! May 18, 1088 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN 40 42 A A..L LOOK! Sat. and Sun. Onlyl $79 DAYS At Ostendorf Motor Co.'s Used Car Department Two Days Only Each Car In This Group Only $79 '20 I'lyiiintitli Hertnn. Orl Iniil hliin finish. Moilnn Irully rlKht n ti 1 real viihio. Two liny Only . . Kul I ITIro 7 'BO Graham Urdu, KiceU lent rnmllllnn IhroiiKhmit. noimiiilnhl condition. Two I hi) a Only . , . . Knll ITIro 7 Eaty Terms 'Sill Clierrulrt Cllllr. J lint the oar for anmenno. In cl"tin rntidlllnn, nnd K'1 for plenty of mllea. Two liny. Only . . Kiill Price 7 'Sll Korcl Tuilor. Onod up holstery; vory good Ureal motor In claim condition. Now . . . Kill I I'rlce 7 '811 I'lyinoulli Coupe. Good mnchaulrnl condition: good tires. Ill" a splendid re paint Jnh. Two Dave Only . . . Knll ITIro 70 Act Now! There' a Car Here You Want . . . Plenty of Makes to Choose From! Ostendorf Motor Co. 424 So. 6th 36 Miscellaneous rot Sale NBW WHEEL fUMS UNNBCEB 8AP.Y when you equip jour tractor with Ward Urea. Oet a free booklet now. Montgomery Ward Co.. Ill Main St. 5-17 FOR BALE OR TRADE Potatoes Ho sack, bring aark. Trade for anything. A. A- Clemena, Rt. 1. Olene. Ore. 1-1 T KATlinEB MINERAL FOOD Ouaranleed for rhouinatlam. di abetes, neurltle. arthrltla. goi ter, ulcere, kidney, bladder trou ble., aathma. For aala by Wal ter Davidson, Klamath Fall. Ore., 62 South 4th St. 1-11 FOR SALE 11100 factory built bouie trailer, Ilk new, half price. Inquire 117 Main or call 147. ! TOR SALE By owner, Peerless deep-well centrifugal pump. Phone 171. 4146-tt ilOVINOT Call Klamath Fall! Tranafer and Storage, 4th and Klamath. Phone 107. l-4-mtf FROM FACTORY TO YOU 110 -coll aprlng - filled mattreas f 11.60. Or we will convert your cotton mattreaa Into a spring-filled mattreaa with a now ticking for 110.60. Mnttreaaoa robullt 11.96. Also upholstorlnc of all kinds. Full line of luteal coverings to ehoose from. CARLSON MATTRESS A UPHOL8TERINQ CO. 12) Main Phone 791 6-16 UNREDEEMED Elgin watch .s, 14.60 up. Ricky's Jewelry and Loan Co., 62a Main. 6-11 NEPTUNE out-board motore. Six modela, 640.70 rnd up, Poole's Bicycle Store. 6-21 SMALL Job Hauling, fertiliser, lawn dirt, excavations, dry block wood. Roy Schmeck, 2481 Shnata Way. Phone 1269. 6-11 TJBKt) AND REPOSSESSED Re frleornlors. These machines curry a ono-yenr xunrnntee nnd can be purchased on enay pay mmil plans. Roberta and "oak Hnrdwnre, 1007 Main. 6-18 FOR SALE Certified and com mon seed potntoes. Leonard Moahko, Tulclnke. 6-18 PIANOS Small uprights, spinets, for rent, reasonable. Apply rent Inwnrd low term purchase later " If desired. Louis R, Mnnn, tuner. Derby's, 117 So. 7th. 6-4 CLASSY SCOTTY PUPPIES Sired by Champlans Winning Son. TloRlstorcd. 116.00 each. Royal Rogue Kennels, Medford, Ore. 6-11 To Exchange TRADE Good building lot In Hot SprliiRS for doslrnhln acrengo. Nows-Hnrnld, Box 4781. 6-17 WILL 'I'UADIO Phllco table rndln for car riullo. Addross box 8061, Nows-Hnrnld. 