May 21, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Students Graduate Friday Is Date of Services for 2 00 Klamath Seniors Klamath Pall resldonla will be Kitnnla at an Impresatv roroiiinny Friday afternoon, May llio twenty-seventh, whn ovr two hundred sunlor dress ed In cl" end gown will march 1nwn the aisle and up to I ho platform of thn Pnllonn thoatro for Din Knidiinllnn ex orcise or III class of 1 0 3 . The hlieh school girls' oo. (tlo will fiirnlnh tlio inualo for I ho afternoon, und thn high achool orchualrn will piny th procosslonal und recessional, Li. 0. Obnrllos, a rollred busl i nes man or Tacoma, Washing 1 Ion, will address Ihs graduate on I ho subject tin "Dreamer." Reverend Hussnll of tha Nai arone church will glvo tha In vocation. Scholarships and award will ha given lo Ilia axnlora, and two hundred dlplomna will ha pra aonlod lo tha graduates by Mr. Percy Murray, chairman of tha achnol hoard. CALENDAR Sunday, May 22 Robekalt Social club serving waffle breoMast for members of Robekah lodge at IOOF hell from 9 to II e. m. Nominal charqe. For reservations call 312-W or 390-M. Monday, May 23 Annuel ipring flower show and lea fo be given by Klam ath Fells Women's Library club In main auditorium, Tha public Invilod. Mrs. C. W. Hornl brook, chairman of the flower show and Mrs. G. Logan Black, ehoirmen of tea. Royel Neighbors of America cel'od mooting in IOOF hall at seven-thirty o'clock. Tuesdey, (May 24 Annual meoting of ell Delph ian chapters in the Elk hotel at half pat ton o'clock. Mrs. J. Royal Shew to speek on lest two programs. Luncheon et half past twelve o'clock followed by skit. Regular meeting of Aloha chapter, O. E. S., in the Ma sonic temple et eight o'clock. This is the annual guest night meeting. Wednesday, May 25 Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt to pre sent students of piano and voice In recital at eight fifteen o'clock In library auditorium. Annual tea for senior girls to be given at the home of Mrs. J. Royal Shaw by members of AAUW. Hours, 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock. Thursday, May 26 Sojourners will meet in the Willard hotel at two o'clock. Hostesses, Mrs. C. E. Seavey and Mrs. James Burness. St. Paul's Guild to meet with Mrs. Gary Corad In the Alpha apartments. Friday, May 27 May mooting of Past Ma trons club to be hold at Ma sonic temple at one o'clock with luncheon, business meet ing and cards. Saturday, May 28 Elks May danco to be given In the Elks temple for Elks and their ladies. Spring rummage salo planned by the Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Wednesday, June I Wednesday club of St. Paul's Episcopal church in the parish house with Mrs. M. J. Young as chairman. Business meeting. Thursday, June 2 , Study group meeting of Beta Sigma Phi in the Willord hotol at eight o'clock. Saturday, June 4 Benefit card party sponsored by the American Legion auxil iary in the Amoricon Legion hall at one-thirty o'clock. Monday, June 6 The next regular meeting of the Business and Professional Women's club will be held at Hotol Willnrd on Monday eve ning. June 6, with dinner served at six thirty. This will be the "boostor" meeting for the state convention and Ruth Bothiany, newly elected president, will novo charge of the oroqram. Annual dinner of Eulalona chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution to bo held at half past six o'clock, the place to be announced lotor. Mrs. Thomas Hampton, chair man. Saturday, June 1 1 Members of Roames Golf and Country club and thoir guests will enjoy a celebration dance at the club house. The Sojourners will meet In tho Willnrd hotol at two o'olock In the amnll party room nn Thtiradny, May the twonty Ixth. llostosson for tha affnlr will