April 28, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD.' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' PAGE NINH ANGLO FRENCH WORLD POLICY PACT FORMING LONDON, April 2N (AIM Tim fornlKM iifflrn iitiiKiiiiiiiMl lotilKlit Hint I'llnio Minister Chiiinliiirliiln mill Premier iJiiliiillnr hail renrh n( "(nil nitrei'innm on nil points tt iHRitanocl" at I lie ntul n( ihn first ilny of their review ( Aimlo-Kmiirh wnrlil pnllry. Tim mmmutit(itA itlil not apnc If y what pntti In flxtirait hi today 'n snnroli fur ctiiuinrin snfiiRtiaril aKnlimt Iho control fliirnpnnii nml oilier threats lo worlil nonce. Tho two-rtny conforonro, from wlllrh nillrh rlosor rntiporutlim nt all flKlillnn sirvlria of Ihn I wo powers In oxportntl to hn n tnnjor resuli, will he resumed to morrow. I'rnniler Dnliiillor nml his foreign minister, tlonrRoa llonunt, loft for Windsor to hn dinner attests of KlnK tioorifn and Queen KlUahoth. Viscount Halifax, nrltnlu's fornlitn soi-rotiiry. nnit Kir Rob ert Yiinslttiirl. htn chief diplo matic advisor, parllclpiitoil In (ho niirvryn of the. troubled world, from f'hlnn to Spnlu nnd t'rorh onlovnkln. Nasi efforts to absorb tlnr niaue of Cxerhnsliivakta In Ihn expanded (inrnmn realm loomed Hn nn Increasing danger nnd nn tiraonl reason for agreement on thn qitietliin of mllltnry roopern Hon. Informed smirrea believed the premiere wonhl lake long range dontslniia In nn effort to deal with tlormntt espniislnn. Now accords for hoth pownrn Itnly would bulwark atirh tlca. It waa ospecled lhy would work directly with wllh tar- alao I ho leaders of Cxerhnaltivakla In nn afforl lo rI Ihniii lo satisfy Germany, llthor possibilities for discussion wrro propping up countries llko Yukonlavla nnd Hungary economically lo enable thorn to resist unit hegemony. One version of thn search for mlllinry cooperation wna (lint llm fighting services of Ihn two pow nrn would Im no rtnscly knit Ihnl neither could o to war wllliom ihn othor. RICHMOND DENIES CITY ATTEMPTED TO CONCEAL MOVE (Continued from Tarn Ono) meeting. Horn ar a fnw random remarks: Cattlnhuyar, mopping nt local hoiel "I spend a lot of money In Klamnili Knlln, Inn they'll never Rot a nlcknl out of tun for thft privilege of parking my car to spend my money," Iliialiioseniau "Well, they'll spnnil flvo cenln worth of run try Iiir to Ret out of thn nickel pnrk lnR meter tone, no they inlRht aa well use I hem." "Haywire Idea" Beauty opernlor "My cuslotii nrn won't park for aevernl hours and pay whllo lliey nro having their hair done." Hotel man "They'll run more ? W JT 250,000 GALLON PURCHASE! V, hualiioaa out of lown than wn cull hi lug In, I know a Morrill ranch er Hint parked a moment nvur- I tun mid lliey guvii him u ticket. No u lit lin'd never liny niioilier PMiiny'a worlh In Kluiiiulh rails. Iln'il Knt It In I'lirilunil nr Him Krauelacu l( ho couldn't gut what ho wnnlud III Merrill," More proprietor "I don't wn.nl lo ha iiuntod by inline, hut 1 u in very much against It. U will semi IniHliiena to Iliu other purl o( town." Lumberman "I think Ha a linywlrii lilon. It in n y Im nil right for Hie IiIk city, but not lor Kliim nlli Fulls." JAPAN'S CENTRAL CHINA ARMY WITHIN 10 MILES OF