Mny 7, 1038 PAGE THREE CITY BRIEFS Oil Honor Hull I,. Philip Al bert, noil of Mr. mill Mr. A. K. Albert of 028 tlritllt etrnnt, la on I tin honor roll of Ann Ironic college, llorknioy, for tlm wlntnr (j uni-l nr. According to "Tim Knliilit," (ho ctillngn iiiiwu paper, atudmils must maintain ul louat "M" average In nil aiib Junta to nlluin thin honor. Mr. Allinrt In ft gindunle of Hi" Ranted llimrt Academy IiIkIi chnol, wlinro ha wnn Ji job I il m 1 1 nt Din ul 11 ilnut body. Mil Ik now In lili second quarter n( I ho hlghor accounting oouiso. Married Olnn John Hlout nf Morrill. Oregon, nntl Wciionii Day, also or Morrill worn mar ried Tiii'Hilny nflnrnooii, Mny 3, In III council chambers of Judge Kdwarit II. Anliiimt, In tlm pres ence ot Mil. Letts T. Hlout, molhnr of the icroom, Mn. Flo rence Kiilcrl, slater of Ihn groom nml Judge Aahursl. Tlm core niony wnn performed by llnvo ronrt John W. Wnrroll. Kininliicr Coming Ward Me Raynnlds, examiner of operators anil oliauffotira, will be In Klimi nth K"l U Wednesday anil 'I'll urn dny. Mny 11 ami 12, nt Hi" courthouse between the lioiira of a. in. mill 6 p. in. All I lion" wishing pnrinlla or licenses to drive cnra ar aakod to got In touch with Mcllitynolds during thai houra. Left for Knat Mr. ami lra. Emlla 0. iluiald, piano and accordlan Instructors, roapoctlva ly, located at tha Dorby Muslo company, hava left for tho ISnst tor an Indnflnlto atay. Kinllo Husald 1 making arrangements to hava a modorii llnno Hint hod published. At present Wllllum Chllcote la In charge of both tho classes. leaves for rortlnnrt Mia. l.ionn Kny Wllllniiia loft Satur day ovnnlim for Portland to nt land tho Merle Nnrninn I'oat irndunta School of Cosmetics. The school la balm hold for all managnrs and owners of Miirlo Normnn atndloa In Oregon, Wash ington, and Idnbo. Mia. Wll llania la tho ownor o( tho local atudto. Motoring Trl Mr. and Mia. B. M. Ilurat lfl tho first of thn week for a aiimmor'a motor ing trip through tho Unllod Btataa. They apout a week visit ing at the homo of Mr. and Mra. Quantln Krailor and family. 1402 Kaat Main atrcol. Mr. Ilurat la Mra. Frniler's fntlior. liiiprov lnu Kdwnrd 22, inn of Mr. and Mra. l.oyd iml.up. haa boon moved from Hlllsldo boa pltal to the family residence on lllroraldo atroot. IJol.ap waa In jured when a truck ho waa driv ing overturned Thnraday on tho Pelican City road near iho rork oruaher. He ailffered bruises and ahock. Accident Hrpnrled Martha A. Poole ot llonanitn and John Van in lit of Klamntli Palls reported In (he ahorlff'a otflco an accldont which occurred on the l.nkovlew highway. A truck, driven by Vaninnt, la aald to havo lilt a trailer uaod on Mra. I'oolo'a car, according to Baturilny'i report. RecrlvliiK Medical Attention R. C. Vochaiier la receiving mo dlcnl attention at tbo Ughlfool hospital for a hand Injury re ceived In drilling wella at Croa cont, Oregon, Inat Tueaday. Sponsoring Dinner Tin Knlnt Mary's Altar aoclely la spnnsor Ing a dinner Snturdny evening. Mn. Floyd Woodworth la tho general ehnlrnian. Tlio public Is cordially Invltod. Vlaltor Nola Snnden of Mollalln, Oregon, hna boon visit ing with hla brother and alalor-In-law. Mv. and Mra. Tod Siindon of Klamntli Fnlls, for the pnat week. ltd urn to Work John F. Richardson of the Soclnl Knc'url ty hoard, who recently under went a mnjor operation, wna able to return to work Thursday morning, May 8. In Police Court Two "vugs" and flvo drnnka appeared boforo Police Judge Otto l,nngalet Snt nrdny morning n tho result of Friday night's activities of tho police department. f,cnrltiC for Kii(tene Mrs. V. K. Parker left for Kugnno Krl dny for a visit with her daughter Cnrnllnn Pnrkor ovor Junior wenltond. I,aat Class