May 7, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON r AGE NINE imnrnTPnn n UNutni bnuur REPORTS FIRST TING LIST For (ho (lint tlmii In llin li In lory of Hi" Klunuitli ( uIIh Cmii irntlvn roiii'"il ansui'liif Inn, llntri' Is n wnltliiK H"l "( pursim who wru iliiul'l'' In nlMiiln hioiiiImm' lhlin III I III" Kl iMip. 'I'll la wun III" uiiiioiiiirniiiMil mmlu bulurtliiy li) Mil H. It. Mucurliiiiv. chairman of Mil mnmhiirnlilii ilrlvn which diisuil Mvlilay nllnriiiiun. Martin Hwiiiiwmi ih-mIii.'IiI of '((in unsocial hm, will iiiiimiiiiiuu tlio X'l'i-lluu ut artlnl miily ml wiiolt at iiiiifl 1( I iik huukliiKi uf tlio nolortnd aiilnlM iituilti U lin imnnlhln In aniimiiiro nuiiius Hnt unlay. Tim iim'IiiImti'IiIii ,.u-i','ih l.mi iir l' iiKirn ihaii lu, Imrnud. It n uku "! thut nynna liiavliiK luwii ut til" Hum rhoiinli'd tr n cmicorl puss tho llrki'l I" ii nona whu littvy luiilKlit titu in rn li 1 1 n uiiil ni'iii unnlilii tu uliiulii llii'in. Tll CIHIOITI Bi'lliH will llilll bo hulil In Hi" IiIkIi nrhunl au ditorium. EAGLES ANNOUNCE Tho Kriili-rnul OnlT of KkI" nil tho I.udli'n' auxiliary will sponsor th" (ciIIciwIuk Molhor'n day iimitraiii Hiimlny. May K, at ; ji in HI Hi" imnory In whlrh thn imliliit l i-iirdlnlly liivllml. I'ri'nmliitl I Ut" of riil miitlmr of llm 1''UK and l.udlon' auxiliary. Orchestra niinihrr - Kuiili'i or chestra. Vocal m'liHtliin- tipul Illohii. miiiimurod liy Woim u uf the Mouse. Introduction of llm oldxil inollior of thn Knitlns auxiliary. CiMitral I.alior council and af filiation pioncnl fluwcri In moth ers. Invocation ll"vnrciid Itiiica. Addroaa of Wclcoin A. K. Ilooinc. prrshlmil of KOK. Itxupnnan Otto l.uncnlct Niimlirr by thn municipal hand. Adilrcmi hy npi-uki'r of thn day Willi K. Miiliimry. I'lirnutH and Tcarhcia cniincll presents thn Mother'" rhoriia. Harrerl Heart Molhr' rlub V In no milo hy Kill Yoitim. MiiNlcnl miniher battles " or- chcNi rw. VKW and auxiliary Souk by Itoniilil Hierlliic (flvo ycur old) accompanied by Mri. storllnK. I.oyal Ordor of Moo Musical trio. Dubby l.orcl, and Howard and ItoRcr Wllklimon. t Violin and xylophone, duot Mailnn and Domlliy l.aureiinon. mcouipnulcd hy l.elu l.anrennan. J lliind number Municipal band. . I. Ion club auxiliary Piano olo hy fiennvlvi lloup. ' American Lcalon auxiliary ocul nolo by Hurry Van. i Admonition and prayor Itev wrcml Holen. Kxlt march Bugle urchcatra. fMEVERS SELECTED On Thursday cvcnlnc at tho church, Goorgo A. Myer was !iiccccdlni! Andrew M. Colllnr. who has server! In that capacity for over 21) ycurn. Dunne Hint iperlod tho present atibatmitlal i brick building wi erected, the 'Oman Installed, tho church freed from Indebtedness, and Improvo , inonla of vnrlnim Itlnda coinplntcd. - Collier romnlna a member of tho board of tnmteeH whore hi" .'oxporlonco nnd valuable counsol .-will be available. Conslderlng 'tho oiitntnndliiK aorvlco nnd char 'acter of tho man ho li aiiccocdlni!, tlio olectlnn to llila chairmanship la J tint ly rcunrilcd an an honor, lohurch offlclala anld. r Myer haa lorved as tnmleo for nnmbor of years paat and last 'year was vice chairman. ', Other offlcor olocted wore Frank llnmhlnll, vlco chairman Vniul Earl C. llnynolda. socrolnry Wof tho linard. In addition to this Hert C. Thomas was ro-cloctod 'financial socrotnry nnd tronsurer ' of the congregation. A special building commlttoe ; was RppnlnlPil lo mnko provision ; for thn fliturn espcrlnlly along the -line of providing iiildlllnnal room for educational pmpose. il A nnw Union Oil Service stntlnp , la rising on Main and Conger nve i nuo on n. place of propci'ty owned ! by a. I. Slohhlns, Thniiith the cr ( vlco nlut (on will really ho owned by Rlclililun, Iho nil enmpnny holds .' a lenno nn II for 10 ynnrn. ;.; Tho now alnllnii has boon aub- leaned In Itny Till low, local gnrngo V opeialor, nccui'illnii