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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1938)
fvprll 27, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Big Farm Production Looms NATION'S CROPS HELD LARGEST III MANY YEARS Favorable orop prospects In Ore gon are nut unllko condition! gen erally In (It country aa a whole, according to Mia monthly review of I ho nitrlrtilturnl ulltinlton and oulliink Jusl releitend hy th Ore gon atnto college oxlonalnn eorvlro. Thu senaou In starting off with prospects for crops, ranges unit paaturcs moderately bolter than In my of th put envornl yrara, which li pretty good cnnaldorlnK thm crop production laat year turned out 1.1 par emit above Iho 1BS4-1029 average. Soma parla of th Qreat Plalna area am till lacking In auhanll molatur; o that crop yield In audi dla Irlcts will depend upon adequate rainfall (luring the reel of tho growing aoaaon. Tha abundance of production now In proepocl li evidenced aome whnl hy tha April 1 government atimat of wlnlfir wheal produc lion 72) million buahnle. Thla comparoa with 686 million Inal year and MS million aa the 1927 ll average. Allowing 300 mil lion for eprlng wheal, the crop could be large enough to care for all domcatlc and export rentilre menta and a very aiibatnnllul In creaee In aurplna atocka. Feed grnln production prospects are below average, hut the aupply will he ample conalderlng the near record carry-over and tho enme what reduced (but Increasing) nutubera of livestock on hand. Condltlona ar favorable for heavy milk production, and eur reya ahow Incraaaea In young ehlckena and turkeya, owing to favorable feed condltlona and bet ter prlcea for animal prudiicia rela tively than for crop producta. The report conlaina varloua In dex rigurea of farm prlcea, cost and demand condltlona, which In dicate that the economic poaltlon of agriculture la aontewhat Iras favorable than a mouth ago and materially below the alluntlon a year ago. The Oregon farm price Indeg la given at 66 per cent of the 1926-mo average level, to pointa lower than In February and 27 pointa below March 1037. The farm coat Index ahowa a decline of Ix pointa compared with a year ago. BOSTON WOOL noSTON. April 37 (AP-USDA) Oood French combing lengtha flno territory woola In original baga wore having eoiue enle In Ibe Uoa ton market today, at moat (4 to 66 centa, scoured boala. Lota con taining a good proportion of itaplo combing lenglhe fine terri tory woola were bringing (( to 7 conla, aeon red baala. Kloecea were receiving a moderate de mand. Oradea combing bright half-bleod fleece woola have moved at 37 to 21 centa In the grease. Oradcd three-eighths blood and quarter blood bright fleece woola brought around 26 to 27 conla In the greaae for odd woola, apot Boaton. CHICAGO POTATOKN CHICAGO, April 27 (AP-USDA) Potatoes 69; on track 229; total V. 8. ahlpmenta 846; old atork Idaho Kuaaeta slightly weaker, demand alow, auppllea llbornl, northern atendy, demand fairly good, auppllea light; Backed per ewt. Idaho Kuaaet llurhanka V. B. No. 1, 1. 40-1.421. moatly $1.40; Colorado Red McCltirea U. 8. No. I, 11.60; North Dakota early Ohloa 90 per cent U. 8. No. 1, II. 40. Th chlaamodon nlger, a deep aea flah, hna an elaallc atomaoh, and can awallow rinh much larger than Itaalf, STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by the Associated Prose 10 It II 60 Inrua Balls Utll'i Slka. Wedneaitsy 67. 6 14.1 29.6 89,5 Pr-vlnti. .I.y , .. 60.6 14.2 29.6 30.2 Month ago 6n.l 12.4 24 9 64 2 Yenr ago ............. III. 6 4H.2 42.6 66.3 1937 High OH. 2 21.6 34.9 47.9 19.17 Low .............................. 411.