PAGE THREE May 3, 1038 chairman, took charge uf thn nn torlulninunt, which ooimlatod uf ft liroup of on und dance by tha flrat f radaa and ft reium of tha work of tha 4-II club, Including aiylo allow. Tha roiiort of tha nominating cniiiiiiltluu nil voted iiiimi, mid tho offlcara elected for tha com In yaor ra: IN ELKS EVENT President, Mra, drac Miliar; flrat rlca proaldent, Mra, Orn lloyil; iiciind vlco proaldunt, Mra. Urn Cui'laon; smrutnry, Mra. Iloverfa Millar; Uonsiiror, Mra, Allco 1 1 1 1 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON GRANTS PASS P jHjjJI iglifuilMfnHMMnMMNaNlVHaHaiHHHHaeH'aMHMaVflHHrHHHHHHHHVBIIMMHHihMHaHMr I c- Ti Mi JMTJSUy 1 H CAVEMEN JOIN man. Tim Cnvomon lira coming! Omnia J'asa' rnlr(ul clvlo or'.iin, wi'itrliiK Iholr cnstoin li i y ,'iiiiiillit, will nn ft reiltllio of Iho Kiln' nnrutlu In bo stimoil hero r.nlurilny In honor of (I rami Kxalt oil Ituliir l.'linrlca Hurt. A 1 11 rod In aulinnl Mkltm mid cnrryliiii niuimlvo clnln. Ilia Cave men linvn iillrni'tmt iimjiir nlli'n tlnn nl nniiniriiiis ptihlla pnrnilna, liicluclliiK Iho tlnlilim Unto procoa- Inn nl Hun Kranrlaco lull Irlli. It ! umlnratootl that the Urania I'naa nisliriiKatlon will Initial. Hurt lulu thn nruunlmllim ahlla ho In In Kliunutli Fall. Unhurt Thimiianii. In charge- of Rnlurilny'a c-voti In. mi lit that tlinr la mut'li Interest In evidence iiiikiiik nil llm Klki loilo-na of norihern Caltfortiln, anuihnrn mid ennlinl Ori'uon. I.aknvlow will muni it hi l! tlnlosat loll, anil lionet will mill it crowil In by bin, Tlio Metlford Elk' bund, on of tho nnpiilot mimical out (It In till-no pin K, will bo anothor bund (on i tiro. Other datftlla of bualnea war disposed of mid Hi moating ad journed, nftor which aoclnl hour wuii enjoyed, the olKhth iirmlii inothiira acting na. liomonm-H and aurvliiK coffee mid aunilwliihc. Church News Acllvlllra of thla weak at tha Klrat MulhoUlal church will III' cludo the choir rclieursnl Wodiiea- day evening at 7 o'clock with Mill Darby directing and Mra. K. H. vcnlch at the piano. The Kallowahlp of the Upper lloiiin anrvlce will be held Wed. nenriny nt 8 p. in,. Thiirailny IipkhiiiIiik at 2 p. in thn International left and mooting of Ilia Women's Korolgu Mlaalon nry society will ho held In tho par lnra of the church. A travelogue and miialo representative of for- xlKii countries will be given, with Mra. Uoorgo Casper In charge of Ihe trnvologue and Mra. K. I) Redman In charge of tha mualc. Thuraday at 7 p. in. the glrle' chnrua of Ihe Senior league will meet for rehearsal In tha church, with .Mra. K. II. Hodman In charge. Thuraday at 7:46 p. m. the Young reoplo'a league will have bualneaa and aoclnl meeting In the parlnra of the church. Klec tlon of officer will be held. P.-T. A. NOTES MEMBER ON COURT Pnrmera of Klnmuth county ahoulil bo represented on Iho comi ty court, It la ass-trled by J. 11. I'hlppa, Midland, who la ft can didate for the democratic nom ination for county commissioner. I'hlppa aald that neither of the prnannl county comnilaalonora la actually farmer, wherena a grout doal of tha bualneaa dona by the county court la rrlmarlly of In tnreat and concern to the rural dllrcls. The Midland farmer'a plat form ralla for Improvement of counly roada and holding down expondl-turea. PA1RVIKW The rogulnr meeting of the Knlrvlew l'TA waa called to order April 21 at S p. m. by th preal dont, Mra. Oraca Miller, Mra. L. Hoagland, program SET FOR TIL Tho following cnaoa have been ant for trial In the Klamnlh counly circuit court: Sari va. McCulloch, May 12. Hall va. Ilall. May 23. Coburn va. Itoff, Juno t. Lang va. Crawford, Juno I. Gottlieb va. atata Induatrlal ac cident eommlaalon. June 13. llateman va. Ilurgeaa, June 16. Slate ra. Cole, June 20. Funerals GKOUOIH MIIAE Funeral acrvlcea for the lata Georgia Millie, who passed away In thla city Monday, May 2. 