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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1938)
April 25, 1938 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREB Homer Ilolcomb, Ilia world's outstanding clown iinil rodeo per former, hue boon algnod to appear Willi K 1 11 in u t li lluckiiriin Dnya when t ho third li n ii mi I allow In Kliuiinlli Fulla is put on July 2, H and 4 II was announced Maiuliiy following a mooting of llio com inlltao, Jliilcomb performed at Rod llluff, which wit (ho opening show of llio ymir himI where nil "top-hands" appeared lor tho f Irat pnrforuiuiico uC tho rodeo aea on. Ilolcomb cliilinl to be king of llio clowns mid with hi fa liioim I 111 lo in u I u, "Parkyurkur klln" haa hroilKlit It in 1 1 1 Ion luiiKlm to th tliiMimiiiilii wliu Iiiivo huuii lilm for iiiuny yuurti. Tho clown win elgnod up when moinbor ot lluckuroo Days com llllllno u U and oil tho llnil llluff how scouting for talent for tho coming rodeo hero. Another iiiiimiiiK'uinont of Intor oat lo rodoo fnini who uru nnxloiia to bo In on tho know of tho 1938 how horo U word Hint Abo Lof ton, who opumiiia tho unnouiic Init aervlco of tho tlllmoro Oil compiiny, will bii In Klniniilh Kill In to do nil tho iiminiiiiclng for tho llucknroo uliow. Lofton haa buay routlno pliimiod for hlinaolf, Willi huiiouiicIiik to bo ilono at tho blic aliowa nt Phoenix, Balliiaa. l,oa Angoloa, Tucaon mid at tho northern roiiiidutia. llucknroo coiniiilttttoini'ii fool that thoy tmro thu boat aiiuouncor ohlnlnnklo In Lofton. Other trick rlilora, purformora, clowna mid showmen aro bolnii algncd for llio July allow mid pluua aro well iimliir wny for what la hoped will bo tho boat roduo put oil la llio Klamath bualu. P.-T. A. NOTES JONKI'li co.;i:k halbora' nliiht at Dig Joseph Conger achool Tliuraday, Ajirll 21, aa greatly enjoyed by all. r.ucn promt pnrvut auro hi prldo mid Joy outdid ovuryouo vise. Tho original program allowed lalciu and bind work, tho niualc was beautifully rendered, accord- 11)11 to tliUko who nttciidod. Upon liouaa ( I hi, parents clinuro lo ranuw acquaintances mid vt tho puplla' rooma. Tho ar dlapluya wvro uapuclully good. it waa aaiu. Tho boautlful fruit baakot null! tnado by l'TA membera mid auc tioned to tho hlghvat blddnr waa bought by It. 1'. Ollvor for Hi, whlrh Ha placed In llio milk fund for needy children. Fathere preaont woro counted I n aloud of motliera, the uaual cub- lom, to aeo which room would re ceive, tho Irovollng prlis offered by llio l'TA for having tho moat pnrunia preaeut. Aa uaual. Mlaa Wright's room won. Friday, April 29. will bo tho Buinmor Houndup clinic at tho achool, when all proapoollve flrat graders will bo given a free modl- cni examination, rnrenta aro urged to cooperate In helping to check up on any phyalcal dolecia needing correction. ItlVKUHIIIi: Flection of offlcera for tho coming year waa hold nt tho moot ing of llio Illvetaldo l'TA April 111. Mr a. Sid Klllot accepted Iho prealdency. Mra. Hny Morrla wna named rice prealdont, Mra. Devero llelfrlch, accrotnry, mid Mra. M. U. Mctiholiey, trenaiiror. An enjoyulilo inualcnl program a furnlalicd by Iho flrat grndo puplla under tho direction ot Mlaa lthoadca. Lola mid Loulao ontor talned Willi a tnp dnnca number. Ilernilao of conflicting dnloa Willi mualo woek tho Itlveraldo l'TA benefit card parly will bo held at tho Wlllnril hotel Mny 11 lnalend ot - Mny 4. ItOOHKVKl.T Ilooanvelt l'TA met Tucadny, April 19. at I liu arhnnl audlior