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 1930 High ... 101.6 49.6 64.0 76.3 1936 Low 67.7 19.0 31.6 41.7 z Now Low. BOND AVERAGES Compiled by Iho Associated rrcee Wodneadny .. I'rovloua day , Month alio ... Year ago ................ 1937 High 1037 Low 11136 High ... 1036 Low .. x New Low. llulla lndu'a Utll'i For. 2U 10 10 10 6.1.3 96.8 88.4 63.8 62.9 96.3 88.4 63.0 60.6 93.1 17.2 61.6 92.7 102.8 99.3 71.1 70.6 98.0 92.2 67.0 49.7 03.0 86.8 61.6 90 0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.3 96.6 90.3 64.2 Stock Market Quotations NKW YOltK, April 27 (!') Rlocka Idled by the wayaldo to day after the market had taken a brink atrlde forward at the opening. (lalna of fractlona to about two pointa reversing a alow decline the laat few aelons wero held In face of apathetic buying, .il though moat nharea had difficulty trying to Improve on the openlnii prlcea. Trading dwindled after the early apurt In ordera, and tron 1 'lions again fooled up to only about 460,000 aharee. Public Intereat aeemed to have boen atlinulated overnight by the pledge of a group of prominent bualneaameii (or cooperation with Ihn admlnlairatlon on recovery cf foiiB. Professional tradera. how ever, were content to wait for more tangible reassurance Im proving Bcnllmcnt and business confidence would he tranalated Into production gulna. Corporate and U. 8. govern ment bonda perked up a bit with atocka. Today'a cloalng quoiatlona: Air Iteductlon - 4 4 1 Allied Chemical A Dye 143 Allied Stores 61 American fan 87 American A For, Power .. 31 American Power A Light .... 4 J American Had. Rt 121 American lloll Mllla 17 American Hmelt A Ilaf. ..... 3K A. T. A T 129 American Tob. II 65 American Water Works M Anaconda Copper 3 S g Armour III 4 J Alchlaan T. A 8. F 27 J Halt. A Ohio 61 HariiBdall 13 llouillx Aviation - Hi Hothlehem Steel 4 8 Hoeing Air 27a Hudd Mfg - 4i California Park 20 Callahan Z-L U Calumet llec 71 Canadian Pacific J Case (J. I.) 76, Caterpillar Tractor ... 411 t'elanose 14 i Certain-Teed ....w... 6J Chea. A Ohio 20 i Chryaler 431 Col. (iaa A Electric 6 Commercial Solvent - 7 Coin' with A Sou 1 Conaolldnted Kdlson 23 Consolldntod Oil 9 Corn Producta 634 Curtlsa Wright 4 J Douglas Aircraft - 4 H Du Pont A Do N ..... 99 Klectrlc Auto Light 161 Klectrlc Power A Light .... 8 J Krle R. R 2J General Klectrlc 841 Ooneral Food a 20 J Gonoral Motors 61 Goodyear Tlrea 191 "A Church Without a Collection Plate" EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN NOW IN PROGRESS at th Apostolic Faith 228 North 8th St., Klamath Fa Hi Spaelal Singing Marvelous Teiilmonlei The Truth Preached I7-Piece Orchestra leads the Congregational Singing Services: Every night (except Saturday) 7:45 Sunday, 10:30, 2:30 and 7:30 COME AND ENJOY THESE MEETINGS Or. No. Ily. Pf 161 lludxnn Motor 6 lllluiila Central Innp. Copper Ill International Harvester .... 61IJ International Nlckot 47 Int. Pap. ft P. Pf 271 I. T. A T 8 Johns Mnnvllle 671 Kolinecott Con. Cop. ......... 341 Llh-O-Purd 2H l.oow'a 411 Monty Ward 3U Naah Kelvluator 81 National llllcull 20 National Dlallllcra I'M Nil t Id II ill Power & Light .... 