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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN Mny 19, 1038 MKHUIMj In Mm) fthiidnwn of lluwitllaii lintH iiittilo f in m ihu nu tlvn luh'N, lMiic(h unfily nIiu'IimI IlKhtN, int'inltiTfi of (IiIh yen in kiihI imthiK ntunn of llio Morrill IiIkIi iflmol wnin honor KiifAln of tho Junior rlitHH ut thn imiitiu. Jinilor onlor ImiiijiH't innl hull. 1 Tiihli'M tit which pliici'M wnro murkiMt for lty kukhIh wrrn rn 1ini wlllt uiltiiii mi liuvH Im'IuImk Itn rtloiiliin innl plntt riirniilluiiH, r any In out l tin 'ii lur cIiihh col oii f Nllvnr Hint old roan. I IiMinuii Itivlnluyor, lunnhlciit of lln Junior i'Iiinn, ciillrtl upon Kniuk JcukliiH, pilhliMhi't' ut tho Kliiui mh Nowh llrrahl hi Urn pt liirlpul dpi'iikcr of III" KvmliiK- .h'tikltm mlilrcHHiiil IiIh iiiHtlniici, on thowub Jucl, "Aftor 1 1 lull Kihuol, What?" )th-r tiilkH w iii Klvfii hy K. C Cniwftml, rlmlt mini of I lie I oral action) ticiti ril who npokn on "IIiihI iu-ik" iii npplloil to (ho hlKh mliool ltriiiltiat; hy lti'V. Kumvhi C. Tru- vlllo, pttntur of tin Mi'irtll rp'M- hytrliin rhtirch who upoho mi th rtOlKl'Hiit mIiIh of iilucatloii; Kri'tl l't('ioii, Klamalh count v nohool KiiporliMi'inlcnt who (omliM or "Uoorontloii," nit'! hy Harold .1 1lcmlrk.(nnn, Merrill IiIkIi nrhnnl principal. Tho (limit'r wan 'i viil hy jilrU of Ihu homn rroiioniicn itcpartuii'iit iindi'r I tin (Utrrtlon nf Mr. Kimi nth C'olwtll nMoi hy k'i'I" of ih ophonmrt' clnn. Kovnly formal kowdh nf tho girln M'ih color In t lit hall hit in In l tin Kymiianlum which wan oim nf I h moNt whli-ly til tml-il ami n IlKhtfully iippolnii-d adutiN of tho pntlro m hool yi-ar. Miulr wan f urnlnhnil hy !lrb Cochrun'n1 orchwitia with tin K rami march nt clmcn o'clock 11 hy J'hyltuM Urntktn. preniiti-ni of tho (Mi lor rlttflii ami (Jh-n Mover, fol lowed hy Tinati ltrt'lnlnt;r. prm lilont nf (h Junior Han iiikI Anna CM roll, (ilrln nf ithr Hunm-it, ul timo1 In hliwk and whit1, prvod p u in h and witffrn tftirtnx (ho cvo-nliiK Sport Briefs it) i:iiii; inner, NKW YORK, May III (AP) Sports writer hero with Ihu Cuba mi y If there In a ti I f I ! r Ihlnl auckiT t li it n Hlmiluy Huck In olilier i it J i- league, I li"y ii in h 1 1 1 1 1 1 k to li'urn . . . Thoy auy nil Hliinlcy ilura la ani'ilin i'Ikiiih, rliuw lila rut plim nml inlnil hla own liualimaa . . I.eonnnl (,'l'w l.y , iino of Ihu llrlllali Wnlknr cniini'a, IiI(h 200 pnuMIrn Intllii uncli niiirnliiK hi'dirn hri'iikfunl . . . Ili'iiry Ai'IiihIiiiiik illil n nniiiy hit on Ihu nil' Innl iiIkIiI . . . Thn hunt mill miiIIii Ki'imrnlly iimiil l vim of lioi'liny Iiuo-b k u lo cubI tau.Du v.r imlr. SAI.KM. Mny 19 (API Wll Ininfitltt itnlvcinlly and l.lntlt-ld rnlitn liani'linll HQiitula runvirritcd on Walla Wnlln imlny fur ihn nnrihwrMt rnnriTiMirn ilnyirr wlih Wlilimnn rnllcn tlil.i wrcki'iiil. Wlllnnii-ltii rnrrli-d a aqitail ot ir. playrra In I: for l.lnfMd. Th.. (wo Nrhooln iit! for lite woaiurn dlvlnlon rnnfornnrn lliln. whlln Whllniati won tho rnntcrii raco. Ho wna Iho klml Hint you would flur loam I Ik !- lo aiui-xod. P. Holomoii. of Drnvxr, ri'dilllnn Sin lln ah a ai'lionlninlo. Dl.zy l)i-n n and Tix Cni'luliin, forini'r lea in ma lia on thej (.'nrd litnln and now loxnlliur on Iho ('iiln, Imivii klnanl nntl mailn u . . , Tlivy had only ono iuIIIiik out In aovrn ytmra, but hoy, how Ihn fiiuU laaU'il . . . YAalnrday wna NorwiiKlitn Koiirlh of July . . . J no McCarthy had iiromlard hla Norwi'Klnn calrhnr, Arndt JnrKuia, ha tnillil rnlrh iho iiiiin HKitlnat Ihn llrowna . . . Junl whi'ii Arndt lot nil atouinud ui (or what may tin hla only rhitnro lirhlnd Iho plain thla aonaon, Iho ilurifd Kitnin wan ntliurl out . . . Thn lada along llroadway arn no Init 1 1 r ii n k for Wnr Adniliul MKiillll Hen hlnrlil I . inuy ho a unoil pllrhnr aouin day. . . llnwl , , . Pacific count