebec.
As the re-elected prealdent of
her chapter she will have the
honor of representing It at thia
International meeting. Elisabeth
Cleghorn of Klamath Falla will
accompany her to the convention.
Both girls are attending Oregon
State college.
The Seigniory club, where all
sessions are to be held. Is a pri
vately controlled club located near
Montebello, Quebec, on the north
ahore of the Ottawa river. It Is
45 miles east of Ottawa. The
main building la designed in the
manner of a French chateau. Fa
cilities for horseback riding orer
the wooded Laurentian hillsides,
tennis, swimming In a world-famous
glass-enclosed pool and boat
ing on the Ottawa river, which ia
at the clubs "front door," are
among the recreational features
that are expected to attract a
record-breaking crowd of sorority
members to this convention.
Alpha Delta PI la the oldest se
cret society for college women In
the world.
Immediately following the con
vention Miss Bemon will Join a
group who are taking a trip up
the St. Lawrence river and the
Saguenay rlrer. She will then
visit relatives In Ohio and return
home through the Canadian Rock
lea. After convention Miss Cleghorn
will hoard the Duchess of York
with 25 other Alpha Delta Pi's
for European tour which Includes
Scotland, the English Lakes, Em
land, Holland, Bolglum, Germany,
the Rhine, Switzerland, Grand Al
pine distrlet, Italy, the Riviera and
France. They will leave France
on the Empress of Britain and ar
rive In Quebeo August 11.
On the way to convention the
girls are stopping at Salt Lake
City, Denver, Ames, la., Chicago,
Washington, D. 0., Philadelphia,
New York City and .Montreal. .
Ray W. Gill, master of the
Oregon state grange, accompan
ied by Mrs. G. W. Thlessen. atate
grange lecturer, were to arrive In
Klamath Falls Friday evening,
May 17, to make final arrange
ments with local grange officers
for the meeting of the state
grange In Klamath Falls June 13
to 17.
While here the state master
and lecturer planned to attend the
final elimination contest of the
subordinate grangea for the honor
of putting on the prize play at the
state grange on the evening of
June 14. In these contests prac
tically all of the subordinate
granges of Klamath county have
competed. The elimination con
tests were to be put on at Henley
school gymnasium and will be
open to the public, the proceeds
to go to the state grange enter
tainment fund.
State Master Gill will attend a
meeting of subordinate maaters
and committees Saturday after
noon at 1:30 p. m. at the Klam
ath union high school, called tor
the purpose of making final ar
rangementa for the meeting of
the atate grangera.
Candidates are beginning to
throw thetr hats In the ring al
ready. Herbert Hoover went on
a fishing trip the other day.
Flower Shop
Open All Day Sunday
And Memorial Day
Th meetings at the Seventh
Day Adventlat churrh, which have
been conducted for over four
months by the local pastor, L.
M. Seltzer, preacher pianist from
Chicago, was to come to a close
Friday night, May 17. It was
hoped that a good attendance
would be present to hoar the
subject which the evangelist was
to present on thnt nlnlit, "Tlin
Last Warning Mossiiko." He
haa held meetings on Tuesdny,
Wednesday aud Thursday nights
of this week.
Regular services on Saturday
will be held at 9:46 and 11 a. m.
The pastor Is to present a truth
filled lecture at the 11 o'clock
hour, according to the data furn
ished by him. "One roniarkable
thing," Seltzer says, "Is the
great number attending the
preaching services ou the Sau
bath." A church candy sale was con
ducted Tuesday and Wednesday
of tbla week, according to Infor
mation furnished by the Dorcas
society of the Adventlst church.
of which Mrs. L. M. Soltzer Is
loader and Mrs. Ivnr Nord aa
slstant. About 1110 worth of
candy waa aold In a day and a
half. There was cleared, be
side expenses, over $83.
These figures are very remark
able, Seltzer ventured, and the
amount recolved pays oft In full
the street assessments of the
church. The church board re
ports a Joyful feeling on the
part of the church, as there has
been over (200 paid on thia
debt through three candy sales
conducted by the Dorcas' society
of the church with the personal
help and counsel o( itov. Soltzer.
Those on the honor roll for
this candv sale art those who
donated materials and those who
bouiht the candy, Among those
who were Instrumental In the
making and selling of the candy
wore Mra. G, Tatman, Mrs. Jo
Kllor, Mrs. Ivar Nord, Tbelma
Storey, Mrs. Jess Davis, Mra.
Uoode, Mr, and Mrs, O, H, Rog
ers, Mrs. Minnie Kerr, Mr. and
Mrs. Aubrey lteillfer. Mrs. An
derson, Mrs. L, M. Soltzer and
the pastor.
Sollser leaves shortly for a
vacation In Oregon and Montana.
His Itinerary will take him to
different churches In Oregon, In
some of which he will assist In
the musta and tn some of which
ho will preach. "A vacation la
naunlly the aame work for me,"
he said. "Hut we like to keep
working," he asserted.
