X Mny 2!, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE ) DRIVING CLASS GIVEN TRAFFIC TESTS MONDAY Miiilrnla nf (hit Klnmnlli rutin (lrlVllIK Hl'lllllll CIIIIIlllttlMl till MlXltl InAimil (if tlltl ai'Vllll Wdt'lfN' riMiran till wntik, Willi 11 ili'lvo tliriiiiiih Inifflo In llin IiihiIiiiiim) ttllll I'l'allllllllllll tllatrlcla, I (11 vl tl f limm tllllKllt HlO flllllln inon lain of liiinillliiK cnr In prnvliiim h'Biinii, I ho lnl Iwo ii'NHiiiin nro ilovntoil tn tlrlvliiK llirmiKli duffle lo iM'iiiinliii the atllitnllt Hh thn prupi'l' cmnpll it ii on wild I in f do n'Killiitlnni. Kxporlniiro with Ollmr ''hnnl hn kIiowii thai Homo of I hit iiiilnnla, on completing- Ilia fourao, will hn ciipiililn of nma Init n illlvliiK Innl, nil niqiilrril liy liiw, wIikii iiniilyliiit In h nlnlu i ii in I iicr for li In rlvnr'n llcmiHu. Wit It nllini H II will ho nm:nniiry to liavii nililllliimil priuMlt'o. ll In nut llin ililly of ml ex niiilncr to ti'iii li (i nu to ilrlvi', hut miliar lo ili'toriiilnn tho iiipll c ii it I ' it n ll 11 1 y In npurnln a motor vulilclo prnpi'rly nnd anfoly. Whim mi hiiiiiiIiiit liiforinn mi npiillcnml that hn tiniHt linprovo on aamo lilinnn of IiIn ilrlvhiK linfuro IikIiik PahihmI, tho ntml'Mit or niipllriinl liming I n lii' ii III" driving con inn undninlnnilii morn rnndlly mid In lila to Improve hli driving noon r (linn otlinra who hnvo not hud thn liiHtruclloni sfforiloil by IIiIh nchiiol. Thn lul Icimoii of thin cuuriiu will hn Imlil Monilny, Juno C, on nccoiint of nnxt Mnndny bi'liiK a holldiiy. At thut limn approxl mnii'ly :io atudi'iita will linvo com plclnd thn courm. Thli driving lulmol, nu In other rltli-a of llm mum, In npumonil by Karl Hindi, nncrolary uf auuo, an purl of lila alnlnwldo program In 1 1 u f ft r nnfnty. Tho arhoiila In aoiitlicrn Orrgnii nro hiM iindnr dlroctlon nf Ward Mrltnyniilda of thn aerrninry of alnlo'a office. Coin l l hut Inn lo the auccnai of the rn-hnol wn lh aliln Innlrucl 1 li r nf Klnlililna and Toininy Thompnon nf thn Klninnlh Fnlla nfniy council and Offlccra llriintlanraa and Juditn of tho po llen dnpiirlmnnt. Tho anfnly cniinrll of Klnmnlli Knlln, which will ipounor niihnnqucnt achoola In the city III cooperation with tho enrrninry nf ntnto'a office hoa Indlrnlnd nnolhcr courso In driv ing will ho announced aa toon nu n nuffliii'iit niimlier have rex Internd for thn next roiirno. Kelt Intratlnni am to hn mado at tho rhamlinr of cnmiuoroo In thin city. IIIjY Captain P. H. nohner, commanding officer at Camp Illy, la on Joy I n R a 21 day loavo. Cap tain Itnlnmr and hit rnmlly aro nnnillnit their vacation by trnvu Ins throughout thn atnto vlnltliix old frlondi nnd members of the)r family. - - " " All monibnrn of Camp Hly wnre deeply moved by tho denth of Kurl Konler. Konter'waa enmp aupor Intnndeiit nnd hold In lilxhi-at ro aprct hy all who knnw him. A nil in her of Camp nly Ixiya lour- nnyed to Hummer Lnko to attend tho burial aorvlcoa. A awlinmliiK and water-polo tnnm In holng nrKnnlxed under tho dlrecllon of Jack .Mmigcl, oililcn tlonnl