wrlltiiH, ropoila (IcorKO Vurnoll of Iho Hoiittln Tliuna, inn trylun to in it It u up (hulr inliidn whnthtir the (Jonat liiiiituo plli:hliiK hua Im proved or It tho broi'd of homo run hit torn In thn Icukuo hua woakonod. . . . Anyway, thn tonatira hnvo nil tho hottnr of tho urguiuuiit ao fur. Joo Marty, ymiiig Cub outfield alar who poked out a humor wllh two on yontorday, Klvoa Tony I,iiiitI credit for hla lm provnd hlitluK , . . Kaya Tony iniiiln hi in rhanito hla atnnro . . . My I'lil, Iho old Mlnni'nola foot hnll alnr, la kiiIiiii xri'itt Riina nt l lm new dlnlrh't pnnai'iiKi'r iiKcut for thn Norihwfntnrn lifi.-B In ChlriiKO . . . What'a bcronin of tho Nuilonitl IraRiin'i lively hall? , , . Two ono-hltlori yeaturday. Thnn don't oftun hoipen: the Itcda onrn pluyi'tl a coniplctti ball k:uiiii with only two halla . . . Thn flint wan lilt Into thn atauda early In Ihn pantlmlnir . . . Thri'O doxen bulla nro tiand In All nviTiiitn major IciiKttn samo . , . Dnri mouth linn turki'd away Itn fool hull Jnrnoya until lain fiVp tfmbor . . . Hforot of Anglo lla Inu'a amazliiK comnliack At tho ilato la thn fart he had a fllm llkn growth mmoved from hla riRhl eyo . . . Annie anys Iho ball lined to "JlKiile" ovnry tluio It neari'd lit plnte . . . I'on Kkeno, former Herald Trlbuno lluhl ex perl, who died .Monday, could iniiko a typewriter talk. Arn we Booing Ihllign or aro Ihn Rod Hog roally on lop of tho Amorlran Inaguo? . . . Huhiuellng won an nrgtnimnt wllh Mlko Jac oha and will train nt Hpoctilnlor, N. Y. . . . I.otila goca lo nearby Plimpton l-nkea. . . . narnny Itona looka great, hut dlnpnlrhea from Pomploii l.nkea lull thu anino nlory about ArmatroiiR. ... Bo whalT Northwest Loop Teams Struggle Over 17 Innings WKNATfHKK, Wanh, May 10 fll Tint Wennlrlieo t.'hlefa and Vancouver Mitplo I.eafa buttled 17 Innlnga In a record breaking Wunlnrii Iiiternutloniil league gnmo In Wnnatchee laat night that ended In victory for tho Chlcfn on Km nk M I In li I n nluglo. Thn long drlvn ncorcd Hal Leo. who had hit a double. lion Onborn went thn routo for Ihn .Mapln l.enfn, alrlklng out night, walking night and allow ing 11 hlla. Vancouver got H hlia off four Wennlrlieo moundn 16-Year-Old Girl Claims Swim Marks AUSTIN. Tex.. May 18 (TV- Juno Iilllard. a comely uilna of 16. who baa been nwlinmlng ever alnro alio waa old enough lo I oil (1 lo Into the water, today laid claim to two unbelievable reconln. On tho theory four tlmcra cun t bo wrong, Texan U' volornn coach, Tex llobertsou, linked the national AAIJ to approvo her 1:14.1 for 100 yard and 1:2.1.2 for 100 nullum an American wom en' liruaHlatloko records. Minn Dllllird iniiiln thonn mark In a apodal oxhlbltlon at Tuinple, Tux., Inat night, Kxlatlng rnnorfla arn nainerino Itawla' 1:18.5 for 100 yurda and Agnea Uoraghly'i 1.28.8 for 100 muter". Hoberlaon nlao haa anked tho AAIJ lo Approve tho 1:13.7 Mlna Iilllard recorded for 100 yarda and .14.2 for 50 yarda III tho an nual Trxaa beach and pool moot ut KoKiiin lanl Hnturdny. Conch ItobcrtBon entuuaiaaii cnlly predicted alio "could do oven heller" And Hint h would bo Blandotit In the national AAU outdoor next month. "At Tomplo wo din evnryining m ninnt ihn atundtirda of tho AAU," lloborlaoil old. "We unetl four tlinnra thougn oniy tnrne aro neennnary. The record at Hcgtiln wero made In a 20-yard pool but Iho murkn at 'I'emplo wnro In a 25 yard pool, Iho only atandard pool In I bin auction." Mlaa Dlllurd Uvea at Fort Worth but la attondlng high aehool In Auntln where Kobcrtaon la giving her apcclnl inairuciion. im will graduate from high acbool next Kobruary. INCREASED SCHOOL FACILITIES SEEN NEED AT TULELAKE TOIEI.AKE With the expect ed Influx of approximately sou ni.ii,i..nn ,r hcIwioI uee next fall when homeateadora arrive to take, up realdence on recently allotted nulla, achool board mcmbera of both Slnkloyu and