be Mra. C. B. Seavey and Mrn, Jntnos Bunions. Those who wish miiy have luncheon nerved nt one o'clock In the dining room before play Inn carda. EL RODEO STAFF ENDS YEAR WITH PARK PICNIC Tho Kl Rodeo atuff of Klam ath Union high achool ended a successful year with a. plcnlo at Moore purk Wodnesday, May eighteenth. Daauhall andtennl wore played during tha afternoon af ter which rofroahnionta ware aerved around a camp fire. Thorn prnsnnt wero Lattl Stewart, Carolyn Collier, Penny Cnnatuna, Donna fife, Harry Johnson, Irla Lindbergh, Leo Mnlatorn, Johnny lliiffiilto, Mary Murnurot Hcolt, Jim Tel ford, Leland Met), Ruth Hon drlcka, Mary Lee Kollla, Itiiltj Molnua, Vernon Mlchelson, Ki ll Piper, Lucille Hiulth. Mil ford Hlmrkl. and advlsera, Chen tar Bhulur, and Victor Jepsnn. Nurses Plan Meet June Convention To Be Highlight of Next Month Nuraaa throughout Oregon will gather In Klnmath Falle for their annual alate conven tion to ho held Mty tho thlrty flrat until June third, when the graduate nuraca of dlatrlct eight will praald ai boatoaaoa at what promlaea to be an Interest ing and full three days. Jane V. Doyle, prealdont of the Oregon State Nurses association, will preside at the various ses sions, and the outstanding apsaker on the program will he Mra. Alma II. Scott, di rector of the American Nursing aasoclatlon headquarter. Mra. Katherln Wilson of Merrill Is president of the hostess associa tion. Among tb entertainments to b provided for th visitors will ha a tea to be given by th aux iliary to tho Klnmath Lnke Md tcul society at tho homo of Mrs. P.. V. Johnson on Pacific Ter race, and a trip (o Crater Lake on tbe final afternoon of the convention. Following are the convention committees which have been ap pointed: Registration Mrs. Kathryn noes, chairman, Mrs. Emma Ma son, Mrs. Kathorlne Hyatt, Mrs. Jewel Kelgor, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Alice Lawrence, Mrs. Mary rtugh, Mra. nertha Mae Har lan. Mrs. Mitthllda Kiln. Mra. Ellznhuth Kharp and Mies lilt terondt. Crator Lake Trip Mra. Hel en Held, chairman, Miss Sinn ton, Mlsa Lorna Joy Liggett, Mlsa Mildred Crawford, Mrs. Jesalo llryant. Mra. Niioml Mil ler and Mra. Huby Lyle. Transportation Mra. Gtircen Arnold, chnlrnmn. Mra. Mary Hare, Mra. Margaret O'Connor, Mra. Nan O'Hrlou, Mra. Flora Dyson. Mrs. Charlotte Oshorn, Mra. (jraco Miller. Mra. Mary Hugh. Mra. Mary Walsh Rmlth, Mra. Lora Brateo and Mra. Vir ginia Hauval. Banquet committee Mr. Ruby Lyle. chairman, Mra. Kathorlne Wilson, Mra. Mury Brlody, Mrs. Julia James, Mrs. Naomi Miller and Miss Mildred Crawford. Exhibits Mra. Naomi Miller, chairman, Mra. Wlnnlfred Ful llngton, Mra. Lydla Frlrke How ard and Mlaa Myrtle Hall. Amor lean Journal of Nursing reproaontatlves Mra. Ethel Mil lar and Miss Alyce Johnson. "Orogon Nurse" advertising Miss Myrtle Hall. Hoadquartors and the roxla tratlon desk will be located at tho Willard hotel and all meet ings of the convontlon will b held at tho city library audi torium. PATSY MILLER IS ENTERTAINED AT BIRTHDAY PARTY Mra. Bort Miller entertained a group of friends In honor ot hor llttlo daughter, Pntsy tilth's fourth hirthdny nt their horn on Crescent avenue Mon day afternoon. The llttlo folka were Nancy Lee Fitzgerald, Jo lone Chapman, Lola Cadn, Bev erly Jones, Bovorly Fullor, Charlene Reynolds, Mary Hook er, Patricia Boe, Dnrlono Smith and Luana Smith. Mothers preaont were Mesdamea Wil liam Jonoa, Chnrlea M. rtnyn olds, Walter Fuller, Roland Komp, Ernest Stolnselfor, Law rence Cada, Jean Hooker. Adolf Boe and the hostess, Mra. Ilert Miller. Games wore played by the little folks who wore prenonled with balloons and sorved lunch from a prettily docorntod table. A largo birthday rako with four cnndlea adorned