to lutormntlon .renelved hero from J. 1''. Wnllaoo of Medfnrd, dlslrlct sales mnnngor 1 for the Union Oil company of Cal Mrnrnlit, whu was In Klunmlh Kails Friday. News of Klamath Churches Flnt PreibyUrlan Church First I'rusbyturlun Church, Norih Ulxth unci I'luu atrunla. I'uklor 1 thu Huv, Thuuduru Hin it h, church tulupbon 421) and lUHlduucii tvluphuiiu 'i'iil. .Moriiliin survlca 11 . in. Iii iiiiiiiucIi as this I Mother's Huy ami n largo iliilitgutluu uf Jub' DiiiiKhtura wlih tliolr iiiothurs niu tu ulioiid I 'i a budy under i liu dlrocllun of Ml May 1'lilu ney, Mil, Voyo ITA M oili er aliigiira aro to sing and many of their friends will ha In ut ti'inliiiicu, the public Is asked tu cuiiiu early, II. ,M, I'uikhurit, director uf 111 choir, lluu lloeiliiln, organ 1st. 1'rogram, organ pruludu, llm offertory and thu poslluda, and special vocal numbers. The I'. T. A. .Mill her singers will prcmiiit "Thu llond Thin llruught Yuu tu Me," by lliiiublun. and "The Christ Is llure." by Welh erley. Iwls Hurt will sing a Moihur day tenor solo. Thu pastor will apeak on "Mother hood." Special reservation will he lumle for tin Uethel of Jobs Daughters and their mothers and friends. There will also be reservation for tho I'TA chorus and friends, Prayer group meets OMu a. in. In the pastor's study. Ulble nilHiol. :! a. m Huperlnlond eui tieorg W. Mrlniyre In i-lla l ge. The Christian Kndeovor o- rl.iy u ts at :J0 p. m., with William C. Hum. Jr.. 'a','r The topic Is taken from the life of Christ and will deal with trr.rlMlnr His CrUCl- rixlon." "The Ambition of James and John." and the "Anointing of Jem by Mary of Ilothany. All young peoplo nre Invited. ihn evening servlco the young people will be In charge with Mis Mry Thomas, pros ,nt of the C. K. oclety, pre siding. Tho evening will bo de ........ ... ..nnrii of delegates to ihe state ChrlBllan Kndeavor so cial ', which met this last week In Oregon City. The organ mu sic. Including" prelude, offertory, and posllude I to be elected. The general public will be wel comed at thl service. ' Fint Covtnint Church First Covenant church, 2 Walnut avenue, llottfred J. An derniin. pastor. ID-3D a. m. Kunduy school and Swedish service. At the Swedish service Ihe pastor will speak on "Lessons from Ihe Lord s Prayer. At the Sunday school session he will touch upon "Tho Privilege and Responsibility of a Mother. 7 to p. in. Mother's Day pro gram given by the young people. Wednesday. 2:00 p. m. Bible study t the church. A serle of meeting will begin on Wednesday night and continue over Sunday with services each evening, except Saturday. The Kev. Nils llelner of Mpon, Cali fornia, H1 be the speaker. Ite. Hetner I pastor of the Covenant church at Itlpon and has for yeors been the treasurer of the California Covenant association. He I an able speaker and the public Is cordially Invited to hear hltn. The sorvlce are held at 7:45 each evening. Community Congregational Church "Famous Mother o f His tory" I the Mother' Day ermon theme of Ilev. Kugene V. Hnynes, pastor, a he speaka at the eleven o'clock wornlng worship sorvlce. Special music under the direction of Mr. Stella Bagley will be an added feature of this Inspiring er vlco. Mothers with little children may have them carod for In the nursery which Is conducted for their convenience each Sunday morning In the parionage during the church hour. Sunday school under the direc tion of Mr. Frank Kllllan, superin tendent, meets at 9:45 a. m. each Sunday morning with a class for each ago group. Tomorrow there will be a special worship sorvlce In honor of Mother' Day. Two young people' groups meet each Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m. Thoao young people of Junior-high school ago moot with Mlsa Joyce Nolson, counsellor and those of high achool and college age meet with Mr. Hayne In the