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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1938)
THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SIX THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON May A, 1938 PAGE SEVEN BOARD RULES May 4, 1938 i.ii.easalaiMalnsaylisi,li y, J M' III IsssjsffllirrWrrfJttltttlllll B'sWIssssML IssimiasllllWII Jl 1 , ' ' " " ''MsBgijBai - ' MkJU Lit3 (LSU tjM , - HUSICFIESTA CLERK ISSUES COUNTY VOTE Inasmuch aa probably all members of the county and city election boards are radri of The Herald and News, Ounty Clark Mae K. Short aaked that k Inatruetlona for election loard members be published In full In these newspapers. She added that theae Inatruetlona will no doubt be of Interest to the gen eral public, tor they show the procedure by which the Totera antlmenta are polled and count ed at election time. V Mrs. Short urged that all board members clip these In atruetlona, preserve them and take them to the polling places en election day tor ready refer ence. Her they are: ' To the chairmen of the various lection boards for the primary nominating election to be held Tridar. May 10, 1938. Be present at the polls at S a. m. 1 Refer to page ft of the elec tion laws, section 36-1501, for oath of board members. It shall be the duty of the judges of election to open tbe ballot boxea emptying them of 11 their contents In the prea nce of the people there as sembled. Refer to section 36-1601 of the Election Lawa which regu lates bystanders. . ' It will be necessary tor the day boards to keep an accurate record In the columna to the right of the names of the Toters, I. e- you must place the number of the ballot issued to each voter In Its proper column aa thla Information will have to be car ried ever and filled in on the Inside of the back cover of the poll booka. ' The two elerka keeping the poll booka are requested to aak each voter his occupation, writ ing it in the apace provided op posite his name. The counting boards will go te work at 2 p. m., and they sun counting aa soon aa the first 10 votea have been cast. " No - information will be di vulged nntll S p. m. Any mem ber of the election board dis closing the count of ballota at any time prior to the cloatng of the polls shall be guilty of mis demeanor. The counting boards will, at i p. m., call the clerk'a office, t phones 182, 68S and 26, with results of their count np to that time. The chairman will remove only op ballot at a time from the ballot box and must be viewed by that Judge before being strung. Enough needles are being furn ished so that the ballota may be strung separately. - Refer to section 16-1501 of the election laws pertaining to the removal ot extra pena and pencils during counting of bal lots. ' - .: Only one member of a board nay be absent at one time. ' Bo sure to read the instruc tions in the npper left band corner ot the envelopes addreased to you and to the county clerk aid follow them closely to elimi nate confusion in getting a count of the ballot. , A statement ot the .results ot the election in Sen precinct should sot be put any envelope, but returned to the clerk's office with the ballot boxes. ' Bo aure to sign all envelopes. ?oll booka and seals completely efore returning. -All anuaed official ballota Bust be destroyed at the eloae of tbe polls. ' Read the notices on the back of the poll booka. - For . outlying precincts, the chairman will call In and give the complete returns as soon ss the ballota are counted. For further Information, refer to your election lawa. - Cooperation on the part of the board members will Increase elec tion efficiency and