1938, following an extended lllneaa, will be held In the chapel of the Karl Whltlock Funeral Home, Pine treet at Sixth, Wednesday, May 4, 1938, at 1:30 p. m., with the Itov. J. W. Worrell of the First Mnthoillat Episcopal church of thla city officiating. Commit ment aervlcoa and Interment, Llnkvllle cemotory. Friend are Invited. City Grade Schools Plan Music Festivals This Week In keeping with National Muale week the public achoola of Klam ath Fall will preaenl two aong and dance featlvala, both to be held In tha armory and to which the public 1 Invited. Wcdneadny, Mny 4, at 1:30 o'clock tho elementary feallval will be presented. There la no charge at elthor thla program or the ono to bo given Inter In the week. It waa announced by l.lllla E. Darby, mualc supervisor of tha city achoola. Following la tho elementary program: Hongs (a) Robin' Return, (b) My Utile Yellow Duck, (c) The Frog. Dances and rhythm band: () Rhoomnknr Danco, (b) Norwegian Mountain Dance, (c) Top! (loon tho Weasel by flrat anil aoconil grnde of Joeph Cnngor, Fnlr v I a w, Fremont, Mllla, Pollcan, Rlvoreldo mid llnoaovolt. Danco of tho Hoes Knlrvlow. Itiilny Dnlslcs and Parasols third grade, Mill. Danco of the Itlrda Joseph Conner aocnnd and third grade. Konita: (n) Song of Summor, (lil Hiimmertlme, (c) A Spring l.o vo Htory by third grndoa, all achoola. 1'otor Rnhhlt Fnlrvlow flrat, oennil and third grade. Dance of the Turtle Mill third and Fourth grndoa. Ronga; (a) Jack Tar' Fro- wnll Old UngllKh, (b) Robin Hood 1 1 ii 1 1 nil folk aong, (c) Kvnnlng Hell (lermnn folk ong by fourth grndca, all achoola. Oroheatrn: (a) Triumphal March Vordl, (b) Cloltl and 811- ,ver hehnr, (c) Hong of Yea terdny. On Thurnilny afternoon, Mny C, nt 1:,10 o clock tha upper grade foatlvnl will bo proaonlod nnd number by tho achool hnnda, imnga and dnncea will fenl uro I 111 program. Thla foa tlvnl will nlao he held In the. armory and pnronia nnd mends nin Invited, Mia Darby mi ll on need. Tho following program will be given: Rand: (ft) Marilyn WalU. (b) Ambaaaador March, (c) Spirit of Youth Overture. Dance: Quataf Skoal Pelican upper grade. Bong: (a) Island of My De elro -Filipino folk, (b) Spring Flowora folk, (c) In Spring Swablnn folk by fifth nnd eixlh gradoa, all achoola. Dance: Cahcbognr Fremont upper grade. Clarinet enacmblo: (ft) Twi light La Forroat, (b) Moon glndo Urbanek. Dance: Bummel ijchottlache Rooaovelt fourth and fifth grndoa. Dance: Oxdanaen Rlvoralde fifth and lx grade. Song: (a) May I Hore Pollh folk song, (b) Spring Heaven Curtis, (c) Sweet nnd Low Rnrnby, (d) On Wings of Song Hnhn by mixed chorus tippor grades' W. M. LORENZ Plumbing Heating Sheet Metal 611 S. 6th St. Phon 1 59 m and eyOi ear, nose And ittroMl dlsonlera are best treated by drugleae non-nurglcnl methods, e 1 1 m I nnllng liospltalliatlon, general unaeathetlc, loss .of work time, and danger of In foetlon or hemorrhage. See Dr. O. n. Caascl, Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat Specialist, nl Casiel Brother Chiropractra Clinio BSSH No. 7th St., Klamath Fall, Ore. Phone 420 OUR PERMANENT WAVES THE IDEAL GIFT FOR MOTHER'S DAY Houston's Beauty Shop 114 N. 8th Phone 260 Helen's Beauty Shop At Idella' Store Phone 11S The best in Footwear at lower prices! That'i alwaya been Pen ney policy I That' what built our shoe business, until today it's one of the largest In the landl Shoe Week at Penney' meant even greater than normal values the latest wanted style the newest leathers the finest workmanship the lowest possible prices. Pen ney' is the place to buy sho s the time is now SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Men's Sport Oxiords Hmiirtl? iKtTrntcl! Dozens of holm let the hreezen In, your fret ntoy cool ! Light weight and especially' con structed for the flexibility I hat Insure extra foot com fort! With rubber heels, leather soles. 2.98 pair MEN'S WHITE OXFORDS Our famous Townrrnfts In a ronnervatlvn dettlgn for nll 'round suititiier wear! You'll Ih proud of lltelr smootli bttrkftlde. tippers, bal style, with straight tip. Itubber heels and leather soles. 3.49 pair MEN'S TOWNCRAFT DRESS OXFORDS Smartly styled bals, designed ror ino eonservatlvo man. Wear them everyday or on your best dress occasions, you'll bo confident of show ing good taste! 3.98 pair MEN'S WHITE OXFORDS Wing tip Townrrnfts with alt the style thnt a well dressed nmn demands! Hmnrt per forat Ions add to t heir dis tinct Ivo appearance. 