lum, with tho president, .Mra. 1'ercy Murray, presiding. Mra. Ilnrdln lllnckmor'a talk on "Nolglihnrhond Hupervlaod Day" waa enjoyed by a largo at tendance ot momliera nnd friend. Tho fourth N"l fifth grndo puplla, under llio direction of Oln Mao Hough, gang a group of throo part aongs. Mr, n. P. Hlllngson, chairman of tho nominating commllloo, re ported tho following offlcor se loctod for tho coming year: Mr. Dwlght Ullchrlat, presi dent; Mra. Hardin Dlackmer, flrat vice prealdont; Mra. George C. Davis, aecond vlco prealdont; Mra. D. D. Haven, third vlco preal dont; Mra. It. D. Kllor, aoeretnry, and Rita Mnthora, tronaiiror. All momhera of tho Itooaovolt TTA woro ttrgeil to nttend tho nll dny mooting of tho PTA county council nt tho Mothndlat church Monday, April 25, Tho annual auinmor roundup and pro-achool clinic will ho hold at llooaovnlt achool Thursday, April 28, at 0 a. m. Tho now officer will bo In Inllod at tho regular mooting In May. I'ltKMONT Tho regular mooting of Iho Fro ninnt PTA wn hold Tuosdny, April II) nt 11 p. m. Mr, Mnml lloilny, pronldont, en Hod Iho nioot .Ino tn order. , All InloroHlIng prngrnm wna Ipreaoiitod by Iho fifth nnd nlxth grnuo gioo ciun unilor mo direc tion of Mia Forrest Schneider. Tlln ffillnn'lnir anleellona worn "Inlnml ot My Doslro." "April Hwnn." wliu solo part Itl, A1nn,t,.1l tl,.l,lBI,i. A (lnmnnntriitloii wns gtvon hy tho 4-H cluh, under Iho direction of Mra. Ifnalov and Mra. Wlinrln. who exnlnlnod tho nurnoso nt the club nnd Ita vnrlnna nctlvlt.loa. .J loro wnn A rl nn nv nf wm-lr nl. lnilIV Aillnnlnlfl.l l.i, ...nil.n,. THE KLAMATH VETERAN Activities ol Iho Spaniih-Amarlcan War Veterans, Tha Diiablad Amorican Volorani, Tha Volerant of Foroign Wart, The Amorican legion and Thair Auxiliarioi. AMKItlCAV UCOION K Initial li I'oat No, H Tho wook lii'KlnnliiK Mny 1 ninrk tho opening of Child Wol furo week mid Klop Koreat File wook III Kliiniulh Full. Tim poat la aponaurliig both ot thoao actlvltle. Tho program for child woltaro will mart Uunilny, May 1, nt Monro purk with tho poalponcd Kiialnr ogg hunt mid a May day party combined. Thero will bn tho uauul hunt for ogga, followod by tho awarding of prlie to tho flndara ot tho gold mid allvor ogga, mid tho prima will delight uuy child who la lucky enough tu find olio of tho prlo ngKa. Thero will ho throo clnaaea of klddlea, according to ugo, Tho aninll tola up to lx year will hunt their ogga on tho lawn, tho other two groupa from alx to nlnn and from 10 lo 12 will hunt tholra on tho billable. Thoro will be iliroo prlzea fur each group. Thoro will olao bo gamea. Tho Rlnp Koreat Klrea week will offlclnlly alurl Mouilny, May 2, at 12:10 p. m. when n pur iiilii loavoa llnlalger'a guragn and Irnvela tho full .length or Muln alroet, Tho Houthorii Pacific tiro whlatlo nnd local flro alrona will blow for a period ot two minute nt tho tnrt of tho par ade. Thoro will bo talka hy foreal aervlco offlclula, during tho woek, nt tho high achool, Llona, 20-30 club, Klwonla and Itntary lunclieona. Thoao talk will be accompanied hy moving plcturea of flro prevention hy tho foroat aervlco allow hont. Ttieadiiy night, Mny 3. thla aamo progrmn will bo glvon nt tho regular meeting of tho Leglun and Iho auxiliary. Thurs day night thoro will bo a hun- McCown Dance Recital Takes On International Flavor lly JOY Internntlnnnl In Ita acopn wna the Mct.'nwn' aevenlh nnntiiil dnnco proaeiitnllon al I be high achool auditorium Rtinday after noon with many clover