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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1938)
ny 24, 1038 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SSVSN 11 The Inst-nf Kclionl picnic, mi nn ntial evmit ajmimoinl ly Dm Fulr liavnn I'liKiul-'I'diKlier otKuiilr.u lloii, w I i' lil In Monro imrh Hut -liriliiy, Mny 21, l Kiin v(l ii n nthnr lii)K mii.i'iN ly aiwrul liiimtrtMl Imys mid y,lfn itml (Iwlr pnri'itls iiml frlMinln. .Mm. liilml lfotiKtt wits jo I'hftiK" f Dm ly's activates, iil huh iiKfliiicil (liirlnii Dia nmm hour ty Mis. A. Mc(,iuih, Mil. l' Morton, Mm. I'nrl Itrn'iki, A. Mil. Dim, J. Juiii'H null Curl liikn. Tim IiIkIiIIkIiu of tlifl HimHlnit's activities wora tlio I wo lumiilmll fiiius, (ha flmt litMi Dm miir lli'il women mill Dm school ) i in. I mv 1 1 It (li women victorious by Tfi (ii II scorn 111 their (nvur. Tim afcimil liiimn wns liiy'il lictwoeii (lid limrrlod men Mini ll school bnyi, with tlin mnn winning by a ( to 14 aeors. After Imn'li nil th" children inrlli'lmK'il lu din trcimure IkiiiI. Ilmlily llrown fnmi'l Die Irenmirit. Tlin following Blunts worn tli"ti enjoyed : Hoys- 26 ynril tlimli, won It y Joseph 'uronlimkl. . ilrl' 25 yiti'ii ilnnh, won by I.uclllo fichlonel. Hoys' Co-tool whnelhnrrow race, with Jniiii'i t'liltii and J. C. Vaughn th wlnnliiK team. fllrls' 80-foot potato rnco, won hr MnrnA CuinminK. Hoys' lliri lKK"il race, won tiy Mnrman Morton nnil Jerry Wnl son. (Jlrl' tlirw l't:Kvl race, won by Effio Jlotrns nml Mitrim Cam mines. Hoys' sark rnra, won ly John Boyer. Dills' iinrk rnca, won ly Helen JSWl. ' HlKh school KlrU' pkk ",p. "n by Harhnra McLean. 1'lecMhir content, won by Ksnnalh Aber. I'm-school boyn1 rare, won by Jim Mlllor. I're tv-hool Klrl' race, won by (llorla Htewart. Men's flressliiK race, won by Forreni Dnnran. Wiwiffl'i nail driving contest, won by Mr". T, Kry. Mcnnr. Morton. Kmlth, de l.n cy. Hough, Mri.i'Mii mihI Kry bnlpcrt with 'hn rnco nml con tests. MERRILL BRIEFS MKRRIl.I. Ornnd prlr.- of fered for tha hlRh'fit scor h-ltl In brldtra end ptnarhta for (hn aarlea of aix card pnrlb'a apoiiBorod dttrlnK tha lt anvoral wocka by Womon of tba Moono wrri awnni d at tha Inut xnmra of tho "ii' ilayd at tha homo of Mra. Juck Hatllff on tlio Into llnv. Mr. W. C. Bailey who won th tcrand prUa In bruin aJno took low for tba fame that day. Mra. llnrtla rode look tlin Krnml prlio In pin ochle. Mra. O. J. Ilnrrla took hlutt acora la plnochln tor thu luat famoa with Mra. Jack Suavvy car rying the low acor. ItlKti In brldKa wont to Mra. Raymond. Mumbera of the rxncuttva com mltt mat Wodnoadny nltnrnooji at tha home of Mra. I II. SrliriM nar, Malln. Election of otflcora (or Women of tha Mooao will be bald at tha next miliar lodgo aoa alon. Mra. Elmer Merrill, Klnnmth Falla. formor Morrill rvalilont, who haft)eim rrlllenlly ill for aet ata! daya la reurld tu be makluc markad Improiemmit by Mra. It. L. Dallon. Mra. W. F. Jlnnotto Mlurncd tha aarly pnrt of the week from Cortallls where aha apent two waaka with her daughter, Mra. Frank Merrill, racupcruting from a recant lllneea. W. C. Nolman, Morrill contract or, made a huslncsa trip (o At utraa Wedtieadny. IMnna Bro being worked mil for a program tor minimi Children's day in Iho Morrill i'reabrterinn cburcb, arheilnled for June 12. Tha Ladlca Aid for tha Prosliy- Map of U. S. Territory ItOltlZONTAb i Miip or V. s, Territory pic tured here, STriin lurid I Diotintnlnoui Willi liiKh 12 .Small (shield. 