Mcellnirs Tho flunl mooting! of tho University of Oregon extension clnssop will bo hold at Fromnnt school Thnrsriiiy nftornonn and evening, Mny 12. (Jots Sentence Chnuncey Hock, returned, horn from Idnho to fnco a non-support. ehiirKO, was son tnnced Friday to pay 900.78 nnd court costs within tho noxt six months. Degree of Honor Tho Dngroo nt Honor loilga will hold its regu lar mooting Mondny at. 8 p. m. In tho K, G. bull. All membora are cordially Invited. Chinese Herbs Herbs nro compounded In meet the needs of Iho Individual. The ii o nf herbs lor nil liiiinnii ailments nro tested nnd handed through the nges. They nro lii'lng used dully. Come today Consultation free Prices reasonable. Y. S. Lee Herb Company 415 S. 9th Street, Klamath Falls Open Daily 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. lilt mill Hull A lluli k andiin, nitlil to havo biinii atolmi from thn I.oil In HouKlniid iisnd cur lot, and driven by two young boya, crushed Into a cur operated by Mary Kll.iilielh, Hlow- iirt nilillll it Ninth mid Wiil- liul, cool IiiiiIhk imi Nlnlh nlrcKl whei'o II nti'iick n cur ownnd by Wllllum J. Iluliellls of I. ok An geles, llulinllls wun iihIiii'P III thn car at thn time of thn iruiih. Tho two boya urn mild In hiivn iibiiiiiloni'd tho I'll r, nccoiilliig lo nit y pollen who now havo tho mnchluo . In their euro. Thorn wero no Injuries na Ihn result of hit and run driving. Iicnvcs for llcrlii'li')' J. C. .lollllliloll pllllllli'il In Innvii Hnlil duy ovciiilng fur llerkolny, Cullf. to ' in u 111 for sevni'lil woelia Willi Ills diiiiKhtnr, Mrs. I lm lici t Hcolt. .Iiihiislon linn been In poor heiillh for aoinotlnin nml only roicnlly rnturiied from a stny In tbu liny city. Drill Teiiin Prncllco 'Iho niUod drill team of tho KOK will prnctlco at the iirniory Hiiudtiy at 12 p. in. Tea in nieinhiira mo to bo on llniu for this practice. HrollierlKHHl of Trnlniiii'ii The llrotlutrhood of lliillroiid 'I' I'll 1 II 1 II (' II , l 1 it Ml II 1 1 l.oilgo No. 667, will mi'iit Thursday lit 10 a. in. nl Hid K. C. hnl. (inn I Hlolen I on ry (irlmes, 547 Huron atroot, reportod to city police tho theft of a 2K-20 Itiimlugtiui pump typo gnu from Ills riinili near (llenn aomi'tlino allien .Mil rib 20. In Health Al C. Iliickus, Minn ngcr of III" K In nml h Hncri'iitlon, la apnllillllK tills week III Kmiltle whom li" Is intending Ihn Howl ers CiiiiKrcHH which Is being held there. He la exported to return early next week. Itnynl Nelulibora The Hoyal Neighbors drill team will meet Moinliiy, Mny 9. nt the Jtlveraldo gymiiiisliiin. WEED WKKI) Itubekah Past Noblo Clrand club a entorlnliied by Mra. ti. A. Duly al tho home of Mra. A. K. Angel on Mny 3. They hold a meeting on tho first Tiinn dny of each month at the home of one of the members. Mrs. Hob Tonkin Is thn presi dent of the club. The iilterninin was spent In embroidering ar ticles lo be sold for funds for the Itebeklih lodge. The members present were Mrs. Dorothy Duniblo, Mrs. Klin Sul lawny, Mrs. Kva Hulliiwny, Mrs. (ilnilya Washington, Mrs. Murlhii Chntnm, Mra. Myrtle Williams iind Mra. I.alllo Ilnvls. Tho Invltod gueata wero Mrs. lluiinu (iould and Mra. Hennlo Hoy. Ilofresh inonts wero served atterwarda. Thn boateiia was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Angel. Mrs. Myrtle Williams will be tho hostess for the Juno meeting. Mrs. Dora Lynch is leaving Sat urday for Sim Jono to attend a Itebeklih lissembly. She Is being sent ns a delegate of the Hebeknh loilgo of Weed. Mra. (leorge Miller ot Weed hits returned from Kugene. Ore gon, where alio had been taking inedlcul trentinents. The Masonic lodge held a din ner nt the Whlto Pino hull nt 7:30 Tucsdny evening. Mny 3. Tho dinner wna