May 12, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE Hold Everything! Drastic May Reductions on SPRING SUITS and COATS E TENOR. CHORUS PIANIST TO GIV CONCERTS HERE llnlilora lit tlcknta to III Klam ath Coiiiioratlvo Concert naaucla tlnii aiirlna will lio forliiniiln thin ynnr In liimrliiK llimo out hi 11 ml In k primi'iuna, (inn ii'ia'uiliil hy llm fniniiiin llin Cunmii'lt clinrnn, llm iiilmr hy IimIIcm I'liuitx, ymniK Aniiu'lnii plnnlnl, mill llm (hlril hy Cliarloa Kulluiiiii, Ainorlcnn tonor. Mnmtinra of I ho Don Cnaaiick rhmiia mill Imlli Kraut mid Ktilliiimi itro liitiiriiiitliiiuilly fu moiia, nml wllh thnan llirnii nut atanilliiK nrllm Krnnp In npiinur burn IIiIh yoar Ulnar who unjoy miialc Hnvo nitlrli to look for wmil to. Aiiiioiiiirmiioiil of thn aflu'tttilii wna iniiiln Tliurnilny by Mmilii Hwiiiihiiii. prenlili'iil of tlio na- anclntluti, wim rmii'lvnu cou- flriiiiillun of tlin arllat rnminlt tnn'a cliolro hy wlro Thiirailny niornliiK. MnvlnKimra aiiw nml hi'iird ClmrlcK Kiilliiiun In hla flint Ani"rlcjiii film, "(ioltlwyu Kol Una" whxii ho aanK "Tim Drink I n K Hiinit" from "I. a Travlata" diirhiK a allowing of llm plcturo lnt wi-ik In K In inn I h Kill In. Mn amiK tliri'i aurrt'HMlvii yi'iua na Ii'iiiIIiik ttMior of Ihn Mntropnlltiin opntn unit iikiiIii hiiiik two ami aona with I ho Kirn Kranrlaco otmrn. Kill I run n will ho Imaril In Klnmnth Knlla na thn firm artlat. Ilia appriirnnro la aclio iliili'it for Oi'lolinr. 'Mm anroml ronrnrt of thn ynur la alntnil for Novninhnr wlmn thn Don CoMiinrk chortia will ho hnnril. Sitkh Jnrnff la coiiilurtor of tho churn, which tina ho ronin tiitnrnntlnniitly fiunnna ilur Injt thn piini fnw yi-ara. Thla la Ihn firm ymir alum 1JJ) Hint limiklltKa huvo lu'iui nvutlnhlit to Klnmnth Kalla. mid aa early na Jnntinry, 19.18, tlmro wrro only l(i avnllahla hnnkliiKa for thn nitlrn year. )nlla Krnntz, ronnlilnmd Ihn oittntniiilliiK y o it n ft- American pinnlNi, who "pliiya llrnhma nml Chopin morn hrllllnntly thnn any body alnrn pnilnrnwaki" mid who la "ilnvold of plnnlfttlc mniiiinr Inina nR thn Rrnnt Itnrhinnnlnoff" la tho thlril nrt!nt who will np pnnr hoto. II" la ilntnd for Mnrrh. Tho nminhnrahlp canipalitn, which roaultnd In n waiting lint of nnnrly GO nimnhnra. rlnaml ft wnnk nfto tindnr thn dlrnrtlon of Mia. It. II. Macartney. No nine lo ndiiilnaloiia will ho aold nt thn door, and na naunl, tho conrnrtn will bo bold In tho high achool auditorium. I.nhrndnr, Ihn flrat pnrt of Ainnrlrn to ho dlapovnrod hy Ku roiii'ona, la (hn lout portion of tho continent In which Inrxo arena ro mnln unexplored by wlilto men. A promlnnnl neurologist atntea (lint a loud linlno cuta down a niotorlnt'a vlalon. "Judge, nil of a aiiddrn It atnrtnd Ihundorlng and 1 couldn't ace a thing." AM1ANY, Mny 11 (P) Thn Ore gon Nnrmnt achool Irnck team tlo fnnlnd Albany college. S3 to 38, yealenlny for tho aocond tlmn In two wooka. Why pny ni"rc7 liny your nard car nl lot-kn'a. com, itit av ar aravict. imc. itwfc. "Il'ti llitist! Ynnkri'it nniii, Colonel!" WOMAN HITCHHIKER IS ASSAULTED, STRANGLED I.AWHENCK, Kna., .May 12 (P) A wniiinn liltrhhlkcr found dead in ii field nnr horn wna atrnnKli'd, an nutopay allowed Innt nlKht. After n criminal attack. Coroner I,. K. Zliiimcr anld tho wnmnn. wbomi dlnry contnlnrd tho nnnm of Murlcnn O'llrlcn, bnd Iiccmi lii-iilnn uncoiiHcloiiH. A abort piece of ropn wim tied around Ihn wo innira neck with "connldoriiblo atniiiKlh and aklll," Zlinmor aaid. Thn coroner anld denlh occurred at nbout i p. in. Tucniliiy, Kootprlnta nround tho body were w BMied away by rain, officers anld. Kiimi.n ;i:ts mo on KIIOK.NK, May 12 () Cuy Klhhee, film comedian who came bnrk to tho McKcnzIo rlvnr this yenr to Ket Ihn "IiIb onoa hn met Innt aiimmer," lnnded a thren lioiind rnlnhow trout yoaterdny afternoon. IJflfiQ I r PALE Vf MkPORT BEER y Pietnlanb er'Branl 3 'UawiNc a halting ca sw Mi Jr,-"'g Rhelnlndor' ctuilv IfW k"","t ,P"kl'' Just look at Dodge's record in the Gilmore-Yosemite Run... an average of 21.1 miles per gallon of Red Lion gasoline. You, too, will get correspondingly higher