the center of the table and favors were bon bons and small baskets ot candles. Health Board Will Meet on Wednotday There will bo a luncheon for mombors of tho bonrd ot direc tor ot tho Klnmath County Health association to be given at the Pollcan Grille at twelve o'clock noon on Wednesday, May tho twenty-fifth. This la the first mooting of thn asso ciation since tho election of of flcera the latter part of April. . May Mooting Is Postponed to June ' Mombors of I he Oregon Mothers club have boon advised that the May mooting has been cancelled and the June meot ing will be hold tho first Mon day In June which falls on tho sixth of the month. The place will be announced later. "T t"H""l'?"i'i"'t wili'i"'ii'l , U v VI It A J fit i AI'l i Delphian Meeting Society Will Have Full Program On Tuesday The corning wek snes the "wind-up" of numerous clubs, groups and organizations who will rest during the summer months aftor a scoro or moro of meetings, luncheons and pro grams that have kept them busy this past winter. On Tuesdny morning. May tha twenty-fourth, nt half past ton o'clock In the Elk hotel nil chap ters of Delta Gnmma of Dot plan society will meet, Mrs. J. Itoyul Shnw will dls cuss the Inat two programs of the year, "Tho World War," and "Tho Post War British Emplro." At half past twulvo o'clock thero will he a luncheon served to members ot all Dolphlan groups and following will bo the gala affair of tho year. Tho annual festivities will bo ob aorved at this lime and forgot ten, for tho moment, will be tbe deep problems of history, war In Kuropo and social struc ture. Members from each chapter will tuko part In a skit which promises to be the hUhllgbt ot the year. Mrs. Twyla Ferguson will pre side at the luncheon. Mrs. Ferguson Is president of Delta Gamma chapter. All members of Delphlnn aro asked to save this dnto which completes tho 1937-38 year, a highly success ful one. Mrs, Bothiany Is Hostess at Dinner Mrs. Harry Bathlnny enter tained tor mombors of hor din ner club on Thursdny evening, May tho nineteenth nt hor homo In tho Marlon apartments. Bowls ot lilacs, BiiowbnllB and tulips wore used about tho room. Fol lowing dinner bridge was played. The group will meet In a fortnight with Mra. Ooorge Clark, Jr. Guests of tho evening wero Mlsa Gwendolyn Lorenz, Miss Ruth May Bnthlnny nnd Miss Mildred Frnser. - t r W It.-' ,f p ri : v ! i v -a r 1 " "' " "TV,; ,4 Si.rt' ' - f - i' it'," ' JUNE BRIDE-ELECT Miss Lucille Rasmusson whose engagement to Mr. Dale West was announced at a toa given Sunday oftornoon. Miss Rasmussen will be married at the home of hor mother, Mrs. Mattio Rasmussen on Sunday, June tho fifth. Many parties have been planned in hor honor. Konnell'Ellls picture MRS. BELDING HONORED WHEN TEACHERS MEET The Klamath Falls Grade Teachers association paid spe cial honor to Mrs. Molllo Bcld Ing at Its annual dinner Friday evening at tho Elk hotel, when offlcora were also elected for thn coming year. Mrs. Boldlng. who has been In the city school systom for a number of yenrs haa resigned , and will make her future home In Santa Barbara, Calif. She was presented with several lovely gifts as gestures of ap preciation and fnrcwcll from the association mombors. She has been teaching at the Roose velt school for the past several years. In a short talk. Miss Augusta Parker, principal nt Fremont school, reminisced on Mrs. Boldlng who was her primary teacher In Grants Pass and paid tribute to her. Mr. Lowell Kaupf principal at the Pelican school, was elect ed the new president ot the aa soclatlon; Mrs. Irmn Owsley of Mills school, vice president, and -Miss Vera Wright of Jos eph Conger school, secretary treasurer. Mlaa May E. Phln ney. Fremont teacher, Is the retiring president, and