parsonage. The young people of the communi ty are Invited to attend. Immanuel Baptist Church Immanuel Baptlat church, J. Clarence orr, minister. Eleventh and High strocta. Dr. snndford Fleming, president of tho Berkeley Baptist Divinity school, of Borkcley, will be the spenkor nt both service next Sun day, Mother's day. During the morning worship aervlce from 11 to 12 Dr. Fleming will apeak of tho work of the divinity achool. There will be apeclal music. Young people meet at 7 p. tu. Evening service, g p. m., will fouiure Dr. Fleming a be telle of hi recent trip to the Holy Land. The public la Invited. As a special feature ot the morn ing sorvlce we will burn the mort gage which has boen upon our church for so long. Those desiring to seo this ceremony must come to the church. Zion Lutheran Church Zlon Lutheran church, 1025 High street, O. W. Hoffmann, pnstor. Sunday's service bogln at 11 o'clock, in observance of Mothor'i dny the pnstor will proach on Prov. 31, 28: "Her children arise up, nnd 'call her blessed." All are welcome. Sunday school meet at t:5 a. m. . Midweek Bible elsa .Wednesday evening at g o'clock. Flnt Methodlit Church First Methodist church, curlier of North Tenth and High street. John W. Wurroll, pastor. Heal dence, 1005 High alreetj phone 44II-W. Sunday next the church achool will nssninblo at I): 40 a. in. L. K. Phelps, superintendent. Morning worship nt 10:55 a, m, A Mother' day servlco with tlio following features: Mrs. B. S. Ventrh at the piano will piny "Come (lenlle Spring," Haydn, mid "Crndlo Song" hy Krelnlcr. Miss LUIIo Darby. In chnrgo of the choir, hns arranged for the follow ing number: Anlli' "Incline Thine Knr" hy Ippolltoft-lvanoff. Special, by the woman's chorus, "O Blessed Day of Mothorbood," Mueller. Holo by Sherman Carter, "Llltln Molher of .Mine," hy Bur leigh. Tim pnalor will speak on Ihe thomo, "Behold Thy Mother." At this aervlce the aacramcnt of bap tism and reception of members. Thn Junior church will meet at Die siunn hour with Mlsa Hose Howe snd Mrs. M. 8. Itlce in charge The Kpworth loogue devotional meetings at 0:30 p. m. Continuing tho Mother's day emphasis In Iho evening service beginning at 8 p. in. tho girls' chorus of tho Senior Kpworth leuguu will sing Ihe anthems, "Mother's Kveiilng Song" (Mol loy) and "What a Friend We Have In Jesus" (Converse). A Mother's day reading will he given hy Janice Bubh. The paslor will speak on tho iheine, "Motherhood and a Henri Strunguly Warmed," emplluslzliig the Influence ot mothorbood In tho development ot Methodism. In honor of mother altcnd church on Mother's day. Apottolic Faith Special music In memory of mothers will be a feature of tho three services at tho Apostolic Faith, at 228 N. 8lh street, Sunday, with a sacred concert opening the Sunday evening sorvlce. Reverend It. K. Crawford, gen eral overseer of the work, has re turned to Portland with his evan gelistic party, where he will have charge of the Mother's duy eerv Ices at tho headquarters, also su perintending a full Apostolic serv ice at the Oregon State penitenti ary at Snlem. Next Sunday the evangelistic party will he In Port Angeles. Washington, where a bentillfiil new church will be dedl cated. This will mark the dedica tion of ihe third new branch church home this year. Other workers from Portland and Medford will assist Kev. ('. W. Frost, tho local pastor. In tho serv ices at the local church. Tho serv ices Sunday will be at 10:30 a, m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. in., with a meet ing Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri day evenings at 7:46. The public la Invited to spend Mother's day In thesa old-fashioned meetings. ARamont Community Preibyterian Church The Altamont Community Pres byterian cburch holds all services In the high school, with ti. W. Wheatley, minister, In