prepared and served by Mike Knrglnla of Weed. Mr. Kim from Portland attend ed tho dinner and afterwards showed some movies which bo took. 1 1 u went from Mcdford by way of (.'rater lake, Diamond lake, (ilacler national park nnd on down tbo Columbia Itlver high way lo Crescent City, then on to Weed. Kim also hnd snmo he bud tnkon of Mt. Shasta and CaHtlo Craig. Tho pictures wero spon sored by California Oregon Power compnny ot Copcn. Next year Kim hopes to bo ublo to go to Iho Zlon canyon in Utah for moro pictures. After tho pictures a business mooting wna held by Iho lodge. Mra. Hdlth Itockwood hna re turned from Chlco wlinro she lias been since iho death of lit)." hushund. ltobert Mallory hns returned buck to Weed iiTter spending tbo weokeud nt Hucrninento with his family. Jlininlo Ilnnna of Weed is qulto III with a septic soro throat. Price Davis of Weed Is oft work nt homo with Iho flu. Mrs. Pearl Crawford hns ro tiirned from Klnmuth Fulls nflor a wcok's visit. Tho population of Sing Sing Is now nt an nll-tlmo high. Lot's hopo a wnr for colonies doesn't develop. QUALITY MEAT MARKET Hp( In Steer nnd Hnby Iteef Quality Always Oiini'iinteed li'reo Delivery Louis lOselile, Proprietor KLAMATH WOMAN ... PASSES SUDDENLY Jnnn KIuiii, a resident of Kliiin alh Kulla for tbu pnat 12 years, dropped dead of a aiiddnn heart nl I in k Hut in cluy nfiernoon al 1:00 p. m, Mrs. Klum wna fooling flno nnd wus altlliiK down to have some coif mi ul Iho homo of a friend when suddenly alio was ached with a heiirl ntlaek nnd died lin iiieilhttely, Bliu Is survived by her hus band, Chillies W. Klum of this ell y, a hi oilier, (loorgn Chill ch imin of Tncoinu, Washington, and a sister, Mia. Helen K. Hcott of WesL Los Angnlei, P0E VALLEY POK VALLKV Hurt Bwlfl la In Iho Hillside hospltnl auffurluR Willi a bad cold. Among thn Klamath Falls shoppers from tbo valley Tues day wora Mr. and Mra. Vic IIiowm. Mr. Itotlgora, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Nork. Clara Van Meier was a Klam ntli Falla shopper Wednesday. Mr. rtodgors purchased some barley seed from Joo Nork Wed nesday. Mra. Mario Kdwarda and chil dren nei-o visitors In the valloy a few days last wook. Mr. Herret la sotting out some raspberry and strawberry plants this week. Mrs. V. K. Webber and Mrs. Nell Webber, also Margarot Kroner called on Clon Van Meter one day Inat week, Mr. and Mra. Crossfleld are visitors al the home of Virgil Holmes nt Iho present lime. Mr. and Mra. Ilert Haines wore visitors nl iho Web Van Motor pluco Sunday. The Halites live at Tulclnko, Mr. nnd Mrs. Web Van Meter were dinner guests nt the home of Mr. nml Mrs. Kyd Peteraon of K I u in n 1 ti Falls Wednesday, Hriieo Lung In Iho ahot put and football throw; Jnck Offlna In the polo vault, and Lloyd Mitchell In tho broad Jump. There will bo a counly meel at Yrcka on Sat urday, May 7. On Friday afternoon, n into Valley high school will sponsor a track meet for Iho boya of near by grammar schools. Miss .Miiilch, county librarian, was a visitor at school on Wed nesday. A film, "The Nervous ByBtcm" was ahown on Thuradny. Membora of the orchestra, ac companied by Mr. Thompaon, will participate In tho annual music festival, held at Fort Jones tills year, on Friday. The senior play, "Pleaae Ta Meolcha," will be given on April 20. A new aludent, Frances Howell from Concord. California, was enrolled nt Finite Valley high school this week. MERRILL BRIEFS MKUItll.L A large number of south end residents Including Mrs. J. W. Taylor, Pomona grange lecturer who la In charge of county grnngo plnya being pre sented month, woro In the au dience for the Henley and Alta moni plays In the Henley high school gymnasium Wednesday night when Henley won tho de cision over Altamont In a closely contested try out for the flnnls to bo held early In June. Doth plnys wore reported to be v.