THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON April 21, 1938 PAGE FOUR EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS AT Baldies Want Cheaper Barbering OVER MILLION SALEM, Ore., April 10 Ad ministration of the atate unem ployment compensation law during the first quarter of this year dis tributed 83,293.B1 In benefit checks In the Klamath Falls em ployment sector, analysis of com mission records here today dis closed. Checks covering eligible claims filed at the commission a Klamath Falls office totaled 6506 Total distribution in the state for the three-month period was $1,(00,(22.59. April checks to date have boosted wis ngure io 12,200,000. The Portland office, which serves Washington and Columbia counties itlnorantly, accounted tor $700,888.21, or 46.6 per cent of the total. Eugene received the next largest amount, $107,267.69. while the $12,763.98 going to The Dalles was the smallest allotment. Distribution in the other IS em ployment office sectors totaled as follows: Hood River, $17,775.34; McMinnvllle. $29,(04.91; Oregon City, $61,105.98; Tillamook, $23. 6(9.34: Salem, $62,9S9.3(; Al bany, $43,333.42; Corvallis, $16,- 797.03: Dallas, si-5.514.4o; New. port, $17,798.85; Roseburg, $17,- 677.48; Medford, $36,644.56; Marshfield, $S1, 317.63; Astoria, $24,100.23; Bend, $55,408.49; Pendleton, $15,559.16; LaGrande, $41,405.19; Ontario. $13,261.41, and Baker, $41,455.78. MIDLAND MIDLAND Mrs. John McCall and daughter, Jean, motored to Ashland Friday to spend the Eas ter vacation with friends. Friends In the community ex tend their sympathy to the family of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bridges In the loss of their infant son on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hickman of Willow Ranch spent the Easter vacation with relatives here. Nine members of the Midland Junior grange visited at the Bo nanza grange on Saturday eve ning. Ray Gill, master of the state grange, was honor guest of the evening. Easter dinner guests' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stew art of Klamath Falls were Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Burnett and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stew art and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett and daughter, Shirley Darlene. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Motschen backer were visitors in the Tule- lake community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Donaldson of Klamath Falls spent Sunday Jrlth Mr. and Mrs. Evan Byers. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coe and I miji m mn i i mmil .mi mil ill n i ."wj'.m'vv-.w . : , ... ; . ' t m i Barbering fees by the acreage instead of by the head would be the universal custom if bald-headed Roy Warlicki, of Chickasha, Okla., shown getting a trim above, were successful in his new campaign-. Warlicki has organized a Brotherhood of the Burnished Brow, whose members, all "baldies," are pledged to fight for fees i In proportion to the amount of scissoring required. But George Hudson, the tonsorial artist above, is agin' the BBB campaign. He agrees with his brethren that eye strain from looking at polished domes makes the regulation fee eminently fair. She's Pilot Now Barbara Klbbee. San Diego, Calif, has been described by her instructors as an exceptional flying student. Uncle Sam agrees, and recently awarded ber a transport pilot's license. family visited In Klamath Falls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Wakeman of Grants Pass spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Largent. Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oral Havelin. Personally, I think a career Is marvelous because It means giv ing up a lot of things that are a pleasure to give up. such as bridge, and those dull, women s club meetings. Cornelia Otis Skinner. Tl'a In thn fnrAm fhnt hnalnaei will grow and develop. All tbat is neeaea is a stimulus to oreax up the log jam in the capital mar- Valq Phnlrmnn nnnplna nf fhn Securities and Exchange Commis sion. The greatest fault of our democ racy Is the difficulty of separ rating the popularity of the man from the Issue. Dr. George Gal lup, director, American Institute of Public Opinion. January was named for the Ro man god, Janus. He was god of the day and the beginning of the year, and was pictured with a head that looked two ways. . One thing Is certain we are never, never going back to the economic anarchy of a few years ago. Postmaster General James Farley. fcSir . Mmf' G00D TAS For any outdoor occasion a carton of Blue Ribbon Beer adds the final touch.. Its rich, mellow goodness has made Pabst a favorite for five generations. TE FOR 94 YEARS PABST: ORDER A CASE TODAY f ISIS. 1rn!ff-Pirt "tha r., CMnp oMJat ii-n iii'i Mtiitumiwansi Charles A. Sprague, republican candldale for governor, this week formally