The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 14, 1938, Page 7, Image 7

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May 14, 1938
June Bride
Tells Plans
Claudia Alexander An-1
nounces Dale Of
J II llll III!! nineteenth III thfl
rtiilo cliiiHon by Minn Claudia
Alexander for Imr wedding
which will Im mi event nf Hint
IIHIIIIIl III i'Oltlllllll nt I lift Plod
iiiont rinnliylurliin church.
Minn Aluxunilor will prenlilo
(ivur u iii'ultlly appointed lea
Hiindiiy afternoon, Muy I ho fif
teenth frum ihroo o'clock until
rivo o'clock nl lior homo In the
Aliilm iipiirtini'iils nt whloli time
nlm will formally announce liur
iigiigniiint lo Mr, Arthur Iit
my Mooru, nlnn of Kluiiml li
Knl In.
I'oiirliiK at t tin tea luhlo will
bti Mrn. 1 11 it In Hobortn, Mm.
i Print Ooollnr, Mm. Howard
(I ru Im in nnil Mm. Lawrence
Clurknon. Minn Alexander dun
linked Minn Mililol Moore, Minn
Him I nil (loro and Minn Itillll
MoAlllntor to nnnlnt during the
loo hour.
A cuntorpleco ot rod tulips
nnd wlillo nnnpdrsgoni lim
been chnnon liy Minn Aloxundor
for lim tea tulila mid gliosis
will receive rod rosebuds with
n ncrnll announcing tho wod
dliiK lnt.
Minn Alexander In tho daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrn. (,'llrford
Aloxundor of 1'nrMund. Mr.
Mooro In the non of Mrn. Ger
trude Moor ot Klmnnth Falla.
Members of tho wedding
party hnvo been chonon. Minn
Ritrlinra Alexander, slater "f
Iho hrldo, will ho tho mold of
honor nnd hrldonmnldn will ho
Minn Muriel Mooro of Klmnnlll
Fnlln, Mrn. Kny Cooper of On
wego mid Mrn. Wlnnton Cnnoy
of Portland.
Mr. Howard Graham m
Klamath Falla will bo Ui:nl
Minn Aloxandor linn taught
for tho pnnt two yean In tho
Klamath Falla nchoola. Bho la
a graduate of Monmouth Nor
mal nchool. Mr. Mooro attend
ad Oregon Htnte college whore
ho wna n member ot l'l Kappa
Thone bidden to tho Sunday
afternoon ton, In addition to
ttmno nnnlntlng wore Mm. J,
Pnrry Wells, Mm. Gertrude
Mooro, Mrn. Jonrph F.arlev,
Mm. lloberl Odoll, Mm. Wil
liam Terwllllgor. Mm. Clone
Wllltamn. Mrn. n. 0. Miller,
Minn I.llllo Darby. Mine tlrnce
Rhodes, Mlna Frnncen Horry,
Minn llarbara rowom, Mlna
Eleanor Iionofrto. Mlna Eloanor
Weathorford. Mlna Nedra Un
ser, Minn Ola May Hough, Mlna
Nina Klttn, Mlna Hth Cum
mlngn and Minn I.oran Monor.
Creative work of membern of
tho literary club of Klamnth
minn high nchool. Including
morion. poomn and onaaya,
wore read by the youthful
aulhora thomaolvea, and Mlaa
Virginia Kick, member of the
high achool faculty who la In
chnrge ot the club, waa the
guont aponkor at the meeting
of the KInmath-Lake chapter
of tho Wrltora League Thuri
dny evonlng at the chamber
ot commorco.
Minn Kick told of the acltvl
tlon of the literary club,
qualification! for Ha momher
ahlp, nnd of tho club conlonta.
She Introduced five of the
cluh'a member! Patty Fleet
who rond an ennny on pruning;
Irln Lindbergh, a nhort atory,
"Fato;" Nollmae Jackeon, a
poom "Tho Soldler'a Faro
woll" nnd an oniay; Caroline
Dnggott, a poom "Spring;"
Jerry O'Cnllnghnn, a ihort
atory, "Onmhlor'i Gold."
Short atorloa written by
two menibora who wore un-
nble to be proaont, Audrey
, Mntaon and Loulae Burton,
wore road by Mlaa Fick.
Mra. Floronco Ogle arranged
tho program for tho Mny moet
ing. nnd tho program for June
will bo In chnrgo of Mra.
Dorothy Koollng of Algomn.
