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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1938)
May 15, 1038 PAGE TWO THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON f POSTED CONTEST : i ' V The poppy poster contest spon sored by Hie Klamath Falls Amer ican Legion auxiliary has been ;' completed, according to Mrs. Edna Russell, local poppy poster chalr- ' man. . , There were 4S posters aubmlt ted from the county schools and Ix of the city grade schools. Thee posters were divided into t two groups class 1 and two. ' The tlrst class consisted of pupils from the fourth, fifth and sixth grades. Karen Hardin of Mills school won the first prise . in this group. The second prise goes to Jean Aubrey ot Falrvlew. In the second class the con- V testants were from the seventh and eighth grades. George Hoft- . man of Fremont achool won the first prise. Ramona Coney of ': Pelican school won second prise in class 1. ' - These prise winning posters will V be sent to the state poppy poster chairman at Pendleton for entry i In the atate contest and will bo . on display at the atate convention held in Pendleton this summer. The posters winning state will be sent to the National 'American Legion and auxiliary convention to be held In Los An .. elea this. fall. ;"V The local posters, not receiving " prises, will soon be displayed in "-- some centrally located window in J the business section to advertise A. the annual poppy sale held by the Klamath American Legion auxi I llary just before Decoration day. t Mrs. Russell and the auxiliary wish to thank the teachers assist ' lng the participants and the judges for their efforts which " have made thla contest so suc ,. eessful. -. . CONTEST HELD TO CHOOSE PLAY FOR STATE GRANGE i.v A. eounty-wide contest between ,,all aubordlnate granges ot Klam- th county baa been arranged ,.' under supervision ot Pomona Lec . tnrer Mrs. John Taylor, In order ' to secure an outstanding play to ,;. be ataged at the state grange tes- slon which will be held In Klam- ath Falls, June IS to IT. Bach subordinate grange In the county, also Including Tulelake ; grange In California, has prepared ? -or la preparing a play tor the ell i minatlon contest. Fourteen granges are In thla contest, and in the three contests already held, seven granges have participated, "resulting In Shasta View, Merrill, ''and Henley granges being de- elared winners In the preliminary j tryouta. - Fort Klamath, Williamson ;', River, Midland, Malln, Bonanxa, ,' Uildebrand and Bly granges are f ret to enter the contests. The winnera of the preliminary -, contest will compete In the finals ' the latter part of this month, and ' the winner will have the honor ot ' putting on the play at the atate lecturer's program at the state grange. The rivalry in these con tests is keen, according to Mrs. . Taylor, who states that all ot the ' play presented thus far are out - standing and show a lot of prac-'- lice. These contests are open to the public. A small charge of 15 cents cfor adults and 10 cents for chll idren Is to defray expenses, such as hall rent,, etc. Any amount remaining over after paying ex- senses goes to the state grange entertainment fund. Sates and i places for future contests win be j announced later. MAN PLAYS WITH BEAR; BEAR PLAYS WITH MAN Steve Cramer, about S7, played Hh the Moore park hear Wed nesday, tickling t b e animal through the netting with the tail of his coat. The Moore park bear played wttK ctKva tonrlnp his coat half off and shaking him up generally. JOB'S DAUGHTERS, CHORUS TO ATTEND SPECIAL SERVICES The musical procram of the EMtMit DrnahvlnrtAii rlllirch. in ad dition to the regular numbers In honor of Mother day, will