6-14 TO TRADE Car for potnloos. Phone 28F1S. Write P. O. Box 3.13. 5-14 Miicellaneout Wanted WANTED TO RENT Modern , furnished house, two bedrooms. Pormanont, Phono 190. 6-16 WW nilY BOTTLES Main Street Bottle Exchange, 1406 Main. 6-10 HIGHEST PRICES paid for used f II full II in ntirl ilnwe, tlt Din. ond llnnd Store, 820 Klamath. Phnn 9S1. . 6-31-mtf 80 Chevrolet a-l)oor. This car haa ion through our reconditioning ahop and la rnady to glv dependable service. Two Day Only . . . Kull Prlc 7B Save Money I 20 Naah Hedan. Slnglo Bis. Clean upholetery. Clood condition. Now paint. Tito only . . Knll ITlro 70 'ail Kord I -Ton Truck. Flat rnck. In good condition, ready to go. Two Days Only , . . Kull ITIro f7B Good Trade I "Bl Dodge Nrdan. Complet ly reconditioned and r flulahad. Jnat drlv It and you'll buy It. Two Day Only . . . Kull ITIro 7U '80 Durant Coupe. A eplen dld "buy" for lomebody. Two Daya Only . . . Kull rrtro 7 1418 Main St., Opp. Armory 42 Miscellaneous Wanted PAY CASH for used furniture, tools, guns. Peck's Second-Hand Slnre. 27 Main Bt. 6-11 44 Livettoci end Poultry FOR SALE Span horses, cheap. Fred Young. Po Valley. 6-14 FOR 8ALE Pigs, weaners, feed ers, sows snd bosr. Phone Chlloquln 142. or write Box 281. Chlloquln. 6-11 Re-elect THE WORKING MAN wantt Governor Martin re-elected because the worklngman wantt to run hit own organization!. The Governor hat come to the aid of the work lngman by helping him shake off goons, parasites, racketeers and unfair employers who don't want REAL organised labor to succeed. THE PEOPLE OF OREGON want Governor Martin re-elected because he It able, honest and fearless. They knew he Is not a politician, but stands only for the good of Oregon, our home state. Left re-elect him. Re-elect SPECIAL reduced prices on chicks. White Leghorns to. Hocks, Rods, New Hampshlros, 9. W, L. pul lets 18c. Started pullets write fur prices. Highest grade. U.W.D. Touted. Cutnlogue free. Jenks Hatchery, Tangent, Ore gon. 6-16 MAMMOTH IIKONSSB TURKEY POULTS 6000 hatching week ly. Highest quality slock, abso lutely free of navel Infection. No button birds. Hatlsfactlon guaranteed. IIEINH HATCII UHY. Mllwaukle, Ore. 6-21 RHODE ISLAND RED CHIXS B.C. R.I. Rede. All breeders on our own farm. We buy no eggs. Illoodtosted by Oregon State college for D.W.D., 9.00 per 100; wk .olds, 111.00 per 100 prepaid. Schuls Hros., Rt. S, Dos 690, Portland, Or. 6-30 FOR BALE Hons, young While Leghorn, all laying, an) num ber one to one thousand. Phone Chlloquln 642, or write llox 281. Chlloquln. 6-11 SUPER QUALITY CHICKS R. I. Reds, Now Hampshlres, Mar red and White Rocks, White Leghorns, White Wyandottes and Ruff Orpingtons from blood tested stock hatching every week. Low prices and prompt shipments. Magulre Electric Hatchory, 2416 N. E. Oregon St., Portland, Oregon. 6-31-mtf WANTED Heel, real, chickens, bogs. Highest prlcos paid. Call Lowell's Food Store or Sanitary Market. 