numliera from tho "Irlah clog" to Iho "Per alan market," but among tho old country dancea Intermingled aurh decidedly American alepa aa "Truckln' " and llio "Hollywood Slide." The leaping. aomernaulllng, boixllng, twlatlng acrobatic cu aemblo of a dozen or moro chil dren atolo tho ahow by tholr f In lahod parformanco and clever coa lumea, and running a cloao aecond with the light-fooled Inp artlata. Children of all agea paraded acroaa tho atago In tho varloua numbora, coatumod aa Indiana, peaaanta, Moxlcnna and plratea, leading up to tho final grand cli max of iho lllue Danube waltx ballet. In which dancera took tho part of tho fountain, awuua, water llllea, durka and atreet alrollera In a acono on tho bank of the llliio Danubo river. Opening the ahow wora aelec tlona from "Snow Whlto and tho Heven Dwarf" with aeveu lit l lo nioinbera nf tho .McCown'a bnhy clnaa Inking tho part of the latter, Featured In thla number woro Athena Lnmproptilou a Snow lender, rovlewed Iho hlatory of Iho orgiutlznllnn and ioko of oppor tunltlea offered It mombcr. Following tho progrnm a ahort bualneaa meollng wna hold. A re port wna given hy tho nomlnnting committee nnd accepted, Tho fol lowing officer will ho Inatnlled at th next rcKiilur mooting In May; Mr. C. H. Dnrnntnlilo. preal dent; Mra. Frank Peyton, vlco prealdont; Mr. Virgil Voltch, aec ond vlco president; Mra. fluy For- guaon, aecrctnry, nnd Henrietta Kkern, tronaiiror. Knch member waa urged to glvo her aupport to the Bllvor Sales drive. Tea waa aerved by tho mothers of tho flrat nnd aecond grades. Tho tnhlo wa bonutlfully deco rated with daffodil. Mr. W. D Mills was- In chargo and wna as sisted by savoral mothers. The Mills PTA study group met nt mo homo of Mrs. J. A. Usllck. Mrs. G rulib rend an article en titled "Public Enemy No. 1 Dope," In connection with papers on alcohol and dope, received from stato PTA hendquartors. Tho benefit program for Mills PTA has linen plnnnod for tho ovonlng of Krldny, Mny 13. Furtlior dotnlls will be announced soon, The summer roundup Is to be hold at Mills school Wodnoadny, It's More Fun Fishin' WITH NO MONEY WORRIESI 4' flub yiur tacit n4 7 (m iff lr thtlct Nth. ln thli jrtM O mry y i a r I Saving hfaiwd frm rtqulir wvlni httt and at tracllft tirnlnn will await iut cam mantt. If yau itart naw. It wan't tatia lam. $1.00 ipani an ttaunt. (Cinnal DlillinS) First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Falls 111 Nf. 9th tt. PhsM m Mimbtr at Federal Sailntt ' and Laan Inturanta Carp. quot at Cul-Oro for nil foroat aervlco offlclula muO tho iiiem hera of Iho luciil coininittoe, Wiiltor WioaoiiiliiiiKor la chair man and tho huluiiru of tho coiu mllltio aro Hunger John Hai'g liiaou, Hal Oglu, Mulcolm Kpluy, Curl Cook and Karl Iteynolda. Koreat aorvlco offlclula who will purtlclputu In thoao pro griiina will bo hero from Port land, Knlom, Modford, Lakevlow. lloiiil, Khunalli Agency and Klnmiilu Knlla. The regular mooting of tho Legion and auxiliary will ho pre coded by a dinner given at 0:30 p. m, In honor of tho Cold Hlur nnd Wnr Motliera ot tint com munity by tho I. ucllcn auxiliary. Thla la nn annual event. VKTKIMNH OF KOIIICm.V WAItH I'elli nn I'oat No. I :ih:i Pollclin poat No. 13R3, Voter nna of Korelgn Wura, will meet Weilneailny night, April 27. Tho new offlcera elected for tho coin ing year, cnnnlntlng of Warren H. Meyora, roinmiinder; J. N. llrochtiup, aonlor vlco command er; Prod L. t'hrlnly, lunlor vlco commander; Kloyd