was given an appreciative vote of thnnks for her year' work. Mr. Harry Bolvln, atnte rep resentative and speaker of the ovenlng, talked on the teacher tenure of office plnn. after which all of thoso present en tered Into a discussion of this subject. Forty teachers were seated about the long tables which wero decorated by Mrs. Jon notto Brown of Mills school to represent May flower gardens. Bowls of vnrl-colorcd tulips wero surrounded by tiny white wlckot fences nnd the little gnrden gates leading Into the gardens were flanked by tiny pots ot lilacs In purple and white. Mrs. Irmn Badger of Mill school lod In pop singing dur ing the evening. Tho nnnunl guest night, spon sored each year by the mem bers of Aloha chapter. No. 61, Order of tha Eastern Star, will be hold Tuesday evening at eight o'clock In the Masonic temple, It has been announced. mmaBMMHBSSHHHHBMHKSMdLLJBaMIMaMHaiMj Al TOMMY HORAN'S PARTY. Seven young gentlemen are resting after luncheon at which they " are entertained following a theatre party last Saturday in honor of Tommy Horan's birthday anni versary. The party was given for Tommy by his aunt, Mrs. Charles G. Hovey and guests were entertained at the Pelican Grille following the theatre. At the extreme light, in a white suit, is Tommy Horan and around the table from Tommy's left it Gary Smith, Jacltia Holmes, Jimmy Carter, Tommy Whistler, Jimmy Hayes and George Andrew Stevenson. Staff photo i y. -, i AAUW To End Year Program Given At Luncheon in Hotel Elk Saturday The last meeting of the year for members of the American Aasoclatlon of University Wom en was held on Saturday after noon, May tbe twenty-first In tbe Elk botel at one o'clock, completing an Interesting and busy year of programs and lec tures. Mrs. Sam Lock wood present ed a paper on "Social Conditions In Norway and Sweden" which was excellently prepared and presented. Miss Virginia West, retiring president of AAUW was present ed with a gift of appreciation from tho group for her work within the group during the past year. Mrs. J. Truman Runyan will serve as president during the coming term. In charge of tbe meeting were Mrs. Godfrey Blohm, chair man. Miss Rosemary Scboenl, Mrs. J. C. O'Neill, Mr. John Cuslck, Miss Helen McCarter and Miss Elizabeth Frldeaux. Plans were discussed for the annual tea given by AAUW for senior girls which will be an event of Wednesday afternoon from half past two o'clock un til half past five o'clock at the home ot Mrs. J. Royal Shaw, S05 Pacific Terrace. Prospec tive members are Invited to at tend. Happy Hour Club With Mrs. Jones Mrs. H. E. Jones was hostess to the Happy Hour club the af ternoon of May tha tenth at her home on Lincoln street when those present were Mes damea Carl Sandell, Frank Evans, Jennie Hum, W. J. Stein metz, George Blehn, Albert Langer, O. M. Hector, Herbert Savidge, Dayton Barnhart and daugbter Louise, E. H. Law rence, R. 0. Motschenbacher, Eda Adamson and son Jerry. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Herbert Sav idge at Lakeshore Gardens. Tuesday afternoon. May twenty-fourth. Tea Plans Announced Senior Girls To Be Honored by AAUW. May 27 Senior girls of Klamath un ion high school, who will be graduated on Friday afternoon, May the twenty-seventh, will be complimented with tbe an nual spring tea which I given by the Klamath Falls group of the American Association of University Women, This year the tea will be given at the borne of Mr. J. Iloyal Bhaw on Pacific Terraca from half paat two o'clock to half past five o'clock on Wed nesday, May the twenty-fifth. Mrs. Robert Thompson I chairman of the committee as Isted by Mr. J. Royal Shaw, Mrs. Charles G. Hovey, Mr. Arthur Larsen, Mra. George Myers, Mr. Lawrence Slater, Mrs. Howard