will be great ly appreciated. . MAE K. SHORT, f County Clerk. OLENE OLENE Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hurray ot Huntington have been visiting at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Francis Savage. Murray is Mrs. Savage's father. Mrs. Fred Rtellng called on Mrs. Ada Odom Thursday after loon. v The pie aocial held by Lost River grange was a great auccess. There was a large crowd and everyone Tnjoyed the evening. . Mrs. John Abraham has been ff n tbe lick ' t for several days. Vlctorlne Rolling spent last Friday with Charlene Eggers. ' Mrs. A. L. Marshall motored to Klamath Falls Monday. 1 Mrs. Fred Kohler called on Mrs. Xmma Kenney Thursday after noon. Betty Jane Sanders spent the weekend in Klamath with Thelma Hemm. Oliver Kenney baa returned from a trip to San Francisco. ! Mrs. Tom Toung was a busi ness shopper in Klamath Falls Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Croft were visitors In Olene Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kelly and ion Fred visited In Poe valley Saturday at the Art Schaupp ranch. The current of the Amazon river is so strong that It overlies the ocean more than 200 miles from shore. Of England's total population M , 150,000, there are 11,357, 0 Kales and 10,11,000 females. -Standard Quality! Never before have Wards new "Standards" been reduced so low ... and nowhere but at Wards . . . in Ward Week . . . could you get such a fine tire at these sensa tionally low pricea . . . prices smashed to "rock-bottom." You'd better hnrry ... to get your share of Ward Week savings on guaran teed Riverside "Standard" Tires I Site 4.50x20 4.50x21 ... 4.75x19 .... 5.00x19 4-Ply ...$5.89 ... 6.10 .... 6.27 6.80 6-Ply $7.40 7.70 7.85 8.55 II 4.40x21 1 IJ I 4-ply plus ,aT 2 breaker Strips Siie 4-Ply 6-Ply $7.42 $9.35 9.11 5.25x18 6.00x16 6.00x20 13.25 (Other Sixes Proportionally Reduced) FAMOUS TREAD on "Standards" is the same wed for many years on Wards First Quality Tires. GUARANTEED "Standards" are guaranteed to give satisfactory service with out time or mileage limit I ' 1938 Hawthorne lJ njlsp-' Zep fender light I Gothic Plywood (Jf wn)iijW ridge crown mudguards I J yjfif Horn-in-tank I Luggage As low as eZf"5T Ssfi carrie rl New chain 2 Models for Girls, the some cut-price. Price cut more than 84 ! Zep fender light I Gothic ridge crown mudguards ! Horn-in-tank I Luggage carrie rl New chain guard! Save over $4 in this Ward Week Sate SAVE UP TO $14 DURING THIS SALE WARD WEEK Sale of BIKES Greater reductions on 1937 models during this Ward Week Sale only! Quantities will not last at these prices! Hurry I Just I Boys' Single Bar Model. Was 25.95 19.95 Just I Boys'. Double Bar Model. Was 29.95 21.95 Just 2 Girls' Model Blue and White). Was 29.95 19.95 Just 5 Boys' and Girls' Twin Bar Models. Was 31.95 23.95 Just 2 Girls' "Zep" Tank Model. Was 39.95 25.95 17. J Vacuum 66c Regularly 79c I Wards best! By actual test keeps liquids hot 24 hrs. cold 72 hrs.1 Picnic JUG 88C Regularly 11.19! Gallon size keeps liquids hot or cold for 8 to 10 hours! Insulated! I Big Leaguer I Glove Autographed by Joe Med wick Regularly S1.9B 68 This glove Is top grain gold en horsehide; leather-lined I Has new open back; welted seams I Oct yours eowt 49c Baseball Endorsed by the -vl nam Cardinal a tar Lon Warnekel -9 Sq. ft. 3 piles of beautifully grain ed Douglas Fir Veneer. Will not warp, crack! Buy now! Enamel Ward Week Special 72c qt. A soft satin-like gloss for walla and woodwork. Choice of many colors. Ward Week! CARRIAGE BOLTS 33C A MO ft. SO bolts and nuts. 13 sizes. V,, 616, -ln. (Hams.. lengths 1 i to 6". Ward Week only. Acid Core