13 MocMimkI. ii i'aymiiit tltmaii!, 15 Sky phenom enon. 17 1-cimca. 19 Crucifix. 2(1 C'liper. 22 Kxist.1, 2i Oienn. 23 Miiut. 2(1 lloverngo, 27 Creilit, 29 Sjmiii, JOSlrlfi 31 To alrike. 33 To Jump. 34 SUirjjcoiu. Ilfl Jlottle. .'Ill Alllimntlvc, 41 Membranous liiiK. Atiawcr to I'revlois rrntrie JC O N A 0 O M3A HC l, t o uWe sut o to n t a TjTj tin aoHTjoTOtV) UN I JO NjaERFHot"' (.lAcffMN cBa smi jRicjo rlT o erg t.pv ed ado PO M E HC AiSjE RUE M i T laiPlAINrnSlHriSlTiWAl'l if 5 llUrt?nterj, 19 ltd hlg!it IJtak Mt. i 18 Hnakot twig, 17 Vqxv are bred iioro on 2 Snuky toh; 43 Year. 45Conscfiuctit. 4S KouUieast, 4U IVoviticil. SI .Sleeplnif. b'i .Sound of lii((uiry. 83 Cumel-like niilmnl. 65 Seed bag. fit) J'artiili-n. nil One of Its boundaries, Sen, CO It Mijolns on tho cast. VKlfTICAk 2 0led. 2 Steel plated Jacket 4 Wooa, & Ozone, 6 3.1410. 7 Heboid. 8 Prrpocition. 0 I'anidltc, II) IVmalo lilnlive. 18 Rhouldtr blades. 23 Oirdle, 2 Cnnl)e. 28 Headed pin. 30 Method. 32 Sesame, '35 To arrogate. 36 An important industry here, fisheries. 37 Croup of eight. 40 Auto body. 42 fieinKJ. it To vex, 41 Therefore. 47 Form of "a." 48 Fish. BO Distant. 02 riicek letter. M i'ound. 64 Musical nolc. 67 Ujion. f8 South America 55 ?S" fiM 31 ' : t-i i!T W a i'i j S5 j ,um71 U M 14 n it "T4a TTMBriu Wx p lrln ehurrh voted at a moetluK hnlil Wmlneiiilny ttfiernoon at tho homo of Mra. Itoy Itodgea lo no vldo dinner for 200 of tho ainto sraitxa deleKKtea ho are expected to vlult the aKtlculturat area of Hie vnlley in June. A baked pota to atippi'r will he frv-d la iln. an nex of the ITi-abytrrittij rbwrrij nl & centa per plate. Mra. Itoy llodcea and Mra. Calvin Haaltlna will work out pUna for tho ini'nti and for -rvtiii;. Mra. Itoy IIoi!ks altel by Mr. W. F. Jluiietiv. Mm. ilormun lioilKea, Sir, ilnnwlnlilu ntui Mrs. Uotmcra served relresltittonta lo oaa nf iho Inrnent group in at teiiduiieo at an AUl ntei'diiK re eently. The noxt nn'i'liDK will be hi'ld at the home of Mm. l,ewl Kmtdra, the third Weducaday In June. Sheep ahenrora ara arriving In tho valley from the south and (touth end banda are being atrlpped of wool. lleporla of grand lodge nl Peu delton will he given at the next regular Heliekah lodge aeaaton by Mra, Myrtlo licnulcy, delegitto from the Merrill ltelxkah lodge, and by .Mr. anil Mra. it. ii. Anilnr hoii. I'liitm were made at the last aeioiion for attendance at church In a body on Sunday morning. May 29. Members will meet at lbo IOOF ball promptly at 10:30. marching to thu church In a body. At I lie flrat Juno meeting Mra. II. K. Balloy's birthday committee will bo In charge of refreshments and program. Native women of parts of Mrlt luli Uulana who diamond grating bonrda In limiting their dully brand. Hough d 1 n m o n d a are panned from nonrby alrenma ami Imbedded In wax covering n 1r1i of wood. SERVICE CLUB OF MERRILL HEARS SUMP DISCUSSION M KRR 1. 