Barnhlsel, Mrs. J. It. Wolcott, Mr. Donald Rosa, Mrs. William Prentice, Mr. Alene Williamson, Mra. Wil liam Kuykendall, Mr. Lloyd Goblo, Mr. Donald McLucaa, Mrs. Mahr Reymer, Mr. Earl Reynolds, Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, Mrs. Frank Holme Jr., Mr. William Ferguson and the Mlsse Virginia Flck, Virginia West, Beulah Gore and Kath ryn Walton. Asked to pour at tbe tea, are Mrs. Godfrey Blohm, Mr. Frank Jenkins, Mr. Ralph. Waldo Stearna. Mra. O. A. Krause, Mrs. K. A. Moore and Mrs. J. V. Owen. Mrs. Shaw has been asked to arrange the tea table. Receiv ing will be Miss Virginia West, president of the association, Mrs. J. Truman Runyan, presi dent for the coming year, and Mr. Robert Thompson,, social chairman. POTLUCK LUNCH GIVEN IN HONOR OF MRS. HENSCHKE Mr. Eldor Henschke was complimented with a potluck luncheon on Wednesday after noon of this week when club member gathered at her home In honor ot her birthday anni versary. Covers at luncheon were laid around a prettily arranged bowl of pewter tilled with deep blue Iris, copper snapdragons, white lilacs and rosebuds. On . either side of the bowl were tall burning tapers. About tha rooms bowls ot tulips, bleeding hearts and hyacinths were used to complete the springtime ap pointments. Maytlme motifs were used as table decorations with minia ture Maypoles and pastel color ed baskets at each place. Luncheon was served In the patio to Mrs. Fred Floetke, Mrs. Verna Wenner, Mrs. Pearl Sanders, Mrs. Rita Fuller and daughter, Beverly, Mrs. Lillian Moore, Mrs. Chloo Shlpman, Mrs. Swanee Pitcher, Mrs. Dor othy Maxwell and the honor guest, Mrs. Henschke. Occupy Summer ' Home Near Talent Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ravizza and young daughter, Susan, have moved from their home on Park avenue In Medford and will spend the summer months at the Leslie Rogers summer home on Wagner creek which is a charming dis trict not far from Talent. Mrs. Ravizza Is the former Jean Rogers of Klamath Falls. Visitors From Salem Weekend Guests Here Mr. and Mr. Keith Powell ot Salem are spending the weekend In Klamath Falls as the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers. They have many friends In Klamath Falls are are greeting them during their stay here and several affairs have been planned tor this weekend tor the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Powell. Mr. Powell is a member ot the federal reserve board. SINGERS HAVE LUNCHEON WHEN MEMBERS GATHER On ot tha loveliest luncheons In th aerie the Mother-Singer have enjoyed thla season wa that at which Mra, H. S. Stone entertained on Wednesday. A beautifully appointed table with a centerpiece ot tulip and a corsage for each guest made a delightful setting for spring luncheon. Mra, John D. Sslby w elect ed president of tbe group In the election which followed the luncheon and Mr. Ston was chosen a secretary-treasurer. Those who attended were Mr. John D. Selby, Mra. J. L. Olaen, Mr. J. A, Burke, Mr. George H. Roger, Mrs. Rollln Cantrall, Mr. Guy Merrill, Mra. R. E. Thompson, Mr. Otto Langlaet, Mra. Raymond H. Reeves and the boateas, Mrs. Ston. Mrs. Krause Is Guest Lecture On Bali Of Interest To Wednes day Club There Is no more fascinating subject under the sun than the Island of Ball which lies east of Java In the Dutch West In dies. It was of Ball that members of Wednesday club of St. Paul's Episcopal church, and their guests, heard Mrs. 0. A. Krause speak on Wedneaday night In tbe parish house when she gar the moat Interesting lectnre th club baa heard ilnce Mr. Krause graciously ipoke on her . trip to Japan a year ago. Tbe custom of the people, tbe country surrounding tbe Tillages, the rich ceremonial customs which, occupy and dominate