Solder 54C l-lb. spool reduced for Ward Week! Made from virgin metals. Quick molt ing. Hurry! . Machine Bold 37C Anort 50 bolts and nuts. 14 sizes . . , 'A, M and yt" diam., Igths. from Vt to S-in. Reduced! Ilelii.Ut Motors Iteduccil For Ford A-AA Big Savings Now you can mako your Ford run like new. Precision rebuilt by expert. In cludes brand new internal parts. Cylinders re-bored. Priced -fra low In Ward Week onlyl For Chevrolet Bif Savings Looks and per forms like new. Includes new internal parts. Compare with motors costing from $10 to $30 more. Ward Week special I 39 50 With Old .Motor Cart and Tracki Ford A-AA.1VS8-31 44 50 With Old Motor Con and 1 rucks 6,1959-30 Prices V. O. B. Oakland Use Wards Time Payment Plan to Buy Motors Old Motors Must Be Suitable for Re-building Combination Offer I 1 gal. Uni..d Oil 3 qts. Turpentine with each 5 gal, puichoie of WARDS SUPER House ln I nt 279 gal. Hurry to Wards for this great combination offer I It's a Ward Week special I Super House Paint gives unexcelled service. Coca farther, lasts longer, hides better. 1 gallon covers S00 square feet, 2 coats I fere KITCHEN CURTAINS Reduced from 39c for Ward Week! Neatly appliqued sha dow net or cotton marquis ette! Tape trimmed! Sizes to 32 in. x 1 V4 yds. 33c pair End of Sale Spociall 59c FLOUNCE PANELS Ward Week special! Frilly 18-inch flounces! Choice of cushion dots or dainty figures! 2 in. ruffles! Each 43 in. wide by 2 1-6 yards! 44c End of Sale Speciall ZINCITE HOUSE PAINT A first quality paint In evory re spect! Unsurpassed In its resist ance to the olements In any local ity! Give your house a lasting paint! Save at Wards! 2 10 gnl. fl09 JL Ward Heck Only End of Sale Speciall SALE! TROUBLE LIGHT Built for heavy duty. Ap proved by Underwriters Lab ororics. Has 20-foot rubber cord. Strong rust proof guard. Hurry! End of Sale Speciall 5-BLADE LAWN MOWER Hurry . . . just a few days to save. 5-blado mower (15-h.) Rubber-tired 1 0 - i n . wheels. Ball bearing cutting reel and roller. See it! End of Sale Speciall KITCHEN BRACKETS Porcelain holder is easy to keep clean. Snow whito glass shade throws light down. Ward Week Special! Under writers approved. a of? Only 1 n End of Sale Special PURE TURPENTINE Price slashed for Ward Weekl This is the finest grade, 100 pure, steam distilled wood spirits of turpentine. Sold in bulk. 81 qts America's Greatest Sale WARD WEEK WARD'S FARM SERVICE STORE 1SUO Mnlil HI. Armas the street from Main Nlore I Sove $20 Pl I Ward Week tMfMSl 9 tWlSr Ala. I V wltlilluMirr Trnrtor with Kiwi Wheels 11 11. -P. Motor Garden Tractor The Ideal tractor for light commercial ganleninitl Now at a price far below any wo have ever been able to oiler beforel Motoriu your lawn mowing, hoeing, weeding, furrowing, cultivating and plowing I Save time, labor, money I I 7-ln. Plow Attneliment in-Tomh Hplkn Itnrriitv Atlnrliinenl Srm isVsai 1 stlt?--ir-tklteii Saw Up To $10 on Words Sptetof Purthan of llusset Harness Cadmium-Plated Hard ware 1" Back and Hip Straps Heavy 3-Ply Traces 88 traces Huge Ward Week Special Purchase enables you to buy a Russet Stccrhide harness for dollars less I Compare these high quality specifications with much higher priced harness sets. Heavy duty- single strap body breeching and bollybandsl All stitching done with well waxed linen thread pulled beneath the surface to resist wear I Orei Vo'ae ftrer Never lefore each qaellty for se lew prlsel , Wards Finest Cream Separator 7245 375 Lb. Capacity You can't buy better performance I All stainleas steel bowl mat. proof, acid proof, atsin-proofl Dullt by skilled work men In Wardi new modern separator plant I riot) Mi. (,'npailty .... HOO Mi. CapaiMy .... 