A pot luck dinner will he
onjoyod by tho league member!
nl tho June meeting on the
ninth, which will bo the soc
ond anniversary ot tho orgnn
Ir.ntlon of tho chnpter. Tho
dinner will bo hold nt tho
home of Mrn. Floronco Llvlngs
ton, tho presldont.
Memhora of tho Oiilld of St.
Paul's Eplncopnl church met
V- Thurndny nflernonn at two
o'clock In the pnrlnh house with
Mrn. R. Honry Andorson aa hos
tenn. Pinna were made for the
nprlng rummage nolo which tho
group will nponnor on Mny the
twonty-olghth, tho plnco to be
announced Inter. Mrn. Gnry
Cozod will nerve as chairman ot
tho nala nnd thone hnvlng vum
mnge nro nnkod to call Mm.
Cnad nt SOO. The date of the
holldny hnznnr was nlno net,
nnd will bo Saturday, Docomber
the third.
Ton was sorved nt four
o'clock by Mm. Andorson to
guild memhora. The group
will moot Mny tho twenty-sixth
at. the home of Mrs. Coied In
the Alpha apartmonti.
Mrn. Ernest I). Lamb will
Inavo Tuosdny morning for Port
lnnd where she will nttond a
mooting of the state board ot
the auxiliary to tho Oregon
State Medical society scheduled
for next week. Mrs. Lamb will
I nlno hear Klrslon FlugHtad, fain
n otis Metropolitan opora star,
who Is singing In Portland at
that time,
nnii .Mi i.i
' '
i 4
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' ' li i Sits '
Date May 21
Newton H. Bell tc
Speak Under The
AAUW Banner.
Under tho direction of the
Intornntlonnl Itvlntlon! group
of tho Ainerlrnn Annocintlou
of University Wunicn, Klam
ath Falls will hear ono ot Iho
outstanding Incturera In tho
United States today when New
ton II. Hell In Introduced Sat
urday night at 8 o'clock In
tho mnln auditorium ot Iho
public library.
Tho public In Invited to tho
affnlr and a nominal chnrgo
will bo mado nt tho door.
Mr. Ilnll bna chosen aa bin
toplo. "Pence or Wnr In Eu
rope." Ho ban a wenlth of
background from which lo
chooao mnterlnl for bin lecturo.
Mr. Bell'! personnl history
speaks for Itself. Since the
World War ho has been abroad
anventeon times, traveling In
Europe, Asln, Africa and Latin
America. lie speaka tlvo
languages and has Interviewed
atotosmen nnd mllltnry lendera
In many countries. He Is a
frequent cpntrlbutor to news
papers and mngatlnea and bus
lectured oxtonsivoly on Inter
national current ovonia before
universities, colleges, civic or
ganliatlona, over the radio and
before womon'a clubs.
Starting his Interesting nor
las of experiences, Mr. Roll
served as a machine gunner
In the A. E. F. from 1917 to
1918; liaison Interpreter,
Fronch nnd Amorlcnn armies,
1918-19; witnessed tho "March
on Homo," 1923; In Morocco
during Abd El Kilm robolllon,
1923; toured Europo by nlr,
1924; went by caravan to
Central Snhnrn, 1927; sent to
Mexico on Good Will mission,
1929; toured Soviet Hunsln In
dependently, 1931; with Jnp
onene general stnft In Mnn
cburln, 1933; round tho world
via orient, trnns-Slborlnn rail
road nnd western Europe,
1936; lender, Cook's grand
tour of the orient, 1937.
Mr. Hell has boon elected a
fellow of the Hoynl Geograph
ical society of (Jrent Urltnln;
awarded tho Acnilomle Palms
by tho Fronch government;
lecturer, extension division
faculty, the Unlvorslty of
Tickets to the lecture mny
ho obtnlnod from Miss Virginia
West or Mrs. James Bunch, or
from any momber of the Inter
national Relations group. Al
io any memhor of AAUW will
obtain tlckots for the locture
which Is schoduled for eight
o'clock on Saturday night, May
tho twonty-flrst.
Miss Jowoll Stallings, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Stnl
llugn, who hecnnio tho bride of
Mr. Tony Zupnn on Saturday
morning, May the fourteenth,
wnn complimented by her elster,
Mrs, Carl Wood of tho River
side apartments with n hrldnl
shower on Wednesday, Mny the
Following an evening of
games, the hostess served a
buffet supper.
Guests who honored Miss
Stnlllngs wero Mrs. Harold
Krueger, Mrs. Paul Bornndou,
Mrs. John Morris, Mrs. Horace
Hodge, Mrs. Bob nnsmusson,
Mrs, Trumnnn Goodwin, Mrs.