Wootlworlh, chaplain; Al Kldlor, (luurterninat er; nnd J. H. Cnriialian. poat ad vocate, will bo liiatullcd. Coiurndn Ira Canflold of the Medford poat will bo tho Inatnll Ing officer and delogatlona from Medford and Anliliiud to the In atnllatlon woro prouilacd Com luundor Lee when he nttended a Joint Inalallutlon of tholr poata In Medrord April 15. Delogalca lo tho detiartmont oncampinent nt Knlom will he nclcctcd nt thla wccilng. It la underatood there will nlao bo Inltlntlona. All mombora nro re nucKtcd to bo proaonl. Vlaltlng iiiemhera nro welcome. While nnd Ilnrlou Adama na the hlllldaomo prince. Adding to tho enterlnlnnient were two aoloa by Jacqueline Mc Koe, youthful aoprnno who anng ' tj In ii ii tun Mia" during tho .Mexi can ciiacmblc, and "Allca tlluo liown." Ono of the alar performer of tho afternoon wnn petite, fluffy haired Wanda Wlltaa. who atep ped from tho gold cheat In the plialo number to do an amazing aerlea of acrobat lea tor atlch a young poraon. Another who plenaod the largo audience tlmo uflor time by her nlinbleneaa nnd kill both na an acrobat nnd dancer wna Juno Mario Murphy. And Wllnmaa Lento In n Bailor outfit provided an exceptionally good comody touch. Ono ot tho flrat appearance of Derby'a accordion band, organ xled al tho beginning of thla year, waa mado during Iho Intermlaaion when the four membera of tho baud who wero preaont plnjcd aev eral numbers. Ilackatago, at tho clone of the performance, tha dancera received notlco from Mr. and Mra. McCown Hint they mny enjoy aevernl dnya of real, beforo conllniilug their clnaaea. Loneta Kkatrom and Ethel Pow ora aerved a accompanlat for tho dnnce. April 27, nt which time children who nro to enter school In the fall will bn exnmlned by local phyalclans. Parents dealrlng these exnmlnntlons for their children are requested to have them at tho school at 9 n. m. lillCA(it) lOTATOKS CHICAGO, April 25 (AP USDA) Potntoes 103; on track 2SD; lolnl I'S ahlpments Satur day 74J Sunday 101; old stork western steady, demand alow, northern seed slock slightly atrongnr doninnd fnir; sutiplies mndernte: sncked per cwt Idaho Mussel Ilurbnuks I'S No. 1, $1.40-52; North Dnkotn cobbler 00 per cent US No. 1, $1.45. Tall men In Atlanta, Gn., havo startod a campaign ngalnst low awnings. And not a nows story about - the campaign wns head lined: Tall Men Hit Canvns. Junior Chamber of Commerce MHCE Armory, Wednesday, April 27 IN iJiiiiiii "I III llll I lirJiayuiaaaaUJM rfJrlgr CHICAGO, April 25 UP) Wheat prlcos fell 1 cents today, largely rcaponalve to a downward trend of other commodities and of tho stock market, Italn ovor inula both of the American winter wheat bolt and of aprlng wheat torrltory served also to depress prices, Export t rail o from North America totaled only 200,000 bushels, ell Con udlun. At the close, Chicago wheat futuros wore 1 cent to lo under Saturday' finish, May 82J-1, July 801-1, corn 11 down, May C8I-G0, July 00i-l, and oat un changed to i off. Stock Market Quotations NF.W YOIIK. April 25 W Hpeculutlvo forces generally loft tho stock market to It own de vice today, and In one of the alowcst acnaion ot tho paat aov ernl years, . leaders yielded frac tions to a point with a few Issues down 3 or 4. A llttlo buying aupport made Ita appearance occaalonally, and extreme loaaca were reduced or cancelled hero and there at the close. There waa no pickup In volumo, however, and tranafora approximated 400,000 shares. lluslncss new was hardly of a character to stimulate