PAGE EIGHT THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON May 18, 1988 Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City Assessment Liens NOTICE! IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the Slat day of May, 1838, beginning at the hour ot 10:00 A. M. of wild day, at tho front loor ot tha City Hall In Klamath Falli, Klamath County, Oregon, I will aell at public auction for cash on hand all ot tho following escribed pramlaea, to-wlt: Lot Addition Block To Whom Aaaesaed 10 WEST KLAMATH FALLS B SO ft. FIRST Wly U.t ft, of BH KLAMATH NB U ft N N Wly T ft of Nly 80 ft J. W, Baulah Hammer I 7 1 1 1 t 1 NH 1 SH Kdw. L. S. Brady Florence Dunlap II NORTH KLAMATH FALLS New Service Laundrlea New Service Laundrlea Mary C. Mehaffy Mary C. Mehaffy Mra, Mlnnta Henry Mrs. Minnie Henry Chai. H. Cary, Corp, Comm. A Weatern Savlnga Loan Bella Butcher Belle Butcher A. L. Harrlaoa Lavern Carter Larern Carter Martha Lund C. W. Miller Emma Llnfeity Streyffeler, Truateea for Klamath Temple C. W. Miller ft Emma Llnfeaty Streyffeler, Truateea for Klamath Tempi 1 ft J SH 11 J. J. Wllllama EWAUNA HEIGHTS 1 It Elvira Wtnea t 1 Elvira Wines I 13 T. W. Maker NICHOLS i ft W 81 ft. of lot 14 Jesse J. Bailey INDUSTRIAL t ' Klamath Development Co. T - ' Klamath Development Co. 8 f H. M. Salsbury It H. J. ft Edith Seeger 17 - ; H. J. ft Edith Seeger 15 I 70 ft Jeaale O. Webber 38 t Klamath Development Co. 19 t Klamath Development Co, to t Klamath Development Co. tl t Klamath Development Co. S3 t Hector ft Ethel DeBaeta ts t Klamath Development Co. ti Klamath Development Co. IS t Klamath Development Co. t t . Klamath Development Co. 37 t Klamath Development Co. 38 t Klamath Development Co. It Klamath Development Co. 40 ' t Klamath Development Co. 41 Klamath Development Co. 43 t Klamath Development Co. 41 f Klamath Development Co. C ( Klamath Development Co. t T Klamath Development Co. t 7 Klamath Development Co. T . . T ' Klamath Development Co. 35 7' Klamath Development Co. I T Klamath Development Co. t7 7 . Klamath Development Co. S3 ' 7 - Klamath Development Co. tt 7 Klamath Development Co. 40 7 Klamath Development Co. 41 7 Klamath Development Co. 41 7 . Klamath Development Co. 43 ' 7 Klamath Development Co. 44 .7 Klamath Development Co. D 7 Klamath Development Co. St t Klamath Development Co. 37 t Klamath Development Co. 18 ' . ; I Klamath Development Co. Date Lovled Purpoao ot Assessment Amount June SO, 1913 Street ft Sewer I 451.16 July 30, 1931 Street 3.080.95 May 4, 1937 Street 1.058.33 Sept. 14, 1925 Street A Lighting 1,088.37 Sept. 14, 1925 Street A Lighting 176.56 Sept. 14, 1926 Street 22:1.94 Sept. 14, 1925 Street 415.01 Sept. 14, 1925 Street A Lighting SI. SO Sept 14, 1935 Street A Lighting 709.31 Sept. 14, 1935 Street A Lighting 685.97 Sept. 14, 1925 Street 679.76 Sept. 14, 1935 Street 275.45 Sept. 14, 1925 Street 613.34 Sept. 14, 1925 Street 491.60 Sept. 14, 1925 Street 490.30 Sept 14, 1925 Street 376.13 Sept. 14, 1925 Street 844.49 Sept 14, 192S Street 844.49 June 17, 1931 Street A Sewer 900.71 Aug. 14, 1929 Sower 201.31 Aug. 14, 1939 Sewer 201.31 Aug. 14, 1929 Sewer 201.30 July t, 1918 Street 6.793.00 May 15, 1933 Street A Sewer 62.39 May 15, 1933 Street A Sewer 90.37 May 15, 1933 Street A Sewer 149.54 May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 172.16 May 15, 1933 . Street A Sewer 197.33 May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 66.21 May 16, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 12.95 May 16, 1923 Sewer 6.9.1 May 15, 1933 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 16. 1933 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May IS, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May IS, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 174.05 May 15. 