7S.4S $86.00 VI i4c ks m Keg. 47c All inside scams smoothly soldered leakproof con struction! Heavy tinplatal MANILA ROPE 18C ni IOO inire mnnilnl Touuhl M-ln, size, per III, 17 H-ln. size, per lb 16 FILTER DISCS 17C lli'Klllnrly !i!lc Dox of 100! Flltor fust and thorounhlyl Mnrlo of clonn, whlto cotton! 6" dlnmotorl r,uu Uiill SWEAT PAD 39C Heir. 4!r! Olil gold drill! 6 rows qullllngl J lit o coin imslllon stiiffod! 4 hoolin! HAME STRAPS 18C rteg. 24o 011. Strong black stncrhlilo! rtlvotnd metal loops and lollor buckle! SPECIAL Vl-O- PHANE 11 lleR. 10! Atlmlls ultm vlolet ray! Iluy Wards efficient glass subHtltutol 8 f"" 1 " 1 i. m -taLlJHaar 221 Main St. Telephone 384 i V: " ' m "' ' mm m 11 "rti tC Ural f'omlilnadun Offer! '58 T e Hoi 2 0t. Non-tpli! Fual Toil K.movnble Cotl Iron Gralti e Flnlihtd In Giiin, Slotl, ond Ivory u e 1 Foil Wlcllait Karoiane Burners Ylilble Fuel Supply Tank Sas$85S Keroiena Stova and Oven Both Kerosene Stove and oven at this low prlcel Ovsrslse cook top. 3 powerful wick less burners I Blued steel oven has heat Indicator! SAVE Portable Slove Word Week Only 48 Heavy steel body. The powerful buriv. ers kIvo a clean, hot blue flame I Roomy cooktop! Removable cast Iron grates! m:vi:k 111:1 oiti: at such a Low Price I SPECIAL WASHER 3388 S4 MonMr Down Payment, Carrying Chaige Here's a Rrent vslue you won't want to miss I Has famous Lov. ell wringer . , adjustable pres sure . , . mechanism and motor sealed in life-time supply of oill Tub holds 6 lbs. dry clothes! Only Ward Week could bring you such a value at this price. (.AS K.NC1I.VK model ..$2.8S iiiialirhiTfraiintia'iti 2 cli:am:hs Botnoi entf . . 3544 S4 Monthly, Down Payment, Carrying Charge Ward Week onlyl Two clcsnera (or less than you'd expect to pay for the large cleaner alone I Full else cloaner is powerful , , . has beating-iweeping-auction actlonl Hand cleaner Is suction type . . . light weight, only Si lbs I End of Sale Speciall 39c MONKS CLOTH Price slashed for 4 duvs onlv! k4 Textured weave . . . heavy quality ! Ideal for drapes anil r slip covers I Natural color I It's 60 in. wide! 2S c yd. End of Salo Speciall WINDOW SHADES Reduced 4 days only! Regu larly 69c! Oil treated . . pre vents pinholinp; and crackinpr. Mounted on sturdy rollers! 36 inches x 6 ft. 48' End of Sale Spociall 100 PURE PENN OIL Sale- priced! Wards "Stand ard Quality" the- 25-80c n qunrt (trade nt service stations everywhere. Bring your containers. Plus lc Qt. Federal Tax End of Salo Speciall SAVE! SPARKPLUGS Regularly 29c! Wards "Stan dard Quality," Compnro with others soiling nt 45c. Hurry! Prices go up again Mondny! 19' End of Salo Speciall PURE LINSEED OIL A Wnrd Week low price I This is the finest 100 pure, aged Linseed Oil, Sold only in bulk, so bring your own container! 1 04 gilt. for the LAST DAYS OF WARD; WEEK! BE sra 1 1 l:''J y-1 JiA-&rt:m e rt f ? ' ' End of Salepgfilfi 1" , - XT fc'...I-j. ';,' - 3j-tfrL fill' IVm, ' End IndofSale I Ilnyon (iotviiH IIUsJ l'lljiiniilN Save 16c on each! Run resist rayon to wear better I New ahlrred necklines and bodice treatments. Lavishly trimmed or superbly tailored. 38-42. lln.You Ileiunants Regularly 17c I Beautiful quality with expensive looking sheen. Ideal for slips, draperies, pillow cov ers or children's dresses. Pastels. I I I I I lfSalegpec Sale! Men's Black Jeans 84 Regultrly 98cf Western made for men who want SERVICEI Extra heavy (8 os.) cotton jean cloth, double-stitched and bar tacked I Adjustable back strap, S pockets. 