3.49 pair ALL LEATHER OXFORDS The newest styling plus fine workmanship has gone into these smart oxfords. Young men everywhere like them Itnl uppers, leather soles and extra-high leather heels. 2.98 pair HYER QUALITY DRESS OXFORDS Men's calfakln hnl fcnliirlnR bullt-ln steel arch supports and correct balance heels. I'niiinus for their comfort, lonitcr wrnr and aninrt atylel l,cnlhrr aolca, welt construct ed! S.90 pair DOUBLE SOLE WORK SHOE liny 'em nnd net the extra wrnr of tho second solel Kniji oua Ox Hides, hlurlier lTo, Willi retail ii liners that'll help keep your feet dry. Itiihncr heels, leather soles, welt con. st rnct ed 1 3.49 pair l'HNNKVS HIIOH I)K1T. DOWNSTAIItH Like to Be in Our Shoes This Summer? CELESTE WALKING OXFORDS Enjoy the firm support and perfect comfort of this smart oxford. Soft white kid trimmed with smart stitch ing and perforations. Ilulll- up leather heels with ruuoer taps. .Exceptional values! 2.98 pair CYNTHIA ARCH NURSES' OXFORDS Busy housewives, and other women who are on their feet a lot favor these comfortable, good-looking oxfords Just as much as nurses do! Of fine soft kid. Leather heels and rubber taps. 3.98 pair THE SEASON'S SMARTEST! SANDALS Willi strips of fabric com bined Willi simulated patent leather. Tho ankle strap is a fashionable noto that Is tak ing the country by storm! Triced for snvinRs: 98c pair An WOMEN'S MONK STRAP SHOES A smart stylo increasing In liopularlty, because It's so flattering to the fool, and so comfortable to wear! Smooth white leather . . . eaxy to clean 1 Covered Cuban heels. 1.98 pair OXFORDS WITH CLEVER CUT-OUTS White nubuck . Is always a favorite with well dressed women! The Intricate cut out designs and careful work manship make . these oxfords look far more expensive! . 2.98 i pair A SPORTS CLASSIC! SADDLE OXFORDS A year round favorite with school girls! White glove leather with brown saddle and back-stay. White rubber soles and spring heels, tnusually durable and priced so low I 1.98 pair CELESTE DESIGNED! WHITE KID OXFORDS Imagine! Soft white kid ox fords at this low price! Iteau- tlfully detailed with dainty stitching and graceful, slen derizing lines! Covered Cu ban heels! 2.98 pair GROWING GIRLS' OXFORDS An excellent shoe for school or all-'round wear. Designed on a comfortable last. Made for hard constant wear. Built up leather heels, rubber taps! 2.98 pair SMART TO WEAR! FABRIC SANDALS Fabric combined with slmu luted suede makes this ono of our favorite sandals. The wide T-strnp design is fash- Ion news this season, com fortable dtiedlum heels! 98c pair WHITE KID CYNTHIA ARCH OXFORDS Bo smart and dressy, jou'd never gness they could be so comfortable. X n e ouiiwa arch gives restful support ihmnizh the longest days. Graceful stitched and perfo rated designs. Covered Cu ban heels! 3.98 pair CYNTHIA ARCH. FASHION SHOES- V Beauty and comfort combine to make this one of our most popular styles. Of soft white kid with bullt-ln arch. Cov ered cuban heel! Cushion heel and metatarsal pads. At tractively stitched! 3.98 pair STYLED TO PLEASE GROWING GIRLS Another smart version of the popular bicycle type oxford. In white glove leather with attractive tear drop cut-ont and perforations. Covered heels! 1.98 pair Once a Year Value Sensations; CHILDREN'S OXFORDS So nrnt. looking! So comfort able! Declined to give active youngsters foot freedom. Of Ninoolh, blni'k leather or white glovo leather. Drill lined! 1.49 pair Nixes 12 to 2 nnd 8H to II H CHILDREN'S STURDY SHOES Designed to let the Utile foot act as nature intended. Soft leathers protect but do not bind the foot. Smaller sizes extremely flexible. Sizes 5H to H 1.2 pair Sizes 1 to a USc pair GIRLS' HIGH VAMP STRAPS An Ideal dress shoe for grow ing girls! Durable, white nil bulk wild high rut Tamp and sldo buckle strap. Designed with smart cut-outs and stitching. Covered heels. 1.98 pair GROWING GIRLS' DRESSY SHOES Light ns a fenlher and so graceful on Iho foot. While, nubuck, smartly stitched nnd perforated. With samfort able covered heels. 2.98 pan ITT On iTBSgB& (l!lJl(SOQgQGii)OOQ06(3 1 -aaMMMMMMSMMMMMMSaMMMMaM-aiiM--aM--MMMa mil,, M ii ,i. miiMiaiai iMiiiMi " l a aiM nn.l niiln'ili r"T"-Tm n smi m aa mi