-oll prepared. Mny 10 Honniun. Illy and 1 1 1 1 -debrand will present sklta at Ho nnuza with Mnlln and others to be given at a Intor date. , Mrs. Taylor announced a num ber of grange activities In the next few days with the regular meeting of tho .Merrill grnngo slated for Mny 9 and Inference uf tho fifth degreo at Poe valley Mny 7. J. W. Taylor who has been in III health for sovornl months left Wednesday for Plnolo , Cali fornia, In compnny with a daugh ter, Mrs. Hiirton Kin who visited hero briefly over tho weekend from Scotia. They wore on route to tho homo of a second daugh ter, Mrs. William Hanson. In the hopes of benefiting Taylor's health. The Lost nivor Garden club will be treated to a talk on ever greens nt tho homo of Mrs. Alnio Nowton on Mny 10 whon Mr. New ton, recognized as an outstand ing authority on tho topic, will O. J. Johnson DENTIST 310 Medical-Dental Bldg. Phone 1183 Return Engagement of A A l ,T DON'T MISS dismiss the types most ndiipiiihlo to this cllmuli), Mr. Niiwion, a year or so ago aunt to the middle wost for hundreds of seedling trees which ho plnntod In bis nursery ground at his homo on the stale line to chock on growth and vitality. Langcll Valley LANOKI.L VALLK.y Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friuler wore dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Monroe on Tuesduy evening. Later they enjoyed tho wrestling matches in Klamath Falls. Mrs. Charles Ilevell mtumed to her homo on Monday from Klamntli Valley hospital, .tlrs. Itovoll Is recovering rapidly from bar recent operation, Miss Morrison and her friend from Luknvlow were visiting In Liuignl! valley on Tuesduy. They wero luncheon guests nt the home, of Mrs. Paul Monroe, Hoy Phillips and Duck Holley aro down from Barnes valley for several days. Mrs. llhea Houso spent Wed nesday with Mrn. Cora Le:iv;il and Mrs. Fanny Mure limn. Mrs. Mnry Dearborn visited with her daughter, .Mrs. Cora Lcavltt, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, O. C. Johnson left Wednesday morning to spend a few days at ltogue illvcr. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Johnson of Illy aro being congratulated on tho birth ot a son on April 28. Tho young mini is tho grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Drown. Mrs. Lester Leavltl la 111 at her home. Mrs. Herb Marchant Is caring for her. Miss Alice Hammond was tho lucky girl from Honania high school to be crowned queen at the big annual Muy dunce. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Sullivan, Miss Ktta Hoyd and Harry Boyd were Sunday dinner guests at tho home or their sister and family, tbu J. K. Houses. Mrs. Wesley Dearborn and ln fnnt son Harold Wllllum returned Thursday to their homo from Hillside hospital. Herb Marchant called at the Lcavllt homo on Wednesday, TULELAKE BRIEFS TULF.LAKE Winding up a season of exciting bridge games the 31 Bridge club, meeting re eently at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chamberlain for a pot luck supper, counted nil noici present for tbo first time In sev eral months and then counted scores tallied after play during the entire season to give bigh to Mrs. Clyde Barks for the ladles. Frank Hell captured the same honors for tho gentlemen with Mrs. Leonard Mesko and Mr. Wright taking consolation scoies. Mr. and Mrs. Ward McKoatl were guests of Iho evening. Play will not be resumed during Die sum mer months. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Osborne, re 'cently married and Just returned from an extended wedding trip up and down the coast, were aur prlsed one evening this week when upon returning home from Klamath Falls they found a group of friends had called to charivari them. Not finding tho honor guests nt home, the party waited until their return. Mr. nnd Mrs. Osborne aro making t''.oir home on the Duulap place. CHICAGO, May 7 (AP-USUA) Potatoes, 10G; on track 203: total U. S. shipments 006; old stock supplies moderate for Ida ho Russet; demand fairly good; slightly stronger: northern si ,.ck demand very light; unsettled; sacked per cwt., Idaho Russet llurbank U. S. No. 1, Jl.40-1 50; mostly $1.45; northern stock i.p sales reported. New stock sup plies rather liberal; good slock demand fair; slightly stronger; fair quality stock demand light; nboiit steady. Sacked per cm., Loulslnnn Bliss Triumphs U. S. No. 1, J 1.50-2.00, according to quality and condition; U. S. com morclnl $1.4"J; U. S. No. 1 uize B, 97J; trnck sales less ihnn cnrlots 50 lb. sacks California While Rose U. S. No. 1, $1.15. RECTAL DISEASES Mild electric treatments, replacing o I d niellioda, Non-conHiiIng, non-surgical and safer. ItlOSl 1,18 utiii't with first treat ment. Writo for K Utile booklet. DR. M. C. CASSEL Specialist Cassol Bros. Chiropractic Clinic 828 No. 71b Phone 420 Les Hite And His Orchestra LEGION HALL Wed. May II Colored Musicians Direct From the Cotton Club In Los Angeles. Gents $1.00 Ladies 25c THIS BAND PAISLEY PAIHLKY A bniKiunt at 6:30, followed by work In the degrees for a candidate from Bond, Is be ing planned by the Paisley Ma sonic, lodge Mny 7 as a fellowship meeting. A large representation from Bend la expeeled, and Invitations hnvo gone out to the neighboring Masonic lodges, such as Lako- vlow, Redmond, Burns, etc Lostnr Llnelinugh of Hllver Lnko Is master of tho local lodgo. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harnett and family moved April 2H to Silver Lake, where he Is working on the Cliff ranch. Mrs, Cecil Woods and Mrs. Nell Ciroen wont to Kugene April 27 to be with Mrs. Woods' mother, Mrs. J. II. Baker, who Is 111. Mrs. Anna Freeze of Portland la visiting her daughter, Mrs. Krnost Lund and family. The Robekah Sowing club met with Mrs. Malcolm Bulck the afternoon of May .1, with Mis. Nelllo Cannon co-boatcsa. fle frcshinonts were served after the business mooting. BUTfE VALLEY UORftIS Bulte Valley high school and Kcno high school boys competed In a track meet on Tuesduy, May 3. Art Hammond of Butte Valley took first place In tho low hurdles race; Jack Offins, first place In the high hurdles, and Lloyd Mitchell tied for first place In the high jump. Second places were won by Art Ifnmmond In thn 220 Yard dash: I F YOU make these three ic cou WT XjUnders! cM when you shop for a car, you'll get more for your money: 1. CONSIDER PRICES. You'll find all Ford prices low and Ford "60" prices especially low. Price isn't everything, of course, but it comes out of your pocket. 2. CHECK EQUIPMENT. Price means little, if you pay extra for equipment you've got to have. Ford prices include equipment. 3. COUNT CYLINDERS. cylinders mean more THE BALSDGEi Main and Esplanade Parents Waver Over Fate Of Stricken Babe CHICAGO, May 7 (API Baby Hnlalne Colnn lay gurgling in a hospital crib today while her dlstruught parents wavered on a decision that medical ex perts said meant life or death for her. Should they permit an opera tion that probably would save tholr flve-wook-old daughter's life but leave her blind forever, or should they forego tho opera tion and accept death as the In evitable result? The answer rested with Dr. Herman Cnlan, 80, a dentist, and his wife, Kstelle, 23. Dr. Morris Hershman, the child's maternal grandfather, said late yoatorday tho young parents had reached the