the buying urge, and Washington develop inenta, whllo watched carefully, failed to affect the market' tem per much either way. The prealdont' measage to con gress urging "prompt" action to remove tux exemptions from gov ernment, stato and local salarlea and future Ibbucb of federal, elate and municipal securities rcaulted In acanl repercussions markelwlae. Tho financial district seemed mainly Interested In the message which the chief executive was ex pected to deliver later on anll inonopoly legislation. Closing prices: Air ncdiic 46 Al Chcm & Dye 142 Allied Storea 4 Am & For Pow - - 3) Am Pow & Lt j 4j Am Itnd & St. - 121 Am Holl Mills 17 i Am Smelt & Itf 38J AT&T 12S Am Toll II - 693 Am Wot Wka 61 Anaconda 2SJ Armour HI - 4 1 Atchison 27 j Halt & Ohio j. 6J Hnrnadall 131 llondlx Avla - - HI lloth Stool 48J Hoeing 27, Hudd Mfg 41 Calumet Hoc H Canadian Pao - 61 Case (J. K.) 75 Caterpil Trac 42 Celaneso 14 Cerlnln-Teed 7 Chea & Ohio 26 1 Chrysler - 4U Col Gas & Elcc 61 Coml Solv - 7 Coniwlth & Sou II Con Kdls - 221 Consol oil "1 Corn Prod 6;" Curt Wright l Douglas Aircraft - 42J Du Pont - 1011 Klcc Auto LI 161 Klec Pow & Lt - 9 Krio Itr 2i ;en Klec -IS (ien Food - 26J lien Mot 31J IJoodyeor' Tiros 19 1 tir No Ky Pf - 161 Hudson Mot - 61 Illinois Cent 61 I nsp Copper j. Hi Int Harvest 6" lnt Nick Can - " Int Pop & Pt - 271 I T & T M Johns Mnnv 6"1 Kenneoott 3i Lib O Ford 29 LlR Myers B 93 I.COWB Monly Wnrd -- 32 Nash Kelvlnntor 81 Nat nisc 1I Nat Distill ,. 19 Nnt Pow & Lt 7 N Y Cent 121 North Am - 18 Northern Pac - 8 Packard 41 STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by tha AMoclated Press in : ! Monday Previous day , Montb ago Year ago 1037 High 1937 Low 1930 High . 1036 Low x New Lows. BOND AVERAGES Complied by the Monday x New Low. J. C. Penney ...4. 621 Penn Ilr 161 Phillip Pet 341 Pressed 8tl Car 7 Pub Serr N J 28 Pullman 271 lladlo 6 Hem Hand 12 Hep Stl H Scare Roe - 68 Shell Union 13J So Cal Ed - 211 Southern Pac 12 Stan Brands 71 St. OH Cal 29 St. Oil N 1 7J Studebaker . 6 Sup Oil 21 Texas Corp 38 J Timken Del Axle 10 Trans American 1"! Union Carb 67 Unit Alrllnee 7J Unit Aircraft 26 Unit Corp 21 Unit Oaa Imp 9 1 U 8 Rubber 271 U 8 Steel 45 Walworth 7 Weat Union 231 White Motor 81 Woolworth 42 Closing; Carb Quotation Cltlc Service - - H Elcc Bond & Sh ' South S. F. Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, April 25 (AP-USDA) Hog 1000: including 1375 direct; mostly 20c lower compared last Friday; top and bulk good to choice 160-230 lb. butcher $8.60; around 240-285 lb. average $8.10; moat good packing ow $6.60. Cattle: 800, Including 165 direct; steers opened ateady to strong 3 load medium to mostly good light Idaho fed ateera held around $8.50-75; 2 loads medium to good 1050 lb. Nevada ateera $8.25 sorted 2 bead per load; load 1175 lb. Nevada $8.00 sort ed 2 head; car medium 1140 lb. California grasa ateera $7.25 sort ed 2 head $6.00: no early action on the stock, undertone weak; good grass cow held above $6.00; low cutters and cutters eligible around $3.50-4.75: no bulls aold, Indications around steady, med ium grades quoted up to $6.35. Calves 125, Including 60 direct. Nothing done early, undertone weak; good to choice vealera held above $9.00. Sheep: 1150. Nothing on sale; market nominal. BOSTON WOOL BOSTON, April 25 (AP-USDA) Tho wool market In Boston was quiet today. Few inquiries were being received from either top maker or manufacturers. Quo tations were fairly firm on good French combing lengths fine ter ritory wools in original bags at around 64 to 65 cents, scoured basis. Graded bright fleeces of the old clip were quoted at 26 to 27 cents in the grease spot Boston for three-eights bloods and for quarter bloods. Prevlou day Month ago - 1937 II I g h"!.'