30-42. stsnJkMnfiaaSfea k! ' e . ' Jr?? I EndofSdeg,p)fici Cannon Turkish Hath Towels 16 Special purchase! Size 22" xii" that usuallv sells for 19c In rogular stock. Dou ble loops give extra ab sorboncy. Beautiful pastel colors. Stock up and aavel . isawsj" 7l t- 2 sV! End of Sale St Tliick-coated Hi" OUcloth 2(0" REGULARLY 25cl Serviceable Quality bright colore wide variety of designs I Everything to make thla an out-standing sale! Thru Saturday only. End of Sale Alcn's Fast Color DRESS SHIRTS 49 Reduced from S9cl Expensive features even at this saving I FAST COLOR nntturn. J . nlatn ahaita, ,I.I..Ia.i.i ' 1 , ..w,,-a w w I. i n s jf? whites. Smartly tailored In . 5 STYLE I 1 tf Hosiery for the Entire Family Hit M. aj Qreaer Savings than Ever I QliEtgless Chiffons i i J x v m T. ;'. Full length Knee Length 39c Try the Iridescent Color Blushtono I Lowest price ever on our regular 55c hose! Full fashioned, first quality and unusually durable! Knee length hose with Lastex garter tops. Also service weight with lisle tops and feet. New brighter colors. Save more in Ward Week. m i Sale! 10c Anklets Blazers! Contrasting cuffs! A a Pr wide selection, all with shirred 1 P Lastex tops. 6!2 to oy,. 19 Sale! Men's Socks Regularly 10c pr! Save on new spring patterns in smart designs- Rayon and cotton mixtures in stripes, clocks. a pr. 15c I Sals. Jt-,98 CHENILLE SPREADS 1.79 First time so low priced! Velvety chenille on sturdy muslin. Tubfast. 86"xl03". fill! SALE. 98c CHILDS SHOES 84c Lowest price this year I Dressy patent leather straps. Brown or white ties! S'A-2. COTTON BATISTE GOWNS 84 Regularly ft. Colorful printaj full cut styles. Taped seams ruffled bottoms. Sizes 16-17. Purchasel Special Remnants Tubfatt 10 to 20 yard lengths 11 c yd. Sturdy percales In wide choice of now spring prints. Sow for nil hot weather needs. 36". Ward Week onlyl Sale! Thrift Cases 42 in. x 36 in. Regularly 12 Wet Standard quality percnlo, Improves when Inundorcd. Shop now for nil hot weather needs. Snlo for Wnrd Week only! 1 1 MEN'S ROCKFORD SOCKS 2 for 21C Roularly 3 for 26c! Elastto rib-knit tops, reinforced heel and toe. Large size. Mixtures. Save Daring This WARD WEEK SALE! Men's Suits M- Formerly 22.50 Clearance priced during Ward Week! All Wool In large assortment ot pat terns and styles. Save while quantities last! Formerly 918.05 Men's All Wool Suits 11.88 . Formerly 27.50 Men's All Wool Snlts 17.88 Formerly 14.05 Frep Suits 9.88 Reduced! Dress Pants Pleated and conservative styles! Assorted fabrics and patterns. Were 3.08 1.84 C3.50 and 88.08 Dress Trousers 2.44 84.08 and 85.08 Dress Trousers . 2.94 Sale! Boys' Longies Formerly 81.08 r e d o c e d to 1.33 Formerly $3.08 reduced to 1.88 Sal. Men 49c Summer Neckwear 39' Regultrly 49ct Rich new Summer patterns in cotton shantung, rayon mogadorl mm mm End of Sale gpfcC Men's 98 Sport Skirts 84 Sturdy cotton slab crash. Pre, shrunk for fit I Sporta back with inverted pleat; 3-button shirt" type collar I Full cut. Boys' 49c Sizes 38 One thousand alngors and musicians of the county school district will participate In the annual county muslo festival Fri day afternoon at the armory. Th program begins at 1:30 with an address of welcome by Coun ty School Superintendent Fred Peterson. Classics, folk songs, popular favorites and negro spirituals are mingled In the Hat of aonga to be presented, Interspersed with orchestra music, folk dances ' and a number by a drum snd bugle corps. A huge massed chorus, consisting ot all those taking part in the program, will open and close tbe program sing ing patrlotlo numbera accompan ied by the orchestra. Presenting other choral num bera will be the combined girls' high school glee clubs under the direction ot Madge Coopey, the fifth and sixth grade chorus which combines all the Tolcea of the smaller schoola with the fifth and alxth gradea ot the larger schools, and the seventh and eighth grade chorua made up of those gradea In the larger schoola. About 500 volcea will unite In the fifth find sixth grade chorua. Handling general direction ot the numbers will be Elizabeth Henderson, while Madge Coopey will direct the orchestra and Earl Bradtleld the drum and bugle corps. Mary Chambers will be accompanist. The detailed program follows: Address ot welcome Fred Peterson, superintendent. 