fateful decision to "let nature take Its course." But today the father said no final decision had been made. Baby Colan is afflicted with glioma In both eyes. Physicians said the cancerous growtb would spread to her brain and cause death It an operation were not performed. Both eyes would be removed in an operation. The parents turned to friends, relatives, brain surgeons and a spiritual advisor for help. They received conflicting advice. Physicians generally were agreed that no operation could save the child's sight and that death would ensue, probably within two months, If no opera tion were performed. Until two weeks ago the baby was believed normal In every resnecl. Then Dr. Hershman CHECK simple tests smoother power impulses. America's most expensive cars have engines with 8 or more cylinders. Only Ford has been able to offer the basic advan tages of 8 cylinders at a low price with low operating costs. ("Thrifty 60" owners report averages of 22 to 27 miles on a gallon of gas.). These are only three of the reasons for visiting a Ford dealer before you buy. You'll recognize the rest when you get out on the road in a Ford V- 8. More and You'll realize that it's 8-cylin-der quality all the way through! . Thrifty Sixty " FORD V-8 noticed a flaw In the left eye. Specialists subsequently con firmed his diagnosis glioma of the retina In both eyes. The dlsoaBe attacks the nerves of the eye, spreading from the rotlna to the brain. Physicians declare they know of .lo certain cure. The Colans havo another dnughtor, Sharlcne, three yoara old. Obituary .T.WK KM'M Jane Klum, a realdcnt for the past 12 years, passed away In this city on Saturday. May 7. The de ceased was a native of Iowa, and was aged 55 years, g months and 7 days when called. She is survived by her husband, Charles W.. of this city; a brother, George Church man of Tacoma. Wash.; a sister, Mrs. Helen R. Scott of West Los Angeles, Calif. The remains rest In Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, 925 High St., where friends may call Sunday afternoon, April 8. Notice of the funeral arrangements will be announced at a later date. GUY MERRILL The People's Choice For COUNTY JUDGE Will Speak Over Radio KFJI Sunday, 10:15 a. m. Paid Ad. By Guy Merrill prices :IW6f OK (, Cloudy weather was on the bill for weekend fishermen and travel ers, according t o government weather forecasts Saturday. un settled conditions were expected In western Oregon, with rain on the coast. Next week's outlook was generally fair with moderate tem peratures. Unsotilcd wonthor was prodlcted for northern areas. ALLEGED CHECK THIEF HELD Two years ago Robert Ogden Is alleged to have taken a chock from the Klamath Forest Protective of fice, cashing the paper for $18 and disappearing from Klamath Falls. This week the law caught up with Ogden who was located In CrcBCont City. Shorlff Lloyd L. Low returned Thursday night from the coast with Ogden In custody and he Is now In tho county Jail awaiting a hearing In Justice court. ' - TRAVELING? H -Ill mi mn iBm AiasKar urientT Europe! Hawaii? Rates, Sailings, Passport Info. Agent for all steamship lines. PETE J. LESMEISTER Phone 1400 - Phone 78 W I Great Northern Ry. i WMMmMm FORD V-8 PRICES BEGIN AT $ 599 FOR THI tO-HP. COUP! (ILLUSTRATED) DELIVIRIO IN SITROIT, TAXIS IXTRA - The Tudor Sednn la $644; the Fordor Sedan, (689. With the 85-horsepower V-8 engine, the Coupe is $629; the Tudor, $669; the Fordor, $714. . EQUIPMENT. AH prices include front and rear bumpers and bumper guards, spare wheel, tire and. tube, tire lock, cigar lighter, one windshield wiper,' one sun visor, twin horns, and head light beam indicator ' on instrument ' panel, at no extra charge. ; Phone 2100