charge. Hesldonco, First avenue. Home- dale. Tel. 783-W-4 Bible achool, 9:45 a. ni. A. C. Olson, superin tendent. There are (lasses for all agea from beginners to adults. Morning aervlco nt 1 1 o'clock. Tho minister will speak on the subject "Mothers of Men." This nieasnge la In keeping with Mother's day, and a special Invitation Is extonded to ull mother of this community to attend this aervlce. Junior church for the llttlo fulka at 11 o'clock. Tbero will be an ex perienced attendant present to care for your little ones during the morning aervlce. Following the custom ot past years, our Sunday school will again present to each mother a special floral gift on Mother's day. Church of the Naierene Church of tho Nuzarene, cor ner Garden and Martin. Rev. H. L. Russell, pastor, 2132 Orchard avenue, residence. Sunday school 9:45. The class period will be shortened to give time for a short Mother' Day program. Mothers will be honored with recitations and exorcises by the children and special musical numbers by the orchestra, A prize will be given to the oldest mother, the youngest mother and the mother with the largest family present. Tho child bringing the moat mothers to Sunday school will also receive a prize. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Mrs. R. T. Holmes will brlug the spe cial number In song. Young People's sorvlce, 6:30. Evangelistic sorvlce, 7:30 P. m. Honor to our mothers will be the special feature ot each service throughout the day. Rev. and Mr. R. T. Holmes of Orogon City will be tho spe cial speaker of the day. We urge and wolcome the mothers to attend these services. First Church of Christ, Scientist First Church of Christ, Sclon tlst, corner Tenth and Washing ton streets, Sunday school at 9:30, Morn ing service at 11 o'clock. Subject, "Adam and Fallen Man." Testimonial mooting Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. This cburch maintains reading rooms In the First National Bank build ing, rooms 212-213, where the Bible, writings by Mary Baker Eddy, and authorised Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The rending room la open dally from 7:30 In the morning until 9:50 o'clock In the ovonlng. An at tendant la In charge from 12 to 1 o'clock and from 2:30 until 4:30 except Sundays and holiday!. First Christian Church First Christian church, Pine street at Ninth, Arthur Chas, Hates, minister. Study In church, Ninth street entrance. Phone 1033W. Illlilo school meet at 9:45 a. m. Clyde O'Neal I thn superintend- mil. Classes fur all ago and an Individual class ruoin for each clans. You ahould come lo tbla achool If you are not In a Bible school. A moat cordial Invitation Is extended. Communion and worship 11 a. Mrs. Mow at the Organ. This Is Mother's Dny Sunday. Tho one duy when e ought to honor moth er by attending church. The day will be observed In honoring moth er In nermon and song. The ser mon, "A ifreat Woman. Tho evening service begin with Ihe Chrlstlnn Kndeavor meetings. These meet at 7 o'clock. (Note tho change In time). Tho worship hour I changed to 8 p. in. Tho young people will have churgo uf tho opening part of thu services. Young people's choir. Tho pustur will speak on 'The Purposes uf the Church." This is a Bible study on the Chinch." Bring your bibles. Mid-week service. Choir re hearsal on Wednesday 7:30. Be there lu gel ready for the coming revival May li. Bible study and young peoples choir on Thursday 7:30 p. m. Bible Baptist Church HI bio Baptist church, corner of South Sixth and Miller s lane. Dr. C. B. Cansel, minister. Blblo school at 9:46 a. ni. Chinnes for all ages, using the all Bihln series ot graded lessons. This Is a fine place to gel ac quainted with the book of books, the Bible. Morning worahlp at 1L There will be special music by the choir, and tho sermon subject will be filve C (iodly