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1933 Street A Sewer 80.57 May 15, 1923 - Street A Sewer 117.03 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1933 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923- Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 172.67 May 16, 1923 Street A Sewer 90.06 May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 63.39 May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 150.69 This sale hi made nnder and by Tlrtn of warrant or list In tabular form for the collection of apeclal aaaeaement liens which have been delinquent for more than ona year prior to April 25, 1938, on real estate within the corporate limits of the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon,, which warrant or list Is In my hands. Each of the lots, parcels or tracts above described Is located within tho City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, and Is being sold under Sections 66, 2201 to 56, 2210 Oregon Code 1930 as amended, providing a method of foreclosing special assessment liens. Each of said lota, pareela and tract, will be aold aeparately and will be struck off to the first bidder offering to pay the City of Klamath Falls the full amount of its assessment liens plus Interest and the costs of and upon thla sale. . Dated this 25th day of April, 1938 FRANK HAMM fi', ,bw.CaM0,,: it' J!!! CHIEF 0P POLICE OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, Final Publication: May IS, 1938 KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. H A 27. M 4, 11, 18, 25 No. 65 , v"iuu. T Grocery stores In Klamath Falls have been warned by Henry Schort- gen, member of the police depart ment, to protect all fresh fruits, vegetables and candy from con tamination by dust and Insects. schortgen quoted several sec tions of the Oregon code which read as follows: "Foods In the process ot manu facture, preparation, sacking, storing, sale, distribution or trans portation must be securely pro tected from files, dust and, as far as may be necessary, by all rea sonable means from all foreign or injurious contamination. "The sidewalk display of foods is prohibited unless such products are inclosed in a showcase or sim ilar device which will protect the same from files, dust or other con. tamlnatlon; provided,, that food products other than fish, meat and meat products, that necessarily have to be peeled, pared or cooked before they are fit for consumn tion, may be displayed provided that the bottom ot the container be at least 18 Inches above the surface of the walk. "All buildings must have screens or fans properly installed. Any manager of any store operating in violation of this act la subject to prosecution. "A rigid enforcement of this act will be carried on by both city and state agencies." PARK CARETAKER TAKES YOUTHS INTO CUSTODY Three Klamath Falls boys were taken to the police sergeant shortly after t o'clock Tuesday afternoon by E-. E. 8pencer, Moore parkkeeper. Spencer com plained that the youths had damaged play equipment at the park. The boys were released and the problem referred to Helen McCar ter. Juvenile officer. Spencer has been bothered for several months, according to city hall officials, by vandals who have destroyed park equipment, and a close watch Is being made in an effort to keep destruction to a minimum. Spencer reported last week the theft of peacock and duck eggs from the park. The young men were thought to have been indulging in a bit of harmless play when Spencer apprehended them. No action will be taken. Locke Motor company has-the . beat nsed cars in town. DRIVER CHARGED WITH VIOLATION OF BASIC RULE Lawrence Priest, 1410 Lake view route, charged with violat ing the basic rule, was released on his own recognizance after city police arrested him, and date of hearing has been set for May 18 at 10 a. m. in police court. In addition to Priest two drunks and four "vags" were brought before Police Judge Langslet. The police Judge counted a total of 85 red traffic tags which have been turned over to the police de partment since Friday, May 13, enriching the clty'a coffers con siderably. Friday, May 13, 16 tags were turned In; May 14, 14 violators appeared with tags; May 16, 29 tags; May 17. 16 tags, and on Wednesday morning 10 violators appeared. Scientists are studying certain stars which they call "White Dwarfs." The stars are small and exceedingly dense. Those would be "Dopey" stars. Pull DENIES G J nines Tulvor, operator of tho Km unsay club, told Tho Herald and N'ows Wednesday Unit lui be lieved editorial mention ot a young Klrl visiting n club, near hero must havo boon referring 10 his establishment, and lie denied vehemently that any such girl hnil evor been In Ills plnco. "If you hud tho names ot all tho inuler-ane yoiiiiKatcr who hnvo boon turned nwny from my place, it would fill a big book," said Pulrer. "Wo havo made evory effort to prevent tholr visitation thore. and we Just don't lot them In. Obviously, we have to be enroful about that, and I'm telling you wo are careful." l'ulrer said that ho Is planning to open