nave two special songs by the PTA MnthcrsliiKers as well as a special solo by Lewis Hart. The Mothers' chorus, directed bv Mrs. A. J. Voyo, will present "The Road that Brought You to Me." by Hamblen and "The Christ Is Hero," by Wethorlcy. It is ex pected that Hart, a tenor, will of fer a mother's song also. The local bethel of Job's Daughters, under the direction of May Phlnney. expects to attend in a body together with their moth ers. Special reservations will be made for this organiiation, and likewise reservations will be made for the friends ot the PTA Moth ers' chorus. The pastor, the Rev. Theodore Smith, will speak on "Christ and Motherhood." As In the past the church will be taxed to capacity, so those desiring to attend this service are requested to come early. The ushers will be In their places In ample time to care for all. The 18th century worked for democracy, the 19th enjoyed it. the 20th, like the proverbial third generation, must go back to its shirtsleeves. Marguerite Wells, president ot the National League of women voters. Whether we can sing the high notes or not, wo all know our National Anthem, and we must keep it sacred. William Kerr, president of the American Flag Day Association, on a proposal to lower the Star Spangled Banner's high notes. T T The vlsory local Salvation Army ad board held Its regular FINANCE 1NCOMK Mill, brought forward.... t 79.4S Home service fund 790.14 Other, corps monthly meeting Tuesday noon at the chamber ot commerce, Chairman Fred R. Fleet dis cussed several pressing; mat tors in regard to tho Army's properly on Walnut avonue. Other topics discussed were the Army's relief program and child character building program. A quarterly report on finances and activities was made by Captain D. Harry. The report: KXl'KNSH Relief S SU.&t. Hospital 6S.19 436. SI Mortgage, Prill 40. lit) Mortgage Int 135. Oil Operating Kxponse ,. 74S.13 Bnl. on hand (1305.83 11306.83 RELIEF la) FAMILY Families Families Families Total Total (b (c given groceries 37 given garments and shoes 16 given rent 16 families aided 67 family persons aided 336 TRANSIENT Transients given meals S3 Transients given beds 137 Transients given garments and shoes 4 6 Total transients aided 266 EMPLOYMENT Employment secured for men S Employment secured for women :t Total all persons aided in quarter 602 RAILROAD NEWS With tlin rniuliiK of spring mid tho tourist season, liunilreits of requests for Information concern ing attractions In Oregon liavo been received at tho local South orn Pacific offices. Prospective tourists and Irnvel era want to know all about ('ruler lake, flshluK lu lakes mid rivers and everything In general about Oregon. CORPS ACTIVITIES Meetings held In county jail Total attendance Street meetings held Approximate attendance ... Meetings held In Salvation Army hall Total attendance t. Meetings held for children (religious, social, lng programs) Total attendance K. Sugarman suggested that this report be brought before the public, not In a boastful manner, but to justify the money which had been placed In the hands ot the local Salvation Army. It was also suggested that It be pointed out that Income from collections and other means was below that which was estimated 1 3 384 - 4 8.-.0 95 1400 character buttd- 6 1036 In the budget drawn last fall, and that this drop in Income had cur tailed, to some extent, the pro gram which had been planned. The advisory board believed further contributions would he made by friends In this city to make up this deficit. W. M. LORENZ Plumbing Heating Sheet Metal 611 S. 6th St. Phone 159 l bbbbbbsbbbbbbi Wait No Longer If you are perplexed, be tween the need ot a Monu ment, and the cost of an ap propriate one, let us Install a Marker, meanwhile, on the plot. Our handBome Markers are Inexpensive. They remain, appropriate and Individualiz ing, even after a family Monu ment is provided. Meanwhile, they banish that "Gone and forgotten 7" aspect. Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 116 S. llth St. Phone 1113-J YES, BUSINESS IS GOOD W0 Just Jbeep growingl OREGON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HcMINNVILLE, OREGON Since It 94 On growth during the past year has been wonderful Notwithstanding this favorable condition we are not disposed to let the growth stop, and beg leave to call yonr attention to the strength and sixe of our company on March 31, 1938 with the increase in onr business ever a year ago. I Murine 1b Fore , I19,625,S7 13.83 Iocrem Resource 1,434,836 16.38 Increut Cash, TJ.S, Stat and Municipal Bonds . 1,373,905 17.27 nereis For the first quarter of the year, December 31, 1937 to March 31, 1938, as compared with the same quarter in 1937, the trend of property owners for fire protection la decidedly in fsvor of the OREGON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Premium Income . . . $208,942 18.81 Incrtm Losses Paid and in Process , of Adjustment . . . . 109,118 27.97 Decrease To increase our premium Income and reduce onr losses Is the best evidence of the selection and inspection of our risks, and fully warrants the savings we are making to onr policyholder of 20 TO 25 IF TOU ARE NOT NOW A POLICYHOLDER, WHY NOT CONTACT OUR NEAREST AGENT "A (foci company pays dividends to if ttockbolden. Am t policyholder in Oregon Mututl Fire t YOU GET THE DIVIDENDS" Spring Fashions At Savings From 25 to 40 L. .1. Armxtrmig ot Portland, traveling freight and pusseiiKer iiKeut for llio Snnin Fo railway, visited In Klamath Kails Wednesday. C. V. l.nlrd of San Francisco, traveling freight nucnt for tho Hoo line, visited Hie u rent Northern offices Thursday morning. J. L. Smith, conductor fur the Southern Pacific, hns returned lo work In Klninnth Kails from as signment at Weed. G. E. laker and O. It. Klulh. conductors on the Southern Pa elftc, have returned to Klamath Knlla from Dtinsiuulr. where they have been working for tho past month. Southern 1'iiclflc, rnlurncd tn his homo In Itosovllle after worUInx for two monlhs In Klamath Kails. I., M, rtaxtor, claim agent mil nt San Krniielsrii, was a visitor in Klninnth Knits Wednesday, Fretl Taylor, chief siicclnl agent from OiiiiHiimlr, was In loan on liimlneps Wednesday. COVENANT CHURCH PLANS MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM The following Wnthnrs' day program has heen announced for Sunday, May 8, nt 7:45 p. m. at the Klrst Covenant church. The public Is Invited. "Now tho Hay Is Ovor." audi ence. "Kiilth of Our Fathers Living 81111," audience. Scripture reading and prayor. Kiik Carlson, Vocal number, girl's quartet. Heading. Iris Lindbergh. Trumpet solo, Wendell Currier, Poem, Kni'ln St rid. Vocal duet. Joyio florgorson anil Nellie Lindbergh. Talk on Samuel's Mnlher. Mar- Inn Anderson, Vocal it H in nor, young people's mixed iiuurtet. Piano nolo, Uvea Swansiin. 'I'ii I H on Mary, the .Mother of Jeans, Marl tin K.aaluian, Aiiiinuuecimmta and offertory. "Sweet My and fly," lleneilletlon, ainllniine, Michigan plumbers in nplltu Inlle iihoiil III" It 1 1 1 11 1 li ts nllll'Mik for fall, bnl still soil mi tunl tn the Jokes about plumbers. 3-PIECE SUITS Distinctive suits that achieve en prVme luxury with magnificent fur collars or fur tuxedoes . . . suits that consist of Jacket, skirt and topcoat that may be worn separate ly! Choicest Shetland or worsted fabrics . . . luxurious wolf or fox furs! Genuine bargains! jfOW COATS Your chance o get better type coat at unprecedented savings! Smart iwaggert . . . jaunty toppen . . . dainty fleeces, shags, tweeds . . . gorgeous bright coatsl Dressy eponge models . . . clever fitted styles . . . stunning navies! NOW Dressmaker Suits A special purchase makes such val ues possible.