Mother." Baptist Young People' union at 0:3U p. ni., Mis Anna Wood leading. The study will be the book of Deuteronomy. We are glad to announce the formation of a temporary organi zation of tho church, and also the completion of the foundation of the new church structure. i Weyerhaeuser Community Church Weyerhaeuser Community church Invite all those not reg ularly attending elsewhere to the Hlhlo school at 9:45 and the wor ship hour at 11 a. m., each Lord's day. These meetings aro held In the Fairhaven school gymnasium. Subject for tbe morning services will be. "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, His Mother," taken from John 19-25. Keno Mission Keno Mission. H. V. McGee, leader. Church services, 11 a. m. The subject for the church service will ho "A Mother' Responsibility." Kvery parent should hear thla sub ject a it deala with our responsi bility to tb children that God has placed In our care. Sunday achool, 9:45 a. m. Blblo atudy and prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:45 p. m. Modoc Point Mission The mission at Modoc Point un der tho leadership ot Mr. Martin Hnack and E. V. Zell will continue again Sunday with Sundny school nt 10 a. m. Classes for little folks. Intermediates and tbe gradea. Also a class for adults. There are plana being mnde for a high school class. Sunday school will be followed by preaching service at 11 a. m. Sub ject, "Encouragement," using the scripture as found In Galatlana 6: 9. The public I invited. St. Paul's Episcopal Church St. Paul' church (Episcopal) Eighth and Jefferson. The Rev. V. E. Newman, rector. Holy Eucharist at I o'clock each Sunday; and at 11 o'clock on the first and third Sundays. Morn ing prayor at 11 on other Sun days, On Saints Days and Holy Days the Eucharist 1 at 10 o'clock. Church school on Sunday at 10:15 a. m. Church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Saints The Church of Jesua Christ ot Latter-Day-Saint holds regular services at the public library auditorium at Fifth street and Klamath avenue. Sunday school 10 a. m. Evening aervlce 7:80. The Ladles' Relief Society meet on Tuesday atternooa at 2 o'clock. Salvation Army The Salvation Army, 19 Wal nut street. Captain Don V. Barry, commanding officer. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Holiness meeting, 11 a. m. Young people's service, S p. m. Evening aervlce, 7:80 o'clock. Services also on Thursday and Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. The public Is Invited to all services. The men's union prayer meeting will be held In the First Baptist church Sunday morning at 8:80. All men aro cordially Invited to this service. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Pun Klamath Funeral Home 02S Hib St. Mr. and Mr. A. A Ward, Managers. E PORTLAND, May 7 VP) Gov. Charles Martin's description of himself 'a a champion of labor was challenged today by Ben T. Osborne, (ocretary of tbe atate federation of labor with the a sortlon that the governor fought thn unemployment compensation hill before the legislature. Osborne claimed the governor had denounced new deal legisla tion on this act and threatened to veto the Oregon enabling act. He abandoned hi position, however, when employers displayed favor toward the measure, tbe labor leader declared. An assertion that Martin had shied away from Intervening In labor violence last fall also came from Osborne, who declared that Sheldon Sackett, Marshfleld pub lisher, had visited the governor and urged him to curb terrorist activities only to be told by the governor that the situation was "too hot" to handle. Church of Psychic Research Church of Psychic Research, Rev. Loots Ballard, pastor, 305 North Eleventh street. "That Little Molher of Mine" will be the Sunday evening topic for the lecture to be delivered by Rev: Louis Ballard, who will also give a special vocal selection. Message to follow lecture. Sundny school for children and adults at 10 o'clock. Tuesday night class meets as usual. Wednesday night Is circle night. A message to everyone who comes. Sacred Heart Church Sacred Heart church (Francis can Catholic) corner of Eighth and High streets. Father Casey, bead: Father Donovan, assistant. 