Mny 10, 1038 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FLLS, OREGON FAGE NINE 1 AD ES Hi r SETATUMORT Feminine CompunioiiH to Get in Free At Tues day's Mat Card. I ii n ll i oat iy Din nil Inmlimrn over the snort -x prnnnncl hy (ho Nnws Ilnrnld's lilrl raporlr-r, who al tonilod liar first winsllliig mulch liml Tuesday iiIkIH, I'roiiialor Muck l.llliud announced Thurs day I lint not work lm would run (I not a "Indies' iiIkIU" nt Hi" . armory. 4 Tor the ipoclul '!'-1 1 I Ion n( sweolhrurts, wives, nlaiurn, iIiiiikIi I itii and nvan ii-hunl mkii fclrla, ilia proniiitur linn llni'd up ft curd Wllll'll will tulld Itnil l.yuiiH. Ill" Joiillil ghust, iixulnnl llnlihy thick In I ho main ovunl; Tony tliirl lialdl OKiiliml III" IhmiiIuiI "Ho ri'ol" III tlin mldilln limit, mid l.efly I'uror aalnst Floyd llrltl In Hi" opi'iior. I.niUoR' iiIkIh. wlilrh will also ,a 'pain' nlKlil" l Hi" first vr attempted Imp', nml Ulliird Bi peds I tin occasion will afford mi opportunity for iniiiiy women wlio, Jlko til ii .News llurnld reporti'r, linvo iiitvir lii'torn scon a limtcli. in set mi Illtioillirllnn to tho rolorlul iiioiiii mid mniiKln busi ness. Here Ii the arrangement: 1. Anyone who huyii a ringside rut mny take a woman or girl l.l. .. I,,.r uuest Tlln eilpst Will ,.i Issued III" adjacent ringside seal at no extra cosi. J. Anyono who buys general niliiilKKl'in ticket nt the box-office .... rtiti.i iiiuhf will ho Imiiipd An extra general admission ticket fur hlii or Iiit feminine companion. 1. Any youngster who lm) a seat nt the regular children price mill" ny bo accompanied free by bin or her sister or girl friend no long " 'no E"''1" ' ago lo roino iiudnr the children's rote. Milan! pointed out that It In not necessary for tho scal-buyor t I... man or boy. A womiiii or ulrl limy buy ouo unit and take another woman or itlrl along. Thn promotor regarded tho signing ot Hod l.yom for a third appearance here both as a sur prise end huppy coup. Ho Mid that even boforo I.yono quit tho ring III rage lout Tuesday over losing a foul verdict to tho "He rret " lm hil despaired of Indue liiK I'm footloose Joplln ghost to my ovi-r another week, nnd lhl when l.yom became fired up over whiit ho prolostcd wnn a "raw do rlslon." tho !'. "'Inl ,,0Pe seemed to go glimmering. It win moro or loss of c"'" lonKO that turned tho trick, Ul Urd Mid. . . .... Iloforo tho ihont hod ovon half cooled down. UlUrd told him llobhy Chick l inlklity anxloui to moot you. Ilo y you'd ho nurkor for nn nlrpluno "Pin- ' -Oh. lm doe". doo hu?" Iho Irato MlMourlan counlori'd. "Well, l'vo nover bwn hoali-n with a Pin, and If ho waiito to try It. Il' UK with me." That'o how tho main event match niado. Six Marks Fall As Grant Wins Portland Meet P (JUTLAND. .May 19 (P slx nirot recordn toppled yoitorday In thn nlnlli nnnuiil norlliwom Junior truck mid H"ld iii'-et. won by Cirnnt of 1'orllmiil with 311 pnlnn. f" -lowed by Wanlilniitoit, Portland, with 2.1. Bhnrwood Frakeii, Scnppooiio, polo vaulted 11 fet. 0 Inch'1" t" linltnr hy threo Incliea the rocoril act lnat year hy Krlrkoon of Long view, waah. . Uob Fluher, Wanhlnitlon. lot a new mllo record of 4:47.1. Now land. Medtord; Chrliitemen. Oro Ko city, nnd DoWllt. Iiimylew. all ilinrel In a now atnto lilch nmp recm-.l ot B font, 6 Inchea, hrenk Iiik tho mark aet liml year by Now land by an Inch. , ,, ., Ed KoitUm, Lincoln (Portland), doubled on reconlo hy dolnR the 4 40-ynrd rnco In BJ.4 aoeoniH. ' Hi on tuklim the 120-yard low nur- Oiea in