April 21, 1038 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE T! MAI, IN floiiiiiKltliira winning first pliiff'N In ilt'iniMiMrKtlmia ami other illvlitloim In llin annual liiliiK 1'' mi i II rhili f n 1 1 , April so, fl In K I mini I h h'n I lx will tin uwiiril il liipn In t ? ill in t Tiilr nt Hiilmn lit'Xl Full. Hrlifihinililim fur llin Kmir-ll summer arlimil nt ('iirvul Ha nr lrlm In Hinniiim rnitiii n( I.iihe o' llin Womla, liisli'iiil i( cnili iirUi'N IIiIh yciir, ai'i'iirtllna" in J,ny Hnrhnr, rlmli imiii of l''iur II oluli sotlvlllra fur llin lull'. At tnuillllirft Hi llin viirllllia tl'illl Kill Imrlnnn. II l lifllMvml, will tin ot iiiiiiii uminfll In thv young mi'iii lion limn i-unli. pinna lor Hi" dilr are ahnnliilt fiipl'lly. with, imiii li") mill ulrla pai'lllalliK In l lii' ntiwn wrltliiK rilllli'Ul. Kllttli'K of ruokltlK, wl'W- lux. f i i . 1 1 I'tlillilln mill liiinill- eraft mn ii'iuiy. uiiii inn program lia'llllli'a nl'l l-pvli'W nf rlolll Inn tixiilo ly n"liii! rluh inMiilii'ia wlin will nimlH ilmlr nn Kr- tiinn n. Tim irvli'W In m linliili'il for Hit I ti i tin v. April :i. wllli llin (rail nrlinnl t I'lirh llll"'l nlBO jl'llnilllll'll l"i linn it.ii Imlwi'i-n 10 and IS a. in. H"lli li"' "il glrla will riiiiiiii-H' mill III" Knur II cluli oruiinliulliiii will urnatiiil a trophy In llin rlinn wlunlnit Oie hlKlK Kl iiiinilii-r or lli'I'l nml track nolllla. Itlhliiiiia will tin nrraenled to winners In llin various events Malln hm approximately 70 children enrolled In seven clubs elhar I llin itnck rl u In. Mini Hal tnatrucia a claiia In bnKlnnlng iw ins", Mlaa f'hnmlim a innrhea anrond year si-wlns. Mra. Hay Van Mntar haa a clan In conning i, .Mra. Henrietta Hliort In cooking II ami Mlaa Ella Wood Inm-lira advanced conking. I'clnr Hna trachea hnmllrraft anil ramp cnnklng anil hoy Marker a In eliargs of Iho baby hi-ff (roup. Ahout . 000, 000 wood ahafla, Bioally mad" of hickory, are uard for tool handles and golt cluha annually. Grog for the King's Sailors 3 . Sir, J$& For many a year have t)ie anllora on Ills Mn)pty' ahlpj of war llnrd up with burkcln and pilt-hrra for their dally ration of irog, and whrn tho nrlllsh crulacr York docked at tha Waahlngton, I). C . navy yardi, the tradition wai not broken ai you can ret In llic plcluro above. Nolo the 'Inarriptlon on the grog keg. An officer alandi by and keepi check, Incidentally, to make awe that there are no repenten. (ill Oft. Travel thf ytdriout "lunihin rout" to th lndt whtft Wintor tim it Summtr, and ntturt hat laviihed htr moit curious wondan..countriti that arc alto tnesAmtrt and alari. with tnorti and oaiatv AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND FIJI . -A ha modamtiad "Aorang!" and tKa Niaoara"tail raaularty from Vancouver and Victoria, B.C....tow-cott round trip larta and aconomical alt-awpantt tourt, (Firt, Cabin and Third clan. Full dtUlli from your own Trvt Agtnt, or W. H. Dticeft, Gtn'l Anl Ptit'r 0-pt, 636 S. W. toiwtf, Afflar. Bnti. Btdg. BR.065T, Portlana. (jiMavcidlk ihii i iiiiTiit mm itim V 6 Telling the Editor 1'lrwa for Harmony KLAMATH FALLS. Ore. (To the Kdllor) Having read tho propaganda that waa apread at the rnronl mealing of the aporlamen at tha Wlllard hold. alo your edl lorlal commenting on tha aama aiihjocl, all of which la Infendnd to mtnrmlnale the wild life (deer) now ranging In our foroata, I mint aland up and expreaa my opinion nf any group of men who aro ao hnrlalghted aa to allow aurh an outrage to be perpetuated upon the apnrtamen of the fair Hale of Oregon. It haa all been too trane parent to earape the notice of even the moal caaual obaervor. It la a well known fact that for yeara the live itock tuioreate have made evory attempt to exlorinlnaio the game anlmala from the fnrcatt and rangea. There have been r pnated attompla In Ihoao aliilca that have much big game (doer anil elk) to Introduce bllla 10 bring about the extermination of our game animate. False clalma have been made lo the heada of the game coinmlanlona aottlng forth whnt damage la being done the range by game anlmala, Tho writer, having been very actively aaaoclaied with the game depart ment of one of our woatern amies where door, elk and anlelopo ranged, haa had amplo proof of aurh rjillculoua clalma, There la no good roaaon why both domcailc and wild gumo alli um I a cunnot both survive. If pro perly allocated. Hut many of the stockmen do not seem to be will ing to allow the gamo anlmala any part ot the range, all ot which Is not only shortsighted, hftt selfish and unaportsmnnllke. The wild game In our forests la one of our richest aaseta. Even wo old timers atlll get a thrill from soelng wild life In our forests. Few of ua would over visit the forests If It were not for the wild life there. Tourists travel hundreds, yea thousnnda of miles to a state whero there Is wild big gamo. Some of our buslnossca over the westorn