the life of the Soiln ess from their birth to crema tion. In fact a hundred details that were of the keenest Inter est to those who heard Mrs. Krause were given In a most Interesting manner. Many fascinating booklet and pictures were shown by Mrs. Krause, including many pictures which she took herself ' while spending two months In Ball, to Illustrate her descrip tive talk. Mra. Krause' descrip tion of the fruit and flower of ferings which were taken to th temples was especially interest ing a were the marriage cere monies and other rites of th Ballnese. Dessert was served to more than forty guests at half past seven o'clock. The parish house was attractive with bowls ot deep blue lupin, vases ot blos oma and lighted candles. - Hosteases for ther evening were Mr. Franklin L. Weaver and Mra. Neat Stewart. The next meeting of Wednesday clnb will be held In tbe parish house on Wednesday evening, June the first, at which time a business meeting with Mrs. James Manson Young as chair man, will be held. The Past Matrons club will be entertained Friday, May twenty - seventh, at a one o'clock luncheon and business meeting at the Masonic temple .with Mrs. B. A. Purcell, Mrs. Oscar Peyton. Mrs. E. E. Smith and Miss Mayme Wblt tington as hostesses. Cards will be enjoyed- during the afternoon. L' l 1 I s I - Ale MAT WE S U G"G E S T LflRKUrOOD HOSIERY , ... the always welcome ejift In"1 three styles she Is sure to like: Lark-wood's LO-HIGH-the glam orous two and three thread just over-the-knee stocking- 69c Larkwood's TEMPERED TWIST-a lovely three thread stock ing for general wear . . 1.00 Larkwood's CHAR CREPE -In the' two thread -Just the kind of stockings she's always wanted and Mother wouldn't buy $1.15 A graduate will love these colors;) wouc . menu f TlOriCAl Til ADRIENNE'S Medical-Dental Blcfg. Recital Planned Mrs. Zumwalt Will Present Students On Wednesday Each spring Mr. Don J. Zum walt presents her students of Tolce and piano In a Interesting and refreshing a recital as could be asked. On Wednesday evening, at elght-flfteen o'clock, May the twenty-fifth In the library audi' torlum, Mra, Zumwalt will pre sent a group of her student In cluding Geanna Goeller, Vir ginia Tyrrell, Mary Lou Van Riper, Wilbur Kesterson, Lol 8 c h u 1 1 1, Dorothy Kesterson, Gayle Oalloway, Margaret Mo Lellan, Cecil Fox, Edna Both well Kent, Bethel Nixon Edialt and Lillian Olsen HUH. Following I the program a announced by Mr. Zumwalt: Duet for two Sopranos- Oh That We Two Were Maying Smith. Tbe Anthem Frlsby. Geanne Goeller and Virginia Tyrrell Piano Tbe Return ot Commander Byrd Hackleton. Tarantelle MacLachlen. Mary Lou Van Riper Piano The Cotton Picker Martin, Camp Wlnsum Greene, Wilbur Kesterson Sounds Meyer. Spinning Bong Ellmenrtlcb. Lol Scbults Bong Hollyhock Bond. The Rosary Nevln. Dorothy Kesterson Lovely Night Ronald. Paries mol d'amour Renoir. Gayle Oalloway Piano Fantasy Rolfe Frolic of the Wind (Chro matic Waltz Cramm. Margaret McLellan Songs Rlmplanto (Serenade Tossel U. Until Sanderson. Virginia Tyrrell Songs Still wle die Nacht Bohm. Beloved, It Is Morn Aylward. Cecil Fox Songs Mattinata Tostl. A Lesson with the Fan d'Hardelot. Geanne Goeller Piano Rondo Capriccloso Mendtla , sohn. Virginia TjrrreU Songs Lullaby Brahms. A Heart That's Free Robyn. Edna BothkeU Kent Songs -Du biat die Ruh Schubert, Laughter Has Come Cox. Bethel Nixon Edsall Piano Venetlenne Barcarolle God ard. Caprice Vlennols Krelsler. Virginia Tyrrell Songs Quando m'en to (Musetta'i Walts from La Boheme) Puccini. Unmindful ot the R o e Schneider. Carmena Wilson. Lillian Olsen Hlllls Ushers for tbe evening will be Mlsa Barbara Johnson, , Miss Rosemary Sloan, Miss Carolyn Collier and Miss Patricia Gal lagher. nenne s &4 it i