iidvlHor, nnd Chnrlea Urlf- flth, flrnt nld nttnndiint. No null nblo swimming nolo lina yot been dlncnvemd nenr tho camp, honco It In ncccHaiiry to trnvul Into Kliilll nth Knlln. After a few moro prnc tlcen thn meinbera of both tenma will mcept nnuntlc competllliin. ('oiupiiny atreiiKth In Camp Illy CCC la anttliiK a now low for thla time of tho yenr. Only3S now onrollnea worn received limt month nnd nlnio that tlmo alx hnvo been trnimferred to detached aovlco at Silver l.nko, and aeven to a new company to bo entiibllKhed nt ,Mc Klnlnv N'litlnnnl lnrk. AlnHkn. Tho Intler group In lnokliiK flinvni'd to n new evperleneo living In tun Iniul nf 1 11 1 n in 1 I'hnnnelH nnd iKloon. Thn renoui'cefulneiin of tho buk- ern and cookn nt Camp Hly wan nKiiin demonnlrntoil when n delay In Ihe nhlpmnnt of lirnnd canned them to nubnllliilo I ho homo inndo vuiiely. It uniors nro Hint I hero will hn a dnmiind for moro of .he local kind nnd Iohb of Iho bakery OUMlllt. Splkn ennip opened ngnln nt Dor I.nko, .Monday, Mny 10 with 10 men. Camp Illy rnnonlly lout another nf her populiir niombern when Doctor llnniiocoi'o wnn nnlnred to Mnilforil liendiiuiirtni'H lo hocnino nnnlHlnnt dlHlrlcl. nui'Ki'on. Ilia plennliiK iierminiillly nnd wido pro fenKloiuil knowledge will mnko Doelor lliinnnenro mlnaed oxcooil liiRly by ineinhnra of the camp. I'Trnl l.leiiteunnt Alfred 10. Nollz ninn In on detneheil aervleo na com puny commiiiler durliiK thn nb hciico of ( "a lit ii 111 Itoliunr. I.leu t oiiii nl Helt.mnn wnn formerly Junior orflcur at Camp Tula l.ako and prior to that alatlonod at Camp Silver Luke. Camp llly'i very efficient Mean Hlnwnrd and foriiiur cook, lion II. Miller, hue nncurud u ponltlon nn nnnlntniit renluurunt iiiiniuner In a rnalnuraiit In Lakuvluw, Oro. A now courno In forentry hna bnnn added lo tho eiliicalloiinl do pni'tiiieul iiniKraiii, and I under dlructlon of Fred Meet nr. I ii no vu I lo iim In tho nnfiily moot I iimm hnvo created much Internet, with Fred Hlono, acting projoct aiiiiorliitonilnnt, u m in a r I lug iivmila of Iho week followed by duuioiinlriitloiin and dlni.iinnlona of nnfety preeaiillonn hy thn foro men. (JneNl apenkera add lo tho variety of thn piiiKi'iiin, which In iiaually terniliuilcd with anfnly puna of Jokea glvnn hy enriillnna. Don P, Hamlin, winner of thn rncn for tho ileiiiocrnllc nomina tion for dlntrlcl nttnrnny, lanued a nlnlniiinnt oxprennlng hi" npprn rlutliin fur tho atipport given him In tho nice. "I wlnh to coiiipllnn.'iit my two opponnnta, W. l.mnnr Townnend ami Karl F. Ilrndflcld, for tho nhowlng each nf them made In thn rnco and for their nplendld qiinlltlea of falrnena mid good nporlHinannhlp. "I.ant, hut not leant, I wlnh to thank nil of my frlnndn and aupportorn moat alncorely for their nplendld effortn In my bo hnlf. No rnco auch an thin can bo won without fiiendn, and to my frlenda belonitn Iho full credit Mr victory. I thank all of them from thn bottom of my heart." STARTS THURSDAY, MAY 26. Doors Open 10 a- $20,000 STOCK OF HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE MUST BE SOLD! EVERYTHING IN STORE REDUCED! NOTHING RESERVED! Lake county votnra In Krldny'a olecilon nomlnalod O. (,'. (ilbbn for dlntrlct attorney on thn demo cratic tlckot, and Chnrlea t'omlm, Incumbent, on tho republican ticket. Hurt Snyder. Lnkevlew, waa nominated hy republlcnii for the loglnlaturo for the 29th dlntrlct, comprlnlnx l.nko and Deachutea rountlen. C. W. K. Jonnlngn, Vnl ley Knlln, wnn nomlnnted by Iho domocrnta. aJonnlnKa la tho Incumbent. SHADY PINE 8HADV l'INIC Mra. John I.loyd, Mr. and Mm. Iliinnoll (ill lotte and children apenl the week end at Twin Lakea flatting. Mr. and Mra. A. C. Atlinnn and foggy of Shady Tine and lien Ln Fnru and Fred Tromblio of Sund Point, Idnhn motored to Crater lako and tho lava beda the laal two .Huudnya. Mr. and Mra. John Lloyd and Maurlro (jraven motored to l)or rln, (,'nllf., lo attenil tho Algoma IJorrla bnaelmll game, Vivian Gillette and ' Delpba Wolnenbeck apunt tho weokond In Urnntn I'nna an house guoHta of Mr. and Mra. Shorty Ogdcn. Mra. Glen Dnrett hna been on tho nli k lint for tho pant two weeka. She In feeling better and able to bo abuut tho hoiiho a little each day. .Mra. Chnrlea Mltcholl and her mother, Mra. A. Lnraon, motored to Anhliind on Thurndny. MeHdiuuea June Ambern, Odennn .Muiiriinen, lleriba Woolford, and Klnyno Lloyd and dtiiiKhter Huv erly wero guunta of .Mia. Hotly L'onroy nnd ICvolyn Wenteiiiouno nt Modoc I'olnt on Mondny. Krnlo Logan la omployod at Tl onentu nn nuw tiler. Mr. nnd .Mra. A. Alllo and eon Lo Hoy hnvo moved up on tho Incline nt Algomn whero Alllo la omployod. .Mra, Klnyno Lloyd ontertnlned Mra. Cora Altmiiu and Mra. Mury Ulllolto nt lunch on Friday. Mr. and Mra. Wheeler l'elrro hnvo movod from Shndy IMuo to Iho Incllno nt AlKonm whero no la employed. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Ambers mid diiiiKliter Nancy Leo of Algo iiiii mid Walter II. A in lie in of North lmkoln wero visitors In tho hnine of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lloyd Saturday night. Mr. and .Mrs. Johnny Gnlthrlto moved lo Hly on Thurndny whero ho hna omployiiient. A group of Shndy Plun peoplo ntleiided tho Algomii-Chiloiiiiln gnino nl Chlloiiuln on Sunday. Mrs. llertllu Woolford cnter liilnod OiIcskii Mnnrnnen, Klnyno Lloyd and Hoverly mid Juno A in horn nt luncheon on Friday. I nanBBBBB Mv Til I II This is K. Sugar marts Order to His Manager. Quality and Nationally Known Merchandise Can Now Be Bought For LESS Than Inferior or Unknown Lines! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT SUGARMAN'S DEPENDABLE QUALITY ALWAYS! THE REASON FOR THIS LIQUIDATION SALE: Mr. and Mr. Sugarman have been in ill health' and their doctor ordered them to California for an indefinite atay. Mr. Sugarman deemed it necessary to' reduce his stock and decided on this drastic action. 