J. 0. Stnlllngs, Mrs. D. A. Zu
pnn, Miss Dorothy Uorgerson,
Miss Jncnuollno Shillings, Miss
Margnerlto McGrntli, Mlei
Frances Mnhoney, Miss Mona
Dixon and the hostess, Mri.
. v . ib
Relph Stoarni, Jr., ton of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Sloarns, ob
lervcd hi birthday annivorsary May Iho twelfth. "Porky." as hs
is known to his family as well as his playmates, is here
with his youngor sislor. Frances Mario
Kennell-Ellis picture
,. T& set & '
bvck- Li!Acmk's:
Announcement of tho mar
riage of Miss Virginia Moore,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. n.
Mooro of Klamath Falls, nnd
Mr. James Johnson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Wood of Snlem,
was tnnde by the parents of the
bride this week.
Both Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson
nro students nt Wlllnnietto uni
versity In Snlem nnd their mar
rlngo on January the four
teenth of this year In Washing
ton, wns Just told nt n Sundny
morning brcnltfnst served on
tho lawn of the Delta Phi sor
ority ot which tho brldo la a
The "Snow Whlto nnd Sovon
Dwarfs" motif wns usod to an
nounce tho wedding date. The
tnble was gnlly arranged with
apple blossoms and forget-mo-notn
nnd little elves were used
on tho tnblo for favors. At the
end of n sntln ribbon, which
marked tho plnco of each guest,
wns a 11 111 11 11 parchment scroll
with the words "Prince Charm
ing," Jnmes Johnson; "Snow
While," Virginia Moore, Janu
ary 14, 1938."
The bride Is a member of a
pioneer Klnmnth Fnlls family
nnd attended bolh tho grade
nnd high schools In this city.
Sho has Bpent tho pnst tow years
nt Wlllninotto university. While
bore Mrs. Johnson wns active
In nffnirs of tho school ns well
ns DniiKhtors of Job.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson will
mnke tholr homo In Saloni.
They plan to continue studying
nt tho university whore Mr.
Johnson is mnjorlng in eleci'l
cal engineering.
Miss .Tnno Bowno Is spending;
Junior weekend at Oregon State
college as the house guest ot
Miss Goreno Tipton1 of Klamath
Fnlls at tho Alpha Delta Tl sor
ority houso.
The Enstorn Stnr Soolnl olnb,
No. 8, will meet on Mny the
twentieth nt. one-thirty o'clock
for donseit brldgo nt tho home
of Mrs. Leo N. Huls, 206 Audley
a i i ,
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Mrs. Joseph C. O'Neill and her fwo charming young daughters,
Joan, left, and Marilyn. Mrs. O'Neill is active In music circles in
Klamath Falls and has been one of the city's outstanding
violinists since her residence here.
Kenr )!I-Ellis picture
Date Told
Miss Nedra Unser An
nounces Plans For
June 12th
June, the choice ot brides
for weddings, will see many
, attractive young women gown
ed In tho trndltlonnl white satin
and filmy veil as one by one
the announcements are being
On Friday evening Mrs. W,
A. Joplln and Mrs. L. F. Carter
ontertalned for a group ot
friends at the Joplln home on
Second street at which tlma
announcement was made ot the
betrothal of MIbs Nedra Unser
to Mr. Don E. Hunt.
Miss Unser is the daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Joplln of
Klamath Falls and Mr. Hunt
Is tho son ot Mr. and Mrs. 0. E.
Hunt of Wnrrenton, Oregon.
The wedding dnto has been
set for June the twelfth and
will take place at two o'clock
on thot day in St. Paul's Epis
copal church.
The .evening was spent In
games nnd contests and at a
Into hour the news wns cleverly
told when "the cnt was let out
of tho bag" by presenting a
calico cat with tiny scrolls at
tached to the kitten.
Miss Unser then announced
her wedding dnte. She hns
chosen Miss Elenora Woather
ford as her attendant. Mr. Wil
lard W. Ward will be the best
Guests bidden to the affair
were Mrs. John Lambert, Mrs.
John K. Qntes, Mrs. Martha Me
Collum, Mrs. Harry Bathiany,
Mrs. A. C. Bockes, Mrs. Leda
Parker, Mrs. E. E. Smith, Mrs.