1. "Columbia, Gem of the Ocean Shaw Massed chorus and orchestra. 2. "March ot the Gnomes" Norman Henley achcol orches tra, Madge Coopey, director. 3. a. "May Time'" Polish folk dance; b. "Hie Away Home" Negro spiritual; - o. "Lullaby," Brahms Seventh and Eighth grade chorua. . Folk dances; a. "Gathering Peascods"; b. "Sell In gar's Round"; c "Little Man in 4 Fix." 6. "Brown Bird" W o o d; "Come to the Falr".Martln Girls' high school glee clubs of Malin, Merrill, Henley, Altamont, Chiloquin, Madge Coopey, director.'. 6. Drum and bugle corps Chiloquin, Earl Bradtleld, di rector. 7. "Blue Bells of Scotland" Scotch folk song; b. "Call ot Spring" Streeter; e. "Spinning Jenny"..Avery; d. "Italian Street Fair" Folk sons; e. "Tyrollan Hills" Folk aong; f. ."Al legiance" Wllaon Fifth and Sixth grade chorua. ' 8. a. "Herd Bells"....Gumbert; b. "On Wings of Music" Men delssohn; e. "Sleep, Little One,. Sleep" MacCarthy Seventh and Eighth grade chorus. 9. Folk dances a. "Ace of Diamonds"; b. "Cshebogar"! e. "Tantoll." 10. a. "Good News In the Kingdom" Negro spiritual; b. 'Old Black Joe ....Foster; e. "Green tor the Mountain Side" Folk aong. 11. "America"... .Smith Massed chorus and orchestra. " - Telephone COUPLE MOVES TO RENO. LONGS FOR KLAMATH FALLS Tha TjAwa-TTArald recently re ceived a letter, parts of which are here printed, from Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Williams, formerly oi Klamath Falls and now of Reno, Nev. "Dear Sir: "We moved over here about a month ago, and after taking the Pvanln. TTAmlft for HOTTIS IS years, we miss It so much that we' wondered It we could have it sent to us. We have forgotten what the rates are for out of state. . "We miss Klamath Falls very much and especially the Klamath potatoes. The Nevada potatoea o ahnut ha noorest I have ever seen. I don't believe there la a number one in a carload, "But It will help some to get the paper again and read about frlenda and acqualntancea and what Is going on. "Sc It you will start It or let me know If you can send it to us and what the rates are, we will be very grateful." Inaugural BaU The Young Bachelor'a club, recently organ ized group of Klamath Falls young men, are planning an Inaugural ball, to ha held at the Willard hotel, Saturday, June i. This Is the first Important social tunc tlon ot the club and will be a seml lormal affair. Herb Cochran's eight-piece orchestra will play. Committees appointed at the Bach-' elors' Tuesday night meeting are as follows: entertainment: War-, ren Whltlock, Cliff Nelson, Ed Wakeman; decorations: Lad Hoyt, Jack Murphy, Bob P.!hoy, Cliff Nelson, Ron Thompson; business; committee: Sherm Ackorman, O. Ireton, G. Carnlnl; concessions: Bob Rlchey. A monthly list of newly dlscor- ered fraudulent companies is sup-, plied to all postofflceB by the U. S., postofflce department, with In structions that mc!l addressed to thes concerns be stamped "fraudu lent" and roturned to the sender.' The cave- mouse Is the only mammal found living permanent ly In the Carlsbad Caverni ot Now Mexico, . ma. in capuvny, me uiumu .uiw J04 eros rubs oft Its horns.