THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON May 6, 1038 PAGE TWO F With parking meters definitely at u far the solution of the resent traffic problem Is con cerned, nother angle will be ap proached by the police depart ment, It was learned Friday. From the office of tho police Judge, Otto Langslet, It was learn ed that city fathers. In regular seKSion Monday night, will be asked by Chief of Police Frank Hrnnm and Langslet to put on an extra police officer who will de vote one month to checking tags of those who do not report tbelr traffic violations, serving and Is suing bench warrants to these traffic offenders. - During the month of April ap proximately 800 motorists who hsd been served with red tags ap - peered either before the desk ser- Htllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimt The Sweetest Gift of All , for . MOTHER MISS SAYLOR'S UNUSUAL CHOCOLATES SOCIETE CHOCOLATES CALIFORNIA GLACE" FRUIT The Swan Opposite the Courthouse Breakfasts and Lunches Served 1 HIS EXTRAMAN ON TRAFFIC DUTY Sunday, May 8 MOTHER'S DAY We are determined that every MOTHER IN KLAMATH FALLS AND VICINITY must be made happy, and we have made unusual preparations to Insure this: WITH FLOWERS AND POT TED PLANTS. Be sure you wear a flower in her honor. WHITE FLOWERS FOR MOTHERS DEPARTED, COL ORED FLOWERS FOR MOTHERS LIVING. Klamath Flower Shop O. R. MOELLER, Florist 719 Main Street Phone. 1 00 Bonded Members of The Florist Telegraph Delivery Association IT'S FUN TO WIRE FLOWERS Open Until 4 P. M. Sunday Hamlin - , Vv, rrmmtmtmi t a ifiirii in 'mi Kcnnell-EIMa Don F. Hamlin, who Is a can didate for the democratic nom ination for district attorney. geant or in police court and paid their fines. This Is, according to the opinion of the chief of police and police judge, one third of those who were issued tags. In other words. Chief Hamm pointed out, there should have been about 1000 violators appearing Instead of the 300 that did report. . "This Issue bas been forced upon the police department by the traffic violators who will not observe their duties In making their appearance after they break a traffic law," Langslet pointed out. "The traffic situation is getting worse Instead of better In Klamath Falls with summer com ing on and more cars in use dally. "Violators go to many ex tremes to get out of paying their traffic fines, even to rubbing off the mark made by the checker on their tires, moving their cars a length down the street at the end of the parking limit period or even disregarding the red tags by tearing them up when they find them on cars." Langslet said that anyone caught overparktng on Main street or the Intersecting streets between Pine street and Klamath avenue or on these two streets would be given a red tag. If he disregards the ticket a bench wnrrant will be Issued and served. Violators will bo fined a mini mum of 2 when I hey appear In police court. Mayor Clifton Richmond ad vised The Herald-News Friday afternoon that he had not heard from the Jennings company, with whom the city council had entered Into contract to provide parking niotcrs for tho city, but that he expected a letter within a weak. Mayor Richmond staled that he did not think it necessary to wire but that he had written . lengthy letter describing the situation as It appeared In Klamaih Falls. Little else was expected to come before the council at the regular session Monday night. MUSIC STUDENTS AT ACADEMY PLAN ANOTHER RECITAL Another of a series of recitals In which tho music