1. Morrill Rcrvlre cIhMmt .awl Viwk hvarl K. A. i o vim Tu(iiahi, ami Cvorge Tbo ma, MrriK rovipw iho report ftiv vn by a. K- JJay.Jen, snpinlcntl oat of thfl Klttmnth trriKBtton pro irrf, nt a rprrnt twn in T.el(tk on tho prjinsl rfloot Inc of lov?r Ktanuah Lako wUh rrtr-iitiic (o tttw rev.1, trR?i lh 1art lhal no additional coni ' win tu asainst presnC ; ! owiH-ri, tlte cost ot operating ) lo be finnnrod by JpnaJng re-cJnimed lanl now under water. BOOST POPPY SALE Saturday, May 2S, will b 1'op py day. On that day you wlif aee member of Pelican pout No. 1363, Veterans i Foreign Wars, and Ibeir anxlilnry on the atresia of j Klamath Falls offering tor sale? tlio well-known Wnridy popplea. j Till pnjifty al I an antiual event, 1 not only In KlatnuUi Kalia hut j throughout tlio United o'tatvs and Its iKasslons. The money from hl aalo i tiaed s:!ulvly for the benefit of liiaabii'd World war veteran and their dependents. . j Comrade fieorge R. Lee, chair-1 man of the Toppy day sales eom miitee, has secured & liuddy i'op y movie reel, which will be shown at one or wore loeai ibeatrea throughout the week. , Comrade f,ee and hi committee ' are (paring no effort toward mak ing the iorai aaio a aueceaa, and K I their hojie lo see every cltlien of Klamalh Falls wearing one ol the familiar little Ismidy popple. Pelican post No. 1383 meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. In the Odd Kellow building, KHth and Main street. Vtoltlnx comrade and local veterans who are not mnmhari aro cordially invited to attend these meeting. MAUN FOUR-H CLUB MEMBERS RECEIVE AWARDS MAUN With Interest In Kour H club work In Malta rated aa Keenest in Kiaroatb county, doi ens of Malta elementary school students, both boy and giria, re ceived certificate, acholarshlps and pins for completed work at I he annual achievement day pro gram Krtday. Presentation of third and fifth year pins was made by J. Carey .Moore of the .Merrill branch of the First National bank of i'orliand for Uei lilllard of the Matin branch, this year marking tho initial preaeutatioa of recog nition by this Institution. Stu dctila completing second, fourth and aialh year work received cards, presented by Clifford Jen kins, Klamath county Kour-fi ciub leader, who also presented scholar ships won by a number of mem bers entitling lhetn to attendance of classes at Corvallis lu June. Mallti leader who have guided the member through classes in cooking, sewing, canning and lire stock raising, who received recog nition Included Peter Rose, Loy Barker, Ruth Hale, Mary Cham bora. Henrlotia Shorl, Klia Wood, W. M. LORENZ Piumbing Haating Sheer Mela) oil S. 6th St. Phona 159 Skattcake Nothing better than strawberry short cake piled with luscious berries and whipped creim! And if you want it to be truly successful whether you nuke it with biscuit, cake or short bread dough use Schilling Baking Powder. Alcohol, SO by volem Pocked under 4 brands Grope Presj, 1SCO, Ifolian Colony ond Wne Prs Brandt you con be lure of getting llotion Swiss Colony quality every time. For ot the bottom of every wine fabef appears the name of the manufac turer ond of the bottler. Look for this name ITALIAN SWISS COLONY, tt assure! the perfection that comes from over 5o continuous years of wine- making experience. ASK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DEALER FOR THESI FINE CALIFORNIA WfNES Hold Everything! 