6-27 46 Financial The "Friendly Finance Co." AUTOMOBILE LOANS and Refinancing W will loan you money on your car, or refinance, enabling you to lower your payments. Commercial Finance Co. Wm. Prohnmayer, Mgr. License No. M-223 III I. 7th St. Phone 471 6-81 LOW RATES on AUTO LOANS and REFINANCING Quick. Dependable, Safe No Co-Slgnera No Red Tape NO HIDDEN CHARGES Let us finance your new or used car purchase. Motor Investment Co. License M-104 11' No. 7lh Ph. 882 1-9 mtf Governor THE FARMER wonh Governor Martin re-elected because he hat backed every move to help the' Oregon farmer, wiped out state property taxes, supported the Bonneville dam power development and state agri cultural agencies and colleges. THE BUSINESS MAN wants Governor Martin re-elected because he hat helped legitimate business, successfully hitting at chtselert and racketeers no matter what their stations In life. Governor Paid Adv. by Klamath 48 Business Opportunities FOR BALE 40 shares of 7 pre ferred N. C. Copco stock. News Herald, llox 4681. 6-11 FOR SALE Small 2nd band store or will take Isle model car In exchange, 131 So. 1th. 6-14 FOR BALE On account of sick ness, reataurant doing good business. Box 4114, News-Herald. 6-11 MAN TO TAKE OVER ROUTE f f 76 lugul and slug-proof vending mnchlnes. Few hours spar time each week will pay you 12(0 por month. 1176 cash nneded, 100 secured. Write llo SUM3. News-Herald. 6-18 Portland Prod uce PORTLAND, May 13 UP But ter Prlnta: A grade 27,0 lb. In parchment wrappers; 28e lb. In carton; B grade 261c In parch ment wrappers, 27, o In cartons. Butterfat Portland delivery, buying price: A grade 26-26)c lb. country stations; A grade 23jc lb.; B grade 2o lb. less; 0 grade 6o lb. less. Eggs Buying prices by whole nalora; specials 19)8 dot.; extraa 17,c; standards 16Jc; special me diums HJc; extra mediums 16c; standard mediums 16c; under grade 14to dot. Cboese Oregon triplets Hie; Oregon loaf 141c; brokers will pay Is below quotations. Country meats Selling price to retailers: Country killed bogs, best butcher under 160 lbs. 10-10, o lb.; vealers 121-13o lb.; light and thin t-llc lb.; heavy 10c; canner cows 8-9c lb.; cut ters 9-10c lb.; bulla 10c lb.: lambs 14c lb.; owes 4-7c lb. Spring lambs, 16-170 lb. Live poultry Buying prices: Leghorn broilers, 11 to 1 lb., 141 16ic lb.; colored springs 2 to 31 lb. 161-17C lb.; over 31 lbs., 171 181c lb.; Leghorn hens over 31 lbs., 141c lb.; under 31 lbs. NO RED TAPE Details Arranger at Your Homo Only Responsible Painters and Decorators Do Your Job Call Mr. Wlnnlngham Today, Residence Phone 05QR J. W. COPELAND YARDS Phone 188 Martin Martin no-Elect Gov. Martin Com. Hold Everything! ".Inc. did yon hoc unylhing of my square?" 131141c lb.; colored bens to 6 lbs., 18, -20c; over 6 lbs., 17J-19C lb.; No. 2 grade 2c less. Turkeys nominal buying price: breeder hens 20c lb.; selling price. Breeder bens 2 1-2 11c lb; toms. 16-llc. Potatoes new Texas 11.00; I Many purchasers unwittingly throw away hard-earned cash forYnei chandise of unknown merit. . " ' This store delivers VALUE 99 "On the Nose" by consistently featur ing nationally advertised brands of KNOWN MERIT at GREAT SAV- INGS. 50c MOLLE 43c I S5c PONDS Creams 23c I I 0c MAR-O-OIL Shampoo 49 I 60c Sal Hepatic... 