states derive most of their Banker Accused of Slaying Wife km Wcll-d r e f e d, mlld-appearinf James Warren Crabb II, wealthy 21-year-old Dclavon, III, bank er, ti pictured above as he awaited trial on manslaughter and perjury charges growing out ot the slaying of hit 18-yesr-old bride, Betty. Crabb asscrt edly has stated that be shot the girl by accident during a strug gle for possession of a gun, Tha couple had been married only five weeks. Trial was scheduled lo begin at Pekin. IU, March 38. to tha tourist (dude) business. Some of tbem ara Ideally located ta cash In on It. Tha wild game around their ranches would be one of their chief assets. There has bean much comment about gam refuges, places where hunting la restricted, but In tact wa have no such refuges, for there Is plenty ot bunting being done within these so-called restricted districts, Tha writer, wltb a burn ing pal, waa camped sear the boundary of the Rock refuge year ago last tall and at least 76 per oent ot all tha shooting hesrd waa In the refuge, soma of It wdl after darkness had set in, aolt was vary evident that spotlighting was being done. Last tall, wa ware over on tha east side of the same refuge and tha same condition prevailed, most of the shooting being well Inside tha boundary, which Is plainly marked. Wa made three trips Into that section and on but one trip did wa sea a warden and tbat waa on a Sunday evening aa wa were coming home. There were about stz or eight of them congre gated In one spot and tbat far from the refuge. It Is emphasised tha vast herds of daer tbat winter In the Lava Beds. These deer are counted and recounted till those who do not know better ara led to believe there ara so many that they are running orer each other. If you beliera that, just go out Into the forests next fall and see for your self just bow plentiful they really are. It Is true, that when yarded up as they do on their winter range, that there seems to be a lot of them, but when they are scat tered over tba forests. It la a vast ly different thing; you can go tor a long time and never sea one. Tba thing moat needed is tor both sportsmen and stock grower to try soma cooperation; Let there be soma definite boundaries where no domestic stock la allowed to grasa and, ao long as these game refugee ara refugea In name only, why hare them at all? Why not allow what bunting la being done In them to be done legally? Tbey ara now only a private place for tha poacher, who respecta neither closed districts, bag limits or sex. Let us either sea tbat these poach ers ara excluded from them or open them ao tbat tha honest sportsman may too bunt there. Let ua otter the inducements to the better sportsman and not the vio lator. In conclusion, I wish to make thla plea to all good sportsmen and stock growers alike, let there be harmony, for there la room tor both If each and everyone ot us do our part. Let us abow the rancher tbat we ara for him and not out to antagonise him. When we ara given the very valuable privilege of aboottng or fishing on soma private property, let ua re spect tbat privilege, and It wa know ot some who are not respect ing It, or that Is doing things not ethical or becoming a good sports man, let us, too, help to bring that one to Justice, thereby winning more privileges tor other good sportsmen. Tha standard of- every man's sportsmanship la within his own heart. Let us be tha same kind of sportsmen when wa are out alone as If with someone who might re port any violation we happen to indulge In. That la what It is go ing to take to put this thing over ! with any great degree of success. I Are you big enough to try tt? I Broken Back Fails to Stop Pete a . j revenuo from tourist patronage, most of which would be cut oft If there was no wild lite. The stock grower gets his share of this rave. nue. The writer could name many large stock ranches who have about given up atock raising to engage In Ihe tourist trade. Some of the ranches of Oregon are paas Ing up a big bet by not catering waBaBanBeBaBBBeaaaBBBeaaBBBBBaaaaBBaaaBaBw I !llll!l!lllllllllll!lllll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllirail!lin IN jLJl&M"' 0 0 ,T'S A "SOCK" m RCIIRNt.KY'S t .-'W J I .5t r3 B "RED LABKL". 1; CfV . if ' S Inning 3ytl;ll,i,d 1 PINT 90 QUART 1.70 r IT'S Schenley'g FRIENDLY-TASTING WHISKEY Schenley takes an extra measure to give you extra pleasure ... "melding" choicest stocks under simultaneous HEAT, PRESSURE and AGITATION. The result is SCHENLEY'S "RED LABEL"...supsr-smooth whiskey, that is iriendtier to your taste. Try this friendlier-mating whiskey today. II .say Tha ONLY MM Whisker Copr. 1111 Im. R. Clmb tt (V. Inr . Srk,nl,. P. ac.llltNI.RY'fl RRD t.AnKL BI KNORn WtttSKKV. TI,, ..l.k. u.lu. I. ,vi. -l.. li l)i ,ran of mnrt nll, J(l niaiihl wlmiry, 70 nfulil ipirin diitilM from Amrrkan train,. 