Blanche King, Mrs. C. E. Dennis,
Mrs. FI0A1111 Eaton, Mrs. Lloyd
Miller, Mrs. Arthur Porter, Miss
Gwendolyn Loroni, Miss Elen
ora Woathorford, Miss Claudia
Alexander, Mies Frances Berry,
Miss Ruth Mary Bathiany, and
the honor guest, Miss Unser.
Girl Bride
Jewell Stallings ' Weds
Tony Zupan on Satur
day One of the mont attractive of
the Maytlme brldee waa Minn
Jewell Htalllngn, daughter of
Mr. and Mrn. J. O. Stalling!
of Hummer! Lane, who became
tho brldo of Mr. Tony Zupan
nt an eight o'clock wedding
Suturduy morning In tho Sacred
Heart church.
The ring ceremony waa used
with Rev. John Dunnlvan read
ing tho wedding mans.
Mrn. Carl F. Wood wai the
brlde'i only attendant.
Mr. Richard Petrle was best
The bride wore a tbree
plcco drennmaker ault of patio
shade with beige accessories.
A corsage of gardenias and
yellow ronebudi completed her
costume. She carried a white
prayor book.
Mrn. Wood wore a dark
wool ault and her corsage was
funhioned ot white gardenias
and red rosebud!.
Following the ceremony tbe
wedding party and a number
of the guests were entertained
nt a prettily appointed break
fast at the home of tbe bride's
parents on Summers Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. Zupan left im
mediately on a wedding trip
to point! on the coast. They
were accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Krueger.
Mr. and Mrs. Zupan will be
at home to their many friends
In Klamath Falls at 335 South
Eleventh atreet upon their re
turn. Mr. Zupan Is affiliated with
Ewauna Lumber company. He
Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. Zupan, 911 Walnut atreet,
Klamath Falla.
ft Jv '
L , nS"!
Miss Claudia Alexander, who promises to be 6n
of the loveliest of the June brides. Miss Alexander
will announce the date of her wedding to Mr,
Arthur Laroy Moore at a tea to be given Sunday
afternoon at her home in the Alpha apartments,
Kennell-Ellii picture
Tbe Junior class ot Klamath
Union high school entertained
the seniors Friday evening, May
thirteenth, with a junior-senior
prom, one ot the moit Import
ant blgh ichool social event! ot
the year as far as the rpper
classmen are concerned.
The dance to which Juniors,
seniors, their parents, and fac
ulty members were Invited waa
held in the high school gym
nasium from eight-thirty to
eleven-thirty. Baldy Evans and
hla orchestra furnished the
The room was beautifully
decorated In paatel colora and
artificial icenery. A maypole
stood In tbe center of the room
surrounded by ahrubbery and
Oregon grape greens. About
two hundred persons enjoyed
tho dance which was one of the
most luccesstul ones of the
During the intermission a pro
gram was given. Baldy Evans
and bis orchestra played a spec
ial number. Sherman Carter
sang several selections. Pretty
Caroline Daggett was crowned
May Queen by Mr. Lloyd B.
Emery, blgh school principal,
with an impressive ceremony.
Paul Crapo served as prime
Refreshments of punch and
cookies were served during the
entire evening.
Juniors who served on tbe
decoration committee were
Phyllis Foster, Barbara John
son, Buford Sparks, Martin Da
Witt, Bud Stelnseifer, Rose
mary Sloan, Earl Kent, and
Virginia Bubb.
Those on the entertainment
committee were Leslie Frldley,
Dawn Everitt, Marlyce Erland
aon and Big Ellingson.
The highlight ot the year on
the calendar ot events tor the
Mothers club of Sacred Heart
academy will be tbe tea and
Installation of officers planned
for Sunday afternoon at two
o'clock in the academy.
Mrs. Arthur K. Bryaiit Is re
tiring president.
A silver tea Is planned with
Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Martha
Lundell pouring.
The work of the etudenta ot
the art department will be ex
hibited in the studio and in all
rooma ot tho academy the work
ot the boys and girls will be on
display. The public, as well as
those who have children In the
academy are invited to attend
the tea and exhibit.
This la the last meeting ot
the year for the Mothers club
which brings to a close an es
pecially active program for the
Mrs. Thomas Hampton and
Mrs. Ernest D. Lamb motored
to Glendale Thursday where
they spent the day as the guest!
of Mrs. George Gardinier, (Le
lalne West), and her young
daughter, Joyce Overton.
Mre. Charles S. Moore la
being greeted upon her return
to Klamath Falla to spend the
summer months here. Mra,
Moore returned north from
Pasadena where she has been
this winter and Is at home at
the Willard hotel.