61 N. Y. Central 12J cows also scarce but very draggy and weak; bulls 10-16 lower; voalars steady at 17.00-8.00. Sheep 10,000, Including 1700 direct; 11 Tuesday wooled lambs strong to It higher; clipped offer ings fully 26 up; bulk wooled lamba 88.60-76; clippers $7.60 8.00; today' trad moderately active, steady to eaaler; good to choice wooled lambs 18.60-60; beat held above $8.76; taking 88.00 and better on shorn offer ings; first California spring lambs of aoaaon as yet unsold; Indica tions steady on sheep. CHICAGO, April 27 IJP Wheat prices In Chlcsgo averaged lower today, especially In tb lata deal ings. Minimizing of likelihood of se vere damage by rust southwest became an outstanding feature as the day nearer! an end. R. O. Cromwell, a leading unofficial ex pert, wired It as fairly sure nei ther black stem rust nor orange leaf ruat would be winter crop factora worthy of much consider ailon thla year. . At the close, Chicago wheat fu tures wero 8-1 lc lower compared with yesterday's finish, May 801 to 81, July 791-80, com l ie down. May 681-5SI, July 60-601, and oata 1-lc off. North American Northern Pacific i: Packard 41 j Penit II. it. Phillip" Pol Preseed Steel Car Pub. Service N. J. ... Pullman .. Itadlo Item. Rand Hep. Klvel Hear Itnebnck Konthern Paclfle Stundard Hrauda Standard Oil of California.. Standard Oil N. J Studebaker Superior Oil - Texita Corporation Tlmken Del Axle - Trane-Amerlca - Union Carbide tlnlon Pacific United Alrllnca United Aircraft United Corporation - United Caa Imp U. 8. Rubber - -. II. 8. Steel Walworth - Wentern Union While Motor Woolworlh 34 7 28 271 61 1 1 1 141 BSi 11! 71 291 47 61 21 86) 10 101 66) 601 71 261 21 91 171 44 7 221 81 42 Cloalng Curb Quotations: Cltlea Servlco 1 Klectrlc llond A Share 6 CHICAtM) LIVESTOCK CHICAISO. April 27 (AP-USDA) Hnga 12.000, Including 4600 di rect; market alow, but 10-16 higher than Tueaday'a average; top JS 40; bulk good and choice 1SO-240 lbs. 88.20-40; few 140 160 lbs. iS. 00-30; 260-300 lbs. 88.00-26; 300-360 lbs. 17.80 8.10; moat aowa $7.10-36; light weights on tbe butcher order up to $7.60. Cattle 9000. calves 1600; strict ly Rood, choice and prlmo steers and yoarllnca fully steady; me dium to good grades slow; top $10.60 early with $10.60 bid and refused; best tight steers $10.26; fairly active trade at $9.00 up ward; atorkora and feeders vory senrce; helfera steady; best around $9.00; common kinds scarce; South S. F. Livestock SO. SAN FRANCISCO, April 27 (AP-USDA) Hoga 660, Includ ing 126 direct. Moatly 6 higher; top and bulk good to cbolce 160 236 lb. butchers $8.60, load good 226 lb. welghta $8.46, aorted 10 head medium $7.96; bulk around 240-280 lb. butchers $7.96-8.00; odd head above 300 lb. welghta down to $7.60: good packing sows moatly $6.60, few medium rough cows $6.00-26. Cattle 100; greasers scarce, steady; half load 1227 lb. Cali fornia graaa fat aleera $7.66, sort ed 1 head; package medium 1000 lb. welghta $7.60; medium to good fed ateera quoted $7.60 8.75; she stock about ateady, good cowa abnent; common to medium grass cows $5.00-60, part load 960 lb. welghta at $5.60 aorted 3 head; low cutters and cutters $3.50-4.00; fleshy cutters quoted up to $4.60; few fat dairy type cowa $4.76-5.00; odd medium bulla $5.75-6.00, ateady to 25 low er. Calvee 15. Little changed; odd head good to choice vealera $9.00; few medium to good slaughter calves $6.50-7.60. Sheep 1000, Including 850 di rect; eprlng lamba ateady with laat sale made; abort deck good 72-83 lb. California springers $7.00 straight; part deck good C8-69 lb. welghta $7.00, sorted 16 head medium $6.00; other classes practically absent; odd bead good shorn yearlings $5.00. Portland Produce PORTLAND, April 17 (P) But ter fruits: a grade 271c lb. in parchment wrappera; 281o lb. In carton; B grade 261s In parch ment wrappers, 27ic In cartons. Buttcrfat Portland delivery, buying price: A grade 25-2610 lb, Breaks World's Record B -s ... .;,' !. - M a? I fa , . Ji SA 7J wiiiiiiJars Shattering th old one mile dirt track time, Ted Horn, atelier racing car driver, set a new world'a record recently on the El Centre oval during on authorised American Automobile Association meet. Record-breaker