'You're too heavy for this fool thing, Emma I -warned you before we started i" Mai in Brief -MALi.V Lucille JJogrove, for mer resWent ot Merrill, arrired the eariy part ol the wee after spending the past several months i In tho aouihweat and Mexico. Foi-1 louring a brief stay here she wHIj join her parents at Vale where tbey have gone to locate. j A dual birthday party iaat Sun day honoring snsall Jean Rxjnus and her cousin, Georgia Rainus, both four years old, was an event! to he reniemltered by the numer ous aiwaii KUesis bo rame lo en Joy the afternoon. After a play; Period and opening ol the host of: lovely slfta presented to the non-: or guests, refreshments were: Berved at a tanie centered with ajiple hlossotns. Taole favors that wero big surprises marked each place. Appointments carried out a color scheme o! pink and green vtih bowls of tulips about the rooms' adding to tho color note. Jean itainus is the daughter of Mr. and Airs. Jerry Kajnus and Georgia Is the son of Mr. and Mra. i'addy Hajnas. The guest list Included Conatd and Car! Rajoaa, Betty, Jimmy, 1'ear) and Norman Ottoman, Alice and BUiy Stonecypaer, and Shirley and DousiBs Anderson and tne two guests ot honor. The annual nigh school student body picnic will be neld next Mon day at Moore park, Kiaroalb Fail. American loss ot i!t during the Revolutionary War amounted lo ?18 men; tha British loss was S973 men. FHUilSIW Tie federal housing admlniaira tlon atarted instsrln mortjage on farm properties beginning May 14, 1938, according lo an announce ment by Btewart McUoneid, d miniairator. Amendments to the nntlonnt housing acl paased in February permit lise administrator for Ibe first tlm to Insure mortgage ioana made on farms on which farm bonsea or other farm bniid ig are to be constructed or re paired, provided at least IS per cent of the loan proceeds 1 ex pended for material and iahor on buildings. Rules and rejaiatlone covering the loans bav now been prepared hy ibe FHA, Pre viously, fha insurance has been granted only on coa-farnt reai estate leans. Farmers bs operate tbeir own farroa, imjivJduaia -who rent their farms to others and farm tenants and others who contentniate the purchase of farms are all eiijfibie to borrow from approved institu tion under ibe terms of Tills 1 of the act. Institutions approved by tha FHA aa mortgagees, which may appiy for insurance on farm loans, include banks, building and loan association, ilfs insurance companies, mortgage companies and other tending agencies. MALIN'S CHEESE FLOWN AIR MAiL TO 24 STATES j MALES Residents of 2t alaieai in the union will taste samples ot ! Malin cheese mailed front here; during ibe Air Maii -week, li -was announced Saturday by Mayor Ka- i lioa. Four and a half oonre box-1 es of cheese, donated by the Malls ! Cheese factory were purchased byj ciiiiens of ibe aonlb end for 3 cents per boa, 55iM-ibr bras iti Mails