tho Kmbassy Town club In Klamath Falls, to bo run under the locker system, with members only admitted. Ho said that he has no objection to a supervisory ordinance, as suggested In tho edi torial In question, so long as it does not legislate him out of business and is fair and reasonable.. LEGION DUE SET SATURDAY EVEiMIWG The dnlo of the American Lo glon dance has been set for Sat urday nlKht, May 21. lit tho ar mory, and proceeds rrom tho af fair will go Into tho Legion drum corps' coffers to aid In sending the championship drum corps to compete at the nailonnl conven tion slated for Los Angeles In mid-September. Residents of Klamath Falls, who havo been Interested In tho progress of tho drum corps as It advanced from an Inexperienced group of Legionnaires to tho win ners of state drum corps contests, are nnxlous to seo the corps enter In national competition and In vlowof tho fuel that the conven tion Is held 011 the I'nclflo const this year, It seems probable that this will Im one of the fow nation al roiilpotlilons In which tha local corps will take part, Tho drum corps will parade throughout tho streets of Klam ath Falls at 7:30 o'clock Hntiirdiiy night. Dancing will start at 9 o'clock and continue, until mid night I" Hi" armory. Tickets tuny he obtained front any member of tho drum corps or the American I.pkIoii. Dewey Powell Is chairman of tho dauca, SCOTTISH RITE TO CONFER DEGREES The Scott lull Ullo Musons ot tho valleys ot Medtord ami Klamath Falls, Orient ot Oregon, have dos Ignatod May 18, 19 and 20 as the dales tor the spring Joint re union ot tlin bodies to be held In Klamath Kails and Modford tor tho purposu of conferring the do greea from tho fourth degree to the 32nd dogree Inclusive. To thosa living In the valley of Klamath tho degrees from the fourth to tho fourteenth will he conferred at I lie Musonla lemplo In Klamath Falls Wednesday, May IS. Tho degrees from the four teenth to the 32nd will be con ferral at .Medtord Thursday and Friday. fftftrpnfi low progrtii ipinl, aittf opptitt it tairtf and Inporfra" IIICT A YOUNOIR MAN WITH JUDICIAL IXMIIINCI foid Ad, kv M. ft. 2ia.att.Mn John A. McCall Candidate for Republican Nomination COUNTY COMMISSIONER No Promises Except this: If Nomlnatod and Elected. I Will Mnkn a Sincere Ef fort to do What Is nest for tho County as a Whole. fiH A4.. Br Jotu A. McOll Crawford Reviews Success of His Work for Timber Bill, Keeping Klamath Mills Open I find, In canvassing the dis trict, that people are Interested in the past accomplishments of the candidates. - Therefore I make mention now of the fact that I was the author of the bill, which became law, that permitted the lumber com panies to modify their timber contracts on the Klamath Reser vation. I appeared before com mttteea . of Congress and con tacted - Individual members of Congress in the effort which was successful in establishing this law. ; Helped Business Had I not done this, the wheels ol Industry would have StODDeri. thA .mills tn Klamath county, in the majority, would not have opened. People would have continued unemployed, busi ness would have stagnated, the market nf tha f,rm, n4 lh stockman would have crumbled. 1 mention these things because I take pride in the fact that as a DrOffrARRlv eltWon f Orarnn T have contributed my bit in the service of Oregon. Practical Program After I had hppn In rharun nt : the Reservation for four years, I discovered to my dismay, in the last year of my administration, that what I Intended to be a sustained yield and conservation program had developed into a decided trend toward Communis tic control of the forest. This Situation I tnnlr steps to correct and did correct. 1 immediately put into practise a practical program of selective CUttinST bv takino thA mntnrnH and over-matured trees and leav ing tne reproduction, the young, healthy trees, which policy con tinues today. Had I failed tn taka thla aton Again the lumber companies would have ceased to operate and all . of business anil lahni. and the associate Industries would. have suffered. I can verl- - 3 f-""! Wade Crawford fy this statement from the num erous letters that I still have in my flies, from lumber companies that operated upon the Klamath Indian Reservation and resolu tions passed by the Indian coun cils. "Took It on Chili" For the action that I took I was Kangarooed in the Kangarod courts of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Depart