Horn aelocted Cilmore gasoline and Lion Head mater ell te hang up the new time of 38.14 aeconda for the mile dirt track course. Hora, veteran ol many torrid Indianapolia competition!, la completing work ea hla own car to enter national track aventa. He haa alwaya finished "in the money" at th Memorial Day elaiilc, taking third lait year and aecond In 1936. Driving Harry Harta special, he la confident that thia will be hla year at Indianapolia. Back in the Swim Despite the fact that she has been in retirement for the last year, lovely Edith Mottridge, former Pacific Coast backstroke queen, will be one of the fa vorites in the National A. A. U. women's events at Los Angeles, April 28. The shapely miss seen entering the pool above will compete for the Los Angeles Athletic Club. country Stallone; A grade 231c lb.; B grade 2o lb. leas; C grade 6o lb. leas. Egga Buying prlcea by whole salers: Speclala 18c doz. ; extras 16c; atandarda 16c; special me diums 16c: extra mediums 14c; standard mediums 15c; under grade 14c dot. Cheese Oregon triplets 131c; Oregon loaf 141c; broker will pay lc below quotations. Country meats Selling price to retailers: Count-y killed bogs, best butcher under 160 lbs. 101-llc lb.: vealera 13-1310 lb.: light and thin (-lie lb.; heavy 8-9c; canner cow 8-9c lb.; cut ters 9-10c lb.; bulls 10c lb.; lamba 11- 1 3c lb.; ewes 6-9c lb. Spring lambs, 16-170 lb. Live poultry Buying price: Leghorn broilers, 11 to 2 lb., 16 16c lb.; colored springs 2 to 81 lb. 17-18c lb.; over 31 lbs., 18 190 lb.; Leghorn hens over 81 lha., 1415c lb.; under 81 lbs. 12- 1 3c lb.; colored hens to 5 lbs. 18-19e lb.: over t lbs. 18-19o lb.; No. 2 grade 2o lea. Turkeya nominal buying price breeder hens 20c lb.; selling price. Breeder hens 22-24c lb. Potatoes new Texaa $.90-1.00: Cal. white $.90-1.25 per 50 lb. bag. Potatoes Yakima Gems 2s, 70c, local 65e cental; central Oregon $1.15-1.30 cental. Onlona old crop Oregon $3.00 $3.30 cental; new crop Texaa Bermuda $8.40-8.60 per 60 lb. bg. Wool 198$, nominal; Willam ette valley medium 170 lb. coarse and braid 16o eastern Oregon 16-180 lb. Hay selling price to retailers: alfalfa, No. 1, $18-18.60 ton; oat vetcb $14 ton; clover $13 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon, unquot ed, ton; do valley $16 ton, Port land. In Milwaukee my plctur with the word "Wanted" waa on a desk when they fingerprinted me. Norman Smith, arrested In Toungstown for murder, who said ha had alept In 1$ Jails sine polk had started bunting him. Water from the Atlas mouatalne sinks through th aanda of th Sahara desert to an Impermeable strata of clay and vaat reservoir underground, and breaks through the surface aa springs. Although many tricka of mettle take only two minute to perforin, they have cost tiilr originator several hundreds of dollar In material and year of effort to perfect. Sassafras trees have three kind of leaves, and all three type mar be found on th same twig. Treasurer's Statement, City of Klamath Falls, Oregon QUARTER ENDING MARCH 81, 1888. Funds (jeneral ................ Street . Fire Lltsht A Water .... Airport Library Park Special Prop Incidental General Sewer Cemetery Band Light Unit No. 2 .. Part Payts Personal Tax Imp. Bond Sink L. Int General Bond Sink. Int. 8th Sewer Def . 56th Def 89th Unit State Aid Hl-way Preliminary Bond Ex. State Hl-way Bridges Underpass Chlorination Garages, etc .. Fire Equipment Esplanade Widening . .. Asphalt Plant Meana Overdraft. General Bond Sink. Inv. Imp. Bond Inv. T. D. Other Cash Stat of Oregon ) County of Klamath ) City of Klamath Falls ) Balance Dee. 31, 1937 Diaburs . ments Receipts Balance Mar. 81, 1931 $22,215.78 3,618.92 6.655.69 4.350.90 2,901.68 3,762.40 3,107.94 7,161.90 22.01 888.06 1,867.45 1.155.57 816.86 7,740.22 5,412.04 155,184.23 610,073.60 97.90 113.81 2,343.23 4,734.70 1,809.98 $21,013.76 6,396.97 5. 