LONG-SOUGHT RAILWAY HIIANOHAI. April 28 (AIM A Japanese army npokuamnn auld I ml n y Ilia aouth HhnnlunK army hud finiRlil to within 10 mlica uf the I, minimi rullwuy. The penetration wna at points hntwoon thn II r a n d cnnnl nnd I'lhaleii and aouth of TanchoiiK, he aald. Kurllnr Jupnneae had claimed a "wide holn" hliialud In Hie Chl nrae linen In Hint aeclor, aoinn fill inllea eaal of Biichow, and that their artillery wan within raiiRa of I ho cant-wont railway upon which Chlnenn depend for transportation lo their ' DOO nillo long Yellow river defenses. Jupannao p Inn en luoned enmoen of homba on troop trains moving rnlnforceniunta alnnR thla line to ward Ihn battle lone and report ed 400 froliiht enra with locomo llvun damaged near Suchow. At Ihn anme time tho Ioiir nwnlted renewnl of a Jupnneae advance north on tho TlentHln I'uknw railway to meet tho army flRhtliiR aotithward In KhantuiiK province Inward Kuchow ap peared under way. REBELS BARELY ESCAPE CLASH WITH LOYAL FLEET IIKNUAYK. France. April 28 (AIM An onRuRoment botwei-li tho fleeta of tbo InaurRonta unit tho Hpantnh Rovernment wan narrowly avoided. It wna lenrned lodny, when InaiirRent wnr vea eln bomhnrded Rovcriinicnt land (orcea yeaterdny. IMninlcbei from .both Hlden anld thn InntirRent wnr fleet, In cluillnR the crulnora Cnnnrlaa and Almlrante Cervera, toRether with amaller vnaiiela, ruined aliclln on Rovernment lluea alonR the Med lierraneaii Wednenduy, eapeclnlly Alcnla do t'hlvcrl, norlh of Cua tellon, rtarcolnna radio orders nnut Ihn Rrivornment nhlps at forred drafl lo the area, but their com mandora declined lliey arrived Iiki Into to eiiRnao Ihe InaurRmita. O.N I'ltl'IT ItO.MtlJ RAN FKANCISCO, April 28 lf) PI HlorRlo Krult corpornlloii ro porla elecllon of N. W. Knllen hnch of llalllmore, I,. 4, l.owry of Winter llnven, Klu., nnd (I. A. Krniino of Klnmnlh Pnlla. Ore., na dlrnclora, nucceedliiK (I. Cnvnl Inro, Ilohert l) Vecrhl nnd A. I. Dlepenbrock. Thn Ihreo newly elected dlrcclora nro executive of j auhalillarlea of M HlorRlo, Inuia- i continental fruit growing nnd inarkotlnR firm. 1 Drain and Fill With Famous Gold Crest MOTOR OIL Selling At 20c a Quart Elsewhere Only n huge spccliil piirclinie for hundrcda of Senra atorra ninkcs Ihln low jirlco possible Jf yoii'vo ni'vor useil Oolil Crest, lirlnn In jour container nnd fill your crnnkrnso wild it now oil that will innko )nur eiiKlne "purr llko n klllen." I MKfJFOKI), April 28 (pj Thn "kill I mid liornn of what la be lieved to hn u prohlatorlo anlinul of Ihn hlaou apeclea wan uncover ed Wodnodiiy by hydraulic, mln I n K operiitlona nt Ihn Hlerllng mine In tho ApplnKittn, MlnlliK opernllonn were nuitpondod for Hie ilny, while Ihn minora excav ulod tho remnlnn, which may huvo aomn nclnntlfln viilun, Tho hnnea wero found 35 feet undurKroiiiid, The liornn lire X luelica acroNN, John K. Doerr, Jr., Orator lnko nntlonitl park niilurallat, anld thuro wua no doubt the reinulna wnre of nn unlmal-of prnlilnlorlc dnya but would not any whut co IorIo period It belonged to. Dr. Walter llndford, prnaldent of tho Hoiuhnrn Oregon Normal r'linul at Anhland, auld hn would in ako nrrnngeuienta to have a palaontoloRlnt from the Univer sity