" Sift
r r -H4
HO.f 4."
Tea Held
Annual Event Here
Sponsored By Med
ical Auxiliary
Outstanding on the weekend
calendar waa the annual publlo
relation! tea which li given each
year by the auxiliary to the
Klamath-Lake Medical society.
It was held Saturday after
noon from two o'clock until
five o'clock at the home ot Mrs,
Ernest D. Lamb with Mrs.
George H. Merryman as ai
listing hostess.
Rooms of the Lamb home
were arranged with bowls of
yellow, blue and white Dutch
Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Merry
man were assisted during the
afternoon by members of the
auxiliary. Mra. Lloyd D. Oass
received with the hostesses.
Mrs. Gass Is president ot the
Pouring at the prettily ap
pointed tea table, where, a
center of white Dutch Irli waa
arranged, flanked on either aide
by tali yellow tapers In silver
candle sticks, were Mrs. Charles
T. Sweeney of Medtord, Mri.
E. D. Johnson, Mra. Oeorge
Massey and Mra. Gass.
Mrs. Sweeney Is the wife of
the state president of the Ore
gon Medical society. Mrs. John
son and Mrs. Massey are past
presidents ot the auxiliary and
Mrs. Gass, president.
During the afternoon Mrs.
Ralph W. Stearni told the alms
and work of tbe auxiliary which
is primarily Interested In the
health of Klamath county resi
dents. Mrs. Lamb, one ot tbe host
esses at Saturday's tea, Is state
program chairman, and alio the
only Oregon woman who li a
member of the national board
and also a member ot the na
tional nominating committee.
A number of Klamath Fall!
women will accompany their
huabands to San Francisco June
13 to 17 when the national con
vention of the Medical society
Is held there at that time.
The meetings will be held In the
Fairmont hotel In San Fran
cisco. Flower
Show Rules
Classifications Of En
tries Are Told During
The classifications committee
Friday completed the distribu
tion of the rules which will
govern the annual spring flow
er show, May the twenty-third.
The bulletin tella the various
classifications which will be
shown, the schedule to be used
In Judging, direction! for ex
hibitor! to follow, In fact every
thing that yon ahould know
when you plan your arrange
ments for competition.
Mrs. Carleton W. Hornlbrook,
chairman of the abow which will
be held in the main auditorium
of the public library, give out
the following Information:
Exhibitors must furnish their
own containers and make their
own arrangements.
Entries must be entered be
tween 8:30 and 11:30 to give
time for placing and Judging
before the opening ot the show
at two o'clock.
Only one entry In each elan
may be entered In competition.
One dollar prite given for
each entry awarded blue ribbon.
Prize money donated by A. H.
Bussman ot Murphey's Seed
All ribbon awards count in
points toward sweepstakes prize
of two dollars. Blue counts 4
points; red counts 3 points; yel
low counts 2 points; honorable
mention counts 1 point.
The following schedule will
be used In Judging:
Distinction (originality and
Relation to container .
Proportion and balance ,
Color harmony ...'.......
Condition of material ..
Show arrangement two feet
or over In height or width.
Living room arrangements
less than two feet and over
twelve Inches:
A. With many flowers (mass)
B. With few flowers (line)
Table arrangements less
than twelve Inches and over six
A. With many flowers (mass)
B. With few flower! (line)
Miniature arrangements un-
ler six Inches.
Still life arrangements
Flowers need not be grown by
Wild flowers, which may ln
!lude eeeds, pods and foliage.
Twin arrangements. .
Hard Times Party
Planned for May 19
A hard-times party will be
enjoyed by the Graduate Nurses
association Thursday evening,
May nineteenth, at their regu
lar meeting to be held at the
city library club rooms at eight
o'clock when the losers In the
contest tor raising a convention
fund will entertain the winners.
A meeting of the committee
chairmen Is scheduled for seven
thirty o'clock. All members at
tending are asked to eome In
costumes appropriate to the occasion.
All charter members and pati
presidents will be guests ot hon
or at a birthday party following
the lodge mooting of the auxll- .
lary to the Fraternal Order ol
Eagles Friday night, May tb
The auxiliary, which Is cele
brating Iti tenth anulvernary
this week, was Initltuted May
the eighteenth. 1928, with fifty
charter membern. Sixteen ot
thene remain on the books at the
preient time.