3 LIQUIDATION SALE OF MEN'S sumr Unmercifully Slashed in Price For Quick Action! Four Groups Entire clothing stock including New Summer Suits. Most any color in single and double breasted models plain or sportsback. Patterns include Checks, Plaids and Stripes. GROUP ONE TO SALE l'HICB GROUP TWO VALIKS sfSO I.IQLIDATIO.V TO $Z7S SALE FHICE GROUP THREE VALIKS (JA I.IQl II)ATIO TO 99 W SALE I'RICE GROUP FOUR Society Brand and other well known mnkea VALUES Cf LIQUIDATION TO ?.V SALE I'RICE $11 $ltg75 $ 1 NEW SUMMER FELT HATS AT LIQUIDATION SALE PRICES ALL SIZES ALL COLORS Reg. $3.95 Hats for l.$295 Reg. $5.00 Hats for l$3 STRAW HATS New styles several colors Regular $2.00 values ALL OTHERS REDUCED $1.29 All Overcoats as Prce INCLUDING SOCIETY HUDDERS REGULAR PRICES $20 to $45 LIQUIDATION SALE PRICES $10 $2250 PAJAMAS All Silk Lounge and Sleeping Pajamas. Regular Values to $7.50. LIQUIDATION SALE . $J35 SILK ROBES Rabhor Full Silk Lined Robes Regular $17.50 Regular $25.00. Li Liquidation $(95 quidation $,fj50 Sale Price.. Sale Price.. Special Lot of AH Wool Sweaters REGULAR g aa VALUES TOvU LIQUIDATION SALE PRICE AH Other Sweaters Reduced For This Sale! ONE SPECIAL GROUP OF, Dress and Sport Oxfords Broken lines not all sizes in each style, but all srzes in the group. Values to $5.00. LIQUIDATION SALE PRICE All Florsheims and . Other Lines REDUCED S5 WORK SHOES Your choice of all leather, single of double soles. Reg. $3.45 NOW $249 FIELD BOOTS All leather construction in chocolate brown. Reg. $9.85 NOW $6" 8-in. Work Shoes Leather soles and rubber heels. Only 18 pairs in the lot. Regular $5.00. LIQUIDATION SALE ... $2?o 15-in. H Boots TOP All leather, full double soles and outside leather counters. Regular $7.95. LIQUIDATION SALE ... Same Boot, 12-inch $5.25 $555 AT LIQUIDATION SALE PRICES! jSoxford iTir. 1 1 1 11 1 Jfl IVIIT ROOM WITH TUt ft INOWU 111' 1 II 1 t! mtif nnu JJMff lllli 2&2M 250&3 OME PfRiON TWO COtl II 1HOF t COCK1AII lOUNdl WASH SLACKS Special lot of Wash Slacks, broken lines, $1.95 values. ?9 LIQUIDATION SALE WHIPCORD TROUSERS Heavyweight, forest green JQ color. Sanforized shrunk. v R $1.89 VALUE FOR HOT POINT ELECTRIC RANGES ELECTRIC STORE ENTIRE STOCK Manhattan SHIRTS KfiDUCEU! REG. $2.00 VALUES AT Others up to $350 at Liquidation Sale Prices &- v J$f DRESS SHIRTS Odds and Ends. Small and large sizes. LIQUIDATION SALE PRICE 50c PURE SILK SHIRTS "Made by Jason." Regular $4.00 and $5.00 values. LIQUIDATION SALE PRICE $249 SHIRT! Heavyweight Blue Chambray Work Shirts. Ventilated features and double back with JL dfo 2-button Dockets. JIQ&C LIQUIDATION SALE HEAVY COVERT CLOTH Work Shirts, forest green and oxford grey. Zipper front with 2-button flap poc kets. Sanforized. g Values to 98c GfflS LIQUIDATION SALE LEATHER PALM GLOVES Tomahawk brand. Limit 2 pairs to ' customer PAIR 39c HEAVY CANVAS GLOVES Limit 4 Pairs to Customer. 2 PAIRS 1SC derails Oshkosk B'Gosh, the world's best overalls, bib style $129 UNION SUITS 69c Random rib, short sleeve, ankle length. $1.00 VALUE FOR .... Engineer & Fireman Sox The workingman's favorite, ajfc mtt LIQUIDATION SALE PRICE 2 PAIRS White Leather Jackets For Sportswear VALUES TO $10.00 $495 All Wool Plaid Jackets Sports back, zipper front. VALUES TO $6.50 .... $325 TERMS OF SALE CASH! NO CHARGES!