of Oregon or Oregon Btato collego come and exnmlne the bonen, ONTARIO PREMIER WON'T ALLOW PROBE OF QUINTS TOHONTO, April 28 (Cnn aillan I'rnna) Ontarlo'a premier, Mllchiill K. Ilephiirn, declared to day that a Judicial InvcatlKiitlon of the affnlra of thev Ijlonnn qulnluplola wna unwarranted and Hint noiio would bo made. Ullvu Dlonne, fnthor of thn flvo famous lltllo girls, rccjufsled an I mill I ry Inst week. Dlonne, 1'ercy D. Wilson, official gunr dliui of minors In Ontario, Dr. Allan Hoy Dufoe and Jno J. A. V'n I In nro the qulntiiplota' guar dians. An nnulnmy class of tho Unl vorslty of Waahlugton waa drafted to help presorve the skoleton of Tunko, an olephant whoae bones and hide wolRhod three tona. I cuu't Imngliie the president aa a dictator, and I can't Imuglno myself buck In tho kitchen. Klennor Hoosevelt. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY VACANCY lOsplnnnde Courla. 6-12 KXTKA TIIOIJSKKS FKEB with atilta tnllnred to mcnaure Fri day nml h'nltirdiiy only. Orrea Tullur Shop. Don't run, but hurry. 4-28 11AVK A FIT nt Orrea Tailors. 4-28 no m:i) tai'k Di-lnlls ArrniiRed nt Your Homo Only llenpoiislhln Painters nnd Decorators Do Your Job t'nll .Mr. WliiiiliiRlinni Today, Iteslilenco l'llono UStlll J. W. COPELAND YARDS l'llono 1UM Plus Federal Tax CITY BRIEFS I'nrent Tenclier Council A general mooting of Klamath ennn ly council Of purontn and tench era will hn hold Monduy ovenlng, May 2, at Kooaevelt acliool to In alall officers for thn following year. A potluck auppor will be served at 11:110 p. m. Mrs, Hurt Hchullii, chairman, asks Hint ciu-h lieraon bring her own nllverwurc. Tho supper will be followed by nn Installation - ceremony, busi ness mooting and program. Drlvo North Among the Klum ii til Falls residents who made re cent motor irlpa north were .Mr. und Mrs. Boh Tennant who visited In Portland nnd Longvlcw, re turning early this week. WIIILK TIIKV LAHT UTILITY BAGS I'm. t . .Vi.""'0 Sf ... . "'KcaniIMe, 'am- NOW. 47c P&GSoapS Giant Size Bars. tdJ Eagle Brand l c Milk, 25c Size, 15 Ounces.... mkKmV Scot Tissue Reg. 10c Size Rolls. Watt Ba,hM Grumpy anmy uopty offers I & of Hydrogen 8 iJtt ml Full 1 Qc K. Cnl Laundry Bills! Bai..W 1 fjse Scott Paper Towels! HHbSSSSSSBSbT1 Uric Rolli ln MtulnlAe I BBBBBJHBSSSSSSaml Holder, 6A fmr 09 WAf Cleans Ing,! TmmmmmTfmmm B TISSUES J$lA.. jboj oi 23c m MC MM 7Se Dispenser I jijMltflJL- M Italian Balm S - B a-55 CIA rlHKT !!SSrCI WZ-Z, 49 17. Z . Perfect Toast Medium nxe bar EvKzy Timet C . . AC I See it toast to de- aaf ,or SM aired texture! Lart size bar M Worth all nn WAf Prophylactic I '?t ZJt I rM Tooth Bnuh I Ji ) -T ! Regular 91n S DELICIOUS CAKE ROLL lAsVsVHIllB&V! With Vanilla y t fAf 35c GEM Ice Cream TW Slngla Edge or t av aivtir neaay v bMBHMMMIHFa fAf JERGENS Vl TlTCli,j SHAMPOO W WAf Williams VI AW ' m ml .k en. mrm aw skt-i Ilnneflt. Pari Mrs. Leo N. Hills In chairman of the commit tee making plans for the OKK social club benefit bridge party, which wfll Im given at I: ID o'clock (Saturday aftornoon In Ihe Muaonlc temple. Those who have mado reservations are asked to bring cards nnd acoro pads. Mrs. Huls la assisted In making ar rangements by Mrs. Wilbur Ar