ment of the Interior. I took it on the chin as a good. American should In upholding American principles against Communism and everyone In Southern Ore gon benefitted and prospered be cause of my stand for the prac tise of good forestry and Ameri can principles. I shall continue to stand by those principles; win or lose, I am for the development and prosperity of the 2nd Congres sional District. rU Mr. by Wtfc Crfor4. For Democratic Ticket To Build a Real Klamath County GOOD ROADS EQUALITY LOYALTY Vote ior Harmony Among County Of Sices VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE NOT "RASH" PROMISES V - - X'l ' ' ' ' a...... saast.:.r.t.amk raid Advertisement by Roy Tnbcr AIR CRASH VICTIM OF LOCAL Ml Fred Whlltomore of Minne apolis, cu-pllot ot (bo ll'-fnlnd Lockheed plane which crnslied in tho mountains north of l.ns A 11 -soles with nlnn iinssungorN oil board, Is first cousin of llruco Klllolt, inauiiKor of l'ounny's storo, It was Ion rued Wodiioaday, According to Kllltitt, Whllto moro had vlsllod with llin family frequently during Ha ri'sldi'iico In Portland hut had not visited In Klamath Falls. Ho was first vlco prosldont ot the Northwest Air ways company and was snrvlng as co-pllot on the new pliinn, which had Just keen purchased In ja Angnliis mill was milking Its first trip to Mlmii'ii pdIIm liufor going on regulur schedule, All members ot the crow and passengers polished In Hie crash. Whltteinnrn leaves a wlfn mid two young children, Klllnll suited. Funeral Notice At'tU'HT.t MVItli: I.AItHOV Funeral services for I ho Inle Augusta M.irlo I.nrson, who passed nwity In this city Tuesday, May 17. 1U38, following an tended Illness, will Im hold In the chapel of Hie Karl Wliltlock K1111 ernl Hume, 1'lno street at KUIh, Thursday, May 18, lti.'IK, at 1 P. 111. with the Hov. t i t 1 J. Anderson ot the First Covenant church of this city officiating. Coniiiiltmnut services and Ininr niont, family plot In l.lnkvllle cemetery. Friends nro Invited, J. A. Mahoney Democratic Candidate for Justice oE the Peace I am 411 years old, have lived lit Klnninlli coittiiy more than half of my life, hnvo a rtiiiiiuerelnl college education liii'luiltiiK ronniH'rt'inl Inn; havo fitriiird uty ntvu form at lloitniiui. Ore,, nlt engngeil In unrnue itud electric itte rhniilcal uotk. My eleven children wert born nml educated In lilniiutth county's splendid schools. I'or Hie Inal five venr I have lived In Kin mat li halls and fur IIM7 nod I1MIN have been constable of Mnkvlllo District which adds to my experience. In law work. I ferl I am well qimhrird for llin of fire nf Ju.llce of the I'rncr. My alngmi 1st 'nl nml ( onlpletn Justice, ttnvrillly and Without Delay." The Muhoney slntera will he 011 the air from Hindoo KFJI Thursday evenlnu at H:M o'clock nml are dedicating their program to their "Dad," Jim Mnliime), Iioimim rnllr rniiitl dnto for Justice, ot the Pence, Mnkvlllo DUlrlet, Klnninlli county, Oregon. Paid Adv. hy J A f.loe Malmney MMHBVsniMUBWcwsniim; Vote JS33 NOMINATE W 1 "iiiii'M.i fern-' V,. & 1 j$ -- r k E.E."JACK"BENNER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR County Commissioner A SQUARE BUSINESS MAN. A MAN WHO HAS MADE GOOD. A MAN WITH EXECUTIVE ABILITY. A MAN EAGER TO SERVE YOU. REPUBLICANS WRITE IN X E. E. BENNER My Slogan and Promise "Energy, Ability, Fidelity" NOTE: Although tome frown furiously on the idos of writ ing In the name of a candidate of one party, on the ballot of another party, it It your privilege to do 10 on the line left blank on your ballot. I solicit the support of the voters of the Republican party as well as the Democratic party, became I anticipate a good business administration of the o'ffice of County Commissioner if I am elected. Therefon REPUBLICAN VOTERSs Go to the polls on May 20th and use your right to vote as you please. Write In (X) E, E. BENNER for County Commissioner. Explanation: Votors of Klamath county, I nm not tryhiR to nntntionUo any of my opponents, olthor Uomncrntlo or Unptihtlcnn can didates, by the above ad. I nm mnrnly atiHWorlntr tho request ot many of my Reptihllcnn friends who wish to cast their ballot for mo, and I nm looking forwnrd to those Itepubllcan votes In tho primary oloctlon, as a barometer, to help me determine wholhor to llquliliito my business during the summer months, tho propnr sonson, In the place of the fall, I'loaso look nt my nttltudo In tho right light. MID ADV. BY I, t. (JACK) SINNER