Modoc countlea are turning attention to tho need for additional claaa room facllltlca. Conccnaua of opinion of part of tho board member la to plan for aitendiinco of all high achool pu plla In Tulolake. providing for nec ewtary room for elementary achool atudenta In localltlea where need ed. Aa nn Initial move, J. B. Hurley, auperlntendent of high achool of Hinklyou county, with Harry Dan dling, auperlntendent of Modoc county achool, Samuel Phillip. W. O. O"borno and W. G. McClym ouila, Tulelnke, mot recently to discuss poKBlhlo connolldatlon of Modoc and Hinklyou county achool dlntrlct In the Tulolake area. Hrhool offlclula will moot for fur ther Btllily of tho proponed chaiign following atudy of tnto law, a re tliieat hy the Modoo county achool board for connolldatlon and ap proval by aupurlnluuilent of both countlea. LUSK SUPPORTERS WORKING FOR LAKE COUNTY VOTES I.AKKVIEW The primary campaign I drawing to a clone. In Luke county with a great deal of Intereat being ahuwn in tho gov ernor and tho nupremo court race. Justice I.tmk, who 1 up for reelec tion to the euprnme court I con ceded to have more volunteora promoting hi candidacy than all tho other candidate combined. Doth Martin and Luak aro expect ed to carry the county by a good majority, although the handful of CIO member who have aurvlved tho unnucceanful campaign direct ed at tho I.nkaview awniill lant Bummer will make a atrong cam paign for Ilea and Van Winkle. A coalition of sawmill worker, rancher and atockmen I working to turn out a atrong vote at the polla for every candidate the CIO la attacking. Thoe bold enough to make pre diction pick Martin, Mahoncy, Kprague, Holmnn and I,uk with a clone race between Bean and Mc Colloch for poltlon No. 3 on tho uprenio court. WEED been going out to Pig Spring late ly holding Sunday school Sunday afternoon. Bundny, May 15, they organized a Sunday school elect ing Mn, Htraer of Big Spring at superintendent, Mr. Calbler waa elected secretary and treasurer. She I also of Dig Bprlngs, WKKD A music rocltal was held by the pupils of Mis WaUh at the Community church Monday nlKht, May 16. Junior Hunay of Weed played a horn aolo, "I'll Take You Home Again Kalhallne." There was a violin duet by two boys and guitar duet by two girl. Uonald Sulli van of Gazelle played a guitar ao lo, "Castles In Spain." Tho parents of the atudenta were present. After tho rocltal refrenh mcnt of sandwiches, cako and punch were served. Mr. Middloton and .Mr. Dodsnn, two mlnlater from Jameaville wore visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ballard Krlday evening. They atayed over until Sunday. Mr. Mlddleton brought tho Friday evening sermon and Mr. Dodnon brought the Sunday morn ing sermon at tbe Full Gospel church In Weed. Tho youngest daughter of Mr. and Mr. Virgil Stambo fell off the fenca at tbeir homo Monday and cut her hand very badly on a rusty tin ran. She was taken to the hospital where she bad three stitches put In. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy and Everett Bachelder of Weed have NOMINATE DON F. HAMLIN Democratic Candidate for District Attorney I,V ua II t y Cou rte7 HoIpfuIneM ' QUALIFICATIONS A Candidate: IlldflWItJMt tf IW Mlitlul clltjut IMl Wdal InUmt iriup. Tills Ml bus twmi ) 10 imn tl U prattle. Determine! to: Sim ALL tf tbt ntfllt af KIumU Canity fairly, anal In caurtaatti u4 helpful mMt, Your Vote and Support are Earnestly Solicited rM Uf. by Paw F. Himtm j.'f xf'- Governor Charlei H. MARTIN A Good Governor Let's Keep Him Fil4 .. bt Klimilh ni llill Git. Martin Cl Eddlo Mead. Ilemr Armntrong' smart manager, haa given his wife a new wedding ring, three dia mond bands net wllh rubles. . . . Tho rubles npell out "I I.ove You." . . . Tony I.anerl of tho Cnbn. usually one of tho nioni ob liging of tho baaebnllors, ha done a right-about faco. ... Ho tella thn photographers