6:30 Mass communion. 8:00 mass children's service communion. 10:30 high mass choral music by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Lester Offleld, choir precentor. 4:00 p. m. -Rosary and bene diction of the most blessed sacra ment. Eleven more Russians face a firing squad. The typical Rus sian these days Is the one with his back to the wall. COPCO ONE OF THE LOWEST IN THE UNITED STATES National Average 4.69c Copco 2.39c TOTAL tlU Avittei coir SIIOWMT NCHIt "-"j5-! r Omi en i s trs win of INIUTIH FUHTt TUMUaiUIOH LlMt The CONFUSED CITIZEN SEEKS HIS MONEY AND FALSE TEETH A Keno resident, who found himself unable to remember Just where he had laid his head the night before, appealed to the city police to help him find hla hotel and recover for blm 841 and hla false teeth which he aald were atolen from him earli er In the night. Police were unable to locate tbe visitor's hotel and It was not until the small hour of Satur day morning that tbe visitor ar rived at the police station and told police be bad found bis ho tel. HI money was under his pil low and hla teeth In a glass by the bed. EVENT AT CHURCH An unusual service will be held at the Immanuel Baptist church Sunday morning following the reg ular service. For many years our church has bad a mortgage which bas proved to be a burden. Two and one-half years ago at the be ginning of the present pastorate thl mortgage was over one thou sand dollars. Through the co-operation of the entiro membership and friends of cur cburch this mortgage has been paid In full. As a special feature of the ser vice tomorrow this mortgage I to be burned. Tbe burning of the mortgage will take place after the close of the morning worship ser vice. All who desire to see this ceremony must come to tbe church. We urge all to come early in order to get a seat, a our church is al most full during our regular ser vice and by opening tbe side room we will be able to accommodate twenty-five or thirty more. ' As special speaker during tbe morning worship service we are privileged to bave Dr. Sandford Fleming, president of the Berkeley Baptist Divinity School ot Berke ley, Calif. Why should I be worried! If there ain't any Justice In that Joint I guess I will have to die. Roy T. Lockard, condemned to die for murder, and refused clemency by Pennsylvania Par dons Board. New Off Peak Water Heating Rate is Only Four-Fifths of One Cent Per Kilowatt Hour THIS GIANT THERMOS BOTTLE Is the new Westinghouse, 40 gallon Automatic, Electric, Water Heater. It uses less electricity and provides an abundance of hot water at exactly the right temperature os constantly as your cold woter supply. The average paid for hot water service for the entire family under this special rate is only $2.20 monthly. Solve your woter heating problem perfectly. Install one of the new Westinghouse. Automatic Electric Water Heaters now. Only $5.68 down and $3 a month. Available through Electrical Dealers and Plumber. CHECK TOUR ELECTRIC TT 125 kwh 40kw 0kwh 40 100 li at 2 I I i i 11 i $2.40 $4.20 $4.70 $5.20 $5.70 $6.20 $6.70 T 1 I i i 42c S ic 3.5c 3.3c trrti-l' Ohi on re Svs Stations ALL OF THESE BRANCHES OF ELECTRIC SERVICE ARE NECESSARY FOR THE CUSTOMER WHO USES 10 KILOWATT HOURS OR 500 KILOWATT HOURS. THATS WHYTHE MORE ELECTRICITY YOU USE THE LESS IT COSTS PER UNIT California Oregon Power Company YOUTHS TO FACE FEDERAL PROBE Two young Klamath men, who are said to bave cashed a WPA check which their uncle wan to receive, will