49c Pepsodent?. 33c 60c Alka 49c Listerine (tars).... 59c 50clpana?nh 39c 25c Carters' 19 c 60c Mentiio,.tam53c 1.25 Petro lagar... 89c 60c Italian Bai. 75c Ovaltine....59c 50c Barbasol...37c Squibb K1..... 59c 25c J & J 5BL-J9c 25c Anacin...19c 75C VOShiuJ Tonle 63c Woodbury Sr?.'. 39c PEP80DENT8 Moving Ptcfur Machine Featuring "SNOW WHITE" see "Mickey Moose A Don. CD EC m rini-k" nirMfli r IX 6 K Is Bnhaes fee tan Cmrlae fra anr mtelani ar Ism slsa rEPSODKNT PRODUCT Cal. white 11.06-1.10 per 60 lb. bag. Potatoes Yakima Gems, 2s, 70s, local 66e cental; central Oregon 11.16-1.26 cental. Onions old crop Oregon 11.10 cental; new crop Texas Bermu 50cLysolHed..43c Aspirin ?re.-.59c 50c Midol . 39c 75c Takara 59c 25c Pyrex Vmm. 19c 60cJaynes45c $1 Zonitors 79c Fitch Shampoo 59c 65c Ponds Creams 37c $1 Lucky H.r,..79c 60cWer-D:B!Pow.47c 65c BisodoLe. 49c Lactogen 83c 55c Lady g2r39e $1 Adlenka 7 I fl.45 PINKHAMS Compound 98 I 1 (0X0) c KLEENEX (500) Oflr SheMt ) ee ste e e sV KOTEX DOZ. 39c I 57c das fl.OO per 60 lb. bag; Cali fornia 11.60. . Wool 1911, nominal; Willam ette valley medium Ho lb. coarse and braids llo eastern Oregon 11-lle lb. Hay selling prtoe to retailors: alfalfa, No. 1, 118-11.60 ton; oat vetch 114 ton; clover 111 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon, unquot ed, ton; do valley 116 ton, Port land. Ernest Hemingway's latest novel haa been banned In De troit. The district attorney told the public In effect that some books they eould have, but To Have And Not Have they could not have. S MSSAOf af HOPE far MM and WOSICN Whew GLANDS?" Help Bert to ft fMMjr bmek trtaJ otter that men arxf women matlning from wmk lands, won't want tomlM. AaeiemtJfle formal, dwivrvad tosUov olau all tb slatvda fa Uverlr normal rtfjoroaa, hemlthfrtHnfj farsetitma, eaJlad Qrrnm Mffw) PaJlata, is offtvad en a taat at oar rtak faauia. IM for ft araak'a wppjj. GUmzo now at Waggoner Drag Store Free Cooking School 10 A. M. May 18 Pelican Theatre Presented In An Interesting Movie ' Husbands Are Good for Something Get Your Tickets From KLAMATH ICE & STORAGE CO. Or Your Ice Man . I I 40c FLETCHER'S Castoria 31c i i 50e HINDS or JERGENS LOTION 39e I I 50c LYONS TOOTH POWDER 33c I 1 75c Doan'sSS;.. 596 1.25 Saraka ... 98c 1.25 Ceroids 98c 50c Yeast Foam 31c AbsorbineJm ..94c 50c lodent p. 330 60c Polidenti, 53c 50c Dreskin ... 43i 60c Mum 49e Fasteeth?:.49c Cig Tobaccos Velvet P. A. Half Bait 1 for U 1 lb. 76 Union Lender Granger, ' Model 3 for 250 lb. T4e arettes, Old Gold Camel Chesterfield Lucklet Raleigh 13 Per Carton si.ie Wing Dominoes Avalon tot Carton 9S RUG NINTH AND MAIN STS. , SAFETY I PROTECTION For Your Life's SAVINGS Of o (Cam DlisM) First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 K. ttk n. pit Dunbar tf ftSml Inlnri u4 im lawaacs Cars. m treor& Ji CO. 4 li l IrowToZM,