.'.".'".'.'ZZZZm 1937 Low . 1936 High 1938 Low SPECIAL Mezzo-tint Portrait A beautifully colored print in a modern color matte, offered as a special to adver tise the new studio location in the United States National Bank building, for only $11 A choice of proofs, and special rates on additional orders , , for a limited tims only. Absolutely no advance on regular prices. Kennell-Ellis United States National Bank Building Main at Eighth Street Telephone 2010 10 16 It 0 Inrus Raila Utll'i Stka, 57 9 14.5 29.5 19.8 55 14. 50.0 40.4 63.2 13.6 26.6 19 4 90.3 43.5 43.0 66.0 68.2 21.6 84.9 47.0 49.2 12.1 24.9 83.7 101.6 49.5 64.0 76.3 67.7. 19.0 31.6 41.7 Associated Press Kail lndu'a Utll'i For. 20 10 10 10 53.3 96.2 88.7 63. S 63.4 96.1 88.8 63.2 62.6 93.6 88.8 62.2 93.0 102.7 99.6 71.4 70.5 98.0 92.2 67.0 49.7 93.0 86.8 61.6 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 70.3 95.6 90.3 64.2 Portland Produce PORTLAND, April 25 W) But ter Prints: A grade 27o lb. tn parchment wrappers; 28c lb. in carton; B grade .261c in parch ment wrappers, 27c in cartons. Butterfat Portland delivery, buying price: A grade 25-25)c lb. country stations; A grade 221c lb.; B grade 2c lb. leas; C grade 6c lb. lea. Egg Buying prices by whole salers: Specials 18c doi. ; extraa 16c; standards 15c; special me diums 16c; extra medium 14c; tandard mediums ISc; under grade 14c dox. Cheese Oregon triplets 13c; Oregon loaf 14ic; brokers will pay c below quotations. Country meats Selling price to retailers: Count-y killed hogs, best butcher under 160 lb. 101-llc lb.; vealera 13)-14c lb.; light and thin 8-1 lc lb.; heavy 10c; canner cowa 8-9e lb.; cutters 9-10c lb.; bulls 10c lb.; lambs 13-1 4c lb.; ewes 5-7c lb. Spring lambs, 16-lSc lb. Live poultry Buying prices: Leghorn broilers, 11 to 2 lb., 15 16c lb.; colored springs 2 to 3 lb. 17-18C lb.; over 3 lbs., 18 19e lb.; Leghorn hens over 3) lbs., 14-15C lb.; under 3 lbs. 12-I3c lb.; colored hens to 6 lb. 18-19c lb.; over 5 lbs. 18-19C lb.; No. 2 grade 2c leas. Turkey nominal buying price: breeder hen 20c lb.; telling price. Breeder hens 22-24c lb. Potatoes new Texas $1.40; Cal white $1.25; per 60 lb. bag. Potatoes Yakima Gems 2s, 70c. local 65c cental;, central Oregon $1.15-1.20 cental. Onions old crop Oregon $3.00- $3.30 cental: new crop Texas Bermudas $2.76-3.00 per 60 lb. bag. i Wool 1933, nominal; Willam ette valley medium 17c lb. coarse and braids 15c eastern Oregon 16-1 8c lb. Hay selling price to retailers: alfalfa. No. 1, $18-18.50 ton; oat vetch $14 ton; clover $13 ton; timothy, eastern Oregon, unquot ed, ton; do valley $15 ton, Port land. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, April 25 (AP USDA) Hogs 17.000, Including 6000 direct; market mostly 25 lower than Friday's average prac tical top $8.40; part load $8.46; Bulk good and choice 160-240 lbs. $8.15-40; 250-280 lbs. $7.90-8.10; 290-350 lbs. $7.65 90; most good packing sows $7.00-25; lightweights to $7.35 and better. Cattle 13,000; calvea 1500, weighty ateera 25 lower; year lings and light steers weak to 26 down; largely ateer run; quality medium to good; feed ers scarce; early top fed steers 25 $10.00; some held higher; few load $9.25-65, with bulk