launched his campaign with an address over KGW iu which he outlined his stand on Questions he consldors vital to the campaign, then began the task of "visiting every community In the state." The start was made at Astoria where he nuulo aovernl pulille ap pearances Tuesday in addition to visiting with voters throughout the lower Columbia river sector. Wednesday found Spraguo headed south along the coast with tho California line his ultimate goal. Young republicans of Portland who gathered to confer with Sprague after his Monday night radio address pledged themselves to perfect a precinct organization In their city that would acquaint the voters with the Spraguo pro gram. Phrases from the opening speech aro being repeated In many oilltor ial columns. Among others is tho statement that he Is not running against any other candidate but Some Multiple Blessed Eventing, Eh, Kids?, 5" hi mi .' i-iil'im US mill m a . i ."j.t v .a- . . - jm w i'....; ..v..'.;. . !Tr"W "Wimii :,v, ,, iM .......... ,2X The five baby goals pictured above ore rnie mil mnla. Indeed, because they're nil brothers and sis ters born nt the same time. If you count them you will discover that there are five kid quintuplets, in fact. J.'L. McFoll, goat breeder who lives near St. Louis nnd who owns Nancy, tliclr mother, said he had heard, of only one such case before. Kids, It seems, are usually born in pairs, and even triplets me considered rare no kidding. ( I, lent, gui'iillii Wulali, hark from a 1 (-month whaling expedition, , anslnus in corroi't sonio erroneous Impressions, One expert suva that thn fent ntid ankles of Aiimrlenii women are growing larger ns thn result nf a combination of athletics and high-heeled shoes. rather seeking tn do his part (o rovltallte the republican piuly. Tho municipality of Chlcoutlnil. Que., has rocelved donations of largo sums of money from Cam potte, profmwlonnl heggnr In Hue lioc. l.'nmpolte owpa a block of houses In the French quarter of tho latter city. It was tough, monotonous work, anil without romiincu of any kind. The ship smelted terribly, the dead whales wern worse, and thorn was nothing but work. Const tlunril SAFETY ALL THE WAY SMOOTH SAILING IN RETURNS, TOO 4' (CwfiM OlH.rnl rim r.4ffi tui ptr innyM. n 1 1 n I I U Ita miustl il ut turn lnf .tmtuli, J 1,00 tptfll K ttunt ihtn, nr Mivnl it u II mi. First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Klamath Fall. Ill Nl. 91k It. PkiN 171 Minibtf if f4tti tUtimt Ml LM iMWflHH CWf. M , I II till i 1 Mil I I warn Chromed Locking GAS TANK CAP Smartly de' O signed wth S T kstrono lock-" i no ugs and 24 Many' wore -wr neo, Specialsl Gold Me tsesidesl; These,' Reset I riie Riafir to Limit Quanitlmm . nequio.ri.ix 'eda Foldino ARM CHAIR Strong varnished hardwooa frame and arms- Striped J canvas back and 4)fi$r seat- cs43 Timely extra savings on West ern Giants, for Car, Truck, Bus or Tractor the West's finest, safest, longest wearing tires! Low Sale Prices Easy Term 60 and up ,4 40-2l ViiHtm Cum Tm tlrr, Ullb alj Int. fe, Inner Tubes Also on Moke your tires lost lonoer with Jumbo or Blue Ribbon Tubes. Big extra Savingsl Sol Prices start- at . , SALE! $1.10" '4.40,21 WRtAorjTiii. OTHIR PRICIS proportionality low. Owik Seal W PISTON RINGS ;t & ungmaiiy 35 11 j ornm xx w7 each CO'". J '..v salaries and Make-motors run like new, fr.Z ionient 3,A Die set humps on tnner rings give perter, coser tit ''.""Easv tn install 0, .. flZJ.I'KJ xw'K';'-'!.'.,. .'A l V V V W X W.WsW - CO 25 ?IDJ size Cbrrugr -..Je. 8 linos CO oc 1 with COW"' MMsXiSXiS!S pOLlbn 90' wym M ICwK 1VCUIK.HUUO ounez MMr8S on All 1938 Model can WW iSfc w A . ror rreMwitgs ratrui nuuius UCCTCDK1 AIP BATDrtl C ... .... lurpoiied for tone, volume, cabinet ' beauty, modern feature! . . . and all around performance . . I SALE PRICES ftYllA oi Low at VII II 79 ...L. . I. ft 1 SALLE ActorJ'mK IO malviat and modtl of or. LEADER Coupe or Roadster $ 2-Door Sedan or Coach....... 4-Door Sedan .98' .$1.80 m DURO (os shown) riiin nt Koadfter. 2-Door Sedan or Cooch, 4-Door Sedan .... 41.79 to , $1.23 10 $3.95 Baft .Hi HOLLYWOOD- "P'1130,1,' PENN SUPREME finm 100 turt PnmilvatiU Made especially for rr $1.41 r.Mnfeed Rustproof m GRILLE GUAK! mm De.Wexsd. Double Die tlllad. Snaelallv Flltarad. Eaual tn 35e ear at. ells. Ideol for modsm motors. In your tan Gallon 62c Wear-well 12 100 Flirt Venmjwartlt Efficient lubrica tion In all service. In your can Gal. 54 Gal. In iour irftl Kmpty fJmxt J tr mit fit n fluid M lirpoHlt fINEST WUTIRN Oil. . Mn Triangle type "win. bar 'Extra oar 'extra SSS Strew CnronepateciSSi Rigid camps' win not rust- BiS7 Regular 98t Can tt ever TOOL BOX 434X6dXI4 inches I I. I mm. fiMiMi Tni Au sfSl m.J C sss preen enameiea- rery M strono lvtth ocAr- rioi rrLfr in 1 Prlc illghllf higher In tome loeoimet DtcouM or irigr:i C SAVE with SAFETY of 120 N. 7th St. Phone 984 1