Officer! elected at the time ot
tbe Institution were: past presi
dent, May Eck; president, Beat
rice Perkins; vice president,
Bess Ruconnlch; chaplain, Fran
nle Mae Thompaon; conductress,
Marian Martin; aeoretary, '
Peggy Long; treasurer, Pearl
Ai many of these offloen ai
are able to attend tbe party will
be asked to fill their original '
stations. All whose names ap
pear on the charter are Invited
to attend the celebration a
guests. ,
Past president! who will also
be guests of honor are Mae Eck,
Beatrice Perkins, Bess Rucon
Ich, Fannie Mae Thompson,
Mary Lewis, Marian Martin,
Dolly Machado, Betty Wood1,
Sarah Gibson, Stella Person.
Special entertainment li be
ing planned and Initiation will
be held.
Officers for the ensuing year
will be elected at this meeting.
Nominee! are, for president,
Ursee Bratton; vice president,
Annette Hall; chaplain, Mae
Eck; secretary, Mary Lewis;
treasurer, Mae McAnulty; In
side guard, Edna Keeler; out
side guard, Clara Beland; three
year trustee, Ethel Miller. Lena
Aubrey will be past president.
Committee In charge ot ar
rangements for the birthday
party are: Annette Hall, U-iel
Bratton, Mildred Wilkinson,
Pearl Mann and Lena Aubrey,
In courtesy to mothers of
children attending the Presby
terian Sunday school, a lovely
tea was given by tbe beginners'
department at tbe church last
Saturday afternoon. May the
eeventh, under the direction of
Mri. Calvin Peyton and Mrs,
Thor Newman.
Tbia waa the first affair of
the kind ever given by the Sun
day ichool, and the hope was
expreised that there would be
similar onea In the future.
Mra. Peyton and Mri. New
man, assisted by Ruth Melhase
and Elma Penrod, received
about thirty mothers who were
guests during the four to five
o'clock tea hour. A program
was given demonstrating the
work of the department.
Flowers for the occasion were
arranged by Mrs. L. O. Arens,
and centering the table which
waa especially for mothers
where Mrs. Burge Mason, Sr.,
presided, was an effective bowl
ot bleeding hearts. Other color
ful bouquets ot spring flower!
were used about the rooms.
Little Mary Lou Ferguson
presided at the children's table,
and assisting at both tables
were Mrs. Fred Robinson and
Miss May Fhlnney.
One of the most Interesting
meetings which Sojourners have
enjoyed was held Thursday af
ternoon at two o'clock In the
Wlllard hotel when Mrs. Louis
R. Mann and Mrs. George Hall
were hostesses to the group.
High score at bridge was held
by Mrs. Charles Packer and low
by Mri. F. W. Hyde. The travel
ing prize went to Mrs. C. 7;
Plans were completed for the
dinner dance to be given Satur
day evening at Lakeshore Inn,
May the twenty-first. All mem
bers who have not obtained
tickets are asked to do so by
calling Mrs. Ted Reeves,
The next regular meeting will
be held May the twenty-seventh
and hostesses will be Mrs. C. E.
Seavey and Mrs. James Burness.
Guests on Thursday were
Mesdames Sid Elliot, Howard
Tenny, Ruth Turner, Herb
Ryan, C. E. Seavey, Paul Ang
stead, William Frohnmeyer, F,
W. Hyde, C. R. Smoot, V. W,
Moore, L. A. McCarty, B. 0.
Smith, John Peters, F. J. Fro
man, H. L. Evans, Edward Dorn,
T. H. Reeves, C. F. Pierce, Bruce
Elliott, George F. Hall, Charles
Packer, Claude J. Watson, Gil
bert M 0 1 y, Clyde Mankln,
Dwlght E. Gilchrist, J. E. Braw
ley, Peggy Sturtevant, Samuel
D. Earhart, Guy Coffee, John
Baer, James Burness, Laura
Shea, Matt Finnegan, L. R.
Mann and Thaylia Glascoe.
Mrs. J. H. Carnahan, Mrs.
George Ulrlch and Miss Har
riet Wolfe left Saturday morn
ing by motor to enjoy a ten
days' stay In the bay district in
California. Mrs. Carnahan and
Miss Wolfe will visit In Oak
land and San Francisco and
Mrs. Ulrlch will visit her
daughter, Mrs. Richard Walker,
(Katherlne Ulrlch).
Mri. H. R. Harriaon, 1033
Pacific Terrace, la being greet
ed by her many frlendi in .
, Klamath Falls upon her return
from an Interesting trip which
took her to Waihington, D. C,
Virginia, and later to Ber
muda where she spent five
months, .