The work of the local church
will be cared for by C. K. Rogers,
an elder of the church. All Items
concerning the Interests of the
church are bestowed upon hlin
during Solder's absence. Rev.
Seltaor will return to assume
his regular pastoral duties of the
church attar his vacation.
An SS-yoar-old man who haa
been standing on his head every
birthday decided not to do It this
year. He found that theae days
the world looks the same right
side up.
Enjoy Dancing
Every Night
Int'luillng Sunday
At (he
El Nldo Inn
I,akevlew Junction
HC1IMTZ and PAD8T on Tap
The class of 'it will be one of
the largeal ever graduated from
the Sacred Heart acadomy at th
zorclaea which wore to be held
Friday renlng, May 17, at T: SO
o'clock at th Sacred Heart church.
Th graduation address waa to
lis dollvered to the II members
of the class by Roverend J. O'Don
ovnn. Tho complete program folluws:
Presentation of diplomas.
Address Rev. J. O'Donovan.
Ilenedlctlon of the Dleased Sac
rament. Hymn and presentation of grad
uates' bouquets lo Blessed Virgin
The academy graduates Include:
Demises linker
Ornre linker
Frances llalln
Nellie Hurry
Opal George Bowman
Margaret llrocklrup
Vivian Oatfaney
Mary Beth Hammon
Norman lltinklne
Margie Koinptnr
Helen Krueger
Margaret Malioney
Elizabeth Main
Vina Nork
Mildred Parker
Wllma Tompkins
Naoma LeMasters 1
llnruard Cavanaugh
William Canton
John Schnabel
Goorg 8ohnahet
Joseph Sezlnn
Eugen Smith.
The first responsibility of labor
Is lo get Ingot her In on big fam
ily, Mayor rnrolln Lafluardla of
Now York City.
Dry Cleaning
Kory (iarment
Mothproofed at
No Ezlra Coat.
1400 Esplanade. I'll on 820
Here Are the Things You Will Need for the Double
Holiday This Week-end. Be Prepared!
Bis Events
3 call for a E
XThcrerer thtr art "goinxi on,"
s Kodak should b handy to r
cord th happening. Good snap
thots come cuilr with the fint
cameras. They're priced from
only $5 too. Come io tad let oa
how them to row aooa. -
I film tU ft
Soften the
50 and
Take Along Some
Fresh Candy!
Miss Saylor's
A Colorful
With Each 50c Bottle
Hind's Honey
& Almond Cream
50c Unguentine, for sunburn 43
Vita Ray Soothal, for sunburn ................. 50
60c Mentholatum, large jar 53
Sil-Vel Lotion, softens skin 50
Flashlight 59. to $1.50
Sun Goggles 25 to $2.98
Yello-Bole Pipe 51.00, $1.25, $1.50
Wrist Watches $3.25 to $5.95
"St. Regis"
Golf Balls
39c each 3 Cor
"Zip" Gol Balls
25c each 4 for $1
A $1.25
FOR 69c
3 Bar Soap and
50 Jar Cream
J. & J.
First Aid
Snake Bite '
Outfit .... $1.50
B & B Handi
tape 19
J St J Band
aid 19
1 l w
liyiieii. it Comes to Graduation Clothes
Sheer Organdies
10 to 16 Fashions
fxcaptfeno Dri For
Because Wards considered fashion is neces
sary as value, mother and graduates will both
want these dressy styles. White or pastels.
Now That He'i "Grown Up"
Longie Suits
Coat, Vest, Longiei
Good - looking donlilo - breastod sports mods).
PLEATED slacks. Tallorad for fit and long
wear! In plain blue and smart patterns. 12-18.
Dainty Organdy Dresses Crisp new styles
a smart as puff sleeves, swing skirts and ruffles
can make them. White. 10 to 16.
Rayon Taffeta Slips Strap shoulders; lace
trimming Size 10 to 18.
Rayon BloomeriPantiel nun-Resistant rayon.
Reinforced sizes 10 to 14.
' Rayon Taffeta Slips 4 gore bias cut. Tailored,
embroidered or lace trimmed Size 32 to 44,
Ringless Chiffon Hose 3 thread sheers In Iri
descent and untan color 2 pair fl.BO
White Shoes GrIl. whlt0 oxfordll- slJI8I lt t0 g "Ofl
Boys' whit chroma leather oxfords. Sizes 2V4 to .
Young Men's Dress Shirts Fully Preshrunkl f)OC
Soft, Wiltproof, button-down collars I
n i r pi ,
DOys uress anirts Mannish .tyles In fast col- A f
or pattern I Extra full sizes. Strongly tailored. Jtm9
Ask O
ur Agent
Mt. Rood Stages
Phone 01)0
"The Friendly Drug Store"
Ninth and Main
221 Main Sfrest
Telephone 384