of quality and condition to sell at 7.76-9.00 light atockers on Vir ginia account $7.76; helfera ateady to 25 lower; good and choice light kinds holding steady; best $8.90; cowa and bulla 10 15 lower; choice venler ateady on shippers account; all light offering 25-60 lower. Sheep 8000; Including 1200 direct; today' fat lamb trade fairly atoady to stronger; good to choice wooled lamb bid $8.25 down; held $8.40-50 and above; few good to choice clip ped lambs $7.35-65, beat held $7.76 and above; aheep scarce, in broad demand at firm prices. Pi PROJECT LIST The Klamath county court re ceived a letter Monday from C. C. Hockley, PWA engineer for Oregon, asking that It make a list of proposed public works projects which might be built with the aid of federal funda it the president's spending pro posals are passed by congress. Hockley's letter said that lt was a preliminary request with the purpose of paving the way for quick action if the congres sional action la taken. County Judge George Grizzle said that there has been some talk of the need for an addition to the county courthouse, but he said he did not know whether this would be suggested as a public works project. Hockley in his letter spoke of federal grants or loan-grant pro cedure such as has been In force under the old PWA program. Plans for the presentation of "Hit It Up." the home talent minstrel show-review sponsored by the 20-30 club and produced by the John B. Rogers com pany of Ohio, aro moving for ward rapidly under the direction of Vernon L. Price, professional director of tho company, who arrived in Klamath Falls late this week. The rollicking review will be staged at the armory May 26, and possibly May 27, and will in clude about 250 local entertain ers, according to Price. Re hearsals are being scheduled, and all interested In trying out for the cast are welcome. Christian Science "Probation After Death" waa the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scien tist, on Sunday, April 24. The Golden Tent was. "Verily, Verily, I aay unto you. The hour la coming, and now Is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son ot God; and they that hear shall llvo" (John 5:25). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermojr waa the following from the Bi ble: "For as in Adam all die, even so In Christ shall all be made alive. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies un der his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed Is death" (I Cor. 15: 22, 25, 26). Tho Lesson-Sermon also In cluded the following correlative passages from tho Christian Sci ence textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "If man believes tn death now, he must disbelieve In lt when learn ing that there is no reality in death, since the truth of being is deathless. The belief that exis tence is contingent on matter must be met and mastered by Science, before Life can be un DID YOU DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER TODAY? Sealed Carbonatlon PROTECTS YOU I 5 Insist on the KIST Bottle deratood and harmony obtained, "Death Is but another phase of the dronm that existence can be material. Nothing can Inter fere with the harmony of being nor end the existence ot man la Science" (p. 427). HANNON County Judge A Bualneaa Administration That Will Cut County Coat 30,0O0 a Year Thomaa B. Dewey, the fearless young prosecutor of New York who smashed the racketa and drove graft and corruption out of city politic, say that hie