students of the music department of Sacred Heart academy ere presented will be given Saturday afternoon at S:1S o'clock, May 7, in the acad emy auditorium. It was announc ed Friday. The public la Invited. Students who will appear Saturday belong in nnn nf fhA ndvunceri KrOlins. The last of the spring series will be Heard Sunday auernoon ai 2:15 o'clock in the auditorium in which the advanced class will be presented. Following Is the program: Chinese Dance Tschalkowsky Pearl Crettol, First Piano Jane La Londe, Second Piano Moon Paths Adams Mary O'Connor Dance Caprice Grieg Emma Johns Orientale Cul Jack O'Connor Berniece Baker, Accompanist On the Sea .- Dvernoy Jean Sllliman The Butterfly Grieg Ellis Young, First Piano Jane Kenyon, Second Piano Piece Dans Le Style Anclen chamlnade Patricia Sexton . Estrellita ponce-Simon Jack O'Connor, First Violin Dan O'Connor, Second Violin Mary O'Connor, Accompanist Tango Dent Mowrey Pearl Crettol Avalanche Carter Berniece Baker. First Piano Justine Davis, Second Piano Dawn Barbour Jewell Eaton Dance on the Green Poldl Magnolia Blossoms Vargas Tn.tlnA Davis All Together Huerter Dan o Connor fnrv o'Pnnnnr. Accompanist The Flight of the Bumble Bee Rimsky-Korsakoff In an Irish Jaunting Car y miuviu Jane Kenyon With Lazy Oars Nordman Will O' the Wisp Kuhe Jane La Londe Dance of the Winds Peabody Jane La Londe, First Piano Patricia Sexton, Second Piano Woodland Dawn Benson IslS of Dreams Torjussen Renata Sari The Lotus Flower Barbour Ellis Young In a Persian Market .... Ketelbey John Schnabel, First Violin Matilda Zupan, Second Violin Rose Lasagna, Viola Dorothy Marsrow, Cello " Stepnen Stabo, Harp NO RED TAPE Details Arranged at Your Home Only Responsible Painters and Decorators Do Your Job Call Mr. Wlnnlngham Today, Residence Phone 9S0R J. W. COPELAND YARDS Phone 128 PALACE GROCERY AND MARKET Closed Sundays and Evenings A Home Owned Store We Deliver All Day Saturday Phone 64 76 i Specials for Saturday, Monday Pork and Beans Milk Libbys b Tins 35c I Van Camps Tall Tins XforXVC - Corned Beei alln.35c fjf jZHL -31c Tomato Juice - Crackers .2-I,b. Box 21c Swifts No. 1 tin fc Wax Paper ; ISc Eggs m no,. 13c Sugar io.Lb. Ba,, S3c Margarine aemKnt 2 ,,b,,2Sc HotSauce m 3, r10c Dog Food Bonnie 6forJ9C ttrt Royal Club Whole f . s71nf4 rr,"ed S'tf CO VwUril Kernel 12-or.. tin.... XforX3v f lUleT Know 49 l,bi.31J7 VEGETABLE SPECIALS MEAT SPECIALS New Peas Wc" 1 "lc1 5c no or Roast, lb. ...17c """ ' Sho. Pork Steak, lb. 20c New Potatoes , Steer Beef Pot Roast, Hliafter While O I,b,,15C jjj 15C"17C f of ttf p lMrKn Holld Co Steer Beef Sho. Steak, IwVtlUkt; n,,flm, Kach 3l jj fC Tomatoes R,tdncd 2 .2Se Boneless Beef Stew, lb. 20C Asparagus 3,,, 14c White Fryers, 3 for ... 98c City Polling Places Precinct Address 1 133 South Riverside 668 California avenue 3 31 Main street 4 609 North Third street 5 415 Pino street 6 601 Pine street 7 939 Lincoln street 8 Courthouse 9 City library 10 Arcade hotel 11 Lake hotel 13 834 Klamath avenue 13 13.10 Main street 14 424 South Sixth 15 224 2 White avenue 16 314 4 Kberleln street 17 2329 Wantland avenue 18 917 East Main 19 Mills school 30 845 East Main 3t 238 Martin street 32 Main at Esplanade 23 159 Hillside 24 533 Eldorado 25 845 Kldnrado 26 Roosevelt school 37 1411 Crescent avenue 28 County library 39 Falrvlew school .10 1833 Oregon avenue 31 1937 Oregon avenue 32 Shlppington. 1108 Hanks 91. Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK. May (.fV-Strong buying In utilities gave the stock market a broad rallying hoist to day that put many Issues up frac tions to around four points. The power group, along with rails and specialties, uncovered quiet support at the start, the former apparently responding to persistent reports "something good" was coming out of Wash ington for the long-beleaguered public service corporations. I he utility upswing realty got under way late In the session, with blocks of several thousand shares of low-priced stocks chang ing hands, when Securities and Exchauge Commissioner John W. Hanes, In a luncheon address at Pittsburgh, made a plea tor co operation between government and business and especially point ed out benefits which would ac company teamwork between the power concerns and the adminis tration. Especial attention waa paid to the commissioner's reference to the probability that a get-together move of the sort suggested would bring a flow of several hun dred million dollars of new capi tal annually Into Investment for construction and replacement. Dealings were exceptionally Blow until near the final hour when volume expanded briskly for an Interval and the tape fell behind. Transfers for the session approximated 1,100,000. Today's closing prices: Air Reduction 45 Allied Chemical & Dye 14 5 Allied Stores - l American Can - 86) American & For. Power .... 3 he man whose wife's Is just the man -" .. . . PILLSDURYS DE5T THE 'BALANCED" HOUR-MAKES GOOD BAKING BETTER Margaret Johnson George Cbastalo Baldwin hotel J. W. Warner Valley hotel Presbyterian church F. V. Abbey (Raaementl Fifth and Klumath (Basement) Rulck Garage Ostendort's Duke building Ralslger't garage (Mon Claire street) Mrs. Burkes American Power & Light .... 5 American Rad. & St 12 American Roll. Mills 16 American Smelt, ft Ref. 3!) A. T. T 130 Amorlcan Tob. B 72 American Water Works .... 9 Anaconda Copper - IS Armour III 4 Atchison T. & S. F 19 Baltlmoro & Ohio 6 Barnsdall . 14 Bendlx Aviation - - 13 Bethlehem Steel 48 Boeing Air - 37 Budd Mfg - .-. 4 California Pack - 10 Callahan Z-L 1 Calumet Hec 7 Canadian Pacific - 6 Case (J. I.) 83 Caterpillar Tractor 43 Celanose 13 Certain Teed ............. 6 Ches. ft Ohio 2S Chrysler - 4!i Col. Gas ft Electric 7 Commercial Solvent ............ 7 Com'wlth ft Sou 1 Consolidated Edison .......... 25 Consolidated Oil . 9 Corn Products 63 Curtlss Wright 5 Douglas Aircraft 45 Du Pont ft De N 104 Electric Auto Light 16 Electric Power ft Light .... 10 Erie R. R ! General Electric - 35 General Foods 26 General Motors i 32 Goodyear Tires .................... IS Gr. No. Ry. Pf. 17 Hudson Motor 6 Illinois Central 9 Insp. Copper - 1! International Harvester 69 International Nickel 47 Int. Pap. ft P. Pf - v 28 I. T. 4 T. - - Johns Mnnvllle 71 Kennecott Con. Cop - 35 Llb-O-Ford 29 Liggett Myers B 00 Loew's - 41 a champion baker who likes to take her PRESENTS Monly Ward . 3I Nash Kolvlnalor - M National lllsiMilt U National Distillers - National Powr Light .... 7i N. Y. Ontral North Amnrlran ii Northern Paoltlo i Packard M J. C. Ponnoy 'H Pciin R. 11 17 Phillips Pet 8fl Pressed Steel Car ' Pub. Service N. J " Pullman - aM Hem, Hand HI Ren. Steel 14il Seurs Roebuck Ml) Shell Union 13 So. Calif. Edison ................ S3J Southern Paoltlo ................. I'H Htandard llramls . H Rtundaril Oil of Calif I0g Standard Oil N. J 4 lit Studolinker 4t Superior Oil ill Texas Corporation IDJ Trans-America 10 Union carbide al Union Pacific & United Airlines United Aircraft i United Corporation 5t United tias Imp ll U. S. Rubber 7 U. 8. Steel . 