nold, president of OKH social club, Mrs. Clara Hhorman Bud Mrs. O. F. Konscnot. lUturn From Nortli C. Kelly Fleming and Andy Anderson made a business trip recently to Longvlew, returning the early part of tho wuek. ScI lelt Fridav and Saturday Sal Lighten Spring Cleaning Wool Sponge and 15xl8-in. Chamois Polisher! Afe -Mm LISTER TOOTH PASTE 40c Six Tafce; OC Over V, Pound. . . W LISTERLNE ANTISEPTIC 7Se Six BoUUi EQC For Dandruff 99 j WANT QUICK ; N -:) BXUEF7 For Haadachea, Pains, Neu- lalaia, For that Certain Day : CEKADYNE TABLETS, 35c Ideal Spring Tonic Saybrook's Yeast and Iron Tonic stimulates the appetite; tones the digestive system ; helps you feel better. Full pint 98e Disney's FamouB as. Happy fcA Sleepy is aw Doe uop,y MLto 7 DWARFS IN SOAP Individually fcxnf. WMh V At ihylH. Emth Ill Disney's beloved fairy tnle char acters in pure castile soap col ored with harmless vegetable cntortnp. Amusingly realistic. Candid Camera Tans Our completely equipped studio III DLTIXTO, JR. BATH Cnmrmnt.JI 9.19 5 yml Weighs to 250 lbs. Bsse in colors. Ton Can't Go Wrong Ion a Value Llko This! in 1B you all pnoto-hmshinft services, including ultra fine cram developing moderate prices. Ul ,-nslRX m Js.6 Leaving for North Mrs. Sue Motl, who has been employed at Moo's atnre for the past year, pinna to leave May 7 for Yakima, Wash., where she will Join hor husband, Walter Molt, who Is af filiated wllh tho Yakima radio elation. They will make their home Id Yakima, Install Officers The Loyal Order of Moose will hold Ha an nual Installation of officers Fri day night, April 29, In the K. C. hall. The women's drill team will assist In seating the newly elect ed officers. Doors will be open nt 8 o'clock, and the public Is cor dially Invited, Leave for Mcdforrl Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hamson, who have been In Klamath Kails on a combined business and pleasure trip this past week, left Thursday after noon for their home In Medford. mnerxi 635 Main St. Easy to carry! H to res away in small space: I Weight 17 Iba. Maatercraft Electric Portable Washer Guarantied Rfl am 5 for 1 ytarl...,t mmm' Every bit as ellidenl as a full size machine. Washes everything! Clothes arm K KrtilA In wrms l.,U SOAPS D CLEANERS a.. SUPER SUDS 3 )e WOODBURY ' OEH 10c sire pkg.... to, aftaj Facial Soap. . ' fcV LAB VX 7QC AMMONIA tC 1.00 site, hill pint . m lor the home, pint . AJ PALMOUVX 0 sisjc ENOZ for Moths riAc Beauty Soap . eM for mm 1.00 siie. full pint. . A r9 10 si. cm at J? Inflammable. et. tS CASHMCRC Bauqwt t AQ. MOTH BALLS Qc Su tm V orrTakea. 12 oa.... J 25e LUX 6 Rogers Silverplate teaspoons for 4f C FLAKES 50c and Lux box top. Ask for details, mtm Read tn Bad Comfortably! This clamp-on bed lamp gives diffused 'it-Si-29 Protect Hands boas Housework Wear these dura ble Tyson rubber gloves for 44 C houseclean'gauaa INE It's KLEENEX TIME IN AMERICA Box of 4 4CC 200 .... mm faa&9 8 Boxes (1.600 sheets), 98c BOX Or 12 KOTEX 9 9QC adb a for Serviceable and good looking! New Spring designs in red, blue, green, natural, brown, black and white. 