24 auaiihl whiakey lft ycaia old, 6 MMithi whutcy I ycaia ulil. 110 pioof. A broken back from a fall from a third-story window, resulting in pamyns of both hind legs, falls to stop Pete, a Welsh terrior owner by Mrs. Tony Ourro, Ban Francisco, from getting around. Wheels are serving for bind legs and his front legs, normal, pull him along while Martha Cum. 4, hie young mistress, takes him for a romp. think most of you, at least, are and tbat will be a great help to the weaker ones. Hoping this may work out to the good of all and tbat we will flnda way to save the wild life for our 'children and their children, I am Fraternally yours, CHAS. EVANS. (Edltor'a Note Mr. Evana' let ter waa far over the limit aet for contributions to thia column, and tor that reason it was necessary to eliminate parts of K. It la still over the limit, but because of its interesting character, we are going to let It go that way reminding other contributors tbat this la an exception and the limit atlll atanda at 600 words.) The new South Seas Clipper being built by Boeing haa an In side volume equal to that of an average five-room house, includ ing the basement. The gross weight of pounds. tha plan la 11,100 Now la tha time for all ear own era to have their brakes checked With the beginning ot nice weath er, more motorists wilt be on the road, and tha driving speeds will go up. Consequently, there is need for better brakes. MOTHPROOF Dry Cleaning Every Garment Mothproofed at No Extra Coat. STANDARD DYERS & CLEANERS 1409 Esplanade. Phone 82B L Chinese Herbs Herbs are compounded to meet the needs of the individual. The use of herbs for all human ailments are tested and handed through the agea. They are being naed daily. Come today Consultation free Prices reasonable. Y. S. Lee Herb Company 415 S. 9th Street, Klamath Falls Open Daily 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. JOJ.000,000 feet ot lumber, HIS, 600,000 feet of glass, and 1,000,- 000 gallons of paints ana lac quers. When your ear starts to skid. don't step on the brake, atep tight ly on tha accelerator. At the same time, turn the front wheel in the same direction the rear wheals ara skidding;. There ara more than 7000 hoe pltala, with a total of more than 1.000.000 beds, la the United States, HIW HOUSIS roit OlDI Typteal vWIUINC UNITS AVCewdMeeaag Heating SyXetaa ffvmsces, ttekers. eil Hawnt iff feoitafaV etc $0 Aff room Vr'ataa Naafatt PvKawayi, Wa&t LMestapfog tfvwMita; SyaHim Van iNaHnf Syttama Vr'aWj as)4 Cfotvniaj Now roof lleBt la) Irtikfait Nawfcs leek Cases, Cablaets Cleeara, CepbearA tseaerr Chafes, Tvis Miners, therm VearDaMag tin is tho tixao to YOUR HOME through The First National Bank of Portland j VNMt MOV1IIONI Ot THt NIW -feS Now is tho time to remodel, rpair,renovef to make that old dwelling look newartd modem. First National loans, under tho new National Housing Act, range from '50 to '10,000 for mod ' ernization of homes and business plants, and up to '2,500 for construction of new, non-residential buildings. Plan your Improvements, got an esti mate from a reliable builder then arrange a Cash Buyer FHA loan through any branch of Tho first National Bank of Portland. Now is tho timet You need not be o depoiiror to borrow from fhii bonirf 0 j f N t KLAMATH FALLS BRANCH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND "First National Bank Wsst of tha Rocfcie M 1 M i I f p f A I Dlf OSII INIIIIA N-C I COIPOIATION Fertilize POTATOES ,: Quality 0 mmA and Profits .1 " X' USE ENOUGH POTASH Potash plays a big part in growing potatoes at a profit' because consumers will pay extra for a product of good quality. Potash not only in creases the yield of No. 1 potatoes, but rounds out the tubers into desirable shapes, makes the plants more resistant to diseases, and prevents sogginess and darkened color in cooked pota toes. Use at least 10 potash in your potato fer tilizer applied at the rate of 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre. Potash may also be added to manure before planting or along the rows as a side-dies-sing at the rate of 200 pounds per acre. Consult your fertilizer dealer. You will be surprised how little it costs to apply the right amount of potash to make your potatoes pay profits. Write us or farther information and literatare. AMERICAN POTASH INSTITUTE, INC. INVESTMENT BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. .PACmC COAST CmCI: BEANS BtJlXDIHS, SAN JOStV CALIFORNIA J V . I SETTIIft THE BIGGEST TIRE BIT II TOWI Whtn You Cet the Great W "Co-Op" Tin MAIRAT1KION a " 4V 'XV H a If I & BUYS THIS TO! QUAUTY 7 1 t 1X1 Hie world's largest ttre battder make the Mara thon for as and tUaal natea alt ennufeaaary eosis to penult as to eSTer Ibis great new lire at raek bottom pricee. That's way the whole (own is turning to this ene-anaUty. eae price lire. See your atse '"today. r.m 1 B ALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main and Esplanade Phono 2100