4S Walworth Western Union S-t White .Motor M Woolworth 431 Closing Curb (Juotat Ions t Cities Service H Blectrlc Hond & Share H RAILROAD NEWS U. P. HEAD LAUDS PENDLETON, May t (P) Al most without exception, the Union Pacific railroad hsa settled labor differences "within the family," William Jeffers, Omaha, president of the Union Pacific railroud, told an audience of about 2(0 persons here last nlfht. Addressing a banquet and pro gram sponsored by the Pendleton Old Timers' club and auxiliary of tho railroad, Jeffers asserted that unions conducted on a rational basis "are an asset to railroads." "True, the unions and officials don't always see eye to eye," he said, "but we can disagree and still be friends." The Pendleton meotlng was one of the rail head's stops on a tour of the Paciflo northwest. Old Timer delegations from Walla Walla. La Grande, Spokane and Portland attended the ban quot In addition to the Pendleton members, TRAIN CARRIES FEEDER CATTLE TO ALTURAS ' A tralnload of 30 cars of feeder THE BOXERS FIST MUST KEEP There have been sixty blrlh dctys In the life oi Hills Bros. Coffee. Each one could have been the occasion for cele brating success, but work has gone on as usual. As a matter of fact. Hills Bros, consider every birthday an additional opportunity not only to main tain the high qualify of their coffee, but improve it if pos sible. Ever-increasing confi dence of millions of people in Hills Bros. Coffee Is gratefully accepted as another order lo keep everlastingly at It. HILLS mm cattle Is expected to pass through Klnmalh Kill la on the Southern Pnclflo Hum rilny on Ha wny in Al lurns for Iniumlng (torn I ho Sac rnniuulo valley, S. P. OPERATES FIVE STREAMLINED PASSENGER TRAINS There are now St mulllplo-iinlt strenmllun punsnuger trains In the United States, of then trains, tits Sou I horn I'nrlfla couipsuy owns live. Orders have been plneod lo hiillil tilun more of these modern fast trains. J. P. Stafford, engineer for Clrent Northern, nnd his wife have returned to Kluuinlh Fill In after a two weeks' trip to Los Angeles. Jo Cloud of lh. Oreii North ern, who suffered a skull fracture In April, wns shl lo return to work Thursday, C. N. Chtisloplierson, genernl agent for Northern, left Thursday for a business trip to Hand and Redmond. R. P. Kelley of San Francisco, district frelulit agent for the Col ton Hell railway, wss In town Friday. SET FDR S A duffers' gnlf match will be featured ut tho Realties Clolf and Country club Suudny. Webb Konnett, In charge of the affair, announced that Elmer llnl slKor, "Doc" Daggett anil Ed Van nice would be three of the en trants. None of these men, he said, has ever played golf, but they have consented to make a "stab" at the game for the fun of It Sunday. Kennett wns looking for another "duffer" to fill out a foursomo. A gnllery Is expected to follow the neophytes around the course. Other members of the club will be rated as to their handicaps, and there will be playing In three brackets. Here's Zest for Potter's FRIl-lETS joy a mtsl plan ned around Irilly lreh rag noodleil 100 A t Durum Semolina I Rmdy In 6Vi minute. m" .ah, eoen scarin.i xacaaoNi eo. t roBttHi, omuo BROS. COFFEE .err.. g , f , jpgg MAKES mklJ , Jr'r I y jo 'J llill ires BOOT BEER KLAMATH ICE & STORAGE COMPANY IIUl rlbulnr am I Hprlug HI. Phone lUi Spring menus! Pottet) FRIl lET 5PUIE A new crestlon ie muc. Ural snd nous over Vrihlcu, Mara roni, or Spaithcttll IMirlnvMly lillrrrnt. Atkrouritroirrlotlt! n , ,jMMaMBNnsSeQPV1 TO ITS TASK im .