to tnkn nil Iho picture they want, but no quea tjons, v One roporter asked: "What havo you agnlnai ua?" . . . Tony replied: "I know you aro all my friends, hut I know already what you're going to nnk." . . . Your correspondent did a bit of sleuthing and found Tony was a bit gun shy of those Inquiries about hla future alattia with tho Cuba, . , , Nobody blames him. nt that. Will llnrrldge. president of the American league, nays Hob Feller John A. McCall i : r ytv'A;si.i' I .'A alkS Candidate for Republican Nomination COUNTY COMMISSIONER No Promise Except this: If Nominated and Elected. I Will Make a Slncore Ef fort to do What Is Best for the County as a Whole. ni4 Aih. Br John A. McCill V 1 'I ' n 1 tiwsii n"i' '' n ' ; " 1 1" f ' tf -J ! r.'V. ,;fi .ti!. f 4t . l ' .1 Henry (Hank) Ketsdever Domocroiic Candldnto County Commissioner "A Farmor for a Farmor'i Job" Puis J,., hr Mmrr Kttilml HESS INDORSED! BY HENRY L. HIBSJ DKMOCRATIC CANDIDATC FOR GOVERNOR SPEAKS TONIGHT! Thursday KGW 7:30 P. M. Also supported nntl recommended. Ntunilnril Itiillronil llrotlierliootls, NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND STATE LEADERS FOR Governor PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT In his rocent "surpriso" statement denounced the flagrant attempt of Governor Martin to deeclvo the people Into believing that tho National Administration wa support ing him. V. 8. SENATOR, GEO. W. XORR.S Whom tho Presidont calls "tho Major Prophet of Ameri can Publlo Life," branded Governor Mnrtln as a "Reac tionary" and snld "the Intorosts of the farmers ot Oregon, Ho In the success of HENRY HESS." HON. HAROLD L. ICKES The President's own Cabinet member Sec. of Interior, writes: My dear Senator Hesa: You are nn Important champion In the tate senate or Oregon for tho adoption of . . . legislation to give people of Oregon . . . now cheap electric power, being made avnllnble through the holp ot the Federal government. Governor Martin on tho contrary vetoed such legislation. . . . the standing army and the war chest of the force of reaction are today largely utility companies ... To mo as to unyono who ha for a long time fought In the political battloa for progressive principles, the test of one who purports to be progressive Is his stnnd on the right of a domocrntlo people to have public power If they want publlo power and to detormlno the way they want to use public power. by legislative representatives of All Organized Labor, 21 , 'Prominent Lenders of Stnto Grange. Direct from the White House! Washington, D. C. Formor Congressman Elton Wntkln sonds this telogram: Honry Hosb, CoiiRross Hotel, Portland, Orogon. ' On Invitation I went to Whlto Houso today and In presence of Secrotary Ickes shook hands and Inlkod to tho Presidont. It's not proper to quoto the President, but lot me say to you and through yon to the Democrats ot Orogon that whnt I heard from tho lip of that great Democrat and what I aw In hla beaming countenance whon I told him you woro going to win I then knew and now say thnt you nro tho man tho Roosovclt Demo crats of Oregon should nomlnnto next Friday for Governor. Roosevelt Is still for Ore gon. I hope Oregon Is for him and for you who are for him and his humanitarian rollclos. Signed, 1 ' ELTOX W ATKINS Hess Is Oregon's Acknowledged Roosevelt, New Deal Candidate! Secure Future Prosperity for Our State Elect Mini Governor! Nil by Hilt fu Gmmlr ClmmlllM, 635 Mima Buildlni, PntlliM). ' " mxA i rTwr-c, -" a TT Cs?v" jPt3c SIjZ&Ex tmff - : . i0r i I - . j ' .if . i-ivv r Spruce Up! Bet a New Straw Hat on the Election! Our Straws Are Winners fep Ouil :; 1 Check Your Old Felt for the summer . . . Select a Summer Sailor, Novelty Straw, Optimo, or Genuine Panama at Hardenbrook's Kirkpatrick & Reeder 833 Main Fifth and Main Webb Kennetf Seventh and Main J. C, Pennev Co, Eighth and Main