mileage with Red Lion. Just try -a tankfull atURED LIONS IN MILEAGE, iwr Oedg flntihtt? with lint ontiini of LION HEAD MOTOR OIL In crankcos at at Karl ( Run. ran I ftgxifj) OCT r0&kvf& QGQQGQQ I TUNI IN ORIATIR OILMORI CIRCUS, IVCRY FRIDAY, 9iOO P. M., N. I. C. (RID) NETWORK L EGHORNS Summor'j prettiesf straw for lovely, lovely flattery ... in honeysuckle (natural) . . . bluebell (pale blue) . . . moss rose (pale pint) . . . certwheol, bonnet or breton. i 5 I 1 Dressmaker Suits $19)S0:. All $18.50 Value ' Reduced to All the newest ihades of the season, from a pinkish Beige to an active blue. 2 and 3 piece styles in all the season's varia tions of stitch and pleat work. Sizes 12 to 20 SHETLANDS BOUCLES ENGLISH TWEEDS SHEER FLANNELS nd OTHERS All $25 Values Reduced to FOR SMARTNESS, COMFORT AND SUMMER COOLNESS WEAR tyimh Washable FROCKS VIVID FLORALS COLORFAST VAT DYED . . , quality pop lins and broad cloths in excitingly pretty frocks for the summer prom enade. Tailored to exp r e s s freshness for the lovoly girl who wants to look smarter! $ MODEL 797 (right) Comes In a genuine Broadcloth In gay col orings separate Bo lero combined with aun back frock with belt, wblte pique trim skirt with kick pleat. Sizes 14 to 20. fr OUTSTANDING STYLES IN WASH FROCKS For the Larger Woman A raw shipment of lovely styles for summer in sizes 38'A to 46'A. New sheers . . . Powder Puff Muslins . . . Spun Rayons. Zipper and but ton styles . . . lovely organdie and lace trimmings $-j98 $29S -398 FOR THE GRADUATE Paramount Style Shoes With Personality m VI if Spring COATS Sport and dressy types in jacket or full length. Moe's Big May Downstairs Store Thrift Event Cannon Sheet Special $1.25 Val. 81x108 81x99 Sale Price CASES 42x36 at 22 Each Cannon Renown sheets have quality woven into every thread. A firm fin ished sheet of long staple Delta cot ton, guaranteed to give long wear. ONCE A YEAR SALE OF Pequot Sheets Your last opportunity to buy in this sale, permitted by the Fair-trade agreement. Pequot sheets have no peer in quality at any price. 63x108 Sale Price 72x108 Sale Price 81x99 Sale Price 81x108 Sale Price 39 $-49 CASES 42x3630 Each iyP4P4M0lNT WHEAT LINENS COPPER TANS WHITES TANS and PATENTS MAY SALE OF TURKISH TOWELS i r 22x44 Reg. A double thread, long loop towel ot Va.iUe extra heavy matting. Comes in pastel colors with deep tone Jacquard bor- t der, all colors to choose from. JJ s:le Turkish Hand Towels 18c IA Reg. Values SPECIAL SALE OF COTTON JACQUARD BEDSPREADS A tooh Innn wearina srjread. excellent for sum- value mer cottage, or where extra hard wear is ex- Full Size pected. Woven-in floral patterns in all colors. 1 149 SPECIAL MAY REDUCTIONS MWMMt 1.iM..MMUMllaBitaiuiJ.uta') INSURE THE KIDDIES' HEALTH THIS SUMMER WITH yPAJ?AMOWT Also a Marvelous Selection of Beautiful PARIS FASHION .WHITE SHOES BETTER Blankets 10 to 20 Off Closing out stock time t c hnrAj.ll batter aua- lity blankets are offered M OT roaucrions. I UUI na- , tionally known lines to k, select from. Some slight- ft ly soiled. New Chintz Summer DRAPES Priced Specially for May Sale at $1.98 pair A fine aualitv alazed drape in new floral de- signs. Pleated tops. www Keystone Quality Mattress Pads 39x76, Special ... $129 54x76 Special ....$1.78 The best quality padsl SUN TOSS and you are as s u r e d quality when you buy at Moe'sl " One-Pieee Kiddies SUN SUITS 35c 3 for $1.00 A snappy suit in fast color 80 $q. percale. A variety of color combinations in polka dots, nautical designs and floral patterns. Tape and ruffle trimmings. Four styles to choose from. Styles for both boys and girls. Sizes 2-4-6. Vanta Novelty Jersey SUN SUITS and SHORTS 69c Polo Shirt to Match Suit or Shorts, 69c Smart, new patterns with novelty tape and stitched work in contrasting colors. Guar anteed sun fast.- Reinforced for long wear. Mad eof pure delta long fibre cotton. Sizes 2-4-6. Girls and Misses New Taffetta Dresses mo THE WOMAN'S STOBEjncX j to aa Smartly tailored, refresh ingly new. , , Multiple hemline flouncing . shirred waistlines . velvet ribbon tie-belts . . . ruffle collars . .