l.i. n boi ......... Don lloff, Oranl. flipped ahotput 46 feet, tl tncneo 10 Kd Stamm'a 1037 record by exact ly two feet. Schools wlnnlim points Incluil-ed- Medford 1 1-3; OreRon City 14 1-3 Lincoln (Poi'tlnrd) 14; rionnoii (I'ortlnnd) 11; t'01'1"' Wnh.. 7 1-3! Vancouver, Waih.. Scnppoono S; Mllwauklo 4, Commerco, Jeffernon nnd Roodo 'vnlt (nil Portland), Hnlom nnd Phoenix tlod nt 2-nll. and llonv nrton 1. ON THROUGH TIME Year after year our Monti monta retain tho clinato beauty willed la built Into them. Vor limy nro carved ont of onctur IniC Htones of Iknuly ao Hint their chain el er will remain, linperlNlinlily. Oiira nro Monu ments crentcil, "Not for an iikc, but fur nil I line." Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 1 10 H. lllll Ht. Phono lllfl-J Gorgeous Plumed Bird IIOUIZONTAL 1 Ulid that burlci Ita head, pictured here. 7 Slight flapi. 11 Distant. 12 Dycwood trco. 13 Region. 14 Baking dith. 10 Typo itandord 17 To bo victor lout. 18 Bagpipe ' plnyei 20 Nulve. 22 Minor note. 23 Vessel. 25 Therefore 20 Indian. 28 III wings re small and , 32 Also. 33 Ciintuloupei, 3.1 Cruel ruler. 37 Mlro. 38 Cod of war. 40 Folding bed. 41 Street. 43 Threefold. 4J Thrived. Answer to Previous Puxilo T 1 CUM o ullS. .lL2jrri inir s olOIs iMubGEHRIG nNdsfrnyrsiE BaI f' ' 1 sMflLiADE2lv A P I jSlE! NWL JP AMA T t 0 & WE 0 O SlJE Ml UN A P E OtInMp C 3. I NPPHjS ja e ft olli: n rjjv e e (vr. t&tRlElA tIeIs t TttlA Trm 47 Road. 48 Slop! 60 Train of attendants. 52 Coinpuny. 53 Muthcmullcnl torm. 55 Auto body. 50 Molten rock. 58 Pares. 00 Portuguese coin. 01 To ascribe. 02 It is nn bird. 03 It ll tho of existing bird VERTICAL 1 Preposition. 2 To surfeit, 3 Journey. 4 Neuter pronoun. 5 Billiard rod. 0 Hooked. 7 Yellowish brown. 8 Melody. 0 Blessing. 10 South America. 15 The tin. 18 II Ii raised for Its . 10 Dissolute Idler. 21 It ll swift 24 Onager. , I 27 Trco. 20 Gibbon. . v 30 Street. t 31 Silver In Ingots. 32 To moke tace. 34 Opposed to In. 30 Lino. 38 To confine to one locality. 30 Hangnail. 42 Itobbcr. 4-1 Thing, 40 To husten. 47 Wanders. 41) Heavy blow. 51 Fish. 52 Coircchouso. 53 Mineral spring. 54 Prophet. 50 Limb. 57 Work of skill SO South Carolina Ul Rnllrond. I ll i I't p 10 y. 1 Y l' llu n -i2 r- ij n o . n IZ ' V i6 it I io pi Hp: ri37 ppi pVr3 LJ 41 Piii 'iib w riwu r'Ti 35" Liil''0' IT' ' MM. W 1 U. S. Walker Cup Squad Arrives At Scottish Course TROON. Scotland, May 19 Tho United States Walkor cup golfers arrived on the scone of the British amateur championship to day and spent most of Iho dny on the course. Johnny Klscher. I'. S. amateur champion In 1936. continued to drill bin ilrlvea down In tho center mid scored a 73. This was annulled hy Marvin (lluill Ward of Olym Ida, Wui-.h... and Charles (Chuck) Konln of Detroit, both of whom were playing on a Scottish course for tho first time. Other scores: Fred Haas, Jr.. of New Orleans and Charley Yates of Atlaulii, 70; Johnny tioodman, V. S. amateur champion from Omnhu, and Ray Billows of Pouithkoepslo. N. Y.. 78, and Rey nolds Smith. Dallas, 79. C. Ross (Handy) Homnrvllle, Canadian tllliiholdnr, shot a 77. The course will he closed Run- day, ao Hint only two days of prac tice are left before tho slx-uay championship starts Monday, Chiloquin Fight Card Postponed Until Saturday CHILOQUIN, May 1 Lylo Williams, local fight promoter, postponed his wookly fight card for this weok until Katurday night due to a program at the local high school. Last weok s card featured Dotty Buslioy, lady