face the federal grand Jury In Portland early next week. The hoys, Harvey Buchanan, 18, and Alfred Morris, 19, are charged with forgery of an endorsement and W, S. MacSwain of Portland, U. S. secret service man arrived In Klamath Falls Saturday to Inveatl gate the charge. MacSwain will return to Portland to present the case before the federal group on Monday and a U. S. doputy mar shall I expected early next week to transfer the two young men north. Buchanan and Morris, according to Dale Mattoon, deputy sheriff, aro alleged to have taken a gov ernment check made out to their uncle, Hayden E. Hltson, from Hit son's mall box on Shasta Way. Both boys live in that vicinity. Tho youths are alleged to have cashed Hltson's check, for 822. at the Pine Cone Inn. They were ar rested a short time later by state police. LEADER TO VISIT Dr. Walter Howell, of Philadel phia, director ot Cburch Schools for the Presbyterian Board of Christian Education, under tbe auspices of the Ministerial asso ciation, will visit Klamath Fall on Friday May 13, and will hold sev eral meetings In the First Metho dist church. At 3:30 p. m., a con ference will be held for all Chris tian workers eapeclally for those concerned with tbe dally vacation Bible school, which will be held soon after the close ot achool. Dr. Howell will meet with the young people at 6:30 p. m., In the social ball of the church when a pot luck dinner will be held under the auspices of the youths council ot Klamath Fall. At 8:00 p. m., a united public service will be held in the church when Dr. Howell will apeak on "The Relation of Christian Educa tion to the Chuch and to tbe Na AVERAGE RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC BILL WITH THIS CHART. ALL EXCESS at I 265 30$ 345 -r r $7.20 -r r 3.1c 3c $7.70 $8.20 $8.70 $9.20 -r t i 1 2.7c 2.5c 2.4c 2,3o 2.2c BBaaBsi! r I,.;--? :.v v --rbv'l il-.-rrr-''; .'! inns Mini ei A tahiiomi po A Minn rot i lunioriu TO VinniiuTiOM Linu nnv . Cmtomu irnv Ciistomm mainta Iuvki PIONEERS! PUBIIC S. SERVICE tion Today." All Christian work er ar cordially Invited to attend these meeting and th publl to tho united evening service. Unusual aviation activity during the last fnw days was reported her Saturday by Bill Randall, manager of the Klamath air aervlce. Ralph Mcculloch and A I b t i Stiles flew. to Ontario, Oregon, re cently in the Pelican Flying club' hip. Norman Larson, manager of tho Pacific Aircraft sale from Ala meda, Cal., waa expected to fly Into Klamath Falls Saturday af ternoon In the "Ranger Fair child". Bill Randall also announced that he flew Dr. Cecil Adams, and Cliff Hogue on a fishing Jaunt to Illlhe. Oregon, last Thursday, returned Friday noon, and took O. K. and Douglass Puckett to C o 1 1 a g Grove. Dr. Suit wa expected to fly Into Klamath Falls Saturday to attend the Elk' convention here. YOUTH ARRESTED AS HOME ROBBER MEDFORD, May 7 UP Roland Rollo, 29, held for the alleged robbery of a doien Medford homes the past two weeks, waived a preliminary bearing tbla morn ing. Deputy District Attorney O. W, Neilson declared Roland plans to enter' a plea of guilty in circuit court Monday. Chief of Police Clatous Mc- creaie reports koiio aamiis ine burglaries, and 8500 worth of loot, chiefly clothing and Jewel ry was found In his quarters. PROGRAM SLATED FOR CHURCH A Mother' day program will be held Sunday, May 8, at the Com munity Congregational church on Garden street. The public is Invit ed to attend the program which li as follow: A children's ehoraa with Mari anne Carter, Joyce Graham, Glenn Miller, and Solon and John Ston will sing "Mother" with Jerry Bag ley singing tbe solo part. A trio consisting ot Louise Mit chell, Doreen Butts, and Mr. Stel la Bagley will sing "Home." Doreen Butt will give a vocal solo. "Faith of Our Mother." 8 Mills RATE 385 425 465 $9.70 2.1c'.Vs