- Pull length coats or short Jaunty ones, faultlessly tail ored . . stilts that were made to sell for 18.05 and flB.05. Blzes 12 to 18. NOW Stunning navy print sheers ... ex quisite laces . . . dainty marqui settes with schiffley or sutath trims . . . captivating twin prints . . gorgeous high shade blend ings dresses requiring many yards of costly materials all worth de cidedly morel Buy mother a dress for Mother's Day! Topper COATS Clever youthful styles . . , bright cheerful colors . . . sizes 12 to 18 . unusual values. n unrnr rn nn uuui nr ,r urn "' we,ie,iay. is- ,i mxm i luuniui nLUuLu iii plans mother's . mmmwzMAteWJi jmm Iff 4 rvVl EXPORT B VrVt-Yii' J niMWM, SUM1IN0CO tws Easy Way To Free j Sx J fl Your Pet of Fleas ' Simply sprinkls your pH with ... . fB'if.!lw A. III IIACII, .Iftllut Hie powder HfMlj '- !""" A"-"' " 1 ..u. Mt In Handy Slfler Cans Me up at linn, tUsee UK) lultti, all. i , DBOMOUMfED bu'mack tiriw 'Wls8WWalmemnlllsllni nVimBefH 'ft rmHnmTBiBam W. n. linker, yanlman tor 11m I PagWQUllWl my P'PKt n j2iii BQfSTvr-! f FRIDAY and . ' M""t ,',"l"ct fri3' 'jroiiai , 4:,,' a Main St ' l'"'r I '$1. lElW'f OirkT JW s:r.xi s-urz ?z;;ji ri.a.r J tpjlnSe&mlsI W l I pi tick, roust it niln, IT-.-. Sluaainilri.xl.iltM. '"" ICe "c b"1 ,h m".1"" wlkW.Si'mL AT U .nd loot, powder, K(nm.liUi Crwn wt ,n l',tn snd whitt "t'mS u IF OtS.r. ...41.1 I lr Ml if - trrV BJllx?raltea KM W W Many colors. nw. ""' with sold.lon. IM mmmmmmmmmm mM.MJULI I , f fW TfflW mmW inm. Bis lluifr pull. faaaBsaBaBBaeass. Y w BP WWtij&t&$M j4 1 1 P3 i.iJiHMiHu-uiiyji lrSL. IRre1 I I w jf. I liylWto ...lV;'",r.,p,;..?nu0.: s-Minut. Jf Uii Warnekt) KVaSiJ I World-Loved 77L2),Jfl i-lu.ur. ind olhtri wilh Cutex Kit Jf EndarteJ Thlt K.'. 17iTlWWS fl O ' 1 a Ac '"" i mm' cf j,e,s u,sir, mnps I VI " Th. ti" lw-'' -' tr ti.Mvjia n ...w.... o ffJitldOtlw I. I lor mo Ih. r. of T. (.,. Cltl c3iD "waicurt. IJ, ft OAn .lt. line Juelol iPP "7 . JcLf m J J cv.ry .nralloa u . . Jkkl) i . JM SSk 'W 'S A Imod.l slovt. Mt'la ff VI jyfTi V' 1 1 lil'afi i f i AY '' ismous new swivel-Top (( Jijrr- i7 !P 4 I oi im quiiity rfl?!fTW&tu;f',W AW od.urt from Sowinaf Kit rSZiv Jt . Jm t M 1 ! hor.ehttl., Kns i.4iIiXlBTTS 17 tf Sfev mhi" ,o hum "ith if. cIioic..iif &t ff"""'' Bu'"-1" KK slsriI 9c s m! ' 10 SSt liCECEUEARtl I SraJS 10c ClflARS ,-""9. SSSjm '" 21 I -flSib, tfxttvwirr 'v?! & ami t&aiS. s8h areas I Rssa, dresses. mm.mmm MA ' I VJUcl WiSM Union LeadBr I ....l muintn a umi U f J J Wm 'BfTssTTirT! M"""'r M.d. ol PAPER rinM,llm.i. (linn, late lake Willi I -C SrWULM '"UV"' NAPKINS ,t',Y "jA Vanilla Ico Cream . . 1 j j yo I jt ,s x '' 1 "BBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBj TSrSV. tllli! I1!? 'tWH 14-OUnC C ft C I t. H ll " Wlll. MM W llll " Sfji. II V-k bMT rxe I lifiiivi! Bottle iJ7 1 "i i PBDQBI mfM lgilJ Apro,.n,r..,menl. I JJJJkJ, 1 itBl(iyiHVli. 1 I ? 25e sS' l) rrfir i"Mirium. 1 1 "j! I ' f Py l.lTjl!'w' I ( Rubber , loiim, BflBy I I UJAge ir C Boxes (1.900 theele). 98c K Rahll Panll AnK.rallf' Mlrtriiti 't la 5t II kataanai KSSllLSd HOW TO Ik2'"150 TsrSe.-aa 6 13 J Eyr5iE2S5f2ri nun ,U fcll Pr auction P..r lit wnh wlito (AjQ KMkl'"rZa0&Ftt Sl It CAW" 1AC 1 VxTOkA wh,B baby C.nll.Caitllr Sug, 2 for 2 or narrow lOt!) itfAVX k J Buv 6 tWwL .:n!'.a,.H ' JfM OREGON MUTUAL FkftE INSURANCE COMPANY McMINNVILLE, OREGON GEO. J. WALTON 419 Main IV Klamath Falls, Ore. . ... Phone 1144 CRAIG'S 617 MAIN STREET 4