wrestler from Klamath rails, and Joan Mur phy, Pino Ridge girl athlete, In a one-full wrestling bout. Mine Btishoy plnnod Joan s shoulders to tho mat after 11 minutes of very exclling grappling Miss Murphy, not satisfied with the roil ll h of Isst week's bout, has challenged Betty to anothor bout this week, so Williams has ar ranged for the girls to meet In tho local ring Hatiinluy night. At first It was arranged to mutch Jean's husband with Miss Ilushny, but Jean believes she can beat Betty In the coming 15- mlntite bout. Two professional bouts of box ing have been arranged for the card besldos three four-round bouts by amateurs. In one pro fessional Ijavo Morris of Klam ath Falls at 145 pounds will meet Red Burton, tho popular fighter from Sprague River, liar old Wright, who went four fast rounds with Tony Ortis last week, will meet Oil Jonas of Klamath Falls at 135 pounds In the amateur bouts, Mike Heavern. 135-poundor and Pine Itldgo fnvorlto. meets Battling Harney Klllti of Klamath Falls. These boys are both popular with tho local fans. Shorty Taylor, another Pine Ridge favorite, will meet Pete Prlchard of KUHS. Shorty and I'eto have met before and went four rounds to a draw. Both have been training extensively and expect to win. For the curtain-raiser, Ed Se riven, 160 pounds, from tho Chiloquin box factory, who hasn't been beaten yet, will meet Joe Bradsbaw, the pride of Arkansas, also 160 pounds. Gossip among the fight fans say this will be the beet card Lylo has put on yet. Museums today have many well preserved fossilized specimens of rycad plants several hundred mil lion years old. W. M. LORENZ Plumbing Heating Sheet Metal 611 S. 6th St. Phone 59 tHood was r Jt . tt- A ! It A IU1 A T I 0 GIFT Steeped in the romance of the ages IN THE HEROIC DAYS ol chivalry and knight-errantry, a girl's hope chest was built by the moat (killed cabinetmaker the family purse could alford. Weeks, sometimes months, were taken by this combined artist, designer, carver, and finisher to build the chest. And the girl, taught to sew, to spin, to weave, took years to fill her hope chest with precious things for that happy day when she would start a home of her own. Today LANE, the glorified modern hope chest, brings the hope chest to its richest significance. More beautiful than those of any other age, the LANE Hope Chest provides absolute moth protection and features found in no other cedar chest. Parents, brothers, sisters come in and see this ideal gilt. LANE HOPE CHEST XKh Century Foi Star THE LANE ALICE F AY E CHEST Center ptnel ll 4-ptece matched Oriental wood flanked by 2'pfeot matched arrowhead American black walnut end panels. Marquetry inlay ol aa tin wood and mahogany, bordered with ebony, dividea the panels. Top ii A-matched black walnut with rounded waterfall effect. Hand-rubbed to a beautiful satin finish. Equipped with Lane Automatic Tray. Our Annual Gifts fo Girl Graduates of K.U.H.S. and Sacred Heart Academy of Miniature Lane Cedar Hope Chests Are Now Awaiting Call at Klamath Furniture Co. 721 Main Terms May Be Arranged Hold Everything! t "'t?,,"y ttmt tnlk i-n cors. iw sv mm sisviet. me. "Sure it's a sketch of the wife. I hung it upside down 'cause it looks belter that way." Phone 894 Chastened Diz Waits Doctor's Okay to Pitch NEW YORK, May 19 OB A surprisingly meek and silent Dlrzy Dean Is awaiting the first tent of his ailing arm, and no one, not even Manager Chnrley Grimm, knows when the Cubs' costly hurler will return to action. Although It