hardest fight was against the apathy of the general public the very people who were being victimized. E v e r y other year the people ot Klamath county spend over $10,000 to elect official. HANNO.N People take an Interest In public affairs during the campaign, but lt Is a sad fact that Immediately after elec tion that Indifference of which Dewey complains becomes wide spread. At the outset of my campaign for the office of county judge, I wish to say that win, lose or draw, If the campaign I Intend to conduct will only arouae the people of this county into an ac tive, constructive and lasting In terest In county affairs, 1 will feel that my time and money have been well spent. Five years ago, I was appoint ed by Mae K. Short to the office of Clerk of the Circuit Court. I went Into the courthouse with the Idea that everything was above board that officials were acrupuloua in working tor the Interests of the people they serve. At the end of the first month I found I was badly mis taken. I have watched and stndled county affairs for these five years. I have seen and uncovered things that have made my blood boll. I determined to do some thing about lt. I am out now single-handed to expose the high handed proceedings the loose business methods the terrible waste of public money the flag rant violation of the very laws promulgated for the protection of the people who pay the bill. I will not conduct a hand shaking, "vote-for-me" campaign. There are too many handshaker In the courthouse now. I will present facts and figures and lt the voters themselves are not aroused into action, I will turn to the words of Thomaa B. Dewey and know, I was not de feated by my opponents but by the "apathy of the public." The law of Oregon is as fol lows: "The County Court and Commissioners shall cause to be made out and PUBLISHED IK AT LEAST ONE NEWSPAPER a schedule of the expenditure! of the county, which Shalt state the names of ALL CLAIMANTS, the article or service for which payment is claimed IN EACH BILL, the amount allowed If ordered paid, - or whether the claim has been continued or re jected." WHY HAS THE COUNTY COUP.T VIOLATED THIS LAW? Ia It because present business methods will not withstand the light of day? The court meets each week and spends $10,000. If expenditures had been pub lished, thousands and thousands ot dollars would have been aaved each year. We would not have had the week-end trips up-state at $60 and $76 a trip. We would not have had a much money going into road equipment as Is going on the roads. A certain official of a road machinery com pany In Portland would not have been able to say: "I don't worry about the county courts I have them In my vest pocket." (Continued Tomorrow) (Pd. Adv. by Walter P. Hannon) Health authorities agree that the human system requires at least I glasses ot water dally. They also agree on the healthful properties of , carbonated beverage, a carbona tlon protecta the rich flavor and In- v urea freshness. DRINK KIST CARBONATED BEVERAGES made with the pur est ot fruit flavors and carbonated to tha right degree for your health, . You may select your favorite flavor there'! Orange Klst made with REAL JUICE from tree-ripened Valencia orangea and there'! Lemon Ktst, Lime Klst, Strawberry Klat, Root Beer Klst any flavor you want. Get Klst Beverage! from your nearest eoft drink dealer look for the Klst Sign on the store. Bottled by Klamath Ice & Storage Co. Phone 98 ... wiiniir u. Joiiklna, 4-H cluh