carrying , ttl SI In tlampi. States to Mcb lb scrapie wr mailed included Oregoa, Ct ifDjnia, Wasbinilon, iriabo, Kan sas. Tennessee, Gklanc-ma, ill noia. South Dakota, North Quito ts, Minnesota, levra, ffebrsslss, Teraa, Mlesisaispi, Missouri, Bi ware, Coiorario, Keniae?, Mon tana, Washington, D. !., Ccnsds, Alanica, Hawaii. Cbnber of Commerr enve lopea bearing i chamber clogaa cr mailed lo 3SS peraon. Timoifey Ofiaharty, SS, logger, was booked t tbe eounly frii Monday under aeulence ot days and a 2 fine for dis orderly conduct, passed by jut!c Jvey Clark of Sprague Biver court. Also from Justice Cisrk's court was Sinraco Choeittoot, Indian, J25 and u days for being drunk on a public highway. Hawaii White, Indian, began, serving out a 425 fine levied hy Juaiica Krl Brsdfield of Cbliouln for being drunk in a public place. NO KEB TAPE Details Arranged at ottr Home Only Resposaible Paintsrc ad UecDralora Bo S'onr Job Cat! Mr. tt inningbajn Today, Residence fitone SSSR i w. wmrn YARDS . Phono las WORLD'S QUICKEST CORN CURE! NO PAIN i NO BURN! Your com comes out In 10 MIN UTES without one bit of pain or j soreness sr your druggist gives i MONEY BACK! C08N-0FF it j the MODESN core remedy no i messy pads or days of pamfui wait- j ing! Get rid of your corn TODAY! CORN-OFF Elk Lake Lodge Opens Saturday, May 28 ;Leave The DeBej-Ceb'foroj nigbxay i J.Pn- Mcdor fcesfej v!S meet psrttas at south end ef &t. , THIS mm PLYMOUTH in uu T This big:, beautiful Plymouth has a Xa new ride that'sthe year's sensation in the lowest-price field, IV Ofthe3leadinglowest-pricedc8rs, X the Piymouth "Ro8dking"i$ nearly 7 inches longer than one; more titan 10 inches longer than the other I TV All Plymouth model have the same big, 82-horsepower "L-head" en gine for f uif power with economy. Yovit as swtPWSiK how dhjcJj theFiyrnoutit "J5oaiJiiE4'W erjfrom otfcer joweat -priceti cars. tiumg-h tfcey tost about the same. It' trigger,.. better engineeredf -Plymouth has -ring pistons, a chafa-iriTea camshaft, Hypoid rear axle dSSeteacex that mean lower upkeep, longer ttfe. Try the exciting experience of & rfcrfng the Plymouth "Hoadking," Big, airptane-type hock-abvafcer ead "UTe" rahher body motintmgj smooth out bumps sad vibration. Experience lie sew cmoothsew of Plymouth's FJoatin Power engiB movintDg,th6qBietofPiyiDOuth' "radio studio" sound-proofing, Cet the safety of KyjuositB' double-action byiJraulic brafees,-, ail-stEtJ body wltb Safety Styitoa. Andit'soyrafeuy.Ycurpresent car wiS probabiy represent a iara jTOrfflrtiortofPlymTO&'alOTrdeiir ereg prsce.bajance la SiirpHsicy iow mf gtbiy insfaiments, CaU your nearby Piymoaih deaier for a demonstratioa todayt r p ESr 5-PASSENCfiSEMrJ . 'Ftrrfil titOrmd prfesti" tntSadintt trmt antf iw bups antf bunaaf squires, apere ivnatC -filrs sua rl?r aateq- ciaw. utd atmk. s( xietc teat). Ptrwutb "HomiUnti" nMSt nun s t "SalM" modln(Kiyhtii(r. PfpsKKKii prieecti!CI.VOI Alt San, Seat tana not tactual. 6m tht Hi PfcrmoiitJi "Kotitii&." ndsar, WWHOS or CKYaua CORPORATION, Ottrnit, Mitbisn. . , . vm hum tern? tfamss mat, teumm ismm,misaKst,mit, PLYMOUTH OUILDS GREAT CAR I H I I A I OPriClll AN HANtllCO'tAHfOINI