hurts, "Banjo Charley" Is following the doctor'a orders to the letter. "Dean has been told to do no more pitching for a couple more weeks, and he may not go then If he doesn't look all light when I begin to let him throw a few days before the deadline," said Grimm yesterday. A loud and steady talker In his visits here with the St. Louis Cardinals, Dean slta quietly In one corner of the Cub dugout. Once he would comment on anything from the bathoy to tho league president. Now Dlszy says, "Anything OH mm says Is okay with me. My arm feels pretty good and I'm ready to go In there and pitch the minute Grimm says the word." German Net Star Appeals Sentence BERLIN, May 1 WB Baron Gottfried von Cramm, Oermany'a top-ranking tennis star, through counsel today lodged an appeal against the sontcnoe of a year In prison Imposed on lilm May 14 for violation of a statute covering mornl delinquencies, , Tho law allowed one week for the' appeal, . . Von Cramm, momher ot cn arlstocratte Gorman fnnilly. was found guilty In a secret trial In grim Moablt criminal court of Im proper relations with a Jewish ' youth. Two months already spent In Jail were deducted from the sentence. The fact that the coconut wlli float In salty water for months, without Injury to the seed, Is thought to be the reason for the wide distribution ot the plant. Makes You Forget You Have False Teeth Don't worry about your false teeth rocking, slipping or wab bling. Fasteeth, a new Improved powder holds them firm and com fortable all day. o gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Eat, laugh and talk with comfort. Get Fasteeth from your druggist. Three sizes. Ieseiu in i. i iini s ft generations Sw 'it us Wilkens have V (fgMm ( concerned ourselves I liJ'sJuTll'Grrj it Sli I personally with IjffllMlf Our Family's S 'v'ig J r f MS. Recipe! XfT1 If ?' 1 PINT 80C Wllf Ii 1 QUART $1.45 BfflBBml 1 AVAILABLE IN OREGON 'MjPWTiJ EB3HB ... .aEfel(Wiiiiii.i COrrtlGHT iraS. IHS WUKIN FAMILY, INC, AUDOIN. SCHSNUY F. O.. PA. TO nOOr. 7M OSAIN NSUTIAL SPUKTS. VMiCM 30 TOBJ (USE? THERE ARE TWO MOTORS UNDER EVERY" HOOD - AVIATION ETHYL GIVES YOU THE ONE WITH MORE POWER THAN YOU DARED TO EXPECT souall the Power Mf( MtW ' ' a "fai" la, ii'"V. .:s;vT yv OHtthatgiv built in at the factory ONE that takes the bilk faster ONE that is easier to handle in traffic iLflP "n Pjjj" aisbi. 35i5 GET THAT NEW MOTOR find it WITH ONE TANKFUL OF ASSOCIATED AVIATION ETHYL Yes it's as simple as that. Justswitch to Associated Aviation Ethyl gasoline and discover a new motor, new power you never knew you had. This true aviation fuel proves with a single tank ful that it has more "get-up and go" than any other gasoline you have ever used. That's because Aviation Ethyl (only aviation fuel for your car) is built after aircraft specifica tions. It mixes instantly and in scientific exactness with the air in your carburetor the dry vapor gets to the cylinders faster in ready-to-fire form. Once you have found the new motor this different gasoline gives you you'll never go back to that old motor again. So switch to Associated Aviation Ethyl today. ' To be doubly sure you get every last bit of power hap e your car Motor-Checked. Your car dealer property equipped garages and your Associated Motor-Chech Station can all give you this factory recommended service. Ash your Associated Dealer about it. TIDB WATBR ASSOCIATED Oil COMPANY REYMERS ASSOCIATED SERVICE "Your Smiling Associated Dealer1 4th AND MAIN OPEN ALL NIGHT PHONE 1126