10-rib con struction. I'm over a foot UlL A ring in back makes my mouth, move as thouch l were talk ing. FREE.instruc- tion book on Ven triloquism. BATHROOM NEEDS 17x34-Inch BATH TOWELS 3,t33 Gay colored bor ders to match your bathroom. SCALE SHAMPOO BATH SPRAT 111 W,o., 29 Made of durable III rubber, rustproof III fittings. HI PURE BRISTLE BATH BRUSH. Fin Quality Waih Cloth. Worth SOe .. 19 Fresh, firm bristles that stimulate cir culation. for Pastel col ored borders. To Medford Mr. and Mrs. John McCown of the McCown studio of dancing loft Thursday for Mcdforil where they will re main this weekend. The Mo Cowns will be tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Ballnntlne, for merly of Klamath Falls, Motor to Valley Mrs. A. II. Mogers, Mrs. Laura Chamberlain, Mrs. Louis Benson and Mrs. Ben Trlppett motored to Ashland Tuesday, where they had dinner. The trip was glvon for Mrs. Chamberlain who observed her birthday annlvorsnry on that day. O. J. Johnson DENTIST 310 Medical-Dental Bldg. Phone 1183 I Wliw I Moving I" J SBrr.;v..Mi?' t l'" - A.T. - Pond's Cream 55c Size Jar (Medium). ...... Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 50c Better Tasting Fi ult Jnlcaa Juice-O-Mat gets all the juice but no rind oils.. 2 fifrrr I e- I LIPSTICK V INDIRECT LICHTINa J! OA. Jf. Reading Lamp for office, home, Il Su...0 7 MM study. Bronze finish metal; 1 1 1 IVBtHxHHHflMaar 1 10-inch shade, 14-inch aj iq 11 II ff-.-f 1 stand worth 3.00... 1 ryU lljfGarclen Hose ELECTRIC IRON TABLETS Easily Worth 15. OOe lllim Tin VJc Aft Special asm at Ot) 1 1 1 a of 24. ... J JL AfA Quick heating mica element. Ill PjBanaMnafaafflfftarVI 6.00 Automatic Flat Iron. 4.49 III -fZlff I aaai arsal aCrailAr ' a a t in!. yl-i I 111 VA j im so. ac . EOOLITA GARCIA GRANDE (Queens) WALGREEN BLUNTS or PERTECTOS 6 ior 25c Box of 50 . .1.95 20c ' Cartain Safe, MODESS Bosoil2 2 io, 39c EACH 20c Hem BvautUul Hair Volttm. the new soapless oilless shampoo, makes abundant suds in the hardest water; rinses instantly. 3oz.....42c i NOWl Handy QJffi Cltantin Pad.r mm '1 for Spoody 1-MXOTUTE FACIALS l aW m 49 Ctmpmtt, Whisk a Perfection Pad over face and neck and prestot you're ready for a fresh change of makeup. Oeanses thorough ly uiifnout drying your sain Softens and soothes 1 The lotion contained in each pad lubricates; keeps skin soft and smooth. .1 III 1 III i Trial OHtwr S 12 Perfection j In BakeUt Compact, S With thi coupon ! mi I El hi at l''rom Algomn Mrs. J, Purdtn waa among the out-of-town ihop. pern In Klnmnth Falls from nor home In Algoina Thursday. RECTAL DISEASES Mild eleclrlo trcnlments, replacing n I d methods. Kim-confining, non-aurgh cnl and surer. It MM U Lib) start with first treat inont. Wrlto for I'UKS booklet. DR. M. C. CASSEL Bpeclnllsl Cnssel nroa. Chiropractic Cllnlo 328 No. Tlh Phone 420 - . NT CAR" ? ef!i Tooth Size . Pads! only! ' Kaep CloUiea H WITH S BLADES Looking Neat B ,LUS , Trt 4ne Sturdily made 1 Bl FREE! Q?" whisk broom, handy B Return set for full M ring 17C refund if unsatis- Af. top ....... 14 ka tied with free triai. mwa I CALOX a Tooth Powder S....43c ma m Lara. iSmBSsmsssAi Bihim w ra ei iuj MQCL fif Campana VI & DBESKEM .; S-JT? 30e tfliC Aft z-VPWKb 'ATI r i Ti man laaiiaaaaaaaT Tl 'b Tooth Paat i 1 W Hair Tonic Vj i maw6(!)(!!iaMgn lit m i "