926. lie 7,639.67 588.58 8,222.81 883.18 7,132.98 118.70 603.00 290.68 (68.18 818.78 903.16 5,412.04 (9,993.91 17,420.00 132,617.63 8,979.16 8,689.86 10,415.74 663.74 8,205.33 2,918.77 6,702.17 812.19 42.(4 752.50 1,1(8.89 38.50 188.57 6,563.69 1,000.00 1,729.36 2,005.(8 75.17 951.09 75.18 75.18 75.18 $749.9(4.85 $160,683.87 $415,715.11 86,696.72 (4.91 ii',i'n"i'i (0,927.98 10.24 1,611.09 11,893.73 iloooioo 250.00 1,000.00 500.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 $176,209.75 $83,849.61 7,101.11 9,419.19 7,128.97 2,808.84 8,744.91 6,143.63 5,731.09 215.60 427.70 (.329.26 1,(56.28 3.08 (,901.97 643,581.68 108.14 113.81 2,304.73 6,157.22 8,140.00 1,000.00 ' 3,270.64 J.755.68 924.83 451.09 424.82 924.82 924.82 $7(5,491.28 602,411.81 $263,079.46 8. 8. I, Ruth O. Batblany, Treasurer of th City of Klamath Fall, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true exhibit of the Receipts and Disbursements, and the condition of each par ticular fund of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the close of business on March 31, 1938, as sbown by receipts and paid vouchers on file In my office, and the ledger accounts and funds and the above cash balance, la a true and correct atatement thereof. Witness my Hand and Seal, this 22nd day of April, 1938. RUTH 0. BATHIANT,' City Treasurer, H. A 17 No. 64 Chief of Police's Sale of Real Property for Special City Assessment Liens NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 31st day of May, 1938, beginning at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said day, at the front door of the City Hall In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, I will sell at public auction for cash on hand all of the following described premises, to-wit: ...... . ... . Lot Addition Block To Whom Assessed - Data Levied Purpose of Assessment Amount WEST KLAMATH FALLS ' ' " S 60 ft. 4 J. W. A Beulah Hammer . June $0, 1921 Street A Sewer f FIRST 1 44 Edw. P. Brady July 30, 1928 Street 8.080.95 2 Wly 44.2 ft. of SH 46 L. S. A Florence Dunlap May 4, 1927 Street 1,068.38 KLAMATH -' 1 74 New Service Laundries Sept. 14, 1925 Street A Lighting 1,088.37 2 NE 18 ft 74 New Service Laundries Sept. 14, 1925 Street A Lighting 178.66 9 NV4 74 Mary C. Mebatfy ' Sept 14, 1925 Street 223.94 10 NH 74 Mary C. Mehaffy Sept 14, 1925 Street 415.01 3 Wly 7 ft. of Nly 90 ft 75 Mrs. Minnie Henry Sept 14, 1925 Street A Lighting 81.80 4 75 Mrs. Minnie Henry Sept 14, 1925 Street A Lighting 709.31 5 75 Chas. H. Cary. Corp. Comm. A Western Savings A Loan .Sept. 14, 1925 Street A Lighting 585.97 ( NH 76 Belle Butcher Sept. 14, 1925 Street 579.75 J S'i 76 Belle Butcher Sept. 14. 1925 Street 275.45 1 A 2 Shi S6 A. L. Harrison Sept. 14, 1925 Street 513.34 1 93 Lavern Carter Sept. 14, 1925 Street 491.60 1 92 Lavern Carter Sept. 14. 1926 Street 490.30 94 Martha Lund Sept 14, 1925 Street 376.18 1 95 C. W. Miller A Emma LlnfestT Streyffeler, Trustees for Klamath Temple Sept 14, 1925 Street 844.49 2 95 C. W. Miller A Emma Linfeatr Streyffeler. Trustees for Klamath Tempi Sept 14, 1925 Street 844.49. NORTH KLAMATH FALLS UlSH 11 J. J. Williams June 17, 1918 Street A Sewer $00.71 EWAUNA HEIGHTS 1 is Elvira Wines Aug. 14, 1929 Sewer 201.31 2 13 Elvira Wines Aug. 14, 1929 Sewer 201.31 8 13 T. W. Maker . Aug. 14, 1929 Sewer .201.30 NICHOLS , S A W 55 ft. of lot 6 54 Jesse J. Bailey July 2, 1911 Street 6,792.00 INDUSTRIAL ( ( Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1928 Street A Sewer (2.39 7 ( Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 90.37 8 ( H. M. Salsbury May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 149.54 16 6 H. J. A Edith Seeger May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 172.16 17 6 H. J. A Edith Seeger May 15, 1928 Street A Sewer 197.32 26 8 70 ft ( Jessie O. Webber May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer . 66.21 28 ( Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 29 6 Klamath Development Co. May 16, 1923 Sewer 6.93 10 ( Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 31 6 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 192S Sewer 6.03 22 6 Hector A Ethel DeBaeta May 15, 1923 Sewer 12.95 38 ( Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 , Sewer 6.93 34 ( Klamath Development Co. May 16, 1923 Sewer .98 36 . ( Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.98 3( 6 Klamath Development Co. May 16, 1921 Sewer 5.93 '7 6 K!amath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 38 6 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 39 6 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.98 0 6 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer , B.93 41 6 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer .98 42 ( Klnmath Development Co. May 15. 1923 8ewer 6.93 42 6 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.92 C 6 Klamath Development Co. May 16, 1923 Street A Sewer 174.05 5 7 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1933 Sewer 6.93 6 "7 Klnmath Development Co. May 16, 1923 Street A Sewer , 80.67 7 7 Klnmath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 117.03 3 7 Klamath Development Co. May 16, 1921 Sewer (.91 36 7 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer (.92 37 7 Klamath Development Co. May 16, 1923 Sewer - (.93 3 7 Klnmath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 5.93 39 7 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer (.98 n 7 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer ' (.93 l 7 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer (.98 3 7 Klamath Development Co. May 15. 1923 Sewer ' (.93 3 7 Klamath Development Co. May IB, 1928 Sewer B.93 44 7 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 Sewer 6.93 D 7 Klnmath Development. Co. May 15, 1923 Street A Sewer 172.67 2,1 6 Klamath Development Co. May 15, 1923 , Streot A Sower 90.06 27 6 Klnmath Development Co. May 16, 1923 Street A Sewer ' 62.39 1' 2 Klnntnth Development Co. May 16. 1923 Street A Sewer ' 150.69 This sain Is made under and by virtue of a warrant or list In tabular form for the collection of special assessment llena which have been delinquent for more than ono year prior to April 25. 19 38, on real estate within th corporate limits of the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County. Oregon, which warrant or list is in my hands. Each of the lots, parcels or tracts above described Is located within the City of Klnmath Falls, Klamnth County, Oregon, and Is being sold under Sections 66, 2201 to 66, 2210 Oregon Cod 1930 a amended, providing a method of foreclosing special assessment Hens. Eneh of snld lots, parcels and tracts will be sold separately and will be struck off to th first bidder offering to pay the City of Klamath Fnlls Iho full amount of its assessment Hens plus interest and the coats of and upon this sal. Dated this 26th day of April, 1938 PRANK HAMM, First Publication: April 27, 1938 , CHIEF OF POLICH OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, Final Publication: Mnv 2B. 1938 KLAMATH nniiNTV rvawnnts. H A 27, M 4, 11, 18, 25 No. 65